Friday, November 29, 2013

The Group, channeled by Steve Rother

The Choice - Choice in a Multidimensional World

Greetings, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.
Heaven Is Not Up Above the Clouds, It’s Everywhere

Today I get to tell you about something new, but before I do I want to take you Home for just a moment. I sit here, the place that you call Home. You know, humans think that heaven is up above the clouds and it is a funny thing for us because heaven is really everywhere…it is all the places that you are not…all of them, together. When you come to your Earth you are a little tiny baby, and you have to be carried, nurtured and held.
Most of the time when you look up, you are looking into the loving eyes and beauty of your mother, father or the people taking care of you, so you automatically think that all beauty and nurturing comes from above. That is why you think heaven is up. Is that not interesting? So, I will bring you up here and you can sit on a cloud with me for a moment. I want to show you something, okay?
Laughing Is the Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do.
Wipe your eyes and get ready to gaze into the universe, because that is what we do here all the time. We are going to look at Earth for a moment and see the whole picture, all hearts blending together. Just open your eyes slowly and what you are going to see is a big lake with no waves at all. The water is absolutely motionless and there is no movement in the air, just a beautiful reflection in a perfectly still body of water.
That is Earth, and in many ways that is what your emotions look like to us until something happens. When you go into fear, you create negative waves here in the energy. Take a little pebble and fill it full of your heart energy, then just throw it at the pond quickly. Go ahead, throw it down there. Can you see the little ripples going out from the center? Little circles…and more circles. Now if you take a whole bunch of pebbles and throw them all in at once, you have many circles starting to move and creating all kinds of energy. They overlap each other and the movement creates all kinds of beautiful things, which is what we see when you celebrate.
All of a sudden we are looking at this beautiful blank space and we see a little ripple and say, “Just watch. There is a little ripple starting over here. This is going to be a good one.” And we see you celebrating on Earth. Now why is that such a big deal for us? Because those are the times when you forget you are a human, and you start bringing your spirit in all the time. Do you know what happens when you laugh? You push your own image of who you think you are out of the way long enough to see yourself playing the game. Is that not beautiful? That is really where the laughter is. When humans celebrate, we awaken here on this side of the veil. Do you know what happens when you think about Elrah when I am not talking to you? I am on your shoulder all of a sudden. It does not make any difference if 8 million of you all do it at the same time because I am capable of that, but so are all of them.
When you are Home and you think of someone, they are pulled right into your field just like that. It is magic—well, what you think is magic. We do the same thing here, so when you celebrate you anchor each other’s vibrations. All those little circles of light beaming out and crossing over each other, some of them cancelling each other while some of them are building on another.  It is an expression of a beautiful celebration of light, and one of the greatest things that you can do on this Earth. So many of you have been thinking that you have to do something spiritual and you have to work hard. We tell you that you cannot do anything more spiritual than laugh because that is when you forget the human part of yourself and your entire spirit just comes right out and shines brightly. Re-member, dear ones, the grounding of the light from Home is one of the reasons you are here.
Grounding of the Light from Home
How can you ground the light from home? You can do it many different ways, but when you laugh you are grounding the light. You are the ones that bring it into Earth, as you take this light from Home and create the most beautiful reflection of it through your own bubble of biology. It is changing a bit for you now, because you are on the planet for empowered humans, you see.
Planet Earth is experiencing a lot of changes and there are many different ways for you to make space for creative beings to take their power where they are now without having to go Home to re-anchor the energy and start over again. You are actually going to be able to do it right here and right now, which is beautiful. I am going to take a breath and let Em come in, because he has a little piece of this that I want him to share.
Making Choices in a Multidimensional World
Greetings, dear ones, I am eM. That is the laughter that must come in with me. Yes, this is how we balance energy at Home. Little giggles once in a while will set your energy all day, so this works well. You will re-member this every time you laugh a little bit…you will feel that little strain and the energy going through your being, cleansing you, bringing you Home. Welcome everyone, I am eM and I tell you that this day is very magical. I will ask you all an individual, personal question.
All of you have made choices in your lives, but have you ever made a choice that you greatly wondered about? What would it have been like if you made the opposite choice instead? Well, this is especially interesting because of what you are about to discover in the area of your sciences. Until now your sciences have been  focused only on the brain, and your spirits only on the heart. Now the two are blending together because the veil is thinning. You are witnessing them validate each other in different ways, and this is part of what I wish to speak with you about today.

Within Quantum Physics there is a quandary about an experiment called the “Double Slit” experiment. I will mention it briefly to explain one of the quandaries you have had about your own quantum sciences and it teaches a larger approach to life. You shoot energy—just call it a “photon”—and there are two different slits this photon can go through. Well, when you look closely you realize it goes through both slits. The rationale was “Well, obviously there are too many photons so we will only send one photon at a time and then see which slit it goes through.
Well, it went through both of them but how did that happen? “No problem,” you said. “We will now set up a mechanism over here to measure which one of the slits it goes through.” So, you turned on your machines and it only went through one slit. Why?  Because you were watching. It was the observation that tuned the results to only one dimension.  That does not mean that all the photons went through one slit when you tried to measure them. It means that with your intent, you could only see them go through one slit.

You exist in multiple places at the same time and there are many of you who regret not making certain choices in your life. We tell you that you did indeed make those choices. Although you did not necessarily make them in this particular angle of your multidimensional life, you have made all of those choices and your spirit has experienced more of these capabilities than you have ever imagined. Never regret your choices on Earth, dear ones, for at any moment if you are unhappy with your choice you can choose again.
That is the beauty of an empowered society and it is one thing you are doing now. For so long you have been feeling everyone else’s energy and often making your choices based on not only the needs of your own hearts, but also on the needs of the people around you. That has been the way of all humans for you have known you are not alone on Earth and your harmony and the way you get along together has been very important to all of you.
Echoes from the Other 11 Dimensions of You
What if you could have a higher vision and start to release some of the limiting belief systems, suddenly giving everyone permission to get exactly what they wanted in their lives? You are already there, dear ones, for that was what the portal was all about. Yes, it is difficult for you to anchor that energy at this time. It is still hard for many of you to see your own reflection in the new energy. It is still as beautiful as it was before but many of the familiar markers are gone, much of your grounding in the old energy is gone.
So, it is very challenging and many of you have been in survival mode even though you have come into the new world, the place of empowerment. Suddenly you feel like you cannot quite keep up, and you have been trying to re-adjust your lives to feel comfortable again. We tell you that you have the ability to go back and experience all of those choices that you believe you did not make. The walls between the dimensions are thinning as we speak.
You are one being, dear ones, expressing yourself in 12 dimensions with the 12th dimension being the higher self at the center. Simply imagine a vortex at the top with a tube torus made up of 11 circulating rays. These rays would be what you would experience as your individual lives, all believing they are unique. Yet they all connect at the creation center of the torus giving them all the same central focus on the larger whole being.  The spiritual journey on Earth is designed to evolve the spirit through human experiences, thus it is a constant aim toward living and expressing the perfection of your own higher self at the creation center of your personal torus.   

