Sunday, January 18, 2015

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff, The Rainbowscribe site

January 15, 2015 Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as service. What is the true meaning of service? Service is a way of making deeper contact with the spiritual interconnectedness of the world one lives in. Every time an individual helps another, they come closer to their essential divinity. As they serve others, they must forget self and concentrate upon the given task, to do what is called for to the best of their ability until they bring it into a successful completion. With the process of forgetting the self, there is a sublime feeling within them that arises from giving of service that is generous and benevolent. Reaching for one’s higher self through service to others is a sublime sacrificial act of purification, allowing an individual to utilize their most powerful asset, love, without desire for reciprocation. By increasing one’s capacity to serve, one’s soul unfolds and reveals the gifts that are carried within them. It allows them to express these gifts clearly and fully. Learning to serve allows them to give these gifts without hesitation, without reservation, in the freedom that their soul intends them to express from moment to moment. True service carries great joy, great love and compassion and by this sharing, one’s soul conveys the blessings it carries to another.
Service is a way of knowing one’s greater spiritual connection at a deeper level, which connects them with a reality much larger than is accessible by the conditioned human self. Selfless service is based on identification with the soul instead of the lower aspect of the self which is external. This enables one’s service to others to be more loving, creative and effective and expands their view of the world they live in. It does profound and amazing things to the spirit within each individual when they hold gratitude in their hearts for being able to be of service to others in a loving manner. One’s true service, the true expression of their soul and the gifts that they carry within them always expands and unfolds their true God self. Being of service attracts to them great measures of grace, love, help and assistance from all who serve God. These mighty forces of love rush into cooperation with the individual in joy, expansion and expression. Through service to others, one sees the many aspects of their own life, both past and present, in a different light and with a much greater sense of understanding and appreciation. Their service, whether great or small, lets the individual feel the happiness of connecting with their brothers and sisters. It reminds them that God often allows each individual such as themselves, to be the answer to someone else’s prayers.
Each individual has an opportunity to utilize their skills to make the world a better place. It may be subtle and barely noticeable, but the opportunity to serve others through one’s work and talents is all around them each and every day. When one approaches their work with humility and the desire to be of service to others, a healthy spirit is nurtured within them by their purposeful practice. It just seems natural and right to them to serve others. It keeps them grounded and free of much of the psychological baggage that can cloud their judgment and become barriers to the true giving of value. In these times, more and more individuals are seeking to express their spirituality through the work that they do. Spiritual practice in daily life encompasses not only practicing kindness toward others, but also taking time for individual self-reflection and examination. This practice often entails silent communication with God through prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, and reflection. Those who practice spiritual service find more fulfillment and commitment in whatever work they do, with increased performance and improved relationships a happy result. The quality of love through giving service is reflected in the practices of the expression of caring and concern, through listening responsively, and through sincere appreciation of the contributions of others.
There are endless opportunities to be of service where one can encourage people to do what they love, follow their dreams, achieve their goals and do the things they enjoy doing. The spiritual values of integrity, honesty, and humility must be an integral part of service to others as well as treating others with respect, kindness and fairness. This produces positive effects in whatever form of service one is providing. When one does small acts of kindness for their neighbours, takes part in community service, fulfills responsibilities within their local and larger scale humanitarian efforts, it connects them to those they serve and gives them a satisfaction that self-interest can never offer. When one serves others, they are reminded that nothing in this life lasts as long as the bonds that they form with other people. There is no better way in which they can connect themselves to others than by working together for the common good.  By placing one’s own desires and personal aspirations on the line for others, it approaches moral courage that involves their heart, soul and God within. This is the essence of love in action. By lending one’s efforts to helping people, one will come to know a deep happiness that they have never known before.
Service is essential for one's transformation, personal growth and for tapping into their creativity. When each individual ponders on what they can contribute to creatively changing the world each day in their own way, all are participating in a global transformation. When they take the time to give, listen, love, heal and be compassionate in their daily action for all life, they are expressing love through service. Love is about serving other beings with compassion, kindness and a deep and abiding sense of giving. This in turn gives the individual a profound sense of love, respect and admiration for oneself. Expressing gratitude to others and becoming thankful for someone’s kindness by accepting it in the moment it is given is a loving service to the one who is kind. Every act of kindness is a service to another, no matter how big or small it seems. Service to others is a way to give unconditionally whatever a person needs in the moment by responding to their needs. By being of service in this way, one is doing their part to embody heaven on Earth by expressing their soul gifts.
May your loving service bring more of heaven into each of your lives and into the lives of your loved ones and into your world.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff, The Rainbowscribe site

