Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Archangel Michael's latest message through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-05-2013

Beloved masters, we have told you that "You are the Inbreath of the Creator." These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God's plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe. Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.
Once again, we will review some of our teachings from the past to assist you to understand the complex Journey of the Soul every human Being is in the midst of, whether it be at an entry level of awareness or as an advanced disciple on the Path. There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its experience in separation, fragmentation of Self and cocreation.

The Soul entity is then ready to begin the process of "reunification and integration" for the current cosmic round of Creation. The Soul Self is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind. Hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego personality and reconnect with the Soul, the resident OverSoul/Higher Self, as well as with the multiple facets of Its greater Self. Humanity is in the midst of a mass awakening. A transformation of mass proportions has begun, which involves a global, galactic and Sub-universal reunion: the beginning of an ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness. At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living White Fire Essence of Life through the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God by way of the Sun of this solar system.
The Soul could be described as a small Seed Atom of pulsating Life Force energy which resides within the Sacred Heart, along with your multi-faceted Diamond Core God Cell. Your Diamond Core God Cell contains the twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-universe: the virtues, qualities, aspects and talents that you are seeking to activate once more so that you may become the proficient cocreator on the material plane that you were designed to be. The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions; however, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the "Solar Heart Center," which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus and throat area. In the past it was called the "Three-Fold Flame," and the heart has been called the "Seat of the Soul". The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies: the emotions through the heart center and with the mind via the pineal gland; thereby igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain called the "Sacred Mind." When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards by way of better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental.
We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a "lost Soul" or lose your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may become diminished in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed. You "save" yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, the multiple facets of your Higher Self and your personal God Ray. The mass consciousness belief structure of the past is slowly being replaced with Lighter, more refined and liberating thought forms of the new Divine Plan. It is important that you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of ascension- it is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves.
At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are "Spirit ," a facet or a Seed Atom of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your "I AM" identity. At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine cocreator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.
As Spirit, which we will call your "God Ray," you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this Sub-universe, and in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul fragments of their Essence. The you now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.
When your physical vessel was first created, the Etheric Body sent forth billions of tiny Elemental Sparks throughout the bodily form. These Elemental Sparks were programmed to convey the Adamantine Particles of Light (the gift of life) to all the different parts of the body: the organs, the blood stream, muscles, tissue and bone structure (much as the Nature Elementals transmit the Adamantine Particles of Sun Light to all of the Nature Kingdom, and any facets of Creation which are not ensouled with a Sacred Seed Atom of Creator Consciousness).
The master teachers of the past often made reference to the Human Body Elemental and the Etheric Body or Etheric Web. The deep, esoteric teachings of the past were often written so that only the most advanced students on the Path could decipher the true meaning of the lessons. It is time that those teachings are revealed, upgraded and simplified so that all serious Souls on the Path of ascension can understand, and then gradually integrate them in order to expand their conscious awareness. Gaining the advanced knowledge and then integrating the wisdom from the universal teachings of the higher realms are vital components in the process of ascension.
The ancient teachings said that your physical bodies were originally created from etheric substance. You first came to Earth in your radiant Crystalline form, and gradually over many ages you developed your beautiful physical body from the Adam/Eve Kadmon Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universe. The distortions began as you sank into the density, and the ego desire body gradually took control of the mental and emotional bodies; this resulted in a good portion of your Soul Self withdrawing from your Sacred Heart Center into your Soul Star above the Crown Chakra.
In addition to the four recognized elements-fire, water, earth and air-ether is said to be the fifth element; thus comes the name "etheric." The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. It holds the blueprint for your three lower-physical bodies (physical, mental and emotional). It is sometimes called the "memory body," for it sustains and vitalizes the material form. It is susceptible to your thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative. Disease or debilitation occurs first in the Etheric Body and then gradually infiltrates into the physical vessel. The Etheric Body sustains and vitalizes the components of the physical body, and it controls the digestive and assimilation processes. It also repairs the damage in the physical body caused by the wear and tear of living in the third- / fourth-dimensional density.
There was a failsafe program encoded within the Etheric Body so that when you sank so deeply into the density and you were nearly to the point of self-destruction, your Body Elemental Cells went into a semi-dormant state, and they have remained in that state for thousands of years. Just as you are awakening to your true nature and your Divine state of Being, so are the Body Elemental Cells awakening, and they are gradually beginning to respond to your positive affirmations and the higher frequencies of Light you are integrating.
It is vitally important that you understand that there are subatomic dark crystals throughout the bodily form of everyone who resonates to the lower frequency thought forms. These crystals are packed with negative waste material created and recreated over many lifetimes, some of which are inherited negative patterns that you brought with you into the physical form to heal.
The subconscious mind-your subjective mind-is part of the Etheric Body consciousness, and it records and stores everything you experience, what you see, hear, think and feel emotionally. The subconscious mind takes everything literally, and it does not matter if you have experienced an event or just imagined it vividly, the subconscious mind registers it as fact. That is why it is so important to change negative, debilitating, past memories into positive memories. Your thoughts and intentions resonate to specific frequencies, and by changing the frequency patterns you project through the use of will power and conscious effort, you will gradually create the life, physical health and circumstances you desire.
You will become aware of your physical body consciousness as your Body Elemental wakes up, so to speak, and begins to work harmoniously with you to gradually correct all the miscreations you have created in your bodily form due to erroneous thoughts. Over time, you will gradually become more sensitive to your Body Elemental's signals. Your body cells are all conscious to one degree or another. Some are disharmonious and create chaos and discomfort within, while others resonate in harmony, thereby vibrating at a higher frequency and conveying a sense of balance and well-being. Metabolizing Light is an important, intricate process that is necessary for your well-being. You might say that you have been on a starvation diet of half-spectrum God Light. Your trillions of bodily cells must relearn how to recognize and utilize Light as a vital energy source.

The reality of the senses or physical body consciousness: When you are in the flow of Spirit, you will exist very lightly in your body, often with no pain or discomfort. You may experience some diminished bodily sensations, except within the Solar Power Center and especially within the deep Sacred Heart area, where you will gradually begin to feel loving bliss and joy as they blaze forth from our Mother/Father God. More and more frequently you will experience a great sense of well-being, harmony and peace.
Dear hearts, we ask you to study what we have revealed to you over the years, and to endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly established within your mind so that you will be able to understand and implement the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events which are unfolding before your eyes.


My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your personal pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.