If we were to ask you who you were at any moment, you would describe one of those rays of light from the perspective you see when you open the eyes of one dimension.  Yet there are 11 more perspectives and even harmonics of those, so you could count many more dimensions if you wish to. Each of those dimensions has carried all of the choices you did not make, for you are experiencing all of those choices in their dimensional realities.
However, only one of those in the reality you consider for yourself today. The reason we are bringing this up, dear ones, is that it is one of the greatest things happening over the next several months and well into 2014. As humans evolve, the walls that separate these dimensions are thinning. You have called it a thinning of the veil. Many of you have received the magnetic energies from this and felt the emotional energies from the other yous, because the walls are thinning and there is bleed through right now. Even though this can be somewhat cumbersome and difficult to absorb, much of what you are feeling is negative energy which seems to cross over before the positive energy.
Although it is only a human perception that negative energy is bad, it is much easier for you to express negative energy than it is for you to express positive.  Please understand that often when you are feeling sad, it may be one of your other dimensions that you are picking up on. Although there may be a bit of negative energy in the beginning it is a breaking and opening of a new dimension, a new feeling and connection toward each of you. Very shortly after that, you will find the joy coming in.
Even though you may have walked around for several days without laughing or you have not been able to ground yourself, suddenly you will find yourself laughing for no reason to balance the energy. Now you have opened that other possibility and you are starting to release these other pieces.
I Am Me
Dear ones, you all know that you are from Home or what you think of as heaven. You can call it anything you want depending on your belief systems, but you are not of the Earth. Your physical bubble of biology has housed your spirit, and now it is evolving to carry more of your own light. How do you increase that? How do you help it to carry that, or help it to evolve? It is very simple, dear ones, you do so by using the light. Use your gifts and you will be given more.
That is true of all of Earth and all of nature. Now each of you have come to the decision: What choices do I make? Yes, you still need to make choices for you are on the planet of free choice. That is at the base of your power and rightfully so. We wanted to share that with you, for many of you have spent much time in regret about choices, wondering what would have happened if you had gone down this path instead of that one. Dear ones, we tell you, you  did not miss a single thing.
You may not have been consciously aware of every part of it, but in your heart and especially when you go Home you will bring all of those experiences together and then you will understand it all. You will understand why sometimes there is sadness over here and laughter over there, and sometimes it is possible to hide imperfection over here and perfection over there. You are on the planet of free choice. Everything on your planet must be imperfect and if you are truly from Home, you are a perfect being.
That is why you live in 12 dimensions. You had to divide up your imperfections to pretend to be on planet Earth. But they are never imperfections…they are the flavor of your light and all of you have an absolutely beautiful work to bring that into being right now. Do you see yourself in me? I am eM and if you turn that around, I am really just Me. See? I got you to laugh after all.

Dear ones, it is a beautiful journey ahead. Play. Celebrate. Know that your spirit has never made any serious errors. You are whole and complete, living in multiple dimensions at once and suddenly becoming aware of it. Your choices have led you here and that is the beauty of who you are, where you are from, and what you step in to do.
It is with the greatest of honor that we sit in front of you and watch as empowered humans now populate planet Earth. Treat each other with the respect. Nurture one another every chance you get. Know that it is a beautiful game and play well together. Open every door for everyone that you can, for you are of service to the most beautiful light—yours.
The group
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Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll

Synchronicity - The Way It Works

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way

Before we begin the message or anything that is going to be taught, I wish to ask a question: Is it possible that there is an intelligent source in your Universe, in your galaxy, that has helped put together what you see here today? Is it possible that there is a plan that is benevolent for the Human Being because the Human is part of that creative source? Is it possible that you are never alone? Is it possible that the family is a little different than you think? Maybe it's even larger than you think? Is it possible that the entire message I'm about to give you is accurate, true, and real and from a source that is outside of your body and outside of your reality?

It took my partner [Lee] a long time to understand that there is no trick here. It took him a long time because the mind-created "reality" box he came out of demanded it would have to be false and there would be negative consequences for what he is doing. "God doesn't talk to Humans this way,"many said. "It's a trick from the darkness of the planet and it wishes to invade and capture your soul," many said. However, he learned quickly that every single time he opened his pineal, it became the portal for the love of God.
That's all he received at first. It was pure - the purest thing he has ever experienced - and it was consistent, always the same. It never tainted itself, never biased itself, and never told a Human to do anything out of integrity. It was always congratulatory, benevolent, and represented the real spiritual family. It never changed in 23 years.

That's the way it should be, dear ones, and if you need some kind of proof that this is real, maybe, just maybe, you might open that part of your heart that you have the ability to open and make a statement, "I would like to feel something. I would like some validation within my cells that this is correct and true." That is when you might begin then to feel the chills that you can only receive when you know the truth is being revealed. The truth is simple: I know you; I know your many lives; I know what you're going through, old soul. You are known to me. I see you now.

We have done so much together, yet you have never seen my face or my real name. I'm with you all the time, within the entourage that you can count into the trillions. We are with you in the hardest times you've had, through the tears, through the sorrow and, yes, also when celebrating those moments you choose to toast in victory. Sometimes that victory is health and sometimes it is solutions over problems you've carried for a lifetime. We know who you are. You're never alone.
The System
There is a system that my partner has taught in these meetings for years. It's a system we have mentioned in countless messages, and we've never really dedicated an entire channel to it in the way we are doing today. This is a system that most of you don't even know how to use, yet some of you use it all the time. You just don't know when you're using it, since it's not intuitive to what you have learned.

This message is going to be about the way synchronicity works, and we'll sub-title it, "The Demise of the Bell-shaped Curve"! [Kryon laugh] When something happens to you that is good, your friends around you may say, "What a lucky person you are! What are the chances that this would happen to you?" When you go into a difficult situation, something that is common to humanity like surgery, and you come out with results that are positive beyond expectations, your friends may again exclaim, "What a lucky person you are!" Then somehow you continue to be "lucky" over and over.

Perhaps you go someplace and you accidentally meet just the right person who knows someone else who has just the right information that you were looking for. This leads you to end up with exactly what you wanted. What are the chances of this? Your friends are amazed! "What an incredibly lucky person you are!" That's all a Human can say, since there simply is no other explanation in their reality. The idea that you might actually be bending the bell-shaped curve of average and, by chance, using an available system will never occur to them.

Humans do not see the structure of synchronicity. It is not part of any kind of system that they use. They believe it is simply chance. The only structure that is used is goal setting, planning, and forward-looking systems. Only through these does the Human believe they can help control their lives. Indeed, this is the only way a Human can achieve things in a linear fashion so that they will arrive at a pre-set goal. In this linear system, no matter what kind of process you have studied that will get you from A to B, there must be a goal. Some of you take those goals and you will paste them to the refrigerator so you'll see it every day. This is a linear process for a linear Human Being and is well known.

What if I told you that there is a process that is not linear and has only conceptual goals? A conceptual goal is one that says, "Dear God, put me in the right place even though I don't know where it is. Dear God, when you do it, make it comfortable for me and help me to see the sense of it. Make it easy and bring me the right situations and synchronicities to put me in this place I don't know about." How about that?

If you told that statement to someone off the street, they would say, "You must be New Age!" They see you as silly and floating around without a goal, hoping the Universe will somehow show you the way. They laugh. But the Human who begins to use synchronicity as their life's path is simply changing the box of belief to include something that is available to all but is not in 3D. In fact, some of you have been using this process a very long time, but you're just not aware of it.
The Truth About the Power of Synchronicity
So today's channelling is about the power of synchronicity and the truth about it. Now you know what it is, so we will discuss where it comes from, who is involved in it, and what you can do to help make it happen for you. The Human Being creates synchronicity with intent and belief. That is how it starts.

Now this next item comes from my partner, who loves to talk about the Parking Angel. [Laughter] This is the example he uses, so we'll do the same thing. Many Lightworkers like to use that which they conceive as a special angel who has powers to overlook a giant parking lot to see who is pulling out and where it's taking place. The idea is that the Human will then ask the parking angel to help guide the car to find a good parking place. Now, this is not forward planning, is it?
It is a different concept, a concept that has you placing yourself or an angel that becomes your eyes, far above the parking lot to see the parameters of the entire lot and what is going on. If that were possible, then in 3D you could direct your automobile to arrive when someone is pulling out, and it works! It actually works. Over and over, it works. It works because this is the definition of synchronicity. There is no planning ahead, but rather a concept that you assign and believe in that requires an overview of a situation that you cannot work out in 3D. Most people just circle within the lot, expecting chance.