January 18-25, 2015
 Beloved Ones,
You have all struggled to maintain equilibrium as the new energies brought out thoughts, feelings and emotions that you had no idea you harboured within and you are now ready for a greater refinement of your four lower bodies. It will become much easier to navigate in the days ahead as most of you have almost completed the cleansing, clearing and purging of all that is not love from your deepest and innermost self. Now the way before you becomes filled with a greater spectrum of light that presents a greater perspective than you previously embraced. A greater understanding of self is at hand which in turn enables a greater understanding of your sisters and brothers with whom you share space in this world. Life takes on a new momentum filled with unlimited possibilities. Your greater clarity and focus now brings your thoughts and creative ideas into quicker manifestation than ever before.
That which used to take years to bring what you desired to you into your experience now comes about in an effortless and harmonious manner. All the good you have desired to experience in your individual lives is being created and brought to you by the universe and the Creator. You now begin to understand what life lived in harmony with the universe and the Creator was meant to be, an ever flowing river of joy, delight, light, color and creativity. The gifts that you developed and practiced throughout your sojourns in physical form now begin to come to the surface. You have the great opportunity to allow these to come into expression through you now. Talents that you had only wished you had begin to arise within you and to surprise you with their emergence in your daily expressions. Each of you have unique and marvellous talents and skills that have lain hidden beneath the surface of perceived personal limitations and these are now dissolving into oblivion.
There will be surprises and unexpected events that occur that will bring each of you pivotal flashes of insight that causes everything to change in a moment. All that occurs brings a total paradigm shift and you must endeavour to not resist what comes forth. Stay open and willing to contemplate and embrace the new directions that can propel you to new heights. Success will come to you from the fruits of your heartfelt intentions and your greatest good begins to manifest for you. Remember to give back to the world in gratitude and humility as you receive your good. Things will come together as if by magic to create the reality you have been seeking. Stay enthusiastic about the new possibilities and potentials and be optimistic in your belief in others so they too, will prosper, grow and expand. Everyone around you will see the positive and beautiful aspects of your true being and will mirror these back to you.
Allow yourselves to reach out into unexplored areas of self expression and look at your projects with a new and more creative approach. Take more risks and open up to new and different ideas. Release any remaining old fears and limitations you may still be holding and open more fully to creative inspiration. To broaden your perspective, choose to be peaceful, quiet your mind and allow the universe to bring to you more options that you may not have been aware of. Let the universe support you and allow its influence to bring to you possible solutions to help direct your outcomes. Be openly receptive, patient and flexible and stay willing to receive in surprising and imaginative ways. Keep moving forward and keep an open eye for new and unexpected opportunities. You could be delightfully surprised where they lead you.
Know that all is well and that only love surrounds you. Embody a new way of looking at life and the world around you. You are a radiant, luminous beacon of light to all around you and you empower others with your love, wisdom and presence. It is time for you to shine even brighter and show the world your true essence.
Until next week …
I AM Hilarion
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Via: The Golden Age of Gaia site