***Dearest friends, I am regaining my strength and I am feeling much better. I have heard from people all over the world who have or are going through the same type of "cleansing process." Archangel Michael told us some years ago that "a virus and/or a fever are not always a negative occurrence. Sometimes, they initiated as a means of more quickly clearing out impacted vibrational patterns that you have released within the body and that need to be transmuted." We are preparing our bodily forms to receive more of the higher frequencies of Light that are necessary for us to integrate so that we may continue our journey into the higher dimensions and fulfill our new "Galactic mission." I thank you all for your loving energy and prayers. I felt surrounded in your loving energy during my time of distress. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna
Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Brenda Hoffman

You're Don't Need to Return to Battle Trenches

Summary of Brenda’s April 26, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Perhaps new Lightworkers are requesting information from you. If you provide such despite feeling it burdensome to do so, you return to Old Age care taking or victim roles. You’re a trailblazer who most likely wishes to explore new dimensions and processes.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “First Salvos of the New Astrology”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you started your New Age/new earth journey filled with blissful innocence. You expected your transition to be completed with ease in a few days or months.
Instead, it is a process consuming more time and energy than you thought possible when you first decided to transition from fear to love. “How difficult can it be?” Indeed.
You are now bemoaning your advancement or lack thereof. At this stage of completion, neither seems exciting.
An apt analogy is that you are a World War I soldier in the trenches of France and your unit has claimed a few feet of mud – at the cost of friends and your peace of mind. Fighting for your country seemed exciting before you arrived. Now you cannot wait until the war is over. The ups and downs, the physical discomfort, and the lack of anything you wish to talk about merely test your soul. You no longer care who wins as long as you can go home.
Such is not true for all of you in the transition ‘trenches,’ but it is true for enough to provide this overview – and a bit of hope.  Know that millions have joined you in your movement to joy.
Many of you can now only see a short distance in front of you. You have no idea how many, if any, are behind you.
As of last week, the numbers transitioning into the New Age/new earth expanded by millions. You are no longer alone or one of the few. Will you sense these new ‘troops’ immediately? No – you are so battle weary that you merely put one foot in front of the other.
Perhaps our thoughts are too dramatic for your current reality.
What we are speaking of is similar to a commander receiving new, untested troops for a military drive and deciding to use battle weary troops instead. It is possible – but why?
Why would a commander force exhausted, but trained troops to continue when there are millions waiting impatiently for their turn to glorify themselves and their country? The battle weary troops know there is little glorification in the process – merely one step in front of the other until the end/ light is visible.
You are the battle weary troops. You have fought, yes fought to find your place in this wondrous New Age transition. Even though you had no idea where you would end up other than a vague promise of joy, you gathered your courage and continued to move forward despite questions, concerns and yes, fears. You felt isolated, sometimes odd and yet slugged through many physical or emotional traumas.
All of this sounds quite depressing, does it not? But that has been your reality for some time. You moved forward with the promise of joy and an inner sense that you must.
This, in your earth historical perspective, is not much different from enlisting in the military believing that your country is worth the effort and the pain.
Perhaps you are horrified that we use a military analogy to describe your New Age/new earth transition. You have joined this transition movement to find peace and love. Is that thought any different that than that of soldiers who fought for the same when earth was in 3D realms? You have ‘fought’ many similar battles in the past, merely in the physical realms.
It is time for you to give up your military analogies. This transition is no longer a group activity. It is a solitary movement into what feels best for you. You are not needed to train new troops or to fight their battles. Your only role is to continue to move into joy and love.
We have made dramatic statements because many are now joining the Lightworker ‘bandwagon’. And they fully expect you to care for them during their traumas, fears and yes, battles. For you are the ‘good guys’ who will take their hand and lead them through the worst – at your exhausted expense.
You do not have the energy to care take. Nor do you have the need to be a victim. Stopping your nearly complete transition to help those along the way sounds noble, but you do not have the energy to do so. Nor do those who follow need someone to rescue them from themselves. For that is what you would be doing. They need to discover their own beings. That is not your role. Of equal importance, you do not have the energy to train or care take anyone now.
You advance Lightworkers are exhausted. You need to experience joy – not the pains of others as they evolve through their deepest fears.
Some of you may wish to train or teach newly minted Lightworkers. If it feels joyful to do so, by all means do it.
The majority of you have other pieces you wish to explore. You have no need to further explore your own pain, fear, anger – or that of someone you love. You are tired. And rightly so. You have moved through your fears and you need a rest before you decide to move to your next realm of exploration. Such does not include moving to the back of the line as friends and loved ones beg for your assistance so they do not have experience all that you did.
They will not move into the New Age/new earth until they explore their fears, but you know that. They fully expect you to give them the shortcut – to care take them.
Your role as an advance Lightworker is to move ever forward – perhaps leaving a trail of wisdom and energy in your wake, but certainly not to return to the front to fight the new Lightworkers’ battles for them.
Your trail of wisdom and light might include written materials or just allowing others to be in fear as they move through their ‘dark night of the soul’. You cannot do it for anyone – anymore than you can learn to read for someone.
It is time for you to move into joy without concern that your brother, mother, friend or lover will not make it through their transition. That is their concern – not yours.
We will close for now with words of love and healing for you Lightworkers who have fought the brave fight. Allow yourself to rest knowing that those who follow have a great deal more information – and yes, many more role models than you did. Rest a bit before your next big adventure knowing that you do not need to return to the trenches ever. So be it. Amen.
http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, April 23, 2013, given throug Susan Leland

Mother Gaia's
Earth Day Message
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
April 23, 2013
(Mother Gaia was introduced by Ashtar, who was followed by The Flower that Shattered the Stone, sung by John Denver)
Mother Gaia:  "Greetings, my Beloved Children!  I am so pleased to be here with you, and I give to each and every one of you my Love, unending and infinite, and my promise to you is that, yes, together, this Paradise is coming more and more into your memories!  I have held the vision of it all through the ages, since the very beginning when Planet Earth was first created, I've been here.  I have welcomed those of you who have come from the stars, who have joined me in living and experiencing that which you call the third dimension, and this has been most important for you to do, for you are the teachers, and the leaders, to the entire Universe!!!
"It is for you, Beloved Children, it is for you to lead the way truly into the Golden Age, and I am here with you to do my part.  I am here to assist you in every way possible.  I am here to grow food for you.  I am here to provide you with an almost infinite array of Animals, Plants, and yes, even the Crystals.  I message to you through them, you know.  And so it is that the Crystals themselves, along with the Divas of the Plants and the Animals, and the Fairies and all of those you call the Elementals of Earth, are here to be in assistance to you in opening up our Connections into Oneness!