Now, I cannot close this parking angel discussion without giving you the rest of the story that my partner demands I give you. There is no such thing as the parking angel! It's you, assigning your power to a mythological creature that stands on your car with a P on its chest. [Laughter]

Humans are very good at this. They don't believe they can do it, but they believe angelic powers can do it. Therefore, they assign their power away to a higher entity. However, it's you doing it, dear one! It's you finding that parking place, but you just don't believe it.

Now, let us put that entire example in a larger capacity, which is the scale of life and living. Here you find yourself in a situation where you wish to move forward in an area you don't know about. All you want to do is park. Parking is a metaphor for putting the vehicle of a Human Being in a place that is appropriate for your life, wherever that would be. It gets you there so that you can then move on with what you came for. That is the metaphor.

Humans have an idea where that would be. It's normal for you to build goals and expectations. Humans say, "I want to write a book; I want to create a healing center; I have this, I want to have that." It is absolutely normal. So the next question I have to ask you is this: Are you OK if what you receive is not what you imagine? Is it OK if it's better? Is it OK if it matches the Akash you came for or the talents you have that perhaps you are not even aware of? That's the first step, to have the intent to create synchronicity in your life to bring you to a place that matches an invisible ability.

When you used the parking angel, did you specify the place for your car? No. You said, "Anywhere!"So the goal was conceptual, not specific. This is what it is all about.
How It Works in 3D
Here's how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about, you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted.

Sometimes you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do you see the difference?

The Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what? He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define.

I am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently. It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it, something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows who you are.
It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large gatherings. Now, let us talk about how it works. These are things that we have seldom discussed and never within a channelling like this. But first, we've got to talk about the majesty of the Human Being.

It wasn't that long ago that we gave you a channelling called the nine energies of the Human Being. It's what I want my partner to begin teaching soon. It's esoteric, it's complex, and it's time. There are conceptual parts of these nine attributes that go beyond what the Human Being is used to hearing and here is one of them.
The Human is Part of the Creative Source of the Universe
If it's true, dear one, that you are a part of the creative source, do you then logically understand that your soul is enormous and that only a piece of it is inside your 3D biology? If all of this energy was in your body, you'd vanish! You'd turn into light itself with more power than all the masters of humanity.
You'd have that which Elijah experienced as the only Human to ever ascend while another watched and recorded it. According to the account, Elijah vaporized because the power of God cannot live in the Human Being at full strength. Do you understand? And if you understand this, you will understand that you are only experiencing a small portion of the God in you, which is the creator in your body. So here is what begs another question: Where is the rest of your spiritual self? It's with me, dear one. It's on the other side of the veil as part of the creative source. It never left.

Now, here is what is difficult for your perception in your 3D box. You carry around a corporeal identity that is singular. We have said before that you're really not singular at all. Instead, you are part of a very large group that is God. When you get to Earth, a piece of you separates out and becomes corporeal. It has one body with one face, and this is how you see things. But the rest of you - which is still you - stays with God.

Now let me tell you the revealed truth: You are a multidimensional being and part of you is on the other side of the veil. Get used to it. Your soul is not separated out, but in 3D it seems like it. There is not a soul somewhere with your face on it on the other side of the veil, tapping its toe waiting for the rest of it to come home. You are always together.

There are Humans, however, who believe in this separation, because all they can do is project their linearity onto the majesty of God. We've talked about that as well. So get used to the fact that there is a quantum God and a linear Human Being, and you cannot put them together easily in your mind.
The truth is that you're part of the sacred soup of God and those sacred parts look down upon you and are always available, always available. Just like the parking angel, your soul parts see everything. Imagine! A part of you is available from the other side of the veil. Let's put this in your 3D perspective: It's a spy in the sky and it looks at everything all the time. It knows who you are and everything about you because it's part of you. It broadcasts information to you that you receive through intuitive thought. Are you here, are you understanding? It informs you to get up and go places, if you're listening.
It's a Divine System in All Humanity
Here is what you need to know: Every single Human Being on the planet has it because every single Human Being is a part of the whole. Do you understand that? What would happen, however, if there is a broadcast done, but 90  percent of the people don't have a radio? That means 90 percent never receive it. The broadcast is still there with their name on it, but they don't have a radio because they don't believe it.

Then, here comes you. Some of you got your metaphoric radio a long time ago and some of you are just getting it now. Believing it exists activates it. The "radio" is the pineal gland opening up into a multidimensional portal that tunes right into that which is you. This is difficult for a Human Being to understand. When you receive this broadcast from the "multidimensional you", it guides you left and right; it knows who you are; it's benevolent; it's part of God; it's part of me. It's hard to explain.
That's why it feels so good, dear ones. Did you ever wonder why profound messages and meditations feel so good? It's you with you! It's beautiful! If you're part of the creative force and you are quantum and multidimensional, it means that these intuitive messages have your face on them and would never lead you into a place for other reasons other than benevolent ones. That's the system.
Why Are You at This Meeting?
Now, let's go back to the point at which you decided to come to this meeting. Some of you are sitting here today yet you didn't know about the meeting until the last minute. I want to tell you, you're tuned in. Your radio is working because your intuition spoke to you enough for you to look around and go somewhere and find out this meeting was happening.

I'm going to ask you a question: Who haven't you met yet in this room? Now that is a hard question, since you can't meet everyone, can you? So now we're getting into the process of synchronicity and a process that is guided through intuitive thought. It's what you would call theinnate intelligence of the body allowing you to be in the right place at the right time and talk to the right people. You can't really plan ahead for that, can you? Instead, you must be tuned to it, and some of you may have discovered things today here that will make a change in your life. Perhaps you met others who have similar interests? That's what it's about.

So when another person says to you, "You must be New Age", just smile and admit it. You are using intuitive thought and listening to it as much as possible to put you in the right place at the right time. This should also dispel the notion that a New Age person just sits at home doing nothing but meditation and waiting for God to speak to him/her. That is not the way it works. Instead, go places that your intuition says to go to. Then discern, was it right? Was it not right? What does it feel like when it's right and what does it feel like when it's not right? Put all this together and, pretty soon, like a muscle in the body when exercised, it starts to work better for you.

Innate works with you to fine tune it. It knows what you are trying to do and helps the process along. Sometimes you can look at somebody and they look back and suddenly it seems like you could say, "Hello, old friend! It's good to see you." You might hug for a moment or shake hands, depending upon the culture, and know that you've just met a best friend again. They may have something for you or they may not. It just may be for a moment so you can intermingle in a quantum way and acknowledge the fact that you are old souls. That's good enough.
Hard Concepts
The hardest things for Humans in all this is what I'm going to present next. The process is different than you think. First, we have established that it's not linear. It's a conceptual attribute that you cannot plan on. The timing is not known, so you cannot paste a goal for something you don't know about on your refrigerator. Instead, it requires the Human Being to be in faith and with no clock. That's number one.

Then we've established that the information comes from a part of you that is on the other side of the veil, because you cannot hold all of the mastery that you have in the corporeal body. You are part of the creative source and always will be. Part of you is on my side of the veil - the part that talks to you intuitively and says, "Go left, go right, stand up, sit down, go over there and meet that person."
And the next one, it's the hardest concept of all. How do we describe it? There are seven billion souls on the planet and they all have the same attribute as you do - all of them. They are all on the other side of the veil as well as being here, just like you. They're all talking at the same time and broadcasting things, just like you. The things they are broadcasting are using the same "mind of God" that you have because they are on my side of the veil. The divine parts of humanity are still divine, no matter what the corporeal and intellectual parts are believing or doing. Are you understanding this?

