Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Latest message from Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-01-2014

Beloved masters, you are presently in the midst of becoming your genuine, authentic Self through the process of ascension, which involves ever-expanding cycles of Soul growth. Your OverSoul-Higher Self is ever urging you onward and upward into the Light of more complex and powerful fields of consciousness. The quality of your life’s experience is determined by the frequencies of your thoughts moment-by-moment. The more energy you put into a thought, along with the repetition, determines how quickly a thought pattern will manifest, and how it will affect you in your present reality. Your thought forms radiate outward in an Infinity pattern where they join with compatible energetic fields of consciousness–a specific level of mass consciousness energy within the sub-dimensional hologram of life in which you presently exist. The frequencies of fear and negativity are very powerful in the third/fourth-dimensional stream of mass consciousness. Whatever negative emotions are the strongest in any situation will constantly be presented to you in different ways until you transmute the discordant energy into higher vibrational Light patterns.
As more and more of your old reality fades away and you move deeper into uncharted territory, you must learn to trust and have faith that the future is unfolding perfectly no matter how chaotic and disruptive it may seem at times. First, you must learn to trust yourself and this can be the most difficult step, for you have been taught that others are wiser than you, and they know what is best for you. This may have been true when you were a child; however, you are now adults with a golden opportunity before you, for the wisdom of the higher universal truths is now available to all humanity. We of the higher realms are here in great force to assist you to attain Self-Mastery and to reclaim your rightful state as a Spirit-infused, human Being.
In some form, all of you have given away your power in most of your incarnations on the Earth. You became conditioned and accustomed to what has been called the “herd-state,” whereby others in positions of authority set the rules and told you what to do. Like it or not, you adhered to the accepted, restrictive dogma of the time, for it felt safer than to resist and try to chart your own course.
A vital component of Self-mastery is learning to function through the intellect of the Sacred Heart. As you strengthen the connection between your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart, you will begin to access the wisdom of the Soul, your Higher Self and the multidimensional facets of your Self. Your Soul, your Higher Self, your guides, guardians and angelic helpers communicate with you through your Soul Self and your Sacred Heart. The whispers of Spirit in the unawakened become a mighty voice of loving wisdom and comfort as you awaken to the strength and majesty of your own divinity.
Your chakra system was designed to draw forth and integrate Creator Light/energy into the human body, as well as to contain all of the attributes, qualities and virtues of your godly Self. The function of the glandular system is to transfer that energy into material substance to be used by the physical vessel. You are relearning how to breathe the way you were originally designed to breathe, which gives you access to Prana, the breath of Life, and also assists in the integration of the pure Creator Essence of life called Adamantine Particles. In those first golden ages, these wondrous tools and techniques were used without distortion to manifest unlimited energy, and they facilitated the creation of everything necessary to live in comfort and abundance. In those wondrous times, the Earth was a true paradise called the Garden of EDON.
In order to gain access to and connect with the higher mental body, you must strive to stay centered within the Sacred Heart. This process can only be initiated once you have a firm control on your physical-emotional body. The conscious mind must have periods of silence in order to attune to the subtle whispers of the Soul and your Higher Self. You will attain peace of mind by consciously breathing through the Sacred Heart (the Infinity Breath), which becomes a natural way of breathing once you establish the Infinity Pattern within your physical vessel, and practice the technique until it becomes a habit. It is vitally important that you learn to breathe mindfully. Through the process of focused breathing–by following the path of the breath–you will gradually become aware of the different parts of your body. Your Body Elemental’s signals of discomfort or dis-ease are very subtle at first. If you do not heed these signals, they will gradually evolve into pain or possibly a serious illness.
While existing in the restrictive vibrational fields of the third- / lower-fourth-dimensional world, humanity has access to only the half-spectrum Primal Life Force Energy–energy which creates crude matter and creates evolutionary boundaries. We have spoken before of the structures of the material plane of consciousness, and how the structured beliefs you have created imprison and restrict you just as effectively as can any physical structure. Your physical body can be a vessel of delight, joy and freedom, or it can be a prison of pain and limitation. Your relationships, job, family or spiritual beliefs can be beautiful, rewarding and bring a sense of self-worth, satisfaction and accomplishment, or they can be a heavy burden and make you feel unappreciated, worthless and dis-empowered.
We have often said that moving out of your comfort zone and the collective conscious belief structure is a very courageous thing to do. Bravely going forth to seek and live your own truth is the first step in taking back your personal power. As you release the shackles of the past and come to the understanding that you are in control of your future, you begin the process of awakening to your potential as a master cocreator. As you gain wisdom and begin to enjoy the positive results of your endeavors, you begin to trust yourself and your judgment. Your multi-sensory perception expands and becomes stronger, and you learn to view both the positive and negative results of your choices from a higher vantage point, thereby gradually learning to make decisions from a heart-centered point of view.
You are learning that in order to create your new reality of joy, harmony and abundance, you must endeavor to discover and integrate your own highest truths, and then live your personal philosophy to the best of your ability. Through experience, you have learned the rules of karma, the painful cause and effect results of distorted thought and action. Down through the aeons of time, you have become proficient cocreators in the material realms of existence. Through much effort and practice you have learned to mold Primal Life Force Substance into a multitude of forms, many of which were elegant and inspiring, and others of which were distorted, for they were a reflection of your diminished vibratory force field.
The process of ascending into the higher-dimensional realms of greater Light requires that you strive to unify your earthly consciousness with each higher vibrational level of God-consciousness. The Grand Plan was designed so that your reentry into the higher realms would be accomplished through the integration of the White Fire Seed Atoms stored within the Diamond Core God Cell of each more advanced, facet of your Higher Self. One-by-one, step-by-step, you are integrating the will power, the wisdom, the attributes and qualities of each vaster facet of your OverSoul. How quickly and easily you accomplish this is up to you, for you were given the gift of FREE WILL, which is an important component within the grand design for this Sub-universal experience.

