Sunday, June 30, 2013

Natalie Glasson

Revelations of Truth by Master Saint Germain
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With love, as I unfold my energy to you, I express the truth which has been imparted to me through my own process of spiritual growth and the awakening of the Creator within my being. I am Master Saint Germain, it is always such a deep honour to connect with your energy and to speak of truth.
There are often many layers of false interpretations within the fabric of the Earth, humanity’s existence and consciousness. To speak of truth allows for many false interpretations which disguise the Creator from you to be dissolved and erased eternally. Seeking the vibration of truth within your being and projecting it into your reality for experience encourages you to be consciously aware of the Creator during your time upon the Earth. With conscious awareness many limitations that you perceived to be true fall away allowing for new limitless ideas and inspiration to form. When we speak of truth, especially upon the Earth, there is an element of competition and survival that emerges from within many people. This is simply a misinterpretation of knowing the truth.
 As you are aware, to know something is often interpreted as understanding something completely, often holding an element of confirmation. There is often no form of confirmation of the truth, divine wisdom and consciousness of the Creator but there is a knowingness within each of our souls which acts as our guiding light, source of empowerment and encouragement. To know the truth is to feel it and to sense it without truly understanding or having a need for understanding. A spiritual knowingness of truth is very different to an intellectual knowingness of truth. It may often seem as if you are weak if you admit that you do not understand the truth and will of the Creator but this is a beautiful space that you can enter into, accessing a deep steam of freedom from within your being that offers tremendous expansion and connection with the Creator.
In many ways it is as if you are letting go of any form of control that you may have upon the world, your reality or being, entering into a space that truly allows you to experience the truth of the Creator. Often revelations of the truth of the Creator will emerge and form within you as a feeling, maybe even as the most beautiful scent that embodies your entire being. Frequently truth will emerge as energy within your being, you may not be able to express this energy but you will notice and recognise its freedom and familiarity to the Creator. Such integrations and awareness of truth cannot be interpreted verbally due to the fact that you are considering the great source and energy networks that are the Creator, trying to describe vastness in a few words. Even as ascended masters we can often have difficulty in sharing or inspiring truth within your being. We often contemplate, how does one explain the multidimensional, expansion, all-encompassing presence of the Creator to bring forth recognition?  Entering into a space of freedom and expansion allows for inspiration to arise.
I wish to share with you that often if you find yourself in an experience where you do not know the answer to a problem or are unsure as to what your next stage might be, allow yourself to enter into a space within you of freedom and expansion. Being content and breathing as the vibration of freedom and expansion allows the truth of the Creator to rise and form with your conscious awareness. Sometimes it will form into inspiration that is most understandable or other times you can send the energy out into your reality and to the situation to resolve all that needs completion. 
 When you experience a situation where an answer is needed and you simply cannot understand how it would be beneficial for you to react, in that moment you exist in a limited space within your being. You are hindering and constraining yourself and your magnificent inner truth. This could be due to the circumstance or to your beliefs but by entering into a space of freedom and expansion within you, you are able to access the truth that is ever flowing especially between you and the Creator.
 To discover your space of freedom and expansion, allow yourself to meditate upon both freedom and expansion within your being asking to discover a haven within you that holds both vibrations. You may discover an area of your body or a sacred space such as sitting before the sea or in expansive woods. This is then a space for you to retreat to when the truth of the Creator is required within your reality. The process that I share with you encourages your empowerment and the divine flow of the Creator within your being, raising your energy vibration and dissolving all limitations from your reality, as all your actions and understanding are drawn from the abundant fountain of the Creator rather than the mind.
 Every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes draws upon the same truth, wisdom and consciousness of the Creator bringing this sacred energy into creative expression and interpretation.  The vibration of truth within each being is also the same; it is interpretation of the Creator that allows for so many different teachings, expressions and discoveries of the Creator’s wisdom. Your interpretation is born through the predefined goals of your soul, the dimension of anchoring for your mind and the beliefs that you hold onto. This means that there is no wrong or right answer or expression when it comes to truth but only vibrations and inspiration that are appropriate in the present moment. It is important to be mindful that you are constantly interpreting and expressing the will of the Creator in new ways as you recognise the great expansion of the Creator within you.
In 2012 there was a great focus placed upon unity and oneness, encouraging all to recognize themselves as united with all aspects of the Creator. There was a very powerful and essential purpose for this; it was to build the connections of light or networks of light between all aspects of the Creator, consciously strengthening the greater whole of the Creator. Each soul and aspect of the Creator is then able to draw upon the great wealth of divine consciousness, wisdom and truth to serve them in the new era. This in turn offers to you more responsibility because you have a greater access to the divine fountain of energy, wisdom and sacred knowingness of the Creator. It also means that all you experience and create flows into the fountain of the Creator and the consciousness of the dimension you exist within. Each soul becomes an expression of the Creator but also a decipherer or energiser of the Creator.
Your ability to consciously feel the vibrations, energy and consciousness each and every soul especially within your dimension becomes magnified. No longer are you just pleasing and serving yourself but you are magnifying and nurturing all aspects of the Creator especially within your dimension through your physical reality. If you experience a deep seated love and peace during meditation, these sacred vibrations flow into the consciousness of all who you are connected to and all that is the Creator. If someone else experiences pain in their reality this vibration could be sensed by you on an unseen or seen level.
 Many of you may have been asked by your guides to detach from the general consciousness of humanity expressing instead deep love, this means that you have connected into another consciousness pool often of a higher vibration or maybe your focus has been placed upon a different dimension within the Creator’s universe. There will always be an element of influence upon you from the consciousness pool that you are connected into and your vibrations will also serve and fuel the consciousness pool. Often people connect into certain consciousness pools because specific truths are held in different consciousness pools, through connection and the focus on unity one can merge with the truth that is needed while also sharing valuable wisdom.
During meditation you can ask to become aware of the vibration of the beautiful higher frequency consciousness pool or consciousness dimension you are currently connected with. Ask to only experience love and divine truth of the highest appropriate vibration. You may also ask if there are certain truths held within this consciousness that need to be revealed to you. Allow yourself to sit in meditation with this focus being aware of any vibrations, inspirations or sensations that may enter into your awareness. With every moment souls are bringing to light the truth of the Creator from the consciousness pool you are connected with, enhancing the knowingness of the truth within your being. Allow yourself to be open to revelations of truth.
 With this understanding it is also important to be conscious of your own thoughts, judgements and actions. With the acceptance that everything and every aspect of the Creator are united in oneness and that you are also connected to a consciousness pool which is fuelling your spiritual awakening, any negative energy you create can have an impact upon all. Imagine you were judging someone, the vibration of the judgment you create would not only be sent to them but would impact upon all souls. This may be hard to understand but imagine that every time you have a negative thought, emotion or expression from your being for another person or yourself, your loved ones are being attacked by the energy you are experience. If this was to occur and you noticed the suffering of your loved ones you would most probably place great focus upon altering your thoughts and actions.
I say to you that all of humanity are your loved ones and with the desire and focus for greater energetic unity between souls there is also a need to take responsibility for the energy you are creating and putting into the world, as it impact not only you but all. This is why we ask you to focus upon love as often as you can. Energetic unity upon the Earth is and was needed in order to create the era of love of the Earth. Unity allowed for all energetic networks upon the Earth and within each being to be healed so that all could with divine timing open up to the divine flow of the Creator. With more and more energy networks on the Earth and within your being opening the vibration of love can flow with greater abundance, building momentum for creation and the experience of absolute love on the Earth.
Let us all exist in a space of freedom and expansion to allow for the Creator’s revelations of truth.
With love,
Saint Germain