So even if they have a corporeal self on Earth that is completely and totally unaware and has noradio to receive, it doesn't make any difference. They're still broadcasting potentials and loving intuitive messages. These messages are benevolent and for all humanity. This means you can listen to them as well and they're tuned to your frequency, since that frequency is not proprietary. The result? They'll tell you things that intuitively will help guide you and help you to work with their corporeal counterparts. This is difficult to understand. Think of it this way: The divine parts of Humans you may never meet know you are listening. Therefore, by broadcasting to you, they help their own soul counterparts, for you are working on peace on Earth and compassionate action.

In your 3D singularity, you're hooked up to one soul - you - right? On my side of the veil? No. On my side, you're hooked to all of them. So, therefore, even the soul parts and pieces of complete nonbelievers are still broadcasting information that will help humanity. It's a hard concept. Think of it as a collective, intuitive force.

"Wow!" people say. "Look at that tragedy you escaped. Why did you leave the building before it fell down?" You might say, "I don't know. Something told me to go and I did." This happens over and over, dear ones, and now you know why it works. Is it possible that the Human soul is connected in such a way that it talks to everybody at the same time? The answer is yes.

When an intuitive healer sits before a totally dense and stubborn unbeliever, do they still get messages to help heal that person? Yes! So the intuitive innate of every Human Being is working no matter if that Human has the ability to "hear" it or not. It's broadcasting to the healer! It's broadcasting to all. This alone should show you that intuition does not come from the synapse of the brain, but rather the portal of the pineal.

What are you supposed to do with this information? Well, we've already covered a little of it. First, understand the process and believe it. Do not get disappointed that your planning is not working. You can't have both, dear ones. You can't have plans in the corner waiting, just in case. The synchronicity won't work, since you'll void it if you try to plan around it. Do you see that?

Second, understand that synchronicity may take you to a place you didn't plan on. Is that OK? The old soul will sit in the chair and say, "Of course. Yes, it's OK. Anything is good." Really? Really? Humans like it their way. You might be pushed and pulled to uncomfortable situations and places you would not have initially chosen on your own. Can you honor this? Can you say, "It is well with me. I know I'm supposed to be here because this is where synchronicity placed me"? Feel the love of God surge through your heart and all the cells of your body. Then say, "Thank you God for putting me in the right place at the right time." It may take awhile to figure out the "whys" of it all, but eventually you will see it clearly and smile. You will realize that you could never have planned it, and it was perfect.

Let me tell you something: Perhaps your 3D goal will never be accomplished. Is that OK? Instead of settling into a final goal, you'll always be in motion, always. Is that OK? There'll always be the ladder to climb in knowledge, in awareness, and energy. New things will always be coming your way. It will be this way until the moment you take your last breath. You will feel that you "never arrived" at your goal, but that's not true, for each day you have arrived. It's a mindset - and you don't like that either, do you? Instead, you want to arrive in a place and say "I made it!" Then you wish to purchase a T-shirt that confirms it. [Laughter]

Synchronicity can put you in places that are beautiful. It can save your life, and often does. It voids all the karmic attributes that have pushed and pulled you around forever. It changes the way people think about you because you change. It changes the way you think about others because you are put in the places to see who you are. It rearranges that which you believe because you start to have reinforcement of action, and you know that it is working. You can stand tall and tell the others that you have no idea where you are going and you are proud of it! All the while, you are healthier than they are, and you're happier than they are, and you love people they won't love. Do you see what I'm saying?

This is a change in perception of life. It's a change in everything that the Human Being has been taught in 3D, and it's not "let go and let God". It is a partnership - a new arrangement that's conceptual and demands work on your part, demands it.

Expect synchronicity, but if it doesn't come when you think it might, don't be disappointed. It simply wasn't supposed to! Humans are funny. Look at the phrases that many in your culture use. They know about this! "Well, I guess it was supposed to happen." They have no idea! Yes!! [Kryon laugh] Or, "The universe had a message for me." They have no idea, that's exactly right! Exactly right.

So I've just given you the mechanics of it and it's beautiful and it's just for you. Benevolent, helpful Information is being broadcast all the time, even from the non-believing souls. Their "God part" is active and knows that you are hearing them. It helps the old soul to go from A to B. More than that, it helps you find processes and principles and people who can make a difference on the planet. This is what's new.

There's going to be a beginning of a marriage not just to help Humans navigate the now but to navigate that which is coming. These are set-ups for the next time around Akashically. What did we tell you the last time we spoke? We discussed Akashic Inheritance. What you learn this time carries into the next time, so the set-ups you have in this life will carry into the next. You'll rememberthem and you'll keep going. Today's synchronicity is tomorrow's future.
It's important, old soul, that you start to learn how to use it and to carry it. Learn how to expect it, how to believe in it, and change the way things work for you. As part of this new teaching, we tell you it's time to void the bell-shaped curve of 3D that tells you about averages and the probability of your life. All you have to do is nudge that curve a little with a multidimensional energy called synchronicity and you design your own curve. Synchronicity is learning to acknowledge the Higher-Self and the fact that God is inside. It shows a willingness to listen in a way you never have before to a source that is personal, loving, benevolent, and beautiful - an energy that will never change.

And so it is

The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.
Lee Carroll

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Holidays - Another Should?, channelled through Brenda Hoffman

