Sunday, July 31, 2022

Blossom Goodchild / The Federation of Light, July 31, 2022

 For a change, let ‘us’ begin with the introductions, shall we?

Welcome to you, Blossom and Each One. Many new Souls are finding our presence ‘online’, as you would say … and many ‘old souls’, in all aspects of that, continue to be uplifted by that which we ‘choose’ to speak of. 

This gives us great Joy as it is our desire to uplift. For in doing so, we, via you, uplift your Planet, which for so very long now has been ‘under lock and key’.

A change is as good as a rest as they say! Hello to you. Would you care to elaborate on ‘under lock and key? Although, I think I know what you mean.

Certainly. In order to identify ‘Codes’ of a certain calibre, there had to be a release, an unlocking, in order for a Higher Vibration to flow through. 

Oh, that’s not what I thought you meant. Continue forth.

These Codes … not all, yet, enough for you to notice … have now been released into your Vibrational field … in general. 

This does not mean that they are activated and accessed by all, for some are not ready within their awakening for this to occur.

Each one, as you know, Blossom, on their own track and dividing portions of knowledge to be awakened in one’s own Divine moment, according to one’s abilities to recognize self … during this most poignant and yes, we repeat … uplifting time.

Well, I have to say … Codes or no Codes, I am definitely feeling a change within myself for the better. Just a Lighter me! A more accepting me. And it sure feels good. So, the Codes, do tell!

Blossom, we would say that everything is Coded. 


Yes. For each Code is of itself a story.

That’s a lot of stories! I feel to talk of Coding, I may get a little lost yet, willing to give it a go. For instance … what Codes have just been released/unlocked? What is ‘their’ story’?

They are of an Essence of Lighter Vibrations. They were unable to be ‘released’ until such time that humanity had reached a certain Frequency of Light within/of themselves, through one’s own awakening, one’s own personal journey.

That time is NOW and there is much rejoicing in other realms. For these particular Codes are of a ‘patent’ that allows much within the physical, mental, emotional, and best of all ‘spiritual’ change, to shift into the next phase of Enlightenment.

When one feels, acknowledges, accepts, and recognizes this, it brings about a metamorphosis within. One cannot deny the FEELING of FEELING Brighter, more ‘In Tune’. 

As one connects with this resonance and gives much Gratitude for it, it releases and activates Codes to match within you … the Codes that are now able to ‘match’ that which are Being sent through.

Knowing very little of Codes … are they all mathematical?

We would say, yes, in order for you to understand. Yet, we would say too, with respect, that they are beyond that. 

Who devised these Codes?

The Divinity of Life. 

In a way to describe, for it can be complicated, the ‘Original Codes’ were put in place and due to their nature, were then able to continue to create for themselves … all Codes. 

The intelligence of the Original Codes, in/as/of themselves, set to work to write required ‘sets’ which in turn, once at work, created more and more, and more and more, and more and more, and so on.

Ok. Yet, to try and contain this, in order to understand … how do we have these Codes within us and how do they ‘physically’ find the match that is flowing through?

Firstly, they don’t ‘find’. They are by nature, ‘there’ from the beginning. They await to be activated.

And that is done … how?

By the Soul. Not the physical Being, yet, the Inner Soul.

Sounds like something in my shoe!

By the Inner Soul reaching a particular Frequency of Light.

By being a jolly sort of person?

Indeed, Blossom. Exactly that! As one’s Light … Lightens, it changes its Frequency to a Higher Vibrational pull. The pull … being the ‘attraction’ that Lights Up the Code that is ready and waiting for one to experience a Higher Feeling of themselves.

Let us inform you also, that Codes can never stay still. It is not possible. Everything would ‘stop’ if they did. They are, would we say, the ‘clockwork mechanism’ of all things. 

Yet, unlike your computers and such, they cannot stop, or run out of battery. For they are, as life itself, a continuum. 

It’s interesting, for people talk of particular things being Coded, yet, you are saying everything is!

Yes. It cannot be otherwise. Without a Code … a ‘thing’ is not a ‘thing’. 

To make a point … My rug is a thing. Is it coded?


Does my rug’s Coding continually change?


I shall never look at my rug in the same way again. Why does/how does my rug’s Coding change?

Codes, even when ‘not activated’ still have to have movement.

There is Coding within Energy and Everything is Energy, Vibrating on its own individual Frequency, as you know. 

But why does my rug need to have moving Codes?

