Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 23-March 2, 2014
Beloved Ones,
The winds of change are upon you. While life goes on as before, the changes that occur within you are vast. These changes are taking place within each soul who lives upon the planet. Each soul has agreed to experience these changes. The first noticeable change will be a greater ability to feel emotion and express it. Most people on the planet have suppressed their emotions in order to harden their hearts so that they could function in the ever increasing density and these filters are now falling away because there is much greater light than ever before. As each person is enabled to truly feel and speak from their hearts, all that needs to be expressed will begin to come forth from within their being. At some point in this process, the feelings expressed will be the feelings of love, followed by the feelings of joy and other positive emotions which will move people in directions hitherto unknown on your world.
The people of the Earth are gathering together in greater numbers than before so that they can give voice to those areas in their respective worlds that can be improved upon. Individuals are willing to sacrifice their lives for the changes they are demanding. It is a tumultuous time in the affairs of all old paradigm systems which no longer serve the needs of the people. As people continue to awaken, the illusions are dispelled and those who have kept the populace under subjugation are being revealed. There is no place for these ones to hide as the revelations of their backroom agendas comes to light, for each must now come face to face with their own choices and deeds, and make peace with their soul. While this will produce some chaos, ultimately it is for the highest good of all.
Upon the planet there are many who are ready to step up and begin to implement sweeping changes in all facets of governance and all its many diverse functions. That which was implemented to harvest the energy of the people in a dishonest manner will be replaced with a system that is more equitable for all upon the Earth. The monetary system will eventually cease to exist in its present form. There is greater sovereignty ahead for each person and each one will realize their inherent responsibility to contribute their input in a worthy and honorable way so that their contributions are in alignment with the greatest good of all upon the planet and not just for a select and nebulous few. The harvesting of humanity in a secret manner will cease forever and humanity as a whole will take up the torch of alignment in greater extent to the Creator of all so that they will be in harmony with the universal laws of conduct.
Some very surprising changes begin to come to light. These changes create a chain reaction effect into all areas of the world and will facilitate the beginnings of a better way of living for all humanity. Those at the forefront of this movement will be in position to accomplish great good. The people begin to experience greater prosperity and abundance in their everyday lives and this will have a far reaching impact upon how humanity can live in peace, harmony and prosperity. When every member of the human family has all that is needed for their well being, safety and protection, they can move forward into areas that were not available to them before, the areas of the spirit and the exploration of their own soul, their gifts, skills and talents that lie like hidden gems within them. These will come forth to bless those around them in a loving way.
We stress the importance of remaining centered and aligned with one’s higher aspects. The desire to become unified with their divine essence burns brightly within those who have been making the effort to align with the light of the Creator within them. These ones will become successful in their intentions to manifest their Holy Christ Self in and through them. These ones are the vanguard of the new human race, fully realized divine humans, working with unity consciousness. Within all upon the planet, the second coming of the Christ consciousness is dawning.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mother Mary, from The Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, February 11, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Mother Mary:
"We Are All Love!"*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
February 11, 2014
"Greetings, my Beloved Children!  I Am Mother Mary, and my Heart overflows with Love for each and every one of you, regardless of your age, where you are, or what lifestyle you have lived.  For when we come together as we are now, I simply hold out my arms to you and I invite you to come close to my Heart and feel the Love that I have for you!
"For this Love is even more powerful than the Love of the mother.  It is the love of Mother/Father God!  It is the Love that brings us together, no matter where we are.  It is the Love that enables us to be so connected so as to be able to communicate with each other and to feel the closeness, the joining, as it were, of our very Hearts.  It is the Love which was given to all of us -each and every one of us - when we were created.  It is the Love which is eternal and never dies.  It is the Love that you, my Beloved Ones, share with each other, and it is indeed the strongest, most powerful energy of the Universe!!!
"It was created to be so, and because you are all Divine, it is all a part of you and has been ever since you, Beloved Ones, were created - not just in this lifetime, but in the very, very beginning of all time!
"And so it is that we come together, and there is only the Joy of our reunion, time and time again!  Now, I have known some of you when I came in the body - the physical body of Mother Mary -but I know all of you, because I have known all of you since the beginning.  And just as I am known as a symbol of Love, I know you as Love, as beings of Love.  I am as real as you and you are as loving as I!  This is Truth and this is always - it always has been, always shall be!!!
"And if there were times where you hid under a cloak that was somewhat dark, be assured you could not hide the Love you are from me.  A mother always knows her children.  A mother always sees what is in the Hearts of her children!  That, Beloved Ones, is a special gift which I have enjoyed as a mother, and that is why I can call you my children.  It matters not if you have the hair of gray - or no hair anymore.  It matters not if you are young or old. It matters not if you are strong and healthy in your bodies, or weak and perhaps somewhat tired.
"Your loving Hearts are as bright and shining as they ever were. There is no aging of a Heart of Love!  You are as old as time and as young as a newborn.  Your Hearts are shining as radiantly as they ever were.  And you, Beloved Ones, have not grown any more in Love, but rather have grown in your abilities to see the Love You Are!!!  This gives great Joy for a mother to see her children shine forth, to see her children unafraid, to shine forth their Love no matter what their circumstances, no matter what their lifestyles are!
"You are so beautiful, you are so radiant, and you are indeed the Love that is freeing your World from the darkness which has all but smothered it - save for you!  For you came, and your great Love shining forth is a beacon, and we who are here with you join with you in this Love.  We join you in shining it forth and we promise you that you are already making the changes that need to be made, so that no one will feel the need to hide in the dark anymore!!!
"So let us stand together and rejoice, and let us hug each other. Open your arms, and open your Hearts to each other, and let us empower the beaming of our Love/Light that much more!  For this, Beloved Children, is what we came here to do.  And that is why you are such gifts, such treasures - not just to me but to the entirety of the World and the Universe beyond! And so it is. Namaste."
*Mother Mary was preceded by Let It Be, sung by Joan Baez. 
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, February 11, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, February 11, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Ashtar: "We Are Partners in Our Mission of Love"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - February 11, 2014
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  And yes, we are absolutely exuberant with all that is taking place!  And you, Beloved Ones, are in the forefront of those assisting with your energies of Love and Light, for without you, and without your permission and the opening of your Hearts to our being One with you, we would not be able to accomplish all that is happening now.
"You heard the Masters,* yes, no nukes will be enabled or discharged on Planet Earth!  This is a directive which we are honored to be in the service of carrying out - the Mission that makes this so.  And yes, we have done so many times, more times than you have heard about and more times than are necessary for you to know.  Only know that because you have stepped up to where you are, and because you are shining such radiant Lights, we are empowered to do this on behalf of you and every living being upon Planet Earth and beyond, because a nuclear holocaust upon Planet Earth will reach out even beyond your solar system and will have multitudinous consequences, dark consequences.
"But it needed to be stopped here on Planet Earth.  It isn’t that it hasn’t happened before in other places in the solar system.  And there have been nuclear disasters and destruction even here, but it will not happen again and we assure you of this!  We are bonded with you, we are partnering with you.  Because you have said 'no nukes,' it is a command to the Ashtar Command!  Of course it had to be cleared through channels, so to speak, but I can assure you that this directive against any kind of nuclear wars, or the use of any nuclear weapons has come from the very Highest of sources, which you are a part of, as you know.
"You are one with Father/Mother God and the all that is and you are multi-dimensional beings!  Even now, you are now having a sense of the different levels of dimensionality, you can call it being high one moment and not being quite so high the next – the highs and lows, as it were.  You are actually travelling, so to speak, so as to exist.  Where your consciousness is, is the level of dimensionality that you are most aware of being in, however let me assure you we see you and you are becoming more and more multidimensional as you evolve!
"There will be a day when, only if you really, really want to, will you exist at all in what you call 3D.  3D is vanishing from the Planet Earth that you are wanting to be a part of, and that you are being more and more a part of.  But it will still be out there for those who are not ready to make the upward shift.  And what we are endeavoring to do in our partnership with you is to empower the shifting upward, or the upliftment, with so much energy that more and more of the Kingdom of Humanity of Planet Earth will want to make, what you call, the quantum leap!