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

June 30-July 6, 2013

Beloved Ones,
You now begin to move forward into the remembrance of your true purpose and work here upon the planet. The veils have become thinner and the distinction between dimensions is not as great now. This period will be filled with wondrous and miraculous events, both on personal and collective levels. The revelations will be coming fast and thick, for the old ways of keeping secrets and behind the scenes workings will no longer be supported. The cosmic energies of love and those that are beneficial and supportive for the awakening of all of humanity have increased in intensity and magnitude. This can be a great catalyst for change and transformation and we observe with great interest the effects of each wave.
It is incumbent upon each Light Bearer to hold their ground and remain firmly in their field of light and to daily anchor this into the crystalline diamond heart of Mother Earth. We see each of you do this each day with great determination and persistence and it is making a difference within the planet’s core. As this light expands within the core it moves in ever greater concentric circles to the surface of the planet and permeates all of life everywhere. There is an answering call from the inhabitants and all of life feels a quickening of anticipation of impending events that will transform the world as they now know it. This transformation begins within each heart and then ignites the hearts of everyone around them.
The impending change in collective consciousness is one that has been heralded for millennia and it now begins in earnest. There will of course, be the usual chaos as these changes occur as the old paradigms of thinking struggle mightily to hold their places but this will no longer be possible and they will crumble away into dust. What rises in their place is what you, the co-creators, envision and build. The template is now ready for building and it is one that cannot be corrupted nor manipulated in dishonest ways. Only that which is for the highest good of all can make an imprint upon this new form. This is something that humanity will build from the energies that arise within their sacred hearts as remembrance comes.
As you build this template you will start to notice that the feelings of lightness and joy permeate your entire energy field. There will be ever increasing moments of peace and tranquility within and each soul will now have the opportunity to connect with the truth within them. They will feel detachment from any events that occur to distract the impetus of transformation. In other words, whatever occurs will not be taken personally by each individual but will be understood to be a part of the process of transformation and gratitude, instead of fear, is the emotion that will be felt within each heart.
Each soul incarnate upon the Earth will begin to express the qualities of their divine essence of being. This will result in change in all systems of operation upon the planet to reflect the divine will of peace, harmony, unity and cooperation. Each soul will take an active part in this process, for they will understand that their input and action is necessary to effect these changes. You, the Light Bearers, energetically support this movement as it occurs upon your world, for this is your vision coming into fruition. All is well and everything is perfect.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Steve Beckow via the Golden Age of Gaia site

What Factors Make Ascension Challenging? – Part 2

(Continued from Part 1.)
Not everything about Ascension can be told us, as Matthew said in our last article. Some news “would cause panic,” he said, which would “fuel the dark ones. … It is essential that these new leaders take judicious steps quietly to avoid creating a fear-filled populace.” (1)
People in the world are at different stages with different matters. The cabal has been drowning us in programming designed to make us afraid of extraterrestrials. The delicate process of bringing the Illuminati economy down before bringing on the abundance program is being managed with circumspection. And the fact that much is being handled by beings who are unseen and not even known to exist again presents its own brand of problem.
Therefore it should come as no surprise to hear remarks such as what Lao-Tzu said to us on Heavenly Blessings: “We have not spoken of this before because it was not yet time.” (2)
SaLuSa tells us that “it is not always wise to reveal too much where our activities are concerned.” (3) What he said about the legal removal of the cabal could be said about many more areas:
“There are special reasons why you do not have much awareness of [the removal], as it is being carried out to avoid any fuss or unwanted publicity. The exact nature of our actions are best kept secret, but very soon you shall learn about what has been happening.
“Indeed, we want you to be aware of our intentions, and there will come a time soon when we shall keep you regularly informed. …
“Once we commence the changes there will be almost non-stop activity, but be assured you shall be kept fully informed as to what is happening.” (4)
Sometimes we lightworkers can be part of the problem rather than the solution. This can be seen perhaps most obviously in relation to President Obama. Although the Company of Heaven has said repeatedly that he is a leading lightworker and central to the Earth’s entry into the Golden Age, lightworkers who don’t consult channeled messages often see him as part of the cabal. (5)
And once we lightworkers become oppositional, we can be very self-righteous and operate with a lemming-like herd mentality. (6) So it isn’t only those who are asleep to what’s happening that have to be treated with kid gloves. It’s us lightworkers as well.
Some sources in the Company of Heaven can be more frank than others. I think it was Archangel Michael who asked me to ask a certain question of Sanat Kumara because his position allowed him to be more frank on the matter than others.
And Sanat Kumara himself confirmed this in his statements looking back on Dec. 21, 2012:
“There are some of us that are far more frank and blunt than others, who temper their words. But one of the things that you are going to receive from us through this channel … is we will be more frank and in certain situations from here on in.” (7)
Ashtar went into the subject at great length on An Hour with an Angel. Let’s look at what he said at that time.
“There are things that we choose not to discuss. But let us do this in the spirit of cooperation, and the spirit of cooperation that we will still be understanding to your listeners and to your sweet self as well.” (8)
In the first, the galactics “don’t tend to think of much information as secret. So that is a premise that we want you to keep in the forefront of your head as we discuss this.” (9)
Some things they do not discuss with us “simply because you might not understand it.”
“Now, I do not say this in any way that is derogatory, but there are simply ways in which we operate, such as technology, that is so far beyond what is currently available to you that you would not understand it.” (10)
But the “biggest reason that we have for secrecy” is “simply because we did not wish to create any type of fear.”
“We have certainly tred softly for hundreds of years, so that you, as the human race, that have tended to move – not now but in the past – at quite a slow pace, so that you would get used to certain ideas or concepts.” (11)
They have also maintained a level of secrecy “because we did not want to invoke, or provoke, any level of violence.”
“That is against not only universal law, but the laws to which we all adhere. And each of us has codes of conduct, of what you would think of as behaviors, of regulations, though they are not as codified as some of what you believe is law.” (12)
They therefore stay secret in many of their undertakings “so that there would not be retaliation.” We’ve discussed on occasion that the cabal has aroused in us a culture of conflict and retribution (13) and the airwaves are filled with predatorial representations of “aliens.”
Another reason for secrecy “has also often been that we did not wish to set up false expectations, because [of] the number, the millions and trillions of variables that we are operating with, not only in terms of our own forces and our own fleets, but in terms of human variables – and you change your minds as quickly as your weather patterns.”
“You do not know – and these are secret operations to a great extent – you do not know the level to which we intervene, very often. Because we do not want that intervention to be either viewed or seen as coming from outside the human realm. …
“There is a lot more intervention that takes place than you are aware of. And that is a good thing. Because the interventions work, and the situations do not escalate or the events do not take place when those interventions are successful.” (14)
Thus galactic intervention to ensure that weapons don’t work, nuclear bombs cannot be detonated, or deep underground military bunkers are closed are examples of matters that may be kept more or less secret.
Then there are areas where very little secrecy is maintained.
“In terms of our own interaction, and even interactions between the fleets, there is very little that is actually kept private.” (15)
As our coverage of the Company of Heaven’s activities increases, our role in the dissemination of information has increased, he implied. “We will share things as we see them and know them to be,” he added, “because you are full partners at this juncture.” (16)
Moreover, not everything is known ahead of time – and we’ll be discussing in this series why that is the case. We can imagine one reason right off the bat why this would be: the human collective has free choice and must be allowed to make its decisions. Those decisions may not be predictable ahead of time.
Sanat acknowledged the situation:
“There are times when even we are surprised. Yes, I know. Yes, it is so. We know of the grander plan and the unfoldment of that plan on Earth and elsewhere.
“And let me tell you that the unfoldment and the Ascension of Gaia and everything upon her is a very big piece of the plan, which is infinite and eternal. So when I say that, within that context, please understand what I am telling you.
“At any time, there are many, many scenarios and pathways that can come, both within an individual life, within a group, and within the collective.” (17)
So the plan for our Ascension is not, in all its particulars, an open book. There are valid and wise reasons for maintaining levels of secrecy about many things and there are reasons as well why not all outcomes can be known ahead of time.
As we move higher into the more refined dimensions, this policy will probably be less and less needed. And after disclosure, we’ll probably be briefed about most things regularly.
(Continued in Part 3.)