Because it is Energy. It doesn’t ‘need’ to change Codes, Blossom. It is that coding, as we said, cannot remain still.

Ok. I am understanding all this a little more. Bear with my questioning. I would imagine a rug doesn’t need a matching Code, as it hardly needs to uplift its soul and become more Enlightened.

Correct. Its Coding … just is … for its purpose of being made into a rug!

We know your desire is to talk about The Mantra and the Coding within that.

Yes, Thank you. For you have said that it is Coded, yet, I had not really pieced together the fact that everything is. What exactly is it about the Codes in the Mantra that are particularly special?

Let us first ‘air it’.





The Coding of the two words … I AM … are the HIGHEST FREQUENCIES one can use to BECOME THE I AM.

Become? Are we not of /from it … and therefore, already it?

A good question.

It is the acknowledgment of the I AM within the self, which again activates the Codes and connects from within to the I AM … that is the I AM.

Focus Blossom! So, if the I AM Codes are already part of us … why do we need to say The Mantra?


Ah Ha! That seems to be a poignant point!

It is. Everything that you are, say, think, respond to … dictates how ‘your’ Codes ‘re-act’, and what Frequency they connect ‘up’ to, depending on the FEELING of what one says, thinks, responds to etc.

The I AM Mantra … cannot just be a particular Code … in/as/of/itself … 

  1. a) Because it is forever changing and
  2. b) Because EACH SOUL IS OF THE I AM … and Each Soul resonates within its own individualism. Therefore, the level of Frequency when saying The Mantra depends on the Frequency of the individual and how that reacts to its Vibrational match.

I am following you, although, I’m not sure how. I just don’t know where to take it from here. Do you?

Yes, Blossom, we do. Let us try and simplify.

Oh, please do!

As one understands more of who they Truly are … their Frequency lifts. It cannot remain on the same ‘level’ as more understanding changes the Codes to a Higher state of themselves.

As the Higher Codes become activated, one’s Beingness … must lift also. It cannot not.

And within those Higher Codes, the FEELING within the Soul-Self changes/activates, and therefore, the Coding within the Mantra itself … moves into a Higher form, which in turn activates and changes into a Higher form … and repeat and repeat.

Keeping in mind when we say Higher form … this allows the Soul-Self … to ‘BE OF’ and ‘reside within’ that Higher form … 

It boils down to … THE KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE.

When you KNOW WHO YOU ARE … TRULY KNOW … the Coding within you and the matching Frequency that you produce when saying and Being of the Mantra … takes you to a place that moves the Soul’s Love/Loving of itself and ALL THAT IS … into a recognition of Home. 

Not sure how much my brain can take, yet, I am unclear what YOU mean by ‘activating’? To me, one would ‘activate’ something by turning it on at an electrical circuit … sort of thing.

YES, BLOSSOM. You picked up on the exact word we desired you to use … CIRCUIT.

When the Coding within YOU reaches/matches the Coding of HIGHER LIGHT-LOVE … it Lights up the circuit.

I have the image of a fairground and the game of hitting a dome, with a hammer, and depending on one’s strength, it can go to the top which triggers a bell and everything Lights up.

Indeed. A wise analysis, Blossom. 

One more question before we finish. What if on some days, one’s vibe isn’t feeling its best … and did not have the strength for the dome to reach the top and trigger the bell? Because one already had done so before … does that bell remain activated? Or, do we have to re-activate it when our Frequency drops now and then?

The Codes once activated remain within that Frequency. Remembering there are Frequencies within Frequencies within Frequencies.

I see! Well, chaps … marvellous conversation. I am hoping that when I read it back it all makes sense! So much Love to you for bringing these messages through. They certainly assist me and so many. In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.

I rarely do a PS yet, some are confused as to whether they need to use the word ‘THE’ in the Mantra … i.e. I AM the Light etc …

One does not NEED to do anything if it does not feel in balance for them. We give the word ‘THE’ because it is in balance for us to do so. 

Nice quick answer. Thank you. Cheer Ho, Chaps. Cheer Ho, for now.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Blossom Goodchild / The Federation of Light, July 24, 2022

 Hello! So lovely of you to make a guest appearance in my video last week. Enabling so many to receive your High Energy Love. Thank you.

With so much Love, we join you once again, Blossom, yet, in this telepathic system we have come to know well. It is not always conducive with the Energies to ‘directly speak’ through you. Yet, such a Divine moment for ‘us’, when we do.

