Thursday, August 30, 2012

AA Michael's message through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-09-2012

Beloved masters, there has been much discussion about the right and left brain integration of humankind as part of the evolutionary ascension process. It is important that you understand that as long as you are in the vibrational fields of duality or separation, you will not totally unify the right and left brain areas of expression. However, when you tap into your Sacred Mind, which is located at the upper, back portion of the head, you will tap into a fifth-dimensional environment where there is unity consciousness. In that etheric area of the brain, all is unified; there is no separation. The Goddess-inspired right brain is forever seeking loving, emotional interaction and creative expression via the Soul’s consciousness. The left brain, masculine mind is more interested in concrete facts established via the material plane of consciousness, which creates a push/pull duality consciousness. Your Soul and Higher Self function within a reality of no time or space limitations, while the ego consciousness is limited by time and structural boundaries. The Divine blueprint/plan of the past and present is quickly coming to a conclusion. The experimental experience of duality and separation is either being modified, harmonized, integrated or eliminated.

You cannot judge that which occurs in the negative arena of duality without stepping out of the narrow path of balance, thus placing yourself in the scene of action you are judging as immoral or bad. Remember, the ego-mind is entrapped in the denser levels of polarity, and judgment is a result of a polarized mind. There are vibrating energy fields of consciousness within every dimensional level which will always accommodate and validate a person’s state of awareness. Low level vibrations weaken the physical body, for there is less Light / Life Force energy available.

You must continuously endeavor to control your ego-desire body personality. Your third- / fourth-dimensional existence is an altered-state of consciousness–a diminished state–which represents only a very small portion of your powerful and magnificent Divine Self. In the beginning stages of Self-awareness, the control of the ego-personality is very strong. Your desire and willingness to follow the nudgings of the Soul Self must be even stronger. As the path of righteousness grows more narrow, you must strive for the highest choices in all decisions.

Those of you who are firmly on the Path of Light are clearing not only all of the distorted negative energy stored within your physical vessel but also any lower astral plane energy you still have within your auric field. The three lower astral planes hold the collective consciousness belief system. You are disconnecting from and moving beyond that area of influence as you strive to achieve more balanced, harmonious energy patterns. While you are doing so, it is important that you become an observer of the process. You must watch and wait patiently until your opportunity to serve is made very clear to you. You must also adjust your priorities to match your dreams, and you must have faith in yourself and in the Divine Plan that awaits fulfillment. It is an important milestone when the fear of change develops into excitement and anticipation of what the future holds. Are you daring enough to choose the life you yearn for?

As you move higher on the path of illumination, you will no longer be interested in the small dramas of those around you, for you no longer embody the lower frequencies of attachment. Your lofty vantage point of a Self-Master allows you to view the on-going third- / fourth-dimensional drama as an observer–not as a participant.

The beginning process of ascension or raising your vibrational patterns is a critical factor in accessing the higher-dimensional fields of consciousness. First, you reconnect with your physically embodied Soul Self, then with your OverSoul Higher Self and your Etheric Replica, which resides within your personal pyramid of Light. Once you have accomplished these three stages of en-Lighten-ment, you are ready to step onto the fast-track of ascension.

Staying centered within the Sacred Heart / Mind allows spiritual/intellectual growth to accelerate. Every Soul will ultimately tap into their genius potential, which is stored within the Sacred Mind. This treasure trove of wisdom is located in the higher frequency levels of the brain. Genius quotient is the capacity to act and react in an individual, original way through the choices you make. It determines how you adapt to circumstances and how you express your individuality. You are to seek emotional stability and the planes of the higher mind in order to express intelligent love. A Seed Atom of pure Creator Essence resides within your Sacred Heart. Revelations of great import are revealed and your connection with the Source of All becomes more intimate when you begin to feel this Essence of pure love within your Sacred Heart center.

Remember, you magnetize energy to you, and you radiate energy from your Solar Power Center (front and back). As your Energetic Signature becomes more refined and is attuned to the higher frequencies of Light, you will still draw forth a portion of the half-spectrum, Primal Life Force substance as long as you remain in a third- / fourth-dimensional environment. However, it will mix and meld with the higher frequency Adamantine Particles of Light, and will be automatically transformed by your loving intention into higher frequency energy as you align your free will with the Will of our Father/Mother God.

The different-colored, luminescent Rays will assist in integrating and balancing the higher frequency patterns of galactic consciousness. The more you balance, harmonize and strengthen your chakra system, the more Divine Light you will be able to absorb. The spinal column will eventually become a Rod of Light/Power through which the streams of White Fire Essence of the Creator can flow unimpeded, whereby the process of ascension will be greatly accelerated.

The Supreme Creator is pure Love–the ultimate State of Being. Each Divine Spark of Light contains a Seed Atom of undiluted Creator consciousness, the Adamantine Particles of Light. These Sparks of Divinity contain the Love, Divine Will and Wisdom to create everything in existence–past, present or future. This Seed Atom was placed within the center of your Diamond Core God Cell for this Sub-Universal experience. The inner Seed Atom of vision and intuition must be gradually opened and brought into sharp focus. Atoms and molecules are miniature solar systems with a central nucleus and orbiting electrons, but are mostly composed of space. The nucleus and electrons are not solid matter, but forms of energy, energy which takes on form. All shapes and geometric patterns have an energetic signature.

The Supreme Creator has supplied the raw material and the formulas for every imaginable creation. Along with the Elohim creator gods, the angelic realm and the great builders of form, you, as Self-conscious cocreators, were given the command to go forth and create worlds without end. There is a major theme for each Sub-Universal experience; however, the execution of the Divine Plan is left up to the God Parents of each Sub-Universe.

The first impulse as a Divine Spark of individualized consciousness was the WILL/desire to create. Each Divine Spark was /is given a conscious awareness of Self, as well as the creative abilities to manifest within the material planes of consciousness, and the right to choose what to create. However, along with this wondrous gift came the requirement that each Soul must experience Its own creations, whether positive or negative. In the beginning, all new creative endeavors are open-ended. However, after the Divine plan has been played out in all its magnificent variations, the ascension process for en-Lighten-ed Souls is initiated. You are in the midst of one of those extraordinary times.

TIME is defined by units of major and minor pulsations which are sent forth as waves of energetic thought patterns: crystallized seed thoughts that originated within the mind of our Father/Mother God. These waves and pulsations are experienced as periods and cycles of time. They are sent forth as great bursts of Light which radiate forcefully out into the great cosmic womb of space, where they are cradled and nurtured by the loving Essence of our Mother God.


If you have followed our instructions, you have created your Pyramid of Light/Power in the fifth dimension, and you are a regular visitor to the Pyramid of Light which contains a holographic replica of the Earth. Many of you have also joined in creating group pyramids for specific purposes, and you have also created various Pyramids for special projects in order to draw forth the Essence of Creation needed to bring your visions to fruition. Know this: in each one of these pyramids you have left an Etheric Replica of yourself which is constantly integrating the specific geometric patterns of Light needed to create your new reality on Earth, and also to lay the groundwork for your new existence in higher, more refined realms. You are active not only in the physical world; you also have many facets of your God-self in the higher realms with whom you are interacting. Have we not told you that you are becoming multidimensional Beings?

We gave you specific instructions and step-by-step techniques for accessing the frequencies from the City of Light in your area via your personal Pyramid of Light. By practicing the Infinity Breath, you fill your Etheric Replicas and physical vessel with Adamantine Particles / God Particles of Light. We will now refine and add more components to the process.


Envision this: during meditation or your quiet time, preferably twice a day, morning and evening, take twelve full Infinity Breaths, and after the twelfth one, pull in your abdomen and hold your breath for a moment or two. Now, as you take the next (or thirteenth) breath (or you may start over at the count of one), see it flowing forth from your Solar Power Center (Sacred Heart Core) into the front of your body. The Infinity pattern is now in a horizontal configuration instead of vertical. On the in-breath, the first flat loop extends outward in front of your body and on the out-breath, the second loop extends from the back of your body, completing the Infinity sign. Breathe in and out SIX INFINITY SIGNS, and as you do, they will automatically create a pattern of twelve loops that completely surround you like the petals of a flower. As you breathe out the last loop, again hold your breath for a moment before returning to normal breathing. Then breathe in and out consciously as you envision the Essence of Creation flowing forth from you out into the world. Also, envision spirals of Light connecting you to the World Pyramid and the multiple Pyramids that you have created in the higher dimensions, thereby sharing your Particles of Love/Light with the world as well as fueling your visions with the Divine Life Force substance of all Creation.