"It is to feel the Rhythms of Life in me, and to recognize that they are the same Rhythms that you feel in yourselves.  It is to free yourselves from all that has been put upon you, even as you assist me in freeing myself from that which has been put upon me, in what you call the third dimensional lifestyle. For the Truth of it is, I am free!  I AM free!  I not only survive - I thrive!!!

"But it is you, Beloved Ones, who are asked to lead the way, so that the consciousness of all of Humanity may join in.  I know your Hearts.  I know how you love.  And I know that you are all committed to your Ascension Process, as am I.  But there are still those who don't know, who don't know what it feels to fly, who don't understand the Joy, or the beauty of a garden, or the desert, or any place upon this Planet.  They don't feel it in their Hearts, so they don't really know how precious it is!!!

"I'm not angry.  I have only Love for all, all, members of all of my Kingdoms.  I do not know anger, and I never have.  It is only Love, and sometimes the cleansings that I have initiated have been taken, or interpreted as anger, but really they're just simply cleansings that need to happen for the survival of Planet Earth. Of course there are destructions which are continuing to take place.  That is something in which the Humans who are doing them are exhibiting their lack of knowing, their lack of understanding, their lack of those feelings of Connection.

"So I am here, first of all to thank you from the Heart, the very Heart of my Being, and to assure you that you are making a difference even now!  At this very moment you are making such a difference, just by being here, my Beloved Ones!!!  And if I call you my Children it is simply because I've always been here for each and every one of you.  Even when you were off on some other Planet, I've always been here to welcome you back!

"And so it is that you're here for me, and that together we have much to do, but remember we have so many Helpers, and that every one of you, in just expressing your Love and your commitment to our connection, is making a magnificent difference for the entirety of the World!!!  I hear you always, my Children, and I feel what you feel, and most of all, I Am One with You in Love, in Service, and in Joy to the World!

"And so I thank you, my Beloved Family, my Children.  Let us continue together, let us find even more ways in which we can serve, in which we can be of help, in which we can bring great healing to all.  And when you have a moment here and there, say 'Hello,' and I will answer you.  I will greet you as only a Mother can greet her Child whom she loves beyond all words!

"Thank you for joining in this wondrous Communion time together!  Let us go forth together, let us help each other, let us support each other, and most of all, let us love each other always!!!  And so it is! Namaste!"
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh.
Given through Susan Leland,April 23, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Ashtar, through Susan Leland

Bulletin From The Bridge
April 26, 2013
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  It is with great Joy, and indeed, Reverence, that we present Mother Gaia's loving message.* It is as timeless as she, and we invite you to feel the infinite Love with which she imbues it!!!
 "You are aware of the many changes which are to be made in the manner in which She is treated, and we commend you for all of your efforts in this direction!  Lest you be having any thoughts that these changes are not already in progress, or are about to be enacted, be assured that we are monitoring all activities of interaction with Mother Gaia, and we have a comprehensive list of all which are ceasing and are about to cease, along with appropriate High Dimensional replacements where needed.
"For instance, the World no longer turns on what is known as the petro dollar, even though some of the dark hats are persisting in having you believe otherwise. The Truth is that the plundering of Mother Gaia's fossil fuels is ending forever upon Planet Earth! Yet, this is not to say that you will be without energy for heat, cooking, transportation, etc. It is simply that clean energy will be the only kind used, and it will be free to all!!! This energy is already here, and it is becoming known to more and more humans in every moment!
"And, we also repeat to you that we are intervening in the most violent of actions, so as to prevent massive destruction and annihilation of the Planet. That timeline has been replaced, and there will be no going backward!!!
"We encourage each of you to create your own visions of Paradise, with all of Mother Gaia's pristine and radiant beauty fully available for you to enjoy. For in Truth, she already is in this state of being, as she always has been in her Higher Dimensional Self!!!
"Accept her invitation to connect and commune with Her, and you shall indeed enjoy all of her wondrous gifts to you, which are your Divine Birthright, Beloved Ones! Welcome to the Immortal Paradise of Mother Gaia!!! Salut!"
* Mother Gaia's message April 23, 2013
Given through Susan Leland, April 26, 2013.
©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 28-May 5, 2013

Beloved Ones,
As a new day dawns on the horizon, more is asked of you when all you want to do is rest and relax. Be good to yourselves, take a deep breath and hold to the vision of a better world as you stand in proxy for humanity. All is in the process of shifting and recalibrating. There is a collective sigh as the density builds in the atmosphere ready to be transmuted into a higher vibration. Let all that distracts fade away as you maintain the certainty that inside each human heart is a wellspring of goodness and innocence that is uniting into a power that is greater than can be told; it is something that can only be experienced.
As this certainty is maintained in a holding pattern, mighty but elusive changes are occurring within every system in every aspect of life on Earth. These are the grass roots movements to establish a new paradigm based on Universal law and truth. All that has held power over the unawakened souls in every corner of the world is being gently dissolved and dissipated. Sometimes each heart bleeds at the injustices that are brought to light, sometimes the inner warrior comes stridently to the forefront. In each instance, those of you who have been taking a stand for the truth in your corner of the world are being uplifted and supported as you daily labor.
Every day the human soul is confronted with even more revelations that test your limits of forbearance. Take heart, Dear Ones, and know that you are the change agents, the mighty forces of love who stand together with opening hearts to increase the light quotient of your planet in order to raise the level of consciousness to move above former understandings and perceptions. There is a choice before every human soul, a crossroads if you will; which path to follow – one that is steep and leads directly to the Creator, where the soul holds the weight of the world upon its collective shoulders, or, the one that spirals around the mountain as the souls upon it experience lesser levels of density but which ultimately bring them into wholeness.
Every thought, word, emotion and deed is now being magnified into a cohesive field that emanates from each individual as they move about their daily life. As one chooses the steep path and lonely climb, one is finding themselves able to withstand the onslaught of Earthly temptations that rise before them. So many of these fall away as the incorruptible ones steadily maintain their vision, making way for the new ones who are now rising up to take up the torch as world change agent. Holding on another hour, another day, another week – step by determined step, they keep to their chosen path, and miraculously the way before them is cleared. Clues and signposts point the way as nature conspires to gift them with more clarity and understanding.
Seek first the kingdom of the Creator within you, all else will follow. First and foremost, let your Light remain pure, authentic and unsullied as the temptations of the old world rise to acute levels before you. You have passed this way before and so you now adroitly step around and above them. Your inner crystalline core shines brightly within you. Those who choose the spiraling path eventually arrive to their destination also. All move into Oneness.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Entering a Spiritual Renaissance

In the three decades leading up to the prophetic dates of 2012, and at the end of a 5,125 year Mayan cycle of time, we have entered a very unique time on Earth that is filled with great potential. We are about at the end of a long, exciting but exhausting 33 year journey that has taken us through the dark rift in the Milky Way. 33 is a powerful master number and also the center frequency of the Maya Tzolk'in. The Maya know this rift to be a place of great transformation, and we will be completely through this dark rift by 2016. (from 1983-2016) When we look back, we can see that we are no longer the same person that we were when we began this adventure together.

