Sunday, March 30, 2014

Via: The Rainbowscribe site


We are cheering you on enthusiastically from here in the spiritual realms (which is, of course, right next to you, beside you, closer than you can possibly imagine!) as the moment for your awakening approaches. Getting closer to your moment of awakening is similar to constantly halving the distance between two items. By choosing that specific action you ensure that you can never actually close the gap and bring the items into contact with each other, the gap between them just gets smaller and smaller, but they will never actually touch. With your imminent awakening it is as though there was some kind of opposing force or energy field that is preventing it, and it appears to be intensifying as you get closer to awakening, and so more and more effort is required on your part the closer you get.
And that opposing force is anything within you that is not in alignment with Love. It is your inability to totally surrender to Love – your lack of trust, built up over the eons of human experience in the illusion, due to many lifetimes in which betrayal and disappointment have dogged you, seemingly constantly – that is impeding your progress. In this lifetime you have determined and intended to open to the divine field of Love in which you have your eternal existence, however, your karmic residue, buried deep within your bodies, is very fearful of trusting anyone utterly and completely, and it is that resistance that you are overcoming as you move ever closer to awakening.
You will overcome it, because it is your will to do so, and in this your will is in total alignment with the divine Will. To dissipate this lack of trust, this fear, it is absolutely essential that you do not neglect your daily periods of prayer, contemplation, or meditation. When you settle yourselves down to quieten your unruly minds, ignore the “musts,” the “shoulds,” the “to do lists,” and bring your attention constantly back to whatever you use as a focal point – the flame of a candle, a flower, a blank wall, your breath, etc. – without judgment of any kind for your apparent failure to remain focused. Judgment is just a further distraction, whereas to forgive yourselves for allowing yourselves to be distracted is an effective form of surrender to the quiet and stillness of this moment . . . and this one . . . and this one, for there is only one, and it’s now!
The Light that each one of you is bearing on high is growing ever brighter as you release more and more of the aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with Love. It is becoming so bright that it is increasingly difficult for you to remain in a state of sleep. And it is your individual share of that one Light, that is All That Exists, that will overcome the lack of trust that has been preventing you from fully surrendering yourselves into the loving arms of your heavenly Father.
Every moment spent in the peace of that deep inner space within you strengthens and intensifies your intention to awaken. It once was possible for you to backslide, to choose to retreat from the moment of your awakening, but that choice is no longer available to you because you finally made the irreversible decision to awaken, and that alone is reason to rejoice. You know this truth, the fact that you have made this irreversible decision, deep within yourselves where there is only Love and where anything not in alignment with Love cannot enter.
Your salvation occurred the moment you decided to experience separation from your divine Source because such a separation is utterly impossible, and therefore the experience of it is and always has been totally illusory, and your salvation was therefore instantaneous. In fact, in that ancient moment, nothing changed, you just pretended that it had, and the result has been the illusory experience of separation, not real separation, because what is One cannot change Its nature and become separated from or divided against Itself. And in truth salvation is totally unnecessary because you were never lost or separated from your Source in the first place.
As you are well aware humanity is being bombarded with messages of Love from many in the spiritual realms whose one aim and purpose is to assist you to wake up. They are being channeled through many who chose to be the conduits through which these divine messages could flow in a form that is understandable by beings of severely limited consciousness, and life in the illusion is one in which consciousness is severely limited. This is constantly and clearly demonstrated by the insane conflicts in which so many of you engage. And the collective intent of humanity has finally decided that conflict will end to be replaced by harmonious cooperation for the benefit of all without exception.
The present state in which you are experiencing life as humans, with a few “haves” and billions of “have-nots” will not continue because it is not in alignment with Love, which is your true and eternal nature. It was part of the illusory game that you have been playing, but more than enough hardship and suffering has been delivered and experienced, and its time is well and truly past. That state is to be terminated by your awakening which can no longer be delayed. Unprecedented joy is about to envelop you all, you know this, and so your fears and anxieties are evaporating as the moment for which you have been waiting so patiently rushes into view.
With so very much love, as always, Saul.

Via: The Rainbowscribe site


Fifth-dimensional storylines can be accessed and experienced from within the present moment through awareness and conscious action. It is not a given that one will “fall into” timelines that run along themes of peace and love. However, each person holds the potential to awaken to these new reality threads and choose to shift toward them.
Such shifts can happen in the blink of an eye. The future is not fixed. Rather, it exists in probability lines that are energized through intention, vibrational frequency and action.
Twenty Steps to Energize Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines
Once we become aware of fifth-dimensional reality threads in our field of potential, there are steps we can take to embrace and energize these probability lines. We offer here some steps:
1) Be present, awake and aware. The only way to be present in the future is be here now. Make a regular practice of slowing down, looking around you and allowing your consciousness to expand into the present moment. Too often, we fall into the trap of filling up our lives with commitments and activities that don’t feed our soul. To cope with the pain of this lack of fulfillment, we fall asleep in our daily lives. This creates more pain because sleeping through life slams us into more obstacles, perpetuating a vicious cycle.
2) Embrace grief and loss as essential components of creativity; the old must be destroyed to make way for the new. Love and appreciate what has been; express gratitude for it and release it. Many people hold back from new and more fulfilling realities because it will mean leaving behind and releasing what has been. Learning to embrace grief makes this process much easier.
3) Send love into any situation you don’t understand. As we move further into the new time, we may encounter many new situations and events we don’t understand. Love is always the answer. Send love into all situations and the answers will soon appear.
4) Recognize we are already part of all-that-is. Our job is to merge with the force of creation by allowing ourselves to remember our oneness with the Divine order of the universe. We are not creating ourselves anew, but rather, allowing who we are to shine through.
5) Remain transparent and neutral to all you witness. It is not necessary to have an opinion about what you see. Awareness is everything. As you allow yourself to see what is there, you see through illusion. Within the moment, our conscious mind will not be able to grasp all that is beneath the surface of physical reality. This power of inner seeing helps us navigate times when we encounter paradoxes. For instance, separation as the path to unity, darkness gives way to light; dissolution of relationships and other life situations makes way for the new. Illness and accidents can serve as preludes to opening of heightened awareness and intuitive abilities.
6) Practice self-love at all levels. Pay attention to the needs of your body, mind and spirit. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Practice self-nurturing through the use of herbs, essential oils, gemstones and other healing modalities. Spend time each day communing with your spirit and expressing gratitude for everything in your life. Appreciate the Earth and all-that-is. Focus thoughts on expansive, loving themes that expand your inner light.
7) Observe all that goes on around you; observe yourself. Keep in perspective the big picture of your life and the up-close picture. Do not allow yourself to be overly absorbed into the events of your life. This causes you to lapse into states of less awareness.
8) Stay positive on no matter what happens in your life. Negativity drains your life-force energy and weakens your overall system, draining you of your ability to cope with what you are experiencing.
9) Practice self-reliance and self-responsibility in all matters. Disconnect from dependency on all systems, groups or institutions. Disconnect from mechanisms of mass thought that feed on your energies. Parasitic life scripts are everywhere. By remaining awake you are able to sidestep them and write your own script. Working in cooperation with others is not the same as participating in dependency relationships which keep one enslaved to mechanisms of mass thought.
10) Connect often with nature. The natural world exists in accordance with universal law. As we commune with nature and align ourselves with its essence, we unify our mind and spirit. A unified consciousness is essential for existing along fifth-dimensional timelines.
11) Practice preparedness; always have your affairs in order. Allow completions. Hold in awareness that each goodbye could be your last. Complete with everyone; be willing within each moment to release all that you are and all that you know; be willing to embrace the unknown. Change is the nature of life. When you are present, awake and aware, you begin and complete each moment impeccably with no loose ends.
12) Open to the new. Allow yourself to wake up in a new world every day. This makes it much easier to slough off old ways of thinking and re-invent yourself. You’re not the past, nor are you bound by the past.
13) Embrace freedom. Do not give your power away to enslaving thought forms; if a situation does not serve your highest and best, it does not serve the highest and best of others.
14) Become a detective of your own life to gain awareness of old patterns and scripts operating in the background. As you gain awareness of these scripts, visualize and rewrite them according to choices aligned with new visions and goals.
15) Review your beliefs, perceptions and goals on a regular basis. Create a 10 most wanted list and update it regularly. This helps you set priorities and release old ideas and beliefs that no longer support your higher evolution and growth.
16) Breathe and energize your physical system. Practice regularly forms of movement that unify body, mind and spirit such as yoga and tai chi.
17) Maintain a sense of humor in all you do. When you feel yourself becoming overly absorbed in the dream of your life, watch a humorous movie or see your life events from a comedic perspective.
18) Meditate and act on love. Unconditional love is the highest vibration in the universe and supercedes all other frequencies.
19) Give to others what you would like to receive and you will see your desires manifest all around you.
20) Set your intention to practice all of the above and expect miracles each day.
For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta 