Actually, you saying ‘us’, leads nicely into something I would be grateful for you to clarify. There is ‘material’ going around saying that THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT is not from the Light, because the word ‘Light’ is a way to draw us innocent Beings (?) into believing that you are when you are not and that you are a Phys Op. It is saying it is THE FEDERATION OF WORLDS that are speaking the Truth. Could you also, once and for all, please clarify why you choose to be called THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT …  not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT?  And … … Go!

Thank you for your concern, Dearest Blossom. From our perspective, we would say this. What we are called by anyone … anyone at all … makes no difference to us. That is why we do not make a fuss when addressed by many’s confusion, to be THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT. It matters not … to us. However, what is of most importance to us, is that you find TRUTH and LOVE and UNDERSTANDING in the messages that we bring through. 

If your Heart and your direct feelings connect with us … if you FEEL OUR TRUTH … then stick with us. For it is YOUR TRUTH. Should you feel uncomfortable in any sense when connecting … then leave instantly … for we are not for you. 

As we have said many times, Blossom, we do not connect with you to prove anything to anyone. We come through to assist in the AWAKENING OF SOULS, so that the mission on Earth, to lift her into her rightful place, may be fulfilled. 


That too, ‘to us’, is a triviality. Yet, yes. We prefer to be known as THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT.


No, we are not. We are THE OVERSEERS OF THE OVERSEERS and therefore, we would say … if we were to be assessed by positioning, that we ‘Oversee’  THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT.  

Keep going.

Galactic meaning of Galaxies. Are we not all of/from Galactic heritage?

I don’t know. Are we?

We are certainly not of /from Earth, not one. All Beings originate from the I AM Energy. As for one’s positioning throughout time and spacing … souls may then ‘comedown’ from Star Planets, depending on their desire to do so. Not one soul is forced to be where they do not wish to be.

When you say ‘come down’ do you mean to Earth?


Yet, how did they get from the I AM Energy to the Star Planet in order to come down to Earth?

Through life’s creation, Blossom. Through expansion of Love itself, desiring to know more of itself, and it shall continue to do this forever and ever.

We would like to simply say again on this matter, that it would not matter ‘to us’ what we are called. One can either FEEL OUR TRUTH or not. It is wise, is it not, to listen to one’s own soul, rather than be ‘deterred’ or ‘swayed’ by that which another has to say?

How would one know, for instance, whether or not that ‘other’ is deliberately sending out confusing messages, in order for ‘Our Light’ not to be felt?

This is why we stress over and over again, to rely solely/souley on the self’s lie detector.

Sometimes, that is easier said than done.

Then think of a particular issue that you are unsure of, as being put on the ‘unsure’ pile. In time, you yourself will come to know the Truth of it as it is Revealed IN TRUTH for what it is … or isn’t.

Little point in wasting one’s Energy on trying to decide. The fact of the matter … with anything that is offered, is whether or not it resonates WITH YOU. Not anyone else … YOU. YOUR TRUTH.

Indeed. Over the years I have been sent so much that was designed to set me off track with you … and many times it worked. Yet, that no longer happens. I KNOW you to be MY Truth … I FEEL the LOVE of /from you. As I have said before, should it be that when I pop my clogs, it turns out I got it all wrong, well so be it. You still made myself and so many, find out who they are and helped them to KNOW themselves … so, what harm can it do!

We Trust … None!

Ok … moving on. As many know, I had the opportunity to try out the EES system*. I also have been gifted a medallion charged with the Zero point Energy. I think it is easier if I just copy here a question that was asked, as I could not pose it as eloquently as this gentleman has:

In one of your channellings, the FOL mentioned that prior to the ‘Event’ our crystals would become more noticeably activated energetically, as the crystals consciously wish to contribute to raising the vibration of the Earth. I was thinking that perhaps this may be an interactive process between light workers and the crystals. Do light workers, consciously and collectively start charging our crystals with this higher, bio scalar vibration, and thus strengthen and co-create a higher vibrational, unified energy field? Did the FOL know that we lightworkers and frequency holders be the ones to supply the charge to the crystals, but Dr. Michael had not had her creation presented to lightworkers yet? As you say the video went through the lightworker community like a tsunami and EEsystems has had many orders for medallions and healing systems. As the Earth is also a toroidal, zero point energy creating being, as we are, The bio scalar energy field once embedded in the crystals should be a match to that of the Earth’s.  