The Team via Peggy Black: The Sugar Matrix

Peggy BlackStephen: I found this message from The Team fascinating. I’d read long ago that sugar was the heroin of the food world. But since last November, I’ve actually eaten NO sugar – no sucrose, no fructose, no glucose etc –  zilch; nor any dairy (I’ve been gluten-free for many years and am basically vegetarian too, apart from some fish). But last year when it came to sugar, my body just said NO! And since cutting out ALL sugar (and dairy)? Well…the difference is amazing – body, mind, spirit! Now The Team is telling me why! Read on…
Message from The Team: The Sugar Matrix, as channeled by Peggy Black, June 17, 2014 –
We are here to honor, support and empower you to remember and own your multidimensional abilities and gifts as you activate your light body self.
The physical dimension that you are focused upon is only one aspect of your divine self. Yet it is the physical body that anchors your divine consciousness in this reality. The denseness and the levels of unconsciousness can overwhelm you. Yet we encourage you to continue to stretch your awareness and move beyond any acquired limitations.
As a multidimensional being you have all the gifts and abilities that you have labeled para-normal or extrasensory perceptions: telepathy, clairsentience, clairaudience, precognition, retrocognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, astral projection and bilocation to name a few of your gifts.
You are a being of vibrations. Everything you encounter has an effect on your vibrations, which can trigger your own personal growth or stifle your remembering and expansion. Begin to reclaim your paranormal gifts and your power.
We would like to invite you to become conscious of the matrix or energy field, the energetic signature of anything.
Today we will focus on your foods. Everything and everyone touches you with their energetic signature. Your goal is to recognize and monitor the frequencies coming in so that you can and do operate at the smoothest, most optimal and highest vibrations possible.
This is an important awareness for you and others to have, especially as humanity begins to move into the next phase of evolution – activating the light body and reclaiming your gifts. As your personal energy field and the energy fields and frequencies of others become more sensitive and refined, some of the foods you ingest must be eliminated or taken with conscious moderation.
The question you and others must begin to ask yourself is; does this food create stress in my body or does it add to the harmony, is the food a chaotic loud food or a subtle pleasing coherent frequency. As you place your attention on these questions you will begin to be aware of the frequencies and tones of all your foods and how they affect your body. Even those who prepare your foods place vibrations, tones and frequencies there. You will sense if the foods were prepared lovingly or in an uncaring unconscious manner, or even with anger or frustration.
We will now speak of refined sugar as a vibration, a frequency. It comes as a jolt to the physical body and the systems that must process it. Sugar, especially processed sugar, is an energy and mood shifter, it is an accepted ‘drug’ in your society.
Refined sugar is one of the most legal addictive substances on your planet. It is also a toxin; the physical body was not designed to process this kind of vibration/frequency daily.
Even as we speak of this, your memories are sending images and remembered experiences of a time when you ingested some form of processed sugar, those favorite tastes, those favorite flavors. Often the addiction to sugar was started in childhood and this addiction, the craving, overrides the body’s wisdom.
When you embodied a physical form as a multidimensional being, all your extrasensory gifts were available. You could feel the emotions of others, hear their thoughts and that was very intense.
The first time you were exposed to the vibration of processed sugar those intense feelings and connections were subdued. So unconsciously as you moved through your growth as a human, when the emotions you were feeling as a sensitive or the thoughts you were picking up from others became too intense, taking sugar in some form repressed these extreme feelings and the loud thought broadcasts coming from others.
Sugar will alter your vibrational field; it creates a type of chaos in the energy field. It hypes you up; it causes an imbalance in the human and causes the physical system to work at a level of stress. When processed sugar is ingested the body goes into alert, danger signals are activated. Processed sugar also affects the brain’s activity and processes. The frequency and vibration of sugar is similar to your heavy metal music and it overrides the subtle vibrations of your extrasensory gifts. It shuts them down so to speak.
Sugar has been included in almost all processed foods. It assures that the human will like the product. The sugar matrix is a part of your entire society; this drug is an accepted part of life. It is present in all varieties of candies, cookies, pastries and sweets of any and every form. Taken in moderation, whole sugars, natural sugars, fruit sugars have a more soothing classical music vibration that the body can assimilate.
Your society is in the throes of physical malfunction caused by sugar. After years of ingesting sugar, the body begins to malfunction and break down; many diseases are the result of too much sugar in the system. You have an epidemic labeled diabetes; you have an epidemic proportion of overweight humans. Both are related to sugar and the body’s inability to process the large amounts of sugar humans ingest daily.
Imagine for a moment that the evolution of consciousness is about using your multidimensional paranormal gifts. If, however, you have no framework, no understanding that these gifts are being reactivated, when you feel the intense emotions being generated by the collective or those around you, your first habit is to use sugar or some other method to suppress them. The more your gifts open up, the more you feel the emotions generated by those around you, and the more you need to suppress them.
You are an alchemist, here in this reality and timeframe to uplift the consciousness of your planet. But unaware that you came to this planet to be a transformer of dense misqualified emotions and energies, you were not taught to use tools to transform any emotion that you encountered and felt. You were not taught that you were a sensitive, or telepath or empath, feeling the emotions of those around you. You were taught how to shut these abilities down. Begin to honor your paranormal abilities and do your best to eliminate what closes off those gifts.
When you feel strong emotions of fear, stress, worry, sadness, or anger that totally engage your thoughts and actions and affect the quality of life, begin to ask yourself what percentage of these emotions are personally your own. From our observations, we can share that less that twenty-five percent will be personally yours. What has occurred is that you as a sensitive have connected to the vibrations that are being offered by others as well as the collective consciousness.
Rather than suppress these strong misqualified emotions that you feel, rather than judge these emotions and others, simply claim your ability as alchemist to transform them. Use your tools, use sound to express and release any emotions you are feeling, your own as well as any to which you might be connected. This is the work and service you came here to offer.
You feel these misqualified emotions in your physical body, and in partnership with your divine consciousness as a multidimensional being of light, you have the birthright and the responsibility to transform them and replace them with coherent emotions of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation as well as forgiveness and compassion. You then transform what you are personally feeling as well as whatever aspect of the collective consciousness and emotions you have tapped.
It is a win-win for everyone for sure.
Begin to observe what you use to shut down or repress your true gifts and abilities. Remove any judgment you might carry for others who did not teach you or allow these gifts to be encouraged and to be a part of your childhood. Take action now. We are not saying that you can never partake of sugar, we just invite you be aware of when you are using this substance to suppress some emotions. Begin to clear your emotional closet. Begin to own your ability to transform any form of dense energy.
You are powerful beyond measure. You are courageous and brave to be here on your planet Earth during these times of great challenge. We invite you to honor yourself as the true light being that you are. Each time you transform dense energy you add more light awareness to the collective as well as to yourself.
We are grateful to share these awarenesses with you as you step more fully into your magnificence.
the ‘team’
©2014 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman, January 2015


Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-01-2015

Beloved masters, as the Age of Pisces fully fades into the past, there is a new system of rules and Universal laws which will now apply to all emerging Spiritual/Human Beings.  A new, expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to attain a unified state of consciousness will be designated as advanced cocreators of the future. As an empowered Bearer of God Light on the physical plane of existence, your new Divine Mission is to assist in the expansion of God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a master of manifestation, drawing forth the Essence of Creation, and activating it within your Sacred Heart. Then, through a heightened intuitive awareness, you will begin to receive specific thoughts / concepts, which will be sent forth into your Sacred Mind. You will gradually gain the ability to radiate new Seed Thoughts into your personal Flower of Life/Creator Wheel, which will begin the advanced process of creating those things that you require for an abundant, joyful, refined existence. Your Light resonance will increase as it gradually flows forth in a sweeping Infinity pattern, making a greater, more beneficial impact on your environment and those around you.

Those of you who are actively seeking Self-mastery are being prepared to tap into the new Divine Blueprint of the Aquarian Age, which is now radiating forth through the great Archangelic and Devic Kingdoms. As you clear your personal environment of the negative, imbalanced frequencies of the Third/Fourth Dimensions, you are gradually moving through the remaining sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension.  This is the basis of the ascension process humanity is now experiencing.  You can deny and ignore this fact; however, sooner or later, every Soul on the Earth-plane will have to traverse the path of ascension into a higher awareness.  Why not take advantage of the grand opportunity that is being offered to you now? The longer you wait, the more difficult the journey will be.

Over the next twenty years or so, a substantial portion of humanity will experience transference from an outer focus on the material world to an inner focus on Spirit and Self-awareness. This will initiate the process of integrating the remaining aspects of the Higher Self, which consists of clearing all the lower-frequency aspects, as well as accommodating the higher-frequency aspects of a Spiritual/Human Being.  This has been called the renunciation in the esoteric teachings of the past, for it often entails letting go of those things which do not fit into the evolving vibrational patterns within the next higher level of consciousness. Therefore, there will be a level of discomfort within, as well as a certain amount of chaos in a person’s outer world as he/she readjusts to fit the “emerging, refined Self.”
Spiritual fire is the basis of all manifestation and forms the background for human evolution. Meditation is a most efficient means of connecting with the more refined facets of your Higher Selves.  Making Soul contact is the beginning of the Self-awakening process. The second step is gradually merging with higher and higher frequency facets of your OverSoul / Higher Self, until finally, all remaining fragments have been reintegrated within the physical vessel.  The Soul-infused Personality will then begin to display its Soul-power and Soul-purpose, with a primary focus of service, and gradually over time, the development of a Group consciousness.