The beginning of this sacred 33 year passage was triggered by the Harmonic Convergence in 1986 that also triggered a global Spiritual Renaissance in which we re-birthed, re-modeled, re-hashed, re-claimed, re-mapped, re-booted and re-membered. We just about re-did everything and, in doing so, we looked deep into our hearts with the precision of an electron microscope. But that period is over. It is fading into a dim memory. Our work is done there, and what we have done cannot be repeated. We have made the leap.

Now, 30 years later, we are beginning to exit the dark rift in the Milky Way. This is triggering yet another Spiritual Renaissance. We will feel the first hints of this renaissance on Equinox (March 19-22) by feeling a profound lifting of spirit and an transformed inner light that has returned after a long 3 month cocoon stage. The Star Elders share that by Solstice (June 21-23, 2013) it will be obvious that we have entered a new frequency, dimension, bandwidth, reality and perspective. It will be time to put into action your new and divine creative skills to work.

The intense uncertainty and anticipation that was building for the prophetic dates of December 21, 2012 has passed, and we have entered into a new beginning that is a merging of our physical body with our spirit with the divine plan. The world did not end in horrific cataclysms; nor was there an ecstatic rapture into paradise. A fleet of UFOs didn't come to save us either. But we knew it would turn out this way. The sensitive ones of this world are now breathing a deep sigh of relief as the energy bubble, overflowing with crushing ambiguity and expectation has burst, and a more balanced, peaceful and harmonious energy is emerging into the new Earth.

Up until now, for most of the conscious community, the universe felt like it had hit the pause button. We felt like a ships without rudders. Even what we held true was flip flopping on a daily basis, and we felt an enormous apathy to all things in our material lives. We felt like we were in an odd place of suspended animation floating in a void of immaculate space. We have entered the creative womb of divine potential. We have entered an incubation phase of a new and exciting cycle. We are dreaming a new world while maintaining a body in the physical world. We are living and dreaming all at the same time. It is an oddly fascinating place to witness . . . like watching the birth of a star.

All new cycles, like the one we just entered, begin slowly with lots of surreal, dreamlike space in which to make very creative imaginings and visualizations that will soon become the foundation stones for this entire new cycle. At first our world might feel it lacks luster. Many people are sharing with me that they are missing the buzz of 2012, and the world now feels a bit mundane. We are literally being asked to go "cold turkey" on breaking our addiction to really high pitched energies from the past cycle that we had become accustomed to. This is an adjustment as we let go of the drama and ego and frantic pace that we were accustomed to. Others are making huge adjustments in their lives to self-correct and come into alignment with this new cycle and field of possibility. This takes raw and instinctual courage as we enter a multi-dimensional world.

While in this suspended animation, we are becoming comfortable with the void and the unknown. Even though there is some oddly unproductive searching going on (this is a temporary state by the way), we also feel safe and secure regarding the eminent outcome of our incubation. We are collecting new tools for the future. This is a safe place for us while the Earth, our physical form and our DNA recalibrates to the new frequencies. We are gathering information that we will need for the new birth . . . And we can feel it coming.

So now what? It is time to get really friendly with the unknown that is out in front of us now. The world is going to change, and so are we. There are going to be some surprising changes in the directions in our physical and spiritual lives. We will be mystified and sometimes overwhelmed by all the myriad of choices. We are struggling to get clear about what is next for our lives, but our usual guidance is now coming from multiple directions at once. I like to call this "the octopus effect" as we begin to learn to manifest spherically while being in a neutral and detached ego. This is a confusing time as all of our guidance feels to be true. We are learning to be multi-dimensional beings and think and live in multiple realities. This wrestling for clear guidance is going to stretch us and help us discover new frontiers of reality.

We have entered a new beginning that has blasted us into a higher frequency. It is an explosion of spirit and evolution. Any negative, ego driven program must and will go extinct. The past is quickly becoming a dinosaur. With patience, we will learn to understand and integrate the new higher frequencies that we are now learning to navigate. We may flip flop between the many choices out in front of us until we can hold and maintain a multi-dimensional perspective. We have the task of unpacking all that transpired during the powerful time in 2012.

We have now graduated into multi-dimensional grownups. We have grown past expecting to be saved or rescued. We are re-claiming our God given, divine potential, physically and spiritually. We are fearlessly facing the work ahead of us. We embrace being responsible human beings and accept the uncertainty and change in the enviable matrix of possibility ahead. We will use this matrix as a vehicle for our growth and awakening. We are letting go of our rigid belief systems, because we have learned that adversity and challenge comes only when we go against the flow.

We are blessed to be in a period of a great Spiritual Renaissance . . . a phase of orientation and discovery. The orientation point that was anchored in each of us in 2012 is now being slowly switched on. Remember, we just came from a fever pitched ending of a huge cycle, into calm immaculate space. Be patient with yourself now, as new cycles always begin slowly. There is no need to rush. There is lots of time to fulfill your destiny and divine purpose. We have time to act deliberately. We can take our time about everything in our lives. We can slow down and breathe the unqualified air in this new reality. We can make each decision and choice from great intent and deep contemplation. We are going to create a new and harmonic world. So no worries for now, if you feel a bit stuck. The mission was not aborted, and we didn't miss the boat; we are on board and sailing with the spirit of a new born earth star. But as you see . . . it is going to take some getting used to. Let us breathe and see where it takes us.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