(1) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009, at
(2) “Transcript: Lao Tzu on Humility on Heavenly Blessings,” April 26, 2013, at
(3) SaLuSa, Sept. 10, 2012, at .
(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 14, 2012.
(5) The subject has been covered exhaustively in the papers listed here: “This Site is Pro-Obama,” at
(6) See “Once More with feeling” at and “A Rant on Rants” at
(7) Sanat Kumara: Our Heartfelt Apologies to the Disappointed,” Jan. 7, 2013, at
(8) “Ashtar: Acknowledgement of Our Presence Need not Take Months … Only Minutes,” Aug. 14, 2012, at
(9) Loc. cit.
Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) See “From Conflict to Peace” at and “Selling Conflict and Retribution – Part 1/2” at and “Part 2/2” at
(14) “Ashtar: Acknowledgement of Our Presence Need not Take Months … Only Minutes,” ibid.
(15) Loc. cit.
(16) “Sanat Kumara: Our Heartfelt Apologies to the Disappointed,” ibid.
(17) Loc. cit.

Steve Beckow via the Golden Age of Gaia site

What Factors Make Ascension Challenging? – Part 1

Crwods 22Most articles on Ascension talk about what Ascension will bring – a return to “full consciousness,” world peace, global prosperity and a pristine environment.
But in this series of articles, I’d like to look at some of the challenges that facilitating our Ascension involves that are lesser known to us or that we may overlook – its scale, its innovativeness, the need to take into account our freewill, etc.
I think the first challenge we may overlook is that the scale of Earth’s Ascension, as Mark Kimmel’s Adrial says, is “vast.” In  2009 numbers, it potentially involved “the transformation of Earth and her six billion humans.” (1)  Jesus calls it a “massive task [to bring] all of your brothers and sisters home to their natural state of living consciously in peace, harmony, and abundance.” (2)
And SaLuSa also reminds us that “it is, was and still is a massive undertaking to shift a whole population onto a new path.” (3)
A part of it involved the subduing of a dark cabal. The task “to rid you of the Illuminati and their minions” was, SaLuSa says, also an “immense work.” (4) The creation of new governments is similarly challenging.  SaLuSa called it “a mammoth task to reach the point where we can allow our allies to step into power.” (5)
Another part involves the creation of global abundance. Matthew Ward reminds us that the “conversion to a new economic foundation and operation is an enormous undertaking.” (6)
“It cannot be publicly heralded that this is occurring as that would cause panic throughout the business world. The lighted souls who are leading the way know that panic would fuel the dark ones, who are clinging on for dear life; it is essential that these new leaders take judicious steps quietly to avoid creating a fear-filled populace.” (7)
Saul points out that “vast societal changes are occurring all across the planet.” (8) We can see populations on the move in the Arab world, Europe, South America and elsewhere.  Therefore if Ascension were to proceed by “sudden extensive revelations,” SaLuSa cautions us, it would “seem to [terrestrials as if] their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling.” (9)
For all of these reasons, Matthew suggests, “a process the magnitude of world transformation takes time to evolve so that order rather than chaos emerges from the unprecedented changes underway.” (10)
“What is happening is not a revolution, it is spiritual evolution – that is the way of the light! It is the way of lightworkers and light warriors, whose armor and weapon against the darkness is the power of love.” (11)
Therefore, something as huge as our Ascension cannot be accomplished overnight but requires long and slow preparation.
What else should we know about Ascension? In the articles that follow, we’ll look in more detail at some factors that we may not be taking into consideration when we think that Ascension should occur immediately or in short order.
(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) Adrial, through Mark Kimmel, May 11, 2009, at
(2) Jesus through John Smallman, Jan. 25, 2013, at
(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 5, 2011, at .
(4) SaLuSa, May 4, 2012.
(5) SaLuSa, Nov. 30, 2011.
(6) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009, at
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Saul, Feb. 22, 2011, at
(9) SaLuSa, June 8, 2012.
(10) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 30, 2008.
(11) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.

Denise Le Fay

Denise Le Fay: The Hard Transition of Taking Back our Power & Mastering Responsibility

