Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Brenda Hoffman

Your Software is Your Path to New Communications

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s January 27, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The next few days will present issues to urge you to use your new personal software. Your first inclination will probably be to solve the dilemma with 3D methods only to discover those solutions aren’t adequate – encouraging you to ask your higher self for assistance in opening your personal software.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”You KNOW You Downloaded New Physical Software”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Some dilemmas in the next few days will not have comfortable 3D solutions. Such is so for a reason.
It is unlikely you would explore your new personal software if it were not necessary. You have the best intentions – perhaps are even excited about using your new software. But your 3D life often requires more attention than you would like. So you and the Universes have added a few glitches to your life – such as you cannot find your favorite necklace or a repair person is not available.
The thought that  issues were added to your already full schedule is daunting to some and aggravating to others. In truth, it is little different from a pop quiz during mid-term exams. Even though the pop quiz is a small part of your overall grade, you are appalled that your instructor felt the need to add one more stress to an already full week.
Let us explain what will likely happen. Perhaps you wish to wear a special necklace to a party but cannot find it. As you search, you become more frustrated knowing that you need to leave for the party in just a few minutes. That frustration forces you to give up in 3D terms and to turn to your higher self in exasperation. That is when you will suddenly remember where you stored your necklace after you last wore it.
Many of you feel that such is not that unusual for something similar sometimes happened in your 3D world. The difference is that you most often assumed finding your necklace was luck in your 3D world. This week you will know you found your necklace with your new software.
Even though we labeled this piece new software, this software has always been a part of all on earth. You were just afraid to use it. For you have hidden your light, your inner-power for eons to better fit within earth’s density. It is a bit like purchasing a new television with internet capabilities and limiting your viewing to local television stations. You could search the internet on your new television, but you do not read the manual or explore your options – because of fear or disinterest. So it has been for you for eons.
Some of you will easily access your new software. You will not fear being more skilled than friends and relatives who do not wish to explore their software. Nor will you feel the need to describe your new skills to others. You will just be – as would be true if you bought a rug or a vacuum cleaner. You will accept your new being as a normal progression, not something unique to you.
That is not to say you are not unique and special to the Universes, but instead to inform you that everyone on earth downloaded their new (or opened again, if you will) physical software. What you do with that software will create your uniqueness.
Let us return to our lost necklace example. In the 3D world, you had several options. You could attend the party without the necklace. You could continue searching until it was too late to attend the party. You could replace the necklace with another. You could change your clothes. Or you could decide not to attend.
With your new software, you will expand your search functions to include memories and patterns you could not easily access in 3D. You will do so first by asking your higher self to open that option – and then you will do so as a matter of course as you become more proficient.
Even though the obstacles in the next few days will be minor in the overall picture of your life, those obstacles will encourage you to open and expand your software skills. Somewhat like a flower opening to great beauty.
Your new software (or newly accessed software) is a major stepping stone to communicating throughout the Universes. Just as you needed to learn how to use a computer before you could explore the internet, you are learning the basics of your new software so you will eventually be comfortable with new forms of communications between you and other earthlings, the plant and animal world, unseen earth entities, your higher self, various dimensions and the Universes.
The next few days will be lesson one. You will find yourself exasperated with 3D solutions and cry out to your higher self for a better method of solving a problem. Discovering that method will encourage you to repeat and expand that pattern until it is as comfortable as your 3D techniques. Once you have mastered communicating within yourself, you will advance to communicating with the greater world and finally with the Universes.
Brenda is concerned that not all will easily access their software so some will feel less worthy, less of a Lightworker than others.
Learning about your new software is a process – as was true when you first learned to use a computer. Like any new lesson, some will learn more rapidly than others. You all have software capabilities you can use today, tomorrow or never. It is your choice – and your joy.
The lessons of the next few days are to encourage you to better communicate with yourself. You will soon expand those lessons to communicating with the Universes – easily and effortlessly – as you once did eons ago and do now within other planes with other parts of your being. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