Every facet of Creator consciousness in this Sub-universe has experienced Soul-body fragmentation, and every Soul, at every level and station of Beingness, is now in the process of healing and reuniting with the many facets of Itself. You will integrate as many facets of Self as is humanly possible while in your present physical vessel, and the process will continue as you traverse the higher realms of existence. You are bio-computers with harmonic resonance. Each of you is a complex vibratory Being. You have become accustomed to the slower, denser energy of the third/fourth dimensions; however, you are in the process of balancing, harmonizing and lifting the resonance of your force field in order to ascend into a more refined, higher-dimensional state of Being. You must remember that you are a unique facet of the Creator, and you should treasure your uniqueness as you strive to return to the Oneness of your Divine Self. You have a wealth of experience and wisdom to share with the multiple facets of your Self, and your successes have been duly recorded in the Cosmic Records for future reference. You are learning to erase from your memory and free yourselves from the confines of the collective consciousness belief system; and via your Pyramids of Light in the higher dimensions, you are also learning to soar into the more refined realms of awareness. Each time you do so, you gradually bring back with you into your physical vessel and your auric field a portion of the uplifting, harmonious frequencies of the higher realms, which build a stronger, more radiant and expanded force field around you.
When you are filled to overflowing with Love/Light and your OverSoul-Higher Self is the director of your life and experiences, you no longer worry about getting your share of love, wealth, respect and so on, for the validation of who and what you are radiates forth from within. That is when you move into the higher vibrational mode of a Self-master, and the little self or ego desire body returns to its proper role as a servant of the Soul Self. You know without a doubt that you have access to the riches, virtues and talents of your Divine birthright, and that you create your own reality via your seed thoughts, intentions and actions. Group consciousness and interaction become more important to you than individual friendships. You are developing all-encompassing, unconditional love and compassion for everyone, and you are no longer totally dependent on anyone person or any thing in the physical realm.
When you call upon your Higher Self each day before you arise, and ask that your will be aligned with the Will of your Divine Self for your greatest good, a shaft of golden/white Light will surround you, each and every moment, as you go out into the third/fourth-dimensional world. In this way, you are giving your Soul-Self permission to guide, inspire and direct you. You will be strengthening the connection between your Higher-Self, the angelic realm and the great Beings of Light so that they may begin to communicate with you through your intuition, and they will assist you in making the highest choices each and every moment of the day.
Everything expands from the center outward, including all creation. The closer you are to the center, the more God Power and radiance you will possess. As you progress on the path of higher Self-awareness as a shining Being of Light, sacred love, a joyful, serene demeanor, along with an intense desire to be of service to others will prevail.
Diligently make it a habit to focus on what is right in your everyday life and the world, and begin to envision yourself as you desire to become. We have emphasized that you must practice nonjudgment and that includes judgment of Self. Remember, you now have access to all of the Creator Particles of Light/Life that you can draw forth into your Sacred Heart, and always be aware that these Adamantine Particles of Creation can only be activated by your pure loving intention.
Faith is an intrinsic facet of trust: faith in yourself and your judgment, faith in those around you who have proven themselves trustworthy and honorable, faith in our Father/Mother God, the universal laws, and the Divine Blueprint for the future of humanity. We are not speaking of blind faith, for that is another way of giving your power away to someone else–their teachings or rules. In your material world, faith is built through actions and positive outcome, a function of the mind filtered through the heart. The heart is both a magnetic and radiating vortex, and it is the storehouse for the true source of human power. Your Sacred Mind holds the seed thoughts of your past and the future, and it is your personal source of the Divine will and power from our heavenly Father/Mother God. Your seed thoughts for the future must be incubated within the Sacred Heart, and the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light ignited by your altruistic love. Thereby, through your pure intention and actions they are manifested in the world of form. Abundance of all kinds is a natural manifestation when you are in harmonious attunement with Spirit and the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.
Dearly beloved ones, it may seem as though the world and your personal life are falling apart. Your personal reality is shifting and changing so quickly that you feel as though you are living on “shifting sand.” The tests and challenges are so dramatic and are happening so quickly that you feel overwhelmed and often wonder: “What am I doing wrong and when will it end?”
Remember what we told you about the Dweller at the threshold and the Angel of Presence who stands guard over the Portal of Light? You, the Wayshowers and designated Vanguard, are clearing the Sacred Pathway, and you are laying the foundation for the Divine Blueprint/frequencies of the New Age. In order to do so, you must clear and harmonize the major portion of discordant vibrational patterns that remain within your four lower-body systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric.
This is necessary in order for you to integrate as much of the “radiance” of the new, more powerful God Rays as possible–the powerful and transformative Essence of the Creator- --which is now bombarding the Earth and humanity. We have told you that the situations you are now experiencing are not specific “karmic actions” that you are clearing, for millions of you have moved into a State of Grace, and are no longer affected by the past. They are a refinement process or a “Ritual of Passage,” which is a necessary cleansing and clearing process, so that you may step through the doorway or “Portal of Light” into the rarified realms of your future world. The Angel of Presence is slowly opening the Portal so that more and more Light may shine through and assist you to complete this Ritual of Passage. You are nearing the end of the “tunnel of transformation,” beloveds, and we encourage you to “HOLD STEADY.” Your daily and nightly prayers/mantras should include: “I SHALL PREVAIL.”
We are ever near to give you strength when you falter, to share our wisdom when you are confused and do not know which way to turn, but first and foremost, we are here to love you now and forevermore.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

December 29, 2013 - January 4, 2014
Beloved Ones,
There are many people upon the planet at this time that have been and will continue to, look deeply within themselves so that they may face every hidden aspect of their beings; to squarely and truthfully, without denial, accept and love all aspects of themselves. It is their willingness to confront that which has abided within them in order to balance, harmonize and come to resolution which now assists each person to become whole and this will facilitate a deep feeling of peace and contentment in all that they do and will bring joy and happiness in their outer lives. The adage ‘as above, so below’ will begin to be understood within their hearts, for the outer world always reflects that which lives within.
Many souls have been undergoing rigorous attempts to balance the mental and emotional aspects of their selves, knowing that there is no fullness of entry into a higher dimension until they are clear and clean of the lower dimensional thought patterns and beliefs. This has been challenging, to say the least, for many of you. I bring good news to those of you who have been experiencing this dilemma. As the planet is purging and cleansing ages old density, and earth and weather changes take place, it is becoming much easier to maintain equilibrium and so the energies are now helping each of you to release and let go of the stubborn old thought patterns and old emotional patterns that have been holding you hostage for a long length of time. Each person will welcome this assistance and will find it much easier to stay balanced within and without.
It is important to continue to practice grounding your energetic roots into the crystalline diamond core of the Earth each day, for this is necessary so that you can be fully incarnate here on Earth with all the higher aspects of your multidimensional Being. Set the intention to align with your Higher Self and Divine Monad each morning and practice giving love to self for several moments with affirmations such as “I AM now merged into the highest octave of my Self that is possible at this moment” and “I AM a pure vessel of the Divine Spirit”. Remind yourselves often that you are a being of Light and of Love who chose to come to this planet during these times to help anchor the cosmic Light into the crystalline core of the Earth. This is immensely important to Mother Earth for it helps balance her energies and helps to expand the Light within her.
By doing this work each day, you are helping the Earth to birth into the shining Star that is her destiny and assisting the whole of humanity to be raised to a higher frequency. This is not to say that chaos and disorder will immediately cease to exist but by doing this work and maintaining your higher vision for the Earth and all of her inhabitants, you are the calm in the storm as it rages in the world around you. Your peacefulness will have its effect in the world surrounding you. Through these preceding years you have all been doing work upon yourselves and now you are beginning to realize that by doing so, you have been placing yourselves into positions of leadership as an adept who can wield energy in powerful and mighty ways.
This of course, brings with it, mighty responsibility and we are confident and you should be too, that you have passed through this initiation with flying colors. If you are reading this message, you are one who is proven worthy and capable of taking on greater responsibility. Now it becomes easier to stay in clarity of the higher purpose for your presence here on Earth. We, your brothers, sisters and colleagues, walk with you as you take up the reins of your new identity. Well done, Beloved Ones. Be in peace.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website links are included. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

SaLuSa, December 27, 2013, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: December 27, 2013