Know this, my steadfast Ones: you are in the final stages of a specific unit of time, whereby you all have been subject to a unique system of rules. Total free will was deemed to be a great gift; however, it became a great burden as humanity sank into the broad spectrum of duality, which has resulted in great pain and suffering. There was also a non-interference clause written in the rules, and the specified time for this particular phase of Creation had to be played out before our Father/Mother God could declare: “It is enough.  It is time to intercede.  There will be a Divine Dispensation for those who are striving to  attain Self-mastery, and the many spiritual Cosmic Councils and the Angelic Kingdom are authorized to give assistance in whatever way is appropriate within the framework of Cosmic Law.” The Law of Grace exists within the higher frequencies of Karmic Law, and it will, henceforth, apply to the emerging group of World Servers, as well as the aspirants and disciples on the path of ascension.
You, the wayshowers, are the hope of the future. You are laying the foundation for a new social order. It is vitally important that you endeavor to walk the middle path.  A Self-master does not take sides, neither for nor against the conflicts that are presently raging around the world. Your personal power is most effective when you stay centered within your Sacred Heart, and you are guided by the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Your stance should always be that of good will, and your platform should be for the greatest good of all.
One of the most important changes within the physical structure of the precious Souls who have incarnated on Earth over the last thirty or so years is that all three God Rays have been activated within the Diamond Core God Cell, and the Soul/personality will have an equal opportunity to develop all of the Divine qualities, virtues and talents of our Father/Mother God. No longer will only one major God Ray, deep within the Diamond Core God Cell of each person, function as the primary Light Overlay of Creator qualities for all of the Soul’s incarnations–with the other two God Rays relegated to a secondary role within the complicated physical anatomy. This is an evolutionary enhancement needed for the next round of the ascension of humanity, and it is a requirement within the Fifth-Dimensional environment. It will be up to the ego/personality, and later, to the Soul-infused personality, as to which of the virtues, qualities and talents of Creation will be enhanced and developed. The goal for the coming era is to embody, activate and learn to efficiently make use of all the Twelve Rays of galactic consciousness.
To refresh your memory, we will give you a brief description of each God Ray, along with its attributes, qualities and virtues:
FIRST GOD RAY OF DIVINE WILL, POWER AND THE DESIRE TO CREATE: This is the mental Ray of the Divine Father. It is an out-focused, dynamic Ray, from which the Divine Father sends forth the White Fire Seed Atoms of new Creation.  It activates vitality, initiative and the desire to create anew in the realms of physicality.  It brings forth the power to create balance and harmony by aligning with your Divine Mission and the Will of our Father/Mother God. The special virtues of the First Ray are strength, courage, steadfastness and truthfulness. By learning to properly use the powerful qualities and attributes of the First Ray, you gain the potential to become true cocreators of beauty, abundance, joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth.  Lady Archangel Faith and I, Archangel Michael, are the bearers of the qualities and virtues of this dynamic God Ray.
SECOND GOD RAY OF ILLUMINATION, WISDOM, AND THE LAWS OF CAUSE AND EFFECT, ALSO KNOWN AS KARMA: Archangel Jophiel and Lady Constance are the bearers of the virtues, attributes and qualities of this God Ray. This is the Ray that resonates with the LOVE/WISDOM OF THE DIVINE MOTHER, who nurtures within her cosmic womb the Seed Atoms sent forth from the mind of the Divine Father.  She supplies the loving energy to ignite the Seed Atoms of new creation, in order to manifest the Divine Blueprint on the material planes of existence.  The main focus of this Ray is to turn knowledge into wisdom, and to temper that wisdom with love and compassion.
THIRD GOD RAY OF INTELLIGENCE IN ACTION: It radiates the power that assists humanity in perfecting and refining their emotional bodies, and instills a desire to perfect their cocreative skills on the physical plane of existence. It also carries the qualities of tolerance, forbearance, unity and culture.  The beloved Archangel Kamiel (or Camael as he is sometimes called) carries the vibrational patterns, qualities and virtues of the Third God Ray.  Archangel Lady Charity bears the feminine attributes of the Third Ray.  It is the Ray of the Suns (the sons and daughters of our Father/Mother God), the Ray of active intelligence, whereby the dynamic energy of our Father God is melded with the Second Ray vibrations of our Divine Mother, and within the cosmic womb of creation, the grand designs of new creation are incubated, and then sent forward wrapped in her love and wisdom to be manifested within the material realms of this Sub-Universe.
When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher dimensions: the Ascension Chakra or Medulla Oblongata at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; your Sacred Mind, which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain; and the expansion of the opening of the Crown Chakra. These are major physical steps in the ascension process, for they reinstate your connection with the River of Life, which contains the Living Light Particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles. At that point, you begin to build a force field of full-spectrum Light, as you strive to become a master of Self, and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.
When you are practicing the Infinity Breath exercise, you are breathing through the Sacred Heart, which creates a continuous flow of cosmic energy throughout the physical body.  This process floods the system with Adamantine Particles of Divine, Sacred Fire Light.