Archangel Metatron, via Natalie Glasson

WHERE IS THE LOVE?                                   BY ARCHANGEL METATRON

 Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 26-03-14
Beloved beacons of light and love on the Earth, I address you from my truth speaking to all aspects of your being. I remain a presence and support for the Earth and humanity in this ascension process overseeing all shifts of ascension while ensuring a deeper sense of unity for all with the Creator. You can call upon me to assist you in all ascension processes within your being and upon the Earth as I hold a larger picture of what is to manifest and can shower you in the light of the Creator in support and to assist you further.
Know that while my purpose has been and continues to be focused upon unity with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator which means recognising a harmony with the Creator, I wish to speak now of the importance of love. Many, in fact maybe all speak of the importance of love, self-love, love for all and unconditional love and yet it continues to be the focus of current spiritual growth and ascension. The acceptance of love is the key lessons and vibration to obtain in this level of ascension. The knowledge of love and its importance on so many levels has always been present upon the Earth but in this reality you are now being asked to experience love, a very personal love, the love within your being.
You are being asked to give your love freely without any expectations of love returning to you while holding the knowledge that your love is sacred and stems from the well of the Creator, therefore there is an abundant volume of love for you to draw upon and exist within. Experience of love is critical now; it is the main and key lesson of current ascension. Many of you have the knowledge of love and how it can be integrated into your reality and even how it will influence your being but now is the time to put the theory into your reality experiencing it fully.
All of you are naturally loving; love is your nature, it is the energy you were energetically created with and it is the building blocks of everything that you are as a physical being, soul and so much more. As your truth, your original essence and your divine self you cannot help but be loving, there is nothing that can take the love vibration away from you even when you don’t recognise your love vibration it is present eternally and unwavering. With this in mind you may look at your own being, reality and the reality of the Earth and notice that love doesn’t always seem or feel present. If love is your natural energy, that which you were created from as an energetic being, and is eternal, then you may ask, where is the love? This is a very powerful question because it will bring you back to conscious awareness of love if you all it too.
You may wish to sit in meditation or quiet time, repeating in your mind or out loud for at least 10 minutes, ‘Where is the love?’ Your being and energy has a natural ability of supporting you and bringing you back to your centre. Whatever happens to you, whatever you create or experience or whatever your mental thoughts, your being when you allow it to will naturally bring and draw you back to your centre, back to the space and energy of love within your being. By asking this question of yourself and inner knowingness you are not focusing upon the lack of love within your being or on the Earth but more so without searching you are asking to be guided and drawn back to the space and existence of love within your being. This is akin to a safe space inside of you which is connected to all that is the universe of the Creator offering to you an abundance of consciousness, guidance, tools and truth. It is important to remember that all you receive within the safe space is not from you personally but is the flow of the Creator from which you can draw all that is divinely appropriate.
With this practice you will naturally be guided into the space of love within you and can rest in it eternally. You may notice a shift in your awareness, a deeper sense of contentment or peace arise symbolising you have reached this space. While you can always find, discover and experience the love of the Creator within your being, we can still ask ourselves, where is the love? With this question I wish to address why if we are all naturally loving beings do we have to search for the love within our beings. We could ask why and where did the love go? When we experience love whether on the Earth or the inner planes, and by this I mean emanate and radiate love, we are naturally in contact and aligned to Creator and all that is our truth.
With this alignment and our expression of love we are able to bring the Creator throughout us, letting all that is the Creator manifest within our reality creating so many beautiful experiences such as good health, abundance, happiness, synchronicities, miracles, deep connections of union, expanded understanding and an awareness of truth. The love we express creates a template and a foundation for the expression and experience of the Creator.
This is why when we connect into the love of our being and the Creator it feels so good, blissful and familiar, often everything in your reality can feel so unfamiliar so love brings you back to this truth. With this awareness you may ask why each person doesn’t naturally experience love eternally if you are always brought back to your centre? Everything outside of you feels more tangible and real, if it was created from love eternally there wouldn’t be any form of emergency. Again we ask the question why isn’t love present in everything eternally? The obvious answer is that it is present eternally but it is your ability to recognise love and maybe even perceive its importance which has been lost. The love of your being and the Creator has never been lost but after many lifetimes on the Earth experiencing so many different energies and situations, everyone has adopted and created new thoughts, beliefs and perception which they carry forth, most are born from pain or suffering and are misaligned with love.
Have you ever thought of yourself existing as a pure being of love and then asked this pure being of love when it first felt pain or fear, why it felt such energies and how did it feel when you had never experienced pain or fear before only love? Could such energy become an addiction and an energy you identify with? Therefore it has replaced your belief, awareness and recognition of love. This is a powerful practice to achieve in your own quiet time:
Imagine yourself as a pristine being of love so radiant and glowing.
Ask yourself: When did my being of love first feel pain or fear?
What did it feel like?
What created such an experience?
Then ask me, Archangel Metatron and the Angels of Love and Healing, supported by your Soul to come forth erasing and healing this energy so that all other proceeding experiences of pain and fear are erased, dissolved and healed eternally. The powerful focus now is to recreate the habit of perception, recognition, gratitude and understanding of love, allowing and encouraging the process of being naturally drawn back to your space of love within your being, even if it is a hundred times a day until you believe yourself to be worthy to exist in love eternally. That is such a powerful statement as maybe it is the key to the question where is the love? It is always present but maybe you do not perceive yourself to be worthy to be present with and in love. Please know I address you all, even myself, as there is always more love one can recognise and bring through their being and express.
A healing I wish to support is to forgive yourself for any form of lack of love in your reality and being and to forgive yourself for that first moment when you truly experienced fear or pain. Forgiveness is such a deep and profound healer which can transform any energy but also allows you to accept yourself fully.
‘I now forgive completely and absolutely any and all forms of lack of love, any and all forms of fear, pain and suffering, any and all forms of feeling unworthy of love and any and all forms of addiction to anything that is not love. With the assistance of my Soul and my Angels, I completely and absolutely heal myself and love myself unconditionally. I now choose to exist in love eternally and will make this transition with ease in my being and reality. And so it is.’
Please know I am present with you fully and eternally in love,
Archangel Metatron