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Special Event: Brenda is a featured guest this week of - the Netherlands based Internet show of
Summary of Brenda’s November 19, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The goals of last week’s vehicle creation exercise was a reminder that creations aren’t permanent and you can create in whatever medium you wish. Your child-self used to create with freedom and joy. Your adult dreams are often encased in shoulds. Your new assignment is to create in your mind your most joyful Thanksgiving or special day.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for   “Between Comfort Zones and Fear”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
The media, your community and family encourage you to believe that most, if not all, of your friends, relatives and neighbors are enjoying a loving holiday season, that all is wonderful in their lives.
Such is not the case – but deep within the recesses of your being you feel as if it is. Your belief is that you and you alone are wondering where love and joy is.
Even though you might have moments of joy and love throughout this holiday season, you do not seem to have the level of joy others are displaying.
Perhaps it is difficult for you to decorate, shop and prepare to host or take part in holiday festivities. It is as if you are watching from the outside wondering why you feel little or nothing. Or a dull ache of loneliness as others laugh and party their way to the new year.
Your sense of not fully participating in festivities is more about your transition than loneliness. You have detached from friends and relatives in small and large increments. Somewhat like a being from the outside looking in. Perhaps an old-fashioned snow globe is an apt analogy – the kind you shake so sparkly snow falls upon the little village or house within. Even though you enjoy the effects of the globe, you are not in or of the globe.
Your joy is shifting to different places than the somewhat hollow joy of the traditional holiday season.
Perhaps the phrase, ‘hollow joy’ is not appropriate for you love family gatherings. So you might and so you can. But many of you feel less joy than before, or wished you felt, as you participate in this year’s holiday festivities.
Your Old-Age joy was condensed to a few days near the end of the year and labeled the holiday season. Even though there were other holidays and gatherings, those gatherings were not featured throughout your society as is true for the last few weeks or first few weeks – depending on your country of origin – of the calendar year. According to society myth, anger and fear disappear once the holiday season begins only to be replaced with a loving need to give to others emotionally and physically.
That myth was never accurate for many – and is especially not accurate now.
Perhaps you used to enjoy the holidays. Perhaps they were a respite from family disagreements. Perhaps you were alone and lonely. Perhaps you felt harried and confused. Perhaps you tried to enjoy the holidays for others. Perhaps you enmeshed yourself in the love and joy that seem to permeate your world during this period. You always felt something because your society set an extremely high emotional bar for what you should feel.
You may feel little or nothing this year. You might enjoy the company of family and friends – or not. But most likely, you will not muster the energy of joy, fear, anger or disdain that carried you through previous holiday seasons.
You have not become a zombie, Instead, you are declaring yourself independent of society dictates. You are reclaiming your right to be.
That does not mean you must stop loving during this time or that your love is limited to a day or two a year. But instead, that you are beginning to feel holiday joy throughout the year. No longer do you need to have a few days a year set aside for love. No longer do you need to care for others or to be nice so others can enjoy the holidays.
You are not tied to society shoulds. You are a free agent.
If you wish to share holiday joy, please do so. It is indeed a lovely time of year for many. But do not be pressured into feeling something that is society driven – whether joy, angst or sadness. It is not your holiday season, it is society’s holiday season.
Your new holidays are every day you wish to experience joy. Create festivities that fit your joy, interests and needs.
In the Old Age, joys were limited to a few days to help you remember what joy was – a dictate that was only appropriate if you felt joy. Many of you were depressed or sad because your (society) expectations did not meet your reality.
You can now declare “the king wears no clothes.” That the hype around the holidays may be wonderful for some, but not all. That it is perfectly appropriate to not celebrate the holidays, to do so in a different way or to shift the shoulds to fun.
Holiday shoulds are no different from any other should. They were designed to herd you into a pen of assimilation.
Perhaps you feel this message spoils your holidays. Such is not true. We are merely pointing out that some of you are preparing for the holidays with dread, sadness or feelings of “just more work.” None of which speak to joy.
Why are you not encouraged to feel holiday spirit in March or August? Why are holidays limited to a few days each year?
Of course there are holidays throughout the year with different feelings of joy perpetuated by your society. But because you should feel joy on a specific day does not mean you have to – you can feel loving joy when you wish.
As you distance yourself from your 3D world, you will find it more difficult to feel what society tells you that you should.
Perhaps you are now feeling sadness or loneliness when none is warranted. You are creating a new life of joy not encased in society shoulds – including holidays and other occasions.
You are free to declare joy when you wish. The same is true for sadness. Your new feelings are generated from within you – not society. Review your joy and sadness to discover their origins – society’s or inner-directed?
Do you find it delightful to shop for Christmas gifts on Thanksgiving Day? Then do so. Are you shopping for Christmas gifts on Thanksgiving Day because you are so harried with holiday preparations you need to crunch the holidays together? Then perhaps you wish to review your need to fill society dictates. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Latest message from Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-12-2013

Beloved masters, you came from far-distant Universes, Sub-universes, galaxies and planets, and you brought with you a wealth of cosmic information, which was stored within your Sacred Mind for future access. There were stringent requirements you had to pass and solemn vows you had to make. You agreed to come to Earth during these momentous evolutionary times, and then incarnate into greatly diverse and often very difficult circumstances. You made a pledge that when the time came for you to step onto the path of ascension, you would allow us to set aside your free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken you. For many, it resulted in a Soul merge, and others who had already awakened to their Soul Self were ready for a merge with a facet of their Higher Self. When the Soul finally merges fully with the Sacred Heart, it is a grand reunion of monumental proportions. When your intentions are composed of wisdom overlaid with love and projected with purity, you become a powerful source of Sacred Fire energy.
This awakening resulted in a mass Divine discontent among what we will call the “advanced guard”. You all have experienced some of the diverse and momentous transformations that have taken place among the masses. You have also observed or have been affected by the accelerated Earth changes, which have increased in frequency, and are continuing on a regular basis. Most of you, who have consciously made an effort to reclaim your Divinity, through whatever means you were/are attracted to, are among this advanced group of souls. You agreed to be the examples, and you are willing to do everything within your power to ease the way for others by becoming sentinels of Light, Wayshowers and World Servers. In past ages, the ascension process was available only to those who incarnated as initiates firmly on the path–as disciples whose mission was to anchor as much Divine Light and to bring forth as much cosmic wisdom as possible. That time is past. It is a time of mass ascension, for all the planets, solar systems, galaxies and Sub-universes within this universe are actively involved in an unprecedented ascension process. The wheels of Creation are ever spiraling downward or upward, inward or outward, depending on the great cosmic cycle of the time.
The Superconscious Mind and the many facets of your Higher Self are the link to the Spiritual realms. First, you may begin to get flashes of information/inspiration via your intuitive abilities and during meditation. The powers of the mind are greatly enhanced as an aspirant on the path becomes more proficient and comfortable in using the higher frequency patterns of the Sacred Mind. As a result of tapping into the higher frequency realms of the brain structure, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain/mind into the realm of the Higher Mind. Ascension is mind-expanding, a process of passing from one state of consciousness to another. The awareness expands to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and its workings. No longer is the focus on the little self. The ultimate goal is to become a galactic Being and eventually attain a universal consciousness.
As you become proficient at accessing the power and majesty of the higher frequency dimensions—you begin to get a glimpse of how wondrous paradise can be—and the excitement begins to build. That is what is happening all over the world. It is a very personal experience, for you can have confusion, turmoil and chaos around you and still be centered in the calm eye of peace and joy. As time goes by, you will find that your center of peace will extend out farther and farther, and as more of you begin to tap into the eternal power of perfection, it will spread faster and faster until it encompasses the world.
There is a great stirring taking place among the masses, those who until now were not ready to listen to the inner nudgings of Spirit or delve into the mysteries of Creation that are beginning to flow on the currents of higher frequency RAYS of the new Divine Blueprint. We have said that you have been very brave to step out of your comfort zone, out of the mass consciousness flow of popular beliefs into uncharted territory. You have been willing to face up to many challenges and tests, and you have not been deterred by those who said you were wrong, evil or wishful-thinkers. You are proving that what you have accepted as your truth is indeed working, and the validation is concrete and visible for all to see so that there can be no dispute. Fear is the greatest deterrent to change, but you are learning to tame your fears and you are claiming your Sacred Will-power.
Each time you visit your fifth-dimensional Pyramid of Light, you become more adept at tapping into and using the gifts of Creation, and you bring back with you more and more of the rarified unmanifested fifth-dimensional Light substance. See these streams of Light spiraling down into the physical realms of expression, as they gradually become tangible and take form under your direction through your visions, dreams and clear intention. Many of you have learned the discipline necessary to hold your visions without wavering, and you are learning that the miracles of manifestation take place one clear thought, one step or action, and one day at a time. There are no shortcuts, beloveds; you must follow the universal laws of manifestation in order to harness the power of Creation.
You are being called to join the leadership Light team, those who will show the way for the beautiful souls now awakening from their spiritual slumber. Thousands are needed to facilitate and assist in this next wave of awakening that is now in progress, for it encompasses millions upon millions. Even those still in denial are becoming aware that something profound and unprecedented is taking place on Earth. These souls will not have to go through the extensive cleansing, clearing and painful processing that so many of you have experienced. Indeed, you have opened the way and have the knowledge that will help them to move quickly through the awakening process and into empowerment.
You are the examples and the Wayshowers, for you are destined to teach those around you the simplified steps necessary to clear their old thought patterns, so that the Divine Light of the Creator may begin to take dominion within their heart center. You are major players, my brave ones, as we move to the next higher spiral of evolution. By now, we hope that you are beginning to accept what we tell you, that you are all beautiful Beings who carry a precious Spark of the Creator within your heart/soul. Allow your Higher Self to inspire and guide you, but please step to the fore and use the knowledge, wisdom and skills that have been so dearly won.
Dear hearts, you are a composite of all your past experiences and memories. You have had many lifetimes as a female where you were abused or mistreated by men, and many lifetimes in the male body where you suffered the loss of your beloved mate, were betrayed, or did not measure up in some way. All those conflicting energies within your cells, auric field, and brain structure will color your outlook on the opposite sex until you resolve and transmute them. At the core of your Being, what you are really seeking is the reunification with the other half of your godly Self, that perfect Divine Ray of Creation that was sent forth in Its totality. You then separated into two sub-rays, one representing the Father Creator and the other a representative of the Mother Creator. You have divided and separated into many facets or fragments of consciousness since, but have forever yearned and sought your return to wholeness and unity consciousness.
How can you accomplish the healing and reunification of these two primary facets of yourself? First, by developing a sense of Self-worth and Self-love. You will begin to radiate this higher vibratory energy out from your auric force field, and others will respond in kind. Learn to trust yourself and your intuition so that you may trust others. You will never feel alone when you learn that you have a mighty force of angels ever near you, ready to protect, encourage, love, and support you every moment of the day or night. Release the pain of the past by forgiving yourself and all others.
There will still be those who come into your life with whom you do not resonate, and that will be so as long as you are in the physical vessel. If you can maintain an attitude of non-judgment, and radiate love to the essence of each person, you will not have to experience a karmic dance or interaction with them. Bless them and allow them to follow their path, while you follow your own.
It is time for humanity to remove the etheric shields of protection they have placed over their heart/solar plexus centers so that they cannot be hurt or unduly influenced. Opening the golden seal portal of the Sacred Heart, where your Diamond Core God Cell resides, allows the Love/Light of the our Father/Mother God to flow freely from both the front and back portals of the Sacred Heart.
Beloveds, there is another important concept that we wish to present to you. In doing so, we know that it will trigger fear and doubt for many of you. If this is the case, we ask you to set the information to the side, and ask that it be validated if it is to be your truth, or if it is too uncomfortable, just disregard it. There is much information coming forth that will challenge the old world concepts and thought forms of the past. Just as children learn the simple basic concepts of life in their early years, their lessons and knowledge become more complex and thought-provoking as they mature. This concept applies to your spiritual education and growth as well.
We have told you that the Supreme Creator has begun to emanate the rarified Love/Light Essence from the heart core of Its Being (Adamantine Particles of Pure Divine Light substance). This Essence contains all the facets of Creation, which include the Seed thoughts, energy components, and grand designs for never-before-experienced new creations. Within these wondrous multiple beams of Creator Light are newly-activated, black-spectrum Rays of pure unmanifested potential. The Creator is sending these Rays as a gift throughout this universe, for they contain the stillness of the Great Void, which will be accessible to all who are brave enough to tap into the magnificent power of the Void of space, in order to be a participant in the creation of future worlds and galaxies.
First came the Void and then came the Light, and within the Light were all good and wondrous things. The spectrum of Light would not be discernible without the many shades of darkness. Many of you fear the darkness and your shadow side, perceiving it as evil. Beloveds, if all is a part of the ONE, the Creator, how can there be anything to fear when you are filled with God Light? You as humans have created many things to fear, but these things are not the Creator’s doing. Do you fear the Great Void that is the backdrop for the stars and constellations? Some of you fear the night, but it is not the darkness that you can blame, but the hurtful things that humans do under the cover of darkness. We wish to help you to begin to investigate and transmute those old self-limiting concepts so that you may broaden your horizons and assume your cloak of Light. With the gift of Light comes a great responsibility, the leadership role that we outlined for you earlier.
We ask you to LIVE your lives with a heightened sense of awareness; to FEEL the joy of being connected to All That Is, and then share the joy with others; to use your WILL power to move swiftly along the path of enlightenment, so that as you gain a higher vantage point, you can more easily assist others over the rough spots. Endeavor to LOVE others with all your heart and soul, as the Creator loves you; to SPEAK your highest truth with love, compassion, and discernment; to SEE the best in everyone; and to know that we are all a part of the same great I AM.
Precious friends, we began and will end this wondrous journey together. We will encourage you, stretch your minds, and nudge you when it is appropriate, but most of all, we will love you eternally.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.