"So what is that power?  Of course you all know.  That, of course, is Love.  Love powers everything!  Then you say, 'Well how can that be?'  Well, it’s just the most powerful energy in the Universe.  So Love is everywhere. Some people try to hide it, put a cloak on it or a lid on it, so to speak - stifle it, and they allow that which is the opposite of Love, because they don’t want Love - they want its opposite.  Or, they don’t want to be loving beings, so they want the opposite to influence them so that they can live the last of their unloving experiences.  But Love is there and waiting for them!  All they have to do is accept it and allow their Hearts to open and fill so much with it that everything else is literally transmuted and gone!!!
"That is a big part of our Mission together, and we are relying on you to continue to be the beamers of the Love, because the more you do that, the more you influence even the hardest of Hearts, even the most recalcitrant and stubborn and resistant of minds, so that at least they know that they have alternatives!  They know that the reality is Love, and that what they have been living is an illusion, and then they merely have to choose whether to get real or to continue upon the false path.
"Love is empowering even then in the fact that you, Beloved Ones, are assisting us so greatly to make it known to them, to show them the Light, the way.  Of course, that is the Truth, that is the Truth of what reality really is, and you all know that!  And so we thank you from our Hearts to yours, and really there are no words to express what we feel for you.  Just feel the Love and know that that’s Who You Really Are, and what you are really made of!!!  Anything else is illusion, not true, and not you.
"When we look at you, Beloved Ones, we see the Love shining so bright!  We are so joyful that you are here with us in this Mission. There are many, many thousands – millions – who may never have even heard of the Ashtar Command, who may not know that our ships are everywhere in your skies, but who know Love.  Think of these children, they are called the innocents, sometimes.  Why? Because they just know about Love and if something happens in their lives that is not loving, it is not the reality that they know deep inside their Hearts.
"Of course, we all know that as children grow, more and more things happen that are not loving, and sometimes they lose their way.  But the children of today are more empowered with that Love!  Their genetics are different, and this makes them more able, shall we say, to not lose their way.  They are with you too, shining their Lights, and we honor them.  Quite often they are the wise ones - the old souls coming back - or they have lived lives in other places.
"This is particularly difficult if they are new - first-timers to Planet Earth.  If they have lived in places - just imagine, if you are an old soul from a planet which is Higher Dimensional than 3D and Love is all you have known, and then you volunteer to come to Planet Earth to take part in the Great Upliftment, and you are a loving being and you know that that’s who you are and how you are, and you get born into circumstances that are less than loving.  Imagine how challenging it is!
"So love these ones especially at this time, during this month of Love.  Let them know that they really know the Truth - they are real, their Love is real, and honor them for their bravery and coming here to shine their Lights because, as you have heard, this particular month of Love is an opportunity to face up to whatever challenges remain – whatever you have not cleared, or if you want to speak of challenges overcome, welcome them and give them up.  Do so with Love, especially Love for yourselves, because we are literally marching into the Golden Age together! That does involve a bit of flying, you know, or at least soaring.
"In order to do that you have to be free from anything that would weigh you down, that would hold you into the murky, stickiness of 3D.  So perhaps the mantra for the month of February might be,  'Bring it on! I’m ready. And I have this whole entirety of the Ashtar Command and the Ascended Masters and the Angels and Guides, and of course, The Mentors with me.  And I can accomplish it, I can do it, this is my time to really shine forth and to shine my Light so bright that I literally transmute whatever shadows there might be on my path and I clear them and I am done, and I am flying free on the path to the Golden Age!!!'
"Of course, when you do that, your lifestyle changes, and when you do that you are actually bringing the Golden Age into yourselves, into your lifestyles, and guess what - you are beaming it out so you are affecting everyone around you, close by you, as well as beaming it out to the entirety of the Planet and beyond!  Let’s work together, or shall I say, let’s fly together, and let’s make the Golden Age really, really a reality for not just you and you, but for everyone upon Planet Earth!!!
"These announcements that you’ve been waiting for, the abundance that you’ve been waiting for – you can keep on waiting if you want to, but we suggest it will be a lot more joyful seeing you enjoying the abundance that you bring to yourselves. And besides that, you have a lot of wonderful things to do, so when we say abundance we’re not just talking about dollars or yen, or whatever.  We’re talking about your health, we’re talking about Joy and that’s what this month of February is for!  It’s for you, Beloved Ones, to stop and breathe in the Love and shine out your Lights and shine them deep within yourselves so as to literally discover, uncover and transmute whatever there is that you have to transmute.
"Meanwhile we are working with the White Knights and the militia members, worldwide, and the Masters are here to share their wisdom.  St. Germain is extremely busy - he is multi-locating!  He’s logged more miles on Planet Earth than any human you could imagine, particularly during the past three or four decades, visiting those who need to be reminded of Who They Really Are and what they are here to do, which is to serve all of Humanity and all of the Planet beyond, in all of the Kingdoms. 
"At first he met resistance, of course, from most.  There are those that he visited - and still does visit with - simply to celebrate the successes, but he is very busy as are others of the Masters.  And of course all of the Guides and Guardian Angels, and so on, are having quite a bit to do as well.  So you see, there is a whole big group, a big Company of all of us who are working together who are not necessarily - well, most all of us in the Ashtar Command - there are those of us who are not in human bodies and those of us who are.  We call them ground crew, and we have the militia members, of course.
"But it is a partnership and you, Beloved Ones, are a most important group in the partnership.  And I am speaking to all of the Lightworkers and those whose Hearts are full of Love and who are radiating that Love beyond themselves.  In other words, radiating it within their own energy fields and then sending it out beyond, because this is what is empowering all of this change, all of the transmutations, all of the upliftments.  It could not and would not be happening if you, Beloved Ones, were not partnering with us!  And so for this we thank you beyond words, because there are really not words that can convey sufficiently how important it is that we have formed this partnership!!!
"Many of you are ground crew – Ashtar Commanders in human uniforms.  Many of you are ambassadors from beyond the galaxy -again in human uniforms - enlightened ones, or perhaps, just waking up.  Some of you may not even recognize yourselves, so good is your disguise, and we are not talking about make up, we’re simply talking about the bodies that you inhabit!!!
"It’s all wondrous and wonderful, it’s all joyful!  And yes, even though what we are engaged in has never been accomplished before - and as you know it was doubted that we would ever get this far, let alone that the outcome would be assured, and by that I am saying successful outcome - it is happening, it is real and its because you, Beloved Ones, have joined in to make it so!!! Do not ever, ever underestimate the importance of your being here on Plant Earth at this moment to participate in this gigantic transformation!
"Even after you make your full Ascensions, you will know that you were a participant in this and that you are honored throughout the galaxy and the Universe beyond, because you were here and because you did participate, and because you gave of yourselves and your energies of Love - so much so that, as I have said, our success is assured!!!  It’s what you call a done deal!
"We made the commitment, we energetically signed the contracts, and here we are. We have not so very far to go on our path together into the Golden Age, and from there your opportunities, your lives will be so full and you will have so many choices and you will not be held back for any reason!  There will be no obstacles in your path!  You will have full abundance so as to be equipped and prepared for wherever you choose to go and what ever you choose to do!!!
"If you haven’t given some thought to that, this is an opportune month to do it.  Just open up yourself to the Love you are and get in touch with the totality, with the awesomeness of you, and start connecting and communing within yourselves to find what it is, or to identify what it is, or perhaps there are several passions that you want to explore because the time for you to enter into that phase of your missions, or your lifestyles, is so close in your terms, that it will be here almost before you know it.  Of course, part of that is because time has speeded up so much – one day moves into the next day and you don’t know where the day before went!
"It’s all happening so fast!  This collapsing of time is a quite necessary part of moving into Higher Dimensionality.  So rejoice in every moment, live and be the Love you are, and know that you are truly unlimited, sovereign and free, and most of all beautiful radiant beings of Love.  Know also that you are loved, and that is the only feeling - Love and all that comes from Love -that is the only way that you are perceived and that is the only way that you are felt by those in the Higher Dimensions!  If you did not know that before, know that now.  We see you as perfection of Love, and grace, and all that Love engenders!
"When you look in the mirror see yourselves in that Light, the Light of Love.  Greet your Divine Selves and thank yourselves, as we thank you infinitely and in an unlimited way, for being here and for being with us in this grand partnership of Oneness, accomplishment and Love!  And so it is.  Salut!"
*  Tara and Rama 
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, February 11, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Via the Rainbowscribe site


