Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hilarion's weekly message May 10-17, 2015, through Marlene Swetlishoff

May 10-17, 2015
Beloved Ones, 
There are signs everywhere of the changes that are taking place upon your planet. These changes are diverse and encompass many spectrums of life. The Earth changes reflect the changes within humanity as they strive to cope and to understand what is occurring. Each tragedy that occurs brings out the best within humanity as they strive to give what they can to assist. Many questions are being asked within all hearts, for it seems as though the world that they knew is crumbling and falling apart. Humanity is experiencing the effects of their planet shaking off the chains of the past as she moves into her rightful place in the universe. These changes have occurred many times through the millennia but in these times, humanity has an opportunity to rise above and emerge victorious.
It is a time for each person to go within and seek to know self, their divine self. It is a time to achieve and maintain equilibrium in one’s management of their inner and outer lives, to make choice and decision as to the path that they follow. As the past dissolves, new beginnings are emerging in their glorious potential and possibilities. Many of you are now firmly on the path of your destiny, doing what brings you your greatest joy and happiness. Others are in the midst of challenges that seem too great to bear. They are learning to have strength, determination and persistence. Those are very important soul qualities to have. As you see those that you know and care about going through their personal challenges, send your love and healing to everyone around you, for that is what each person wants most, to love and be loved, for it is love that is the mightiest force in the universe and can be a healing balm when most needed.
Nurture and care for each other with the utmost love, honor and respect, for it is also a time of moving beyond self and into the field of oneness, of joining in the expansion and evolution into a higher consciousness and understanding. Call often upon your spiritual guides and angels when help and hope is needed and remember that you are never alone, that you are constantly surrounded by love, for love is all there is. It is good to sit for a few moments each day to feel and experience this love within your hearts, minds and souls. Connect to that which gives you sustenance and daily inspiration in whatever way works best for you. Be at peace and stay calm as the inner and outer changes take place.
You are here to master duality by embracing all aspects of your being. As you let go of your resistance and denials of hidden aspects of yourselves, realize that everything that happens is good, whether perceived as good or bad, right or wrong, it is all given to you in love in order that you might hone yourselves into masters of this realm, to reclaim your divine birthright as children of the divine. You chose these experiences in order that you might gain a greater understanding of the nuances and complexities of the journey back to source, with you as the victor.
Keep this ever in your thoughts and move forward when you must and rest and nurture when your physical body prompts. As you attune to the greater rhythms of your life, all will be well.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Archangel Michael, May 2015, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-05-2015

Beloved masters, many of you feel as if you are in the final stretch of a long, difficult race and your energy and enthusiasm are lagging. You are growing more and more disenchanted with the glamour of your worldly existence, and the things that used to excite you seem somewhat tarnished and dull. It is because you are shifting in and out of two vastly different realities or several dimensions at once. Also, your four lower bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional, and Etheric), are trying to adjust to and catch up with, the many Facets your Higher Self, which you are integrating on an accelerated, regular basis. This has put much stress and strain on your earthly vessel.
A vast number of you have and are preparing to make a quantum leap into a Fifth-Dimensional consciousness, whereby your old world State-of-Being is falling away much faster than you can integrate the refined energies/vibrations and concepts of your new, higher frequency existence. As you become aware of what is taking place, you will not be so stressed out and confused. Please believe us when we say, “Relief is at hand.” One of our greatest desires is to assist you in the process so that your transition can be accomplished with ease and grace.
Over these many past years, much of the information, meditations, and exercises we have given you have been focused on transmuting old negative energy patterns, and also on expanding and refining your conscious awareness. This process is necessary in order to make way for the infiltration and integration of the rarified cells of Creator Light—the higher frequency, powerful new Rays of Individualized Expression, which are radiating forth from the rarified realms of the Supreme Creator.
We offer you a variety of higher truths to assist you in the evolutionary process, which is now in full force, during these unprecedented times. Some of these advanced teachings have been given previously, but they are important enough to repeat. We suggest that you focus on one or two concepts each day so that you may ingrain them firmly within your consciousness until they become a part of your new SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY FOR SELF-MASTERY.

* You are learning to live in an ascended state of consciousness as you gradually unite with the remaining Facets of your higher Fourth-Dimensional Soul Self. You are moving out of a state of becoming into a STATE OF BEING, which means you are learning to live in the NOW moment of your “God Power.” As you develop clear-seeing and pure intention, the fog of illusion will no longer affect you. You are beginning to mold and create your greatest visions and desires from the storehouse of Divine Seed thoughts of unmanifested potential, as you slowly refine your cocreative abilities. You are gradually evolving into a unified, radiant SPIRITUAL BEING IN HUMAN FORM—a SOUL-INFUSED PERSONALITY.

* Self-mastery is a never-ending process as you learn to integrate more and more of the virtues, qualities and attributes of our Father/Mother God. It takes constant vigilance and practice; however, the rewards are immeasurable.

* It is time for you to remember why you are on Earth. Remember, you are an extension or a Facet of our Father/Mother God, who in turn, are greater Facets of the Supreme Creator. Embrace the excitement of your new reality as you create greater and greater harmony within your personal world. Endeavor to take full advantage of your newly harmonized and elevated reality—savor all of the sensations and rewarding experiences the Earth plane has to offer, while also enjoying the beauty, wonder and magic of the higher realms.

* Light, sound and color are the modalities of healing, and they are requisite tools to assist you in expanding your consciousness, and in refining your personal reality. A spiritually-focused student/initiate on the Path to higher awareness must learn to use some of the major tools of Self-mastery, for they are a part of your Divinity and your birthright. Toning and learning to use Sacred sounds and mantras will aid you in rectifying many of the symptoms of distress or illness that you are currently experiencing, for they will assist you to gradually transform your etheric, emotional and mental bodies into a more harmonious state of Being.

* Each of you has the ability to contribute something personal and unique to the Divine Blueprint, which has been designed for the future of humanity and the Earth. You have been given an extraordinary gift by our Mother/Father God—the Divine privilege of participating in the creation of your own destiny. Each of you has the potential of becoming a glorified mortal. You are becoming Spirit-infused mortals, which assures your ever-expanding, immortal status. You are multifaceted, and you have consciousness on many more levels than you can comprehend at this time. You are an Immortal Soul with a mortal mind and body. You are in a process of Soul-expansion, whereby you are gaining the ability to integrate higher and higher Light frequency infusions.

* There is cosmic time that is fluid and malleable, and there is mortal time that is linear, structured and event-oriented. You are learning to live as Spiritual Mortals who can access the fluidity and magnificence of the Cosmos. There are schools of Cosmic Philosophy where you have studied, and which you will be able to tap into once again as you gain the ability to traverse the higher realms of expression.

* There are Destiny Guardians to guide you and show you the way. Ask for their assistance and they will become your devoted servants. The Beings of Light represent many differing viewpoints, and they have had many diverse personal experiences, just as mortals have.

* True spirituality does not demand particular rituals or rigid beliefs; it is a mode of living your highest truth with wholehearted devotion. You are to seek a blending of your highest intellectual, emotional and Spiritual Philosophy of life.

* You are a Spark of the Divine, and you should honor and place high value upon yourself and others. You are dishonoring our Father/Mother God when you do not. You should always seek liberty and truth for yourself and for others as well.