SacredSaLuSa: December 27, 2013. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. http://tinyurl.com/p3rlh4j
Here you are at the end of yet another year that has been momentous in many ways. Time has continued to speed up, and a clear division can be seen to be taking place between the old and new.
The dark Ones are not progressing as they would have wished, after feeling that they were on the verge of taking control of the world. They reckoned without the increasing amount of Light that has been grounded upon Earth. So much so, that almost unnoticed it has become the most powerful force for good. No longer can its progress be delayed, and it is destined to be the means of removing the dark Ones.
This cycle has completed its course and the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth. The apparent turmoil is but a sign of it restricting the ability of the dark Ones to continue their onward march to world control.
It was always planned this way so that no matter how much they extended their power over the people, they would never achieve complete control. The cycle has run its course and a new one has commenced that will bring complete peace and happiness to all souls. There is no longer a place for the dark Ones to wield their power over the Human Race.
As you stand fast and are not affected by outside occurrences, so you empower the Light that grows ever stronger. Live in the Light, and you can live your life in a way that helps lift others up with you. The coming New Year will herald many changes that will send out a strong signal that the Light is bringing the New Age into being. 2014 will be the crossroads that allows rapid progress to be made, and signal the true commencement of the Age of Light.
Each of you has been selected to be here for such an occasion and for many of you life will suddenly offer you the changes that you have been seeking. As Lightworkers you each have something to offer that will be utilised at the right time. So do not worry or feel that your contribution is little compared to others, as all are important to the whole.
You have all come a long way with your experiences and are greater for them than you were when you first started your journey. No experience is without value and there is no need to make comparisons with others, as you all have a unique individual life plan. No One is any greater or lesser than another soul. You are part of a great family that looks up to the Father/Mother God from whence you came. When you come together as One, there will no one soul considered better than another, as all tread the same path and are simply at different stages upon it.
When you can see yourself in others you will know that you are inexplicably linked and in reality are One. Yet even as you progress to this understanding, you will still remain an individual Light amongst all others. When you are referred to as “Gods,” it is a state of Oneness that you experience when you return to the Godhead. For want of a better expression it is your Home from whence you came, and when God desires to experience more, all souls will be sent out again for that reason.
At this time you have difficulty in imagining or remembering your higher states of being, but soon you will be on the path to full recognition. It will happen by stages and first you will gain full consciousness. Of necessity you have lived out many lives in the lower vibrations with a limited consciousness.
Your challenge has been to find your way back to God through your own experience, which is why each soul travels at its own speed and is on a different path. Remember also that for specific incarnations you are connected to certain energies that will enhance your opportunities to succeed.
As you become more at One with the Light, so you will become more awakened to the truth of your real selves. You are not your body and it only serves your needs whilst on Earth. Yes, you also have an etheric body that is refined to allow existence in the higher vibrations, yet you have much further to go.
Eventually you will become a true Being of Light, but you can still create a “body” for yourself when the necessity arises. It is worth noting that when you do so to allow movement through the lower dimensions, it will be limiting in other ways.
Dear Ones throw off any feelings of tiredness or doubt, as the vibrations are increasing and you are being rejuvenated. Lift up out of doubt or disbelief and look straight ahead and walk in the Light. Leave your worries behind you and be assured that everything is in perfect order. It may be hard to do, but you must start unloading your “baggage” as you cannot take it with you into the higher realms.
Think big and positive as you have done the hard work to have reached this point in your evolution. Also bear in mind that you have many souls with you on your journey, doing all they can to guide you onto a safe and rewarding path.
I am SaLuSa and come again to reassure you that all is well and we are with you all the way. Our Love and Blessings go with you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

December 22-29, 2013
Beloved Ones,
The high energy of love pours down upon your planet as the people celebrate with their families and loved ones. This is the magical time of year when everyone believes in all possibilities and that the good will that is manifest will make all things right in the world. Love abounds deep within each soul and each earnestly desires and looks forward to a symbolic new beginning in the coming New Year. Much has changed in the year that is past and as the people look back in review, they will feel astonished at all that has occurred. If people would keep track of all the developments in all sectors of human life upon the Earth, they would see that, indeed, their world is changing dramatically.
New lands have risen from the ocean and more will continue to rise in various locations. Your planet is undergoing a metamorphosis that is incredible to behold and you it is who have made it possible by bravely holding the light upon the planet even when you were not understood by the people around you. This is changing rapidly as those around you perceive that perhaps you knew something that they were not aware of before, and they earnestly begin to seek to apprise themselves of the knowledge they need to comprehend the changes that are taking place, within themselves and the world in which they live their lives. There will be a great influx of seekers searching the internet for the answers to their newly formed questions.
These are questions that each of you sought many decades ago and when you found the answers you began to build the inner strength required to hold to your convictions. By doing this consistently throughout your lifetimes, you have made it so much easier for the new seekers to find what they are looking for and great inroads will be made as understanding comes to greater amounts of the populace. The younger generations have come upon the planet with codes already in place, ready for these times that we are now experiencing and these become activated within their DNA strands as divinely ordained in right timing. Remembrance comes ever more easily and gracefully as the veils of forgetfulness are gradually lifted.
As great change in the consciousness of humanity unfolds, it expands in an exponential but quiet revolution. It is a revolution of consciousness or more correctly, an evolution of consciousness. As more of humanity turns on their own light, the crystalline grid assists them by bringing to them more of what they seek to find. The beginnings of telepathic communication between individuals will slowly take form and this will lead to exciting developments in all areas of communication and technology. Many new devices will be created and distributed throughout the world. These will help those on Earth to communicate more clearly and even more quickly than before, not only with the inhabitants upon the planet but also with the star nations as they are recognized as kin.
An era of galactic interaction with other life forms will become an acceptable concept that will see ventures in the expansion of understanding in all areas of exchange. Information will continue to pour into the Earth’s atmosphere with the intent of assisting humanity to continue their assent into greater light and knowledge and how they may assist in facilitating this process. Greater cooperation between all peoples will help to move humanity and the Earth forward in ever higher spirals of knowledge on all levels of life upon the planet. More and more people will understand the concept that love is the answer in every situation that comes to the forefront. Applying this force of love in a constructive manner will see much improvement in all areas of life upon the Earth. It is a grand time to walk upon the Earth!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com

Saturday, December 21, 2013

From Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, December 10, 2013, Given Through Susan Leland