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 27, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love we call dignity. This quality is one that each soul holds as uppermost in their spiritual makeup as they traverse the individual path their soul has chosen to walk upon this planet. It entails the holding to higher standards of conduct which the individual sees as necessary in all situations that transpire in their everyday lives and in the choices that each person makes. Many times, the choices that one individual makes affects the lives and paths of others with whom they hold bonds of love and familial ties and careful thought must be given before the embracing of one’s individual choices. What is important to remember is the necessity of clear communication of that choice to all the members so that all members know where they stand and that one individual’s choice does not mean that there is something amiss in the overall acceptance and deservability of the other individuals. It must be clearly communicated that the choice that is being made is because of the need to move into a different area on one’s path that does not include the others in it. Always, it must be communicated to one’s companions in a way that allows them to preserve this quality of love known as dignity within themselves.
Sometimes the choices that are made are not accepted by one’s companions and there is resistance to the implementation of one’s choices. This usually occurs when much pain and perceived loss is involved in the one who is affected by this choice. The one who is left behind must go through a process of the elimination of their former expectations in regards to the one who has chosen a different path. This can be a difficult situation to endure but it does open up an avenue of growth for each individual in terms of the expansion of their consciousness and in the boundaries for acceptance which they hold.  Each individual involved in the situation must be allowed to maintain this quality of love within them. Many times, it is preferable to let the other go through the consequences of their choices and allow them that experience as that is in all likelihood a part of their soul’s plan to further their spiritual growth, expansion and understanding. It is wise for the one who must step back to be in acceptance of it. Ultimately, the soul plan for each person is one that unfolds naturally and if dignity of self is honoured by those who love them, the growth can be one that includes a renewal of the bonds of love, albeit in a different form than before.
Having this quality of love within allows an individual to be sovereign and free to pursue their experience of their life upon this planet in a way that is not hindered by guilt and remorse. It opens up new avenues of possibilities for the person in their chosen new direction and removes the shackles of oppression and stagnation they may have been feeling in their lives and this helps them to uncover new streams of creativity and productiveness that could not have been possible for them before. It gives them a new lease on their experience of life and they feel renewed and invigorated on their journey through life and this in all likelihood can open up new talents, skills and abilities that would have taken much longer to surface from within them. Each person must listen to the voice from within them that speaks and reminds them of the path they have chosen to follow so that their life flows in grace, ease and harmony at all times. It renews passion and zest for life within them and their self esteem is nurtured and fed with positive reinforcement that following their heart’s promptings will always lead them to the goodness of life they wish to experience.
When one follows the path of the heart, one maintains their innate dignity and self respect. There are no inner battles that must be fought in a dualistic manner that moves them into opposing directions within themselves. All experiences in their life flow with harmony and with beneficial results. The universe works with them to bring them more of the positive experiences and events that they feel grateful to have experienced. It creates an openness to receive more of the good things that have already occurred in their lives. There are an infinite number of blessings that come into manifestation in their everyday lives and they become living examples for others to recognize, perceive and emulate. These individuals perceive that here is one among them that lives with freedom and no restrictions and that their life is a testament to the honouring of their own dignity and inner guidance. As each member of society honors themselves in this way, it enables many others to do the same and ultimately creates more freedom of expression in the overall collective consciousness.
As humanity allows each other to walk with dignity in all that they do, they nurture and feed the higher qualities of love that each person has within their spiritual makeup. This creates trust and cooperation in all interactions between individuals, groups and nations, which facilitates greater understanding of the importance of the honoring of each others godly and good qualities. In this way, a higher code of conduct and ethics begins to take effect in all human interactions and greater progress in worldly affairs begins to be the accepted norm of behaviour. This can only lead to a global civilization that has higher standards of conduct and morality than has been experienced before. This higher way of being can only bring positive and beneficent outcomes in the lives of all upon your planet.
I leave you now to ponder these words with the greatest of love and respect.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 30-April 6, 2014
Beloved Ones,
The times that are before you are filled with many cosmic occurrences that will bring an even greater increase in the cleansing energies and it is extremely important to stay attuned with the changes and stay grounded in your everyday lives. We call them cleansing energies but what this energy downloading upon your planet really is in actuality is the divine feminine unconditional love energy. When those upon your planet are touched by this divine energy, it creates openings in all those areas of one’s being that are still in need of healing and balancing. All old wounds are being brought to the surface to be finally healed and released. Many of these wounds were felt as trauma during childhood and these were stored in the subconscious realms of the human psyche. As these are reawakened and brought to the surface into the conscious mind, it can create emotional difficulty, which depends to a large extent on each person’s ability to face these traumas with the wisdom that has been gleaned in one’s adult life through adapting to life’s experiences. All depends upon the ability of each person to be willing to look at these unresolved aspects from a time when they did not have much experience in dealing with the complexities of life upon their world.
Each person brings their own unique perspective to each event that occurs in their personal world and these events can be viewed from either a victim point of view or as a learning and valuable growth experience which adds to the strengths and abilities that one has gained. Such is the way upon a planet that honors the free will of its inhabitants. If an individual chooses to look at events in their life from a victim viewpoint, then their life will give them more of what they choose to experience. On the other hand, if an individual chooses to look at an event in their life from a higher perspective as valuable lessons learned and gained, life will reflect back to them all that they express in gratitude. These times are unique and special, however, for what many people are now in the midst of releasing and revisiting will not continue to cycle over and over again. There is coming a time when the force of love upon the planet will be so great, that all old stubborn issues and traumas from the past will just fade from people’s consciousness. This will help to facilitate a new way of being for all of humanity. There will no longer be an endless list of infractions that one individual has committed against another. There will only be acceptance and forgiveness, with people understanding that love erases all that went before.
There will be a fresh start for everyone who chooses to remain on the planet and it will be like a breath of fresh air in the hearts of all. The higher qualities of love will be manifest within all souls as they remember and reconnect to the divine spark within them. Much progress will come as humanity works together in cooperation and unified effort to create a new world, a better way of serving each other in order for the highest expression of divine potential to unfold for each individual. This was the original plan for the experience of life in a human body, to allow the divine essence of the One to have expression through each of its sparks, each spark unique, special and evolving in amazing and wondrous ways. Through this diversity of experience, the One grows and expands.
The gathering of the new and powerful energies and integrating these into one’s human operating system while remaining fully grounded on Earth is the next step for all and is already in progress. The changes start within each individual, within their bodies and within their consciousness and as that which no longer serves a helpful purpose is transmuted and eliminated, more light enters the auric field of each individual and the frequency level rises accordingly. This process assists those within their sphere of influence to also release and absorb more light. More light within each individual creates a greater field of light within the community and this is what is happening as the changes continue. The light brings positive feelings of upliftment, joy, happiness, hope, optimism, and humanity will express these to their families and community members with greater ease.
In due time the denser feelings and emotions will be no more and humanity will not be hindered in their pursuit of experiencing life in a human body while developing their skills, talents and abilities that they will wish to share with others and this will enrich the life experience of everyone. The attunement of each individual with the higher aspects of their true essence brings many gifts to be shared with the world. These activities will bring more balance in Earth movements and weather patterns and all will be in harmony and stability.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Latest message from Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-04-2014