You can watch the video version of this message here.
Through Steve Rother 
Greetings, dear ones. I am eM.

I am so thrilled to be with you here today. There are so many things that are starting to open on Earth and we will share with you a little bit about the next step of humanity. It is coming at the speed of love, which is slightly faster than the speed of light. Even Einstein did not know that. There is so much happening because of your movement, elevation, and ability to run the energy completely through your body without having to feel the negative effects.
You have done an incredible job up to this point mostly by ignoring it sometimes—oh yes, humans can look the other way quite well—but also because you have put things in order. It is actually very interesting. You have a new relationship to time, which the Timekeeper has been speaking of for a while. However, it is much, much larger than just looking at your watch or planning your day according to what you call time.
12 Dimensions of Time
We see time in multiple dimensions. There are 12 dimensions of time that you are unaware of, but you actually only deal with two. Dear ones, pleaseunderstand you are only seeing a small portion of reality. If you open up all the channels and let the 12 dimensions of time be experienced simultaneously, you would literally be totally confused. We originally opened the door with one dimension of time, and it took you millions of years to get accustomed to that one. Now we have just released a second and you are wrestling with it. Why? Because you still hang onto the old one, which you think of your watch and we call your expression of linear time. Well, time is not linear, although you measure and see it that way.
It is  actually 12 dimensions, not the five that you are accustomed to. What happens is that all of humanity experiences the collective level in which you live. Many times you are leading the way vibrationally, and you know that there are many other levels. Please do not think, dear ones, that one is better than the other. There are many levels of vibrational stature represented here. With all those levels in place, doors open because each one of those levels can reveal something a little bit differently than what you have been perceiving. Now that there is a new dimension of time on Earth, you can start to open this door and feel it.
The 5th Dimension: Connected to 5 of the 11 of You
The collective vibration has clearly stepped into the 5th dimension, which simply means that all of you are connected to five of the 11 of you. Yes, you are also divided into 12s. There is the higher self in the center surrounded by 11 different rays of who you are. We have spoken of this many times before but wish to take this a step further today because it is not just you, it is all of Earth. What is happening now is that everyone has anchored in this new level since passing through the portal of the 12-12-12. It completely pulled the security rug out from under you when you were moving through it.
All of you thought you were going Home and everything was going to be easy, then suddenly you could not find anything that you were looking for. Well, now you have started to re-anchor in this new energy. The sun will complete its flip before long, allowing a new start to almost every day. That is the excitement that we ask you all to welcome into your world and to embrace at every moment. You understand that you see things as past, present and future in a linear timeline. We see these all together at once, as simply being.
That is one of the secrets that all of you can start doing at this moment, for it is a very simple shift. Completely embrace the now and let it flourish through you, realizing that in just a moment it will be gone forever. You only have right now to feel this energy. If you feel it now, you can move to the next level. Will it be coming later? Yes, but it will not be the same. Every level is different, which is the beautiful part.
Shifting Dimensions Sideways
Now here is something rather interesting. You are one 11th or perhaps one 12th of all of your beings, even though you have connected to and share energy with five of those. That means the whole collective of the planet is now in the 5th dimension with those attributes, rather than those of the 3rd. However, it is not just happening to humans. The bees that you have mentioned on your planet, particularly the honey bees, are multidimensional in nature. It could be said that the walls between their dimensions is naturally thinner.
Now there are two things we wish to share with you. It is not just the honeybees we are talking about, but we will use that as the illustration. You have raised the collective vibration of humanity, and in doing so you have a higher view in which to see everything. Have you noticed that there are no more secrets on Earth? You are all becoming accustomed to this transparency which now exists. It is actually beautiful because it brings you to the essence of who you are, instead of what you are trying to tend to be. There are quite a few adjustments that must take place on Earth because you are used to holding secrets, and now they are all slowly disappearing in small increments.