* How will you know when you have moved into a State of Grace? You will know when others reflect the beauty of your Soul back to you. You will know when your abundance begins to flow. You will know when your heart expands with love for all Creation, and when your Soul Song reverberates throughout your Being, and out into the world and the higher realms. You will know when you cannot keep quiet, and you are compelled to share your joyous experiences with anyone who is willing to listen. And, you will know when it is appropriate to be a silent witness.

* Meditate daily and nightly, better yet, become a living meditation so that every waking moment is focused on the highest purpose for all. Then bring your love and power together to create the meridians of Light and focused energy, so that your strength is circulating throughout your physical vessel, and then radiating forth from your Solar Power center, upwards into the heavens, outward to all humanity, and downward to the center of your Mother Earth.

* You are to assume the lofty outlook of the masters: calmly, gently, lovingly standing by, observing, helping when possible, but allowing, not judging, for you know all that is happening is for a reason, and everything that occurs has a higher purpose.

* Spread your loving Light and presence as far and wide as possible, dear ones. Counsel those who are led to you. By your actions you will be known, and those who have need of your Light and wisdom will be drawn to you.

Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which a Divine Facet of God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the Soul. Therein is the Essence of Life where true Love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universal experience. These Sparks of Divinity are powerful WHITE FIRE GOD-SEED ATOMS—etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called RAYS—which continually beam forth the Life/Love Essence of our Mother/Father God throughout this Sub-Universe.
In order to manifest your dreams, your vision, and to create your personal paradise, you must be ever alert for and strive to attune to the whispers of your Soul and Higher Self. This is accomplished by tapping into the frequencies of your OverSoul/Higher Self, and becoming aware of your greatest potential. Self-mastery is the power to control your life and destiny, and the wisdom to use it for the highest good of all. As you do so, it is vitally important that you stay firmly grounded and balanced within the accepted range of duality while functioning within the reality of the Third-/Lower Fourth-Dimensional reality. You must also strive to establish emotional harmony and serenity within the illusionary world of the higher Fourth Dimension as you endeavor to become acclimated to the mental plane of the Lower Fifth-Dimensional environment.
Your transformation into Self-mastery, as well as the Ascension process, will be greatly accelerated once you have expanded your personal Lifeline of God Light—an etheric tube of Light—which is your primary connection to your God Seed Atom/ I AM Presence. You are also in the process of reestablishing your connection to the River of Life via your personal Antakarana (Rainbow Bridge of Light), which contains the Creator Essence called Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. Over the many past ages, humanity has diminished the connection to the River of Life/Light so that, in most people, it has become only a small trickle, which was called the “SILVER CORD” by the ancients.
Each of you has a sphere of radiance around your physical form that is produced by the vibrational patterns within your Auric Field and your Cosmic Soul Song. Ascension means bringing the total bodily chakra system into balance, which will facilitate the clearing, refining and balancing of the Etheric Body/Auric Field. An important part of your Ascension goal is to focus on the process of returning your Etheric Body and Auric Field to their original Divine Blueprint, which is the human blueprint for your original bodily form called the Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body. We observe you via the bands of color within your multiple body system, physical, mental, emotional and Etheric, which have been created by your thoughts, actions and deeds throughout your many lifetimes down through the ages.
Dear hearts, we ask you to nurture yourselves, to pay attention as never before to your physical vessels and the signals or messages your wise body Elemental projects to you. How will you enjoy the beautiful world of love, joy and abundance you are creating if your precious physical vessel is not vibrant and healthy?
Join us in your Pyramid of Light, my brave ones, and allow us assist you to move through the process with ease, grace and great joy. May the radiance of our Father/Mother God pour down upon you and fill you with the Light of Life Everlasting. Know that we are ever near to guide and protect you.
I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna *STAR*QUEST* 775-856-3654 * * * Email:


Expanded consciousness and mental telepathy are aspects of your Divine heritage. However, this ability must be reactivated and practiced if you wish to become a proficient and clear channel. An important component of Self-mastery is developing the ability to connect and interact with your Guardian Angels, your Spiritual Guides and Celestial Teachers. Each of you is needed as a SENTINEL OF LIGHT and a WORLD SERVER * 8 X 11 * SPIRAL-BOUND BOOK *** $20 PLUS S&H

8 ½ X 11 SPIRAL-BOUND STUDY MANUAL * ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’ SIXTH BOOK OF MESSAGES: $25 PLUS S&H. ** In every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truth are made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. It is a time for an understanding of where humankind stands on the ladder of evolution. Each person must gain the knowledge of, and have a desire to, fulfill his/her personal destiny.




OR: Call Cindy: 775-856-3654 * MON. * WED. * FRI. * 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to connect with your SACRED TRIAD, which resided within the first sub-level of the FIFTH DIMENSION. This will be our new home base as we evolve into Spiritual/Humans within the FIFTH KINGDOM of GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS.


Archangel Gabriel, April 30, 2015, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 30, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as truth. A person who embodies the quality of truth within them always appears to others exactly as they are and are honest in all the things they say and do. They stay true to the integrity of their spiritual being and divine essence. They are open and transparent and are without pretence. They know that if they want the best results in any given situation, they must be completely truthful. The greatest quality at work in a person’s life is the quality of truth. Applying one’s personal value of truth not only has the magnificent power to ennoble and uplift one’s life, but can also attract beneficent responses from life as well. When people are being truthful and honest with one another, they embody a general belief in the practical values of integrity, decency, and virtue. The truth becomes their own knowledge base and they will feel it clearly inside of them without the need of either thinking or meditating about it. Their inner voice is the unerring connection between their spirit and the light of truth and they perceive clearly in every moment of their life what is or is not in harmony with Creator’s natural laws and therefore, that which is for their highest good.
The principle of truth is the guiding light of consciousness in its search to become aware of reality and its manifestations. By choosing truth over falsehood and deception, one aligns themselves with divine reality and the spiritual flow of life. By being true to themselves and to the divine qualities, they radiate light for all to see. Being true to self means staying in a centered and grounded place, by honoring one’s self in everything they do. Truth is about having the courage to say what one means, to mean what one says, do what they love, and love what they do, in all things. It is being true to their values no matter what others might think of them. Being in truth means practicing outwardly what one’s inner self knows intuitively. They have discovered that truthfulness is a liberating, joyful and empowering experience and that truth comes from love and a willingness to honor the importance of each relationship they have with others, and especially the one they have with themselves.
One’s truthfulness promotes the same in others. It empowers everyone and gives them permission to be truthful themselves.  When people share honestly with each other about their feelings and their needs, everyone is more likely to have their needs met. Truly happy people are committed to positive living. They strive to have true knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses and to know what they really want.  They strive for authenticity and accurate personal evaluation so that they live in a state of integrity with themselves. Living truthfully is a life long process, as each person gradually comes face to face with themselves and makes the choice to face the things about themselves that could use some ‘work’, to look at their behavior honestly, and to do what is right for themselves. As they experience the liberation and empowerment of living truthfully, they learn to make their corrections immediately and with increasing grace and ease, and in the process they become happier and whole.
Nothing is more powerful than the truth. Truth should be the foundation of all of one’s beliefs. One can do their part by setting a good example, and by having the courage to be truly honest with themselves and with others. By doing those things and being exactly who they are, one is going to be happier and will attract the kind of people they want in their life’s experience. When they live their truth they gain a sense of self confidence, their life flows harmoniously and they simply ease into their life’s work. Their thoughts, actions and words are all in alignment with who they actually are and where they see themselves going. They are living their life purposely using their natural talents and skills. In living their truth, there are no pretences. Everything they do reflects the choices they make. Living their life authentically is challenging because it demands a continuous expansion of their horizons but the rewards of this effort is worthwhile. In the process of living a more authentic life, connecting with their truth and following their calling, their life becomes more meaningful and genuine.
The simplest way to live one’s truth is to leave the expectations of others behind and live the way one feels is most worthwhile. The more one knows their authentic self, the better they can understand the world around them as well. They develop a deeper understanding of other people, the human condition, and the world. One feels purposeful and joyful when they do something that lifts others up. And the joy they feel in serving contributes to the happiness of those around them. By practicing habits of service in small ways in one’s life within one’s own family such as spending more time with their children, or doing something surprising for their spouse, this leads to a feeling of happiness within. By seeking out and practicing actions and habits that one knows makes them feel good inside; one is being truthful to themselves. These aware individuals make a habit of viewing each day as a gift, with themselves as the happy recipient who gets to enjoy it to the fullest. They experience a state of truly sustainable inner peace.
May you take the leap and go toward that which nurtures, sparks and helps bring you toward your true power and aliveness.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.

