Thursday, June 28, 2012

AA Michael, channeled by Ronna Herman


there is a new monthly message by AA Michael, channeled by Ronna Herman, available on

also remember to check out Kauilapele's and Steve Beckows's sites for a lot of interesting reading. You will find them at


SaLuSa's messages, channeled by Mike Quinsey, are found at


Love and Light to all


Friday, June 22, 2012

SaLuSa June 22, 2012


here is SaluSa's latest message as received by Mike Quinsey from

SaLuSa  22-June-2012

Some people who do not understand our technology are feeling that the time for action is "now or never", believing that there will be insufficient time left to carry out all the changes necessary before Ascension. We must re-iterate that for us time is not such a crucial factor, and we are able to adjust to whatever time scale we are allowed. Our current plan is to start the action within a matter of days and not weeks, but nevertheless there is no question of it "never" going ahead. However, as you have learnt there is a line drawn from which we must get started even if it means becoming more directly involved. All along we have tried to encourage your participation in the preparations for Ascension and that has not changed, but we will move into action when given the authority. You will know when action is imminent as our allies intend to give a public announcement beforehand.

Our tasks are looking a lot easier now that the dark Ones are no longer the power they were. The work of our allies has been extremely successful in breaking down their power structure, and they no longer command such large forces as previously. In fact their capitulation has taken place in all but name, and we await their final admission of defeat. So whatever news you hear do not fear the consequences as we are in control. and short of minor irritations we will not allow our efforts to be interfered with. There are still those who paint a picture of catastrophic happenings, but be assured that any physical changes will be more in the way of local changes and not world wide. Bear in mind that we can moderate the affects of earthquakes, and contain them to ensure that only the minimum of damage occurs. A long time ago your seers saw massive changes coming and prophesied them accordingly, but with time those possibilities became less catastrophic. So when people refer back to them remember that they are no longer in line with the current view on physical changes.

Now you are so near to the final stages in your journey through duality, and many are already lifting up out of it. Set your goals high as everything is possible within the higher vibrations that you now exist in, as literally nothing is beyond your grasp. Even as this message is being relayed to you the energies have once again been increasing as a result of the Summer Solstice. There are more high points to come and for each soul many opportunities  that will lift up their vibrations. These are intense times all with the intent of giving you every assistance to prepare for Ascension. After all whatever happens the only object of the changes is to get you safely into the New Age. That goal will be achieved regardless of any other events that take place.

Whilst we encourage you to talk amongst yourselves about the present period, we would also ask that you make allowances for other peoples points of view. Remember that there are numerous time lines that are gradually coming together, and until a souls seeks help it should be allowed to progress through its own endeavors. The lessons learnt or knowledge acquired is best from personal experience. Naturally you are a mix of so many souls at different levels and there are those who love to share what they have discovered. That is fine providing you take only what resonates with you and is intuitively acceptable. There are many truths at this time but ultimately only the One Truth, which all shall understand as part of the One Supreme Being.

Dear Ones you are adored by us as we see the real you, a magnificent Being of Light. You entered the lowest vibrations of your Universe as a challenge to your ability, to still rise up and bring back remembrance of who you really are. That many of you have now achieved and others are quickly awakening with the result that the Light upon Earth is at its highest level ever. It is instrumental in transmuting the lower energies and removing more power from the dark Ones, so that their attempts to carry on are doomed to failure. We would not in any event allow them to rise up again, and their days are finished. In one way or another they will be removed and placed where they cannot interfere with the Divine Plan.

To some extent you can sit back and enjoy the coming period, but be aware that once the fun starts it will come thick and fast. The main point is that whatever takes place now is ultimately for your good, so do not see disharmony and danger where none exists. Have faith in your allies and our presence, as we have waited long for these moments and intent on keeping you well informed. Hitherto, we have had to exercise some constraint as it never pays to let your enemies know too much. However, when they are confined in places where they cannot affect our plan, we will be more than happy to give you as much detail as possible.

