Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 19, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love that is known to the world as exemplification, which is defined as the setting of an example that is admirable to others. Exemplification is the outward manifestation of unerring and invariable conformity with divine will by those who value and adhere to what is good and true in their lives. They dedicate their lives to delving beneath the material surface of things, looking to God and divine intelligence to find the spiritual cause to explain the workings of the universe. By their exemplification of this precept, they accept no other direction, turning to the divine for guidance in all their human affairs. They embody excellence in character which naturally exemplifies goodness, honesty, self-control, and other divine qualities. By careful living and by embodying a character that is naturally moral, living their truth and adhering to divine law, they understand how to bring the power of the divine into every situation that presents itself. Their spiritual sense is exemplified in their spiritual knowing and doing and is the result of a practical understanding of how to experience a life of well being and spiritual fulfillment. 
When one brings to the world the understanding that the law of the divine is ever present and operative in human consciousness through seeking nothing for self, they ensure that every step they take is in line with divine will and purpose. They maintain the fact of humanity’s oneness with the divine, and do not lose sight of their own spiritual being. Through this exemplification, they take possession of their body, and govern its feeling and action. They rise in the strength of spirit to resist all that is unlike purity and goodness. They turn from their material way of thinking and embrace the divine ideal in simplicity which could bring true satisfaction, security, and peace. They embrace the divine power and the presence of it which they intelligently acknowledge and practically demonstrate. This knowledge is manifested in the everyday exemplification of their individual spiritual life as they set forth to demonstrate their ability to deal calmly, peacefully and confidently with the problems and responsibilities which beset human existence.
The law of divine intelligence is eternally preserving and maintaining the truth of being by bringing order and harmony, freedom and health to those whose thoughts are governed and controlled by it. It depends completely upon one’s recognition of and obedience to it. It is natural for a person to turn to the divine for guidance and instruction in spiritual truths in order to be its perfect exponent and demonstrator through the exemplification of its precepts. Through their willingness and ability to serve rather than their desire to be served, they exemplify selflessness, which is an essential quality of the spiritual person, thereby overcoming this false sense of self completely. By putting into practice exemplification of divine qualities in their every thought of themselves or their fellows, one gains strength physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually and is possessed of humility in abundant measure, as they recognize the divine as the only source of intelligence and power.
Another characteristic of the exemplary spiritual person is their habit of seeing and appreciating the purity and goodness in others around them. As perfect spiritual beings governed by the divine alone, there are many beautiful qualities of the divine latent in the life of every person. These qualities bring about a greater and higher capacity for active, joyous, vigorous and conscious acknowledgment of humanity’s power through its divine expression to become loving, caring, and compassionate in the world. These individuals begin to radiate love and this radiation becomes their spiritual practice. Their consciousness and love is turned outward to the world around them. This new focus is directed towards the divine in others and within nature. Their sense of worship, devotion and love is directed towards the world. The world and all that is in it becomes the object of reverence and love. Their exemplification of expressing a higher consciousness opens up to the beauty of life around them thereby opening to a keen spiritual and aesthetic appreciation of what they find in the world. They have a loving appreciation for the beauty that is found in the world, but it is without attachment or desire. It is simply a pure loving appreciation and reverence for all that is beautiful and good.
Their heart center becomes like a beacon or a sun, radiating love to the world. Their heart is open and radiant with love, as the expression and radiance of the divine and they become the exemplary and active agent of divinity, a harmonious turning within and without simultaneously. One is walking through the world with their senses wide open and their heart and mind is fully involved in the world, yet they are not becoming lost in the world, or lost in the chaos or complications and distractions of the world. One is always practicing to hold one’s own sense of inner balance and harmony with the outer world. This exemplification in practice involves active intention and an awakened consciousness that is filled only with divine presence. This ascension into higher consciousness comes about through the letting go and the willing surrender of one’s mental and emotional attachments.