From The Rainbowscribe site

26 January 2013, as received through Tazjima.
I AM the Great Divine Director. Greetings and salutations to all those who are awake and aware in this time of transition for your race and planet!
We come today to lend our light to those who are still struggling to understand or undertake the next steps on the pathway to ascension. We understand that many, even among those who consider themselves as lightworkers, do not really know what ascension entails or what is required for one to step upon the path of initiation. This pathway leads to the self-realization that you are God. You do not have to go anywhere or to be anything other than in full self-acceptance.
Understand that you are not the wholeness of God or Creation, just a portion, but as reflected by holographic image, you are connected to the wholeness. The first step on this journey of self-discovery lies in the total acceptance of self, as you are, perhaps not as you perceive yourself to be. Acceptance of self is also a process of acknowledging that darkness can and does reside within.
By observing the existence of darkness and choosing to do nothing or to let it go, you remove the power of darkness to bind you in its tangled web. It is in the pull of darkness that one loses their way, using violence and control to bind others. Perhaps you disagree with how someone presents their viewpoint, arguing that you know better and therefore, they should follow your way—this is the way of darkness, through control, fear, limitation and intimidation.
On December 21, 2012, the world passed through a vortex into a new phase of existence. The old structures supporting the darkness and its matrix have been permanently withdrawn. All that was built under the direction of those adhering to the old paradigm will pass, will disintegrate and eventually pass from being. The length of this transition will be determined by the collective souls of the lightworkers, those who are now consciously anchoring the light on earth and bringing into manifestation a return to unity consciousness. It is these who are the ones who must take the lead, here and now, for the rest of humanity. Are you up to the task or should another take your place?
The time of feeling intellectually, spiritually or materially superior to another human being has departed. What is material can be taken away. Rest assured if your karma demands a balancing, it will come in the fullness of time. Those who strive to bring to the surface any remaining darkness within their own being, whether conscious or unconscious, will find their efforts bring a certain amount of easing of their circumstances. Suffering cannot be prevented, but your willingness to perform the inner work, can determine the degree of suffering, whether physical, emotional or mental, that must be endured.
Ascension for those starseed who came into this world during this particular cycle entails a reiteration of what has gone before, in many lifetimes and on other planets and in other universes. Ascension is part of the natural cycle of life, but one whose purpose has not be taught to the masses during this present time on your planet. Still, those who are starseed will find themselves naturally directed by intuition and spiritual guidance to discover what it is that is needed to carry themselves along this path of return.
By voluntarily undergoing the strenuous requirements of physical ascension, the starseed have accepted the role of wayshowers for the population of this planet. There was a time on the planet when ascension was known and practiced by groups of initiates under the guidance of their Christed leaders. These teachings have largely been subverted and/or hidden away by the followers of the Dark Brotherhood, for the purpose of binding the general population to their controllers during lifetime after lifetime of endless slavery.
Your spiritual forefathers and mothers foresaw the coming of a cycle of darkness that would temporarily plunge this world into superstition and chaos. The ending of that cycle is now underway. As the lightworkers engage in their work of ascension and self-discovery, by raising up their own vibration and frequency, then there will come a time of synchronicity when the frequency of those surrounding them will also rise up, through the Law of Correspondence.
Dwelling in a miasma of doubt and confusion is not the way to approach your ascension. Letting go of the doubt and dispensing with the confusion by shining the harsh light of honesty into your own subconscious and unconscious minds, will enable you to let go of what does not serve you anymore. Though your acts of contrition and self-forgiveness, you will move forward and upward, drawing those who follow along with you.
As the planet ascends through her own process of cleansing, so should you. Let go of all that you feel is no longer yours, whether that entails a relationship, a job that does not satisfy, outmoded beliefs, old attachments that bind you to old ways of being that no longer serve…anything that stands in the way. Be strong, be severe and yet balance that severity with kindness towards self and others.
Criticism of self and others is not discernment. What works for you, will not necessarily work for others. What others see and experience as being the way that they want to follow, will not necessarily attract your attention. Comparison and judgment is futile and a waste of time and effort. Each of you is a unique being and will need to discover your own pathway to ascension.
Ascension is a process. It can and will occur on a daily basis if and when you commit yourself fully to the journey. It is not an easy one, but will give you great personal reward as life will eventually become easier as the various energetic levels are passed.
There will be tests along the way to ensure that you have, indeed, incorporated the lessons presented during the journey. Your mastery of your physical, mental and emotional bodies will be tested. Can you withstand hardship and illness without complaint? Can you withstand the criticism of others who will be encountered on the path? Will you demand perfection from others when you have not managed to master perfection within yourself? Save judgment for your soul and Monad. These inner teachers will lovingly point out your short-comings, not to judge or condemn, but to encourage improvement and growth.
As you move through periods of growth, you will also find that you experience periods of quiet. These occur so that you can incorporate fully what it is that you have learned. The process of learning is actually a process of remembering or coming into an outer awareness of all that already exists within. The trick is to go forth with the open eyes of a child, an open heart and a clear, unbiased mind so that you might find delight in what you discover rather than confusion and dismay. The latter is an indication that what you discover has not met with your previously formed ideas of reality and that you are, at least temporarily, in a state of resistance to change. It up to you and you alone to be willing to open to change, for that is the only way you will be able to grow.
As you climb the path, you will find that reality is not always what you have been taught by your parents and other authority figures within this or any other physical lifetime. The world of spirit and the higher dimensions do not work on the same physical laws that you live under upon the surface. As you ascend in your consciousness, these inner worlds will begin to reveal themselves to you, as has been discovered by those dedicated to meditation. At first these experiences will be very personal and then, eventually, you will begin to discover correlations between inner and outer, upper and lower worlds. The signposts are there, but do not make themselves apparent until the one ascending is ready to see, hear or feel their presence.
As you gain in spiritual awareness, you will begin to open up to a sense of the greater community that exists all around you. The natural world has never left this awareness of unity. You will rediscover it yourself, in your own way. And as your spiritual senses begin to awaken, you will be able to discern more of what there is to be seen and experienced in this world, without leaving it for another.
Your world is in need of healing. Each one of you is in need of healing. You have voluntarily undergone this process as a way of healing the world and anchoring the light of heaven upon the sacred earth of your planet. Through your physical bodies will be anchored the light and love of heaven. You are the transformers, who step down this tremendous light through your own bodies. In order to perform this sacred task, it has taken much preparation so your bodies would not be destroyed by the incoming energies. Do not be surprised if you are still experiencing physical challenges as the energies are still increasing, within cycles. There will be a time ahead when the energies diminish, but that time has not yet arrived. So be kind to body and self. Change is demanding and can be stressful.
Do not make the mistake of judging those individuals who leave the planet during these days of transition. Each one has their own soul journey to make. Some will return almost immediately in a new body, as a young crystal child. Others will go to the Summerlands to undergo more training and perhaps a time of rest before undergoing another lifetime. Some souls will choose to work from the spirit planes. Others will return to their homes, having completed the work that their soul contracts delineated. Others will move to other planets and solar systems that more closely match their vibration in preparation for other lifetimes and other lessons, until they are also ready to undergo the path of return. The timing and the pathway is very individual to each and every soul, even those who are currently considered the darkest of the dark. All are one in God. All exist in God. The yin and yang, dark and light, male and female, all exist within the One.
We stand as the brotherhood of light with you to assist as needed by any and all who call out to us. We hear every word, every thought and feeling. We do not judge. We will not chide, but seek to encourage and aid you in coming to an acceptance of your own power and beauty. We cannot make the journey for you; it is up to you and you alone to do the work, but we will aid and assist in any way allowable by cosmic law.
Our blessings go forth to all. Know us as your brothers and sisters who stand beside you always. You are known and loved as the strongest and bravest of souls, in undertaking this grand journey from separation and into unity consciousness.
We leave you with one more thought on which to ponder: It is not necessary to be perfect in order to ascend. Even the mightiest of initiates face their own inner battles and victories.
We will come again. Until then, Namaste: We bow to the god and goddess within each of you.
Thank you, beloved Great Divine Director.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Natalie Glasson