Beloved masters, during these unsettling times of great change while, seemingly, unending catastrophes and suffering are taking place around the globe, we wish you to know that we are always here to assist you and show you the way. One of the greatest gifts during these times of human evolution is your conscious awareness of your intimate relationship with the angelic realms. It has been addressed and explained many times before, but allow me to refresh your memory once more as to how the angelic realms fit in the Creator’s grand plan, along with a brief overview of what our functions are.
During these times of the great awakening of humanity, those of you who are in the process of integrating the many attributes and talents of your Higher Self, and who have tapped into the storehouse of wisdom of your Sacred Mind, are beginning to gain an understanding of how the universal laws work within your multidimensional world of reality. We have told you many times that you must evolve out of the “limited emotional concepts of religion/spirituality,” and begin to learn and abide by the sacred science and universal laws of spirituality.
We have explained in great depth about the multitude of Pyramids of Light that are scattered throughout every dimensional level of this Sub-universe. We have explained in great detail how you can create an etheric work pyramid within the fifth dimension where you may plant the Seed thoughts for any new creations you wish to manifest. You can also go there and through a ritual of forgiveness, break any and all discordant agreements that you have created with others from your past, present and future, thereby clearing any and all negative vibrational timelines. When you focus on a particular person, it will be his/her Higher Self that takes them into your work pyramid; he/she will be transported into the pyramid in their etheric body, enclosed in a sphere of protective Light. You should always envision a person's Higher Self standing behind them, and your Higher Self will also be directing you.
You also have your own personal Pyramid of Light located within the appropriate level of the fifth dimension. If you are not familiar with this concept from the higher realms, we suggest you read the full explanations that have been given, and then we encourage you to make use of this wondrous gift, if it resonates with your truth. (Pages 125-130 * SCRIPTING YOUR DESTINY * R)
For those with a compassionate nature, down through the many ages, no matter the race, culture or religion, there has always been an inbred desire to pray for or to send loving thoughts and energy to others, especially to loved ones who were/are in distressful situations or experiencing great sorrow. In the past, this has always been a loving act of faith, for hardly anyone was aware of how or if this wondrous gift was received by the intended recipient.

We have explained this concept to our messenger, and she has shared it with those who are actively studying our teachings in-depth via the ongoing webinars she and her spiritual/business partner, Randy Monk, present on a regular basis. There is a division within the angelic realm called: the Angels of Mercy. This powerful group of angelic Beings is under the direction of the Feminine Archangels and the Order of the Goddess. They convey all the attributes, qualities and virtues of our Mother God, and it is their mission to receive the unconditional Love / Light that anyone sends to another person. If the intended recipient’s heart center is open and receptive, the Love/Light will flow into their auric field, and it will slowly be integrated into their four lower bodily systems, thereby giving them access to a special infusion of God Light. An Angel of Mercy will always appear and stay close to a person who is being sent pure unconditional Love/Light. For those who are still stuck / suffering in the density of the third and lower fourth dimensions, the Angel of Mercy will integrate the Love/Light and store it within their Sacred Heart Core, so that it will always be readily available when the intended recipient is ready to open their heart center to receive the precious gift of love. If a person never removes the shield of negativity and opens their heart center during this lifetime, the Angels of Mercy watching over them will go with them when they pass into the next realm. The Angels of Mercy will hold in reserve the loving energy you have conveyed to your loved one until he/she is ready to "awaken." It should be a wondrous comfort to you to know that the recipient will be aware of who sent the priceless gift of love to them.

Remember that you do not send Adamantine Particles of Creator Light directly to other people; you are sending them Love/Light, which will be monitored by your Higher Self as to the appropriate "formula of Love/Light" for that person. It will also be monitored by the other person's Higher Self as to when and how much of your gift a person will be able to integrate at any one time.