Hilarion's message, May 3-10, 2015, through Marlene Swetlishoff

May 3-10, 2015
Beloved Ones,
As you walk the ways of the world you live in, you are daily changing yourselves and those around you. Meeting self in all of its aspects and nuances requires the utmost courage and sincerity of purpose but the rewards for your persistence are becoming self evident. When you look back in a time not too distant, you can see in hindsight that all of your experiences have brought you to this moment of clarity and inner strength. Every experience you have ever had, has brought you greater insight, wisdom and spiritual growth. As you move forward on your personal journey into higher consciousness, awareness and understanding, you make it that much easier for others to find their way forward also. Through all of your self imposed disciplines and spiritual practices through the years, you have learned that love of self is of the utmost importance on your spiritual quest, for it is from that love that the love of the divine finds expression through you.
It is well for you to keep in mind, that the ultimate purpose of your spiritual efforts is the building and strengthening of your etheric body of Light. This body surrounds your physical body and is composed of many different aspects and layers. Each layer (the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) needs to transmute any and all energies and influences that prevent the lightbody from coming into greater prominence in your life. As the cleansing and purging of the human condition continues, that lightbody grows in luminosity and radiance. This is the ultimate objective of the Divine Plan, that humanity as a whole, remembers the Light that they truly are and expresses that Light more until all density is transmuted. This is accomplished by daily living and practicing of the golden rule, the understanding that as you do unto others, so it is done unto you. That spiritual law has always been in existence along with that of harming none.
Do not falter on your spiritual journey as these challenges come before you. These tests and trials are honing you into a being that has greatness within them. Each step that you take towards the ultimate purpose of your incarnation here upon the planet, is a step towards victory. When humanity moves beyond the confines of duality and polarity and chooses to express and manifest their greater Light, the world will change and transform quickly. Look to the future then, with hope and with a peaceful heart. As long as you are sincerely making the effort to return to the Light that is your true state of being, you are in harmony with the plan of your soul’s journey into bringing all aspects of yourself into the greater Light. Every person incarnate on the Earth at this time has an equal opportunity to advance in their awareness and consciousness.
It is all a matter of choice, as each person traverses the movement between dimensional frequency levels. There needs to be a greater cleansing of so much of Earth’s long history of the forgetfulness of its inhabitants of that greater Light which they are. All actions and deeds from the past which left great pockets of darkness in many places on the planet are areas that are now being cleansed and balanced. It is important to send your love, Light, healing and support to these areas of the world where the inhabitants have been so severely tested and to help in any way that is so sorely needed at this time. Put yourselves in their shoes for a moment and feel how grateful you would be for the most basic of necessities in such a situation. Offer your prayers for the highest outcomes to come to those who are suffering.
There will be many areas of the world that will be transformed in many ways and it is important that you stay centered, remain calm and send out the Light where it is needed most. All it takes is your focus and intention for a few moments several times a day. The planet Earth is home to all and is the only home to each of its inhabitants. Send Light and love to this conscious and loving Being also.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and all live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Archangel Michael's message, March 2015, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-03-2015