Living in the New Reality by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 27-01-13
Beloved shining beacons of light on the Earth, we bow down to you with tremendous respect and love. We, your guides, friends and loved ones of the inner planes are here to support you as you move through an immense process of your ascension.
Maybe you feel as if you cannot or do not fully understand why certain experiences, creations and expressions are manifesting in your reality, why you choose certain choices over others. I wish to share with you that the instruction book, the planned circumstances by your soul, the limitations and boundaries set for you and set by you in the past are now being cast aside. You are being rewarded for all your devotion to your spiritual connection and awakening with the reality that is free from limitations.
There is no longer a goal to work to in a certain time, the clock is no longer ticking to push you forward along your spiritual path, and there are no longer goals that need to be achieved in or with certain limitations. In truth there is no longer a goal to be achieved. The boundaries, limitations, goals and inspiration which led you through the past phase of ascension are falling away. In truth you are being given responsibly and freedom. It could seem as if your purpose has been taken away from you. It is far easier to energise yourself and passion to achieve certain levels of growth when you feel that time is running short or when there is a goal post in sight. As you exist in this new reality and phase of energy, there is no goal post for you to strive to reach in a certain time. Your purpose remains the same, to experience oneness with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator, to master and know yourself and therefore the Creator more fully and to open your heart to be a channel of love and all that is the Creator. Your purpose has maybe never been so vivid but you now have the tools, the time, the freedom to achieve these goals as you wish, where you wish, with who you wish and in the time that you wish.
Ascension for you could take four days, five months, sixteen years or in truth as long as you choose. There are no set rules as to how long ascension should take, whether you achieve it in a group or as an individual, whether you choose to ask for help or not. There is no longer a wrong and right. In truth everything that you have held onto as truth in your reality and realisations about your spiritual self and practices is falling away. As if you are being suspended in space or suspended in energy. You are supported, loved and have the ability to choose and create all that you need in order to move further beyond limitations and boundaries. It may feel as if pre created security is now falling away. With greater freedom come experiences of being, having, doing, existing as nothing or without restrictions. In the past even time has brought you security and yet you notice that time doesn’t have the same meaning any longer. You are being given and are creating your freedom, which is one of the greatest gifts of this new phase.
 You may wish to contemplate the many situations, thoughts, perceptions and understandings that you hold on to in your reality to create a deeper sense of security. Allow yourself to see this as your creation alone and that they do serve you in awakening the power, strength and immense love within your being. Do you actually need security in your reality? Do you need to create boundaries and limitations? Do you need to recognise your limitless self and expansive being? I ask that you take time to practice this contemplation and self-discovery within your reality, if only once, to assist you in releasing from your being, energy and perspective energetic habits and patterns from the past.
With the quality of greater freedom that you have accepted within your reality so it may also bring up aspects of your reality, personality and creations that do not serve you or offer you freedom. As these aspects of yourself come to the surface to be released it can seem that you are being encaged and have less freedom than before. You begin to see yourself in many new ways which may not always be pleasant to witness. Some people may feel that they have more issues to deal with and heal than before 2012. The energy of freedom and responsibility is awakening new aspects of your being that wish to be healed and released.
Freedom for a light workers and awakened soul of the Creator is a powerful lesson to overcome and digest. You all expect and desire freedom but also fear freedom due to its ability of allowing you to access your power and sacred abilities. No longer is anything in your way, blocking you or hindering you, only what you choose to create. No longer is anything pushing and driving you forward and yet you are placed in the centre of freedom with the opportunity to choose whatever you wish.
It can be an experience of exhilaration but also of being fearful.  There is also the question which many light workers face, which is how does one experience and interpret freedom and what does one choose to create? Through many lifetimes on the Earth you have been limited, restricted, condemned and maybe even abused for trying to be your truth, now is the time to truly let go of these past energies, understanding that you have the freedom to choose to create what you wish. If so with many opportunities and possibilities available how does one choose what they wish to create?
The guidance, knowingness and truth of the soul is extremely important in this energy of freedom, your guides also act to you as a mirror of your soul and its guidance. Do not be afraid to ask or to follow the inspiration within you, it is this inspiration that will lead you to the experience of greater freedom. You may find at first that your personality isn’t satisfied with the guidance shared from within your being, but the perspective and desires of your personality also need to shift to bring greater happiness, joy, love and peace within your being.
 You may also notice that due to the greater sense and energy of freedom that you are more aware of the consequence of your actions, thoughts and creations. Your awareness of the consequences of your situation is your own creation to assist you in choosing and understanding what is appropriate for you. You truly understand when you have created a situation that doesn’t serve you, but it is often that you see it as a failing when in actual fact it helps you understand yourself more fully, you begin to recognise your own vibration, realising when you create something that is not from your true vibration but is from a limited aspect of yourself. It is in this moment and phase of ascension that you are truly being allowed to experiment. This stage of ascension has been chosen by you because you have mastered abilities of connecting with the Creator, your truth and you have a beautiful understanding and desire to create love.
In truth you can trust yourself to deal with the freedom, the responsibility and choices with and from the purest sense of love which will ensure that you do not harm or cause pain to yourself or others. It is a very beautiful reality and stage of ascension that is now unfolding for you to experience. Enjoy the feeling of no longer being pushed to achieve goals, of no longer having boundaries and limitations. Enjoy the process of your own boundaries and limitations created by you coming to the surface and most of all enjoy becoming one and getting to know yourself more fully. It may be time to realise the reality that you are currently experiencing on the Earth, the game like quality and the powerful ability that you hold in your choices and your ability to manifest.
 I am aware that there are many messages and interpretations within my message and communication with you but I wish for you to realise that you have the most beautiful gift within you of knowingness. Your ability to simply know the most perfect choice, truth and manifestation instantly within your being which will serve you and all aspects of the Creator is most beautiful and tremendously powerful, so allow yourself to use it well within your reality.
I wish to share with you an invocation to be of service to you,
‘Archangel Metatron, Beloved Creator, my soul and soul group, I call your presence and love forward to support and love me unconditionally. I ask you to assist me in listening with greater care and clarity to the intuition and knowingness within my being. I recognise my knowingness as guidance from the Creator which brings me freedom, truth and greater experiences of love. I accept my inner knowingness and am able to interpret it into my reality with ease with each new day upon the Earth.
I ask to accept the energies of freedom from the Creator deeper into my being. I realise and acknowledge I am the energy of freedom, I willingly dissolve all boundaries and limitations of my creation and let go of all energies, situations or people that represent security or a false security.
I realise that I have a powerful tool and ability of choice and manifestation; I ask that my ability is always aligned with the truth and love of the Creator and my soul. Support me as I adjust to the energy and reality of greater freedom allowing myself to become an expansive and limitless beacon of light. Assist me in understanding and experiencing this phase of freedom with tremendous ease and perfection.
Thank you.’
With blissful blessings,
Archangel Metatron

Archangel Michael latest message, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-02-2013

Beloved masters, we have explained in the past but will refresh your memory about what is taking place as you traverse the many levels and sub-levels of consciousness. As you clear the distortions within your auric field, there is also an internal process taking place. Your entire physical structure is undergoing complex changes which are triggered by the higher frequency patterns you are integrating from the Creator Source via the great Cities of Light. Your DNA, your chakra centers and your Sacred Heart/Mind contain your Divine Blueprint. As you integrate more and more Adamantine Particles of Creator consciousness, all the distortions/imperfections that you have created because of the negative concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified. Many of these distorted concepts are being filtered into your conscious awareness to be healed or eliminated; and we understand that this can be an uncomfortable, disconcerting process as you delve more deeply into the wisdom of the cosmos. While doing so, it is of vital importance that you maintain a state of mindful awareness and patience. Humanity is emerging from a state of amnesia or what could be called a limited awareness of Self and of the complex vastness of Creation.