In exemplification then, become like a sun and radiate the light of love to all of life that surrounds you. Make your own life more divine, and help make everything around you more divine. Radiate love, dear ones, and help bring out the love in everyone you meet.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 22-29, 2015
Beloved Ones,
As you sit at the crossroads wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not helpless ones - you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the collective memory which affects other members of the species in the future. (See links below.) This is why we tell you that you are more powerful than you know and why mindfulness in your thoughts, words and deeds is so very important. It is through your focused intention, your love, your intuitive clarity and your light that changes to the current patterns in these fields take place. You are the ones that affect them!
It is all a matter of perspective as you work through these fields. Making an assessment of each situation encountered and learning everything about it that you can, looking at all the advantages and disadvantages to decide which road to take that is offered to you, you then choose the best option for you. Trust yourself, make that decision and believe that you are choosing the best option at the current point in time. Perhaps the passage of time will show you that it was not the best way to go, if that is the case, be prepared to face the consequences and make adjustments as necessary and learn from the experience. Life is all about living it instead of remaining a bystander or a passive observer to your own life. Too many people have been conditioned to wait for another person to do what needs to be done. This conditioning must now be changed. It requires your determination and awareness for this to occur. You can do it.
As the energies upon the planet increase, there is more fluidity in all things and so your ability to affect the morphogenetic field is greatly amplified. Caution is required in your daily thoughts and activities. Begin your day by aligning with your divine essence and stay true to this alignment through all activities throughout your day. Repeat powerful affirmations that reinforce your highest vision and highest outcome, not only for yourselves and those you love but for everyone upon your planet. See yourselves as the powerful and wise beings that you truly are and step into those shoes! Become those powerful beings who wield their power for good to manifest into their world. You have come this far because of your strong will and determination to be here during these times and it is not the time to allow all that hard work and effort to fall by the wayside.
Continue in your efforts and in your allowance to release and clear the energies that are still coming to the surface and remember that they are not always because of anything that you have personally endured and experienced and are personally responsible for. Many times, it is a clearing that is occurring for the entire collective morphogenetic field that greatly influences and affects all life. You are playing a part that was agreed to be played before your current incarnation. It is a time of major release for everyone and everything that has previously been conditioned and affected by the old paradigm systems and as you do this work, keep yourselves as energetically clear as possible. You are one of many major lightworkers for your planet and everything you are currently experiencing is for the greater good of all, even though it may not feel like it in the moment.
You have great ability to transmute the denser energies that are keeping humanity from greater awareness of the true nature of their lives upon this planet. Allow your light to shine like a blazing sun and radiate this light from your heart chakra to everyone and everything that surrounds you. As ambassadors of light and love for the Creator, your actual presence does and will continue to make a difference. You are assisting in bringing ancient knowledge and wisdom into the modern world in a way that is appropriate for the current civilization to absorb and ponder upon and learn from, linking the past with the future. You are the anchors and the conduits, the beautiful rainbow bridges of love and full spectrum light, that diamond light, truly making its presence felt upon your planet.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious - Part I -Society, Spirit & Ritual: http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic1_paper.pdf
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious - Part II -Extended Mind, Power, & Prayer: http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic2_paper.pdf
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious - Part III http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic3_paper.pdf
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way, no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Via: The Rainbowscribe site


Inside every moment, there are energies you can perceive and “read”. Reading and understanding the energies around you allows you to receive the messages your higher self is constantly downloading into your consciousness. As you become a better receiving station for these messages, you learn to access more of the love, abundance and joy available to all beings within all timeframes.
Reaching Beyond the Boundaries of Physical Reality
There are many different ways in which this works. Because energies exist at all levels and within all dimensions, learning to perceive encoded packets of information from your higher self allows you to understand more about the realities you encounter and to respond beyond the limitations of the physical. As your responses reach beyond the boundaries of physical reality, you transform lower frequencies and incorporate more fifth-dimensional energies and beyond into your experience and your reality.
Opening Your Receiving/Perceiving Station
When you learn to read the energies within every moment, you're able to respond to all levels - not just to surface energies. The obvious physical energies - realities you are able to readily observe and/or detect with the naked eye – are only a small percentage of the energies present within a given moment. When you respond only to surface energies, you greatly limit your potential for spiritual growth, abundance and relationships. This is what we refer to when we talk about placing limitations on your self. Are you only recognizing and responding to surface realities or are you responding to and aligning with energies and realities that exist beyond the physical? No one seeks to limit themselves but everyone is limited by what they are able to perceive. Opening your receiving/perceiving station allows you to experience yourself as a multi-dimensional cosmic being incarnated into a physical timeframe within the universe. The alternative of being a limited, one-dimensional speck in a very large and frightening world is far less attractive.