Beloved masters, there is a Light Path that will lead you out of the density into the LIGHTNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS.   The key that allows you to traverse this Sacred Path is within you–it is called your SOUL SONG. You are attuned to what is called your Energetic Signature while you are functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. You are gradually attuning to your SOUL SONG as you move through the remaining sub-levels of the Higher Fourth Dimension, and into the entry level of the Fifth-Dimensional environment.
Your Energetic Signature has resonance, cadence, tones and vibrancy, and it radiates forth from your seven major Chakra Centers and your auric field. It changes daily, along with your thoughts and deeds, for it is responsive to the ego-desire body personality, and to the constant highs and lows of the emotional nature. Gradually, the ego–desire body personality becomes a servant of the Soul, and your vibrational patterns slowly begin to return to a state of balance and harmony. When your base frequency patterns reach the mid-Fourth Dimensional level and above, your auric field gradually expands, and it becomes more radiant. At that time, your Energetic Signature will begin to align with your higher-frequency Soul Song.  This, in turn, initiates a Clarion Call to the higher Facets of your Soul Self to begin the process of reunification.  Your original Soul Song was in perfect harmony with the Celestial Soul Song of this Sub-Universe; it was how you were, and are, recognized by your Soul Family members and the great Beings of Light.
Each dimension has a unique resonance and an identifiable harmonic, sound pattern. Your physical existence is a reality focused on harmony and balance or the lack thereof, and the further you move into density, the more discordant your vibrational patterns become.  In your material plane reality, you habitually focus on tangible things, which have substance or density–a time/space orientation of cause and effect. It is gradually permeating the mass consciousness belief structure that everyone is the creator of his/her own reality
As you refine your vibrancy, you are gradually becoming multidimensional, which means that you are tapping into the frequency patterns of several dimensions at once.  In order to make room for the refined frequencies of the multiple levels of the higher Fourth, and the entry levels of the Fifth Dimension, there must be a clearing/cleansing process. Via the lessons and instructions we have given you over the years, we are endeavoring to give you the knowledge and the tools needed to traverse the Path of Ascension with ease and grace.
When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, the gateways or portals within the physical body will open, and you will gradually gain access to the frequency patterns of the Higher Dimensions: the Ascension Chakra–Medulla Oblongata–at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; and an expansion of the opening of the Crown Chakra.  These are major steps in the Ascension process, for they re-establish your connection with the River of Life–the Cosmic Stream of higher consciousness–which contains the Living Light particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles. At that point, you will begin to build a force field of Full-Spectrum Creator Light as you strive to become a master of Self, and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.
The basic Seven Etheric Chakras or spinning wheels of Electromagnetic Energy were placed within the physical body as receptacles for the stepped-down attributes, qualities and virtues of God Consciousness. These Seven Energy Centers have always been appropriately calibrated for the density levels you are to experience, during each incarnation, according to your Divine Blueprint.
As you strive to return to balance and harmony within the four lower bodily systems, physical, mental, emotional and etheric, you will gradually refine your vibrational patterns, which will guide you onto the Pathway of Ascension into the higher frequencies of Light. The chakra system will begin to take on the radiance of the five Higher Rays of Galactic God-Consciousness, which become available when your Energetic Signature is refined enough to tap into the frequency patterns of the mid-Fourth Dimension. The five Higher Rays will have a profound effect on the Seven Chakras of the Third-/ Fourth-Dimensional physical vessel.  First of all, the reserve supply of Adamantine Particles of Light, stored within a Seed Atom in each chakra, will be released.  The Kundalini, or Serpent of Sacred Fire, stored at the base of the Root Chakra will begin to rise, and the process called Opening the Seven Seals of Higher Consciousness will be initiated. The chakras will begin to spin truly instead of out-of-balance.  They will change color and become iridescent, as they attune to the higher frequencies of God-Consciousness, and are gradually infused with the vibrancy and glowing luminescence of Creator Light.
The different colored luminescent Rays will assist in integrating and balancing the higher frequency patterns of Galactic Consciousness. The more you balance, harmonize and strengthen your chakra system, the more Divine Light you will be able to absorb. The spinal column will eventually become a ROD of LIGHT and POWER through which the Streams of Creator Light can freely flow, unimpeded. As a result of this activation, the process of Ascension will be greatly accelerated.
Your I AM PRESENCE, or what we are now calling your GOD-SEED ATOM, is experiencing many realities at once. As you prepare to move into the entry levels of a Fifth-Dimensional environment, you will begin to experience some bleed-through telepathic thought forms, as well as information from some of your closer, most energetically compatible Higher Selves. You are becoming multidimensional, Spiritual / Human Beings. You are experiencing a physical reality and a non-physical reality at the same time. You have spent much more time in a non-physical reality than in the physical world.  Earthly existence is merely a moment in time compared to the time spent in the higher realms.
You are a Fragment of God Consciousness. Your individualized God-Seed Atom is the wholeness of your Being within this Sub-Universal experience.  Envision your God Self as a golden sphere of Light that has sent forth many, many Fragments of Itself throughout the many Creations within this Sub-Universe. You are one of those brilliant, shining Fragments.
(The Fragments, Facets, Sparks, Higher Selves, which Archangel Michael refers to, are often called “Parallel Lives” by other messengers). (R)
You are about to enter a doorway into another reality–a world where special talents and refined attributes will be a normal part of who you are. You are to strive to be a PRACTICAL MYSTIC. Allow yourself time to adjust to your rapidly changing persona. Do not endeavor to impress people with your wisdom or special talents, but seek ways to assist yourself and others to gradually adapt to your rapidly changing world, and to a new State of Being.
How do you wish to experience the next five or ten years?  How do you envision yourself?  It is time to begin to build your new reality–your spiritual friends, Soul companions and your Higher Self can help you do just that–efficiently, gracefully, and in alignment with the new Divine Blueprint, and for the greatest good.
Gradually, over the coming years, evolved Spiritual/human Beings will be greatly influenced by the radiance of the powerful Rays of Divine Light, which are now beaming down upon humanity and the Earth. The great Archangels are RAY-diating forth the new Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius, which was sent forth from the Supreme Creator, through the Father/Mother God of our Universe, to the God Parents of each Sub-Universe. Your conscious awareness will slowly expand to include all humanity, the Earth, Solar System and even the Galaxy. The higher mind will respond to the more refined, yet powerful, frequencies of Light, which will reveal unimaginable inventions and astounding new methods for the betterment of humanity and the Earth. The physical body must evolve into a more finely-tuned Energy Vessel, in order to accommodate the ever-increasing power of the God Rays. As a result, good health, vitality, and increased stamina will be the norm for those who are in the process of claiming their Self-mastery.
As we have told you before, all of the Sub-Universes, within this Universe, are experiencing a megacycle of Light impulses, which are radiating forth directly from within the Heart Core of the Supreme Creator. The refined octaves of Creator Light are available to all, at whatever level each Being has prepared their vessel to accept and integrate them. The Light cannot begin to infiltrate the static or jumbled frequencies that make up the Third-/lower Fourth-Dimensional physical vessel without the permission of the recipient, and without an opening of the heart center. Your Soul Self, OverSoul/Higher Self, and your God-Seed Atom are waiting for the appropriate frequency signal signifying that you are ready to begin the process of opening the Light conduits containing the Adamantine Particles of Eternal Life. Divine Light permeates your DNA, and every Atom within your multiple body systems is filled with Light to one degree or another. If it were not so, you could not exist. It is time to unlock the flow of God Light from within and from without.
Envision billions of minuscule Light Particles being activated within your physical body, and billions more radiating down from your OverSoul/Higher Self in the form of sparkling, Diamond Crystal Pyramids of Light. See yourself surrounded in a golden aura of Cosmic Light, and then observe as your Circle of Love/Light begins to expand. Know that you are emulating the Creator as you say to yourself, “Let there be Light.” Now watch as your unique Beam of God’s Light streams forth before you, smoothing, harmonizing, lifting, and transforming, via all the Elements of wondrous refined Creative Energy.
As you become proficient in moving back and forth between your Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light, and the Circle of Light you have built around yourself in the Third/Fourth Dimensions, your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart begin to blossom and expand with the continuous flow of Divine Will, Love and Wisdom from your OverSoul/Higher Self.  As a result, your world will begin to reflect your highest desires, your sphere of influence will expand, and you will draw to you those who are in harmony with the refined frequencies/ideals you now embody. Together, you will become active participants in weaving the gossamer fabric of the new reality that is being birthed on Earth.
As a part of your transformational process you are, once again, becoming aware of the energies and uses of the crystals and gemstones found within the Earth. They, too, contain a portion of Creator Light. They were designed to assist you to clear and balance the energies within your bodily vessel; however, you must attune to their specialized energies, and then program them through your intention. They are eager to work with you, for as you awaken and come into harmony with the higher frequencies, so will they. The great Sentient, Sentinel Crystals**, which resonated with the original Soul Song of your Mother Earth, were strategically placed around the planet during the initial manifestion process. They are now being attuned to the new Divine Blueprint for the Earth and humanity. As we have told you before, they act as receivers, receptors, transmitters, and broadcasters of energy and information, both around the world, and even out into the solar system and galaxy. There are also Record Keeper Crystals, both large and small, and they are ever ready to assist you to activate the Memory Seed Atoms within your Sacred Mind, which will help you unlock the mystery and wisdom of your ancient past. The mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms are also in a state of transformation into a renewed, higher awareness–none will be left behind—all are in a state of transformation and greater awakening. **Sentient (sensitive, responsive, aware).   Sentinel (sentry / lookout). (R)
It is a time of liberation, beloveds. The desire for freedom is growing stronger within the heart of every sentient Being on Earth. It is also a time of coming together. Even as you are being reunited with your Soul/Star families, we of the Higher Realms are also joining forces. For many ages, humanity has been disconnected from the full, dynamic Presence of the Soul Self, and also from the Angelic Kingdom. But now, we are reuniting in order to create a synergistic overlay of consciousness that will be available to all who are prepared to be a part of the Living Light Team effort. We use this term, for you are comfortable with it, and it initiates a mind picture of many working in harmony together with purpose, and for a common goal. It is vitally important that you understand: there are great and magnificent Pyramids of Light within all of the Sub-Planes of the Fifth Dimension, where they are easily accessible to those of you who have done your Heart/Soul work, and have attuned your physical vessels to, at least, the higher Fourth-Dimensional frequencies of God Light. Within these Pyramids are all the components of Creator Light you will need to create anything you desire for the highest good of all. We are waiting there to join you and to become cocreators with you. So, bring your visions and your pure intent into your personal Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light, and claim the miracles that await you.
My faithful Bearers of the Light, you are awakening from a twilight dream-state whereby, for many eons of time, you have existed on a starvation diet of Half-Spectrum Light. Open your hearts and your minds, and expand your vision to incorporate your full endowment of the virtues, attributes and qualities of God-Consciousness.  It is our great pleasure to assist, inspire and protect you on your journey back into the realms of Light.  Know that you are loved most profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael.