COPYRIGHT * 2001 /2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Recreating Your Physical Body - and Life Span, channelled through Brenda Hoffman

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s November 9, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Your assignment, if you so choose, is to create a vehicle that feels right in preparation for travels to distant places.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “You’re Evolving into Infant and Parent”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Your DNA is expanding, your cells are changing and your physical body is adjusting to the new being you are creating. But perhaps there are pieces you have not known or understood.
As your cells reformulate, your appearance may shift and you will gravitate to different people, foods, habitats and living conditions.
You are hoping for a more youthful look and so it will be. Those of you wanting to live within the new earth will perhaps (your choice) extend your natural earth life. It is now fairly common for humans to live to 100 years-of-age. Something almost unheard of a generation or two ago.
If you delay your transition in this lifetime, you will not necessarily be bothered with the age deterioration you now believe probable. Someone who maintains their youthful appearance and vigor beyond 80 years of age is now considered an anomaly – such will not be so in just a few years.
Your physical being is changing more rapidly than was true a few decades ago when reaching the age of 100 was a vague possibility. Then many humans changed their diet, living conditions and health regimes.
Of course, there are those who point out that many of your current foods, particularly in the United States, are not healthy. Such is true for many. The difference is you have food to eat. In past generations, food was not necessarily plentiful. And in those parts of the world where food remains limited, longevity is not yet expected. The longevity burst of the 20th century had much to do with consistent food intake.
Your body is again shifting, but in different ways. Such is true throughout the globe, not merely in wealthier nations.
Rather than replicating cells at a lesser strength than original cells, as was true in the Old Age causing your body to deteriorate, your cells will remain strong and complete for decades longer. And just as Baby Boomers and their children shifted their diet from the meat and potatoes of their grandparents to fruits, vegetables, meat and fast food, your body will crave a new diet.
As your food tastes shift, you will discover signs here and there that your physical being is not aging as was expected when you were in your 20s. Those of you 65 or older are already noting you are not interested in sitting in your rocking chair watching the world go by. Sixty-five has become the new 40.
Even though you may not have yet acknowledged it, your body is shifting.
Learn to listen to the directives of your inner-being – and negate the jokes and belief patterns that were a natural part of your Old Age life. Do you remember your 50th birthday when many felt the need to tell you earth death was near with funeral/death decorations and jokes? All Old Age beliefs – and reality then. That reality no longer exists.
Will your gray hair return to its original color? Perhaps. But more likely is your ability to live a natural and healthy life long beyond what is now expected. A 100th birthday celebration may mean paddling a canoe though a rapidly moving river or skiing down a mountain.
As your cells shift and DNA comes alive, you will discover new skills, directions and patterns – including social interactions. Those who beat the drum of aging and limitations will not be of interest to you as you explore your new being.
Even though your food choices will shift, you will not necessarily be a vegetarian, nor wish to eat meat. And not all of you will meditate or participate in new earth gatherings. You are unique individuals with unique paths that will meet at some point in the future.
Suffice it to know, your routines will shift. You will wish to experience new places and things –  to eat different foods. As a result, you will expect to live longer.
Beliefs that pervaded your Old Age life span on earth are shifting. Some of you will transition at a younger age than others, as is true now. But that transition will be the result of inner-directives, not family or community beliefs.
Many of you believe you already decide when to exit earth. Such is true. But part of that personal control is tied to societal beliefs. You should eat this. You should be aging at this rate. You will die in this time frame. Those shoulds or directives no longer apply.
Your inner-being guidance system will re-direct your physical being in ways you cannot yet imagine.
Your cells as becoming crystalline – a more solid structure than was true of your Old Age physical bodies. And instead of receiving information and directives from a few strands of DNA, you have millions more pieces of information flowing through your being. Pieces from other lifetimes, other planets, other Universes. Your new being is the difference between a fifth grade book describing your nerve functions and a neurosurgeon’s knowledge.
You are now a self-contained computer with thousands of bits of additional information available when you feel the need to research, access, shift or change your being. You are not limited to one text, one set of beliefs or one life. You opened your being to the Universes – and all information that ever was and ever will be. And you are sharing that information with all entities throughout the Universes.
You are no longer an isolated human in a limited 3D world. You are a new being with new skills including the ability to shift your physical body if you so choose. Allow yourself to believe in yourself. And then start exploring those pieces that feel like cotton candy.
For those of you who have difficulties believing in your own physical rebirth, others will invent and share new means of allowing your body to recreate itself in joy and life, instead of fear and early earth death. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


