Monday, April 7, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 6 – 13, 2014
Beloved Ones,
It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before. You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times. Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and  send light to assist all the people who live there.
You are the ones who are aware and must exercise your power by calling on the Angels for assistance and directing them to the areas where they are needed. Begin to observe the information communicated through the news media in a different way, not as passive observers but as enlightened beings who can take note of where the light is needed and direct it there immediately. Your input on a daily basis as you assign the Angels and helpers to chaotic areas of the world helps to stabilize those areas. It only requires that you focus and call upon the forces of light to direct them to those areas. Understand that each of you has an army of light at your command and you can make a difference by sending these forces into volatile areas of the world when they are needed. Your intention to affect the highest outcomes wherever your focus is directed will bring harmony and your attention to this focus with dedication each day will create the lasting peace you so desire to experience on your world. Send light to the natural kingdoms as they are an integral part of life upon this planet. Send light to everything upon your planet and do not forget to surround your loved ones, family members and pets with white light each and every day, surround your home, properties, vehicles, places of occupation, bank accounts and daily activities with the white light of protection each and every day.
You are the awakened ones and you are responsible for the area in your sphere on influence which can be many miles in diameter. Intend that this sphere of influence grows in radius each and every day so that a greater area is covered by your efforts. Intention is everything and you can do this! Be an open door for God’s light to be manifest in and through you. Maintain a vision of something better always, such as one great planet under God. Throughout this year stay in your spiritual consciousness and know that your spirituality is what defines you.  Do a weekly review to make improvements in your life so that your spiritual growth continues. Have you balanced all your karma, have you fulfilled all your soul contracts? Did you pass all your tests and initiations? Are your initiations completed? This lifetime is your last lifetime upon Earth because this opportunity to experience life in a physical body on a planet of duality will not happen again and it is incumbent upon YOU to ensure that you complete everything your soul plan intended to complete. In any sticky situation or issue that comes up, ask yourself, “What am I teaching myself here?” “What is the highest outcome that can manifest here in this situation and what can I do to make it happen?”
Go beyond your human ego promptings and look at your life from the higher perspective. Do you want to create divisions in relationships that could be healed by overlooking the perceived transgressions of others? Will you let ego pride take control and create separations? Know that love is the answer in every situation and use this power in every facet of your existence and relationships with others. The bottom line is how much do you love? Learn to love with the love of God who loves us all unconditionally with no judgement. Become the enlightened being that can rise above any situation and see a more loving perspective. Surrender and release all that no longer serves the path that you have chosen to walk. Resistance to the enlightened being that you really are is futile. Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!
The game has changed, Dear Ones. No longer can you sit on the fence reluctant to make a clear choice. The time is NOW to move into the light of higher consciousness with constancy in your heart. It must be done in every cell of your being. You are worthy of great things,  know that every thing will work out and things will get better. You are blessed in more ways than you can imagine. The Universe supports you, all of life supports you and this is becoming more evident with each passing hour. You are a child of the Divine and your magnificent future awaits your attention and your intention. BE HERE NOW!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

SaLuSa, April 4, 2014, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: April 4, 2014