There are fewer secrets on the Earth today than there were before. Now, dear ones, please do not think you will ever go through a lifetime without telling a lie or holding a secret. That is not humanly possible, because you must hold a little bit of imperfection in order to even be on Earth. So, do not judge yourself if you have your own secrets that you have hidden from others. Just simply know that over time everything is being revealed, and with that you have capabilities of multidimensional. What would happen to you if you were talking to one of your friends, shaking his hand, and suddenly he disappeared?
You would really be what the Keeper calls freaked out, I believe. Well, that would be very challenging for you because it would not fit into your understanding of the world or of physics. It would be very much out of the ordinary, but from our perspective it would simply mean that a person shifted their vibration sideways instead of up or down as you are used to. That little shift of energy sideways takes you into another dimension. There will be a time where you can leave this dimension to enter another dimension for a short time, and then come back.
This is literally all brand new and has never before been possible in the Earth dimensions. Yes, of course there have been the masters that have walked on your planet understanding the deeper secrets, and have been able to do these things which you sometimes call miracles. We think that is amazing. From our perspective it is a simple shift, but it has not been available to humans because of your vibrational level. Now all of that has changed; you have changed your game.
What a beautiful day it is! You have written new rules, thrown out the old ones and said, “Let us play a new game. It is time.” Well, at least most of you said it. though others are still kicking and screaming. We know the Keeper does not like to give up things, for everything he has given up has deep scratch marks all over it. Well, that is just the way it is, but nonetheless you are all in this space now. What happens when you raise the vibrations? Let us take it from another aspect of what you call insects and bees.
Pollution: A Changing Relationship to Your Surroundings
What happens when all of humanity raises the vibration of Earth? What happens with the bees? Are they raising their vibration? How about your animals? What happens to all of your power connections and your totem animals? They become multidimensional in nature and much more sensitive, as are you. Most of you can now see very deeply into the hearts of others. Even a few months ago it was more difficult for all of you, for this is a collective movement of all of humanity not just Lightworkers.
This re-balancing is affecting everyone on planet Earth and, quite honestly, it has really put a monkey wrench in things…we are trying new words. Did that one work? Well, we have never been to Earth so we have to make do with whatever is in his brain and it is really confusing—do not go there. But we are quite accustomed to who he is and we use what we can, so we are still trying on some of these expressions. We do not know how to bee.
How is that one?  So, here you are and with your sensitivities. Have you noticed that almost all humans are more sensitive to pollutants than you were just a short time ago? Have you noticed that your allergies are starting to shift, especially here in this place where there are many different allergens? You will find a lot of things changing with your relationship to your surroundings, and that has to do with the new vibrational level you have reached. Congratulations! Now we will try to make you comfortable up here.
An Escape Route for Highly Sensitive Beings
What happens to those who are super sensitive? Suddenly, they are being barraged with all these pollutants and things which most humans can tolerate easily by simply breathing through it and getting to fresh air. Suddenly these highly sensitive beings are having difficulty existing on your Earth, in part because of the way that you treat your Earth. Awareness is the key here, for you are creator beings; you can change this at any moment.
All it takes is a personal commitment from each one of you. You are the creator beings that walk on Earth; you decide what is going to happen here. Did you know that? Well, your actions have brought a certain level of pollution on Earth, which is actually more than what you think. You call pollution little particles floating in your air, but we can actually show you how energy can be polluted and that has happened. You will all learn to clean it up because now you can see it. You could not see it before and simply tolerated it as a normal event.
Many of you suffered from extreme allergies and went into a crisis within your own physical body, not knowing that this was the reaction you were having to your polluted energy. Some of you found answers, which allowed you to tolerate different parts of it. In the near future super high vibrational beings will be able to step out of one dimension for just a moment, and then come back when they can tolerate it. That is what we mean by someone who disappears while you are shaking their hand and that is also what is happening with the bees.
Just BEE
Please understand that the bees are part of your cycle. Einstein was not quite correct in his predictions. If the bees leave completely, the Earth will end in the cycle that it is in. It does not mean that you will be damaged. You understand that, do you not? You are all spirits pretending to be human. You are always safe on the spiritual level. You will be brought Home and will probably find another assignment, if that is the case. But in the meantime, you and the bees can start to work together in a whole new way and new energy that you can make safe here. Let us explain.
You have an energy field around you that most of you think extends about three feet around you, but it is actually larger than that. The first level of it is roughly about three feet around you. Knowing that you emanate vibrational patterns everywhere, we are going to ask you to start clearing your energy. Not just for your energy within your field, but take responsibility for what you see in front of you. It may be something as simple as picking up a piece of litter off the street, learning not to use pesticides in the way you have before, orbeing in harmony with your own energy.
When that happens, it is the opportunity for those multidimensional beings who have stepped out to come back in and breathe again. The key will be if you see the bees. It’s very simple. They are the ones at this moment who are shifting the most. Humans have done it and though very few are at that level, it is only a matter of time now. You are in motion very rapidly at this point, for you have entered the new world. You are creating and anchoring it in the most beautiful ways, so we would like to teach you just to bee. That is the essence of it as has been spoken of many times before, because this is how you clear your energy. Why is the energy there? Because you have your projections.
What is happening tomorrow, and what about these people over here? Oh, and the favorite one that was also mentioned today, what about my taxes? Yes, dear ones, that is a good one for everybody. What about paying my taxes? Really, now. Look at what you are doing. You are projecting things into your future, creating before you even get there. You will start to understand how to do the opposite very clearly, and suddenly a bee will fly by. It literally will come out of nowhere into your dimension, and hopefully many of them will start returning.
For the next few years, this is going to be challenging for that species of beings. Bees will literally float in when they need protection, then they will disappear for a time. It may be very scary at a couple of points on Earth, but know that bees exist over here and can come back when we make it safe for them.
Bleedthrough from the Other Yous
Bees are a huge part of your life cycle. They are actually the most beautiful reflection of you, and they love the fact that you eat their honey. Bees think that is the most amazing thing, because in that way they can become part of you. It is so beautiful because it is exactly the opposite of what you do with the cows, is it not? You actually eat their bodies instead of only their by-products. Although it is totally different, the reality is that you can work in harmony in a new way. What is it going to mean? Does it mean you are going to have to learn to be with bees? No, of course not.
These are simply one of the many aspects of multidimensionality which are starting to show up on Earth right now. The other aspect, which we have spoken of before, seems to be growing more intense. So we will simply remind you that the walls between the dimensional levels are thinning. What is taking place is very simple, for the emotional energies go through the wall first. Sure, you would like to receive ideas and thought patterns from some other parts of you that contain the perfection you believe you are missing.
All in all you are perfect, but perfect people cannot exist on planet Earth. So you must divide your perfection into all 11 dimensions, which is what you have done. But that also means that some part of you actually holds what you think you are missing. Why are you feeling all these negative energies instead of getting the answers to your problems like you hope to do? It is only the beginning course. There is a wall right there, which is made of cinderblock and cement.