From the Cosmic Paradigm site

Be All You Can Be

Good Morning Adrial
Good Morning Mark
I am a spokesperson for those aboard the starship Athabantian. We are pleased to visit with you this morning. As we have previously communicated, when you are able to hold a 5th Dimension vibration you are indeed one with the collective of which are we. Thus we can communicate as friends, not as one somehow better than the other.
I understand what you are saying.
We intend the following message as encouragement for those who are willing to take the next step in their personal transformation. Read in in joy, for you have a grand adventure awaiting you.
Many have come form all parts of the Cosmos to participate in the great transformation of Earth. Mark, it was your choice to come here from Andromeda, to incarnate as a human, and to spend many years living as an ordinary human among your family, with your career, your friends and many others.  This earlier activity was necessary for you to firmly connect with this planet and her people, to appreciate what life is like on a 3rd Dimension planet.
For those reading these words, we come today to give you a better understanding of your current situation. We come as ones who knew you from your time on other planets, as ones who are neither better than nor less than the real you. All within the higher vibrations are equal; all respect each other within the oneness of the All That Is.
Never before has a planet mired in the 3rd Dimension raised itself to 5th Dimension functioning. The physical bodies of Earth humans are to be infused with the vibrations of the 5th Dimension. In the process all will be transformed into lightness. It is a grand undertaking, involving the most powerful of celestials; we are most happy to be a part of it. Moreover, we are extremely happy for all Earth humans who are actively participating in this grand undertaking.
Know that the celestial collective is a vast realm, much greater in numbers than you in physical form. In the celestial realm we are a pure collective. I know this is hard to grasp, but we are most comfortable in this way, for indeed once one moves above the frequency of physical form, all operate in a collective. There are many collectives, the celestials are but one of those who are without physical form. Then there are those with no form at all; this is an even vaster arena, and one that is impossible to convey in words. What is important to understand is that the non-form creates what is in form; what is in form creates that which is in physical form.
As a creature in physical form, you have a readily recognized individuality. It is easy to see and feel the limits of yourself. You can touch the limits of your body. You can feel your mental and emotional bodies. You can get in touch with your soul. Thus you are an easily defined individual. Within the celestial realm we are not so easily delineated. As we said before, we are a collective, and as such our form melds within the entire collective. When we wish to manifest an individual being such as I am doing at this moment, we do so from the collective.
We are belaboring this point because as you move into the higher vibrations, you too will lose aspects of your individuality. (The concept of the “rugged” individual exists only in the 3rd Dimension.) As one learns to exist in the 5th Dimension, you will begin to feel the closeness of others in the 5th Dimension. You will “know” that Oneness is a feeling, a knowingness; it cannot be put into words.
We would like to remind all who read these words of the reason you incarnated on Earth. After you have the ability to sample the higher vibrations and can learn to maintain yourself in them, then you can now truly appreciate your reason for incarnating. It is quite simple: You possess a physical body. Now you must become adept at moving into the 5th Dimension. There you will assist other to do the same.
By focusing on this single objective, you will become an ascended one. Your light will shine for all with whom you come into contact. Your energy will radiate to all around you. By doing so you will have a significant impact on this planet and indeed all others in physical form throughout the cosmos. Those of us who have no physical form are unable to accomplish this. There are many Earth humans who do not have the ability (as yet) to be in the higher vibrations while in physical form. This is why each of you volunteered to come to Earth.
There are now enough lightworkers on Earth maintaining higher vibrations so that Earth’s transformation is assured. As we have spoken of before, the magnetic constructs of the 3rd Dimension were removed in December 2012. This makes the way to the higher dimensions much easier, but by no means automatic. Individual physical forms must still take actions to train themselves to exist in these higher vibrations; it is not automatic. It is a daily discipline. To maintain yourself in the 5th Dimension, you must learn to control your thoughts and emotions. You have experienced yourself drop from a lighter vibration when a lower vibrations confronts you. You have also seen yourself maintain the lighter vibration when lower vibrations ask for your attention. You know the difference in your reactions. Practice this valuable lesson.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself, “What is important in my life? What am I doing that I would like to continue doing, doing more of? What can I do without? To what am I attached? What serves me? What serves the continuation of the 3rd Dimension?” Then decide how you will live.
Understand that you do not need external verification. The best use of your time and energy is to discover for yourself exactly who you, why you agreed to incarnate at this time and place, and what you can do to further this. Forget get about interacting with your space brothers and sisters. You already know in your heart that others of physical form exist on other planets. Do not waste your time seeking to see their ships, or listening to the witness of others; knowing that they are your brothers and sister is enough. As we have told you, they walk among you.
You do not need some higher authority such as your government or your religion to tell you that non-Earth human life forms exist. That is giving away your power (once again) to an authority that you have placed in charge of your life. Forget about ET sightings. Do you really need to see an ET ship in the sky time after time to realize that others exist in the universe? Look within yourself. Know that many from other planets walk among you. Know that many from other planets have incarnated to be with you at this time.
Be all you can be. Seek to raise your own energy. Practice daily. Focus your attention on this singular task. Compose yourself; do not flit from one message to another. Practice self-discipline. Practice discernment. Discover your energy field. Then see all that is not a part of you as merely entertainment on the stage of your life drama. Focus on being “The” player on your stage. Nothing else matters for your advancement. Nothing will happen by wishing for it to be true. You must do this for yourself; no one else can do it for you. Know that you are the creator of everything in your life experience; create well.
To remain within the higher vibrations, you must put aside all that draws you back into the 3rd Dimension. Put aside anger, judgment, wealth, and power over others. Put aside attachments to the material comforts of the 3rd Dimension. Be in the world, but not of it. Realize who you really are: An individuated expression of Source, a great being of light. Put aside past behaviors and current habits that do not contribute to the manifestation of your higher self in your body. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into the 3rd Dimension while wavering in your commitment to be in the 5th Dimension. Practice self-discipline, but do not forget to live in the joy of creation.
Know that the 3rd Dimension is going away. Know that your planet, along with all others in 3rd Dimension density, is being cleansed of the darkness. The glue of the 3rd Dimension has been removed. The energy construct that held all in 3rd Dimension rigidness is no more. The sense of freedom you may be feeling is due to this collapse, due to your lack of focus in the old ways.
You have an opportunity to be one of the first to be a great physical being of light, a powerful human to show the way to others. To do this, self-discipline is required. Self discipline to shed the judgment, violence, anger, and distortions of the 3rd Dimension. You have the opportunity to be a multi-dimensional being, participating in all levels to the 12th Dimension. All have this opportunity, but it will come slowly to some. It will require a 50 to 100 years for all to be in the 5th Dimension. Many who are lagging will not live to see this glorious event. On the other hand you can live to see it all; you can experience it all.
Time is collapsing. Will this make it any easier for those who are lazy to achieve 5th Dimension? Somewhat, however the same rules apply; self-discipline, dedication, and joy are required. Pay attention to your own development, and have fun doing so – for it is the grandest of adventures.
Know that your brothers and sisters from around the universe walk on this planet. Look into yourself and know who you are. Do not give your power away to others asking them to define you. Look inside yourself; everything is there. You can discover who you are, and enjoy that realization. Look inside and be grateful. Your heart will tell you who you are. Follow your heart – let your light and happiness shine forth for all to see. Then you will know who you are, and others will recognize who you are.
The new Earth will be a wondrous place, a 5th Dimension paradise that many from around the universe will wish to visit. It is slowly becoming a planet that has arisen from the darkness of the 3rd Dimension. You can have a role in helping to make this happen. Yes, you.
I am Adrial, celestial of the Cosmos. It has been my pleasure to communicate these concepts to Mark Kimmel.
Donations are most welcome. You can make a donation by using a credit card or PayPal at the button in the left hand column. Or you may send a check to Mark Kimmel, PO Box 303, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
For additional postings by Mark Kimmel check at “Mark’s Corner” on this web site.
You may contact Mark Kimmel at: cp@zqyx.org
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Athabantian/