Over to you chaps … I looked up toroidal …  I then looked it up in Swahili, yet, still none the wiser!

We thank the gentleman for such an astute inquiry. It indeed, was known, even before the creation, that the creation of this EESystem would be created! There are many such healing systems that are to ‘Come to Light’ over time, which will assist THE WHOLE greatly.

At this KNOWING in time, the EESystem is a wonderful ‘tool’ to bring balance to each and everything that comes into its presence. 

Indeed, one’s personal crystals can be amplified greatly in POWER and Service by being charged by the system or a medallion. The crystal itself then becomes charged through/as/of the same Energy … and used accordingly.

However, we are not saying that each soul must immediately purchase one in order to charge their crystals.

This of course can be done through the self’s POWER OF KNOWING, that what one puts in, one gets out. If you understand.

Become friends with your crystals. They are not just a pretty face!

Get to know them.

Talk to them.

Listen to them.

You will find they will let you know where they need to be placed and what their purpose is. 

Treat them well. 

Treat them wisely. 

Above all … respect them. The large and the small. 

They play a large role in this Game that is Being played on your Planet. From one the size of a pea, to one the size of a Starship.

And how big is that?

As big as it needs to be at any given time. Like everything … they are composed of Energy. Energy can be compact or extensively Vibrating out to a larger field within/of itself … Yet, it does not ‘take away’ that which it is, no matter the size. Are you following us, Blossom?

Pretty much.

There are presentations of artwork wherein ‘Future Earth’ or other Planets are portrayed. You will notice how they all have large crystal buildings etc upon them. They are of such importance. In a sense, they are as important as the trees of your Planet giving out oxygen. These ‘Knowledge containers’ maintain balance to all around them. 

So, is it a case of larger crystals being more effective? The same in a way as the EESystem being stronger depending on the number of screens one has.

Blossom, Zero Point Energy is Zero Point Energy. However, the POWER emitted from a 24-screen System is ‘fuller’ would we say than a 4-screen System. The same we would say, for crystals. 

HOWEVER … it is your BELIEF system that is the overall decider as to what effect anything has!

No one heals another. They plant the seed, the Energy, into the soul that is sick, to let them know that they are the soul’s only healer. The healing takes place only … if/when … a soul knows this as Truth. 

So, Dearest Souls … have a crystal cleansing kind of day! Make an effort to befriend them. Although when left on the shelf to be admired they still give out their Powerful Energy … like you … when put to work doing something of service … they shine!

Put them in your plant pots.

Put them around your food.

Put them in your pockets.

Put them on your pillows.

Give them the chance to do what they came to do. To serve you and The Whole.

Fall in Love with them and notice the difference in yourself as you interact with them.

Naturally, when meditating it is of great assistance to hold one in the palm of your hands, or place one on your Heart. 

Give them a name, if you so desire. Let them become a part of your world as you will be in theirs.  

Develop a relationship with them. You will be amazed at the friendship that is born from putting in the effort.

There will come a time when these ‘home-based’ crystals … receive their signal to ‘CHARGE’ and connect up with all crystals. Throughout your Globe … above the land and underneath it … those that are lying dormant under the sea … of great magnitude … 


Like you, dearest souls, they wait patiently for their BIG MOMENT … when they can do what they came here to do. In the meantime, they continue to BE THEIR LIGHT … and with respect we would say, the only difference being  … that they KNOW as individuals … what a HUGE impact they are making! We urge each one of you to KNOW the same.

We now feel it time to retract. Yet, not before mentioning the intense Energies that are filtering into your Planet and causing quite a commotion. 




Continuing to reiterate from the deepest well in your Heart the Divinely given Mantra.





And I AM … extremely grateful to you … as are many. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Be the Light and Love that you are ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

 Just be the Light and Love that you are. Let the true essence of your soul shine through, invite the Light and Love that you are into every instance of your life. Be who you are: Light and Love. The more you invite the Light and Love into every instance of your life, the more Light and Love will shine and spread like rings on the water. Everything is in Divine and perfect order and when you feel the healing effect of Light and Love you know in your heart and soul that so it is. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and when the hustle and bustle of everyday life makes itself reminded we might have to remind ourselves of who we are. Go into your heart, rise above the hustle and bustle and know that you are Light and Love.