Take a few moments to complete this sacred process by focusing on your Sacred Heart Center so that you may feel the fullness there and the overwhelming love that pours throughout your body. You are now connected to the River of Life, which contains an inexhaustible supply of Adamantine Particles. It is tangible, beloveds. It is real, and it is the most wondrous, blissful feeling you will ever experience while in the earthly vessel, for you are experiencing the pure loving Essence of the Creator.

My brave ones, do not fear the future, for when your heart and intentions are pure, you are sheltered within the radiance and protection of Creator Light. We will not tell you that there will not be stressful times ahead, for you must traverse the path of polarity and duality in order to reach the plateau of peace and harmony. There will always be challenges, lessons and opportunities to expand your consciousness as you integrate more of your Divinity.

Know that the situations or problems that come your way for resolution cannot be solved at the level in which they were created. You must rise above the conflicts of the ego-self and view each situation through a filter of love and from the vantage point of a Self-master. Envision within your mind’s eye a wholeness that has never been distorted, a world that has no imperfections and a radiant, perfected YOU residing in this paradise. It is not a time for the faint of heart, for indecision or denial; for your world is radically changing whether you believe it or not. Isn’t it time to accept the gifts we are offering so that you may move gracefully and joyously into the future? It is our greatest joy and honor to assist and serve you; and never forget, you are loved unconditionally.

I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Monday, August 27, 2012

SaLuSa, August 27, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  27-August-2012

Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness. You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go wherever your desires take you.

Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.

Dear Ones the point is that as you become more of the Light your attention is drawn to the harmonious things in life, and as you progress it does become easier to maintain your peace and calmness. That is you becoming more in alignment with your Higher Self, which is your ultimate objective. What you were is not the real you, and duality is not your true reality. It is all an illusion that has been created by you all since you dropped down into the lower vibrations. Since then you have had your highs and lows, but as the Human Race you have never reached such a point as now, where every soul has the opportunity to ascend.

Before you reach the 21st. December many opportunities will be given to those who are unaware of what is coming. Also to those who have decided that they have no interest in leaving your present Earth, so that they have no regrets afterwards. As we have told you previously whatever decision you make is upheld, and what is most important is that you proceed with your evolution at a level that is exactly right for you. So when you reach that stage after Ascension and realize that some people known to you have not ascended, it should not be a time of sadness. In some cases you may later choose to work with them by acting as a Guide, so your link with them will still be quite strong.

With relatively little time left before the closure of this cycle, there is much taking place and all will be prepared in time for it. As you now understand, most of it relates to various forms of cleansing, and the removal of those dark Ones and their power and influence, that is now breaking up. There is no way back for them and much about their operations is coming into the public knowledge. It is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past. It goes back a very long time from when the negative energies were first attracted to Earth. You have in fact carried out a great service for the Universe by helping transmute them, often at great cost to yourselves.

Set yourselves free from the lower influences and stand up for you beliefs, because as the truth comes out you may have to explain your position. It is not however necessary to convince others that you carry the truth, or convert them to your ideas. When people are ready for it, it will be recognized for what it is, and much of what has stood for the truth is now being revealed, and it will make people re-access their beliefs. Before very long the Masters will return to Earth, and with those already here will ensure that the false teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.

Just think for a moment how as visitors to your Earth we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you, and stealing your lands. We are described as aliens when in fact we are your true family, and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger. Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light.

We know that many of you who read our comments already understand our position. You are our vanguard and there will come a time when your knowledge will be invaluable to us. We cannot be everywhere at once, and you will be on hand to answer the questions from those who are new to the whole idea of Ascension. It is quite something to grasp and accept, particularly as the idea of the end of time has a connotation of losing everything you own and are familiar with. It can be a frightening thought, but is acceptable once it is understood that it is but a new beginning. One that propels you into a wonderful realm of peace and harmony, where you can forget all of your worries. In truth you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with my love for you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.       

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

August 26 – September 1, 2012

Beloved Ones,
The energies of Love are all around you and those of you who have been preparing for these times are beginning to experience many moments of clarity and insight about your purpose for being on this Planet. These insights come to you as flashes that come and go, sometimes so quickly that you wonder if you were imagining them. Trust in the knowledge of your own destiny that is coming through for you and have faith that all is unfolding just as it should in perfect, divine timing. Many assistants both on Earth and in the higher dimensions are preparing you for the greatest experience of many lifetimes and many galactic cycles, the experience of Ascension.
The energies that you have been transmuting on a continual basis come in cyclic waves and right now the Cosmic energies have been pouring down upon this Planet and then the process of clearing and releasing will start again. Each wave of new energy moves each person into a deeper purge than before and this is an uncomfortable process but one that must be experienced by all. Humanity as a whole is not in a state of waking awareness yet of what is occurring to them, however, the energies affect all upon your World and on a higher level of their Beings, all have chosen this experience and all desire to ascend.
Those of you who carry the Light are asked to remain centered and calm as you go about your daily activities. It is important to remain focused upon the grounding of this Light into the core of the Planet so that you are always in equilibrium. Be observers of that which unfolds around you, rather than participants, and look for signs in all places that changes are taking place. Your intuitive faculties and power of discernment will be much employed in these times. Go within daily to commune on a deeper level with your Divine Presence and listen to the still, small voice that guides you unerringly to your destiny.
Ensure that you start your day with your energies cleared of all extraneous influence so that you can remain aware when in the company or vicinity of others around you when additional clearing and centering needs to be performed. Remember that everyone is experiencing the cleansing of their emotional bodies and can leak this dross into the energy fields of others around them, so vigilance and awareness is necessary. Know that you have the power to change the energies within your auric field simply by intention and that you also can upgrade the energies of those around you by intending only that only the highest good can manifest for all.
Remember, as you observe the World around you, that you have already surpassed the challenges that are now gripping the lives of Humanity as a whole and you do not need to partake of it except to intend the Light of God in any situation that comes to your awareness. Call upon your Holy Christ Self of the Light to manifest through you and practice being your higher essence with intention. The qualities of compassion, kindness and helpfulness will lift the hearts of those around you who need to know that they are not alone. You can make a positive difference.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

SaLuSa, August 24, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  24-August-2012

The period you are in now is a bit like the calm before the storm, as in reality you know only a little about what is really happening. Yet our activities are putting the pressure on those who need to step aside, to allow the New Age to commence. Either they move or we will do it for our Allies, and that will result in a great deal of happenings that will finally hit the media. It will be what you have been expecting and will gather pace very quickly. Even so it will take some weeks before the remnants of the old paradigm can be removed, and thus allow the introduction of that which is to replace it.

As we have often informed you, everything is ready to go ahead, and we will be every bit as delighted as you will be when it does so. In the first instance much of the work will be carried out by our allies, who are well prepared for their role in the proceedings. We have been guiding them for a long time and are extremely grateful for their cooperation, as we are with Lightworkers in general. Many of you incarnated especially at this time knowing what challenges lay ahead for you, and were chosen because of your loyalty and service to the Light.

Many of you first started to awaken in the darkest period of your civilization, having responded to your inner promptings. They were to work for something better that took into account of the level to which Humanity had dropped. As pioneers of the Light you laid down the Light and encouraged other souls to join you. They were precarious times fraught with dangers, but you started something that those who followed you could build upon. As a result so many souls are now partially awakened, and they do not need much more Light to become fully awakened.

Bear in mind that the God of this Universe had long decreed that this cycle this time round, would end in victory for the Light. That promise has been en-acted by many, many Light bearers that oversee the affairs of Man from the higher realms. Such Beings would to you seem as Gods and have immense power, so much so that they could move the Earth if it was so desired. When you learn of the changes that lay ahead, you will understand how easy it is to implement them. They work with us and will ensure that the transition period is quite short, so that you are soon blessed with all of the advantages of being in the higher vibrations,

You own creative powers will be enhanced but until you evolve further there are limitations as to how far you can go. One thing you will soon become aware of is how quickly your desires are manifested. Indeed, we have already told you of your coming ability create through the power of thought. However, until that time you will have the benefit of our technology, that will cover your immediate needs such as food, shelter, clothing and free energy. Some of this could already have been given you, but for its deliberate retention by the dark Ones.