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 25, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love known as helpfulness. This quality opens many doors of loving interaction with others and conveys kindness, caring and respect for other fellow beings. As One develops in their spiritual advancement to mastership of the physical plane of existence, One embodies this facet of Love almost automatically, for it incorporates the attribute of service to others. This quality is necessary in all the service to others field of endeavors.
In a family setting, helpfulness is essential in conveying to loved ones that their needs are taken into consideration in the day to day living and its requirements within a family unit. It conveys to each member that they belong and that they are important to the other members. It shows nurturance and accessibility in each members desire to build a strong family unit. As each member strives to be of service to each other, self confidence and self esteem are the natural and highest outcome for all.
In a personal relationship between two individuals, this quality can make the difference in terms of each One feeling that they are part of a valued partnership. This in turn encourages trust in each other, with each One knowing in their heart that here is One that can always be relied upon and will never let them down. Such a quality as this encourages strong bonds between two individuals and fosters reciprocity in each. As each individual gains confidence knowing that each is a part of a partnership where Love dwells, the bonds of Love grow into the blossoming of joy, laughter, peaceful intentions and harmony within the partnership.
In a work environment this facet of Love is essential in the day to day operation of the production of products and services to the outer world. This quality enables each employee to contribute their unique abilities for the betterment of all. By employing this quality in every situation that arises, much can be accomplished in the manifestation of products, services and sales and ensures the highest outcome for the highest good of all. As each employee offers this quality to each other, a feeling of goodwill is very much in evidence in the overall functioning and atmosphere of the workplace and all members of the workplace carry this into their dealings with other members of their society.
In a group or community, this quality is what carries forward the surety of the highest and most beneficial outcome for all. As this quality manifests within each individual within the group, it enables each member to feel confident that the needs and requirements of the entire collective is successfully implemented and this, of course, leads to the desire for further works in order to enhance the experience for all.
I leave you now to ponder on the application of this quality in your every encounter within your daily lives.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com

Natalie Glasson

Spiritual Protection for the New Age by Archangel Michael
 Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 19-04-13
My blessings of love are bestowed upon you; I am Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection. I have many purposes within the universe of the Creator, many ways in which I wish to be of service to others and especially souls upon the Earth.  It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realising yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator’s light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.
We as Angelic beings hold a strong connection to the vibration of love of the Creator; we are able to access the purest vibration of love from the Creator transmitting it to where it is needed. Due to our focus upon love many of the ways in which we are of service is to demonstrate love to you more fully. It is often that when you experience the love of another that you feel protected, safeguarded, secure and stable. As I give the love of the Creator to you, it is qualities of love that promote and active the experience of being protected that manifest. The love qualities and vibrations that I share and transmit activate within you a deeper sense of your centre and core, which is an existence beyond fear that allows truth to arise from within you. In essence the protection that I share with you is simply a love quality transmitted from the Creator that activates the feeling of securit y within your being. Upon receiving the transmitted love you naturally begin to manifest vibrations from within your being that offer to you all that you need. Sometimes there is a need to be fearless, to be grounded and to be centred or truthful.
Together we co-create the state of existence within you that allows you to activate the vibrations and qualities needed to overcome challenges, to remain in your power and to connect or express the truth of the Creator on a deeper level.
When you work with the Archangels, Angels or Ascended Masters do you realise that we are simply supporting you and that you are co creating with us?
It is time beloved ones to step into your power, to realise that when you work with us there is an essence of surrendering to our light and divine guidance but there is also a need to surrender to the same within your own being. Asking us for assistance and support no longer means that you give your power away to us, asking us to resolve all within your reality. This meaning has never been true but may have been a perspective that you adopted. Now is the time to realise that when you call upon our support, love and assistance you enter into a process of co-creation with us. Our purpose is to give to you energy that activates vibrations and remembrance within your being. It is then your purpose to be accepting of the activation taking place within you allowing yourself to accept the realisations and insights that manifest through our support and activation. With the realisations and in sights grounding into your mind at a physical level we then continue to share the energy of the Creator with you so that you may co-create or manifest that which is needed together with us. In truth the insights, guidance and driving force flows from your inner activation of your truth while we co-create with you in every situation you call upon us by enhancing, magnifying and amplifying the energy for your greater awareness.
It is my wish for you to realise that you are powerful co-creators with us and that we are here to support you almost like extensions of yourself and truth.
Co-creation is a process of surrendering and manifestation.
It is important to realise that the process of surrendering is not to give your power away but to open yourself up to the divine plan and source working with you and through your being with perfect ease. As you recognise that there is a divine aspect of creation existing within your being that can be creatively expressed to influence your reality and experiences in the most perfect way you realise that you hold the power within you for your reality on the Earth. The reality you are experiencing is for your soul to experience. Your soul holds the power to divinely intervene and to create within your reality but your soul is also connected to all that is the Creator meaning that it is a vastly abundant source of light. When you call forth the assistance and support of a light being of any form you are actually calling forth an aspect of yourself or soul to support you in magnifying all that is within you, to draw upon what is needed to assist your journey on the Earth. Whether a guide is from your soul group or not, they are still an aspect of your energy, an extension of you as we are all one. Emphasis upon oneness isn’t to bring a sensation of love, forgiveness and acceptance for each other, it is the truth. When you begin to realise that you are co-creating with us and that we are extensions of your energy then you allow yourself to accept your own power and role within your reality. You are neither helpless nor powerless. You do not have less or more power than us, we are all one co- creating together in order to enhance the expression of the Creator. When we all allow ourselves to surrender we recognise the presence of divine harmony. Within the presence of harmony all are able to connect on a deeper level with the truth of the Creator, releasing all disharmonies that may have been created.
When you call my energies forth to protect you I am transmitting the qualities of the Creator that encourage protection into your being. As you receive these energies you activate within you the same qualities, therefore bringing them into fruition within your reality. As we co-create the reality and experience of protection, our belief and trust in this activation is deeply important. Often I will share a tool that will assist in my energy integrating with yours; this can be a tool such as imagining a bubble of light around you to ensure your protection or a shield before you that reflects all unneeded energies. As we continue to co-create protection for yourself and energies, with the alteration of your vibration and perspective so our manifestation alters. In this new era the bubble of protection now manifests for many as a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you . This bubble can be likened to jelly or silicone. It is immensely powerful and is connected to the third eye and the throat chakra; this is because each soul on the Earth is now moving beyond illusion allowing for visions of and movement across many different dimensions. The protection that we co-create is no longer just for the physical reality of the Earth but for your greater exploration beyond the Earth as well.
 It is important to realise that when you exist in love and within the space of your heart protection is not needed, but protection can be granted because it activates within a greater sense of security, stability and contentment which supports. With these vibrations manifesting you are able to experience with greater ease and harmony.
Allow yourself to call upon my protection and imagine that within you the energy vibration of protection activates and manifests, creating a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you. Within this bubble of light is a soft hue of pink light which flows from the heart chakra, this is also a symbol of the presence of love and how the third eye, throat and heart chakra are working as one and are a powerful influence within your reality. This protection assists and supports you at a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic level as well as when connecting with other dimensions.
With the perspective I have shared of our co-creation together you may also become aware of the personal and maybe unique protection that we co-create together.
I am always here to be a source and activation of protection for you.
In love,
Archangel Michael