You are becoming very proficient at analyzing new concepts and the plethora of information that is now available via the empowering gift of discernment. Now that you are more attuned to your OverSoul-Higher Self and the small voice within, you are gaining the ability to quickly ascertain if a concept is in alignment with your inner truth. If it is not, it behooves you to discard it without malice or judgment, or if you are not sure, put it aside and ask your Higher Self to validate it for you in some unmistakable way. We are aware that you are being bombarded with many new concepts, some of which are stretching the limits of your conceptual understanding. Please be aware, beloveds, that what you are experiencing is all part of the reunification and ascension process that you are in the midst of, which will accelerate as time passes. No matter where you are on the Path of ascension, be at peace with your level of understanding, and be patient with yourself. It is the ego that whispers to you, “You are not good enough. You are way behind those around you. You are not worthy. You will never be able to learn, understand and perfect all the spiritual terms, techniques and meditations!” On and on. STOP, when this happens, and gently bring your mind back to center with a few chosen affirmations.

Every Soul on Earth is preordained to follow the Path of return to the higher realms of existence; however, it is a very personalized journey. As we have often stated: you may take the low road, the middle path or the high road; it is up to you, but you will eventually return to the more refined dimensions of Light. You have FREE WILL within the framework of this earthly, preordained Divine Blueprint which was created and OverLighted by our Father/Mother God. As you tap into the higher levels of consciousness, you must also be aware that the lower portions of your brain, or the sections which resonate to the lower frequencies of the third/fourth dimensions and which contain your animal/human instinctual nature, are gradually being modified or shutdown. Your instinctual nature is slowly being replaced by your intuitive nature as you tap into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind and gain the ability to interact with your Higher Self, your guides and angelic helpers. You are gaining the ability to tap into the Light packets of wisdom stored within your higher brain structure– your Sacred Mind– where all your vast history, your lineage and your Divine heritage are stored within the treasure chest of your higher consciousness.

Do not be dismayed if your past is becoming only a hazy memory, especially the painful memories you have experienced during this lifetime. It is time to heal and release the past, beloveds. It no longer serves you to delve into past lifetimes in order to heal yourself or to try to understand why you are acting or reacting a certain way in the present. That is the old way. The distortions of consciousness you created in the past cannot exist when you fill yourselves to overflowing with Adamantine Particles via the processes we have taught you. These magical particles contain the pure/perfect Essence of the Creator and will gradually transform/transmute any distortions in your auric field and your physical vessel. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. Remember, faster or more is not always better. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now so prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.
As you eliminate old habits, beliefs and actions, you are gradually returning to harmony within the accepted spectrum of polarity / duality. With each higher frequency level you attain, you leave behind those situations, people and things that no longer are compatible with your new level of awareness and resonance. It often seems as if you have stepped through a new dimensional doorway whereby a portion of the past magically fades away. That is why many of you are experiencing the loss of friends and / or family members, and why you are changing jobs or beginning a new career. Many of you are also moving to new places, sometimes not really understanding why you have been guided to a certain area, but there is a deep inner-knowing that it was meant to be. Many of you are finding that the work you do, your recreational pursuits, hobbies, and many things that interested you in the past are less satisfying, for they do not fit into your ever-expanding, evolving reality.

The multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities and that you have a direct link to the Power Source of Creation via the River of Life/Light.

The original Seed thoughts of Creation came from the heart/mind of the Supreme Creator, and as always, were perfect; however, each separation and refraction contained a little less of the full Essence of the Creator. Gradually, as the Divine Sparks of God Consciousness moved further and further away from the Center of Creation, the perfect full-spectrum of Light was refracted into more and more individualized facets of God-expression. Since this Sub-universe is a young creative endeavor and is located within the outermost limits of Creation, it is composed of a Light Spiral of half-spectrum Light, or diminished elements of Creation. This does not mean that this is a fallen universe or it is evil; it only means that it does not contain a full measure of Creator Consciousness.

Brave bearers of Light; are you ready and willing to be a pathfinder, to open the doors to the many heavenly mansions / dimensions of Creation? Each dimensional level will offer new opportunities and will give you access to many new abilities and expanded wisdom; however, each higher level will also challenge you in many ways and will require that you release those things which no longer serve your greatest good. You left many facets of your greater Self along the way as you traversed the descending pathway into the lower dimensions. You must also be willing to release into the past those people, ways of being, and things which do not fit into your present / future reality as you make your return journey into the higher dimensions.

Beloveds, we are assisting you in every way possible within the limits of universal law, and we are waiting patiently for you to join us in the various Pyramids of Light stationed throughout this Sub-Universe. We have told you that you are not only creating your new earthly reality, but you are also creating your mansions in the heavenly dimensions. We convey to you all the radiance of Creator Love/Light that you can contain. You are loved beyond measure.

I AM Archangel Michael

Beloved friends, Archangel Michael encouraged me to write the below recap of the STAGES OF ASCENSION for several reasons: first, for those who are more advanced, to refresh your memory and provide more clarity to the process. Second, as guidelines for those who are on the Path but who are still endeavoring to release, rectify and transmute the many imbalances within the physical, mental, emotional and astral bodies. Third, to provide more understanding and encouragement for those who are fairly new to the wisdom teachings for the New Age of En-Lighten-ment and the process of ascension.

Dearest hearts, no matter where you are on the Path of Ascension, endeavor to envision a future filled with hope and promise. Never before have we had such a grand opportunity to reclaim our Divine estate as a cocreative Self-master in the material planes of existence. We have opened and prepared a path for you to follow. All you have to do is answer the call, and then follow the nudgings of your Soul Self. You will not be led astray. We, as your sisters and brothers on the path before you, are always in our Pyramids of Light, cheering you onward and upward. Eternal Love and angel blessings, Ronna




STAGE ONE: We gradually tune into and begin to listen to the small voice of our conscience (our embodied Soul Self), and we begin the process of healing and harmonizing our Emotional Nature. We slowly allow our Soul Self to become the guide and director of our life’s experiences instead of the ego desire body. We begin the process of upgrading and refining our Emotional Body consciousness, which can be painful and challenging, but also rewarding and enlightening.