No longer shall you be held back, and once we are with you we shall make up for lost time. We will by then have also ensured that it is not possible for your progress to be interfered with by those with a different agenda. That is one of our major responsibilities, as the task of doing that yourselves would have been far too difficult for you. We have the resources and technologies such as being able to track down any member of the Illuminati, and be present where they are without their knowledge. That is how we can prevent their plans from coming to fruition, although for karmic reasons we cannot always stop everything.

Right now the Illuminati are becoming bereft of ideas as to how they can continue with their plans for world domination. As you would say, the writing is on the wall, and they stare defeat in the face. They find it hard to accept having come so near to success, that they have failed. Duality gave them the opportunity to plan their take-over millennia of time ago, and they were influenced by energies that exist off planet. Both the dark and the Light were allowed to entice souls to come to their side, although because you dropped down to the lower levels you were neither entirely one or the other.

You have come through a period when you indulged in the lower vibrations, that carried you from one life to the next. In recent times the Light has become stabilized upon Earth, and is now well established. It will stay like that and even get more powerful as you approach the time of Ascension. It will be one great step forward, that will see you ready to commence another cycle, but this time one where the Light is the dominant force. Your challenges such as they are will be more ones of reasoning and right action, as the Laws that protect evolving souls are still in place.

Have no fear as by the time you reach the higher levels, you will have become a Being with a highly developed level of consciousness. With that is your passport to the Galaxy, where you will have the freedom to decide your next journey. There are so many different Civilizations, Councils and Federations that you will have plenty of choice. Spiritual evolution is still your objective, and the next stage will see you preparing to be a Being of Pure Light. Upon reaching that level you can move around in any form that you choose. You will also be able to decrease your vibrations at will, allowing you to visit the lower dimensions if that is your wish.

As we often mention, as you ascend and become more of the Light, your desires are to be of service to others. So your time is not wasted, although you can organize your life to include pleasurable pursuits. God desires that you enjoy your life and has placed everything before, so that you can find satisfaction in your travels. Just now you will not necessarily know in what direction you would go, but once with an increased level of consciousness you will fully know yourself, and able to make your choice.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and trust you are gradually gaining understanding of what a wonderful and exciting future lies ahead of you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

SaLuSa, August 22, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  22-August-2012

You can be sure that there is nothing to worry about where the dark Ones are concerned, because we have aborted many of their attempts to cause trouble. We have contained their activities for some time now and intend to keep doing so. They are staring into the abyss of oblivion and there is no escape for them. Their empire is slowly crumbling and there is no way back for them. We do however closely monitor some individuals who of their own accord still exercise authority over their minions. On all fronts our allies are making good progress, and many issues could well be finalized by the end of this month. Meanwhile you are awakening at much quicker pace, and your awareness is another reason that the Light is ever increasing in its power.

With your comprehension of what is taking place behind the scenes, we are pleased to note that there is less concern about the delays in making our activities public knowledge. You now know that the path to your Ascension is progressing as intended, and anything else is by comparison less important. You will in good time learn the truth about the agenda of the dark Ones, and more to your liking details of the wonderful life that lies ahead of you. Many of you are already quite knowledgeable, but nevertheless there is much that can be added that will give the complete picture. We will not however dwell upon the negative as such matters will be destined for the history books of your civilization, and available for your deeper consideration in the Akashic Records. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in its original detail, and any part of it can be re-lived if that is your desire.

We know that waiting for significant events that you expect any day now can be tedious, but you will have your day of satisfaction and excitement. You can after all see evidence around you of the changes, and even more is going on that is not apparent. The arrests of corrupt officials is spreading, and some are already fleeing and trying to avoid the consequences. It does not matter what steps they take to avoid justice, in reality there is nowhere to hide. So please do not waste your energy by becoming angry at the individuals concerned. Your future is far more important than theirs, and that is where your focus should be. It is not that you will be unable to fit in immediately, but the whole experience will be much more exciting and understandable.

As you enter the final weeks we will give you more details of how to prepare yourself for the changes that Ascension will bring. However there is nothing that will cause you any distress or inconvenience. It will be like stepping out of the Dark Ages into a dreamland where everything is set up for your enjoyment and happiness. It will not be complete and some changes will still be required, but you will have had all aspects of lives present drudgery removed so that it becomes most enjoyable. There is so little time left and that is still speeding up, so try to keep your attention on the great future that awaits you. It will be well beyond anything you can imagine, and perhaps you will consider that your personal changes will be the most acceptable.

To move from your present physical body to one that is of the higher vibrations will be a wonderful feeling. To be free of all of the aches and pains often associated with your present one, will be so uplifting. The level that you will move into has such high vibrations, that your body will be unable to carry forward anything less than the perfection of your original blueprint. Your awareness will be heightened and your perception of things sharpened. The body will no longer tire or suffer fatigue such as you do now, and consequently you will no longer need lengthy sleep periods. You can take recuperative measures if you need them, but will also re-energize from the very environment you are in.

Your present low vibrations and those around you are in fact very heavy, and you need sleep to restore your body. However, as your body cells continue to change to crystalline, your body will become more in line with its new pattern. As a result it will start to need shorter sleep periods to recover, and some of you are noticing it already. In fact sleep patterns will move out of a regular pattern, and you will find yourself able to exist on much less. A similar change is also occurring where your eating habits are concerned. You are needing less and your choice of food will turn to those that are fresh, and unadulterated with chemicals and additives.

Your body is a temple that when treated correctly will serve you well, and rarely if ever experience illnesses. If you feed it with junk food you end up with junk health even if it takes time to reveal itself. You may be young and healthy, but continual abuse of your body will eventually take its toll. In older age you are liable to get the collapse of your major organs, and it is will be hard for them to recover. The good news is that as you lift up your vibrations, you are less inclined to be drawn to the heavy foods such as red meat. Follow your bodies reactions to what you feed it, and you will soon learn how to treat it sensibly and to your advantage.

Think about what you want out of life, and know that you will find more happiness and satisfaction when you are looking after yourself correctly. It also goes as far as what you occupy your mind with, as some of you follow unhealthy paths that simply pull your vibrations down. That in turn attracts similar vibrations and you are likely to drop even further, thus damaging any chance you may have had of lifting up in time for Ascension. We know that some souls just do not seem to care what happens to them, and clearly they  need a lot of help. As we have often reminded you, no matter what circumstances you are in there is always help nearby. So please ask for it and it will come to you in some form or another, but do not necessarily expect it immediately.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that all of you have had so many lives on Earth, you should by now be able to benefit from your experiences. Go within and listen to your Higher Self and you will get good advice, but it needs to be heeded if you are to lift yourself up. On the one hand time is short, but you still have sufficient time to make a resolution to change and become what you really are, a beautiful soul of unlimited love. We wish you well.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.  

The Light Agenda with Kauilapele etc...


if you have read Kauilapele's and Steve Beckow's sites you will have noticed that Kauila is on the Light Agenda and there will be a transcript of the interview on his site and most probably on Steve's site, too. There is also other interesting things to read on both sites so please check them out at




Tuesday, August 21, 2012

SaLuSa, August 20, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  20-August-2012

For you the greatest discovery is that your consciousness levels have risen quite considerably in the last few years. Knowledge is useful but not in itself your passport to Ascension. Through living the highest concept you have of yourself, you are setting your goals to become that which is your destiny. You are also helping raise the levels of the Mass Consciousness, and that attracts even more souls so that in the end a large number of you ascend. You will also find that you can rise above the pull or attraction of the lower energies. They are no longer part of you when you seek a higher expression of yourself. What did satisfy you in this lifetime is no longer necessarily fulfilling, as you have become more sensitive to that which is creating discord or discontent.