SacredSaLuSa: April 4, 2014. Channelled by Mike Quinsey at
Along with Michael I am pleased that we are once again able to send out our messages to you. Even in adversity there are lessons to be learnt, and they are a true test of your ability to stay focussed regardless of whatever confronts you.
The problems that seemed to Michael to last an eternity, have at last been overcome and you can look forward to a period of exciting developments. In reality the delay is of no real consequence. As always so much takes place without your full knowledge, and this is to protect those involved in the changes.
The Light is ever expanding and the awakening of so many souls is immensely helpful to firmly establish it upon the Earth. The process of enlightenment is proceeding at a fast pace, and the dark Ones cannot delay its coming any longer. The journey for many of you has been long and arduous, but all of the energy and effort put in will be found well worth it. You have brought yourselves this far by your sheer effort and determination, and you are well into the last lap to achieve your Ascension.
The changes are rapidly coming in and they have at last been admitted to be responsible for the climatic changes that you are experiencing. Major changes are still taking place and will continue until a more temperate climate is achieved. At the same time the planet will continue to be cleansed of the toxins that are present at sea and on land.
With our technologies such tasks do not present any difficulties, and in a relatively short time the Earth will be restored to its pristine condition. It will rumble and heave as it responds to the changes, and once they have been completed will settle down to a peaceful co-existence with you. All of these changes have been predicted for eons of time, and you were always going to witness the wonderful plan of Mother Earth to rid it of all that has no place on the New Earth.
Without knowing the background to many events that are affecting your daily lives, matters would seem to be out of control. However, looking at the greater picture it would be seen that beneficial energies are growing upon Earth and laying down the foundations for the new one. You are truly experiencing the coming of changes that have been predicted for a long, long time.
It will however be a period of some confusion until it is both seen and realised that the changes are positive and beneficial to your future. You can take much credit for the progress that has been made, and we salute and honour all of you who have made it possible. Your success has been achieved in the face of much opposition from the dark Ones. We knew it was possible, but nevertheless it depended upon your dedication to your tasks. Your position will gradually become easier and the way forward will be evident. We are of course doing all we can to encourage and assist you on your journey.
We are presently closer to Earth than ever before, and we are monitoring events to ensure that there is no further interference with those who work for the Light. As more of you have become used to the Light, you have found ways of using it that are beneficial to more people than previously. You have no need to limit yourself and if you so desire the Light can be used to benefit the whole Earth.
Indeed, Mother Earth needs your support as she handles the changes that will also enable her to rise up into the higher dimensions. In the course of time the vibrations will become even higher, and life will be one delightful experience as you enjoy the everlasting peace and harmony. Eventually you will become Cosmic Beings and travel the Universe if that is your desire.
There is no end to the various experiences that you can have, and as a Being of Light you will be free from the demands upon you at present in your heavier body. We know that some of you are worried that you will lose contact with your friends and family, but be assured that any soul you wish to contact is only a thought away from you.
At present we are working hard to ease the tensions upon Earth caused by the events in the Ukraine. We will ensure matters do not get out of hand, and you are assured that peace shall be maintained. The time of major world wars has ceased, and we try to direct wayward negative energies in such a way that no harm is caused.
You will no doubt have noticed that the war machine is also in a state of change, and eventually the manpower and materials will be put to peaceful uses. Some will attempt to hold on to military might, but it will be to no avail as it has already been decreed that wars shall cease. Along with a new monetary system, prosperity shall return and signal the commencement of a new era of peace.
As individuals you can assure those around you that total peace shall return sooner than you might expect. It will give us the opportunity to make an official visit to Earth and carry you forward into the New Age. We have had many secret meetings with officials, and these will continue until it is safe for us to reveal our presence. That means being able to walk amongst you without being assailed by those who cannot accept the coming changes.
Such souls will be placed on a new path in a dimension suited to their state of consciousness and point of evolution. Be assured all shall find an appropriate place in the Cosmos, which allows them to continue with experiences that will enable them to further evolve. There is no pressure applied to those who languish in the lower vibrations, as it is inevitable that they will eventually lift up their vibrations and follow those who have gone before them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and advise you that some chaos will occur, but if you look deeper you will see a welcome pattern emerging. The Light is now the dominant energy and is expanding into all areas, so have no doubts whatsoever that a wonderful future is assured. It has been ordained by the highest Heavenly powers that determine your future, and guarantee to bring you complete joy and happiness.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey


Peggy Black & Team


 By Peggy Black & Team
Each moment is an incredible event, yet humans fall into the complacent vibration of sameness, numb to the wonders, magic and synchronicity of their lives.
Each moment is a personal connection with the divine.
When you stay in the present moment, conscious in your own magnificence, viewing events with joy, gratitude and appreciation there is a flow, a connection to the higher matrix, the divine weaving, in which all things are possible. It is through the heart portal that this higher matrix is available.
Gratitude opens the channel and you step into each NOW fresh and new. Humans have a tendency to bring the past into each NOW and that shifts the dynamics. The past will only recreate itself, slightly different in frequency, but a reflection of the same.
Each NOW that is honored offers the threshold, the gateway, the portal to your divine manifesting, your divine flow in which grace is your companion. In this state of grace you are offering the collective a pure frequency that transforms everything it touches.
The hearts and minds of the earth dweller are awakening. This reality, this hologame, is a dense energy matrix woven in such a manner that it keeps you engaged, focused, and addicted. Imagine, that the hologame you call your life which keeps you locked into a certain mindsets and actions, is only one program. This hologame is like one of your television programs.
Part of your service is being actively engaged in this hologame which is all about the transformation of energy. Humans are multidimensional transformers of dense low frequency vibrations.
Transformation happens in the NOW in the conscious space of the heart. Most humans have shut down their heart.
It is your service to uplift the frequency of pain, loss of love, betrayal and rejection that is carried within your personal energy field of the heart.
When these emotional frequencies are transformed, they become gifts to the collective. Once the heart portal is cleared of any pain, real or imagined, it becomes a powerful transformer, used in service to transform the dense, frequencies of fear, hatred, prejudice and numbness that is in the collective.
A powerful alchemical practice is to breathe into your heart the suffering of the world and breathe it out transformed.
Another powerful alchemical practice is offering your joy, gratitude and appreciation into each NOW from awareness of your multidimensional sovereignty.
We embrace you with gratitude and we leave you with the invitation to stay in your heart, stay in your NOW, flooding both with joy, gratitude and appreciation.