As we have explained many times, we give you these concepts in the simplest terms possible for your better understanding. However, you should be aware that all of the higher truths are much more complicated than you can understand at your present level of consciousness. We are revealing and explaining more and more universal concepts as you grow in Self-awareness, and as you experience the new, more powerful frequencies of Light. As you are ready to integrate it, we are gradually refining and expanding your cosmic knowledge. The more refined frequencies you integrate, the stronger your desire will become to share the powerful loving energy you feel pulsating from within your Sacred Heart center. You will begin to expand your vision, and your loving energy will flow forth beyond your family and close circle of friends, as you include more and more people, until eventually you will gain a group consciousness that includes all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.
There are many levels and departments within the Celestial Hierarchy of angels, which are still only one facet of the Creator’s conscious expression of Self. We, the archangels, carry the attributes and virtues of God consciousness, just as you do. But the difference is that we radiate specific attributes of the Creator—you might say the driving force for several major aspects of the God Mind. We embody faith, love and absolute obedience to the Creator and our Father/Mother God, always. The angelic realm in its many expressions was created by the Creator to assist, guide, nurture and instruct you, the bold ones, who agreed to diminish yourselves into lesser beings in order to experience God consciousness in its most fragmented forms. Originally, you embodied all the aspects and attributes of the God Mind, but gradually as you journeyed down through the ages and the higher dimensions, you left your higher consciousness in the care of your I AM Presence.
The Elohim, the mental radiance of the Creator, the great builders of form, and the wondrous Devic and Elemental Kingdoms, who helped create and now oversee the entire nature kingdom on Earth and in other worlds, are also standing by to assist you in these turbulent times of transition. We hope you have accepted as your truth that you all have guardian angelic Beings who were assigned to you at the time of your birth, who will guard and serve you faithfully within the limits of Universal Law, and to the degree that you will allow. There are other wondrous angelic Beings ready and willing to serve you, but you must ask, for they are not allowed to infringe upon your free will.
Love and joy attract angels like a magnet, for their greatest desire is to be of service to humanity. Begging is not the way to gain their favor, but asking them to assist you in your endeavors will assure their cooperation. They will help you to manifest your dreams, if what you desire is for the highest good of all; however, you must understand that it will happen in their time and in their way. The concept of money is confusing to them; instead, ask them to assist you in manifesting abundance, joy, love and peace—this they understand. But you must also do your part by taking the necessary steps, as well as eliminating any self-sabotaging beliefs that you still harbor in your subconscious mind.
There are loving, angelic Beings to help you with affairs of the heart, and your mental or creative endeavors—they will help you firm your resolve and work with your Body Elemental to bring about good health and well-being in your physical form. The wonderful, playful cherubic angels are waiting to bring you joy and a sense of lightheartedness. These precious, little Beings of God Light love to be near you and to surprise you with little miracles or coincidences. Ask them to help you find things that are lost, and you can learn to communicate with them as well, but their language is a language of feelings and thoughts rather than words. They will cause “angel bumps” to rise on your skin when a truth has been stated, and they will buzz you with an angel kiss or sometimes surround you in a lovely fragrance. The angelic realm brings the love and radiance of God to humanity, and the angels’ greatest desire is to be of service.
The Essence of angels comes to Earth in embodiment through people like you and you and you—they come to be the representatives of the great archangels and to walk amongst humanity to share the virtues and attributes of God consciousness. Yes, they are just like you, and you may be one, my precious friends, making your way through human evolution as you grow from the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder through study, work and service. There are representatives of every level of God consciousness on Earth at this time, embodied in the physical expression in order to anchor the most lofty, rarified aspects of the Creator. Have we not told you that you are more magnificent and precious than you could ever imagine?
Dear ones, let us now continue to build the vision for the future of your world. You must realize that, first, you begin to build your vision in the higher realms of unlimited possibilities. Your thought forms slowly take form as they draw forth more Divine Creator Light substance, and then gradually begin to manifest in the physical expression on Earth. The greater the focus and intent, the more quickly your vision will manifest. As you come together in unified, conscious intent with the good of all as your motivating force, you create a synergistic thought form of dynamic proportions. This is why you are now making such inroads in the mass consciousness mind set. As spiritual Light warriors, even though your numbers are fewer than that of the masses, you are making great progress because of your unified, empowered thoughts of love, peace, abundance and harmony for all.
It is time to be bold and outrageous in your vision. Envision yourself as a loving, masterful sovereign entity, and then formulate in great detail how you will operate and function multi-dimensionally as a cocreator of love, Light, peace and joy.
Begin to look at fear in a new way. State to yourself until you believe it: “I have a new relationship with fear. Fear is an emotion that serves me, and I AM always in control of my emotions; therefore, I AM in control of fear.” Transcending fear means you can experience it, observe it, learn from it and then move through it. In this way, fear will serve you as a warning bell as to what you need to be aware of, what is out of balance—what you need to bring into harmony. Emotions consist of negative- or positive-energy thought forms, and you must control them instead of allowing them to become your master.
Lay the foundation for the emotional nature of your vision. What makes you joyous and fills you with gratitude? You must allow your Spirit to soar; however, you must also nurture the inner child as well as the soul. Be willing to express and claim that which touches or nourishes the innocence within: joy, delight, spontaneity, or sadness, anger and fear—feel these emotions, but realize that you are not these emotions. Freedom of expression should be an important facet of your vision. Know that you have a right to be completely spontaneous and follow your own inclinations and desires as long as they are for the greatest good of all. Begin to expect the best of people, and they will meet your expectations. Claim and envision your life being filled with miracles, beauty and joy; and gradually, your grandest affirmations will come true. As you support, love and cherish all things, you will receive support, and you will be loved and cherished in return.
Develop your own philosophy of life and living. Listen to your inner guidance and practice discernment. Begin now to interact with the multiple facets of your Being as if they were all around you, in your presence every moment—for in truth, they are. You are consciously accessing information and wisdom from the fifth dimension and above, and as you accept it as your truth, you will be able to clearly and truly communicate with your guides, teachers, masters, angelic helpers and all the great Beings of Light. Do not allow the barriers on the path to deter you; boldly walk through or over them. Do not allow the discomfort and pain to discourage you; call on your angelic helpers to soothe and support you. Do not allow the doubts and judgment of others to weaken your resolve—show them by your example and be bold in your convictions. Do not take your eyes or your attention from your goal, dear ones, for that doorway of greater Light is nearer than you think. We relay the loving thoughts of our Father/Mother God to you as the spiral of ascension takes another turn. Are you ready for the next awakening?


Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, March 11, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Ashtar Commanders as One