If you were to take any wave form and send it through that wall, a very long, deep wave form would go through it. Whereas a very short, high-pitched wave form would be blocked by the wall. The same is true with your emotions through the individual areas. Because these walls are thinning, negative emotions tend to come through first. Please do not think that this is all negative; it is only the very beginning of your ability to sense things coming through these walls.
Certainly you are feeling sad or the worst thing that can happen to a creator being, having self-doubt. That starts a negative cycle which is unbelievable from our perspective. We look at you on Earth and say, “Why are they doing that?” We cannot figure it out, yet you continue because it is part of the cycle you fall into. Dear ones, we are asking you to become aware. Look at yourselves, your thought patterns, and what you consciously create for yourselves on all these levels. When you feel these occasional negative energies coming through the side walls that you cannot always identify, we ask you to celebrate by saying, “I am hearing something for the first time.
Yes, it is a little negative now but the good stuff will come later.” Understand where you are and that sometimes you take things so seriously—oh, there is a negative energy coming through the wall. That means that my life is about to take a negative turn.” Sometimes a cup of coffee is simply a cup of coffee. Other times you have to let go of your belief systems in order to make room for the truth. Welcome Home, dear ones. You are doing much better than you thought. You are starting to balance your energies in so many ways, and the wisdom of the ages is starting to come through all of you.
Celebrate and Emulate the Bees
Although there were several channels on the stage here today, re-member that all of you carry that energy. Every one of you receives inspiration from some place that you are not familiar with. Celebrate that and just bee; that is the essence for all of you this day. Take a moment…celebrate the bees, even if you do not like honey. Celebrate who they are. Bees are a life form supporting yours and part of you in every way. Pay even the slightest attention to cleaning up your energy and the bees will return to this dimension to see you through.
It is with the greatest of honor that we ask all of you to treat each other with respect in this new world. Know that you are higher beings than you have ever been and we celebrate you from Home. We ask you to celebrate each other.
The group

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Via the Rainbowscribe site


Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 20-02-14
Our truth is your truth, your truth is our truth, our combined truth does not belong to us and yet we are one. We come as a reminder of your purity and divinity; we are the consciousness of the Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins of the 14th Dimension. We bring to your presence the light, love, peace and bliss of the 14th dimension. In this era of love with love building within and all around you, it is time for you to more fully awaken to the magnificence of the Creator, but more importantly the magnificent of the Creator within and around you. Do you believe the magnificence of the Creator works through you, existing in every cell of your body?
It is important in this moment to allow the love of the Creator to open the gates of the universe to you so you may see the magnificence in the universe and all around you. The consciousness of humanity and the Earth is altering tremendously with each cycle of night and day upon the Earth. If you allow yourself to open to inspiration from the Creator experiencing the magnificence that is permanently present, it will imprint upon your own consciousness therefore filtering into the general consciousness of humanity and the Earth. In this moment you have a divine purpose of altering the consciousness of the Earth and imprinting the divine into the minds of many, including your own.
When you experience the divine and love of the Creator often it is unexplainable in words but may come forth in feelings or visions, sometimes you may not understand this fully but there is a sense of recognition, inspiration and knowingness. When recognition, inspiration and knowingness is present this is a powerful connection and expression of the Creator which holds a quality of belief which can be unmovable. Allowing for such energies to be implanted into your mind and consciousness will ensure that others are able to access the same energy and belief in the Creator. It is important to remember you are a powerful beacon of expression of the Creator, more importantly you are a powerful anchor of the Creator.
Wisdom and inspiration flows into your mind, understanding and consciousness to guide you, but also because your mind and consciousness are a powerful anchor and magnifier of the energy. Your mind and consciousness whether you realise it or not is connected to all beings and souls upon the Earth and the inner planes;  that which you experience within your mind and consciousness is literality akin to another reality and like a radio wave is shared openly and often unconsciously with every other soul upon the Earth.
It is important to recognise that negative thoughts within the mind and consciousness of your own being and of humanity can easily be cancelled out and erased through the acceptance of divine recognition, inspiration and knowingness. This doesn’t even have to come from you but can be implanted or activated within your mind and consciousness. Negative energies are erased due to recognition, inspiration and knowingness allowing you to see the magnificence of the Creator which is in akin to seeing the truth of the Creator.
We are sharing with you that if you allow yourself to be open to the presence of the Creator penetrating your mind and consciousness you may receive experiences of recognition, inspiration and knowingness which will connect you to the magnificence of the Creator. Not only will you benefit from this process but through the energy being implanted into your mind it will filter into the consciousness of humanity.
As you surrender more fully to the process you will give to us the opportunity to truly use your mind as an anchor for sacred and new wisdom which needs to be embedded into the Earth and humanity’s energetic structure. Your mind and consciousness will become akin to a treasure chest of new divine wisdom appropriate to this current era of love, because many perspectives of humanity and even your own perspective must alter to accommodate embodiment of the Era of Love. Some of the information and sacred wisdom will be useful to you supporting your own spiritual awakening while other information will be naturally an automatically transmitted into the consciousness of humanity and the Earth simply through your love vibration.
When we ask you to focus upon love and to emanate it from your being we are preparing you for a time when you will express the entire universe of the Creator, all that is appropriate and needed through your being as a natural existence and expression of your reality. Sacred, wisdom, codes, symbols, enlightenment and so much more will flow through your being but will be especially transmitted from your mind and consciousness to others upon the Earth.  Imagine every soul achieving the same it would be akin to a network and powerful light and love source of an expression of the Creator, you will see, acknowledge and sense the Creator flowing through and from, to and within your entire being. It may be difficult to imagine but it is an experience of oneness upon the Earth and an experience of the Creator.
If you feel guided we wish to support you in experiencing and accessing the magnificence of the Creator on behalf of yourself and humanity. With the unicorn and dolphin consciousness of the celestial levels of the 14th dimension we recognise within us a deep state of purity which leads to the experience of the magnificence. The presence of the magnificence of the Creator can easily be accessed with our energies because it is a quality of the Creator we express. We also wish to support you in upgrading your chakra systems in order to hold more light and anchor the magnificence of the Creator into your chakra consciousness in order to allow you to experience the divine magnificence of the Creator more fully.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully gaining a deep state of meditation,
‘I now call upon the loving protection and support of my angelic community and guides. I ask to be aligned with the unicorn and dolphin consciousness of the celestial levels of the 14th dimension.’
Imagine first the pearlescent light of the unicorns flowing through your crown chakra, through your chakra column and filling your entire torso with light. Imagine the pale blue light of the dolphins flowing through your crown chakra, through your chakra column and resting in each chakra being supported by the unicorn light. As the energy builds the unicorn and dolphin celestial light merges together and flows back up your chakra column beginning with your root chakra. The combined and merged light first penetrates and glows within your root chakra until it overflows into your sacral chakra and so forth all the way up through your chakra column into your solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras.
The entrance into the combined light is important; allow as much time as is needed. You are activating the consciousness of experiencing the magnificence of the Creator in each chakra. The light will overflow from your crown chakra and some energy will flow into your mind and consciousness in order to bring forth if appropriate recognition, inspiration and knowingness of the Creator therefore opening the gateways to experiencing or recognising the magnificence of the Creator.
The above is a preparatory meditation, you can then continue if you wish with this invocation and intention.
‘I invoke the appropriate divine information and sacred wisdom from the Creator to pour into my entire being but especially my mind and my consciousness. Let the divine imprint wisdom and information within my mind and consciousness to support my own ascension and to support a shift of humanity’s consciousness. Let the divine information and sacred wisdom intended for humanity filter from my mind into the minds of others, like an energetic wave, encouraging all to recognise the magnificence of the Creator. Thank you.’
Allow the light of the Creator to flow into your mind and allow yourself to be accepting of the magnificence of the Creator.
Please know that you do not necessary need to express the wisdom and insights verbally, just your recognition is enough. We are here to support you and to ignite the magnificence of the Creator within you.

