Monday, October 15, 2012

Sekhmet's Crystal Excercise To Disempower Black Ops False Flag Events from Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, September 25, 2012, through Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, September 25, 2012
"Well, Greetings Everyone! Well that covered quite a range,* and I am most grateful to you for being here! One of the things that you may not realize that we are is timeless, out of time, no prisoner of time, etc., etc - however you want to see it, because we're not of time, but yet we observe time. And so I can say to you, Ashtar included, that some things in his message about Ascensionitis and so on and coming onto the ships - because as we observe and read your fields and connect with you, we see that there are some requests for this kind of information!

"And so we are very much in the moment with you, and that is so delightful. You are awesome! You are beautiful, beautiful, Lights of Love, and we are absolutely thrilled to be here in this Gathering with you, and so we shall proceed. And so we suggest that you might wish to close your eyes, and see in front of you everyone else who is here. It's easier if you close your eyes, but you don't have to. You are sovereign beings - make your own choices.

"So here we all are, and I, Sekhmet, am standing before you, and I am taking my place now beside you. I offer you a paw, and I'm bi-locating my paws around the entire circle of us so that everybody can hold my paw. Now take your other hand, whichever one is not holding my paw, and hold the hand of the wondrous Ashtar Family Member next to you. This is our circle; this is how we travel. And there is a special reason why we do this. Have you ever wondered why we always get in a circle?

"Well first of all because it's infinite, there's no beginning, there's no end - like Love you know, like you Divine Beings, you know - how about that?! And secondly because we generate - yes, we generate a kind of energy, so we don't need 'Scotty,' just like Ashtar was saying. So let's just hold hands and beam up.

"Now your Guides, your Angels, and all of the Beloved Ones from the Realms of Light are here, perhaps even an ancestor or two, for those of you who have connected with those particular Light Beings. And so they will come up with us, standing in two other circles, one in front, one behind you, and you will perhaps feel their Light Beams, or as the case might be, even that which feels like a hand upon your shoulders. This is our travel circle, three circles coming together, all connected as One.

"I, Sekhmet, am in the center again, with a paw extended to each of you. All right, now we are ready to move. Notice as you lift up and lift off as we do this together, that you have still a connection, an energy line, a beam, a cord, to Planet Earth. But we shall rise together, and what we're really doing, Beloved Ones, is we're traveling up and through a portal, which is directly ahead.

"The portal will expand, and it is circular, and it is going to open. It is in the shape of the infinity, or the eight, if you wish, and as the circles move so that they are over and on top of each other, when those circles becomes one circle, we move up and through the portal which is open! It's like a gate opening, the circles coming together, and we move up and through. We are indeed in Higher Dimensionality, but aren't the stars beautiful in the skies? Look down and see Planet Earth, and know that you are perfectly connected, and can come back any time. The Truth is you do have energies of connection with Planet Earth!

"But we're moving up now, and because there is no time where we are, we are here approaching my ship. There it is. See how it gleams all Crystal, and beautiful, and bright! It's huge, and the door to the landing deck is a circle. We like circles - we use them a lot you know. It opens and we all come up and hover just above the opening together. Our own energies, our own momentum, our own Love, have brought us to this place. And see the door close, and now we can gently land on the landing deck.

"Doesn't it feel lovely? You can feel the energy, the welcome, even if you have your shoes on. I don't of course - I tend to like my paws to be free, so I can wiggle my toes a lot when I dance. So here we are on the landing deck, and it's all Crystal, and bright and beautiful, and you may be hearing the music of welcome, or smelling the smells, or scents - the beauty of the Crystals. It's all for you, a personal welcome for each individual you, as well as for this entire One we are! So bring it all in, and enjoy this looking around the circle, and seeing that yes, we're all here, every single one, and yes you're here. We have already taken attendance.

"And now let us move easily, gracefully, to the elevator, whose doors are open for us to enter. This elevator can expand just like my ship. It has expansion capabilities, and soon we are all inside, tucked in, in our circle. And as the doors close, we move up to the very tiptop of my ship to the Crystal Room. This is where we come. It is familiar to you. You've been here before. All of you have, even if not in these Gatherings!

"And let us move out through the door. Now we may bring our circle a little closer, but that's all right. Move out through the door - we're all connected, three circles with me in the middle. And now here we are in the Crystal Room, very appropriately named. Feel the energies, just breathe in the energies, breathe in the Love, the Joy! Fill yourselves with it!!! Let it come in even more. You can hold all that's coming in, because you have expansion capabilities, too. Your beautiful Hearts can expand to open to receive, as can the crowns of your glorious heads - yes even up through your feet!

"Your feet, because it's all around you, in the floor, in the ceiling, in the walls. It's all Love! That's what the Crystal Room is. So just breathe for a moment, and when you're ready, let's look down and see the mirror, so to speak. It's a window really. Shiny like a mirror, but it is a window. It shows Planet Earth. Look and give intention along with me, that we want to see intentions, plans, perhaps even computer programs, of the darkest kind.

"When we say intentions, in some cases they have not been given anything other than just the fact that they are hoped for in the future of Planet Earth, 3D. But in some cases there are actual programs ready to push the buttons, you know, to send. In some cases they are like blueprints, but have you ever seen a blueprint on black paper? Well it's an energy thing.