St Germain:  
Tribute to Nelson Mandela
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
December 10, 2013
"Greetings Beloved Family!  I, St Germain, stand before you, and I am honored to be here with the Beloved Leader of South Africa, who was a Leader even when he was imprisoned.  He was Leader in the Hearts of all who cherished Freedom, and I will tell you this - I was with him during the entirety of the life he lived!
"And so we are honored to have with us the beautiful, Divine, Nelson Mandela.  He stands among the great leaders of the World.  Not because South Africa was the most powerful nation of the World - it never was, it is not now.  Indeed South Africa has been an exploited nation for several centuries.  South Africa is a land of untold riches - there is much more there even than is known - and yet it is not because South Africa became so wealthy among the nations.  There were those who seized the wealth at the expense of the people.
"But South Africa itself as a nation did not become the richest nation, or government, in the world while Nelson Mandela was its leader.  There are still problems of apartheid attitudes in South Africa, just as there are racial discriminations happening everywhere on Planet Earth.  And yet they are ending!!!  And you may think that in leaving the Planet - or that part of the Planet you call the 'real World,' sometimes '3D' - that Nelson Mandela’s legacy is less powerful than when he lived.  Just the opposite is true!!!
"Yes, he chose the perfect moment - a moment when the World would pause and see his Greatness, and see his Divinity.  For what he stood for was more powerful than any armies or monetary wealth. What he stood for was Freedom, but Freedom with Peace, Freedom with Honor, Freedom with Forgiveness -absolute Forgiveness - Freedom with love!!!
"There are great leaders who come specifically to create the atmosphere for change - you know them.  There have been Masters who have come as Teachers – Buddha, Yeshua, even I, myself, had an opportunity to teach those who would listen, in my many lifetimes!  There are those who have the Courage to come into the political arena.  There are many who have given their lives as leaders of countries, whether they were its president or its spiritual leader, they have given their lives – many kings, many queens, prime ministers, Gandhi himself, and in slightly more recent times, President Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
"These kinds of events seem to be continuing.  And yet they are not, because Freedom is upon the World!  It is to celebrate Freedom gained through the Heart - not with weapons, not with money - but with Love!  Nelson Mandela sat with those who you might call his mortal enemies.  He invited them to come to be with him after he was out of prison - those very ones who had imprisoned him!  And why did they imprison him?  Because they knew - they were afraid of the power that he had, because it was the power of Love!  And they knew not Love, but when he was freed and he brought them together, he lit some Lights, because he did not bring them for purposes of recriminations or blame or revenge.  He did not turn around and imprison them. No!!! He sat with them as beloved friends and he treated them as such, and they were awed, and most of them forgot to be afraid in his presence!
"He had the gift of putting everyone at ease.  The national anthem of South Africa was originated by the apartheid leaders, but he refused to change it, because the change he wanted was one of coming together - no more separation!*  There is a movie we recommend, you can find it on the website,** it is called Invictus, and it was done some years ago. It is a movie about Mandela.  It shows the greatness of the man, and it is all based in Truth!  It revolves around a sporting team, but if you have not seen it - do so!  It will get you into the spirit and show you what he taught.  It was a great victory, not so much for the sporting team as much as it was for his beloved country and for the World, because it was a coming together and joining as One!
"Nelson Mandela was a Divine Master, as You All Are.  Would he say - does he say - that he was a great man?  No.  He says he was blessed to awaken the greatness in so many, to awaken the greatness within his own beloved country!!!  And his accomplishments were of Peace, based in Love - not fear!  His whole attitude, his demeanor, and his teachings and every action, were humble but great in their simplicity.  He knew and lived as his mentors have done, and I, St Germain have had the honor of being with him as guide and Brother!
"He is now here, and his great works are only going to increase in their power and in their Love!  And so take him and his teachings into your Hearts, for he is a Grand Teacher and a Divine Inspiration for all of Planet Earth!  He continues to lead on the great path to Peace on Earth, with Freedom and Abundance for all. 
"Thank you for joining with us, for honoring Nelson Mandela, and for living the principles by which he, himself, lived and devoted his life to teaching to others.  And so it is!  Namaste!"
*  St Germain's Tribute was preceded by the national anthem of South Africa
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, December 10, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, December 10, 2013, given through Susan Leland