Archangel Michael's message, February 2015, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-02-2015

Beloved masters, for many of you, it is the beginning of a new year on Earth; however, when you look at the larger picture–from our vantage point–it is the beginning of a new era, and a new Golden Age. Many of you will protest, but it does not seem like a new Golden Age. In the past, any new Creation that was brought forth on the earthly plane took much effort, and often pain, struggle and strife. That is still the mode of Creation in many parts of your world; however, it need not be so. We have told you that the Light is separating from the shadows, and it is almost as if two worlds were superimposed, one over the other. One world is filled with varying degrees of fear, hate, judgment, greed, and a desire to control and conquer the lands of the Earth, as well as a desire to dominate and subjugate the peoples of the Earth by whatever means thought necessary. The billions of beautiful young Souls who are caught in the maelstrom of this ever-accelerating chaos are the ones who suffer the most. That world is swiftly deteriorating, as a blanket of all the negative thought forms descends upon those lands and magnifies the vortexes of hate that have been created. Oh yes, there are vortexes of darkness, just as there are vortexes of Light, and the foretold Armageddon has surely arrived in those places.

The world of Light that is superimposed over the world of shadows is a world of hope, a world that amplifies all that is beautiful and harmonious. This world of Light radiance is filled with brotherly/sisterly love, peace, joy and abundance–a world where Spirit and humanity have joined forces once more; where all are donning their spiritual armor as, symbolically, we march forth to show that, together, we are invincible. In this world, you are becoming proficient in using the universal laws of Creation as you bring forth greater and greater physical manifestations of what you desire in your corner of paradise. Miracles abound, both large and small, as you tap into your Divine Source and become a partner with your God Seed Atom and angelic helpers. Your Light is becoming more radiant, and you are becoming a strong, positive force for good within your sphere of influence.

Of late, we have spoken much about the importance and the power of the Pyramid, for there are many dear Souls who are awakening to the Divine Discontent of the Soul. The Pyramids of Light, which are stationed throughout the multi-Dimensions of this Sub-Universe, are storehouses of Creator Light. They are the Way Stations on the Path that will lead you back into your true homeland among the stars. For those of you who are recent aspirants on the Path, allow us give you a simplified vision of how Pyramid Power is being used. Envision a Pyramid with steps on each of the four sides, which gradually lead to the apex. At the base, on two sides, are all those dear Souls who are caught in the web of deception and lower vibrational energy, those who are struggling to control their world of negativity in whatever way necessary, a reality which is swiftly falling apart. On the other two sides of the base of the Pyramid are all those dear Souls who are struggling to survive and to live the best way they know how. They are dominated by outside forces over which they seem to have no control. Therefore, in varying degrees, they are also caught up in the world of limitation, fear and negativity, but deep within there is a desire, which manifests as a deep discontent with life, to reconnect with their Creator and fulfill their chosen mission on Earth.

At the apex of the Pyramid is a capstone of Light–here all of you will come, at one time or another, the Wayshowers, the Vanguard, the Warriors of Light/Peace– all those who have aligned with the Light and our Creator in the cosmic campaign to reestablish paradise on Earth. As we join together in our great Pyramid of Light which forms the capstone, we send forth unconditional love to the Earth and all humanity. Our combined Love/Light energy radiates down upon all who are on the base of the Pyramid at any level thereof. This gift is available to all who are willing to partake of this transforming infusion, by opening their heart centers in order for the Love/Light of the Creator to flow within. The Light is always seeking the Light within the darkness. No matter how dim a Spark within someone may seem, it can be ignited and will eventually burst into flame. In doing so, this facilitates and speeds up the healing/balancing process so that anyone, regardless of who they are or what they have done, has the potential to rise quickly up the Pyramid of ascension and into the Light. No one is excluded. With open arms, the Creator holds wide the door of redemption so that all may pass through. This is the rare gift that is being offered at this time, a gift that is only offered at the end of an era and the beginning of a new age.

The Pyramidal energies are a vital Life Force, both within the etheric planes of expression and on the physical planes. Therein dwells the manifested consciousness of the Creator–Adamantine Particles of Divine Life/Light, White Fire Seed Atoms–which hold all the pure Life Force substance needed to transform the Earth and all life forms. You also have Pyramidal forms of Light consciousness within your body, which are activated as you balance the frequency patterns within, and begin to build your vessel of Light. As this process accelerates, you will also activate the Power Matrix Crystals throughout your bodies, the crystalline spheres of Galactic consciousness at the crown, the ascension chakra at the base of the skull, and your I AM Seed Crystal within the Third Eye. How do you access these blessed gifts? By moving into harmony within and without, into the STILL POINT of God-consciousness, whereby you function either in a mode of neutrality, or you radiate positive Life Force energy out into the world.

You have often heard the saying, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” You all are among those who were called forth, or you would not be on Earth in a physical vessel at this momentous time. We will change that old phrase to: “For many are now being chosen.” Who is doing the choosing? You are. YOU CHOOSE YOURSELF. You must make the choice as to which world you will live in. You must make the choice as to where you will reside within the Pyramid of Life. No one can choose for you. These are decisions each of you must make for yourself; however, when you choose the way of Light, we will take your hand and ease the path all the way to the shining capstone. Our primary goal, during these accelerating times of transformation, is to assist you in integrating into your memory bank of higher consciousness the major required steps, universal laws and conditions of ascension into a Fifth-Dimensional environment.

The ASCENSION goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self, within the Third/Fourth Dimensions, which will initiate an entry into the lowest sub-plane, Sacred Triad, of the Fifth Dimension. This is the major goal for this round of evolution. In order to accomplish this:

Your personality/ego must become attuned with your Soul / Higher Self as you strive to realign your many levels of reality and become harmonious with your God-Self and I AM Presence.

Going into your Pyramid of Light is the swiftest and surest way to tap into the Divine Source of Creation. Envision billions of tiny crystalline Pyramids of Light filled with Divine energy /consciousness of the highest vibrations, descending, surrounding and filling you as you bring forth new thought forms, ideas and inspiration. Tap into and use the dynamic force of the Universal Mind, and release yourself from the confines of the Earth and the limitations of the mass consciousness beliefs.

Learn the basic laws of Universal Creation/manifestation. Learn to distinguish between the desires of Spirit and the ego-desire personality. Ego desires, wants and needs have emotional foundations, whereby you look outside yourself for something, someone or some event to fulfill an inner craving. The ego is never satisfied, and it continually looks for something or someone new to satisfy the cravings, which often become addictions. When you are in harmony with Spirit, all your physical desires/needs are waiting for you to claim them–expect and demand that it be so. However, you must be an active partner and take the physical action necessary to bring your dreams to fruition. You must activate and draw to you the positive vibrations needed to manifest your visions in physical form.

The Earth plane is a world stimulated by action and reaction. In a world of polarity and duality, the forces of opposition have been your best teachers. Negative experiences bring into your consciousness your own truth via valid experiences. It is time to put aside indecision. Feel, sense with your heart and inner-knowing what are correct or incorrect action or thoughts. As you learn and gain wisdom from an occurrence or an interaction with another person, no longer will you have to experience the cause/effect syndrome of your negative actions (otherwise known as Karma).