Recognizing and Interpreting the Symbols around You
To read energies that exist at all levels, learn to recognize and interpret the symbols around you. The means learning to unlock the true meaning of a situation that is before you rather than limiting yourself to its surface meaning. The true meaning of a situation is intricately interwoven with your specific life purpose and where you are with it at the moment. As you seek to understand your purpose and to know yourself beyond the confines of your physical identity, you free yourself of the shackles of others’ interpretations and even your own.
Remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams is a good practice that helps you learn to work with the deeper symbols of your life. Another good practice is to read between the lines of a spiritual or channeled book. Some books, art works and other original creations contain energetic codes that have the power to transport you to new portals within your own consciousness.
Triggering New Portals in Consciousness.
Any good piece of channeled writing exists at multiple layers. It contains information from a surface perspective and also points to deeper levels. Many of these levels exist beyond your conscious mind so it is impossible to know how this information will interact with your subconscious understandings or what realities/ideas/inspirations it will trigger. Over time these subconscious energies bubble to the surface of your physical world, allowing you to manifest synchronicities and realities beyond the boundaries of your present-moment imaginings.

For more information on accessing portals in consciousness, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

For more information, visit

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 12, 2015 Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as charity. Charity is the practice of benevolent caring and giving, of being considerate of others and showing compassion for their current state of being. It is also learning about the importance of empathy within self in relation to others, and how this quality of love expressed brings profound joy to both the giver and the receiver. Charity is doing acts out of love without thought for something in return and is beyond mere kindness; it is the pure joy of giving which includes much more than material things. This giving from the heart can have many faces, such as sharing a warm smile with a stranger, an encouraging hug to a friend or family member, or kind and thoughtful word of appreciation. When one expresses the loving quality of charity, it means they have loving tolerance, compassion and patient empathy for the perceived failings or errors of others. All of this is done not out of a sense of duty or responsibility but rather out of the abundance of warmth and love that one feels welling up inside them. The more charity one gives out to others, the more flows back in. This is the joy of love in action, the outward manifestation of charity where one kind action leads to another. A single act of kindness from one person throws out kindness in a radiating circle, and the action taken touches more people than an individual realizes. 
Charity is one of the noblest of virtues and it is also the hardest to put into practice. People who practice charity do good things on behalf of others from an inner desire to give benevolent kindness as their personal human will is transformed into the will to love. This gives a person a greater understanding of what love in action means. It is a movement within the soul that erupts when pierced by the recognition of one’s direct connection to another soul. This individual feels a oneness with the other and responds generously from their soul level as freely as if the generosity was for oneself. They are propelled by a spiritual willingness, a generosity of the heart that flows effortlessly for everyone. A generous act of charity is a trait of the soul and it can find expression in many ways such as the sharing of one’s time, energy, or their possessions. When one’s heart is guided by an open, trusting, inspired, and internal motivation, that person truly loves others. No matter how much is voluntarily given, the emotional depth that is felt by both the giver and the receiver is always greater than that which was given. One’s heart overflows from the depth of one’s caring in response to the needs of another. Charity is an act of creation and gives people the opportunity to create something positive and good. As one’s heart is opened, the individual always responds from this quality of love that wells up within them. 
Charity is an act of benevolent good will toward all living beings, including self. Benevolent charity is an optimism that applied to the other person which could be at many levels. Sometimes bearing the burden of another is a profound spiritual practice which elevates one to think generously, speak generously, and act generously. It means that one is practicing relating to others as though they are part of one’s family. Thinking well of others and speaking well of others is the basis for charitable giving. Each act of generous charity works to pry open the heart a little, like clearing a blocked stream one pebble at a time. The flow of spontaneity in acts of charity to one’s family and community is then freed to follow. Charity comes from the loving heart of a person who is willing to share abundantly all that is given to them. Expressing this quality of love becomes an action they perform by translating their spiritual energy and intention into physical giving. The generous act of charity enacts the quality of a willingness to share and to let go in order that one can follow their spiritual path. Paying attention to the needs of others is a generous act of charity which is one of the most accessible ways to do that. 