Ashtar: You Are Moving into the Golden Age!*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - December 10, 2013
"Greetings Beloved Family!  It is I, Ashtar and this entire Company of Masters and Angels, Guides and all Beloved beings from all Kingdoms of Planet Earth are here now with you, with us, on the bridge of The New Jerusalem!  And there are others who are here.  We are honored to be visited by the great Nelson Mandela, and St. Germain shall be speaking more on this, on the subject of his great, wise and wonderful gifts that he gave to Planet Earth.**
"But for now we invite you to join with us and to feel the energies of all of us here assembled, and of his, this beautiful, beautiful person.  Well, he was in the body of a person, and we are welcoming him back as our brother, so stay tuned.
"Now I would comment on the general status, or shall we say, the state of being of Planet Earth because it’s in great shape!  You may not think so where you are, particularly if you are feeling a bit of the bite of the cold upon your being.  But all is well.  It has never been this well upon Planet Earth, since the very beginning, and that is because you, Beloved Ones, have been holding the Light!  You have been standing shoulder to shoulder with the Kumaras and with all of the wondrous ones who have been perhaps in a bit of a Higher Dimension than what you know as your 3D Planet Earth, but nevertheless they have been here and they have been joining in many, many ways with you throughout many, many of your lifetimes, in fact – in guidance, in support, sometimes in answer to your most fervent prayers and desires!
"Even when it has seemed as though you have taken your last breath and you are crossing over, there has always been one or more who have welcomed you to the Light, because that, Beloved Ones, is the true destination.  There are some who need some time out, this is true, before going on and upward into the Higher Dimensions.  But if you have some of the upbringing or even some of the genetics which is based in fear-based religions – False Energy Appearing Real – let it go.  Your destination is up, up and away!!!
"Does that mean that you need to leave Planet Earth?  No.  Does that mean that you need to leave your body?  No!  It means you have a grand opportunity to bring your bodies with you - slightly modified, or you could consider it upgraded, so as to be able to exist in the Higher Dimensional energies - but you are getting a good taste of what those energies feel like even now, because we are sending them to Planet Earth and to all of you - indeed, to every living being upon Planet Earth!!!  This includes the human kingdom, and the kingdoms of the animals and the plants and yes, the crystals, the minerals.
"After all, it is they who can receive the energies and transmit them without what you might call downgrading them - they don’t have to.  In your human bodies, sometimes you need to take a little time out or a step backwards.  Sometimes you need to stop and get grounded and let the energies move into balance within you before you accept anymore, but the crystals are wide open to receive all the time, and actually the other kingdoms are too, and they are receiving.
"You may have noticed, for instance, when you receive the wondrously heartwarming pictures of the animal kingdom - you know the ones that go around the Internet where you have the equivalent of the lion and the lamb lying together in Peace and Joy. There are many, many of these pictures where, for instance, an animal mother of a different species will nurse a baby who has been orphaned or lost, and where animals from different breeds make friends with each other and become companions.  Some very unlikely pairings you might think!
"Why does that cat not eat those birds, why does that cat allow those birds to sit upon her head and upon her back?  And so on, and so on.  And this is because the energies are coming in and actually awakening the original genetics among the animals.  The animals didn’t use to prey upon each other.  You’ve heard of the Garden of Eden - that was the beginning of Lemuria - they did not prey upon each other, everyone had plenty.  There was not so much eating of the 3D materials, let us just say.  So it all worked wondrously well, and everybody communicated with everybody, and everybody loved everybody.  There was no such thing as greed, or jealously.  There was no violence and no need for it. Everyone knew that all life was Divine and everyone honored the Divinity in all life!!!
"Well that’s where we’re going!  That’s what Ascension is.  That is what it’s all about and that is the destination for Planet Earth! All those who want to come to this particular paradise, Eden, Shangri-la - you call it whatever you want - you are all Masters and you are all Divine and you all have choices.  We are just saying its time for the last 'all-aboard-who-are-coming-aboard' call.  Why is this?  It’s because you’ve got so much to do and so you need to get on board, or on track, or on the path or whatever you want to call it and start looking out at where you are headed!
"Now, when you feel a bit of anger or jealousy or any of those emotions you have temporarily derailed yourselves.  Is this bad? No.  Does it mean that you will not get there?  Of course not!  It means that you are giving yourselves an opportunity to look back, because you are really done with all of that and that’s what these incoming energies are supporting.  It’s just that you still have some 3D-ness about you, and so it is only natural that you might be still in the programs, shall we say, of 3D.
"So when you get triggered - that’s a good word isn’t it – 'triggered' – there’s nothing violent about it.  And do not get violent within yourselves.  Remember who you are, Beloved Ones, you are Love, you are Light unto the World.  And it is simply to say – 'Oh!  That’s a part of me still.  I love all of me!  I forgive all of me, because there is really nothing to forgive - I just quit judging as right or wrong, and I get back on board my own personal train or shuttlecraft, or whatever I have, and I’m ready to move ahead now!'
"The more you move ahead, the more you keep your momentum going, the less you are going to have of those moments because, guess what - where you are going they do not exist anyway!!!  So you are in preparation now and you are very close to what we call the first major stop along the way and that’s the Golden Age. And that is a very busy time for every Lightworker, for every holder of the Light, and most particularly for members of the Ashtar Family, because you all have within you blueprints, shall we say, or plans, for what to do during the Golden Age.  So if you haven’t started thinking about what to do during the Golden Age - think about it!!!
"Now, we’ve been telling you for a long time get ready to be extremely wealthy in dollars.  Well, you heard tonight.***  It is not to be an idle, rich being.  It is to, shall we say, determine what these dollars can do.  We’ll give you some ideas.  It’s about joyful usage of the dollars to accomplish Joy to the World, or Joy to your community or the apartment building you live in, or your family or friends, or the strangers lined up at the soup kitchens, or whatever.
"It’s an opportunity for you to reach out and join with community. Even if you don’t want to go out into the marketplace to do it, there are plenty of things that you can do.  And where do you start, Beloved Ones?  You start with yourselves!  Mother Sekhmet is very fond of presenting the vision of the shiny red sports car. Well if that’s what you want, go get it, and radiate Joy!
"Your main goal here is not to count the dollars in your bank accounts.  It’s to radiate the joyful energy that they are capable of sharing with the World!  It’s all energy anyway.  Thank the trees who gave their energies for these dollars.  Thank Mother Gaia who has given of her treasures of gold and silver and other precious minerals.  Thank the Planet Venus - a lot of this has come from there you know.  It’s all about Love!  Gold is actually a very high vibration, when it does not have greed attached to it.
"It’s not about being another King Midas.  It’s about being a Divine Master walking Planet Earth, or driving your own shuttlecraft, or whatever!  Oh yes, there will prototype off-the-ground conveyances, there are already some and there will be a lot more.  You may, if you want to have one of the early models, find that you need to spend some dollars for that too. It’s whatever is going to radiate Joy – money - dollars, euros, yen, whatever – they are units of energy.  Start thinking about them as units of energy.  What kind of energy?  Love! Joy!  Abundance for all!
"When everyone has Abundance, Beloved Ones, and when the dark hats are no longer in the picture - and we shall be speaking of that momentarily – when everybody has Abundance, and everybody is uplifted in Joy, greed is gone.  It just isn’t anymore!
"And so when there is no greed with everybody making war on everybody else, and scheming to inherit the rich uncle’s gold, or whatever - when all of that is gone, and then money is simply a unit of energy, which is more and more loving energy, because that’s what it really wants to be - every energy wants to be Love!!!  There are some that are in lower vibration, but they can be transformed or transmuted, just as a person can rise into Love, rise into the Light, and leave behind greed, war and all of the energies which are the opposite of love, they are FEAR-based – False Evidence Appearing Real!!!
"And all they are is just something that was created to give the dark hats an upper hand and to show Planet Earth how miserable everybody could be who wasn’t really rich.  And there are many who are wealthy - they are called wealthy visionaries, who are already in the process of spreading the Joy, by doing what they can do to help, whether it be the kingdom of the humans, or the animals or even the plant kingdoms.
"Look at the ones who bravely go off and spend large sums of money finding new healing plants, for instance, or filing papers in your courts to try and stop the deforestations and all of the other kinds of things.  Now you have GMO, the ultimate low-vibe, fear-based - we won’t even call it a food - it is not nourishment, it does not nurture, it does the opposite.  And so it is, who’s going to heal the plants?  The GMO plants?  Think about that, how would you like to be a plant with GMO genetics?  It can be done, it can be done by raising the vibrations, by moving into an arena where there is no GMO!  It can’t exist there because it is fear-based, greed-based, etc.
"What about the waters of Planet Earth?  You could take a sheet of paper and fill it with all of the pollutions and the toxic incidents and the violent events that have assaulted your waters, your oceans, your rivers, your lakes, your ponds, even your puddles that the rain leaves behind.  But we are helping to clean them up even now because you, Beloved Ones, have given us permission to come this close in your atmosphere that we can actually do some helpful things!!!
"It isn’t that we are going to do it all ourselves.  It is that we need your continuing support, your assistance, and maybe some of you will want to join with us when you receive your unheard of Abundance – unheard of, but you’ve heard about it here plenty of times!  You may want to join with us in supporting a clean-up project somewhere.  Even if it just means that you spend some money traveling and you stand on the banks of the Nile River, for instance, and you radiate your Love to the waters of the Nile - or where ever you might choose.
"You are still going to need to buy a ticket and a few things along the way with money, but that’s all right because you are utilizing the money for it’s highest and best purposes.  Remember, it starts with Joy to you!  Do what gives you Joy, treating all others, all other living beings, all other lifeforms, as you, yourself would be treated.  If you will just remember to use your gold only in a manner in which you follow the Gold-en Rule, you will be living the Golden Age lifestyle in Divine Perfection!!!
"Then what you will do from there, well, you will have so many choices that you’re not even perhaps seeing them.  It’s like the colors of the Universe, you don’t see them all with your 3D eyes but they are there!  And the choices you will have are so many that you will consider them to be infinite.  So stop any thoughts of being limited in any way and start seeing yourselves as the Divine and unlimited beings we know that you are!!!
"We see all of you - oh yes, your Higher Selves are just dancing right now because they know what we know – that you are Divine beings and that you can do whatever it is that you choose to do! Right now we understand you are in bodies that might have some limitations and there may be times when you are tired.  And these incoming energies can really turn you upside down, just like the waves of the ocean here on Maui - sometimes it just happens no matter how alert you think you are.  Then all of a sudden you are rolling and tumbling and you don’t know which way is up, and that’s okay.  Stop and rest!
"As we have said, if your train seems to be coming to a halt or you seem to be coming into a roadblock upon your path, stop and just honor yourselves for being where you are, for seeing what is going on within your own energy fields.  Take some deep breaths, do an Exercise of Meditation and most of all, a Blessing to the Divine beings that you are, and know it’s just part of your experiences and just showing you something that you are leaving behind anyway.  It is not to get into a big stew about or to get down in the dumpies, or anything of the kind.  It is not at all permanent, you are in transformational mode!
"You are kind of a jumble right now of the old you, and the new you, and the radiant, Divine realization that that’s Who You Are! Just enjoy the ride - yes it’s going to be kind of fast and it can be like a roller coaste,r but just stop and enjoy it, stop and breathe, know that we are with you every step of the way.  Practice your telepathic communications because that is a grand help.  Who do you want to communicate with?  Start with being sure you are connected with that part of you who you call your Higher Self - we call it your Higher Dimensional Self - and then all of your Guides and anyone that you want to talk with.
"Maybe you have an ancestor who has crossed over.  Everyone in the Universe is available to you in every moment!  There is no disconnect - only that which you, yourselves, create or allow. And of course, a disconnect has been necessary in order for you, yourself to leave the stage and then come back to do more, and so on and so on.  That is, the disconnect is in the 3D human mind! But it really isn’t a disconnect - it’s another fear-based story.  So you can let go of that one anytime that you are ready, and communicate with anyone, whether they are actually present in body or have been present in body but have gone beyond.  Most of all its to radiate your beautiful, glowing Lights, and to send Love everywhere throughout the Universe!!!
"We are in the Holy Days season, and we have a most profound message coming to you, and it’s all about Peace and Love.***  It is for you to remember the purpose of the Holy Days season, particularly in this calendar year.  It is to, shall we say, prepare the way!  You are the Messengers running ahead, moving ahead, or driving ahead - however you see yourselves - of the majority of humanity.  You are the Messengers actually leading the way!!! You could call yourselves the Guides, the Bearers of Light, lighting the way for everyone else on Planet Earth!
"Destination number one – the Golden Age.  You could skip it if you want and just go right on up to your Ascension status.  But for most you, you have committed to being, shall we say, in the advance group going into the Golden Age.  You know what’s coming, you know things are getting a little, or a lot, chaotic, and it is for you to maintain the calm, beam the Love and prepare your own selves!
"So start putting out some visions of how you are going to be a citizen of the Golden Age, living the Golden Rule and enjoying your bank accounts, or your mattresses, or whatever, that are full of gold.  This is a golden time!  As you look back on this, you will remember that this is a preparation month and this is the ending of 2013, and the beginning of a most magical year called 2014.  Our expectation is that you will be firmly grounded in the Golden Age, or it’s beginnings, because it’s going to go on for a while to give everyone an opportunity to catch up with you during what you would call the year 2104!
"That is where the momentum is at this moment.  Remember, we do not do dates.  No dates!  But we are telling you this, that if the present momentum continues, and we see that it is - because, you see, the dark hats are out of tricks and games and dark programs, they really are done.  Oh, there are a few echoes remaining - you know they have already tried to nuke every part of the World in their panic and fear.  But remember - No Nukes, because we’ve disabled them all - they can’t do it!
"The poisons that they have spread are being neutralized. We’re talking about what they have done to poison humanity - the chemtrails, the immunizations which have been highly toxic. Remember we said that plants that are GMO have the ability to transform into, shall we say, healthy and balanced plants with their original genetics.  It’s not quite time for that miracle yet but the more you support non-GMO agriculture and consumption, the faster that transformation can appear for you!  If you were thinking that all GMO plants have to be destroyed, think again. They are living organisms, although they are mutants, but they can be transformed.  In Higher Dimensions they already are!!!
"That’s hard to conceive isn’t it?  These beings that you are about to eat have a life in a Higher Dimension where they are beings that are not GMO!  Well, we don’t go into science so we won’t go into this very much, just to tell you that all miracles are lined up and they are done!  When you lift up into the Higher Vibrations, that’s when you get an opportunity to sample the miracles!!!  So bring yourselves often to the bridge, bring yourselves often up into the Higher Dimensions where you can actually live!  No, you are not quite ready to bring your bodies yet but you can bring yourselves up in your consciousness, your sleep times, your Meditations - however you choose to do it - where you can savor and sample all of the riches, the true riches that will be a part of your ascended lifestyles!
"Even as you prepare for the Golden Age, you are preparing for the next step after that.  So you see your momentum is only up -you can say forward - it’s going up, up at a rapid rate and it’s somewhat dizzying - we understand, but you are doing it!  And that’s the great message of progress that has been made this year, it is exponential!  This Holy Days season is exponentially exponential!!!
"Come and join us - we are here with you at all times!  Just consciously communicate with us, and be One with us and share the beautiful visions that we share.  See yourselves as we see you, Beloved Ones, and know that we are Family, We Are One, and we are on this grand path together!!!  And so it is!
"By the way, we’re going to have a real good party on what you call New Year’s Eve, so we invite you all to join us.  Bring your friends - we will have a wondrous time!
"Thank you so much Beloved Ones, for being with us!  Namaste and Salut!"
*   Ashtar was introduced by his chosen song, Come The New Jerusalem
**  St Germain's Tribute to Nelson Mandela
*** Tara and Rama's A&A Report
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, December 10, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Join the Sparkle Fest, channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s December 15, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: We’re shifting from a water-based physical being to crystalline, so we’re no longer directed by full moons and other events created outside our beings. Astrology remains a valid field and will adapt – as are all structures/segments of our former lives – from a water-based/outer-directed modality to a crystalline/inner-directed frequency.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Grab Your Emotional Star Power”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You have moved through many energies in the past few days – including the energies generated by the loving, sometimes sad, holiday spirit. Even though there is a solstice and full moon on the calendar, the energies emitted by those forces are less dramatic than what you are accustomed to. That is not to say you will not shift parts of your being during those events, but that it will feel more like a sparkle fest than a traumatic event.
Many question the phrase ‘sparkle fest’ for you continue to display the changes those transition waves create via physical or emotional symptoms. You find yourself experiencing emotional highs and lows, sleep pattern changes, digestive issues or other symptoms. All pieces you have experienced before. The difference is that the symptoms will be less evident and the results more precise.
Think of yourself as a diamond in the rough when you first began your new earth transition. You knew what you wanted, but not necessarily how to get there. The first cutting of your facets was painful and extremely frightening for most. Each shift produced another polish or trimming of facets. You now are a brilliant stone requesting a bit more polish.
Please note the difference. When you first experienced your uncut, unpolished diamond status, you asked for assistance from whomever seemed likely to reduce your fears. Now that you are a polished gem, you decide how much you wish your facets to sparkle.
Just days ago, you were concerned about your direction and relationships. You were cautious about the holiday effects on your seemingly precarious spot in new earth.
Is it possible for you to shift that dramatically in a few days?
Have not so many channels relayed that all would happen in the blink of an eye? And so it is for you – even though you probably thought that phrase related to global/structural shifts not your personal shift.
All are the same. Changing one cell of your totality changes the Universes.
Your physicality has transitioned from a water to a crystalline base. How that effects your reactions to full moons and other water-based events will be noted by many this week.
You and all entities on earth are shifting from a water to crystalline based cellular structure so your Old Age astrological indicators will change also. Astrology, like all parts of your being and structural life, is shifting.
But that thought is not as important as it is for you to know that you have reached a point of clarity beyond anything you conceived of even one year ago. It is the knowingness of your worth that is so different. You experience and express life differently. You sense new feelings and beliefs. You know without a doubt that you are a sparkler.
Many disagree. You state to yourself and others that you feel nothing different. That you are worthless and unworthy. Life is as gray as it has been most of your life – perhaps even a bit more gray as you discard family and friends who no longer blend with your new being.
We beg to differ. Those of you who are feeling less than on the outside merely need to review your inner workings.
Even though you may miss some of those who were part of your life, you do not have a need to return to that life because you have accepted your role internally. Whether that is yet displayed externally is not of great concern for it will be shortly. There will be a sense of joy and sparkle about your new being – just as is true when you purchase a new outfit that makes head turn at your beauty.
You have accepted your new outfit/being internally. So despite your need to feel less than, you will start to sparkle with your multi-faceted radiance in a few days.
For those who already sparkle on the outside, you know you have an absolutely wonderful life. You are gleaming and highly polished, but have decided to add a bit more polish and sparkle to your radiance – which you will receive this week with the full moon and solstice.
These astrological events are now tweaking, sparkling and shifting your inner crystalline structure.
Many believe that such is not possible for your medical doctors are not noting the change. But then, they are not looking. Much as native Americans did not see the first European explorer boats because they were not part of their understanding.
Your crystalline structure is cellular. Your medical world understand cells, but has little need to look at the composition of cells. Their equipment is designed for larger objects. Eventually, the medical world will catch up with your new physical beings – just not today or tomorrow.
Those of you who doubt your worth, look within for reassurance – and then accept the sparkling messages that follow. Do you not feel lighter and more energetic when you read or view a piece about how far you have evolved? Those moments are reassurances to yourself that all is well and getting better.
For those of you who KNOW your worth, grab the additional polishing available in the next few days. Look around. Others are indeed starting to sparkle, laugh and play more – and know that all is wonderfully well in their world.
You have all moved beyond 3D even though you continue to be part of it. Which is exactly what you wished to accomplish prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime – the almost impossible feat of living in two worlds, yet allowing one to dominate your thinking and processing despite continued activity in another.
New earth energies now dominate your being. Your inner-world is crystalline. Whether you believe it or not, your diamond in the rough being has been cut and polished to a brilliance you could only dream of a few months ago.
All that is required is for you to allow that brilliance to radiate from your being, to believe in yourself and to know you have expanded beyond your previous 3D existence.
You are indeed the new being you wished to be when you took your first earth breathe. Celebrate that. Radiate that. You have passed your transition to new earth with flying colors. Now accept your radiance and allow it to shine. So be it. Amen.
http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