It is vital that you understand the true meaning of life and death. The guise you have assumed in this lifetime is just a minuscule facet of who you truly are, what you have been, and what you will be in the future. The passage or death of the physical vessel is only a transition into another state of Being. Be bold in your endeavors to change the old belief patterns regarding death. Release the Souls of your loved ones with love, and do not bind them to Earth planes with your grief. Yes, you will miss them, and you will experience a time of grieving, but know that they will always be with you in Spirit. By sending them your loving energy, you will assist those who have transcended to move quickly into the realms of Love/Light. Beloveds, they do not go to an amorphous place, but to a wondrous world more real than the one in which you reside, where they can live in joy, be of service, learn and experience all the things they have desired, but could not attain on the Earth plane. If you so desire, at some future time, you may communicate with them; however, you must clear the path for telepathic communication with those who reside in the unseen realms. Many are choosing to leave your planet during these times of great turmoil. Know that they are, or will be, in a place of great joy, where peace and harmony reign supreme, and they will assist you in many wondrous ways from their heightened state of Being.

You must learn patience and understand that time as you know it is rapidly changing. Build your visions in harmony with Spirit, and then know that all will manifest in the proper time. When you align with Spirit, all will manifest with perfect timing, and under the right conditions. You must have patience with those around you, and strive to see the best in all people and all things, thereby magnifying the positive energy and repelling any negativity that has been created. You will rise above the mundane world and return to balance and harmony within. Your radiance will expand exponentially, and you will consistently radiate Love/Light from your Solar Power Center. It becomes a natural state of Being, and you will begin to view the world and events from a higher vantage point–that of a master. You have experienced many cycles of poverty and wealth, in all areas of expression, which will eventually lead you to the conclusion that true wealth is in regaining the wisdom of your Soul / Higher Self, and in reunion with your God Seed Atom. The treasure chest which holds your Divine Birthright will open wide as you bring all into harmony once more.

Your sensitivities are increasing, and your needs/desires are changing. You are becoming a person of peace, and you will greatly value your solitude. You will feel uncomfortable and no longer desire to be in social situations of lower vibrations. You must experience aloneness in order to discover who you truly are. You are unique and must learn to act from an intuitive level, not an emotional level. This must start within as you begin to withdraw your energy streams from others, and go through the process of cutting the cords or energy streams that others have attached to you via your solar plexus. Remember to bless them as they follow their own path, and you follow yours. You will be at peace in any situation when your beliefs are based on truth. You will know that you have moved into harmony with your Soul Self when you have no reactions of an emotional nature to the seemingly negative events in your life.

You will transcend your astrological influences as you integrate the positive energies of all twelve astrological signs. During your nightly sojourns, you will visit the Seven Spheres of God-Consciousness, to assist you with the integration of the positive energies–all the virtues and attributes of the Seven Rays–thereby balancing and activating all the major and minor chakras within the physical body. The five Higher Rays of Galactic-consciousness are also being integrated within, and they are transmuting, activating and redefining your DNA, and are accelerating the process of building your vessel of Light.

Many of you have begun, or are ready to embark on, your true mission, whatever that may be. Please keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to become a conveyor of Love/Light. You must live your truth, as you learn to traverse the higher Path and fly your vision. You must claim and acknowledge every facet of your Being, as you strive for harmony and unified consciousness.

Beloveds, we know there will be some pain, discomfort and fear, as you move through this accelerated process, as all the radical changes take place within your world. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to Heart-centered, Soul-focused harmony. Know that each of you can and will make a difference. Dear ones, when you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light, and we will give you courage, lift you up, and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center, and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Dearest friends: It is becoming dramatically apparent that more and more people are awakening, and are beginning to feel the need to turn inward or to seek the wisdom of the SOUL. Archangel Michael told us over a year ago that he had given us all the pertinent information we need, at this time, to gain the required knowledge necessary to return to the originally designed Spectrum of Light and shadow, within our Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality. He is now updating, refining and clarifying many of the important messages of the past, for within these wonderful “wisdom teachings” are the SECRETS OF SELF-MASTERY. I have been receiving new information for quite a long time. Information which will be presented in the form of a booklet: THE MAGIC AND MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITY, and will be presented at our seminar (of the same name) on October 3 and 4, 2015 in Reno, Nevada. As in the past, the advanced information is first given to our more advanced students. Information that will be infused within a Fifth-Dimensional, Group Pyramid of Light, so that these refined wisdom teachings can filter down onto the Earth Plane, and will become more readily understandable to those who are firmly on the Path of Ascension. During these extraordinary times, we are being given a grand opportunity to gain admittance into the entry Sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension, which is humanity’s major goal for this round of evolution. Our numbers and God Power are increasing dramatically, as we join together, on this grand march into a wondrous, new future. Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna

8 ½ X 11 SPIRAL-BOUND STUDY MANUAL * ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’ SIXTH BOOK OF MESSAGES: $25 PLUS S & H ** I am offering a special for the first 100 people who PRE-ORDER: SECRETS OF SELF MASTERY. Along with the book, you will receive the latest update (15 pages), to the Reference & Revelations Glossary. I will also autograph your book. **PLEASE ALLOW FOUR TO SIX WEEKS FOR DELIVERY**


The updated glossary contains many of the words and new terms that Archangel Michael has given me over the past year or so. The Glossary update will be available separately for $4.00 to cover copying and postage. For those of you who have REFERENCE & REVELATIONS, if you make a purchase on our STAR*QUEST site, the supplement will be included with your order, at no extra charge.


Archangel Michael's message, April 2015, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-04-2015