There are still things happening on Earth that were instigated by the dark Ones, such as the problems in the Middle East. They will not last much longer and peace will be declared and enforced by us if necessary. There have been millions either killed or injured in mad wars that have benefitted few people except the Arms Dealers, although the seizure of countries and their wealth has also been one of the objectives. You have had your fill of such experiences and will never need to have them again, unless you choose to serve in the lower dimensions to prevent wars. Service to others is the highest form of love and once ascended it is a way of life that comes quite naturally to each soul.

First however look forward to a break to pursue your own interests and enjoy being back in the higher realms. Sooner or later you will then find the call to service too powerful to resist, and you can decide in what way you want to do it. Undoubtedly you will find that you brought various talents and skills such as healing with you, and use them to further your experience. Naturally you will normally find yourself working in groups, and they could well be comprised of those whom you have already worked with on Earth. Friendships carry on through many lives, and account for that instant attraction between people when they first meet.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send best wishes from the Galactic Federation of Light, who are getting nearer to you with each day that passes.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

SaLuSa etc...


you willl find SaLuSa's new message of June 20, as received by Mike Quinsey, at

On the Rainbowscribe's site you will find Hilarion's weekly message and also a new message by Peggy Black and "the team" plus some other interesting posts. To read them, please go to

Also remember to check out Kauilapele's and Steve Beckow's sites at


Love and Light


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

SaLuSa June 18, 2012


Regardless of what we see in the outer world, progress is being made all the time and there is much going on behind the scenes that most of us don't have a clue about.

In the surrounding world where egoism seems to be growing and few people seem to care of any one else but themselves - at least if you read the newspapers and magazines and watch tv - remember that that is just the old 3D junk still trying to make itself heard.

However: progress is going on. More and more people are waking up as they seem to be missing something in their lives. The old way of living is not satisfying anymore and so people start to look for answers to what it is that is missing in their lives.The old way of separation is no longer working and the new way of living is found in working together as One.

In SaLuSa's new message of June 18 - as received by Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa says among other things:

"As you progress spiritually you will easily accept the understanding that you are all One, and it is the most natural urge to want to help others to uplift themselves".

To read SaLuSa's new message please go to

Wishing you all Love and Light


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ashtar on the Road Teleconference etc...


the new Ashtar on the road Teleconference of 06-12-12, through Susan Leland, is now available. It is called "One in Love" and in it Ashtar speaks of Unconditional Love. You will find it on

Kauilapele has a lot of new, interesting stuff,  there is also a  post on "Earthing", walking barefoot on the earth, and the benefits of that. Quite interesting...

To read Kauilapele's blog, please go to

Steve Beckow, also, has a lot to read so to check it out go to

Then I would like to remind you of Inelia Benz' blog

her latest post is called "Call to action - IT'S TIME". A very good read in which she suggest 4 different things to do for everyone:

- Meditate

- Doing nothing

- Daydream

- Process you fears

Inelia also has a lot of other good things to read in her blog so do check it out.

While we all keep processing the incoming energies I remind you all to stay grounded, stay calm, stay centered.

In order to stay healthy remember to drink a lot of water and eat as clean food as possible because they contain Light. If possible be out in the nature or at least look at the trees, plants and birds that surround us.

Keep a positive mindset, BE IN JOY AND BE THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE, in that way you spread the LOVE AND LIGHT to everyone and everything. And: remember to laugh, it heightens the energies.

Love and Light to you all


Monday, June 4, 2012

Matthew Ward, SaLuSa etc...

Hi everybody,

Matthew Ward's message, as received by Suzy Ward, is available.
At the end of the message there are references to earlier messages on the following subjects: Ascension, Densities, Earth's Golden Age, Nesara and Telepathic Communications. If you have not read these earlier I encourage you to do so, and even if you would have read them it might be good to refresh one's memory.

To read Matthew's message, please go to

SaLuSa's newest message, as received by Mike Quinsey, is available on

Also remember to check out Kauilapele's and Steve Beckow's sites at


Love and Light to all,