SaLuSa, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa: December 20, 2013. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.
The turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with religious beliefs.
The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come together and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them.
These situations repeatedly come up and slowly but surely people realise that they are their brother’s keeper. Those who have travelled far ahead with their understanding can also see that all life is One, and that it is inextricably linked and the actions of each individual affects the whole. This is when people take responsibility for their actions and help raise the vibrations upon Earth.
If only you keep the goodwill going that arises from times like you are experiencing now, the sooner you would move away from the lower vibrations that could not exist in your higher state. As the changes continue so they help raise up those souls who are just emerging from the darkness. They need a helping hand to get on the road to success, and find it easier once others have created the pathway.
Through many lives you have experienced a myriad of situations that have helped your progress. They have been arranged – as all lives are – to help you surmount the problems you are likely to face. There is absolutely nothing that happens without good cause, although to the human mind it is difficult to see beyond what happens in your physical realm.
Each of you has numerous helpers whose sole interest is to ensure that you progress through your experiences. It is why the key events in your life are orchestrated to gradually advance you along the path of evolution. Yet in many instances you are propelled into chaotic conditions that do not seem to have any real purpose. Believe us Dear Ones, nothing happens by chance and whatever you become involved in has some measure of gain, not just for you but every soul involved.
Do not worry if you get caught up in what is clearly coming from a negative source, as your presence may be needed to hold the vibrations in check. Often you can provide sufficient Light to soften or remove some of the negative energies. Be assured you will be used for your experience and dedication to spreading the Light, and will never be called upon to handle more than you can manage. Obviously you will also find yourselves on the receiving end, but this is often a test to ensure you know how to handle yourself. We repeat, that “nothing happens by chance” so always look for the lesson that may accompany your experience.
Be assured that you do get breaks throughout your lifetime, and you are not expected to serve the Light without them. It is certain that you will know where you stand when you are going with the flow and fulfilling your life plan. However, remember that at times you will, so to say, catch up on outstanding karma and it will present itself when you are known to be able to cope with it. So do not be alarmed in such circumstances and accept your experience with good heart, and most importantly ensure you learn from it.
At this time in your evolution you are progressing at a faster rate than ever, and each soul is on the last lap of its life plan for this incarnation. This may seem improbable as all of you are at different points in your evolution, and remember that not every soul is ready to ascend, or desires to do so.
The end of a Solar Cycle draws nigh and it is special inasmuch that the end times have already been decided, and regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to foil the plan, they will not be successful. Ascension is assured and is to be expected at the end of a Solar Cycle.
In the meantime help your fellow traveller where needed, but at the same time do not pressurise them by forcing advice upon them. Sometimes lessons can only be learnt through direct experience, although group experience is not uncommon. Try not to be too rigid in your thinking and be flexible, although many of you are now sufficiently intuitive to know when to move in a different direction. Take things in your stride and try not to force a situation, unless you can be sure of the outcome. You should know that when matters flow in harmony, there is little for you to do.
You have been preparing for this period for millennia of time, as you have always known that it would arrive to lift you out of the lower vibrations. Many of you have awoken to the fact, and now joyfully make your way forward with great expectations. Even if you do not fully understand what a great time is opening up for all of you, there is a sense of excitement knowing that a new era is about to open. It allows you to contemplate what life would be like once the dark Ones were removed. Such freedom from interference is something new, and very hard to conceive when you are lifting out from the lower vibrations.
For millennia of time you have experienced duality of such high levels that it is hard to conceive of the dramatic and far reaching changes that are almost upon you. However, they are near to manifestation and will bring the most wonderful surprises and far reaching changes, much to your amazement and delight.
I leave you now in what is hopefully a feeling of joy, knowing that your travels in the lower dimensions are about to end. Keep your calm and continue to spread love and peace wherever you are.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey


Monday, December 16, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

December 15-22, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As the solstice approaches and comes into effect, humanity is lifted higher and higher in their energetic fields and each is being gifted with the presence of the Angelic realms more pervasively than ever before. This is enabling each individual to receive the grace of the Angelic realms which assist in opening their hearts and souls to the higher frequencies of light and of love. As each being receives a greater influx and download of Christ energies into their own heart, a profound and subtle change takes effect in their daily lives. This will begin to show itself in the expressions between each member of humanity as they interact and connect with each other. The attributes and qualities of peace, loving kindness and goodwill will become more often expressed, one to another, as humanity begins to understand the greater purpose of many things that were not available for their discernment before.
All across the planet, a movement of love consciousness will rise up and humanity will be lifted into a higher perception of their true purpose for being here in the history of this planet at this time. Many revelations will begin to take place within the consciousness of each individual and it will be reflected by the mirrors of love and unity consciousness in the greater expressions of life upon the Earth. People will no longer be afraid or feel constrained to fully express the love they feel within their hearts at any given moment. All the beauty of the higher qualities within each soul will rise to the surface in joy and happiness in their outer expression. Each individual will make the effort to redirect their thinking processes into avenues that bless others and themselves by their actions, thoughts and deeds. Paying it forward will become the normal expression within each individual as they comprehend that by giving to others they in turn, give to themselves.
The laws of the universe will be seen to fulfill humanity’s higher intents with greater frequency and people will find it much easier to receive the fulfillment of their deepest and dearest dreams than ever before. The understanding that each soul is responsible for the good that manifests in their lives because that is what they have given out will become a reality. This law was always in effect but with the density upon the planet was one that was much slower to realize. All of that is now changing rapidly and the wonders of the world in which humanity lives and breathes will be seen, recognized and valued. Truly, this is a most beautiful and wondrous planet in the universe! Humanity holds great potential within their cells and in their DNA system and these will begin to unfold naturally and joyfully.
All across the planet, voices will speak in peace and harmony, decreeing a better life experience for all souls who choose to incarnate in a physical body so that they can bring completion to their life’s plan and purpose. The energy of love will manifest with greater frequency and intensity than ever before and because of this, there will be a transformation within each person, the likes of which has never before been imagined. Each person will feel humble as they realize what a great opportunity they have been given in their incarnation upon this planet during these times and this will attribute to a resurgence of the higher qualities of expression within each individual and within the systems that have been operating upon this planet.
Humanity will rise in unison with the Earth as they become uplifted in the energies that are pervading all life upon the Earth and there will be a huge effort to rectify all harm done to the Earth and her kingdoms in the pursuit of wealth above all else. There will be better ways sought to provide the essentials to all humanity that will be in harmony with all life upon the Earth. This will facilitate the implementation of new technology which was suppressed in times past and this will make life upon your planet much simpler and easier than previously experienced. All who receive this new knowledge are those who have agreed to share it freely in order to bring the transformation into the higher dimensions of consciousness more quickly into effect. This is a most exciting development in the process of ascension upon your planet.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com