November 20 2013
The Year to Step into Your Authentic Power: What’s New, What’s Continuing
Of all the recent years to date, 2014 is the year when you will feel a ceaseless urge to become more empowered and more skilled to cope with a world in the death throes of an unprecedented paradigm shift.
It won’t feel like a coasting year to you, and it won’t be. Not that you really want to coast along in life – as a divine changemaker you truly want change and the new opportunities it brings. In fact, your destined role is to be at the forefront of society’s transformational changes. In that role, you wouldn’t be happy standing back as an observer, complaining and acting as though you had no power to co-create the new more loving Earth you want.
What You Want Now
The world you inherited from your ancestors is certainly not the one that you have longed for and envisioned. Most likely for a long time or even your entire life, you have dreamed of an existence that is fueled by love, not fear. Your desire for this probably got stronger each time you encountered meanness, each time you felt discounted, and each time people could not see and accept you for who you really were. For most people, these experiences start early in childhood and are then continually reinforced at school, in the workplace, and in relationships with others.
The year 2014 will stir your intense desire to change the status quo, and you will want to begin with you and your own life experience. This is true no matter where you live, your age, your relationship status, or what you do for a living. You already had this intense yearning in recent years, of course, but the coming year’s up-and-down energies and revolutionary outer world conditions will fire up this desire to new levels.
Working with Fire
You may experience this fire sometimes as an inner one and at other times like a fire under your feet – either type of fire will be calling upon you to self-reflect and act. You will want to pay attention to this fire, go within to receive your inner wisdom, and then find your balance before acting. Accessing this steadiness before acting is essential – you cannot apply doubts or fears and have the results you want. Your actions, for beneficial effect, must be conscious and bold – coming from a place of a grounded spiritual focus.
Why is fire necessary? You and everyone on Earth are in an intense process of rebirth. Fire is needed to fuel that rebirth. Indeed, the element of fire is naturally associated with rebirth because of how it burns away what’s no longer needed and therefore makes way for the new. You cannot have rebirth without death. That’s the scary thing to most people. The whole notion of destruction and death can bring shivers down your spine. After all, death comes with unknowns and you like to know what’s happening next.
As an experienced spiritual traveler, you of course seek rebirth for you know that this is how you transform. Remembering this, then, consider in 2014 what in your life needs to fall away. As you begin to let go of what’s no longer relevant, you leave the desert of confusion and blocked dreams and enter a brand-new place of sparkling potentials. It is your awareness and desire for those brighter potentials that will be a constant driving force in your life over the coming year.
Factoring in the Collective
All around you in 2014 will be reminders of the old patriarchal world under siege and indeed crumbling of its own dysfunctional heavy weight. The pace at which the crumbling occurs, however, will depend upon countless things and unknowables. There is, after all, a collective influence that cannot be ignored.
Increasingly, individuals and the larger society must include the collective in plans and long-term approaches. You cannot simply put your personal energies, prayers and intentions into something and lose sight of how you are impacted by the whole – and that whole is global. Even a few years ago before humanity became so tangibly connected 24/7, you weren’t in the habit of considering the collective. Now, you can’t ignore it or you risk having your dreams remain something you dream about, your intentions remain intentions, and your successes blocked by a juxtaposition of things out of view.
Example of Collective Impact
Here’s one example of how you can be influenced by the collective. You have a creative project requiring funding and key players to lead the team. The funding that’s most appropriate for your bigger-picture needs may come into place, but perhaps only after the investors have looked at other projects. The key players may be the perfect match, but each of them may have personal or business issues that need resolution before they can join you. Both the investors and key players will be influenced by a complex web of scenarios – some outside their knowing in the collective – before they are ready to partner with you.
No one is exempt from bigger-picture forces like this. No one is exempt, either, from the effects of ongoing radical changes within society. In fact, the rate of change will continue to accelerate, sometimes at a dizzying pace. In tandem with that, transformational revolutionary change will continue to be desired and needed. Some of the shifts, because they are quite intricate and involve a number of pieces, may at first be so subtle to the casual observer that it takes a while to notice them. If you keep your gaze at surface level, then, you may think that nothing is happening.
Death of Unworkable Systems
You may become discouraged, feeling that all of your efforts are in vain. Your next feelings could be anger or even hopelessness. Those responses, of course, are from your ego-self, not your empowered divine changemaker self.
This wiser part of you knows that the dysfunctional structures cannot remain in place as they are.
The Earth has reached a tipping point – humanity is being given a signal that the old ways are not sustainable. You intuitively sense this. Deep within your bones, you know that there is a different world in the making and that love will prevail.
Yes, the old unworkable systems will die. However, it is impossible to know the exact timing and precise unfolding of this eventuality. So much depends on the dance of individuals and the collective.
What’s the Same in 2014
As 2014 begins and even throughout the year, you will find many things the same.
People’s trust in government and institutional structures will continue to decline. A significant portion of business and political dealings will remain behind the scenes, the average person having little or no grasp of what is occurring.
Disclosures of hidden arrangements will continue as well. This will instill within the general populace all sorts of negative emotional reactions – from anger and fear to disillusionment. That means that you will encounter angry people on the freeway and disillusioned people standing in line at the market.
Here’s a side benefit of the continued distrust of big institutions and power structures. People may awaken to their natural desire to be self-empowered, discovering how to embody their divine changemaker selves. Disenfranchised with the elite, people also may begin reaching out to others more than previously – connecting with one another in profoundly creative ways.
Also continuing in 2014 is the roller-coaster ride of not knowing what’s ahead. Uncertainty, frequent ups-and-downs, and surprises of all sorts will keep people wondering how to prepare for what’s next, or even how to plan the next day.
People will continue to want to know the future. For many, uncertainty about the future will fuel a continuing level of angst and perhaps sleepless nights. Issues and questions will stack in a high pile on people’s plates. It could feel overwhelming to the average person, but you will remember to take a breath, slow down, and tackle one thing at a time – with common sense and a heart-centered focus.
As you sit in 2014, the future will be more changeable than ever. It will also be full of positive potentials you couldn’t access before!
New Potentials in 2014
In 2014 humanity’s awakening process will continue to accelerate. In tandem with this, people will become even more interconnected as new communications technologies are introduced. Another likely development is the rise of more time-saving methods to tackle your “to do” list at home, at work, and on the road.
With more people awakening, connecting, and streamlining daily tasks, you could find your circles of like-minded people expanding. With more people exposed to consciousness concepts you’ve long embraced, don’t be surprised if people you wouldn’t suspect come to you wanting to discuss spiritual topics. If you’ve been feeling alone on the path, this may be a welcome development.
Intuitive skills already came of age a few years ago, but over the coming year the notion of being intuitive will become even more mainstream. Most likely, you are already aware of your intuitiveness and you have been further developing your skills over time. An intuitive person who knows he or she is intuitive and actively practices the skills is like a beacon to others. People will naturally be drawn to you, sensing either directly or indirectly that you are intuitive.
It will be your intuitive skills, too, that help you to succeed in 2014 and beyond. It will no longer be enough to be smart or a high-wage earner. You must develop the quality of foresight.
This is an intuitive ability helping you to anticipate changes, navigate them, make timely and appropriate decisions, sense trends in your workplace, intuit shifts within your relationships, and take actions that help you to maintain your balance and progress. With foresight, you become aware of opportunities, changing markets, and shifting public opinion – with enough time to take appropriate actions.
Foresight also will help you go deeper with your own self-reflection and personal transformation process. Your intuition could alert you to the need to address ancestral DNA-level patterns that, if not healed, could prevent you from having your ideal love relationship or from being a success in your chosen work.
DNA-Level Patterns
Where do these DNA-level patterns come from? They are part of your conditioning – some from this life’s experiences, some imprints from your parents, some from your ancestral line, and some from your own past lives.
Everyone has them. Typically, the patterns only arise when catalyzed by something in your life – like entering a new relationship or seeking to be a success in your life’s work. Only with a trained eye can you see the actual patterns, of course, but they can block your success. Without knowing why, you could suddenly feel distant from a new love or sabotage a business partnership. It is your intuition and your connection with spirit that can give you the foresight to address such DNA-level patterns – before they trigger irresolvable problems.
In 2014, you will need to continue honing your skills with relationships. How you relate to others – including loved ones, coworkers, and even strangers – will be a determining factor in your level of joy and success. Indeed, relationships will continue to be the key catalyst for your spiritual growth. Each relationship holds within it a jewel that can help you to develop heart-centered consciousness. You cannot and do not do it alone.
Step Into Your Power Process
1. Start each day with a positive thought about yourself and what you will create that day. Phrase your thought as an affirmation, and if possible, say it loud. Saying this with your own voice will help you to imprint the thought in your mind and energy field – adding potency to your day.
2. Remind yourself regularly that positive changes take time and that you are in ongoing process of transformational change to be all that you can be. Let go of impatience and worrying about whether you are doing enough fast enough.
3. When your road gets rocky, spend time doing things you enjoy and be with people who remind you of your own goodness. Don’t allow negative people to pull on you with their energy. Take a time out and get resourced from spirit, inviting your inner wisdom to connect you with more lightness of being.
4. Do not fight issues as they arise. Welcome them as the gifts they are – potentially opening you to expansions of consciousness, healing, and becoming free from DNA-level patterns now ready to be resolved. After all, only when you become consciously aware of issues can you seek help in releasing them from your life.
5. Let go of worry about the future. Indeed, you hold within you an unlimited potential of possible futures. Your ego mind forgets this, grasping at potentials the world presents. Your spiritual self, however, knows that you – right now – are determining which future you will have, in an ongoing unfolding process.
Note from Selacia: This is my annual predictions article, with foresight about what’s coming next year. Look for additional timely articles throughout the year, helping you to navigate the twists and turns of these unprecedented times.
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Copyright 2013 by Selacia 