STAGE TWO: As we begin to delve more deeply into our subconscious minds, we initiate the process of aligning our emotional will with that of our Higher Self-OverSoul and Divine Will. Our main mantra/affirmation becomes “Thy Will be done for the greatest good of all.” As we learn that we are electromagnetic, energetic Beings, we come to the understanding that we are constantly radiating energetic thought forms out into the world around us. Then we must experience these positive or negative thought forms as events/situations composed of the same frequencies. Our personal world is constantly rearranging itself to fit our current picture of reality. Through trial and error, we begin to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect or Karma. We also gain an understanding of and begin to actively use the Universal Laws of Manifestation as we slowly refine our abilities as cocreators on the earthly plane of existence. With new awareness, confidence and trust in the workings of the universe, we gradually relinquish control at an emotional level to our Higher Self, for we now understand that it is our Divine Birthright to enjoy the love, beauty and bounty of our Father/Mother God. We also understand that our Higher Self sees things from a higher vantage point and will always direct us toward the best outcome.

STAGE THREE: As we move a little higher on the ladder of ascension, we also learn to view the events in our lives from a higher vantage point. We have gone through the painful process of breaking or healing all past agreements with those with whom we have experienced karmic interaction so that we may sever any remaining energetic cords between us. We lovingly forgive and ask forgiveness so that each of us may, once again, become sovereign Beings. By healing and transmuting the probable futures we have created in our many past lifetimes’ experience, we move into the future without the heavy burden of past Karma.

Over time and after a lot of Soul-searching and processing, we gradually strive for and gain Emotional Detachment. We love more deeply and compassionately as we begin to look for and see the best in everyone around us. We gradually embrace the concept of “we and group consciousness” versus the ego-driven concept of separation, “me versus everyone else.” We have learned to see our tests and challenges as opportunities for growth instead of punishment and bad luck. As a result, our Emotional Body consciousness begins to resonate to much higher, more harmonious, vibrational frequencies. We are now ready to focus our attention on refining, uplifting and harmonizing our Mental Body.

STAGE FOUR: At this stage, our OverSoul-Higher Self begins to take a more active role in our transformation process, as our Soul Self slowly integrates the higher frequencies (attributes, qualities and virtues) of our OverSoul Self. We begin the process of reviewing our beliefs, habits and the quality of our mental awareness. We re-evaluate the major judgments and attitudes that have been handed down by our elders as well as by the cultural, religious and governmental leaders as we gradually move out of and beyond the mass consciousness belief patterns of the lower astral planes.

STAGE FIVE: As we refine the frequency patterns of our Mental Body, we slowly gain access to our Sacred Mind and the treasure chest of higher mental consciousness that is stored therein. Our Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart become unified with our OverSoul-Higher Self as the guiding influence in our spiritual quest. We become more tolerant of other people’s beliefs as we learn that there are many paths to follow; however, we are now aware that all paths will ultimately lead to the same destination. We learn to be discerning as to what we will accept as our truth, and we only accept those truths that resonate positively within our Sacred Core Being. We begin to expand our horizons of thought, and many will develop a desire to learn more about our spiritual origins, why we are on Earth, what is our mission/purpose for this lifetime and what happens to us after we transcend?

STAGE SIX: As we lift the frequencies of our Mental/Emotional bodies, our chakra system begins to spin much faster and in a harmonious fashion. This results in an ignition or activation of the etheric Tube of Light that runs along the spinal column, up through the Medulla Oblongata (the ascension chakra) into the Sacred Mind and out the Crown Chakra. The coiled energy called Kundalini, which contains the Sacred White Fire Seed Atoms of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles, begins to flow up the spinal column. The portals to the Sacred Heart have opened so that we now are receiving Adamantine Particles of Light via the back portal of our Sacred Heart, as well as a downward flow via our Crown Chakra, and a upward flow of Kundalini Fire along our Sacred Rod of Power/Light. This process will be speeded up and magnified if we use the gift of conscious breathing, such as the Infinity Breath or other deep breathing techniques.

STAGE SEVEN: We have learned to HEAL THE PAST and SCRIPT OUR FUTURE so that we can focus on the ETERNAL “NOW” MOMENT. We have merged our physical intellect with the spiritual wisdom of our OverSoul-Higher Self–which means we not only understand and accept the many higher spiritual truths we have learned, but we have also integrated them. We are gradually attuning to the more advanced and expanded guidelines for the future. As we do so, we will send forth the higher frequency Seed thoughts for the New Age into our Flower of Life / Wheel of Creation, so that we may radiate them forth out into the world.
As we draw forth more and more vibrational frequency patterns from lower planes of the fifth-dimension, our Soul Song becomes attuned to and resonates with much higher vibrational frequencies also. This sets off a CELESTIAL CLARION CALL for the compatible facets of our Higher Self to begin the process of slowly moving into alignment within our personal column of Light. The downloading of the Sparks of our Higher Self with our resident Soul Self begins to accelerate at this point, and our progress on the ascension path will greatly accelerate also. We are now ready to move into the Flow of the River of Life, and we know we will be guided and directed as we begin to FOLLOW SPIRIT WITHOUT HESITATION.

STAGE EIGHT: We are becoming comfortable with our new State of Being and our new way of viewing the world. We value our solitude, as we delve deeper and deeper into our Sacred Beingness. Each day we have learned to function naturally as a Living Meditation and a Living Prayer, as we stay firmly centered within our Sacred Heart. The earthly illusion now has minimal effect on us; however, our loving compassion has grown to embrace all Beings and all Creation.

TRANSFORMATION OF THE PHYSICAL VESSEL: Our physical bodies are also affected dramatically during each stage of our AWAKENING, and the symptoms of ascension can be exhilarating as well as uncomfortable or even painful at times. My booklet, THE EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY * SYMPTOMS OF ASCENSION, goes into great detail about the many symptoms of ascension and also gives suggestions as to how to more easily traverse the dramatic changes and chaos of transformation with the assistance of our friends of the higher realms. The booklet is available on my website: under the Books Section.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