In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need, and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years.  This is the goal of Self-mastery.  This is the way of ascension.
As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change.  By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray, Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change, and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.
When the awesome power of Creation connects with physical matter as an opposing force, there is always chaos. However, when this wondrous power is drawn into a compatible sensory receptacle, miracles abound. You must change the expectations you have of the people around you. You must release the fear of taking a stand, setting boundaries, and speaking your truth with an overlay of loving energy. It is imperative that you learn to remain centered when experiencing criticism.  Do not respond with anger or low frequency energy.  You must learn to rise above the everyday stressful situations so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity.
The Universe–and especially the Sub-Universe in which we exist–are in the midst of a monumental transformational process. Planets are shifting places and moving closer to the sun of the solar system of which they are a part; galaxies and Sub-Universes are expanding and moving upward, outward or downward depending on the viewpoint of the observer. New galaxies are in the formation stages as the impetus for expansion is ignited by a great infusion of Creator Particles of Light/Life, and the seed thoughts for new Creation are permeating the consciousness of all sentient Beings.
Never before have you had such an opportunity to serve humanity and the Creator. You are at a crossroads in your evolutionary process, for the world as you have known it is slowly fading away. As Divine Sparks of the Creator, you were given a great gift, a treasure chest of Creator Essence to use in any way you desired.  You began this lifetime with a portion of Adamantine Particles of Light stored within your Sacred Heart and a reserve tucked away within your Root Chakra, the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms sometimes called Kundalini and portrayed as a coiled serpent. You have always had access to the Sacred Fire stored within your Sacred Heart; however, you have to remember how to use your Keys to the Kingdom in order to ignite and effectively use this power source of Divine Light.  The Kundalini or Serpent Fire is a different matter, for you must clear 51% of the distorted energy you have created in the past in order to tap into this reservoir of Creator Light.
You are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, my brave friends, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another. You must be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering to you. The Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin from within the Still Point of Will-Power, the Core Essence of the Creator/cocreator.
Your Soul Song is composed of mid-Fourth and higher-Dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light.  The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.
If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory except the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over you, and become the free Spirit you were meant to be.
The vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame are the only ones which are accessible both from above, via the Crown Chakra and the Sacred breathing techniques, as well as  from within the Earth. Envision this beautiful Flame blazing up from beneath your feet, surrounding your body, as it  transmutes any discordant vibrational frequencies you may have around you, before radiating this Sacred Flame forth out into the world  in greater and greater concentric circles.  Remember, one person who is centered within his/her Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people, while the loving vibrations of his/her auric field blesses everyone with whom he/she comes in contact.
The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for your multiple Soul Selves. Your good deeds are stored within the Treasury of Light Storehouse within the World Pyramid.  There is a harvesting of good deeds every year, and your loving thoughts and deeds are magnified and stored there.  The greater portion is melded with Creator Light to be used to create the greatest good for all humanity. You will receive your special gifts and Divine dispensations in accordance to that which you have contributed to the Storehouse of Light.
We ask you to put us to the test. With an open mind, study the basic concepts we have given, and slowly, but faithfully, implement some of them within your daily life. Give us permission to guide and inspire you, and by doing so, you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. You can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up, beloveds.
Remember: the brilliance of your Diamond Core God Cell, plus the Light of your Soul and the glow of your Sacred Heart create the radiance of your auric field of Light.  The angelic kingdom amplifies Light; the human kingdom diffuses it.  May you bask in the blessed Love/Light of our Mother/Father God now and forevermore.  We are ever near to guide, direct, inspire and protect you.

I AM Archangel Michael.