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele: November 24, 2013

Arcturian posting 2The Arcturian Group Message. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele, November 24, 2013, at
Dear Ones,
Once again it is that time on Earth where the many are preparing to celebrate gratitude. It is therefore time that you understand gratitude in a more enlightened way, for gratitude is simply the other side of love – they work together. Gratitude is the flow of love returning to you and thus creating a circle of energy that flows out from and then flows back to you. It is spiritual living.
Everyday commerce is actually the flow of love and gratitude interpreted by mind in a material way. The service someone performs, or the product he sells is a 3rd dimensional sense of love and your payment or barter is the gratitude. It is a circular and complete flow (out as love, back as gratitude) and the failure to express gratitude blocks this.
Businesses can only be truly successful when functioning in this flow of love and gratitude, especially as the vibrational level of Gaia rises. Businesses that function only for their own self interests will no longer survive because the necessary energy flow will not be there to sustain them. You are all familiar with businesses that you love to pay (gratitude) because they are so pleasant, honest, and have done a fine job (love). You are all familiar with the other sort as well.
Gratitude is not simply about giving thanks for something that has been received, but is a state of consciousness that reflects Unconditional Love – that regardless of any appearances to the contrary, all is spiritual and of Divine origin. Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell reflects a Divine idea as interpreted by the state of consciousness of individual as well as universal mind.
Those who are unable to receive on any level, have accepted the false belief that they are not worthy or that this view represents a state of humility. Being unwilling or unable to accept love in all or any of its forms, blocks the flow and leaves an individual unable to experience the full circle of love and gratitude.
False beliefs about love can act to block this flow and happens to those individuals riddled with concepts of what love must look like in order to be love – concepts thrown at you daily from media in all its forms. Those living in this universal illusion try unsuccessfully time after time to create love according to these false ideas and fail, because concepts have no underlying reality to them and arise from false information.
Believing oneself to be unworthy of love or gratitude is a facet of the duality and separation belief system – the belief that one is born a sinful being undeserving of gifts and blessings until clawing his way painfully to salvation. These ideas are obsolete Dear Ones, do not fall into this trap for you are well beyond this now.
Those unable to experience self-love or express it through love and gratitude frequently manifest their inner pain as violence, lashing out at the world in frustration. Through ignorance of spiritual truth, they feel “unworthy” of love (energy of duality and separation) and do not understand why or what to do about it. They do not yet realize that ALL are worthy because ALL ARE…
True self love only comes with the realization that the self is really SELF – in and of the Divine, and that no circumstance or appearance can ever change this regardless of what one may of been taught or told, and regardless of any popular beliefs.
As an individual unfolds into truth and learns who he really is, self-love begins. Self becomes very easy to love once it no longer carries a heavy burden of judgement and criticism toward self and the world. He begins to recognize that the Divine Light of the Masters is the same Divine Light he carries, for there is only one – manifested in and through individual consciousness but always the One.
He understands that mistakes he has made along the way were simply facets of his learning process and are now tools with which he can assist others. He begins to understand that nothing has the power to make him unworthy for there is only ONE power and that is the Divine. It was all a dream… It now becomes easy to give and receive because he knows that there is no limit to the flow that never was his personally (this is the erroneous belief that results in poverty) but is in and of an Infinite Source. There is Infinity to release and an infinite capacity to receive from Self…the One.
An important facet of love and gratitude lies in allowing others to give. If you know you need nothing, but someone wants to express by giving to you, allow them to do this for the lesson of love and gratitude is something that all must learn. It begins with baby steps – simply giving away something or saying thank-you for blessings received, then when the student is ready it moves into a deeper understanding of the underlying energy .
Love and gratitude are the same energy and flow from Divine Consciousness which is infinitely complete and whole. Love is the activity of Oneness, interpreted by the state of consciousness of the individual – examine and ponder this statement for it is the basis of evolving out of the old and untrue. Gratitude is simply an openness to, and reflection back of the energy of love whatever its form.
Energy will bounce back to the sender if not received. This can work to keep you from negative outside influences for when you keep your energy field filled with the high resonating vibrations of truth and Light, negative energy will simply bounce back to the sender finding nothing to attach to at its lower level of vibration. This information explains how many superstitious practices (hexing, evil eye etc. etc.) actually work…the receiver through his superstitious belief in the power of these things opens himself and invites the negative energy sent in.
Gratitude – study, ponder, and meditate into its deeper meanings and then celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving at a new level.
We see you having much change shortly in your world. All is proceeding according to plan with many awakening to new ways of seeing and doing and believing. Old energies are quickly dissolving into to the Light of more global awareness. Keep your Light high and bright Dear Ones. We send you much love and gratitude on your celebration day.
We are the Arcturian Group