Practicing the loving quality of charity is at the heart of spiritual practice. Anything that an individual gives joyfully freely returns to them in like measure. Returning good to those who would injure one’s self in any way is also an act of charity as is giving generously of one’s forgiveness and tolerance, goodwill and good nature. In awakened awareness these individuals serve with equanimity all others who come to seek solace, healing or forgiveness. This unifies the energy of love and compassion within each individual. The motivation of one’s heart is paramount whenever one offers a gift. Extending generosity to self and others gladdens one’s heart, heals any division, brings joy and is a fundamental part of living a spiritual life.  When one gives the very best of what they have by sometimes giving more than what they keep for themselves, that is when they have surrendered their will to the will of the Infinite. By giving away what one treasures the most to meet the need of another, it reflects a divine act of generosity. They live in the flow of love having the capacity to sacrifice for others without losing sense of self. In an act of charity, they can strengthen their relationship with a family member by showing love through all their actions. They refrain from judging, criticizing, or speaking unkindly, and continually watch for positive qualities in that family member. They find ways to encourage them which is helpful, and never fail to verbally express their love.
Acts of charity are essential to the spiritual life, reflecting as they do an awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings. It is a quality that testifies to the depth of one's humanity and one's capacity for self-transcendence. It overpowers the class structures that are in place and provides true equality for all in society. Giving at its essence is the creative activity of the heart. The richest of all people are those who share themselves, for a person's true wealth is measured by their ability to share. The charitable individual is loved by all and their friendship is prized highly. They gain more spiritual strength by bestowing kindness and generosity to others. They gain more beauty, purity and truth in their lives and acquire great treasures of the spirit. Charity instills sympathy, consideration, and understanding. It ennobles the human spirit and expands the heart and is very helpful to spiritual progression and its evolution of higher consciousness. 
May your life become a spark in the flame of charity, so that the warmth and light of this loving fire may shine ever more brightly and sustain hope in the hearts of humankind.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 15-22, 2015
Beloved Ones,
You have the power to create wonderful new realities in your life. If you have been feeling stuck in a place where the personal plans you have made are concerned, then it is important to remember that your vision and intention must be clear and defined with no inner conflicts rising to the surface. With love and patience aimed at yourself, with focus and determination, the new start you are aiming for is achievable. Give yourselves the time, loyalty and effort that you deserve and stay strong, determined and consistent on the path and direction you wish to proceed. You are on the right path and you have the ability to choose the actions that honor it. In the due course of time, you will see and experience the results that you have been working to achieve. Sometimes, you may need to be more flexible and open, to change what is not working. Try another approach, be like the river that comes to a mountain and flows around it.
As the cosmic energies continue to do their work, remember that you are in the process of a deep and beautiful change, a transformation into a new way of being and this change can sometimes be a painful one. You are required to let go of all the old patterns of thought and behaviour that no longer serve the vision you are seeking to bring into manifestation in your life and this is where some of you are floundering. No matter how comfortable your life has been, in order to move forward into the new version of yourselves, it sometimes requires sacrifice. Go within, for this is where clarity is found and try to determine which thoughts and which expressions need to be transformed into more positive and life affirming ones, ones that are conducive to the path you have set before you.
You are on the greatest adventure of your lives and it is happening in this moment of now. As you step into new territory, have faith that you will be safe and provided for. You are never left alone to walk your new path, there are always unseen friends walking with you. All that is required is an open heartfelt request for assistance and then it gives permission for these unseen friends and guides to assist you. You will receive valuable insights, and synchronicities will appear often, bringing you what you need to know and experience, which will expand your thinking in ways that will empower you. Each of you has the ability to rise above all the challenges you encounter in life, both mentally and emotionally. This is how you open to your true and unique potential.