Ashtar: "We Are Accomplishing Our Mission!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - March 11, 2014
"Greetings Beloved Family!  Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem - my ship, yes, and your ship as well.  It is your energy that we welcome aboard, it is your Love, and your commitment, and dedication, and Joy, because we are indeed a team!  Many of you recognize yourselves already to be Ashtar Commanders in ground crew uniforms.  We salute you for taking on the densities and all of the challenges of being in the human body!!!
"Others of you know that you are ambassadors from many planets and places throughout the Universe, or that you have served in the temples in times past, on Planet Earth and in other places, that you have been seekers of Truth and sharers in some manner or other of your own Truth, of your own realities, of what you found in your Hearts.
"And so it is that we welcome all of you, for together we are united as One, and it is in our Oneness that we are what you might want to call, invincible!  By that, I simply mean that we are lifting up into the Higher Realms together.  You have invited us, and we are therefore allowed by your dispensation to come to meet you, to further lift you up and to assist in welcoming you into the Higher Dimensional Realms of Light.
"There are even Light places - many more in each nanosecond upon Planet Earth in what you might perceive to be the 3D atmosphere - but the reality of it is, that you are bringing the Higher levels, and with them the Light that is all that is there, into 3D and literally clearing out the old programs, the old agendas and flooding it with so much Light, that the Light prevails and the darkness cannot return!!!
"Yes, you are hearing a lot these days of those who are scurrying for cover, like so many crabs do when you lift up a rock at the seashore and the Light floods in - and we mean no disrespect to the crab kingdom.  Their instinct is to go back under the rock, however the crabs are an innocent kingdom.  But the ones who have been occupying the human bodies - not so innocent, as you know.
"Yet, it is to regard them as the innocent children, knowing what they have done, but in forgiving mode allowing them to come to the same Light that you are flooding yourselves with, and moving into more and more.  The Light of the Oneness, the Light of Love and all that is an outpouring from Love - or, we say, all that Love engenders or gives birth to.
"It is a mighty, mighty Mission that we are accomplishing!  Truth be known, it has not happened before in this Universe!  There are times when Planet Earth has tried this Ascension from human bodies - dense human bodies - into the Lightbodies, but it has not happened.  Just as it was not the plan of those who used to control, that this would be successful.  But look at the record -there have been no nuclear bombs dropped - and no nuclear weapons will be unleashed.  There will be no World War III!!!
"You were headed very firmly in that direction not so very long ago.  The ones who were perpetrating all of this had places off of Planet Earth that they planned on getting to, and living a life of luxury and ease.  Oh, they would have eventually started wars among themselves, even as they are warring now, but it all looked very good to them.  But you said, 'NO!'  Without your saying 'NO,' we could not be here.  So remember that we are here because you have allowed us to come and because, Beloved Ones, you have listened to what we have had to say and you have opened your Hearts!
"You have recognized the sincerity and the Truth of our messages to you.  As we have stated, many of you have recognized that you are very, very familiar, not only with the bridge of The New Jerusalem, but indeed with your own ships in the Ashtar Command!  I  promise you that all of those of you who choose to reunite with your ships and your crews and become again active members of the Ashtar Command - not confined, shall we say, to your human bodies - your places are ready for you if you choose to engage in that lifestyle!!!
"First, there is Mission here on Planet Earth, and you all know how serious the Mission remains, because there are still those who want to fill your heads with lies, and in so doing get you to close your Hearts and your great connections with the Higher Realms.  So we are here simply to validate what you have been hearing from us, to encourage you to find your realities, your Truths, within your own Hearts and then to listen to what resonates - and feel free to discard anything that does not!
"If what I, Ashtar, am saying to you sounds too preposterous - well just let it sit.  We often say that there are many, many in the World who are not quite awake yet, but yet it's like the emails are sitting in their inboxes, and they will open them when they are inspired so to do.  So we thank you, Beloved Ones, most, most gratefully and with absolutely infinite Love that you are here, that you are listening and that you are a part of this Grand Company, for we have Mission and Purpose to accomplish in this Gathering and we shall indeed proceed with it!
"First, I would make some comments.  We understand that it is most difficult to hear what you call conflicting news, or, news that is not harmonious.  You may hear something in one moment and in the next moment you hear something that is completely the opposite.  Well, we would remind you that the place to find the real Truth is within yourselves and your own Hearts.
"So look for that which resonates, explore that which you are drawn to and just leave the rest sitting on the shelf for now, because you have plenty to do as it is.  You are leading more than one life, did you know that?  Well, let me fill you in.  When I said, for instance, to those of you who are Ashtar Commanders, that your ships are ready and waiting for you, what I did not finish with - and I shall finish with now - is that indeed you do spend a good part of your time on your ships in Missions of the Ashtar Command!!!  Right now we have almost our entire focus on the Mission here with Planet Earth and on getting Planet Earth into Higher Dimensional Levels, where all of this darkness just literally falls away, where the Golden Age Lifestyle is to be lived and enjoyed to its fullest by each and every one on the Planet! That includes all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms, not just the humans!
"So it is that you are assisting in this Mission in your waking hours, as well as in your sleeping times!  If you are feeling a little bit of exhaustion, be in understanding and be kind to yourselves, and do the nurturing that you so deserve.  The reality is that you are on the verge of the Golden Age!  There is going to be - not just one - but one BIG initial Announcement and that is called NESARA, and then there will be another biggie which will be of course, 'First Contact,' if you want to call it that still, that is alright.
"There will be many, many announcements along the way - and in between, and then afterward - which will define for everyone on the Planet what the Golden Age Lifestyle is all about.  And the means to live it shall be coming out, we know.  When we talk about the means to live it, you automatically - and this is entirely appropriate - you think of means has having a dollar sign in front of it.  This is the way it is, because the dollar is the way that seemingly anything happens on Planet Earth.
"The concept of free energy being given to the World, for instance, by Dr. Keshe is a little bit far out there, we know. When we start talking about doing these things for free, even though we are doing a lot of things absolutely for free – no dollars involved, not even any pennies - we understand that this is a stretch.  There will be an interim flow of energies which are symbolized by dollars, backed by gold and other precious metals. This is to get the Golden Age off to a most successful and joyful start for everyone upon the Planet!!!
"Everybody is going to receive.  What our Mission is, is to inspire you, to request in all sincerity and with all Love, that you love beyond yourselves.  By all means if you want a little red sports car like Sekhmet has, or if you want a better house than what you are perceiving that you live in - perhaps one that has a roof intact, or whatever; if you wanting to do some traveling on the conventional carriers like airplanes and such, while we are getting the new modes of travel ready for you, or when it's time you may even be able to buy one of the prototype George Jetson vehicles or something like that.  It’s all well and good!!!
"We ask that you go beyond, that you envision how you can use your abundance to share with others.  You say, 'Well, Ashtar if everybody is getting abundance who needs me to share with them?' Well, let’s talk about Hearts, the energy of the giving Heart.  Everybody wants to give to everybody else - is that a bad thing?  What does that do for the dimensional levels that all of Planet Earth occupies?  Does that not provide a huge momentum for lifting up?
"And then there is the practicality of it, the fact that the distribution of the abundance has been mandated to be done in stages.  Even though one stage may come very fast upon the next, and so on and so on, there is still that brief moment in time where if you are one of the first receivers - for instance, if you are a beneficiary of one of the humanitarian trust funds, you will be in first receivership.  And so it follows that your own neighbors, or even members of your own blood families might not have, in that moment, what you have, and might welcome a gift from you – gift, not loan.  We are talking about 'No strings attached!'
"So what if you say, 'Oh, my neighbor has a leaky roof, I will give my neighbor some dollars so that the leaky roof can be fixed.' And what if the neighbor says, 'This is wonderful but my Heart’s desire is to sell this house with a leaky roof and travel.' Just say, 'Wonderful!!!'  You don’t qualify it because you are not there to determine what your neighbor’s Joy is.  You best serve with no strings attached!
"You have had strings attached to you all these eons of time and the puppeteers have been the dark hats.  You will be receiving abundance and with that abundance will come Freedom to make your choices.  So we are suggesting that in order for the Planet as a whole to lift up into the higher realms of Light, where only Light exists - and from there of course comes Ascension - that every single one of you can look around you and share. This is called opening your Hearts unconditionally, no strings attached!!! Well, you can attach a Ho’oponopono to it, if you wish!  You can attach, 'I am a compassionate observer of all life, and I choose to share!'  Now that’s pretty powerful and very, very High-vibe, is it not?
"So, Beloved Ones, we are so close to these Announcements and to the initiation of an entirely new Lifestyle for you and for everyone on the Planet!  So it is right now to remember to look into your Hearts and to express from your Hearts with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  You will not only stay on track and bring yourselves up Higher and Higher, but you will be fulfilling the Grand Mission for which you came!!!
"We understand that this is a rather grand vision, and so we remind you that it is one step at a time, and even if you have a less than open Heart moment, shall we say, that is perfectly alright, that is you being you, that is you bringing up something right into your face, your Divine beautiful face for you to look at and to recognize!  We want to mention that more and more of you are having these Divine moments, because there are still some things to balance out or to bring into Harmony, and so we are wanting you to look upon yourselves, Beloved Ones, with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and know that the success of your own individual, personal clearings and upliftments are well underway!
"There is no turning back – we are scanning…there is not one of you who wants to turn back and run and hide under the rock like the crabs when the Light shines upon them!  You’re all past that. If you do have a momentary moment of discomfort, remember you are a part of the One We All Are!  You are Divine, you are in Divine Company, and each and every one of you are radiant Light unto the World and the Universe beyond!!!
"So keep on beaming your Lovelights, and together we are accomplishing this Grand Mission, One in Light, One in Love. And so I, Ashtar, thank you for being here with us and for hearing my words to you, from my Heart to yours.  And now we are going to hear from one who has been with us throughout all of these eons of time.  He has his own ship, it is called, The Star of Bethlehem and so we invite you to stay tuned for Archangel Michael.* Blessings to all and Infinite Love.  And so it is.  Salut!"
* Archangel Michael's message:
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 11, 2014.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2014.  All rights reserved. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 23-30, 2014
Beloved Ones,
More and more people on Earth are awakening to discover that the world is in a state of rapid metamorphosis. They look around and see their neighbors embracing concepts that they were not open to before. Everywhere, this awakening energy is clearing ages old cobwebs from the consciousness of humanity and it is not an easy process. It is very uncomfortable to watch the events taking place in the world and within one’s own personal world, and each individual is struggling at this time to establish and maintain inner equilibrium. This creates a feeling of stress and tension in the collective consciousness energy field which affects the individuals who are sensitive to the energy flows around them. This tension and anxiety is felt in the solar plexus/stomach area of the human body and is a sign that it is time to get out in nature and stand or sit near a member of the tree family and ask that these tense and anxious feelings be lovingly transmuted and dissolved from within you. The tree family is extremely adept at providing this service to all of humanity and it allows them to be in divine service and to work upon their own evolutionary path.
It is very helpful to pay attention to all of the life forms that coexist around you, and all of the elements. During these unstable energetic shifts, it is best to make one’s life as simple and uncomplicated as possible. By training your mind to go into a quiet state without getting involved in complex and abstract thought patterns that are constantly being stimulated by the communications one receives each day, and doing simple chores around one’s home or yard, one can avoid the feeling of overwhelm which tends to drain a person of their life force and higher energies. Taking time out to relax often is also most important and just laying down and putting your feet up for a half hour can replenish your vitality. Seek out beauty in all its wondrous forms and do so with passion in your heart. Watch the sun rise and set, the cloud formations, the stars in the night sky, the birds and insects, the flora and fauna. Life thrives and pulses around you but you must become the observer of this and gain the sublime gifts that it brings you.
You must take times of stillness to realign with your higher self and your inner guidance. Practice deep breathing each day to fill you to the root chakra, holding the breath for a moment and then expel the breath knowing that all stale energy is being released. Moving your body many times a day in stretching activities or walking also helps to move the energies through your meridians without becoming stagnant and creating blockages. Clean out your closets, your cupboards, your garage and other areas of your home and remove all that you no longer use and you will find that by doing so, it creates a greater feeling of well being within you and this will help keep your energies flowing in a positive and constructive manner. Making room for the new, physically, energetically and symbolically, fills one’s soul with spiritual renewal and rebirth.
Until the Earth’s core is activated and sustained by the great light from the cosmos on a stronger level, you as divine energy conduits must continue to anchor and ground your light into the Earth on a daily basis. This activity done several times a day by each of you helps more than you can know to keep the Earth’s energies in greater stability. In effect, you are giving the Earth the boost of spiritual energy that she most needs. Your love sustains this magnificent being as she transitions from lower density into the higher, more rarefied levels of light and consciousness. In turn, you are finding that your every need is provided for, as and when you need it and as this becomes more noticeable, you will be filled with the knowing that you are loved beyond measure.
How quickly the world will move into the new paradigm when the energy of divine love intensifies in its frequency level. When each person is in a state of joy and bliss, it will be very difficult to convince them of the old stories that have been told throughout the ages. When each member within the human family feels good within themselves, then this will be reflected back to them and great strides will be taken as the Earth moves into the new dawn of the golden age, where there are no limits to the positive possibilities and potentials that can unfold.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Via: The Rainbowscribe site