Beloved masters, let us pause for a moment before we begin our discourse. Close your eyes and allow the sense of time and space to fall away. Envision streams of Love/Light radiating from within the wellspring of your heart center, and see them flowing forth to encompass everyone and everything on the Earth. Via your inner vision, watch as billions of various size streams of Light radiate back to you from every sentient Being on Earth. Let go of your fear, judgment, and your different beliefs as you connect with the Core Essence of your brothers and sisters around the world.
Every person on Earth is unique, and yet, deep within your Heart Core, you are all the same. Every Sentient Being is composed of the same substance as that of our Father/Mother God: the pure Divine Essence of the Supreme Creator. You, as a manifested physical Spark of Light, are encoded with a Divine Blueprint, which consists of specific vibrational patterns and enough Divine Light Substance to fulfill your current earthly destiny.
Allow your consciousness to be lifted to a rarified place where you are a soaring, radiant Being of Light, connecting to every other Being of Light within this solar system. There is no separation. There can be no separation, no matter how far you journey forth from the Heart Center of the Creator. It does not matter what assignment you have accepted down through the ages, or the appearance of the cloaks of flesh you have assumed; it does not matter how many times you have divided your Soul Ray into smaller and smaller fragments, you have always been connected to your God-Seed Atom, your Divine I AM Presence, and ultimately, to the Creator. There is also a minuscule Stream of Creator Light which connects you, one with another. THE CONNECTION HAS NEVER BEEN BROKEN, AND IT NEVER WILL BE.
Breathe deeply and slowly, as you sense multicolored, luminescent waves of Light, filled with the Love/Light and the virtues of our Father/Mother God, surrounding you. Within these rarified streams of Light are all the energy and components you will ever need to build your field of dreams; to establish your personal foundation for the New Age to reclaim your Mastery of Self. Know that the barriers between us no longer exist, even though we were never truly parted. Because of the pre-ordained evolutionary process now in progress, for many years now, we have been strengthening our connection with each of you, moment by moment, day by day.
No longer are you children stumbling through the dark on a path to nowhere. You are awakening, and you are remembering that your many past worldly experiences have all been a part of a grand experiment. You are aware that the era of the past several thousands of years is swiftly coming to a close. No longer do you feel as if you are pawns of fate. As you fully claim your God-given rights as a cocreator, no longer will you create that which brings pain and suffering. Why would you when just as easily you may create joy, peace and abundance? All you have to do is give us permission to become an integral part of your life. Will you open your heart and your mind to the possibility that we are real and that we are ready and willing to guide, direct, inspire and protect you to the limit of Universal Law?
Make it your goal to move into the magical realm of harmlessness, whereby you no longer feed the negative-energy, Astral Plane force field of the Third and Fourth Dimensions. Instead, add your vibrant, loving energy to the auric field of Love/Light that surrounds the Earth‒the Iridescent, Crystal Grid of Illumination. Your old world and limited reality are swiftly slipping away. The negative thought forms of the mass consciousness belief structure that were captured within the lower Astral (emotional) Planes are swiftly being dissolved. The broad-spectrum game of duality / polarity is gradually losing its hold on you as you slowly return to balance and harmony, thereby loosening the grip of your shadow-self, which allows you to project more and more Light into the darkness. The rules of the game also change as you move up the Path toward en-Lighten-ment. It is often called the narrow Path, and this is true. Each of you is held accountable (not judged), according to your level of awareness. Your Guardian Angels and Higher Self constantly present you with opportunities or challenges to assist you in your awakening process. As you become the observer and begin to operate within the Universal Laws of Creation and the rules of cause and effect, you begin to see the wisdom and justice in all that occurs within your life.
If you are to become the master of yourself and of your world, you must begin to fine-tune your spiritual awareness. Constantly, you will be presented with many levels of choice. Know that no choice is wrong, unless it harms you or others. You will find that there are good choices, better choices, and the highest / best choices. Your choice spectrum will change as you move up the spiral of higher awareness.
Allow us to give you several examples. We will designate the range of choices (or choice spectrum) as one percent to one hundred percent. Becoming a master of your destiny means your choices will become more subtle, and not so easily defined. Therefore, you must sharpen your discernment and objectivity, and please take into consideration that you may have to rise above a situation in order to get a greater overview and clearer picture. Compassionate detachment is also required.
Our first example will be a person who has chosen an existence of deprivation, who is functioning mostly within the frequencies of the instinctual nature / sub-conscious mind as he strives to learn the lessons of the Third and lower Fourth Dimensions, and as he struggles to survive. His negative choices would have a vibratory rate of up to 50%, and his positive choices would be in the range of 51% to 70%.
Our next example is a person who has chosen a lifetime in which there is an opportunity to experience the riches of the Earth Plane, and she is ready to begin the process of spiritual awakening. She has stepped onto the Path of higher awareness, and as we explained some time ago in a message called The Golden Promise, she has drawn forth a greater amount of the Essence of Self, which her God Self / I AM Presence will hold in reserve until she is ready to begin integrating the multiple Facets of her Higher Self. Because of this, gradually over time, her choice spectrum increases in refinement and vibration to, let us say, 70% to 85%.
Greater awareness begets greater opportunities, but also requires more responsibility. The spiraling journey homeward can be a gradual climb or a swift one: however, it entails making the right choices within your current level of enlightenment, as you strive to enhance your abilities to the highest obtainable potential.
Our last example will include most of you who resonate to our messages. This group includes those of you now firmly on the Path‒those of you who have experienced many trials, tests and battles with the ego-desire body in order that your personality could become honed and disciplined, and once more, become a servant of the Soul. You have sought, tested, rejected and refined what you now accept to be your truths, thereby creating your new reality along the way. Through trial and error, you are learning to become proficient in the use of the Universal Laws of Manifestation. The results of your choices are quickly being brought into your awareness so that you will know that the laws of cause and effect are immutable, and that you really are the creator of your reality, and the world around you. As you become a Master of Self and your world, your choice spectrum changes so that the frequency range of choice is of the highest order: from 85% to 100%. When you accomplish this, the blessings of our Father/Mother God will surely be showered down upon you.


As you become attuned to the higher frequencies of Light, you will become accustomed to the flow of Sacred Fire Breath, which has been called the River of Life/Love/Light. There is a hidden, powerful, radiant current of knowledge encoded within this Living River of Life. It is a code of creative genius; however, you must tap into the wisdom of the Sacred Mind and your Soul Self in order to access this inborn power.
We also wish to remind you that your hands are one of the most highly developed links to your brain, for there are etheric generator crystals embedded within the palms of the hands. They were designed to be some of the strongest, electromagnetic impulses of the physical vessel. That is why those who have activated or developed the healing power within their hands are so effective in the healing arts. In the future, you have the potential of redeveloping the memory cells within your fingertips so that you may access conscious and subconscious information through touch.
A good exercise would be to hold a crystal which you have Self-programmed as a generator healing crystal in one of your hands as you focus on activating the healing abilities within the palms of your hands. Via the Infinity Breath exercise, concentrate on sending/feeling the Adamantine Particles of Light within your palms. Your palms may become very warm or begin to tingle. It may take a while for you to feel the sensations; however, you will gradually gain the ability to send healing Creator Light to localized parts of your own body. Future healing will include en-Lighten-ed, dynamic healers with the ability to send almost laser-like healing beams of Divine Light to their patients. Reiki and other energy modalities are based on this ancient, esoteric knowledge.
You, the StarSeed, are awakening to the awareness of your Celestial Heritage, which has been encoded within Atom Seed Crystals and stored within your Sacred Mind. Also, be aware that there is a magnificent history of bravery and excellence woven into the violent and often tedious journey of human evolution. You are experiencing a resurrection of extra-sensory abilities and higher consciousness abilities, which have been dormant for many ages. However, it takes dedication and effort to open the sealed door to your inner wisdom, the Sacred Mind. It is vitally important that you learn to trust your own inner guidance once more. A loving and grateful heart purifies the consciousness, and creates tranquility and peace of mind. It develops into a constant State of Being and not just an occasional practice.
It is apparent in every facet of earthly existence that humanity is awakening from the illusional dream of past ages as the refreshing Light of God-consciousness permeates all Creation. You are laying the foundation for the coming decades of change. As we observe, we can see the energies which form your probable futures, and how they change through the use of your free will. That is why no one, and we repeat no one, can predict the future with certainty, for the use of free will is always the determining factor. We fervently ask you: “Are you willing to take full advantage of your God-given gift of free will? Are you willing to endeavor to make the highest choices available to you?” In doing so, you will add your energy to the highest potential future for all humanity. You are much more powerful than you realize. As you join together in prayer for the greatest good, you have the potential capabilities to divert wars, stop the devastating destruction of the Earth, and assist in creating peace and abundance for all.
Each and every one of you is responsible for the energy you draw forth from the Cosmic Bank of Divine Life Substance, the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. How are you spending your spiritual inheritance? As we embark on this important phase of evolution together, please take time to define your commitment to yourselves, and to your spiritual family.
When you allow the shackles of time / space, and the density of the lower Dimensions to fall away, your visions become sharp and clear, and you will place no expectations or restrictions on how or when they will manifest. Your resolve will gain strength, and you will confidently move forward with ease and grace, for your constant mantra is: “I ask for the greatest good for all.”
Join us, beloveds, in manifesting the highest choices within the Creator’s Divine Plan for the coming Age. We began this journey together in great joy and expectation, and when we come together again in our victory celebration, we will add: Well done, brave warriors of Light, well done!