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

From the Golden Age of Gaia site

Pleiadian Message: Clarity Concerning Matters of the Heart

ClarityClarity Concerning Matters of the Heart: Pleiadian Message

Channeled by Caroline K.A., April 21, 2013
Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of clarity concerning matters of the heart.
As you continue with your awakening, you are urgently asked to look deep within your hearts, and release the old ways of being, thinking and believing. We say to you, trust what your guides, angels, and mentors are showing you at this time, for your greatest good is their absolute priority.
The outcome of your greatest good as individuals, also directly affects the outcome of the collective, and this is vital to the entire ascension process for all who dwell upon Gaia.
Do not let doubt and fear detour your journey toward further growth and learning. For some of you, trust remains your greatest issue as you srtuggle to contend with uncertainties which may arise.
We urge you to allow the divine fluency of light to flow freely within your beings, and into your lives, and by this we mean “trusting” completely what is occurring within you.
This includes the loving energies which are infiltrating every fiber of your being, and the very real existence of your angels, guides and mentors who are working ever so hard to guide you to your greatest good. The halting of this divine flow, through mistrust or doubt may hinder you momentarily from forward advancement on your journey to growth and enlightenment.
If you feel suspended in the air momentarily, do not worry, for internally you are processing and aligning with the truth of your greatest good. Sometimes this takes time. Stop, breathe, go within, pray, and communicate with us for guidance.
We speak to you of this concept not to cause further doubt or frustration. We say this out of love, and admiration for all you have accomplished so far, as individuals, and as a collective, and we urge you to move forward and embrace the opportunities for love, and enlightenment that are eagerly awaiting you. There is immense love and light at every turn. Embrace it dear ones, you are so close now.
Although some of you may not be ready for such accelerated growth, and there is nothing wrong with this for all of you are on different paths to enlightenment. Your ascension is secured. It is well underway, only some will progress more rapidly than others, but all are exactly where they should be at this time, and all should remain confident in this truth we tell you of.
Most importantly, only you will know what is right for you, as you look deep into your hearts for answers to the next steps you will take on this incredible journey to which you agreed to so long ago.
We realize you are being asked to either push your way through the quagmire with more speed and determination, or pace yourselves in careful consideration of where it is exactly you want to go from here. This is your choice and no one, not even all the angels of heaven can enforce their free will upon you, and any being who has your greatest good at heart will not even try.
Pay close attention to what your hearts are telling you. Use your internal compass to find your way, and that of your truest path to love and enlightenment. Your heart, dear ones, will never steer you wrong.
We come to you today with a message which we hope will bring clarity to your hearts for this is a trying time as many are experiencing phenomenal changes within, and with this comes extraordinary experiences, perceptions and feelings which may come up, and leave you feeling out of sorts for a short period of time.
We remind you to remain balanced, and most of all, remember you have a choice. The course of change you choose to engage in is your choice, and only yours to make. You know what is appropriate for you.
We are the Galactic Federation. We will speak with you again. May you go in peace.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brenda Hoffman

First Salvos of the New Astrology

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s April 21, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Earth has passed a milestone – more are of the Light than not. Think of yourself as graduating from college with honors and accepting the perfect job.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Why You Can’t Connect With Some”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are familiar with astrological events as portrayed in the Old Age. Just as is true for you, there are no longer astrological group activities or messages.
In the Old Age, you received information that all would be erratic during a full moon or that an eclipse would shift all people in some fashion. Sometimes those patterns were accurate – sometimes not. But because you were comfortable with group thought, you continued to follow what others projected might happen. Perhaps you have read astrology books that indicated what a Pisces or Aries should be like – only to find some correlation, but not a complete list of activities relevant to you or the person in question.
Some of the Old Age astrological readings were fairly accurate because  humans moved en masse so one could roughly calculate what would happen to someone with that sign on a particular day or even year. Such is no longer the case.
Even though the broad categories of the 12 astrological signs continue, as earth and the Universes shift so do stars in the heavens. Old Age astrological readings were based on planets and stars that remained in a pattern for eons.
Those stars and planets are now evolving as are you. What does this mean? Just as you previously noted how you reacted during planetary activity and how your being fit within the broad categories provided by astrologers, you will probably want to study  the new you with new indicators.
Eclipses and full moons, as will be occurring this week, are not necessarily worrisome as has been true in the past. Perhaps you will feel a bit spacey or find yourself doing or saying something you had not meant to say – but these next few days will be more about celebration than hunkering down to await some trauma.
Some are discussing how dramatic the next few weeks will be because of three eclipses and two full moons. Drama time – Old Age drama time. The new interpretation is celebration. For now eclipses and full moons produce more light on earth ensuring that more and more Lightworkers awaken.
Of course, that last thought is one of those blanket statements often used in the Old Age for whatever was to befall you. Will everyone be gloriously happy in the next few weeks. No. But will Lightworkers who have awakened be more joyful and sparkle a bit more? Yes. For indeed, you have reached the tipping point of this New Age. As of this week’s lunar eclipse, there will be more of those of the Light than not.
Such a statement does not yet answer your initial question – how will this affect you? However you want. That is not to tease you, but to remind you that you are in control of your life and reactions. You no longer have a book that tells you how you should react during, before or after a specific event. For some of you will be sad that you are no longer the lonely Lightworker beaming your mysterious, but loving grace to the world. Others will be joyous that the new earth and all that entails will be more evident every day. Neither response is right nor wrong. There is no longer a specific response for any astrological sign.
Perhaps that is difficult to understand for you have tracked so many people who have acted and reacted as your astrology books indicated they would. Do you remember a few months ago when astrologers were discussing how perhaps you were no longer a Leo – that you should adhere to the sign before or after because of shifting star patterns?
Such was the first salvo of the new astrological world. Some astrologers pooh-pooh the concept. Others are excited by the idea. Still others are ignoring the concept.
Just as more people will find channeling a common means of communication – which will soon be outdated by the way. Others will find the new astrology more accurate and informative – and not designed for the masses. Indicators will combine with inner messages to project a more specific and detailed road map for individuals.
Some astrologers contend they are combining channeling with astrology and so they are. What we are speaking of is a step beyond that. The messages will be extremely specific – almost like a virtual reality game where the client tests various options to decide which best suits him or her.
Previously, astrologers created broad descriptions based on what most people in a specific group might do. Even if they combined those readings with channeling, the astrologer’s belief system created a future confined to what a Gemini or Cancer might do. Now that the planets and stars are shifting, as is true for all entities on earth, readings will be more specific – much less generic.
Are astrologers outdated? Those who depend on Old Age systems and beliefs are. Those open to new ideas and beliefs will have a delightful time discovering new directions for clients and themselves. Such will be more evident in the next few weeks. Pieces of information will just seem to appear from nowhere.
Those of you who work with astrologers, will know who is offering Old Age readings and who is comfortable with New Age thoughts and actions by your sense of comfort and rightness.
If you are an astrologer, know that the next few weeks will be a glorious adventure. Throw out your old books and beliefs and start anew. You will be amazed at how unique and exciting your new readings will be. No longer is it necessary for you to merely determine when someone is going to meet their soul mate or find the perfect job. Your new readings will be so much more interesting – both for you and those with whom you are working.
We have told you that all is shifting in this New Age – and so it is. From governments, to astrology, to channeling, to the corporate world. Nothing is going to be as it was. Just as the automobile changed your world, so will the New Age produce so many new adventures – if you are willing to move outside your Old Age box – whatever that box may be. So be it. Amen.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 21-28, 2013