As you continue to go where no one has gone before, stay centered and balanced, give to yourselves what is required in each moment which will nurture and support you. Do not be afraid to speak your truth when it becomes necessary. Often by expressing how you feel, you give new perspective and open new doors to the people around you that they could not see before. They begin to ponder on the truths you have presented and they accept these truths. Many times you have been afraid to speak your truth and now this is changing, for as you follow your own inner guidance and heart promptings others see the wisdom you have offered them. You have a lot of wisdom to offer and others will seek your counsel as you continue to speak your truth.
With the ever increasing intensity of the energies now permeating the Earth’s atmosphere, you are opening up your powers of perception and you are beginning to experience a heightened awareness of other people’s thoughts and this gives you an intuitive understanding of their motives and intentions. This is an ability that will require some adjustment so that you do not react to everything that you discern. Become the observer of your own feelings when you are around others and this will become a barometer that you can use to navigate through your communications and relations with others. Always listen to your own soul’s promptings and all will be well. Your added insight will help you to transform your relationships in new and positive ways. Always honor yourself for the truth that you carry, value yourself and the unconditional love that you embody.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
 ©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 5, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love called will. This quality can assist each individual to reach their highest potential and expand their consciousness. Aligning with divine will is aligning with one’s true self and their soul’s purpose. The next step in humanity’s evolutionary journey is to align with, understand and integrate the energies of divine will. There will be a quantum leap in consciousness that will be brought about by more of humanity focusing its will collectively and choosing to follow the divine will for their life and all life on the planet. There is a shift from the material plane to the spiritual plane that is now taking place, transforming every level of life as each individual willingly surrenders to the higher power within them. When each individual lives in alignment with divine will, they start to live according to their hearts deepest desires. As they align more deeply with the divine will for their lives on all levels of their being, they begin to fulfill their purpose on Earth by living their highest potential. With their alignment to divine will, they experience an expansion of consciousness that expresses their inner light, their true self and their desire to serve the greater whole of which they are a part. When they align their will with divine will, they are swimming with the current, they are in the flow, and life becomes more harmonious. When they dedicate their life to serving as an instrument of divine will, the world becomes a friendlier place where peace and love prevails.
When one believes that there is a supreme, loving intelligence that governs all of existence, that each individual is being guided through divine will into the unfolding of their life in a way that has their best interests in mind, this opens up the awareness that every situation they are presented with is a gift, an opportunity for them to learn, grow and move closer to realizing their highest potential. By surrendering one’s individual human will to the will of the divine for their life, it accelerates their path to living the best life they can possibly live. Their intent to experience more peace, more purpose and more joy in their lives is harmonious with all that is good and right and becomes the most logical, life affirming and practical choice they can make. When they are living their soul’s purpose, all that they do brings them freedom, joy and fulfillment. The divine blueprint of their life unfolds bringing light to the planet, to all of the people on it and to all of creation. As they formulate clear thoughts that are infused with light and charged with loving and powerful intention, it allows their consciousness to expand in every way. As they identify with the higher attributes of divine will, divine purpose, divine love and divine ideas it connects them with the higher vibrations of consciousness.
Each person has a unique sense of self and of their own life’s purpose. These individuals possess the tools to become aware of who they are and what they bring to the world. They are confident in their ability to create prosperous and fulfilling lives based on this wisdom and knowledge, while at the same time respecting the rights and privileges of others. The will within each person is a power they use to bring the self into action. By this choice, they feel more powerful, in charge and in control of their surroundings, and consequently feel much more happy and satisfied. They have a healthy level of self-esteem in their trusting of themselves and the decisions they make to live life fruitfully and effectively. They are self- responsible, reliable, and balanced in their personal human perspective, and are in tune with their personal power, self confidence and joyful spontaneity in their responses to life. They have the ability to face life’s daily challenges and are genuinely warm, caring, and charismatic. They take full responsibility for all their actions and activities. They show great self-discipline in expressing their true feelings in a loving way in every situation and have the inner power and persistence to change any habits that do not serve their highest good. 