You will continue to disassociate yourself from the lower vibrations, and that can also affect the nature of your friendship with other people. You will seek those with whom you find harmony and can share your outlook on life. You will understand that it is a natural separation, as you find it easier to share your joy and happiness with like kinds. The third dimension has long exalted the "joys" of drugs, alcohol and sex, all of which when excessively used become highly addictive and lower your vibrations. The dark Ones are aware of this and encourage such indulgence, as it takes you away from the real issues in your life that you should be concentrating upon. Certainly you came into life to experience, but many of you have become locked into the lower aspects and do not move on.

As you know by now, like attracts like and you draw to you those souls that are very likely at a similar level to yourself. The choice often is whether you pull each other further down, or are able to uplift each other. Naturally there are karmic issues often involved , but for every soul that has "fallen" there are always opportunities to make your way back. Never look upon yourself as unworthy or beyond help, as it is always there if you take the first step to lift yourself up again. In these end times many souls have taken on several challenges to enable them to be ready to ascend. It is the final clearing of karma collected over many lives, and sometimes you have to be strong to clear it. With Ascension in mind every effort you put in is well worthwhile.

You will sense when you have overcome your challenges, as a sudden calmness enters your lives and much relief is experienced as though a great weight has been removed from your shoulders. Often it involves other souls with whom you have had to make peace, and have been unable to move forward until an act of forgiveness is achieved. Set judgment aside and forgive and forget, as the lessons from it will remain with you so that you continue to learn from that experience. Look upon life as play acting and realize the once the curtain comes down you all become friends once again. In the future such problems do not exist as the dimension you will be in, is one of complete harmony and balance.

With your Ascension approaching very quickly bear in mind that it is not dependant on the physical changes taking place on Earth, but there are essential steps to be taken if Mother Earth is to be ready for her own Ascension. Ascension is ongoing and cannot be prevented from taking place, it is a process of Galactic proportions in which you nevertheless have an important role. Once you move forward everything else can also do the same,  and you can look at it this way as the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle to make it complete. It is why Space Beings from all over the Universe assemble to witness your Ascension.

Various actions are making progress, and we closely monitor how they are proceeding. Be assured whatever needs to be completed before Ascension, will be done so, even if we have to play a bigger part than initially thought necessary. We are under divine instructions to help you be ready at the appropriate time, and are in co-operation with many other Higher Beings. No source has deemed it necessary for you to do it all yourself, and it was always going to be a joint effort. After all, we have been with you on and off for thousands of years, drifting in and out mainly to assist Mother Earth. With the demise of Lemuria and Atlantis you might guess that they were times when our expertise was required.

Your civilization was not necessarily certain to end its cycle without a calamity, and a number of times came close to annihilating itself. You did in fact what earlier ones did, and became enamored with power and weapons of mass destruction. It results from a lack of appreciation of how dangerous nuclear devices are, and a scientific fraternity that will experiment before first understanding what the results are likely to be. When the first atomic bomb was exploded, your scientists knew there was a chance it could blow up the world, but still went ahead. Normally you have to experience the stupidity of your waywardness, otherwise you would not learn from anything you do.  However, when your actions have threatened other civilizations we have had to intervene.

The advent of your Nuclear Age was a clear signal to the Universe, that you possessed the ability not to just blow yourselves up, but also Mother Earth. This time round it was not going to be allowed, as all souls were to be given an opportunity to ascend. We know that when you look around you, you are convinced that some souls are unaware of what is about to happen. We will however assure you that before incarnating into this period of time, every soul was made aware of its importance. Even although some souls elected not to ascend, they still wanted to experience the energies. It is the reason why you need not concern yourself about others, as they will end up exactly where they are meant to be by their own choice.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will mention that we intend to uncloak more of our craft, so that you are aware that our great fleet is all around you. What you will see are members of the Galactic Federation of Light getting ready for more open displays. It is an act of friendship on our part that is done with our blessings for you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.     

Master Lanto

Dissolving the Drama of Ascension by Master Lanto
 Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 17/08/12
With light expression I bless you with the Christ Consciousness of the Creator, with truth, peace and an eternal love; I emanate the vibration of the Christ into your entire being so you may recognise the same within yourself, expansively and eternally. I am Master Lanto, my energies are gentle but radiant and I have worked closely with many aspects of the Christ including Master Jesus.
It is my purpose to activate the devotional energies to the Creator around and within your being, as well as enhancing your luminosity. Devotion to truth, radiance, loving determination and the Christ vibration are of great importance at this stage of ascension, it is essential to allow these qualities to activate in harmonious balance from within your being. You may also find that within your recognition of these sacred qualities that there is in areas an imbalance, this can be adjusted easily. Allow yourself to practice the below affirmations,
I am devotion in divine balance,
I am radiance in divine balance,
I am determination in divine balance,
I am the Christ vibration in divine balance.
Allow yourself to inhale as you state the first affirmation in your mind, as you exhale allow the divine balance to be formed, created and to flow from your being. Inhaling once more, repeat the second affirmation, exhale allowing the divine balance to form and flow. Continue in this manner stating all four affirmations and then beginning one more. Call me forward to assist in the creation and manifestation of divine balance within and around your being.
 Balance is an energy each soul seeks; it is almost a security for the soul allowing for greater alignment with the Creator. Balance cannot be grasped or even adopted but must manifest from within your being, the essence of truth or your creator presence that you hold. Balance can be determined as steadiness or stability. When I think of balance I do not imagine it as an energy I will become or a quality I can acquire in my reality but an understanding of alignment with the Creator.
When you connect with the Creator or universal energies, whether within or around you, then balance is a reality that unfolds, not due to your focus upon balance but due to your surrendering to become the vibration of the Creator. When balance is evident within your reality you can be sure that the vibration of the Creator is present and divinely integrated. If unbalance is present then you can identify that a greater connection or acceptance of the Creator within and around you is needed. In areas of unbalance a connection with the Creator can be formed by allowing the light of the Creator to emanate from your being during certain circumstance.
 Asking for the Creator to bless and align certain energies or situations to the divine essence of the Creator will also be of assistance, or by simply expressing the abundant love from your being while knowing you are at one with the energy and divine wisdom of the Creator. In this state you open yourself up to the divine magic of the Creator allowing for truth and blissful energies to unfold. The presence of balance can also be seen as a deep and devoted trust in the vibration of theCreator.
 I, Master Lanto, believe trust in the Creator is of great importance at this time of ascension. There is also a need for you to place trust in yourself as a powerful, wise being that can make a difference to your own vibration, reality and awareness.
With the upcoming magnification of the Creator and energetic shifts in December 2012, the Creator is providing each person with an opportunity to love themselves unconditionally, to place greater trust and faith in their own power and radiant light as well as reaffirming their trust in the Creator. In many ways this is to create a greater balance or attunement to the Creator. I am aware of the numerous ideas held within the general consciousness of humanity concerning what will occur in December 2012, it is my wish to share some simple information that will assist you in achieving the most blissful experience.
I ask first that you dissolve all expectations concerning this time that we speak of, making a peace within your being that you are happy and content in not knowing what will occur during this time. By relaxing your expectations and feeling content even when uncertainty is before you then you will awaken and open your energies allowing for greater grace and divine intervention to be experienced. I would encourage you to talk to yourself during meditation or quiet time, explaining that you are perfectly at ease with everything that is occurring and you are happy to place your trust in the Creator watching the glorious enfoldments. It is important to dissolve all judgments you may make about the magnification process, allowing for love, trust, balance and determination to radiate from your being and mind.
 I ask secondly that you are observant of the dramas you create in your reality and to eradicate these as much as possible. To create a drama in your reality is to enhance an energy, emotion, thought or situation. As a soul constantly searching for a deeper connection with the Creator you may feel as if you are constantly enhancing or increasing your own energy but in truth you are allowing your energy to unfold. When you enhance energy you make it larger than it actually is, when you allow energy to unfold it becomes larger but also becomes more whole, you are linking into the flow of the Creator’s light.
Drama is often seen in negative situations, especially emotional experiences and is often created to attract greater attention or even love onto the individual. Drama can also be experienced in spiritual practices, for example, if you are meditating sensing the love in your heart, you may become focused upon the love wanting it to grow, saying to yourself how blissful the love is and how you wish to experience it more fully. In many ways even this is creating a drama as you are trying to enhance the love rather than allowing it to unfold from within your being. When you simply observe the love within your being and open yourself to experience a greater flow your entire being rejoices and there is no need to enhance the love experienced, it simply grows without boundaries.
It is my wish that you begin to observe the drama that you create in your reality or the energies, emotions, thoughts, experiences that you try to enhance in your reality. The important realisation is that there is no need to enhance the energies but to allow yourself to have a more open and free experience of the energies. If you can begin to observe this within your being and reality you will free yourself of expectations and many ideas which may not have formed from truth, you will also gain a greater balance or attunement to the Creator. When you then perceive or experience the magnification of December 2012 you will understand there is no need to create any drama within or around you but to allow the energies to flow from your being and the Creator. In truth to simply be open to experience the eternal flow that is the Creator.
We may see many people creating drama in love or fear at this time as they try to find security, balance and a greater understanding, but if you are able to gain a greater mastery in your own reality you will be able to recognise the same in others. Allow your energy and intentions to assist them in experiencing the truth and love of the Creator. Let us dissolve from the consciousness of humanity the need to create drama and enhance energies, let us simply experience the magnitude of the Creator’s light within and around each other.
 My name is Master Lanto, I reassure you that I am here to assist you in any way that I can, simply call upon my energies and presence and I will be at your service.
In love and devotion always,
Master Lanto