I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.

Hilarion's message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 26 – May 3, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Many people are opening to deeper levels of love within all areas of their consciousness and this can be a difficult process for some. The needs of others can compete with your own intentions to move forwards in your life and it is important that you keep on track on your own personal journey. You need to stay connected to your higher promptings and to follow your own star. Each person on Earth is experiencing the higher influx of energies in their own way at the level of their personal awareness. It is difficult to stay on the sidelines and be a witness for those you care for as they experience the consequences of their choices. Each soul has an individual soul plan and the free will to follow it or not. Difficult as it may be to accept, each person has chosen to follow certain paths in order to gain knowledge and personal experience from them. Be available to your loved ones if and when they need you and love them without judgement. It takes great courage to experience life in the physical. Many shifts have and will continue to occur within each individual and within the movements of the Earth. The effects of these are far reaching in their impacts.
The Earth is surrounded by a golden light and this will assist in helping with the changes that have been wrought. Many areas of the world are in need of your loving compassion and energetic intent of healing and support. Send your love and healing energies to those areas that are in the throes of difficult change. The citizens of those areas are in need of love, compassion and practical support. The changes that occur in each area of the world are felt energetically around the world. The loving hearts of humanity are joined together in the heartbeat of the world they live on and it is important to stay aware and attuned to it. Take a moment often throughout each day to put a hand to your heart and feel this connection. Within each soul, the truth of the oneness with all is known, acknowledged and honoured. You are all sisters and brothers and it has always been so. Turn away from anything that would tell you otherwise.
Throughout Earth’s history, its surface crust has been altered many times and this is a process that is more prevalent at the end of certain cosmic cycles. The cosmic alignments create changes which open the doorways to new beginnings and such is the time that is now upon you. You are here now and were deemed capable of going through this process by utilizing the wisdom and knowledge you have accumulated and gained throughout the ages to aid you in riding through it. You have within you all that you need to emerge victorious. Place a star of love over each of these areas and set the intention that the love and healing this star radiates will be maintained and sustained at all times to offer healing and balancing to everyone within its radius. Your strong and focused intention will make it so.
The inner metamorphosis that each of you is going through can leave you feeling and looking drawn and haggard. It is another sign that the downloaded energies that you have received are being assimilated and integrated. It is once again imperative that you ingest more water than usual in order to assist your physical body to cope. More rest and nurturance of self is in order as this process continues. As each person’s heart chakra is opened more fully, there is more sensitivity and empathy becoming evident in the outward expressions of the people around you. Allow yourselves to feel into this experience without resistance to it. Keep the events of your life simplified and this will create the balance that is necessary. There are many activities that can be curtailed without missing their presence in your lives. Simplify, simplify, simplify!
By creating order within your homes and eliminating clutter, it creates a more conducive atmosphere which sets the stage for new beginnings. By repeating the words, “divine order” many times during the day, you will keep yourselves on task and will not be as likely to lose your focus. This activity also helps you to feel good about yourselves as you experience success in each of the goals that you have accomplished. Stopping often just to look around you and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you is also helpful as you create your new beginnings. We hasten to remind you that each new dawn also brings a new beginning so be kind to yourselves and more heart centered in your interactions with others around you. By keeping things as simple as possible, you will get through this.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swtlishoff


April 23, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as sovereignty. This quality gives one the ability to connect and utilize the absolute internal power that is their innate birthright.  They are connected within to a quiet, simple place where they know that they are enough just as they are in this moment, that they are beautiful and worthy, that they no longer have a need to justify their personal existence in this world to themselves or anyone else. As each individual brings balance of the divine masculine and feminine within them, they become more loving and compassionate with themselves and all others. They become passionately engaged with their true authentic selves and in the expressing of this truth in the world around them.  They begin to bring more meaning and depth to all aspects of their lives, their work, their relationships and their vision of the future. They are more consciously aware of their inner beauty and strength, and of the profound circle of love and support of family and friends. They see the world as a safe, secure and loving place where they are deeply supported and empowered to be the best that they can be. They step into the power and radiating imperatives of their own inner sovereignty.
As they continue to refine and release the darker aspects of their being into the light of awareness, they know deep within their body, mind and soul that the wonder, magic and mystery which is a natural, innate part of their humanity and their world is an integral part of their experience. As they transform incrementally, they come home to their Divine Essence, and to the awareness of the beauty, love and powers of life that are everywhere and that are within everything, to their oneness with all of life. They come to understand that they aren’t meant to push away the denser parts of their life, but to fully engage these as their teachers and guides along their spiritual journey. The gifts of their life experiences, both the challenging and the bright, are there to help them grow and blossom into their true, authentic selves, their own sovereignty. These simple truths apply to each and every one; each individual is beautiful, worthy, magical and powerful beyond their wildest imagination.
These individuals no longer live according to the dictates of the outer world that does not see or honor their uniqueness, and which cuts them off from their inner beauty and spirit. As their personal life story is woven into the big and small things of their daily life, they carve a template in the energetic realm that others can follow. They have faith that the guidance they need for their personal work in their current lifetime will come to them as it is needed in order to inform and guide their spiritual journey. They continue to follow the dictates of their own soul and the sovereignty of their own being which returns them to their highest dream and the embodiment of the best qualities of humanity. They choose to fully claim the miracle of the individual life they were granted, and are empowered in their reclaimed sovereignty to live the beauty and joy that is their special gift to the world. They know they are safely held by the love and presence of Creator and the universal powers of life.
In reclaiming their sovereign freedom to choose in every experience how they react with whatever life throws their way, they no longer seek their value and self worth through the eyes of others. They have learned that all they really need is always within them and allow their beautiful inner light to shine outwardly. They find the courage to deny a culture of oppression and claim the liberation of their hearts and souls and in doing so they experience a greater embodiment of liberty in their daily lives. They act from the integrity of their own personal power, sovereignty and authority over their lives. They know that it is their personal responsibility to live with honesty, integrity, and  loving discernment, to exhibit fairness and compassion towards others so that all that impedes their and humanity’s sovereign right as spiritual beings to live and thrive would cease to exist. There lives within them a deep abiding self-awareness that is powered by the clarity of inner knowing. They know what they need for their highest good and well being and are in a better position to make good choices for themselves. They follow the golden rule of universal law in all their interactions with others.
By claiming their own sovereignty, they make good choices for themselves as they create a healthy and fulfilling life which is headed towards higher consciousness and the spiritual path of growth they have chosen. They know that no matter how divergent its manifestations are, all life is an extension of the Divine. They nurture the highest energy that flows from all people and support the fullest expression of their deepest essence. They see how perfectly the Divine supports their sovereign reality. One’s life experience becomes meaningful as one chooses to live in natural harmony with the Divine. It is primarily through the feeling of gratitude to the Divine which opens one to connection and alignment with their sovereign self. One’s life experience becomes meaningful to the extent that one chooses to live in natural harmony with the Divine, thereby creating lasting joy and inner peace.
May you become a master of empowering your deeper self and awaken the perspective, insights, and empowered abilities of your divine essence to create new realms of possibility and shape them as learning adventures that expand and transform consciousness.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.