Strength of will is one of the cornerstones of success, both spiritually and physically. When one exercises their will power and self-discipline, they gain inner strength, which is attained by overcoming their inner resistance in the application of self discipline. When they are convinced of the importance of will power in their life, it is easier for them to do whatever they have to do. When they are the master of their mind, they enjoy inner peace and happiness. Outer events do not sway them, and circumstances have no power over their peace of mind. The power of using one’s personal will and self discipline give an individual more control in their development of all the inner powers which are essential for a spiritually led life. One’s will power and inner strength are vital skills, necessary for carrying out tasks, chores and decisions and for the achievement of their goals. This quality of love is required for humanity to take its next evolutionary step so that they are able to experience and align with divine will and live their lives accordingly.
Aligning one's life with divine will can open one’s vision, release inner limitations, liberate their spirit from the bonds of materialism, deepen their intuition, and enable a person to create their highest future. One becomes more conscious of their higher path and of those activities that fulfill their soul's purpose for being on Earth. This can create profound and wonderful changes in a person’s life. One’s ability to choose to develop their strength of will requires a willingness to live with the consequences of the choices that were made. Any desires that are strong enough, such as the desire for spiritual growth and enlightenment can call divine will into one’s life. Divine will works from the higher planes and transforms every level of one’s being, all the energies it connects with, and creates the desire within one’s heart to serve humanity and God. All of life is interconnected. When enough people invoke and live in alignment with divine will, all of humanity will begin to shift in its conscious awareness of the light of the spirit. When the higher purpose of humanity becomes known and fulfilled, the other kingdoms of life can also reach their next level of evolution.
May you always align your personal will with the divine so that your life unfolds in grace, ease and with all that is rightfully yours to enjoy.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 8-15, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Life upon the planet is quickening in its response to the cosmic energies that are pouring upon the surface and deep within its core. There are myriad changes occurring within the energy fields of all living life forms. Everyone and everything is trying to adjust to the increased frequency level that now besets Earth and all her inhabitants, both seen and unseen. These energies are now even more powerful than before and are working to loosen and dissolve all blockages within each individual in a way that will enable a release from all restrictive patterns of the past. It is a potent and oftentimes, uncomfortable process, but be assured that the end result will be a good one for all. There are many chaotic forces at work and it seems as if the world and everyone in it have succumbed to madness. This too, shall pass.Those who continue to resist surrender to the purging process are finding it more and more difficult to wield their agendas with the ease of accomplishment they were once privy to.
It is a great opportunity for those on the path of light and initiation to come into the mastery of their five body system. At this juncture of the ascension process, all dimensions are vying for attention, all that has previously been suppressed and repressed comes forth with a vehemence that is shocking and unstoppable and must be expressed in order to be released. Allow yourselves to align with the higher vision you have been holding and be good to yourselves and to all within your sphere of influence. You are the calming presence in the eye of the storm, the force for the restoration of divine order and balance. All is in the process of re-balancing; all that cries out for truth and justice clamours for attention. The people of the world will no longer be denied their right to the sovereignty of their bodies, minds and souls while the powers that be continue in their relentless pursuits to regain control. It is a losing battle and the end of their reign upon the Earth draws nearer.
Our advice to our beloved lightworkers stays basically the same as before. Ground yourselves each day, call upon the forces of light for protection each and every day, work at keeping your energy fields clear of all negativity and the energies of those around you that are not for your highest good. Bolster yourselves with powerful affirmations and invocations regularly and spread love, peace, harmony and good will wherever you can. Remember that you are a powerful force for good in this world and that peace will be restored as the shackles of illusion fall away. As trite as it sounds, what the worlds needs now is love, sweet love. Keep in mind that you are very sensitive to the energies around you and that you must constantly work at not reacting to these as they express through the people in your families, communities and in world events. All is not as it seems, there is much good work being done behind the scenes.
As each person claims their freedom from every pattern that has risen to their awareness that needs to be acknowledged, every obstacle and recurring pattern that has prevented their forward movement into peace, harmony, success, joy, and mastery, they embody their true magnificence. By doing so, they shift and raise the bar on the possibilities and higher potentials for all humanity so that everyone can be freed through their connection to the collective field of consciousness. Your struggle through the dissolution of the dense energies has not been in vain - where you have gone, you have cleared the density so that others can move forward without such struggle and impediments. As trail blazers for the collective, you came equipped to overcome the density and to withstand all the temptations placed on your path, those that could have so easily distracted and taken you away from your intended outcome. You have prevailed and are now in place to move into the next step of your ascension journey.