January 27 – February 3, 2013

Beloved Ones,
As each of you move deeper into the inner recesses of your Being, you are finding the opportunities to bring to the surface that which needs completion. During these times, give compassion to yourselves and all those who are involved in whatever situations come up. This is a time of bringing deeper understanding and knowledge from within you and for bringing peace and equilibrium in order that you may experience a greater lightness of being as you connect to the well of creativity and abundance that bubbles just beneath the surface.
You are in the process of reconnection with your God/Goddess aspects of the divine within you. As you do this deep work upon yourselves, there will be many moments of spontaneous feelings of joy that burst forth, seemingly out of nowhere. This is the process of recalibration and reconnection with the purity and innocence that is at the core of your true nature. Allow and enjoy these fleeting moments and store these feelings of Oneness and unity with all that exists in this World, so that you might utilize those moments and build upon those feelings, for it is these feelings which are creating the new paradigm of your new World.
As you uncover more of what has been keeping you from moving forward with zest, with passion and vitality, be willing to allow the insights to flow through you as you recognize and observe the patterns that have kept you a prisoner in your own consciousness. Keep a journal and record these gems of inspiration and insight. They are keys to unlock the doors to your greater remembrance. Know that you always walk enfolded in the embrace of your Family of Light and that all that occurs is a part of your greater unfolding.
You are as beautiful rosebuds, gently unfurling and opening your petals to the Sun of a new day, a new dawn, a new beginning. As you allow the goodness of your true nature to emerge, you will blossom into a radiance that is clearly visible and discernible to those around you. Your Light is permeating your every cell and glowing with a radiance that is unmistakable. Align yourselves with this vision of a new you, a Being of Light and of Love, who is totally unafraid to let their Light shine and as One who walks their daily path with innate dignity and the highest integrity.
By following these steps, you are enabling others around you to empower themselves and open more fully to their own awakenings. It is now time for our Beloved Lightworkers around the World to let go of all inner sufferings and perceptions that no longer serve you. Enjoy the peace that abides within you, open to the new ideas and opportunities that present themselves each day and follow your own heart in all things.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

St Germain's Message and Pledge, given through Susan Leland, from Ashtar On The Road Teleconference


"I AM St Germain. And I bring you the greetings of all of us who come as Lights - Light bodies, and in my case, in body. To be here with you on this momentous day, and on behalf of Mother/Father God, I will say that God is so grateful to have been included in every part of the inauguration which took place yesterday in Earth time, because this country was founded in Divine Inspiration, and indeed is to be a model for the entire World, and yes, the Universe beyond!

"Freedom - that is my responsibility, which I have taken on joyfully and unreservedly, on behalf of all of the people of Planet Earth. And I humbly submit to you that I have been quite instrumental at times in inspiring the many difficult steps that have needed to be taken to bring this Freedom to Planet Earth. That song expresses all that the United States of America was founded to be.*

"Now you all know that there has not been an easy transition to even get to where we are on this day. But you all know that I and the others have been with you this entire time, even when the times seemed so dark! I was with the Founding Fathers of this country. I have been made welcome since then, most notably by your President Lincoln, and yes, by your President Kennedy, and many others who have walked the halls of Congress, and your Courts, and your state and local governments, whose ideals sometimes have been called foolish, and sometimes have called for the highest sacrifices that they could make. But they have persevered, as have I!

"There never has been any question of giving up, despite those who have been in control all of these millennia of time, even when it seemed as though they would give the victory in what you call your Second World War to the one called Hitler. And that was their plan at first until - not for any humanitarian purposes you must understand - but until they realized that they might not be able to control Hitler, they threw their weight to the Free World - the so-called Free World.

"There has been divisiveness deliberately created. There have been lies and propaganda throughout the ages. But now the Light is shining so bright, there is no question, no question at all that Freedom is here, and Freedom -restoration of Freedom, or shall we say making true all that the United States of America stands for in theory, is about to happen!!! Be ready! Stand tall! Yes, be courageous, but most of all be Love! It is by being Love, sharing Love, and providing examples of the Love You Are, that you will teach and inspire others to do the same!

"Now I would make some comments. Yes, I was standing with Obama the entire time. I AM with him constantly. He walks with me and with Sananda, because he understands that Freedom is more than just a set of written laws, more even than what is given in your Declaration and your Constitution, more than is given in the Emancipation Proclamation, or in the Dream of Dr. King.

"Yes, Dr. King came to the Mountaintop, and it is so wondrous that his birthday celebrated not only the Freedom, but the inauguration of Obama on the same day - imagine! Mother/Father God was everywhere. The Ashtar Command was totally in charge. I was with everyone in that vast audience. If you watch it, and you see when the cameras focused upon the crowd, and everyone was waving those flags, the red, white, and blue flags - the color that showed was purple! It was a sea of purple, lavender, blue-violet, purple - my colors! That was the people together as One; one great community, one great audience of Joy!!!

"There are those who saw me there. I AM more visible than some of the Ascended Ones. I AM finding it quite useful to take on the appearance of the human, that is, a body. Oh, I'm a little Lighter, and I'm a little shorter than the average, as suits me. It's particularly useful when I make an appearance, because you see I'm still Light enough, even in the body of the human, that I can walk through the walls!

"I'm sure you can imagine the drama that occurs. Why am I doing drama? It's to get the point across. It's to get the point across to those who think only of power, and enslaving others so that they can be powerful, and rich, and all of that, and so meeting some of their delusions with a bit of drama can get the point across.

"They knew I was there yesterday. There were many of them there in the audience, participants even in the ceremonies - they knew I was there. They were a bit uncomfortable, but that is all right, because sometimes it is best to make someone shake a little bit, or we should say shake them up a bit - not to frighten them, but simply to jar loose some of the most stuck of programs! Get them to focus upon what's really important: 'How does jail sound to you? Then why do you want to imprison your brothers and sisters in any way? If you don't think it feels good, why do you want them to feel bad?'

"In other words, they're getting a pretty heavy dose of 'Walking in their brothers' and sisters' shoes.' And it's working! They know their day is done. And yes, they're going to try some shenanigans, but the great Freedom which has come is here, and if you did not catch this before, go back. Obama had some 'help' with his speech, and he was exuberant, because he could finally say these things that he has been wanting to say all this time, but he has had to understand.

"And with great humility, and dedication, he has allowed those who would continue to enslave to do their thing, in order to enable greater understanding, and in order to inspire people to appreciate their new Freedoms, while at the same time listening to Mother/Father, and all the messengers who counsel Love, and Compassion, and Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and Peace in the Heart. It starts - Peace on Earth starts in the individual Hearts. And so it is that we see such a bright road ahead!

"Look for Truth. You know this one, this Voice, asked why Obama did not wear a purple tie, and I told her it was because he wore the Blue of Truth, because it is time for Truth to come out, and Archangel Michael is very much with him, and counseling!

"So, this is a most momentous time for all of you, and for all of us who come to be in loving assistance and guidance to you! And I should like, while we are together in this most precious time, I should like for all of us to join together in what I will call a Pledge of Commitment to Being Citizens of the Golden Age. And so I shall ask if you would repeat after me, and if you would, do what is necessary to open up the lines,** so that we can all be heard. I shall say the first phrase - we have done this before - and then you can repeat it after me: 
"Well, Beloved Ones, I, St Germain, congratulate all of you. I know that there might have been some interference on the line, but it makes no difference. You were heard, and it is not just we gathered here who heard you! Our sounds, our words, and indeed the Light from our Hearts went out throughout all of Planet Earth and Beyond. And I salute you all in the Brother/Sisterhood of the One We Are. And I tell you that your lives are now free to be as easy as you choose them to be! Your Abundance is unlimited, and most of all your Light shines so bright that you truly are Leaders in Freedom and Peace unto all of the World!!!