Via the Rainbowscribe site


Today we would like to focus your intention upon the topic of happiness. We watch as so many get dismayed as they chase the elusive feeling of happiness. We will share with you why it is often only moments of short-lived happiness rather than a sustained state of being. You see many often are in a constant state of chasing happiness rather than learning how to sustain it. Is a constant state of happiness attainable? Indeed, it is well within all of your reaches. But first we would like to share with you our perspective on how happiness can be not only achieved but maintained.
We will start with a bold statement; nothing can make you happy. You must first find the happiness that already exists within you and only then will you find the happiness that you seek. Many are under the impression that if they only accomplish a goal, obtain a particular product, or find the perfect partner, they will surely find the happiness that they seek. But this cannot be so, as everything in your reality is only a mirror of the feelings and vibrations you are pulsing out. It would be similar to expecting the mirror to show a more youthful and vibrant image of you and only then will you feel the youth and vibrancy you seek. The image that the mirror reflects can’t change unless you do.
This analogy may sound humorous to you, but it is what many people do when they are seeking something outside of themselves. Remember that nothing can bring to you something that you are not already in alignment with. No material object, or even another being is capable of bringing to you what you do not already hold within. Many continually seek material abundance and expect that happiness, joy and peace of mind will follow, but this is not so. So why is it that you still feel bursts of happiness when you receive a gift, purchase a new product, meet someone new? Because your mind believes it will make you happy; only to soon realize that the empty feeling still remains when the “newness” wears off. Only by following your inner joy will it lead you to a place of peace and happiness. Happiness cannot be found, it can only be made. Many often say that it is their lack of abundance that is bringing them misery, but to this we reply, no it is your misery that is bringing you lack.
We do not just refer to material wealth when we speak about abundance. This is only one form of abundance. You can be abundant in health, wealth, friends, love, problems or fears. But we can assure you, you are always abundant in something.
If it is peace you seek, then you must first find it within yourself; only then will you attract more experiences that further elevate your sense of peace. If it is happiness you seek, then you must first find that happiness within yourself. With each goal, accomplishment or purchase you will only find a very short lived emotion, but it will not last. Why it that? Because the ego will always want more; it is driven by the motivation to continue to always want more. But we would like to remind you, that you all have the ability to find the peace and joy you seek right now, in this very moment.
You see each emotion that you have is a choice. You may wonder, why then would I choose to be sad, angry, or discontent? To this we reply, you tell us. You react based on the beliefs and expectations that you have in any given situation. The expectations that you set for yourself are intrinsically tied together with your overall reaction and perspective to each circumstance that you witness. Nothing can take away your happiness, your joy, your inner peace but you.
We realize that negative emotions and feelings are never the conscious desire, but rather it is the beliefs and expectations that have then required and allowed for a negative reaction. Many look to the future to bring to them the peace and happiness they seek. “I’ll be happy when, or I’ll find the peace of mind if”. But the future is determined by the choices you make in the now. How can you expect to create something different than what you have, if you do not change what you do in the now? Maintain the joy and peace that you seek in this present moment, and you will surely attract more situations that will continue to please you; to give your focus to your fears, concerns, and worries will only bring to you more to be worried about. Remember if you are worrying, you are focused on the future, if you are regretful you are focused on the past, only by being fully present in the moment can you find the inner peace and happiness that you seek.
To choose to be happy is a conscious decision that every one of you can make regardless of the circumstances that have manifested in your reality up until this point. Those experiences were created by the thoughts and beliefs you had. What you create from this point on is determined by the thoughts and choices you make in the now. You can change your state of mind and therefore your vibration immediately, and when you do your reality will shift. It must, as it can only bring to you that which you resonate with.
The elusive peace of mind that so many seek has been held within the entire time, though they have looked everywhere else they could think of in order to fill that void they felt deep within. But we are here to remind you, that you cannot find peace outside of you, peace, joy, and happiness comes from within. There are no souls that are not capable of maintaining this state of being, each of you can make the choice right now to feel the joy that you seek in this now moment. There is no other time than this now moment. The future is an illusion that is kept alive by the belief in linear time. There will always only be the present moment.
When each of you detach from the stress and worry that you feel for the impending experiences of tomorrow, and the regrets of the past and truly assess this exact moment you can then determine what you really feel at this now moment. Do you have all that you need in this exact moment? Do you have the air, shelter, and water that your body needs in this exact moment?
If you are not happy with what you have in this now moment, no amount of money, people, friendships, or material objects will change that. But we can assure you that if you change your vibration in this now moment you will attract what you seek.
To try and create joy, peace and happiness outside of yourself, is to try and manifest backwards. To seek peace, joy and happiness in the future will always dangle the proverbial carrot just a few inches out of your reach. The reason why happiness seems so be so fleeting is not because of the circumstances that surround you, but rather because it is something you are trying to find rather than create. Please take a moment to really understand what we have just shared as it is the key to maintaining happiness and peace as long as you desire.
We hope that we have served you in some way and that you found our message to be helpful.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
Copyright © 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Archangel Gabriel, via Marlene Swetlishoff

February 20, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as purpose. This quality is essential to have active in one’s qualities, for without it nothing can be created on this and other planes of existence. The universe operates on this quality of love at all times. Nothing is random or accidental, all is divinely orchestrated and set in motion, all that is at a variable is the free will that has been given to humanity here on Earth and that is what makes this planet so very interesting and sought after as a place in the universe to experience and become Master of.  When one uses this facet of love in their everyday existence, there is an element of divine order that flows in every endeavor and if one is attuned to their higher purpose and their higher aspects, this quality brings wonderful synchronicities of every positive and loving expectation. All that is required is provided to the one who has this quality at work within them.
So many people neglect to use this quality in their lives and that is one reason why they feel lost and ungrounded. What is required is a habitual overview of their lives, where they have been and where they wish to go in the future. Each person must have a clear plan and purpose of the direction they wish to go and set their intentions upon it. Each person should make a written plan of their intentions and desires for their short term and long term goals and regularly review these. These become the signposts along their path in life and if regularly attended, will see the fruition of all that they desire to accomplish and experience. Knowing that universal law is at work when they do this helps to actualize their intentions. The more clarity they have in their intentions the quicker the result. This is why it is most important that each person become clear of the lower tendencies and vibrations so that there are no blocks or interference from their subconscious mind and early childhood programming.
This quality is at work in all personal family relationships and when it is active, it brings all that the family as a unit desires to experience and express. The challenge at this time is for each person within the family unit to understand that they have been placed with each other for a specific reason and that those in their family are fulfilling a loving and higher purpose. The family unit is the greatest source of learning and understanding for each person, for here is where the greatest tests and trials of life take place. This is where each person learns more about themselves and the patterns they carry that needs to be worked on and cleared in a way that is conducive to their higher aspirations of living a good life filled with love, appreciation, respect and happiness. It is important to remember during any difficult times that the family must play a supportive and encouraging role as each member of it goes through their trials and testing times.
When one knows their purpose in life and follows a plan to make it manifest, life conspires to make it so. As people realize that they must work together in unity in a harmonious and loving manner, many seemingly impossible miracles are created. People go forward in their lives with this quality and accomplish their objectives and visions with greater ease and grace because they have a clear understanding and vision of this quality operating within them. It is the sense of this quality of love that propels them forward to attain mastery of all that comes before them. They do not let others deter them from the working of this quality in their personal lives and objectives, they see their purpose in life. The challenge for each is to accomplish their objectives in a loving and cooperative manner so that all within their sphere of influence benefit in a mutually loving way. This quality requires the engagement of all the other qualities of love and this is important to embrace.
As each person embraces this facet of love and employs the totality of all qualities of love, the collective family of humanity in the world benefits, for as each person overcomes the lower aspects of the old paradigm that never worked for them and focuses their attention of the concept of unity and cooperation with all others, much is accomplished that is for the highest good of all upon the planet. Every action one person takes has a greater effect upon the whole of the planet and humanity. When this quality of love is fully manifest within all individuals to a higher degree of intent, the workings of the world they live in will see a great improvement in all areas. It behooves all within the human family to practice this quality of love with clear intention and benevolent deeds. Each person must rise above the clamoring of the lower ego and follow their higher purpose in life. As each person succeeds in this endeavor, it raises the love quotient in the collective field of humanity and each person on Earth receives a boost in their spiritual aspirations to higher levels.
I leave you now knowing I have completed my purpose in this discourse.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