imageThe Hard Transition of Taking Back our Power & Mastering Responsibility, by Denise Le Fay, June 25, 2013 at:
One of the highly important spiritual and energetic lessons many of us have been or currently are having to master is that of individually taking back our power and being aware that we are responsible.
For the past few thousand years humanity has been deliberately and profoundly dis-empowered through different sources, systems, and beliefs on earth–religious beliefs; beliefs about our physical bodies and our health; beliefs about what we eat and drink; beliefs about wars, killing, fighting; beliefs about whose got “god” and/or “right” on their side and who doesn’t etc.
It’s all rather clever crap when you honestly look at how humanity has been so effectively screwed with, controlled, and turned into parasitic vampires and unconscious zombies.
Ever wonder why those story lines–and others about ETs only being negative–are force-fed continuously to the masses through movies and TV shows? It’s to get global humanity to believe and accept that living parasitically off of others, and, not thinking or feeling anything is normal! Nothing of course could be farther from the truth.
My friend Stu mentioned in an email a couple of weeks ago that these latest Zombie Apocalypse movies are further attempts to herd more people’s consciousness towards ‘Planet B’ and I could not agree with him more. The Dark Ones–both nonhuman and human–continue pushing hard to get as many people as they can mentally and emotionally fixated on and acclimated towards growing planetary negativity, fear, chaos, danger, victim-hood, and therefore the supposed need for total lock-down over humanity by the “Powers That Were”.
I say were because “they” are separating from the earth world and timeline I live in, or I could say that the earth world and timeline I’m living in are separating from “them”, those Powers That Were.
They will however continue to be available in another Earth world and timeline for the people/souls who either still want that type of negative controlled reality and energies etc., or, who got suckered, hooked, conned, “brainwashed”, derailed and intentionally herded into that world and timeline. Same old tactics used on mass humanity, but now it’s to herd them directly into Planet B and its timeline and as far away from the other earth worlds and timelines that are Ascending (‘Planet A/B’ and others).
After thousands of years of humanity being deliberately pulled apart through their beliefs about everything, including so thoroughly separated internally and externally that they can’t do anything for themselves which was Team Dark’s end goal with all this, now in 2013 humanity is being pushed to evolve out of that old negativity and dis-empowerment and lack of personal and collective responsibility etc. and into growing “unity” instead of growing “separation”.
Or not… hence why there are multiple worlds and timelines for all and the unfolding Separation of Worlds. There’s never been only one “Schoolroom” and there never will be. Source/God/Us All are far more creative and complex than that.
Many people have experienced the rude awakening of having one or more humans lie and con them, but also of having nonhuman, nonphysical Negative beings or entities also lie and con them.
Before the 12-21-12 Expiration Date of the old Evolutionary Cycle with its blueprints and all, it was more difficult for most people to discern when humans and nonhuman, nonphysical beings where lying to them, using them to harm others, feeding them lies to harm themselves and as many other people as possible.
But since the Shift into 2013, more people are finally sensing, seeing, feeling, and consciously realizing that some of the messages being whispered in their own inner ears, and in many other people’s, are not the “good guys” after all but are Team Dark claiming to be Team Light. Astral beings/entities can claim to be anyone, any group, or anything but that sure as hell doesn’t mean it’s the truth!
The situation underneath all this now is that more people are having to learn how to discern for themselves how different energies and beings/entities sound, communicate, what they say, how they say it, and how it makes you feel and so on. In other words, individual discernment is a prerequisite to continued Ascension/Evolution.
The other aspect of this situation is that, after one learns how to discern Duality energies and beings (Positive and Negative) for themselves, and for themselves is key, the next step in this Ascension related Process is to gradually evolve into re-learning how to Consciously Create for oneself.
After thousands of years of humanity being intentionally dis-empowered and taught to not take any responsibility for anything, this evolutionary turnaround is going to be much more difficult for some people, whereas for others, it will be a breeze to slide back into what is normal and natural.
Nonetheless, this is one entree on the current Spiritual Menu for humanity now so more people are having to deal with mastering both personally being able to discern all things/beings/people/situations/information/locations etc. for themselves, and simultaneously re-learn how to Consciously Create for themselves.
Said another way, those of us who want to evolve/ascend now are having to take back our personal power, be fully responsible consciously, and re-learn how to Consciously Create or be the Creator Beings we actually are underneath all the old negative layers of Team Dark poison, lies, distortions and vast BS the human collective bought into long ago.
What I really want everyone to grasp now is that we’ve reached that point within the Ascension Process (the Third Trimester and beyond) where many of us Forerunners are currently having to Consciously Create what we individually want, need, or desire because 1) it’s time that we re-learned how to do this individually and 2) because it’s simply the next step in our ongoing Ascension educations and 3) because we’re on such NEW, clean, ground now in mid-2013 that if we don’t Consciously Create and intend and visualize from our High Hearts what we want, it ain’t gonna manifest!
Seriously, who else is there that’s going to do it for us at this point? And more importantly, is someone or something else supposed to create it for us now or are we supposed to evolve/ascend into individual empowerment and conscious creativity now?
I know you already know the answers to these questions and like me, you too just need to get the hang of it once again. Don’t wait for or expect someone else to do it for you because we’re so far beyond that point now it’s laughable. Be the Creator Being you really are; step back into your individual Empowerment you had before you incarnated here and had to lay it down for a while; be responsible for yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, emotions, ideas, creativity etc. because doing so only further empowers you to be the Conscious Creator that you and I need to become now.
Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and live click-able link


Friday, June 28, 2013

Archangel Michael's latest message, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-07-2013

Beloved masters, there is an orderly sequence to the Cosmic Cycles of Creation which define and emphasize a great variety of GODLY EXPRESSION; therefore, it is important that you learn to flow and adapt to the changes of the time. It is time to discard the restrictive, limiting beliefs of your present state of Self-awareness as you gain wisdom, seek higher truths, and grow closer to your original state of Divinity. You, the Star Seed, as leaders in the march toward Self-empowerment and as proficient cocreators of the new world of tomorrow, are in the midst of an inner mental and emotional clearing and cleansing process of monumental proportions.
Are you ready to accept the Divine gift we offer, the awesome tools of Creation contained within the FIRST RAY OF DIVINE WILL/POWER? New cycles of existence are initiated through a willingness to change, or if you are resistant, through conflict. Much depends on your capacity to attract, respond and absorb, and then transmit the more refined Light frequencies which contain the cosmic higher truths of your new reality. Your Soul and Higher Selves remember the reasons you chose to experience and express painful situations; not as a punishment, but for resolution.
Everyone and everything on Earth are now being affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. The beautiful Souls who embody the attributes, qualities and virtues of the forthcoming Root Race are/will be highly evolved and spiritually attuned, and they will be greatly influenced by the Seventh Ray of transformation, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and organization. As well as, secondarily, by the First Ray of Divine Will/Power, which exemplifies the desire to create anew on the material planes of consciousness. Many of the old, outmoded teachings are being discarded as humanity evolves in wisdom, and as the frequency patterns/consciousness of the masses are refined and attuned to the more harmonious dimensions. As you have observed, the great religions of the world are deep in the throes of change. Only the best of the prevailing religious beliefs will be retained, and the religions that survive will be those establishments willing to expand their spiritual philosophies to incorporate the higher Creator truths–truths which are being revealed and accepted by the ever-increasing number of advanced Souls now embodied on planet Earth.
Victim consciousness has been the norm for a great percentage of human Beings within the illusional world of the third- /fourth-dimensional density. The solutions to your problems will not be found by seeking answers outside yourself. Lifting the burdens of distorted, conceptual third-dimensional illusion is a cooperative effort between your subconscious/ego desire body, your conscious mind-set, and your Soul Self. A person with a victim-consciousness overlay cannot be rescued; he/she must take personal responsibility to actively seek to reclaim the personal power he/she has given away to others. In the past, the hunger and desires of the physical vessel have overridden the Soul’s subtle demands for spiritual sustenance. Worry, sadness and despair consist of the vibrational frequencies of limitation and inertia. A very effective barrier has been created by the base physical nature around the wisdom of the Soul. It is vitally important that you strengthen your Self-determination and your desire for spiritual fulfillment if you are to rise above the prison of negative thought forms you have created over the many past ages. It is time, once and for all, to free yourselves from the martyr-hood and victim-consciousness that so many of you have associated with duty, loving others and righteous behavior.
Those of you who have awakened to the inspiration, guidance and wisdom of your Soul Self and your OverLighting Higher Self are now aware that you can accomplish anything you can envision. You are validating for yourself that if you follow the universal laws of manifestation, you will quickly and easily manifest those things that you most desire, which must always be for the greatest good of all. Multitudes of restless Souls are feeling from deep within an awareness that it is time to reclaim their heavenly heritage, even if they don’t understand the full meaning of the concept. A critical component of Self-mastery is that each and every person must go through the process of releasing, transmuting or upgrading all of the old restricting thought forms and structures that he/she has accepted as his/her reality.
We have touched on this subject before; however, vast numbers of blessed Souls are fearful of the future and the chaos that seems to be increasing at a tremendous pace. As a result, the masses are beginning to feel the great cosmic impulses that are permeating the Earth and all humanity, and they are gradually turning inward for answers and assurance. Therefore, it is appropriate that we give you an explanation once more regarding the diverse beliefs in predestination and free will. Many believe one or the other concept to be true, but we have explained that both are true. But you wonder, “How can this be?” Dear ones, originally, you burst forth in perfection from the heart core of the Supreme Creator, and from the beginning you were predestined and programmed to eventually return to the higher, more glorious realms of existence. How long it takes you to complete your journey into the realms of separation and density, and the return into unity consciousness is totally up to you. Through the use of the gift of free will, only you can decide whether you will take the high, narrow accelerated path of return; the ebb and flow of the middle path; or the rocky, low road that dips, winds and turns, but eventually leads to the same destination.
You, the Star Seed, now understand that it is of great value to spend some time in meditation and contemplation, reviewing the structures you have created in your third/fourth-dimensional reality (which includes mental, emotional, physical and even some spiritual restrictions). As you do so, you will expediently determine that it is time to release many of the ties that bind you, so that you may move quickly into the expanded, empowering world of tomorrow. Many brave souls have been victorious in overcoming their lower nature, and are now firmly reconnected with their personal Pillar of Light as they steadily tread the Path of Ascension. It is a grand opportunity to reclaim your Trinity of Consciousness (your refined mental, emotional and spiritual natures). It is our greatest desire that you will choose the high road, for you are being presented with a golden opportunity that has never before been offered to humanity–an opportunity which will not be offered again for a very long time.
One of the most important exercises you can perform in order to become a sovereign Being once more is the BREAKING AGREEMENTS meditation that we gave our messenger many years ago. We are reminding you of this important process once again, so that you may forever free yourselves of the “karmic probable futures” you have created with others down through the many past ages.