"Thank you so much for being with us, and if you will, please accept the special Roses of Kumara, which are Lavender, just for you, for this occasion. Put them into your Hearts, and know that you were here, and you can listen, and repeat this pledge as often as you wish. It will only raise you Higher and Higher in your vibrations as you feel the energy of our Community of Love, and Light, and Service.

"And so we all thank you for being One With Us. We love you beyond words, and we rejoice that We Are One With You. And so it is! Namaste!"
* My Country 'Tis of Thee, sung by Kelly Clarkson
** (Speaking to Fran)
Given through Susan Leland, 1-22-13.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Natalie Glasson


Freedom from Suppression By Master Kuthumi
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 21-01-13   
 It is with immense love that I step forward to support and enhance your spiritual practices and experience upon the physical Earth. Intense and expansive love is being expressed to you by many from the inner planes in great compassion for the pathway that you are now proceeding along on the Earth.
I envisage each of you standing in the countryside with an expansive piece of land before you. In the previous year and beyond you have nourished the soil of the land and have planted the seeds to create a luscious green meadow that will grow tall and strong. As you gaze upon the land you are
aware of tiny green aspects of life rising from the soil, your meadow is beginning to grow and now you have the time to observe the growth of your meadow and to tend to its need. Sometimes you may find that areas of the meadow become contaminated so new seeds need to be planted. Other
times you may discover the wealth of abundance that blossoms in order to bring delicious fruits to your reality and body. The meadow can become the most beautiful garden of grow, beauty and experience or it can become a strenuous burden of care for you as you strive to create something
fruitful to nurture your being.
It is my understanding that in this new phase of ascension there is no longer a need for any aspect of your reality to be a burden or a struggle. You have tended to the soil well and planted the seeds with love, this symbolises the spiritual practices and understandings that you have gained not only in this life time but previous lifetimes. Now is the time to ensure that the work and loving care that you took in the past manifests into beauty, fruitfulness and nourishment. If you were to sit back with the attitude that the work has been achieved and so you simply need to reap the rewards then you may find that your harvest or meadow becomes bleak and barren. If something is growing from seed, activating the life force energy and manifesting in whatever form, it will require your attention, love and care when it is divinely needed and guided.
Too much attention can cause your meadow to be unyielding and rigid, as you put too many restraints and limitations upon the growth of your meadow. If you continue to nurture and nourish your meadow with love, intentions, a vision that is flexible and a connection with the meadow and that which is grown from and with life force energy, then you have the ability to create and nurture land that will continually be fruitful for you.
It is with your loving care for yourself, your creations, your reality and inner being that you will allow yourself to experience all that you desire. Now is the time to lovingly care for yourself, to be gentle with yourself and your energies because you may not realise but you have just completed a major cycle of transformation. A cycle which had multiple meanings and purposes for you and all of humanity. A cycle which allowed you to work through phases of karma, illusion and suppression on many levels of your being. Allow yourself to take time to realise or to even hold the space for contemplation of what you and humanity have just achieved. You have moved through a powerful and challenging cycle which demanded much for your strength and focus in order to allow yourself to shift and align with the Creator once more.
As a warrior is weary when returning home from battle so you may be weary as you finish a cycle that you had long awaited to complete. It is almost as if the entire universe of the Creator is now taking a large breath and sighing deeply. The sigh is allowing for recalibration and a new way of existing to manifest from within your being which may take time to evolve, becoming a divine habit within your being. You may be tired, let yourself rest, you may need nourishment, seek what you require and take care of your energies and being as a preparation for further awakening. We, your guides and your soul do not ask too much of you at this time, we ask that you simply be aware of the needs of all aspects of your being and be willing to tend to yourself with love and compassion. It is through your tender love and compassion for yourself that you will allow a beautiful phase of your ascension to unfold.
The cycle that you have moved through held strong aspects and energies of suppression, illusion and karma, it is my belief that you will continue to explore these three qualities but on a different energetic level which allows for you to easily create love from each. You may feel as if you are being supressed in your physical life but your spiritual being and wisdom is also being supressed by you until you realise you are ready to accept your full and complete truth. There is only one thing that allows for complete connection and the experience of the truth of the Creator and that is the realisation that you have been supressing your spiritual abilities and skills which has been a habit for many life times. With this realisation comes a deeper and purer realisation which is that you are ready to accept all that you are. Allow yourself to contemplate my words for a moment, contemplate or feel within your being whether you believe that you are ready to accept all that you are.
Then remember my words at the beginning of my communication describing you standing before a meadow which is growing and evolving due to your past actions and attention. You have already created a platform where you believe that you have something to nurture and nourish within your being and to share with others; this platform is a belief, which can also be interpreted as a realisation if it is accompanied by a deep knowingness. Realisations however small or large allow for you to release aspects of yourself that you suppress in order for freedom and the experience of inner freedom to take place. Upon this Earth you are discovering your freedom; you are a limitless being of light and so your freedom is beyond limitations and boundaries, yet you can sometimes be fearful of exploring a small amount of your freedom.
Are you aware of how you suppress yourself especially spiritually? Are you aware of how your suppression of your abilities, knowledge and inner power creates an entire reality of suppression, control and lack in your reality and the reality of many? When you allow yourself to exist on the Earth as a being of light with freedom in your realisations and expression of all that you are then you will notice that everything within your reality and the world begins to shift in order to align with you, the vibration that you are emanating.
Another realisation is that the Earth is constantly aligning to you and all other aspects of the Creator on the Earth. You create from within your being, the Earth aligns to this creation in order to manifest in accordance to the amount of freedom that you offer and allow yourself spiritually. Now is the time to offer to yourself freedom, to realise that it is only you who is supressing your spiritual abilities and therefore creating suppression and limitations in your reality.
When I state that there is now a need to take loving care of yourself, I mean that it is time to be, to observe and to nurture what has already been discovered, practiced and awoken within your being. This requires more sensitivity, discernment, precision and discipline than in the past. Imagine now that you are no longer looking at your meadow but you are the soil from which the seeds grow. Imagine if you were conscious of the growth and journey of each seed into a plant, you would be aware of each creation and the process of each creation simultaneously. The purpose of each creation would also become extremely important as you begin to realise that small creations hold the essential purpose of uniting or intertwining into a larger picture, purpose and creation.
 To take care of yourself is to be aware of your creations, intentions, the wisdom and energies evolving from within your being. To take care of yourself is to realise that it is now time to release the suppression in order to experience spiritual and therefore physical freedom.
It is my wish to share with you an invocation as a tool of releasing the suppression upon your spiritually. This suppression was not instigated by your guides for your protection but has been chosen solely by you, which can be a difficult burden to carry but also signifies that it can be easily
transformed because you are co-creating with the Creator and has the power to bring freedom to your entire being.
‘Beloved Master Kuthumi, My Beloved Guides, My Beloved Soul and Beloved Creator, I ask that you observe and oversee my current process of awakening, supporting and encouraging my healing at all times.
I now ask for the healing energies of the Creator to surround me in order to heal and bring peace to all aspects of my being and consciousness that are choosing to experience suppression of my spiritual being, soul and truth. As I also open my being to express deep healing from the depths of
my being to my existence on the Earth now, I allow for the tool of conscious choice to be present within my being allowing me to realise that I have the ability and the choice as to what I wish to experience on the Earth. I now choose, with divine and sacred guidance present, to heal and
release the suppression that I have chosen and created within my physical reality which separates and limits me from connecting with and experiencing all that I am.
 I now choose to create freedom in my reality so that I may expand my energies and experience the truth of the Creator. I now choose to create freedom in my experience and connection with all that I am. No longer do I need to suppress myself spiritually, energetically and also in terms of my inner power and wisdom.
It is freedom that I now choose to create and allow within my being knowing that this will translate as a beautiful loving experience of freedom for myself and all on the Earth. I now cut the cords to my conscious and unconscious suppression of my spiritual truth, power, wisdom and energy, I am the limitless aspect of the Creator, I am all that I am in this moment which is a moment of truth.
With truth and love, thank you.’
 A wonderful awakening is occurring within each being at this time, do not fight the awakening nor resist it but allow yourself freedom to explore.
With love,
Master Kuthumi