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

August 19-26, 2012

Beloved Ones,
The acceleration of time is speeding up and the warmth of the summer is quickly moving forward into the fall season. Being out in nature each day is bringing healing, grounding and the feeling of quiet joy and peace within. The energy influxes are more powerful than before and bring the need for more sleep as these come in and are integrated. Every Human on Earth is receiving these energies and much cleansing of the larger population is at hand. There is a focus on the resolution of long standing issues between different members of families, communities and all institutions that make up your daily life. All issues that must be resolved and released are coming up for review.
This requires much patience from those who have already faced this process and much calming energy. Do not take anything personally in these days, no matter the seeming appearance of it. It is simply the release within each person’s Being of all that was harbored, not consciously faced and never addressed. All old paradigms of thinking and activities within them are being transmuted into greater acceptance that what was is no longer relevant in these changing times. Humanity is being prepared for the shift out of duality into higher consciousness and what came to the surface in the morning is already dealt with and has been dissolved and a new issue is on review.
Remember that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and can heal all that is dysfunctional and unresolved within each person and between each person. Choose Love always in all interactions with those around you. This time in the Earth’s history is hard on everyone and much healing energy and thought is required. Think of yourselves as the Ambassadors of Love and bring your Light out in the open. Having already experienced this cleansing within yourselves, you now have the opportunity to shine your Light for the benefit of others. It does not require your involvement in their issues, however, just the being in your Light. This is very helpful energy and empowering to those who need it.
Most of you are now well into the next level of your journey and are experiencing downloads of new energy coming in. As you integrate and assimilate these energies, greater changes take place within you. You are all powerhouses of energy and must use these wisely, for you affect all Beings around you by your thoughts and actions; self control is most important during these times and detachment from the outcomes of all situations in your sphere of influence. You are here for the duration of the shift and must use discernment in the choosing of the areas of your focus.
It is most important that you direct Love to yourself and honor your need for quiet moments of reflection and going within. This is helping to bring a greater connection to your higher aspects and further integration can take place in a space of grace and ease. Try to experience those moments of joy to the fullest as they come to you and know that this is the natural state in the wholeness of your perfected Being. Let the Light shine through your heart, through your eyes and through your smile.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, August 14, 2012
"Well, they don't call me 'Twinkle Paws' for nothing.* It is I, Sekhmet. Alrighty! Everybody can laugh. It's OK. Now, let's get into my portion of this program, which as you have heard is about creation, envisioning, and carrying on into even higher levels of Dimensionality, which we are calling post-Ascension. Ashtar has shared with you a lot of the things that will be changing. What's it really going to be like, you know, once you leave 3D behind? Well, here we go - you've got choices. You can do Fourth Dimension high vibe, you can do steps to 5D, and you can go higher. There are portals available even, but we don't recommend them. We suggest that you aim for 5D, or for 4D.

"Planet Earth is going to have a Renaissance. Everything's going to be healthy. You've heard of the Garden of Eden, the whole of Planet Earth is going to be a Garden of Eden! Nobody's going to have to live in concrete condos anymore. Everybody can spread out and have Crystalline Homes if you wish. You know I kind of like that. You know, on my ship I've got the Crystal Room - I like it!

"You'll have the ability to create whatever it is that you want to create. There will be technology yes, but it's clean. Energy is clean, and oh, absolutely free. It's in harmony with Mother Gaia, and her various elements, and with Sol, your Sun -coming from the Great Central Sun yes, but you have your own Sun in your Solar System. Now there might be some surprises there, too!

"What we're trying to tell you is that there will be no unfriendly atmospheres anywhere, unless you want to create being on the top of a mountain in a blizzard, or some such thing as that. Your bodies will be changed, and you can then create them in any image you wish, and guess what? For those of you who like to change your clothes a lot, you can change your body, your Light Body, but you will still have a recognizable body.

"So, one day you might want to be quite short in stature, and the next day you might want to be quite tall, or somewhere in between. It matters not. You will have the ability to do those kinds of things. But you're not as we see you, Beloved Ones, you're already so evolved, it does not seem as though you will be spending your no-time moments in this kind of activity, but rather you will be in celebration, reunion, Homecoming celebration!!!

"The wisdoms that are locked inside of so many of your DNA parts, not all of them, but a lot of them still - and it's all going to be there. For those of you who like to know history/herstory, it's all there. For those of you who like to see what's coming in the future, that's there too, because there isn't any time, and you'll be as we are - you can see all of the timelines! How about that?

"Ashtar said this, but I'm saying it too. There will be no money. You will simply create whatever you want. You won't need food, but you can have food if you wish. You know I used to lve to lean over The Voice's shoulder, and watch her eat meatballs, but she can't eat then anymore. But that's OK, because I can have meatballs if I want to. Do you see how that works? You will have no limitations.

"You will simply have the simplest of rules that have been given by the great Masters - loving rules! You know, the Golden Rule first. Communities world-wide will understand what Communion is all about. Everyone will understand the Sacred Divinity of all Life, and the beauty of it all will shine so bright! Joy will fill your being, and you will share Joy with everyone else, and they will all share it with you!!! Now that's a rather general description. It's a feel-good description, yes?

"So now we're going to enter into our Exercise, and we invite each and every one of you, with this description in mind, to put yourselves into this post-Ascension Planet Earth, or elsewhere if you choose, and don't forget if you want a ship, you've got it. Rapid transportation - they haven't seen anything yet! So we're going to join together now in co-creating the visions, and we invite you to share your visions during this Exercise, by simply beaming them. Yessss!

"Alrighty everybody, let's get in our circle. Now what we need to do here to really get our connections going, is to hold each others' hands. And once again I offer you my paws, because I can multi-locate my paws. There's one for each of you, and then there's a human paw, what you call a human hand, for your other hand!

"So everybody breathe. Breathe high, you know, breathe it in all the way down. Exhale, and let your energy literally lift you up, and up, not away, but up, and up, because we're doing this together. Alrighty! We've bypassed the astral, and we're moving up higher. Now every one of you can see my ship. I usually park it in 5D, or high 4D, cause it's pretty big!

"I have what you call a mother ship and what that means is that I can expand, in order to hold more beings, and my ship can get smaller when there are not so many beings on board. So, now if everybody would just, while you're holding hands and paws, everybody look up, and see my ship gleaming. Some of you might be hearing some music, or smelling something fragrant, because if that's what you especially enjoy, we, that is my crew and I, are extending that as a way of welcoming you!

"So come on up higher, higher. You travel with ease and grace through the atmosphere. You don't need space suits, or helmets, or anything. Just bring yourself as you are. Now you may notice that you feel a bit lighter, and that's a good thing, because your Light's shining brighter.

"Alrighty! Come on up. Now, as you see the bottom of the ship, it will open up. It's like a circular kind of a door, so that we can all come on up together in our circle. You can go as wide as the number of us in our circle. Now we're going to come up through the opening, and we're going to hover above the landing deck, while the door closes. And while we're hovering, just listen for the music, or smell the flowers, or enjoy all of the Crystals!