SaLuSa, February 21, 2014, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: February 21, 2014

SacredSaLuSa: February 21, 2014. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. http://tinyurl.com/84w7ppd
You are present on Earth at a most important time, and as Lightworkers many of you have specific roles to play to help manifest the changes. Each of you volunteered to serve the Light at such an important time, and be assured that every contribution is essential to the whole.
Providing you can stay focused on your task, you will be doing your bit to help bring about the changes that are essential to manifest the Light. It is a fact that, because so many individuals are helping in this way, the dark Ones are losing their battle to maintain their rule.
Although they concentrate on the larger picture, we have them under total observation and are fully aware of their plans. Our combined efforts will eventually result in a bloodless coup that will force the dark Ones to accept their defeat. They will be totally overwhelmed by the progress made by us, and we know exactly when to play our hand.
The situation upon Earth is demanding a lot from you, but bear in mind that there are immense changes taking place. You may rest assured that the outcome is known by us and indeed is often set up with our help. So do not be distracted by what is happening around you, knowing that a successful outcome has already been planned.
We are obviously aware that the dark Ones will fight to the bitter end, but we have matters under control and we will not allow them to get out of hand. For karmic reasons we cannot interfere in some matters that have to play themselves out to clear outstanding responsibilities.
As the vibrations begin to lift upon Earth some of you will find that your psychic powers increase, and that generally you are becoming more intuitive. It will help you to decide what to do when faced with a number of choices, and you will be able to go forward with confidence.
Remember that we are also on hand and never far away if you require some help. However, do not try to anticipate exactly how it would be given or when, simply accept that we will do what is best for you. We have the advantage of being able to see the larger picture and act accordingly. Sometimes for example we need to introduce changes in your life, and getting them into place can be difficult. Humans seem to have a strong mindset and do not always welcome change.
Time is still speeding up but you are now getting used to coping with it. It means being better organized and making full use of it. In the future you will live in an entirely different time, where the day to day chores that you now experience will no longer be necessary. Most of your needs will simply be provided by pure thought and it will be instantaneous.
Even now you often unknowingly project powerful ones that do bring you the results you desire. That is why we already advise you to carefully watch your thoughts, as you have more power than you presently realise. In time you will be able to control them, and at a certain high level of vibration nothing less that positive ones would enter your mind. Already those souls on the path of Light are subconsciously or consciously working towards a condition which excludes anything of a negative nature.
If what is expected of you sounds difficult or demanding, be assured that all changes will manifest when you are ready. No one will rush you into phases of upliftment until you are, and much help is always available to you. The fact that you are here at this most important time, is in itself a sufficient indication of your ability to make adequate progress.
Needless to say, every contribution is helping the Light to manifest and spread the knowledge that will establish the truth of your history and the future that awaits you. We have told you many times that nothing happens by chance that impacts upon your life. All happens for a reason and is intended to further your progress towards the Light.
We will confirm once again that President Obama is playing a major role in bringing the Light to Earth, and in a holding position that will ensure the truth comes out. More importantly he is also playing a balancing game between the dark and Light, until the time is right for the next great step to be taken.
As you must realise from past experience, we have inexhaustible patience and no move is made until the outcome can be assured. After such a long time working to turn the tide, we are not going to make any errors now that the finishing line is in sight. Your patience has worn thin at times, but we have been overjoyed at the rising levels of understanding that you have achieved.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to tell you that we have tight control over the activities of the dark Ones. If you get the impression that we do not, be aware that by seemingly allowing them to proceed with their plan, we are setting them a trap. By the time they realise how they have been fooled, it will be too late for them to recover. Then at last we shall have the stage to ourselves and rapidly proceed with the changes that have been long awaited. It will be a most exhilarating time with great happiness and joy.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey


Monday, February 17, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 16-23, 2014
Beloved Ones,
As the lunar energies bring in added clarity and the greater ability to give love and be love in all its many wondrous facets, remember that you are the ones who have ability to receive and transmit the light that falls down upon the Earth. Even in the midst of challenges, you can transmute the situation by using the energy and vibration of love, for love is the greatest and most powerful force in existence. Each time that you do this, another avenue for the light is established on the Earth. Kindness given in any instance is always met with an equivalent benevolent response. To those who are attuned to the higher frequencies, this immutable law of love is easily identified, observable and in constant operation.
It is becoming easier to continue the process of refinement within one’s own character. As each person looks within themselves to those areas that need transmutation in the way they are expressed and recognizes the patterns that now need to be changed in order for their higher aspects to be more fully integrated and aligns themselves to this purpose, the way forward opens and greater revelations of their blind spots are revealed. This helps in the process of elimination of all that has hindered one’s progress to become a fully realized divine human walking here on Earth. All ways of being that have been assimilated throughout one’s lifetime and held in the subconscious mind can now be exposed to the light of truth, recognized as an area that needs change and consciously make the adjustments necessary.
As each person takes full responsibility for their lives as they have been lived here on Earth and recognizes their inherent power to change what is no longer working for them, life becomes more simplified. A person knows themselves more fully and honors those unique qualities, their own likes and dislikes rather than those whom society has instilled within them and they can move unfettered into being who they really are as soul. They can honor their own truths and live according to their own precepts and this liberates each one to express those higher qualities that have always been a part of them without being held back because they fear someone in their acquaintance may not approve. Life then is lived in greater ease and grace and the element of joy and harmony within manifests with more frequency.
Being true to one’s self opens the doorway to greater and greater possibilities that may have lain hidden before. Each person has a treasure box that lies within them waiting for these moments to be discovered and brought out into conscious awareness, acknowledgment and expansion. Each day becomes an adventure as the hidden and wonderful aspects of one’s being come to the surface to be fully looked at and assimilated. As each person honors these aspects of their own being, they become free to express these qualities in all their interactions with others and this in turn has a liberating effect upon those around them. By observation those around them give themselves permission to be all that they can be and start implementing their own choices and changes so that they too, can be true to themselves.
As each person loves themselves more fully and with daily consciousness, gives themselves what they truly need, a greater degree of harmony and happiness, ease and grace flows through them into all areas of their lives. Life becomes more joyous in all of its aspects and each person blossoms into the greater possibilities of themselves. As the wounds from the past are healed and each person has regained wholeness within, the Earth is also liberated to move further into her own wholeness. When the human collective expresses love in action on a daily basis, there is no limit to the heights of achievement that can take place within society’s structures.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 