Breaking agreements when you are in a Self-conscious or conscious-of-Self, Alpha State helps you to eliminate self-defeating restrictive suggestions more quickly and thoroughly. We are asking you not to lay blame, but as a Self-master becoming to rise above the conflict and the hurt, and objectively endeavor to understand the difficult lessons that you have experienced with others. Your karmic partners and lessons were always chosen by you and the other person before you incarnated into this lifetime. It is extremely important that you understand this fact.
Over many past ages, you have sent out energy time lines that have created probable futures, promising such things as: “I will love you forever.” “I will hate you forever.” “I will take care of you forever,” and so on. In order to become a sovereign Being once more, you must take back your own energy and give back other people their energy, so that you may continue on your path as masters of your own destiny. In this way, you will no longer have your lessons mirrored back to you by others. Through conscious awareness, you will understand what each person you interact with and each occurrence has to teach you so that you may gain the wisdom from the action and not have to experience it in the old, often painful, cause and effect manner.
If you haven’t already done so, we suggest you go through this exercise with each and every person with whom you have ever had conflict or stressful learning situations. It is time to fully open your Sacred Heart center, both the front and back portals, so that the Creator Light can flow into you and through you. This will allow your THREE-FOLD FLAME within your Solar Power Center to blaze forth as it was designed to do. This will also allow the refined Creator Light, Adamantine Particles, to flow into your Sacred Heart center and throughout your physical vessel, and the remainder to radiate forth out into the world of form. This is your ultimate goal.

BREAKING AGREEMENTS MEDITATION: Go into your work pyramid and be seated at the head of the table. Invite your Higher Self and your angelic guides to stand behind you. There is a Violet Flame burning beneath the table and the double-terminated crystal hanging over the table is sweeping waves of Light throughout the room.

Envision the person you wish to break agreements with seated in the chair at the opposite end of the crystal table from you. Ask his/her Higher Self to stand behind him/her. See your Higher Self connecting with the Higher Self of the person with whom you wish to resolve any discordant energy. If you have had a very difficult past with that person, you may wish to have a dialog with them. You will be communicating with their Higher Self, and therefore there will be an understanding of what you wish to convey, if you speak lovingly and objectively. Do not lay blame for what has happened in the past, just state your heartfelt feelings and what you wish the other person to understand. An example would be: “All I have ever wanted was for us to have a mutual understanding of each other’s needs. I now know that I must honor myself and feel worthy in order to have a satisfying relationship with anyone. I know you did the best you could, for you have your own burdens to release and resolve. I wish you to know I have no ill feelings and that you have helped me to better understand what I must do to become Self-empowered and a more worthy / loving person.”

Take several deep breaths and lovingly focus on their heart/soul centers as you state: “I forgive you for any past, present or future energies/thoughts/deeds, in this or any other reality,that you have projected to me which have not resonated with unconditional love. I ask your forgiveness for any past present or future energies/thoughts/deeds, in this or any other reality, that I have projected to you which have not resonated with unconditional love. I hereby break any agreements, past present or future, in this or any other reality, that do not serve my greatest good.”

Envision any cords that are attached from the other person’s solar plexus to your solar plexus. See my blazing sword slicing through those energy cords, and watch as your energy cords gradually return to your solar plexus center, and the other person’s energy cords return to them.
In addition to the above exercise, it is important that you go into your personal pyramid and lie on your crystal table. Ask your Higher Self to scan your body to determine if there are any etheric tears in your auric field, front or back. The most common etheric tears are in the three lower chakra area which leave you susceptible to security/scarcity issues, ego desire body / sexual issues/compulsive behavior, and so on. The other most prevalent area is across the heart from one shoulder down to the lower rib cage, either in front or in back. You have placed etheric shields around your heart for protection or etheric tears have been created when you have been betrayed by loved ones, violently killed, or when you suffered great trauma. Some of the symptoms are feeling unloved, a sense of unworthiness, guilt, self-hatred or pain, anguish or tightness in the heart area from grief or a sense of loss.

If you determine that there are any etheric tears in your auric field, all you have to do is say, “I ask that now and for all time any and all etheric tears be healed,” and it will be done. I will seal them with my blazing Sword of Light, and your auric field will once again be seamless and whole.
It is time to heal and rise above that which you chose as your tests and challenges for this lifetime, dear hearts. Reach upward and inward for your majestic Divine Self. We can and will assist you; however, it must be a partnership endeavor. There are miracles in store for you, beloveds, and the greatest of these is that your perfection awaits you. May the radiance of the Creator shine down upon you. You are loved beyond measure.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

June 27, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as conviction. This quality is one that is deeply embedded within a person’s being. It is a quality that rises up each time one’s human self is being challenged by other people, circumstances or situations that come from the external world. This is a quality that can show one’s dedication and inner beliefs so that when these earthly challenges come, one can connect within themselves to their inner core of soul essence and remain true to themselves. It is often the practice upon the earth plane that this quality must come into play again and again, especially when one has beliefs that go against the grain of current accepted thought.
This quality of conviction is necessary for a person who has begun or is on, a spiritual journey that requires the testing of their mettle and inner strength, their strength of character. It requires the innate knowledge that one’s path is unique and individual and that no one else can know the inner workings of one’s soul, and to trust in that inner knowing as one walks their daily path. Each person on Earth has come with their own set of values and lessons to be learned and others can only make judgments that are not based on a working knowledge of a soul’s map for growth and expansion of wisdom and knowledge. Each event that occurs in life is an opportunity to gain much needed information and experience to help the pilgrim on to the next step.
As a soul experiences life in a human body with all its ups and downs, the soul is learning and connecting to their inner core of wisdom and knowledge, their pure essence of being that is connected to Source and connecting the dots, as it were, of the journey that was chosen. All is in divine timing and takes place according to their soul map. A soul is not placed here on Earth without a map to follow for then there would be no purpose for their being here. The facet of love known as conviction helps to foster and maintain this innate knowing of greater purpose and empowers each soul to keep on keeping on as they work through each puzzle piece that is their life.
For life on Earth is a dance of the experiences and expressions of many different elements and oftentimes other people come into that dance at the appropriate times in order that soul growth and experience of a particular nature take place. These people may come into one’s life to add the element of friction in order to add impetus to continued growth and expansion, so that one does not stagnate in the status quo but must journey on in their quest for connection to the higher aspects of themselves. Such friction tests the soul to connect with the inner quality of love known as conviction, of their soul’s worth and value.
As each individual soul grows and expands in their comprehension and understanding of the manifestation of the qualities of love within themselves and others, all who are involved participate in the learning and expansion of their own soul growth, so in effect, each person who is in the life of another is actually there for a very important reason, no matter what the seeming appearances of this interaction may show. At the higher level of awareness, all is perfect and in divine order. Each soul gains thereby as they adhere to their inner quality of love known as conviction as these experiences are upon them.
Take then, this discourse to heart and begin to observe the workings of it in your daily life.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