"Some of you may be hearing the voices of the Ancient Ones from Planet Earth, maybe even from other places. It's all 'Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! We've been so excited about your coming, and now we're here together. So now we gently just drop down a wee bit so that our feet are on the landing deck.

"Now the next thing to do is to head off to the elevator. Notice the doors are open, and this too is a Crystal Elevator, and oh it is big! We may bring our circle into more of a couple of lines together, two lines, and we still hold hands and paws, and we come into the elevator through the doors, and then we spread back into our circle again. Isn't this delightful!!!

"Here we are all together, Family in Communion status, coming together, connected, not just not just hands and paws, but Hearts and Minds! Now as we get into the elevator, notice that you can look down and see Planet Earth. And there's your grounding cord, each and every one of you. You're still grounded to Planet Earth, and that's a good thing! You know you're going to get back without getting 'lost in space'!

"Now everybody face the front. You can kind of twist around to see the doors open, and we may come together a little bit more in our circle. Bring it in a bit, more like two lines connected, as we walk out through the elevator doors, and into the room. And our circle expands, and the room expands.

"Now if you will, you can open your mind's eye, or you can open your eyes for just a moment, because we want you to see who's here to greet you, already in the circle, and they are inside of our circle, and they are every one of your Beloved Guides, your Angels, all who have accompanied you, or come ahead of you just slightly - remember, there's no time here, and here they are!

"How beautiful are the Lights that they shine, how loving are their greetings to you!!! Allow them to hug you, Beloved Ones. And even as you do so, feel upon your shoulders the touch of all of the Ascended Masters and Angels here with us now.

"Here's Ashtar, here is Sananda, here are the Arcturians, and Kuan Yin, St. Germaine, Buddha, Archangel Michael -they're all here because you're here. And, we are all One as we connect even more. So now, as you are feeling the closeness, the Love Light streaming into you, even as you beam it outward into this entire group, it is for you to see, in your wisdom eye, yourself as an Ascended Master in High Dimensional surroundings. Perhaps you are by, or under, a beautiful pristine waterfall that flows into a lake, or a river. Perhaps you are by one of the oceans, or in a garden that is so beautiful that you are seeing things, colors, and all manner of beautiful plants growing!

"And the very trees welcome you, and invite you to sit in their cool shade, and hear the stories they have to tell, and hear their ancient wisdom of connection with you, one Heart together. And perhaps you are in a place where the Unicorns gather, and the young ones romp and play in the meadow, as their mothers and their fathers stand with you in such Love!

"Perhaps you are with Family. You are Family standing in a circle just like ours, communing together in loving Oneness! Perhaps you are attending a concert or some other event, where there is so much Love, and so much Joy, that it permeates the entire group, and everybody lifts up even higher! Perhaps you are teaching, perhaps you are in a class as a student learning from the High Dimensional perspective, perhaps you are researching the akashic records to learn Truth. All of this and more is yours, Beloveds!!!

"Envision where you live - perhaps a sparkling white dwelling for you, perhaps one of many colors, all crystalline. Perhaps one that will expand or contract, depending upon how many people are there. Perhaps you have a grand crystalline bowl full of fruits you've never seen before, and anyone who wants to taste one may do so, and anyone who just simply wants to soak in the energy of these wondrous creations can do it that way. And the waters so pure, and all of the dwellers, below, on, and yes, from above Planet Earth are together, talking story, sharing, and most of all, loving each other!!! However you have created this vision for yourselves as individuals, Beloved Ones, know now that it is to send it forth to the very center of our circle.

"And notice if you will, that there is now an altar there, so send your vision and it's High Dimensional energy to this altar, and see how it glows, how it beams! Feel the Love of it, as all now, all the visions are together, One Great Vision, one great memory revived, one great future in the now!!! And let us consecrate this Vision now, and bless it, each from our own beautiful Hearts, and with all of our combined Love Lights streaming forth to empower this Vision even more, and more, and more. And as we do so, notice that it comes back to us in beautiful, beautiful Lights, in beautiful waves of circles, and spirals, because now the Vision of All As One comes into our Hearts, Beloved Ones. Let the Joy of it fill you, let the Love permeate every part of your being!!!

"And as we continue to bless our Vision, notice that it lifts up, and off of the altar, and see it go right down through the floor of the Crystal room. The Crystals of the floor themselves assist in sending it forth, and we assist with our loving blessings. And see how it moves toward Planet Earth. Watch it now! Everyone look through the clear floor of the Crystal Room. And watch it, as it approaches Planet Earth, it literally spreads out! It multiplies itself exponentially. It gets even brighter, and brighter, and brighter, because we are blessing it still, and sending it to bless all of Planet Earth, below, on, and above, and its atmosphere!!!

"And see it spread now over all of the Planet. Beautiful, beautiful, colors of this Vision, which is the combined creation of every one of us here present, and of all of those who come still in Earth time to join with us. It's all One in the moment, and the moment is Now! And as it spreads over Planet Earth, look closely. See how the plants lift up their faces, and indeed seem to be smiling. See how the animals stop, and as this beautiful Light comes to them, and envelopes them in its loving warmth, hear their thanks, their Joy! Let the trees begin a slight rustling, to acknowledge the Joy they are feeling, and now they have even more to tell, even more wisdom!

"Feel the Joy and the energies of the Crystals as they pick up the energies of this beautiful Vision, and let them relay it into inner Earth, and back out again into the atmosphere of Earth, and beyond, and out through the entire Universe! And meanwhile, Beloved Ones, feel the hearts of the humans lift up in Joy, for they are getting Truth, and they are getting assurance of the Beauty, and the Joy, of their own Ascensions!!! Yes, this is a wake-up call to those who are ready, and so it addresses everyone! And you, Beloved Ones, have created the perfect Vision for each and every being, no matter what Kingdom they belong to on Planet Earth. Now hear and feel the thanks, and see how Planet Earth glows even more in the Love Light of what we have created here!!!

"In our Communion there's one great Vision now! It is known to many more, and it will remain for even more to access, as they open to their own Divinities, unto their own Paths Home! Ascension is real, and the Visions we have created are shining Truth. And the greatest of these, Beloved Ones, is Love. Now you may remain in the Crystal Room for as long as you wish, and remember you have your way home, your cord which will take you back to Planet Earth. We thank you for being with us, and for creating this most powerful Crystal Exercise yet. And, so to thank you we invite you to accept our Blessings.* And so it is! Namaste!