Friday, January 25, 2013

SaLuSa, January 25, 2013, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  25-January-2013.

We salute those of you who have continued to wear the mantle of Love and Light, and are making a path into the New Age. The goals you are aiming for are nearer than ever, and your persistence in helping them manifest will soon bring results. With the dark Ones in retreat and unable to muster sufficient support to continue as before, our allies are making much quicker progress. Many actions are coming to a head, and we hope to arrange for some really positive signs to convince you. We refrain from giving precise details as so many factors are involved, but we try to give you some indication of what is happening. Currently all matters are proceeding satisfactorily and now less likely to be changed due to any outside interference. The foundation for the changes was laid down a long time ago, and about to yield results.

Disclosure is forging ahead from many sources, and knowledge and understanding of our presence is spreading far and wide. More people with first hand experience are coming forward, which gives confidence to others to come out with what they know. It is all building up to the time when an official announcement can be made, that will allow us to show ourselves. Be assured we will do it in a gentle way that will not overwhelm those who have still not accepted us. Our principal aim is to enlighten people as to our role in your evolution, and how we have followed your progress over thousands of years. We know how important it is to calm those who fear our presence, and we re-iterate what we have often pointed out, that at no time have our actions been threatening to you. We are not to be confused with the Greys who work with your black operations, or your military's own secret craft.

Over a period of many years attempts have been made to blacken our name, but we have prevented such events from happening. We foiled a recent "false flag" attack from outer space that was to depict us as invaders of your Earth. We will not allow Space to be violated by you, and many attempts to explode nuclear devices in it have been stopped. Although we have not been allowed to stop all wars, we have put a stop to nuclear devices being used to start a Third World War. We have stopped the total destruction of Earth on a number of occasions since the end of your last World War, and have succeeded in ensuring you are all here today to witness the end of the last cabal. We have also ensured that although there has been attempts to prevent you reaching Ascension, you have arrived in the New Age. We shall continue to protect you, but our desire is to work with you as soon as possible and get the changes fully under way.

It is pleasing to see how quickly you have set aside your disappointment at the nature of Ascension as experienced on the 21st. December. After such a long period working towards it, it is natural that you expected it to lift you up considerably more than it did. Yet, you have been lifted into a higher vibrational level as some of you are now realizing. The most noticeable change has been in a greater degree of control and calmness, and an ability to express a level of Unconditional Love that you may not have felt previously. The overall affect is of feeling at One with All That Is and the realization that you are all connected. Have you not been often told that what you do to one, you do to all as you are inextricably joined to each other through the energy of God. Let us say that you are all joined in immutable Love, and now that you have opened up yourselves to the higher forces you are recognizing the God within.

We do not want to make light of your disappointment from what you have experienced, but ask yourselves what is of the most importance right now. We hope you will say helping to manifest the New Age and bringing the Golden Age into being. It all exists in the higher realms and the more you become of the Light, the quicker you will bring it down through the Law of Attraction. It is much like your City of Light that awaits the final refinements before it appears, and that it is not far away as you reckon time. What is now in the past cannot be changed, but bear in mind all happens in a particular way because you will it to be so.

Of course the Lightworkers put in an immense amount of effort to bring out the highest expression of Ascension. Instead of receiving criticism they should be thanked for their tireless efforts over many years to bring the Light and Love to Earth. They are wholly committed to their life contracts, and that does not come without much sacrifice on their part. They do not seek recognition for there dedication, but sometimes it is nice to be acknowledged for the work they put in. By now all of you have some idea as to what your place is in the New Age, and what is expected of you. At the very least project your Love and Light at every opportunity and you will be doing as much as can be expected of anyone. You do not all have to be in a major role, as you are part of the team and believe us that every contribution counts as far as the outcome is concerned.

This year is going to be exciting so walk your talk, and spread your confidence in the future everywhere you go. Many people are still weighed down by the actions of the dark Ones, and desperately need uplifting. The quickest way out of it is to turn your back on it, and engage yourself and your energies in all that connects to the vision you hold of the future. You are so privileged to be on Earth at this time, and you knew all along what the outcome would be. You knew it was to be your civilizations coming of age, and that your ultimate gift would be your elevation as a Galactic Being. However, do not expect it all at once as it depends on your progress which you make at your own pace. There is no deadline and there is no pressure on anyone to go faster than what they feel comfortable with, so do not feel that you are lagging behind.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light, that we are as close to you as we can get for the time being. Our allies are growing in confidence and we really do expect some notable progress very shortly. Our Love goes out to you as always, and to everyone without exception.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.