From the Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, June 11, 2013, through Susan Leland

Kuan Yin:"Compassion Starts in Your Own Hearts for Yourselves!" 
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - June 11, 2013
"Greetings, most Beloved Ones, it is I, Kuan Yin.  I am so pleased and honored to step forward as we are all gathered here upon the bridge of The New Jerusalem!  I am indeed always with you, although I may not come forward as often as some of the other ones upon these calls, within this Gathering.  But I tell you this, my Heart overflows with Love for all of you, and I am seeing your radiance, in each and every one of you, and I thank you for sharing your Love with this World!
"It would seem as though it has gotten into a very dark place, and yet, when I see you and all of your shining Lights, I say, 'Not so!' Your Lights have the power to overcome even the darkest of places, situations or feelings, thoughts, or attitudes.  And it is that we are here to join together in our Oneness, for together we can create even more powerful miracles, even more healings, even more Love to shower the entire Planet with!!!
"Now you may know that I am known for my teachings of Compassion, and it is upon Compassion that I ask you to focus in this grand Gathering that we share together.  Without Compassion, you see, there can be no Oneness.  There can be no harmonious coming together and sharing and caring for each other.
"It is when you look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters and you have Compassion – this does not mean sympathy, this does not mean pity - this means that when you see them evenly, when you can look upon them and what they are doing and hear their words and feel their attitudes with Compassionate Observation, that you truly are uniting with them!  For any kind of judgment, you see, lessens the bond, the unity, the Communion of your Love with each other, no matter what it is that you are observing.  It is to stay in the High, High Levels of Compassion - in other words, to go beyond 3D.
"Oh, I do understand, Beloved Ones, where you have been.  I know all of the hardships that you have created for yourselves and sometimes for others, but that’s all over now.  What there is now is our Homecoming and we walk the Path with you, or we should say, we fly upon the Path with you, because it is for everyone!
"It is our joy to welcome you into the Higher Dimensions!  We have longed for you to make this journey.  We honor every step along the way throughout these eons of time upon Planet Earth, and other places where you have been.  But I tell you this: We have always loved you, no matter what you have ever thought or said or done!!!  We have always had Compassion for you, not judgment!
"You have always been forgiven, because that is the absence of judgment as Sananda himself has defined it, and the Truth of it is, judgment has been absent because you have nothing to forgive.  So we ask, first of all, that you express Compassion towards yourselves, Beloved Ones.  This is where Compassion starts - it’s in your own Heart for yourselves!
"Let us warm you on a cold day, when the entire World outside your door appears to you to be without Compassion. Then radiate your Love so that it infuses the World, because that is how we make the change.  That is how we enable everyone to fly on the wings of Love!  And so it is Compassion that truly unites us and brings us together and that, Beloved Ones, is why I am here to bring this message.  It is such a simple truth!
"We know full well that you are all endeavoring to live this Truth in every moment, and we know full well that, just as Ashtar has said, this is a time when you are jumping back and forth, as it were.  And so that is why I am here to ask that you take into your Hearts - as we join with Sekhmet and journey to her ship - that you take in to your Hearts this Compassion - or we shall say enlarge it, because it is already there!
"Invite it to flourish, invite it to expand and shine forth!  And if you have a moment where you are less than Compassionate toward anyone, and especially toward yourselves, then come back to our Communion together and re-expand the Light of Compassion which is glowing in your Hearts, because the Truth of it is that it will never go out!  It is eternal, as are you!  And as you do that you will be sending the Love throughout the entirety of your fields, and again you will lift up into the Higher Realms, of which you are fully capable, and you will walk your Path on the High Road!!!!
"That, Beloved Ones, is simple, and yet profound in its truthfulness which I bring to you.  I love you all so much - I shine with you and I shine for you!   Remember I’m with you and if things seem a bit dark, just take my hand and feel the glow of my Love and know that you deserve all Compassion, all Love, and that we are always One!!!
"And so it is, Beloved Ones, and so it is.  Namaste!"
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, June 11, 2013.    
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Brenda Hoffman

You're Itching to Discover New Paths/Apps

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s June 22, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at On December 21, 2012 you downloaded New Age/new earth software. Throughout 2013  you will create/select new applications (apps) as you do with your iPad or iPhone. Just as is true for those devices, not everyone will wish to open the same apps. Even though your love app is a given, your remaining apps are not monitored by God, the Universes, angels or any other entity.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Let It Be”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
We wish to address your new earth applications (apps) for you now have thousands upon thousands to select or ponder. Perhaps you are interested in health issues, dimension travel or relationships. It does not matter for you can access or create any app you wish.
You are no longer in the exploration stages that held you captive for so many months. You have transitioned into your creation stage. What does that mean for you as a unique entity? You have no app boundaries.
Perhaps you wish to see what others do or are interested in. That is always your decision. But such a decision smacks more of the Old Age than the New Age/new earth.
You are explorers. Explorers create their own path. Granted some explorers might rediscover a path created by another, but they do so because it is advantageous for their exploration. Explorers are not by nature followers.
We are urging you to do the same. You are not like anyone else – even though you might find some similarities.
Create a new path for whatever interests you. You have the knowledge, the interest and the skills.
Perhaps you feel you are not clever enough to create something or find a path others will use. To the contrary, you are an advance Lightworker / an explorer. You have prepared for eons for this time on earth and you are itching to discover new paths / new apps.
What creates joy in your being? What intrigues you? What fascinates you? That is your path.
Your path may shift as you explore a field or arena. Today’s joy might be boring tomorrow. That is how it should be. As you advance in your exploration techniques, you will wish to add apps to your New Age/new earth software.
You are the trailblazer – as much for your daring do as your creations. Your role is to create new apps by discovering trails that others can follow. Let us explain.
The first automobiles inventors did not envision the computer capabilities of today’s cars. They merely wanted to create a vehicle that moved faster than a horse. Those who followed created the automatic transmission, power steering and the other conveniences you now expect as part of your driving experience.
Your role is to create a new path. Others will refine that path – perhaps even create more and better paths. But they are not explorers so they do not have the daring do that is a natural part of your being. Those who follow are the pioneers / the settlers. You are the explorers who create the first paths / first apps for your new earth software.
You are no longer in a self-exploration state. As of the recent eclipses and solstice, you transitioned into your creation arena.
Some of you do not feel any differently than you did in April of this year – or you have not discovered a particular interest or joy field. Please know that you will within a few days or weeks. It does not matter. We are merely introducing you to your new creation being.
Some of you are concerned that you are interested in too many areas. Do not fret. You will find yourself exploring one path or thousands of paths. Maybe your role is to find the trail head which others will more fully explore before turning it over to the pioneers. Or perhaps you wish to follow that trail head until you are no longer intrigued with that issue. It does not matter. You explorers have more interests than will be true for the pioneers who follow.
The persona of pioneers include stability and settling down. You advance Lightworkers / explorers are about adventure. As soon as an adventures loses it magic, you will wish to explore another trail / joy. And to do so, you will create the appropriate app.
Allow yourself to create in joy and paths will display themselves as if by magic. Force yourself on a path that is boring and you will feel heavy and depleted.
You are joy creators. Allow yourself to fly. You have transitioned from exploring yourself to the creation of a new earth. You are beacons. Allow yourself to shine in all your joyful glory as you create one app after another in minutes, days, weeks or years. It does not matter. As long as you are moving in joy,  your creation app will follow. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Archangel Metatron, through Natalie Glasson