* Sekhmet was 'dancing' to Let Us Remember to Dance before she began speaking. The Blessing was played after she finished speaking. Both songs were composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, .
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 8-14-12.    © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2012.  All rights reserved. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference August 14, 2012, through Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference August 14, 2012
"Well Good Evening, Beloved Family! It is I, Ashtar and the entire Company from the Lighted Realms come to greet you, and you are greeting us by rising up even now in your own sacred, Divine vibrations. This is so joyous and this is what we come to do. It is to embrace each other in the Communion of Family, to be One together, to be One Heart, to share this Oneness, this great coming together and this Love Light with each other, and of course, with all the World and the Universe beyond!!!
"We have heard some momentous news* – put it all together and it spells soon! Still no dates, we always say 'no dates' because you know, there are two ways to look at it: there’s before the date and after the date. And just as happened recently at the Olympics - and we do want to take a moment with this just to assure you, no one was wrong when they gave that date of the fourth day of your eighth month of the twelfth year.
"Now that’s kind of an interesting sequence, is it not? Now that surely tells you that that date was not just picked at random, it is and was a significant date. Why? As we have told you before, we were all there, a huge fleet of ships from many, many locations in the Universe, most of them from your own Galaxy. We were there to love and honor all participants, spectators, and viewers around the World. It was absolutely imperative that not one ‘false flag’ event occurred. Not one!
"We were on duty 24/7, before the entire scenery and all sets were prepared, during the event and now, afterwards, to be sure there is no incident, because a lot of the athletes have stayed in Europe even though the events are over. They have stayed on for a little bit more visiting with each other, or what you call the seeing of the sites. So it is most appropriate that we are still on duty there.
"Now, here is an announcement, it’s just kind of a little side thing: we’re on duty everywhere; nevertheless, there are those who thought that the Olympics would be just the ideal place to have an event of a dark nature occur. You know, let’s try the same old tricks and get the World all into a big panic and fear – Oh boy, what an opportunity! Well, we are delighted to tell you, as we knew we would, that not one of these events occurred there - no fear, just Love – the opposite of fear.
"That is because not only were we there, but you were there, Beloved Ones, the people of the World came together in a high consciousness and the sending of the loving energies, and we were there and yes, we were seen!!! But back to that date. Having that announcement go out as it did focused the attention of all who happened to be listening, to the possibility. And so the red carpet was rolled out Worldwide!
"Now, we know that after the date there were some who were, frankly, disappointed, and we understand that too, because you keep hearing dates and dates, and the date comes and as it comes closer you get more excited, you get more high vibe, you get more anxious or in anticipation of Joy, and all of the great happenings that the date is said to contain. The date comes, the date goes. That is why we are telling you that a lot happened on the date of 8-4-12. We want you to know without a doubt, that there was such a huge upsurge in the consciousness, the welcoming of the World, that it set a new record for Planet Earth!!!
"That record is being sustained because that red carpet is as bright as ever - not that we’re going to land specifically on a red carpet, you understand - we just love your lingo and we love to utilize the sayings that you have! It is a way of being in touch, so to speak. We are very much wanting to be in touch now, and great thanks to all of you, even if you had a bit of disappointment that we didn’t actually, you know, take over the Olympics. And stop and think of how that would have been for all of those athletes who had trained so hard to get there, for all of their parents and their families and their beloved ones, for all of the people who had worked so hard to bring this event – that would have been an eclipsing of the Olympics, and to us that would not have been high integrity.
"So I suggest that you keep the red carpet out from your Hearts, but for once thank us that we did not show up in quite that way, and rather just know that we were there every nanosecond of time, as you measure it, and that we thank you for your welcome, because you made it possible, you actually joined with us in helping us to say to you that we accomplished this most important mission.
"Now, this is pre-Ascension, and there is so much - you know, if you started to make a list, and we don’t advise it because you’ll probably fall asleep, you’ll be so exhausted from the effort before you even finish it, of all of the changes which are in the works right now, they are activated, they are live, they are coming soon into what you call your news media! The reason that we value the A & A reports, aside from honoring and loving the Beloveds who bring them to you, the Masters who give their lives to do so, is that it’s a preview, it’s a validation that what we are saying that is coming really is in the works!!! If you really wish to make a list you can check some things off that you heard here even in their report in this gathering.*
"Lines are being drawn, and they are the lines of 'not this time!' Never more on Planet Earth! We don’t have to do that program any more because we are getting more and more free in every moment. Now, this is for the World as a whole, and we understand that Beloved Fran mentioned a petition, which is a very worthwhile one** and we do hope that you will find time to sign that one, and others of the same kind because when humanity speaks, guess what? The grey hats and even some of the darkest hats are finally starting to listen - think how long that has taken!
"And so it is to sign them and to draw the lines, yes, but to do it with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, always, always, always with that as the cornerstone of whatever it is that you choose to present or to put your Hearts into working upon - whether it be writing or whatever - always from that position.
"Now, we have another announcement to make and this too is a biggie! And this is that Forgiveness is increasing! Forgiveness as we have defined it, or rather, as my Beloved Brother Sananda has defined it in the Course in Miracles, is simply the absence of judgment. It is the ability to let go of the baggage that you have been carrying for so long, even before you came into these bodies which you now inhabit, or should we say that you wear as your uniforms. Forgiveness on all Levels!!!
"So if the name Hitler appears before you and you start to feel your solar plexus area scrunching up, take just a moment - seventeen seconds is good, more if you can - send Light, even if that name appears before you in print, send Light to it. You can send it out of your hands, you can send it from your wisdom eye, from your Heart. And if you would like to you can say ho’ponopono, or ‘I forgive,’ or whatever. Practice Random Acts of Forgiveness, because the more that we build Forgiveness as an energy that is zeroing out, you know, the opposite, like, ‘Ooh, I’m going to get back at you,’ and those kinds of things, the more the world is ready for Peace!!!
"Here are some of the things that are pre-Ascension: Peace - talk about laying down the guns! Well, you know, this is an old story, and you know this is still true, the nukes have been disabled, we are disabling any weapons of mass destruction. You know, we can turn Agent Orange into vinegar, and things like that. We have the alchemical knowledge to do that. We have an entire division of the Ashtar Command - well, you might call them the 'Neutralizers.'
"Now, we understand that can have a little bit of a negative connotation, but what we are saying here is that they can render these weapons of mass destruction, shall we say, useless for that purpose. Furthermore they can decontaminate and detoxify them so that they are not the disposal problem that they would otherwise be, and that includes radioactive materials! We’re working on that in various areas of the world. You may be familiar with the fact that the dirty bombs were set off in Iraq. They did a lot of damage to the humans there; they did a lot of damage to the soils and the waters and the atmosphere in that part of the World, not just Iraq.
"What we are doing is gradually detoxifying. This is Ascension Preparation; this is clearing and cleansing Planet Earth. We are working in Fukushima, we are working in the oceans, and in the air above the oceans, because whatever there is in the water – you’ve heard about evaporation, you know, that’s an old scientific term for the water that turns into vapor and goes up into the atmosphere, and where it lands can be completely different, it can contaminate a whole new area. So it’s not just what is flowing in the waters, it’s what is traveling in the air and in the currents. So we’re working there.
"We are working on what tiny bit of chemtrails remain, and we do want to remind you that sometimes vapors appear, vapor trails appear in the sky. But, you see, what happens is we can be right there to neutralize what comes out so that they are just vapor. And yes, they may look like chemtrails. If you are concerned that you might be walking underneath a chemtrail go deep into your Hearts, gather your Guides, however you may want to do it, and ask, 'Is there anything that is toxic in that vapor for me?' And then you might want to get out from under it anyway.
"Now, we’re going to tell you something else, and this is very interesting. Listen up everybody! There are still a lot of toxic programs running. When you see vapor in the sky, what’s your first thought? 'Chemtrails. They’re poisoning me.' Well, guess who’s poisoning you? That program that you are running. So you’ve got to start working on clearing this kind of programming out and start realizing that you are in charge!!! Humanity is speaking as One, and we are right there with you because, you see, what happens when the consciousness goes up is the Dimensional level also rises.
"Why do you think so many more people are seeing us in the skies? We’re there -it’s simply that they are able to look beyond the confinements of the third dimension and see us, because we’re there anyway. And sometimes we winky-blinky, sometimes we dance in the sky, sometimes we do a real 3D high vibe performance – remember, it’s high vibe 3D, not low vibe. You’ve got a bunch of different levels in 3D, you know; you’ve got a bunch of different levels in every Dimension.
"We are cleaning up toxicities, and we will continue to do so after our presence is disclosed to an even greater degree. We will be doing flyovers. There are places right here in this island of Maui that are so contaminated by the corporate greed, by the, let’s just say, stressful working conditions, and by the very toxins that they have been spraying around and creating toxic situations in the air, the land and the waters. We can clean these things up, we are working on it now. But when we have our ships available, our detoxing ships - or you can call it the 'Detox Squad' if you like that, that’s a nice little way to say it - able to actually come and literally neutralize everything.