Peggy Black and the 'team'


_________ Message from the 'team'_________
Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here, honored that you are reading these words and feeling our offered vibrations. You are a vibrational being of infinite wisdom, energy and intelligence. You are a magnificent being electing to support and assist in the shift in the evolution of consciousness within humanity.   Many who are leading this wave of awakening are offering this awareness and this message. You know you are here on purpose.

We observe your feelings that this planet Earth is not your home. Many feel out of place or different, they do not fit in or feel truly comfortable here in physical form. Dear ones remember that you are a galactic conscious force who engages in transforming realities.

In order to be that transformer one of the rules of this dimension is that a physical body is required. Another rule of this dimension here and now is that it is a free will environment.  Therefore, as a multidimensional divine conscious being you agreed to embody a physical form, interface with this reality and play by the rules, so to speak, of this experience on Earth.

We agree that this is a dense, challenging, yet incredibly beautiful and unique experience.  Your physical body is the most ingenious, gifted, brilliant and efficient bio-computer ever created. It is equipped to observe, sense, and feel, to puzzle and resolve deep mysteries of reality. It is designed to be curious, to absorb information and to draw conclusions. It is capable of connecting to pure energy and intelligence in the non-physical realms.  It can also be programmed or influenced by the vibrations offered by others. 

Your physical body in all its wonders is meant to operate and function in this reality of free will, interfacing with others, sharing your personal vibrations/emotions and energy signatures with others as well as exploring and discovering unique abilities and gifts.

Unfortunately, this reality has the denseness of misqualified energy vibrations that have permeated the collective field or the matrix. These misqualified energies and these emotional vibrations have been generated by other humans who do not realize that their thoughts and emotions impact and manifest from the quantum field.

Humans have been disempowered for eons of time; they have been invalidated and suppressed. They have been taught to fear, to feel powerless and hopeless to change any part of this reality. So they continue to add their fears and worries to the collective. Everyone is literally bathed in these dense vibrations that are offered by all the dread, apprehension, superstition, anxiety and mistrust that is being generated.

We are honored to share with you that this is changing because you are becoming aware of who you are as a multidimensional divine conscious being who just happen to have a physical body at this time in this space. You are waking up and realizing that you are a divine co-creator, a cosmic being of great standing the universe.

Yes you have fallen under the veil of forgetfulness or unconsciousness of this dense energy field on Earth. You have succumbed to some of the limited programs that have been offered by your religions and teaching.  However, there have been those who have come forth to encourage you to step into your personal power as the divine being that you are and be a part of the incredible shift that is taking place.

It has been our intention always to support and encourage you to discover, honor and claim that you are really a Divine Conscious Beings anchored in a physical form in this reality, time frame and dimension. You are here to truly secure the transformation of consciousness within humanity. You are the change agent. You are the bridge of consciousness between physical reality and non-physical reality, between spirit and matter.

You are here in matter, anchored in your body with the awareness that you are a part of a greater, more extraordinary, elegant unfolding. You are on the cutting edge of change. You are capable of interfacing with the non-physical realms of truth. Your understanding of your role here and your willingness to embody your true power is what we are inviting you to remember.

Our messages have been the same. They are to inspire, encourage and activate this remembering, to know and understand with clarity that you are a portal, a physical portal. You are the sacred space that invites divine conscious energy and vibration into each moment. You are the agent of change that anchors more love, forgiveness, compassion, joy and gratitude into the collective field of humanity.

Because you reside in a physical body in this dimension and in this time frame on Earth, it is your birthright and your responsibility to invite divine intelligence in all its wondrous and myriad forms of spirit to support and assist in the healing of all issues that you are witnessing.

You are not helpless; you are powerful beyond measure when you connect to this divine spiritual intelligence to transform all that is misqualified. These beloved luminaries await your personal invitation for they will never interfere with the free will agreement that is a real aspect of this reality.

So singly or together as group, you have the ability to call upon this Divine Intelligence, these Divine Ones, the Angels/Archangels, the Ascended Masters, Avatars and non-physical Spirit Healers.  Remember you are the inviter; you are the bridge of consciousness between the physical and non-physical realties.

You are the portal as well as the physical focus for this divine energy to come forth. Say, for example, you observe a situation on your planet that feels dire and irresolvable, perhaps the situation with the nuclear radiations being generated from

Imagine you invite the Divine Intelligence in all its myriad forms, the Elohim, the galactic being of love and light, Angels/archangels to provide the inconceivable solution to this problem, to mitigate and diminish the severity.  They are outside of this dimension and they have your well-being as their goal. They want your partnership. They await your request to provide assistance and inspire the perfect outcome and solution to all the earthly problems.

You can invite these divine ones to offer their healing energies and inspired resolve to any situation that is life diminishing for any living being on your planet. Invite them to engage with the higher consciousness of all the leaders of the world and in this manner guide and inspire the perfect outworking of the struggles and differences that become so polarizing. Invite them to inspire physical individuals to discover healing methods that benefit all those who are experiencing some dis-ease or imbalance.

You are meant to be in partnership with this divine intelligence, you are meant to be the bridge of consciousness that allows, welcomes and invites this participation. You are not limited, you are infinite. You are a part of this divine intelligence, you just happen to have chosen to be a physical human for a brief period of time. Your focused and dedicated actions and intentions as well as the power of your imagination, coupled with this divine alliance will shift and change all that is before you.

You are here in this time frame and this dimension to assist in the transformation of all dense misqualified energies. And yes, we realize that you are engaged with your physical reality, family, community, and employment along with the challenges and the incredible rewards and experiences that life offers.

Remember you are Divine, you are a part of the solution, you are here to assist and support humanity's evolution. You are meant to be in partnership with phenomenal beings of love and light. Call upon their presence 24/7. Be the inviter. Be the focus and the anchor.  Be the conscious bridge between the non-physical celestial realms of truth and the physical reality that you represent.

Together, all can be and will be resolved. This is your service, this is why you are here as a true change agent of consciousness. We continue to encourage you, acknowledge you and extend our gratitude as well as assistance when called upon. Know that you are loved and supported, know that you are seen and appreciated. The 'team'

©2014 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.  www.morningmessages.com
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