The goal now is to become such a brilliant incorruptible light that no person, obstacle or event can ever affect you by knocking you off your path. Your intentions to bring the highest good and highest outcome for the world will create what you envision. You are assisting all life to remember the powerful force of love by being the living, breathing examples of it in your daily actions and choices. Keep on shining your light!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff, The Rainbowscribe site

February 1-8, 2015
Beloved Ones,
As you let go of all your old ideas and expectations of how things should be and open yourselves to the new dimensions of reality that are coming forward, you are individually, and collectively, being given the direction of the next step on your path and the greater part you are playing in the overall plan for humanity’s evolutionary journey. Pay attention to the trends that come up through the words in conversations with others, books that you are now reading, the stories on the news media and the movies that you are watching. Quite often, Spirit works through these avenues to bring awareness to you of the direction each of you and the greater collective are now traversing. These all offers hints and clues of that which comes forward at this time to give guidance and direction. You will know the way forward by being still and listening to still small voice within you. As you make connection with the higher aspects of your being, you tap into the eternal source of the divine which is the true source of your power. As you align with divine will, it invites the resolution and manifestation of all that you need to realize in the understanding of your true purpose for being on the planet in this moment of now.
All that you have been visioning and intending is now coming together to create the reality you have been seeking but you must let go of any preconceived notions of how this should be and just let it happen. By always intending the highest good and the highest outcome for all, you activate the invisible universal forces that work in unison with you to bring into manifestation all that you desire. Allow this new impetus to do its work in your lives and go with the flow of the events as they come forth. Have faith that you are on the correct path to bring to you the highest and greatest good that you have desired. Accept all that you are offered and open the gates of gratitude so that the flow continues. As you release your attachment to the outcomes of that which you have envisioned, you open the floodgates of the true measure of the essence of what you have been seeking and it will surely come in divine timing, bringing success in all of your aspirations.
Your creative projects will bring success as you align with the divine consciousness of all life in the cosmos and which brings to you the manifestation of your higher destiny and highest outcomes. Accept all that is surfacing with love and discernment within your heart. You are exactly where you need to be on your spiritual journey and all is unfolding with grace and ease. It is a good time to be proud of your accomplishments in your individual and combined efforts and to allow your greater light to shine. Be alert to the possibility of picking up the energies and the feelings of others. Reset your boundaries should you see that this is occurring. Maintain a healthy self respect and self esteem as you remember that you are as unique and as worthy as any of your sisters and brothers who are also co-creating their realities. It is the commonality in mutual goals that must be focused on and how best to serve in that respect rather than allowing others to override your own inner knowing of the path you should follow. Stay true to yourself in all things.
Recognize the truly divine being that you are and the perfection of your path in life so far. It is through traveling that path, with all its challenges, obstacles and experiences that you are now in this new place which beckons before you. Explore this new place and begin to discover all the limitless possibilities that your expanded consciousness, awareness, connection and purpose brings to your inner knowing and make the most of that knowing in creative and loving ways. Look upon your sisters and brothers in the highest light, love and compassion and in this way you empower each of them to be all that they can be. Move through life with more strength, courage and confidence in the direction of your goals, to achieve all that you desire and be not afraid to express your individuality. Speak your truth when needed, with honesty and integrity when you communicate with others and know that you are worthy of being listened to and heard. From this place of empowerment, you will always feel happy and content, just by being you.
Whatever it is that you wish to create in the world, it must first be cultivated from within in a clear vision of what you truly desire. The picture you hold in your mind of how you see yourself serving and creating, working and living will bring the needed support in manifesting this into your reality. See and feel this vision clearly, acting as if you have already manifested and received it. Visualize yourselves in your desired situations as though it is already real. Spend time in experiencing how it feels to be there, what it looks like and what it tastes like. Start thinking and acting as though it is already manifested in your daily existence. Love whatever it is that you do and celebrate your creations as they come into fruition. Experience how good it feels to have your true inner light moving through you into the world. It is time for you to shine!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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