by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 20th June 2013
 ‘I am aligned as one with the Creator; I choose conscious awareness of the Creator as my eternal existence and experience.
With peace within my being flows the eternal welcoming of conscious attentiveness to the Creator within and around me.
I am the truth that I seek, I allow myself to dissolve the pattern of seeking, I allow it to be replaced with a connected knowingness that flows throughout every cell of my entire being.
I recognise inner unconditional love born from the breath and life of my being as a manifestation and form of communion with the Creator.
The gift of knowingness of the Creator I readily and happily bestow upon myself as an eternal gift that has always been mine to activate,  receive, experience and express with ease, and will continue to be an  aspect of my being whichever form I take, whether on the Earth or the inner planes.
 I am that I seek, I allow myself to exist as and experience all that is my sacred self and essence.’
The above words create powerful affirmations that denote a pathway of focus for those wishing to experience a deeper ascension path in this new era of creation and experience. As you familiarize yourself with the words, the intentions, meaning and form that they take within your being, you become as one with the affirmations creating a powerful surge of manifestation, connection, awakening and activation within your being. This is your truth erupting with great bliss, pleasure and power, restoring to you the power that has been taken away from you and which you have many times given away freely; this is the remembrance of your essence within all that you perceive consciously and unconsciously as your sacred self.
Your essence is your power, it can be interpreted through many expressions of power but it can never be diminished. Your essence which can hold many labels such as truth, soul or spirit can be limited, hindered, restricted and constrained by you and others sometimes intentionally other times involuntarily. Whether your remembrance of your essence and its flow which emerges as a power both strong and gentle is limited or not, it will always choose expansion. Sometimes frustrations and pains can emerge as a result of the essence or soul wishing to expand more fully therefore existing as a greater aspect of the Creator. You have the ability and the space within your current reality to expand your essence and truly see, sense and acknowledge its presence within everything that you are and experience, there is simply a need to familiarise yourself with the essence within your being, this will instantly allow for expansion and development of your truth.
Imagine a seed held within your hand, it is the essence of something large, beautiful and magnificent but until it acquires and allows the expansion of its essence it is so tiny and could be seen as powerless. When the seed grows its power is still the same but the power is expressed, experienced and present in an expansive way that allows for greater realisation of the essence that is held within the seed. The seed is also able to recognise all that it is and holds through its expression and expansion.
Familiarising yourself with your essence allows for expansion, continued expansion of your energy allows for greater realisation of your essence, with the ability to positively weald your power within the divine flow, stream and will of the Creator.
Becoming familiar with words and concepts that allow for the divine knowingness and the powerful essence within your being to emerge allows for this truth which is your truth to form with greater grounding, power and expansion within your being. One could recognise this grounding as confidence but it is identification within your being that allows for a current of divine and sacred energy to flow eternally. Expansion is the eternal flow of the Creator; it can be so easily described as the increase of energy or light with each exhaled breath, but expansion can only truly be ignited when there is a familiarity and recognition of the essence as a powerful source or form within the being.
 In this new era of creation, manifestation and experience, expansion of your essence, truth and power (which are all the same) becomes an essential focus.  Through the willingness and readiness of each aspects of your being, physical and energetic, to expand, to breath, to become free and flowing, you offer to yourself a beautiful space for creation, manifestation and sacred experiences, a foundation which is born from your essence and so remains aligned with your essence; the Creator.
Dissolving barriers, boundaries, restrictions and limitations that you and others place upon you clears your consciousness to offer greater conscious focus to the beautiful awakening that is occurring within your being, wishing to expand, create, manifest and experience. Barriers, boundaries, restrictions and limitations that you create in your physical life can manifest as deeply as restricting your soul while past experiences of limitations upon the soul can manifest physically as energetic patterns of hindrance.  There is a need to focus upon freedom, bring freedom to your mind, emotions, spiritual practices, physical actions and all that you are and do. You can provide yourself with freedom by observing when you and others limit the creative flow that is your sacred essence within your being. The creative flow of the divine exists within everything that you are and do; it is therefore appropriate to observe how you limit yourself in all areas of your reality and spiritual practices. From doubts and judgments to dreams that seem impossible and beliefs that run unnoticed through your mind, allow yourself to observe with and through and unconditionally loving heart chakra. It is also important to realise the restrictions that you may place upon others, remembering that each restriction and limitation you place upon another is placed upon you as we are all one with and as the Creator.
 ‘I am the freedom and expansion of my soul and essence; I dissolve all limitations that distract me from my recognition of the Creator within’
 This is a powerful affirmation to use when you realise a limitations that you or others have created for yourself. You may then call upon my energies, Archangel Metatron, to free and help you from the limitation, allow it to be resolved and released from its attachment to you and your attachment to the limitation.
This is also a beautiful practice of developing, recognising and expanding your essence; your inner power. In order for the essence of your being to be truly experienced in and as the physical form that you are upon the Earth there is a need to create space, expansion and freedom for the energy of creation to be present and a greater experience of the Creator to unfold. With the conscious expansion of your entire being through familiarising yourself  with the Creator, feeling, sensing, trusting in your inner essence or Creator presence, as well as clearing your energies of limitations you create a canvas into which the creation energy of the Creator can seep becoming truly visual and experienced within your reality.
 Begin to allow yourself in the coming week to acknowledge, contemplate and register the vibration of freedom, expansion of your energy through observing and being with the sacred energies within your being as well as recognising that you can always experience a greater freedom in all aspects of your reality.
 Freedom doesn’t mean that you relieve yourself of responsibilities but it means that you create around you and within you more space for the divine to merge and be present, almost as if you are creating more space for you to breathe freely and easily. I ask that you use, repeat and familiarise yourself with the words I shared at the beginning of my communication, experience them wholly within your being, energy and consciousness, experience the energy and meaning of the words and the journey that they may lead you upon. Repeat them with the understanding and consciousness I have reminded you of as I have proceeded with my communication and allow yourself to know and sense, the freedom, expansion and limitless existence that I speak of and that is your natural existence and form.
 I am with you in this most sacred process of awakening,
Archangel Metatron