Beloved Ones,
The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest of challenges and the greatest of blessings. As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields. There is a boomerang effect that is occurring whereby those who harbor and hold the denser energies are finding that it comes back to them intensely magnified and this energy sometimes erupts in ways that are difficult to comprehend by the greater community.
It is becoming increasingly important to release these denser energies in ways that do not impinge upon the World in a harmful manner. The role that you, the Lightworkers, play at this time is that of balancing and dissolving discordant energies. This is something each of you automatically pray and intend as the need arises. You have learned how to transmute the lower energies within yourselves and walk the Earth without making a negative impact upon it. It is important to hold love within your hearts no matter what transpires in the changing World around you and this you are doing admirably.
It is incumbent upon each of you to fortify your protective shields each day so that you can remain focused upon your innermost core of light, love and compassion and hold it steady as you go about your daily activities. Spend as much time as you can outdoors communing with nature and the elemental family that surrounds your place of residence and that works to transform all energies into wholeness and balance. Call upon them to assist when the cares of the World weigh you down and you find it difficult to maintain your balanced view of the higher perspective of the ascension process. Even five minutes spent grounding into the core of the Earth and aligning with your higher aspects has a positive and renewing effect upon your system.
Maintain your equilibrium in all ways and remind yourselves often that you are beings of light and love as the discordant energies play out in your area of the World. There are more intense energies in the atmosphere that need to be assimilated into your human operating systems so that more of your light can be activated. Remembrance of the role you have chosen to play in these times is being activated within you and your dedication to this service is duly noted and supported by your Family of Light.
Do not falter in your efforts to live authentically and honestly at all times. The words ‘standing in your Light’ have taken on a whole new meaning now as it has become a crucial element of support to the Earth and all her inhabitants. Try to remember to connect into the newly activated crystalline grids that now hold a great capacity to serve the common good by uniting and magnifying your combined efforts in intending the highest good and outcome for all.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 18, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love known as allowance. This quality is one of the higher aspects to the quality of Love in that it requires a compassion and understanding within the soul in order to be called into play. It requires humbleness of heart in order to be free enough within the person’s inner world to bring this quality into play in their outer expression. It requires the understanding and knowing that all is well and that employing this quality in one’s interactions with one’s loved ones and other people in one’s circle will be of greater benefit to all. It requires the recognition that each individual needs to pursue their path in their own unique way.
In a family unit, employing this quality gives each member the freedom to express their true individuality and uniqueness without coloring their consciousness with judgments or criticisms. When each member of the family employs this quality, the others in the family unit feel they have the acceptance from their family members to pursue their path in life being supported and encouraged by those they love. There is a feeling of growth, blossoming and expansion that takes place within the individual and the greater effects of this is the continual flow of peace, harmony and happiness in the lives of all.
In a personal relationship between two individuals, this quality of allowance enables each person to pursue their dreams and goals, their visions, abilities and talents, knowing that it is encouraged and supported by their partner. As this takes place, both individuals know deeply that the other wishes for them only the highest good, their greatest spiritual and individual growth in realizing their highest potential. As long as each partner in the relationship honors each other’s rights and does not abuse the unwritten understandings of being in relationship, this quality will bring great blessings for each and the relationship will blossom and thrive.
In a work environment this quality brings the understanding that each colleague has the right to contribute their unique qualities, abilities and skills for the greater expansion and growth of their employer which in turn gives greater growth and expansion in those attributes. In this way greater creativity, innovation and invention takes place. When each person knows that they are respected and encouraged to give their greatest contribution, everyone thrives and this brings harmony and cooperation in the workplace. As each member knows they are accepted and appreciated in their efforts to bring greater good in their workplace, many great products and services can be brought into manifestation.
In the larger community, this quality facilitates greater expansion and innovation in its ability to serve the greater good. By those who are in the positions of leadership employing this quality, those who are affected are each empowered to realize their greatest growth and potential and this, of course, has the immediate effect of enabling even more good for all. By being willing to look outside the accepted ways of making things happen in the community, many outstanding accomplishments have been given the opportunity to flourish and grow in the overall environment. This is very encouraging for all who live and work in the community and a state of expansion and growth flourishes in the hearts of all. This encourages all within the community to take the initiative in feeling able to give input in the contribution of their creative efforts and a feeling of cooperation and camaraderie is created for all.
I leave you now in allowance of the greater good for all, to ponder and contemplate on these thoughts.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com