Monday, April 29, 2013

Ashtar, through Susan Leland

Bulletin From The Bridge
April 26, 2013
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  It is with great Joy, and indeed, Reverence, that we present Mother Gaia's loving message.* It is as timeless as she, and we invite you to feel the infinite Love with which she imbues it!!!
 "You are aware of the many changes which are to be made in the manner in which She is treated, and we commend you for all of your efforts in this direction!  Lest you be having any thoughts that these changes are not already in progress, or are about to be enacted, be assured that we are monitoring all activities of interaction with Mother Gaia, and we have a comprehensive list of all which are ceasing and are about to cease, along with appropriate High Dimensional replacements where needed.
"For instance, the World no longer turns on what is known as the petro dollar, even though some of the dark hats are persisting in having you believe otherwise. The Truth is that the plundering of Mother Gaia's fossil fuels is ending forever upon Planet Earth! Yet, this is not to say that you will be without energy for heat, cooking, transportation, etc. It is simply that clean energy will be the only kind used, and it will be free to all!!! This energy is already here, and it is becoming known to more and more humans in every moment!
"And, we also repeat to you that we are intervening in the most violent of actions, so as to prevent massive destruction and annihilation of the Planet. That timeline has been replaced, and there will be no going backward!!!
"We encourage each of you to create your own visions of Paradise, with all of Mother Gaia's pristine and radiant beauty fully available for you to enjoy. For in Truth, she already is in this state of being, as she always has been in her Higher Dimensional Self!!!
"Accept her invitation to connect and commune with Her, and you shall indeed enjoy all of her wondrous gifts to you, which are your Divine Birthright, Beloved Ones! Welcome to the Immortal Paradise of Mother Gaia!!! Salut!"
* Mother Gaia's message April 23, 2013
Given through Susan Leland, April 26, 2013.
©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.

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