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

June 23-30, 2013

Beloved Ones,
As you watch the old world systems crumble and the weather patterns change all across the planet with all its ramifications, remain still within your heart and keep your vision strong for your intention for a peaceful change into a better way of life. Hold your intention for the raising of awareness of all of Earth’s inhabitants. As they meet these challenges, what wells up from within them is their innate goodness and the comprehension and understanding that all are one and that what happens to one happens to all and these ones open their hearts wide to encompass their sisters and brothers in their time of need.
Send your love and healing energy to those who are in tribulation as they deal with their losses and come to terms with what is really important in their daily lives. Praise the human spirit in all its diversity and hold the space for all to emerge more connected to the truth of their Being. All upon this planet at this time are those who have chosen to experience the changes and transformation that is now occurring. They are the souls who knew they had the strength and tenacity to withstand the trying and challenging situations they are in the midst of experiencing. Many inner revelations come during these occurrences which will assist them to remain strong.
As each person changes within their hearts and allows their heart to move them forward to a greater comprehension of the wider scope of events that are now before them, a reassessment takes place within them of the qualities of the human soul that truly matter. The qualities of compassion and generosity for their sisters and brothers emerges from within and a remembrance of the value of the human life and experience. So it is that each soul emerges from the tribulation with a greater understanding of what is important to nurture and foster within one’s own mind, heart and soul. These are insights that remain to guide these ones along their journey.
An understanding of the temporary nature of materiality creates a desire to connect with that which is of greater value to each soul. These lessons and insights move the human spirit to seek a better way and so there will be a mass movement of those who look for answers, healing and wholeness by seeking out those who are ready to serve in this capacity. There will soon be a great influx of humanity searching for understanding of the events that are so obviously happening right before their eyes. No longer can these events be denied as separate from the whole of the planet. These souls will be using their tools of technology to provide them with their answers.
For those who have already passed through these tests of the human spirit and who have made themselves ready, now is the time when the gifts that you bring will be sought and found. Be ready to go into greater service on behalf of humanity. There is a quickening of consciousness that is occurring and humanity is ready to find the next step. This is the role that you Beloved ones can now fulfill through your portals on the world-wide web. Stay strong and centered and remember to replenish your own energies in the ways that work for you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

The Arcturians via Susan Lie

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Acting As If You Are an Ascended Master

CatLionThe Arcturians – Acting As If You Are an Ascended Master. Through Suzanne Lie – June 20, 2013.
The Question:
Dear Arcturians,
I do not know where to start. There is so much that appears to be going on inside of me, but the outside world appears to be the same. I feel a deep transformation occurring within me, which is mostly experienced as resistance to all third-dimensional tasks.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, I have discovered that when I feel the familiar overwhelming sense of exhaustion I can close my eyes and shift my attention from the outer world and into the inner world of my multidimensional Self.
When I take a short moment to turn around my attention to go inside myself, I am able to consciously experience an instant flow of peace, joy and Unconditional Love. However, I eventually must open my eyes and return to the dramas and challenges of the physical world. Fortunately, I am also beginning to understand that my Earth vessel holds the key to my transmutation into Lightbody.
It is the combination of surrendering into the frequency of my inner Self and acknowledging the vast knowledge and quantum connections within the subconscious and DNA of my Earth vessel that is the key to Ascension. I have discovered that I need to go inside to surrender to my every feeling of resistance/ fear while also honoring my physical Earth vessel. Therefore, I am asking you to assist me to remember to surrender to resistance/fear while honoring my physical form.
The Answer:
The act of surrendering is a fifth dimensional behavior and the keynote for the inter-dimensional travel of Ascension. Once you surrender into that which creates even a hint of fear within your consciousness, you expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension. From that higher perspective, you can perceive yourself as the Ascended Master, which you are when you are within that frequency of your Multidimensional Self.
Once you hold the Self concept of being an Ascended Master you perceive your body as a physical form you are wearing. Then, any fear within your physical life is perceived as similar to an infant’s cry. Would you run away from a crying infant or get angry at the tiny baby? No, you would realize the infant needs your comfort. Crying is the infant’s only form of asking you to figure out what he/she needs.
In the same manner, the cellular mind of your Earth vessel can only communicate with you via physical sensations and emotions. Once you have remembered to connect your multidimensional Self to your Earth vessel you have the option of experiencing your physical reality through the perspective of your Ascended Master Self, who resonates to myriad realities in the fifth dimension and beyond.
New Earth is on the threshold of the fifth dimension and serves as the portal between the third/fourth dimensional worlds of time, illusion and separation and the timeless worlds of unity and Unconditional Love. It is on New Earth that your multidimensional memory will return because you will not be plagued with the many fearful challenges of physical Earth.
However, if you have not mastered your heart/mind, your thoughts may create a fearful challenge and fill it with a fearful emotion. This fear-based thought-form will instantly return you to the third/fourth dimension. This relocation of your primary consciousness is not a punishment. It is merely that you create the resonance of your reality with your thoughts and emotions.
Your human form has a long-time habit of creating a fear-filled physical reality. You will need to totally release this habit in order to be the Master of your energy field. As we have said, you do not release 3D habits by judging yourself. The final statement of one of your Earthly Ascended Ones was, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” This forgiveness stems from surrendering into a frightening process. Once you surrender into fear, it is revealed as a third dimensional illusion because your act of surrender has activated your fifth dimensional perception.
From a fifth dimensional perspective you can view the frightening situation as a crying infant. There is something about this situation that is calling for your attention. If you look at the situation as an enemy or something that you dread, you will not give it your attention. You have likely made this choice because you do not believe that you have the ability to deal with this issue in an effective manner.
The truth is that your Earth vessel Self may not have that ability. Hence, your best choice is to surrender into the situation so that your fifth dimensional Self can assist you with this Earthly challenge. Once you begin to establish this kind of ongoing relationship with your Multidimensional Self, you begin the process of mastering your energy.
The key to gaining mastery of your energy is in knowing that your physical Self cannot master many 3D/4D issues. Therefore, in order to successfully meet the challenge of mastery, you will need to raise your attention, consciousness and perceptions into a higher expression of your Self. The sequence for this “changing of the guard” from third dimensional to multidimensional is:
  • Consciously acknowledge that this issue is beyond the ability of your physical Self to resolve
  • Surrender into the issue, which shifts your consciousness into the fifth dimension
  • Place your attention on the peace, joy and Unconditional Love of your fifth dimensional consciousness and ground it in your physical form
  • Maintain this state of consciousness with thanksgiving and Unconditional Love
  • Perceive the issue through this perspective so that you can remember that every challenge is a component of Ascension
  • From this perspective of your higher expression of your Self attend – not to the situation – but to the cause of the situation
  • Surrender into the cause to find the message it is giving you
  • Listen and act upon that message
In this manner, you own that you are the creator of your life. The “crying infant” is your lowest expression of Self who needs the assistance of your higher expressions. It is through this process of surrendering into a challenge by surrendering into your Ascended Self that you can alter your life.
Most important, you have called to and merged with your own higher expression to identify the cause. Then, acting as your Ascended Master Self, you Unconditionally Love the crying “infant” inside the Earth vessel and deal with the situation from a higher dimensional perspective.
We will now address a challenge that all of our wondrous and brave representatives in human form are facing – the transmutation of your physical forms.
Consciously acknowledge that this issue is beyond the ability of your physical Self to resolve … Surrender into the fact that you are not your physical body. You are wearing your physical body.
Surrender into the issue … Close your eyes and turn around inside your mind to connect with your High Heart and feel the peace, joy and Unconditional Love.
Place your attention on the peace, joy and Unconditional Love of your fifth dimensional consciousness … Ground this feeling into your physical and planetary body.
Maintain this state of consciousness with thanksgiving and Unconditional Love … Repeat as many times as you need “Thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate the substance indefinitely.”
Perceive the issue through the perspective of your fifth dimensional Ascended Master … Repeat again and again “Every challenge is a component of Ascension.”
From this perspective of your higher expression of your Self attend, not to the situation, but to the cause of the situation … Surrender into your Ascended Master Self and as for multidimensional cause of this issue.
Surrender into the cause … Allow the message within the cause of this situation to be revealed.
Listen and act upon that message … Release all fear-based emotion and act “as if” You are an Ascended Master!