Matthew Ward, through Suzanne Ward

December 14, 2013

Seasonal greeting, Nelson Mandela, our advancement 
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As you celebrate this season of traditional music, merriment and festivities with families and friends, you are remembering those who are grieving or whose circumstances are dire. You would rejoice with us if you could see the abundance of light radiating from you and the beneficiaries of your caring and sharing—it is a spectacle to behold!
How glorious it is that brilliance emanated as well from the uniquely jubilant and colorful memorial ceremony honoring one of your brightest souls. The international tribute to Nelson Mandela was equaled only by his welcome in Nirvana, where joyful throngs gathered to celebrate his life.
Mandela exemplified that the way to peaceful reconciliation is through forgiveness, honesty, humility, compassion and respect. He didn’t need to consciously know that the energy in those expressions of love is the most powerful force in the cosmos and that every life is interconnected within that energy. He lived from his heart, the seat of the soul, where those universal truths are known, and that is how he succeeded in uniting his country’s peoples and in his other diplomatic and political endeavors.
Most of Earth’s populace don’t know those truths either. Like Mandela, multitudes are acting upon soul-level inspiration and generating light in countless ways. A delightful example, which shows far more than any words can describe the love energy that comes with unity of spirit, is this short film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwe-pA6TaZk.
In keeping with this unusually busy time for you, we keep our December messages brief, but we cannot let this year come to its close without telling you that light beings throughout this universe are immensely heartened by your growth spiritually and consciously!
More than ever before you are aware of and grateful for blessings in your life and the uplifting developments in your communities, regions, countries, your world. By following intuition—a splendid step forward in soul evolvement—thoughts, feelings and actions of persons around the world are sending forth the high vibrations of hope and optimism.
Look forward to exhilarating, illuminating Year 2014. Happy New Year, our beloved Earth family!
Suzanne Ward

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Peggy Black and the 'team'


_________ Message from the 'team'_________

Peggy Black and the 'team'
We are here acknowledging your continued expansion. We observe the process of your consciousness contracting and then expanding. This happens on a personal level as well as a global matrix level. We are dedicated to your full and total awakening and empowerment. We continue to invite you to own your personal power. 
We are aware of the imagined limitations that are continually imposed upon the collective. However, there are those like yourself who are moving through these limitations recognizing they are just false beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation.

This is a time of great and wonderful change in what was once a mystery and is now being understood. When you honor your magnificence, when you stretch the imagined boundaries of you are and recognize what you can create or call forth, you truly begin to realize that you are powerful beyond measure.

We will continue to remind you of this awesome fact as often as necessary until you claim your personal sovereignty. It is from this truth that you begin to truly transform your world. You know this is true we are just reminding you with a gentle nudge to own it, to live it and express it fully.

Your reality is made up of energy vibrations. You always impress this energy with your thought and emotional signature. If you have been given a false belief or carry a frequency of dense emotions you impress the field with those vibrations, and the results that appear in your reality do not please you. You know this; we have shared this with you often. It is a universal law. Energy follows thought!

It is in this manner that you continue to claim your limitation. The more you focus on any limitation the more these limitation manifest into your experience. This is true for the global reality as well as your day-to-day experience. Again, this is not new information for you. If you are reading this message you are aware of all that we have been sharing.

 We encourage you to acknowledge this information, claim and use this truth in the most powerful and awesome manner possible. Begin to own the realization that you are living in an energy field of infinite and unlimited possibilities and potential. Begin to claim that you are pure energy and pure potential. You are unlimited and infinite.

We invite you to step into this knowing, play with the possibility, stretch the boundaries of what you think could and would manifest if you held a clear focused vibration and called it forth.

You are really doing this each day, however you dismiss the results. You do not acknowledge them as the results of your emotional vibrations and repeated thoughts, statements and actions. Remember this creating of your reality works for the issues in your life that are limited as well as the experiences in your life that are expansive.

You are a creator! Pure and simple! You are offering your personal frequency with every breath, and that is influencing the energy field you call your life experience.

We are inviting you to call forth incredible, awesome and wonderful results into your life.
You have done this many times, however we are now inviting you to do it more consistently and with more awareness. Usually when something occurs in your life that is wonderful and unexpected, you label it a miracle.

Let us for a moment share our definition of the word your call miracle. A miracle is a response from the universal field of consciousness to a focused request. When your focused attention or request has been one of limited funds or lack, and it manifests, you do not call this a miracle. It is, however, the same principal.

Let us assure you that this event you call a miracle is really how your life is meant to be moment to moment. As a divine multidimensional star being you are empowered to focus your frequency and intention on something that you desire and which is a benefit to all and then allow it to come forth. Simple!

The Universe, the quantum field of all possibilities, will respond to your request, usually in the most amazing and simple ways. This is the reality we are nudging you to claim.

Be a miracle force. Be a miracle inviter and creator. Call forth the reality that is life sustaining to you and to all. Really stretch your ability here. Imagine a world in which peace and well-being is available for all.

You are here in this dimension and this timeframe to transform dense dysfunctional energies. When you continually focus on these dense dysfunctional realities, you are just adding to their continued manifestation. Refrain from the focus of what does not work; refrain from talking about it, judging it, energizing it.

We invite you to begin to collect and acknowledge events and happenings in your life that you might call miracles. Look for and acknowledge even the simplest occurrence, which seems a bit out of the ordinary, out of the box of limitation or possibilities. Begin also to notice when some limitation appears in your life, perhaps it has been a worry that you have focused upon. Remember it is the same principal.

We remind you that you are divine consciousness in physical form. You are a multidimensional galactic being with incredible abilities and intelligence. Step out of any perceived or programmed limitation. Make the conscious shift to begin to notice where you place your focus. Do you constantly claim your problems by talking about them or thinking about them?

What if you took a period of time, put those issues aside, and engaged in a simple game. Make an agreement with yourself to play or pretend that you could change your reality. Begin to speak of the satisfaction you feel with your employment, your family your finances. We acknowledge we have just pushed all your limitation buttons so to speak.

It might be easier to start this game of creating miracles in smaller ways. You decide how big and grand you want to play. But begin to take ownership of what is in your life experience. If it does not please you or satisfy you or fulfill you, begin to stretch into a place that will allow this to begin to shift. Step by step with focused intention and the matching emotional vibrations, you will call forth, create and manifest the reality that is more fulfilling and satisfying. Begin to welcome into your life more and more these experiences you have called miracles.

It is a subtle yet powerful shift of the use of your focused energies, remember the universe, your reality, the quantum field will always match what you are sending forth.
It is also your level of allowing that either speeds this up or slows this down.

Make a list of your desires; focus on feeling the nature of this in your life. See it, feel it, be grateful for it appearing; celebrate with gratitude this focused desire coming into your life in the most amazing and synchronistic manner. In addition, be prepared to acknowledge yourself as you own your ability by claiming and using this universal law of creating miracles.

We are honored to share these words with you. We delight in your expanded consciousness and your ability to truly transform your reality. We know that you will expand this ability to create these miracles in the larger arena of global events.
You will gather with many others who know this truth and use these focused intentions and emotional vibrations to transform your world.

We are here to celebrate your success and support your intended good for all as you champion and promote life-sustaining actions. Know that you are seen and acknowledged. the 'team'

©2013 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.  www.morningmessages.com
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