"It's all very dark. Now why would we want to focus on that? Because we're going to do a transformation!!! Now you've got it, right? So call forth to show to you where these intentions, these programs, and these plans are located, whether it be in the mind of someone wearing a dark hat, or whether it be in a computer, or on a table somewhere in a dark room, matters not. Just ask that they show themselves!

"Another way of putting it is that the illuminati's programs - black ops, dark programs - be illuminated for all of us to see. Yes! Well, when you have these firmly in your focus view we shall begin the transformative process.

"Beloved Family, this is the time for you to take all of these Lovebeams that you have within you in your energy fields, and that we have as One, and focus them with intention, which is for Love only, which is high vibe, which is healing, which is respectful, and yet firm. And let us focus these Lights of Love, accompanied by Forgiveness and Gratitude in the most Compassionate way, upon all of these programs. They carry an energy which is dark.

"Now even as we do this, remember to open yourselves to receive instantaneous refills of this Love Light, so that you literally are a conductor of all of these high vibe, unconditional, compassionate, loving, and forgiving radiant beams! The highest energies in the Universe come streaming in to each of you, infinitely, and without any ceasing. At the same time you are allowing yourselves to be conduits for this marvelous energy. So you have aimed it at these dark black ops, intentions, and programs. Now keep focusing on them. Breathe in the Love Light. Breathe out the Love Light where you are focusing.

"Whatever has shown itself to each and every one of you and us to be illuminated, to be transformed, shine your Lights on these places with Love and Gratitude, knowing that the message we are sending in our Oneness is so loving that even as we are transforming, transforming these dark things into zero point, and then into Love, we are at the same time sending messages to all of the ones who still wear the dark hats.

"And we are saying to them, 'Come into the Love Light. Be not afraid. Come out from your hiding places, and allow us to share the Love with you, even as we shine it upon these programs. You don't have to do these things anymore. The time for you to be sending out these black ops, dark, dark, energies to Planet Earth is over! Give up these programs! Give up even your intentions for that which you were planning to bring forth! Give them up!

" 'The consensus of the consciousness of Planet Earth has spoken, and it is time, as it is measured in 3D, for Peace upon the Planet. And there are those who are so dedicated to Peace that we are allowed - those of us who come from the Higher Dimensions - are allowed to intervene, so that there will be no more war as a result of these black ops, false flag programs.

" 'You have done a wondrous job of alerting, and waking up many, many, millions of beings in human bodies, and you deserve to relax. You deserve to take a break -you or your clones, or your programs that are just running your holograms.

" 'Oh, yes you will be, and are being made - all of your black ops. deeds are coming to the Light and being made known. But what we are saying is that we are going one step further and transforming whatever remains so that they can not result in the kinds of wars these events have seemed to justify in the past history/herstory of Planet Earth. It's over! It's done!!!'

"Now look and see how these programs, these intentions, are receiving the Light of transformation, and notice if you will they are joined by the Violet Ray of St. Germaine, and the Blue Ray of Archangel Michael, who are with us in this mission. And now what is left are High Dimensional waves of Golden White Light, which is the Christ Consciousness, which is the integrity, the beauty, and the Truth of the Higher Dimensions!!!

"Now look behind at 3D, and see the Light shine even brighter on Planet Earth, brighter than ever before. This is so joyful! This is such a grand service! And so it is these wars of invasion, of conquering, of feeding the greed of the few at the horrific expense of the many, are over!!!

"And anything that remains of them in 3D is hereby nullified. The black ops false flag events cannot continue. And what there is still in the news cannot lead the World into the kinds of devastations as the wars of the past. Now, hear the bells ringing, and see the Peace, the Peace that Passeth all Understanding, coming, enveloping all of Planet Earth in the highest energies of Love, beautiful, shiny, bright Love, Crystalline Love!

"And let this Peace continue, and let it grow and spread everywhere, to literally Light up 3D as it has never been lit before since the beginning. All is well; all is in Divine Order, and all is beautiful and at Peace on Planet Earth!!!

"Now stand in this Love, this Oneness We Are, and receive the thanks of all who are here, and of Planet Earth, Mother Gaia, Father Sky, and all the Kingdoms, and know this is a grand service, and a grand mission that you have accomplished!

"And so we thank you, and we bless you, and we give you the energy of the Crystal to place in your Hearts to remind you that you came, and you made this commitment to this mission, and you blessed Planet Earth with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Peace!!! That is the path. That is the path to Ascension. And that is the ordained path of Mother Gaia and all of Her Kingdoms, Human included. And so it is, Beloved Family! We stand together in our Oneness. Accept the energies of the Crystals into your Hearts as Peace Makers, and as Peace Keepers for Planet Earth.

"Hugs everybody! Cheers if you wish! It is a grand mission that we have done together. And so when you are ready, just follow your cords, or your projections, your energy lines. Float on back to that place from which you came, and feel the Lights around you, the energies of Love even more, and the Joy of Peace on Earth! Thank you for your attendance, your participation, and for your commitment to bringing the Peace, and keeping the Peace. We love you beyond words!!! And so it is! Namaste! "

*Referring to Ashtar's preceding message:

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 9-25-12 © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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