EQUINOX GATEWAY ACCELERATES               OUR EMERGENCE INTO NEW                                         DIMENSIONS

This week’s equinox gateway opens the floodgates for new light waves that will facilitate our entry into further dimensions of the new time. Lightworkers and other wayshowers are being called to amplify and anchor these new frequencies, making them more accessible to collective consciousness. These frequencies and others that will follow in coming weeks and months will hasten our emergence into new levels of peace, harmony and understanding that are signposts of the new time.
Wayshowers during this time will hold a space that offers safe passage through the sometimes bouyant and sometimes turbulent waters that will accompany this period.
As we open to new dimensions of light individually and collectively we experience new levels of healing and release and learn to harmonize with these frequencies. As we move deeper into this passage, old structures collapse around us and the world we have known begins to seem less solid. At times we have the sense of shifting to new timelines where we are experiencing greater communion and telepathy with our higher self. Guidance and insights may flash through our awareness with light speed. That which we seek may arrive as fast as we formulate an intention. We may encounter new souls with whom we forge deep and enduring connections.
Our communion with our higher self brings crystal clarity to our earthly mission and provides the energies we need to heal ourselves at all levels. That which is not whole in our experience falls away as we jettison misunderstandings and emotional triggers and pull aside the last veils obscuring the truth of who we are.
This is not a time to be running here and there and engaging in busy mind. This phase commands a clear and present focus that allows us to incorporate new levels of stillness. Join others in meditation at the hour of the equinox (16:57 UTC) and continue to take part in the many ongoing meditations on the inner planes over the next few months.
We offer here some steps to help assimilate the new light frequencies as you move through this time:
1) Bring all aspects of your consciousness into harmony. Be willing to listen to younger aspects in need of healing and to serve as the higher self to your repertoire of younger selves from this lifetime.
2) Become mindful of emotional triggers by bringing clarity to issues from the past you are still holding energy around. Awareness and a willingness to see yourself from a perspective of peaceful non-judgment helps bring emotional freedom.
3) Set intentions to harmonize and assimilate new frequencies of light. Create affirmations aligning yourself with the oneness of source energies.
4) Remain mindful of the influence of your words, thoughts and actions. Exist in a place of love and compassion and your thoughts will silently broadcast this to all you meet.
5) When faced with conscious choices, choose that which serves your movement into higher consciousness. Reaching for the highest place you can access within the moment allows you to become a brighter light for others.
6) Accept that whatever experiences others are having are the experiences they need within the moment. Hold in awareness that the new frequencies act on each individual as needed to assist them along their path.
7) Remain calm and focused during this time even if your ego is resisting the changes. Ask for and open to receive infusions of healing light from your higher self as needed.
8) Affirm that you are abundant in every way and that guidance, resources, assistance and love are downloaded to you as needed throughout this passage. Affirm that you deserve the highest and best the universe has to offer.
9) Alkalinize and detoxify your body through green juice “feasts” during this time so you can hold and anchor greater quantities of light.
10) Spend as much time as possible in nature, harmonizing with the energies there. If possible, meditate near bodies of water. This helps you align with the natural flow of the universe.
11) Meditate as often as you can even if for only short pockets of time as you go about your day. This helps you harmonize with your higher self and the new frequencies.
12) Allow yourself to become comfortable with silence. Take a break from Internet, TV and cell phones.
13) Remain in gratitude for the blessings in your life, especially the most challenging situations you have experienced and those who have been your most difficult teachers. Express gratitude for all the blessings that are currently flowing into your life.
14) Listen to your body and be sure to provide the healing foods, alkaline water, fresh air and sunshine it needs as it transmutes the new frequencies.
15) Remember to see everything that comes before you through the eyes of your higher self.
16) Practice self-love and self-acceptance and extend this unconditional love to all others.
17) Cultivate joy in your life by focusing on things that bring you joy. Remain open to allow new ideas and new forms of joy to flow into your life daily.
18) Become aware of what you give your energy to. Whatever drains your energy is associated with a thought virus; whatever lifts you up is associated with your spiritual purpose.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved

These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, March 11, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Archangel Michael: The World is Awakening to Truth!
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - March 11, 2014
"Greetings Beloved Family!  What the song did not say was the next verse: 'Come Senators, Congressman get out of the way,' and so on!*  And I have chosen this song because the power of Truth is upon the World, and I have my sword, Excalibur, and I offer it to each and every one of you to wave within your own beings whenever you are unsure of the Truth!
"I am here to tell you that we are talking and giving the messages of Truth, loud and clear, to many, many groups of beings – the lawmakers, the news writers, the financial controllers, the leaders of the religions - which are all about power and control -and the corporations.  The Truth is their day is over, their days in the spreading of the darkness are over!  Excalibur waves the blue wave of Truth, and more and more Truth is coming to everyone, all dwellers of Planet Earth!
"People are removing the blinders from their eyes and allowing the blue energy of Truth to enter into and permeate their energy fields!  And how is this happening?  It is because Hearts are opening - Hearts Are Opening!!!  This is not about a mental exercise.  This is about what resonates with each and everyone. You have had this veil, and it has created blinders, not just in your eyes, but in your ears and even in your brains.
"You have shut down your recognition processes.  You have allowed this darkness to permeate, to hang like a never-ending cloud over Planet Earth for eons of time, and now you are opening your Hearts and allowing the Light of Love to shine in so beautifully!  But you need to know the Truth!!!  
"We understand that there are those of you for whom the Truth is still so painful that you cannot bear to look at it, even when it comes as a blinding Blue Light, so to speak.  That is, that you turn away from it rather than acknowledge it, because it disrupts your place and space.  It causes you to have to re-think from your Hearts and to cast out that which no longer serves, you because it is not Truth.
"This has served you up to a point, and it is not to be angry, or to be angry at those who have been telling you the untruths , or the lies.  It is rather to thank them, because you have wakened up, and because you know in your Hearts what is true and what is false!  So it is that I offer you Excalibur - you may keep it within your Hearts and call upon it, and me, when you are unsure.
"Remember that your reality is what is true for you.  And it may be that your neighbor’s reality is different than yours. Remember that even though the consciousness is awake, there are people who are unconscious, that is, not aware.  They are still groping around in the darkness.  So shine your Lights forth, and express from the Highest levels of your beings - your God/Goddess selves, your angel selves - and allow the Light of Love to be in every expression that you make, whether it is in simply your actions or words, or even your thoughts!!!  It is to determine what resonates with you and then shine that forth.  It may be that you will light up some places that you didn’t even know needed lighting up!
"Now, we suggest to you that you have a date upon your calendars which is called the equinox, and the equinox is about balance and harmony.  So, there is no finer preparation than to bring into balance and into harmony whatever there is inside of you that is not!  As we perceive you, as we observe you, and most of all, as we feel what you are feeling in your Hearts, we assure you that this is not a huge task.
"We also assure you that with Excalibur in your Hearts, with the blue wave of Truth, it will not be a long or arduous journey for you to come into the knowing of what your reality is - and is to be!  You see, we are discussing preparation, and this month of March is pivotal.  It is because the balance is coming forth, the harmony.  You may have heard March comes in like the lion - think Mother Sekhmet, she’s very busy - and goes out like the lamb - think Sananda and all of the Great Teachers whose Truth is Love and Peace and the Oneness of All Life, and the Divinity of All Life!  That, Beloved Ones, is Truth!!!
"That is our Family Mission - all of us here gathered and beyond! It is to bring the Truth of your own Divinity right into your faces, as it were!  And it is for you to shine forth that Truth, and to express from the Higher Levels of Love - only Truth and its Wisdom, and of course, its Oneness With All Life!!!  
"And so it is to be not in judgment, but rather in Appreciation.  It is to bring harmony and balance into your own Beloved Selves -and then beyond!!!  It is to know there is not one among those who still cling to the dark, who does not know that this is the true path.  No matter how stubbornly they seem to cling to the dark road, the Light is shining brightly everywhere upon this Planet, and they cannot hide from it!  It is to be in Gratitude and Appreciation of them.  There is no harsher judge of these ones than they themselves, as the Truth shines forth in front of them, and whether they embrace the Blue Light in their own Hearts or not, they know the Truth of their actions and what they have caused.
"I assure you, Beloved Ones, that we stand with you, and that we have turned the darkness into Light!  The Light shines evermore, and it is indeed illuminating all of the places which have been so dark for so long.  So just join with us in this Grand Procession as we march together upon the Path!  Speak Truth within yourselves, and then if you hear words from others that resonate for you, welcome them into your beings with Love and Appreciation, and know that the World is coming into its own balance and harmony, and it is indeed moving up into the Higher Lifestyles from which you came  and to which you are destined to be successful in returning!!!
"We have so much Love for you that it is indescribable, absolutely impossible to express in words!  So just feel the Love, and feel it on the wings of the Blue Light, and know the Truth I speak to you!  And so it is.  Namaste."
*Archangel Michael was preceded by the first two verses of The Times, They Are a-Changing, sung by Joan Baez.
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 11, 2014.
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