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Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. Share this website  and invite your friends to join and invite their friends to join.

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 3, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as motivation. This quality requires vision and the desire to make it manifest in one’s life. Once a person has the vision and desire, it then requires this quality to persist until one’s project or goal is completed and made manifest. This quality can bring great rewards for the one who employs it as they use it to make their dreams and creations come true. This quality is the driving force behind all great, wondrous and amazing accomplishments. With this quality operating within one’s heart, mountains can be moved as a person’s vision begins to take shape. As this shaping continues to take place, the individual is inspired, uplifted and empowered to continue to manifest this quality from within themselves, for they can see the benefits of using this quality of love in their everyday lives, and certainly, in the manifestation of their dreams and goals. This quality brings with it the creativity and power to make it happen. This quality is a power that can fuel the accomplishment of many projects, for it is much needed in order that creation takes material form.
To have this power, an individual needs to use many other facets of love, for when one has a vision before them to bring into manifestation in the material world, one needs this quality to ensure its completion. It requires one to act on their will to accomplish, whether this is the simple act of preparing a meal, or awakening in the morning, bright and early in order to do important tasks. One must have the intensity and drive necessary to fuel the desire to see a task accomplished and completed satisfactorily. It requires focus on one’s goals so that one does not lose this quality over the long term in the successful fruition of their vision or goal. It requires a way to make the accomplishing of this goal pleasurable and meaningful, a satisfying treat to one’s sense of enjoyment, so that one looks forward to it knowing that the vision is in the process of fulfillment. It requires patience and the understanding that time is required to see the completion and manifestation of one’s goal. This quality gives one the ability to stick with one’s goal until it is successfully accomplished.
Many times the goals one chooses to accomplish require the successful focusing over a long period of time and this is better accomplished by dividing the long term project into smaller and easier to accomplish tasks. When these smaller tasks have been reached and successfully accomplished, a celebration is in order, as this helps to keep this quality called motivation in operation. Rewarding oneself with a suitable and reasonable reward helps one to keep on focusing on the long term successful completion of one’s goal. The finding of suitable role models by reading about other people’s successes in the accomplishing of similar goals helps to give impetus in the maintaining of this quality within one’s own being. Knowing the reasons that one wants to accomplish this goal and periodically reviewing these is important as this adds further fuel to keep this quality of love called motivation continuously employed. Spending a few minutes each day focused on thinking of the successful completion of one’s project or goal; feeling it, smelling it, tasting it and using all of one’s senses helps to maintain this facet of love until it is satisfactorily completed. Doing this mental exercise for a few minutes each and every day without fail to assist in keeping this quality alive within one’s heart is of the utmost importance.
It is helpful to always think about one’s project or goal and its completion in a very positive light and commit to it publicly as this will keep the fires burning on this quality of love within you. Monitoring of one’s thoughts is also important and when one recognizes any negative, self defeating thoughts, it is important to push them away and replace them with positive thoughts and visions of one’s project and goal being successfully completed. When one is working on their project or goal, it is important to turn off all other distractions that would keep one from working on it. For the amount of time that was delegated to this task each day, it requires focus on that one task so it is most important to keep thoughts of all other activities from entering one’s focus and to stay focused on that one task. When one’s allotted time is completed for that day, making any notes that are needed to begin the following days work and then it is time to relax, breathe and go out into nature to unwind.
After one has made significant progress on their project, it is always a good practice to reward oneself with something that is meaningful and self indulgent such as a long soak in the tub, drinking a cup of tea, taking a day off, going to the beach, doing something that one loves to do. By following this practice one acknowledges one’s accomplishment and one’s need for down time and relaxation and fuels one’s continued use of this quality of love called motivation. Then work begins once again on the completion of one’s project with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. These methods will help to keep this wonderful facet of love continuously employed as one creates wonderful projects of accomplishment.
I leave you now to think upon these words so they can bring the required quality into operation within one’s being when needed. 
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.