Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

February 19, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love that is known to the world as exemplification, which is defined as the setting of an example that is admirable to others. Exemplification is the outward manifestation of unerring and invariable conformity with divine will by those who value and adhere to what is good and true in their lives. They dedicate their lives to delving beneath the material surface of things, looking to God and divine intelligence to find the spiritual cause to explain the workings of the universe. By their exemplification of this precept, they accept no other direction, turning to the divine for guidance in all their human affairs. They embody excellence in character which naturally exemplifies goodness, honesty, self-control, and other divine qualities. By careful living and by embodying a character that is naturally moral, living their truth and adhering to divine law, they understand how to bring the power of the divine into every situation that presents itself. Their spiritual sense is exemplified in their spiritual knowing and doing and is the result of a practical understanding of how to experience a life of well being and spiritual fulfillment. 
When one brings to the world the understanding that the law of the divine is ever present and operative in human consciousness through seeking nothing for self, they ensure that every step they take is in line with divine will and purpose. They maintain the fact of humanity’s oneness with the divine, and do not lose sight of their own spiritual being. Through this exemplification, they take possession of their body, and govern its feeling and action. They rise in the strength of spirit to resist all that is unlike purity and goodness. They turn from their material way of thinking and embrace the divine ideal in simplicity which could bring true satisfaction, security, and peace. They embrace the divine power and the presence of it which they intelligently acknowledge and practically demonstrate. This knowledge is manifested in the everyday exemplification of their individual spiritual life as they set forth to demonstrate their ability to deal calmly, peacefully and confidently with the problems and responsibilities which beset human existence.
The law of divine intelligence is eternally preserving and maintaining the truth of being by bringing order and harmony, freedom and health to those whose thoughts are governed and controlled by it. It depends completely upon one’s recognition of and obedience to it. It is natural for a person to turn to the divine for guidance and instruction in spiritual truths in order to be its perfect exponent and demonstrator through the exemplification of its precepts. Through their willingness and ability to serve rather than their desire to be served, they exemplify selflessness, which is an essential quality of the spiritual person, thereby overcoming this false sense of self completely. By putting into practice exemplification of divine qualities in their every thought of themselves or their fellows, one gains strength physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually and is possessed of humility in abundant measure, as they recognize the divine as the only source of intelligence and power.
Another characteristic of the exemplary spiritual person is their habit of seeing and appreciating the purity and goodness in others around them. As perfect spiritual beings governed by the divine alone, there are many beautiful qualities of the divine latent in the life of every person. These qualities bring about a greater and higher capacity for active, joyous, vigorous and conscious acknowledgment of humanity’s power through its divine expression to become loving, caring, and compassionate in the world. These individuals begin to radiate love and this radiation becomes their spiritual practice. Their consciousness and love is turned outward to the world around them. This new focus is directed towards the divine in others and within nature. Their sense of worship, devotion and love is directed towards the world. The world and all that is in it becomes the object of reverence and love. Their exemplification of expressing a higher consciousness opens up to the beauty of life around them thereby opening to a keen spiritual and aesthetic appreciation of what they find in the world. They have a loving appreciation for the beauty that is found in the world, but it is without attachment or desire. It is simply a pure loving appreciation and reverence for all that is beautiful and good.
Their heart center becomes like a beacon or a sun, radiating love to the world. Their heart is open and radiant with love, as the expression and radiance of the divine and they become the exemplary and active agent of divinity, a harmonious turning within and without simultaneously. One is walking through the world with their senses wide open and their heart and mind is fully involved in the world, yet they are not becoming lost in the world, or lost in the chaos or complications and distractions of the world. One is always practicing to hold one’s own sense of inner balance and harmony with the outer world. This exemplification in practice involves active intention and an awakened consciousness that is filled only with divine presence. This ascension into higher consciousness comes about through the letting go and the willing surrender of one’s mental and emotional attachments.
In exemplification then, become like a sun and radiate the light of love to all of life that surrounds you. Make your own life more divine, and help make everything around you more divine. Radiate love, dear ones, and help bring out the love in everyone you meet.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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