With so much Love and Light


Star Humans / Peggy Black and the ’team’, July 12, 2022

 Star Humans | Peggy Black and the ‘team’

(Golden Age of Gaia)

July 11, 2022, via email

We are here. We respect this time you give to anchor our message. As a multidimensional being, you have striven to accomplish much and touch the lives of many. Your focus and dedication to your journey here on planet earth to awaken and serve is to be acknowledged.

There are considerable numbers of others like yourself, humans who recognize and realize their purpose in this evolution of consciousness which is taking place. These groups of beings are quietly and steadily assisting others to awaken to their own highest potential and purpose. There is a swelling, a wave of quickening energy, a calling forth that is taking place in the hearts and minds of other dedicated star humans.

Your numbers are far greater than you can imagine. These are beings of light that understand the laws of the universe and apply them to this physical plane. They are wholly dedicated in service to the well-being of humanity.

These are challenging times. The polarity and pull of the opposite is also manifested fully in your world events. There are those whose role in this hologame is to control, manipulate, invoke fear and render destruction. There are those in the middle who are being manipulated with fear, prejudice, and hatred. This is a global enactment. It is being observed by the entire galaxy.

There has been a heart call from all star humans aware of their connection to the galaxy. You have reached out and requested assistance and support on this stage of physical reality. Your conscious call and request have been heard and much is being offered from the convergence of the highest and most holy vibrations in the universe.

The important message to remember is that each single physical human has the opportunity to transform the drama being played out on your earth stage. The key is the willingness to accept that you are a multidimensional star human. It is the willingness and the heartfelt request to awaken from the unconscious slumber and numbness that is locked in place to own your personal power.

This is the invitation we offer; with every breath you take realize that you are Light, you are needed and it is time for you to be fully awake. Your every vibration, your every thought is projected into the matrix of the energy field of planet earth.

You must continue to ask yourself, does this word, thought, action, feeling add to the dysfunction of the world or does it add to the light of the world? Each star human arrives with the skills and abilities to offer awesome solutions, wondrous gifts to the global unfolding. Remember it is vibration. Be diligent and strong in your resolve to radiate and vibrate the highest and the best that is within you.

Watch how your weakness is triggered and activated. Be aware of how easily manipulated you are by your insecurities and fears. Your job is to heal and transform the aspect of fear that you personally carry. Your job is to recognize and honor the highest aspect of your divine self.

There is a matrix of consciousness which is either weakened or strengthened by your own personal vibration and energy field. Each star human is responsible to reach out to others in whatever way feels natural, appropriate and correct, offering their Light of awareness and the opportunity and portal for expansion and awakening within the other. This might be done by example alone. This might be done with words written or spoken. This might be done with work on the inner planes. You will know your role.

We invite you to remember your superpower of imagination. Begin to create a sacred space or an Alchemist Chambers which will allow you to do masterful energy work in the quantum field. Imagine that you can gather with other star humans and plan awesome ways to solve issues that are causing such distress on your planet. There is no limitation to this work. You, as a multidimensional divine being or star human, are powerful beyond measure.

We invite you and others as a group to imagine sending love, light and forgiveness to all those whom you might judge as doing great harm by their actions. Realize that they are used to manipulating energy and power, however they have never felt so much positive love surrounding them. You will be amazed at the results of this exercise.

Remember you are an important part of this unfolding. Each star human carries a code that is needed by many to trigger their own realization. This is not work beloved; this is a gift that you offer to the other. Each encounter holds the auspicious moment in which codes and activation take place between both beings. Each encounter is a moment of energy magic. You never know who you will trigger to their own awakening or who might trigger you to another level of your magnificence.

When you and others are vibrating at your highest and most inspirited frequency this is when the opening is available to lift any lower energy vibrations within other humans. There is assistance being offered to earth from the star family, the planets, the great central sun, the holiest of holy, the divine mind of the creator. This is an awesome time on your planet and you enrolled to be a part of this opportunity. You came here to do this high conscious work with others to support the evolution of consciousness of humanity.

We invite you and other awakened star humans to hold the anchor and focus for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you as we speak. So we say once again, be in your joy, for it is your vibration of joy which allow the most absorbance of the energetic gifts. Joy, gratitude and appreciation are the doorways, the portals, the paths to your total divine evolution and expansion.

Anything else that is unlike joy, gratitude and appreciation must be discarded, for it does not serve the highest and the best in your life and the global hologame.

We acknowledge the time for our message; go this day embraced by our gratitude and our love. Say to yourself often “All is well.” Be at peace, Beloved.

~ the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available.