"You see, it’s all frequency, everybody, everything has a frequency, and so we can neutralize the poisons and all of those things and bring them to zero point where the soil is now ready for nutrients. Now that’s where you come in, Beloved Ones! Yes, we can do the nutritional part too, but how wondrous it is to partner with you so that you have an opportunity to nurture this now-pristine soil, water, and air! In this way you will join even more with Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms. You see what we are talking about here? We’re talking about Unity. Pre-Ascension is to bring you as much into Unity as you are willing to do. Unity Consciousness, you know, you’ve herd that term – Oneness, wherein you are One with all manner of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms!!!
"Now, we have discussed the imminent departure of beings, plants and animals which do have a place on 3D Earth. We have selected for our prime example the mosquito. As it is seen in this moment it is likely that the mosquito, and other varieties of plants and animals which are in some manner toxic, will not be just made extinct but rather they will be traveling to the new, old 3D Planet Earth. And so if you think about that, you can just say, 'Bye, bye mosquitoes, so long cockroaches, and there’s no more poison ivy where I am!' Those kinds of things, you see, send them off with appreciation for whatever they have shown to you or your neighbor or whomever, and just be in Joy!
"Sometimes the best thing you can do, and you get such great Joy when you say 'Bon Voyage'! There you go. So if you know that there is some kingdom of Mother Gaia’s that is about to become no more, in the pre-Ascension and certainly the post-Ascension world, just give them a fond farewell: 'Thank you so much for doing whatever it is you did, I know I learned something from you, I’m not sure what it was – oh yes, I may have allowed a rattlesnake to bite me in my last life, or whatever, anyway, I learned something from it. Thank you, goodbye,' and so on.
"Now, we’ve talked about detoxing the Earth, we’ve talked about how the Earth is going to absolutely blossom and grow, and you’re sitting here thinking, 'Yeah, what about the deserts, what about the droughts, how is that going to work?' Well, we have a different climate that Earth will be coming into. It will be temperate, water will be readily available everywhere, and all manner of beautiful, beautiful things can grow in as little as a week from the seeds which were planted!
"You remember the story of Jack and the Beanstalk? Well, we’ve got a lot more than beans waiting for you. Nobody is ever going to be hungry, and everybody is going to feel the goodness in the food. You can say 'Bon Voyage’ to GMO, too, because it’s just not going to be here. That kind of tinkering is over-Rover!!! Done. And don’t you think that Monsanto and the others don’t know it - yes they do! As we mentioned, even some of the darkest hats are waking up and they are understanding, finally. It has taken a long time, these meetings, these diplomatic gatherings.
"Do you remember there was a leader in Russia a long time ago, and when Beloved JFK was President in the United States this leader from Russia got up and made a speech and pounded his shoes to make his point? Ooh, he was really threatening. But JFK and others backed him down. He’s not the leader of Russia anymore, he was no longer in that job quite a while ago; and of course, there have been a succession of leaders. We understand that sometimes it is difficult to tell who is the good guy, and who’s going to be around in leadership positions very shortly in pre-Ascension. Well, we’ll give you a hint. They’re the Lights, they’re the Love/Lights, they’re the ones who dare to speak of Love, they’re the ones who dare to express Compassion for their fellow humans. They are the ones who are truly there to serve, it’s just that simple!!!
"You can tell who they are by the great lights that shine, and even though they seem to sometimes be condoning, like signing of laws or actions that don’t seem very high-dimensional, remember that they have beings of two kinds in their circle of associates. They have those real, real dark hats who are still hanging on and making threats and doing all kinds of things, and they need to be certain that hey are safely out of the way, and believe me, they are being taken out of the picture very fast and we are neutralizing the toxicities that they trying to spread, too! That’s a good way to think of it. And then they also have associates who are talking a good talk about wanting to be in service and all of that, but they really aren’t, they really are looking to sabotage the good things from within.
"It is sometimes better for the leader to stand up, and really kind of stand aside and let the ones who want to keep on running the dark programs present themselves - you’ve got some political candidates who are doing a great job of that - and as they speak and tell you what it is they have in mind you say, 'Well, he/she’s very toxic, we’re not going to vote for them, or we need to say that they have to leave!' Of course, NESARA’s principles include the leaving of any kind of public service office of anyone who is not truly serving the public or humanity, or the animal kingdom, or the plant kingdom, or the crystals, or whomever we’re talking about. So that’s another pre-Ascension situation that is changing even now. You know, the dominoes are falling and these ones are not going to have the stage much longer!!!
"Now, here’s another biggie, think about this: If you have any wonder or doubt about your financial abundance coming to you, remember this is a promise that is being kept even now, it is in the works. Money isn’t going to make it into the Higher Dimensions and so all of the good that can be done by redistributing all of the value of the gold and all of the other precious metals to back papers - because it’s kind of unhandy to carry a gold brick in your wallets - these have to come before Ascension because you are not going to need them afterwards!!! We’ll be talking about post-Ascension momentarily but this is a biggie!
"Instead of doubting, welcome it!!! What we often say in one-on-one conversations with Beloved Family Members who desire to have a chat or a discussion, is to start creating your own visions of your abundance, of your perfect health, whatever it is that you desire, because you’re going to get healthy and you are going to stay healthy! Now, when we say 'health,' everybody’s got a different concept of that. The person who’s got the shaky heart sees that as the ideal, the person who has the crippled legs, or maybe legs missing, sees that as the vision of perfect health.
"So figure out what your vision of perfect health is. Maybe you just want to be one big smiling body radiating Light and Love, no dark places anywhere; whatever it is draw it, write it, create it in your mind’s eye and keep it handy. Put up sticky notes, do whatever you want to do to focus upon your Divine Self as the ultimate Creator of your life! Nobody else is creating it for you, and if you have the idea that it’s all so and so’s fault, my mother made me a sissy ­– no such thing by the way ­– or, I had to shoot this guy down the street or otherwise he was going to come and shoot me, whatever it is, forget it, that’s low vibe!
"Live in high vibration to create. You want a larger house? Create it. You want a little red sports car like Sekhmet drives? Alright, create it. Create your life. Create your true self. What does that mean? It means quit creating yourself in any kind of a phony manner and be the bright shining Divine Light that you are, let it shine, Family! Because that’s Who You Really Are! That’s how we see you!!! If you see yourself as crippled or as having some sort of a physical problem, or you’re in financial lack or whatever it is, see yourself as we see you, and that’s as Divine Creator in your own right!
"We understand that there are many energies coming in, and believe me if you’ve got any dark places anywhere you’ve got to get into housecleaning, real fast, because these energies are just going to bring all this stuff up in your face! They’re going to recreate and you will experience that which you have not gotten the wisdom from - you’re not done with it yet - and they’re going to perhaps give you some rather serious Ascensionitis things going on so that you also have to start taking healing naps – how about that one?
"All kinds of situations and events are part of this pre-Ascension whirlwind of activity and new states of being. You‘ve got to shake things up sometimes, in order to get things into balance. So this is a real opportunity for you to look at whatever there is that you see within yourself, first of all, that you want to clear and, shall we say, be the Alchemical Masters who have replaced any kind of low or negative vibration with high vibe happiness!!!
"When you do that for yourself you’re helping the whole Planet and the Universe beyond, but let’s get a little closer to home, let’s talk about your family or your beloved ones, or your neighbors. What happens is that you start radiating out all these good vibes and they pick up on them, and that helps them on their Ascension paths as well. And so it is that you will have not only a clearer more high vibe self to love and to be joyful with but you’ll be spreading it! You’ll become the new contagious beings, contagious with all the good stuff!!!
"As it goes out through your neighborhood, your community, and the country even where you live, it joins with all the other high frequencies and high vibrations, and the Higher Dimensionalities start being real on Planet Earth! This is how you prepare - start within yourselves, make your connections with your Divinity! Yes, take time to write a petition, or to write a news story for the internet on something that you are familiar with, but start looking at everything as simply the starting point and there is nowhere to go except up into a zero point kind of an atmosphere where you can create all new fresh, cleansed, pure, pristine, happy, joyful and loving surroundings, because that, Beloved Beings, Beloved Family, is your post-Ascension reality!!! So why not? Let’s do it together!
"We’ve got Sekhmet waiting in the wings and she’s so anxious to come forward and to join with you in creating the post-Ascension World lifestyles for you! We assure you that we are here and much closer and able to do much more. It’s exponentially increased, even since a month ago in your time, as you measure it! We are so much more empowered and that, Beloved Ones, is because you have invited us to come in and you’ve rolled out the red carpets right from your Hearts, and we’re with you always at your service to support and love you beyond words as you serve all of Planet Earth and indeed the universe beyond!!!
"And so we thank you with all the Love in our beings as we join here with you to create together post-Ascension Planet Earth. And so it is. Salut!"
The Galactic Anthem, given to us by Kana Benz, preceded Ashtar
* Tara and Rama's A&A Report
** Stop the Serengeti Sell-Off - Save The Maasai
Transcription by Brian Coe
Given through Susan Leland, August 14, 2012.© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2012.  All rights reserved.