Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sekhmet's Ascension Preparation Crystal Excercise - Clearing With Forgivness For All!

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, 10/09/12
"Well, Good Evening, Everybody! That was an interesting transition.* Next time I'll select some music - it will make it easier for everyone waiting. We had to attend to The Voice's throat. Sometimes it's just a little hard for her to carry the energy of I, Sekhmet. I don't see any problem carrying my energy, but sometimes she has a little bit of a transitional pause.
Alright! Everybody, well you've gotten a preview.* Everybody's still here, this is wonderful, wonderful news! We would suggest that you fasten your seatbelts, but we won't, because we're going to travel, because we have some very serious business - it's the business of 'Lightening Up!'
"And sometimes to Lighten Up, we have to get into something a little bit heavy, and the only reason for it - well you know, it's like housecleaning. You can swish through, and make it look good, or you can get out those little things you call the Q-tips, and you can go everywhere with them. You might be a little exhausted when you finish, but you're going to feel that 'squeaky clean,' as you call it, and it's going to be different in your atmosphere. So, if you want to, you can tuck some Q-tips into your pockets, and that's really the only preparation you need for our adventure together.
"Now I know that what I like to call myself - I refer to myself sometimes - you know, I AM, I have the energy of the Lion, and sometimes, you know, Lions - King of the Beasts, and all that. Well I sometimes like to call myself the Comedy Queen of our group, however, we're going to get real serious real fast! So we're happy that you've been laughing, because it means you're lighter, and you're ready to blast off, so let's just do it, shall we?
"Alright! Now, we welcome all of you into our circle. We're going to form a circle. This is how we like to travel together. We travel as One, one big Light. I, Sekhmet, hold out my paws. Don't question, just take one of my paws. I have multi-locational capabilities. Everybody gets to hold on to a paw, and you hold onto the hand of the person next to you. This is our travel formation. Well that sounds real spacey, doesn't it? Alright! Let's get together now in our circle, and it helps a lot to be relaxed, and it helps to just breathe deeply, and remember that you have a connection still with Planet Earth.
"It can be a cord, or a little line, an energy beam, however you choose it for yourself. And you will be able to follow this cord, or line, or beam, back to Earth when we are complete. And you will each do so on your own, individually, so that you come back to where you started from. But for now we are traveling together in this joyful circle.
"So notice as you breathe, we get a little bit lighter, and a little bit lighter, and the next thing you know, we have left the ground! There is only a sense of exhilarated anticipation! We are headed for my ship, and as we move up towards it, you can see Planet Earth below, and you'll see Light, and you may see some dark spots. Do not be troubled by them, just observe. Let your observations flow right on through you. Feel the breezes as we travel upward, upward, under our own power - But if you want to think of yourself as having a little rocket on your back, or whatever, that is all right. It's all you, and it's all the Light You Are!!!
"Now if you will look up, you will see my ship. It's huge - really you can't see anything except the underside of it - it's immense! But notice as we approach that a door opens in the bottom. This is the landing deck, and we are able to pass right up and through this open door. It's kind of like going through a portal isn't it? Well, it is a portal in a way. And come right up, and let's hover just above it, so that the door can close. And now we'll gently just drop down a tiny bit so we're on the landing deck.
"Look around, and see the Lights - it's all Crystalline!!! We don't have electricity here as you know it. Everything is powered by us, and our will, or our intention, but it's all Crystals, and so it's all sentient , and so we're all connected - One High Dimensional Energy!
"Breathe it in, and if you hear a little music, or you smell something that smells like Roses, or something you enjoy smelling; if you feel a little tingly with the energy; or if you feel nothing, except, you're just looking around - it's all wondrous indeed! It's all for you individually, even though we have come here as One.
"Now I see that we're ready to enter into the Crystal Elevator. Again, look ahead, and you will see that the doors are open to welcome us. Now my ship has infinite expansion and contraction capabilities, so the opening is wide enough for all of us, and we are Grand Company in numbers, and yet we can all easily keep in our circle, and move through the doors to our Crystal Elevator! Now that we're all inside, the doors close, and you'll have a slight sensation of moving upward, but just relax and enjoy. ,The messages that the Crystals are transmitting are all Loving and Joyful. Feel the Oneness of us. Feel our Lights shining together, and the Love We Are!
"And now we have arrived at the very top-most room of my ship. It is called the Crystal Room. Oh yes, it's much bigger than the Crystal Elevator, because there are many more of us in this room. As we enter, you will see a huge group of Light Beings, Masters, Angels, Ascended Beings, and the Divas and the Spirits from Planet Earth representing all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms! And look, here is Mother Gaia herself, and as we move our circle out into the room, we surround this group, this Light Group, so much so that we are actually in connection, full connection!
"And now notice, if you will, that coming behind you are Others, and these are your Guides, your own personal Guides, and yes, they may be multi-locating, because there may be one who is Guide to some, or all of you. Again it is a tremendous Light! And among these Guides, we will tell you right now, there are those who have been with you in other lifetimes. They are Soul Family Members, these ones. They are Soul Family to each of you, and they are here to love you, and they are here to welcome you, and they are here to assist you, to support you, and to light the way for you even more in this Exercise that we are about to do!
"So let us continue to hold our hands, and paws, and let us just bliss out for a moment in the energy of all of these wondrous Light Beings standing inside of our circle, and surrounding us on the outside of our circle! This is the Grandest Company who have come yet to be with you in my Crystal Room, and I say that because of the sheer numbers - so many Lights!!!
"And, so we invite you to just breathe. Breathe in the Light of Love even more. Allow yourselves to just fill with it, and overflow with it. And soon, here we are -one great spiraling Light filling this Crystal Room, and sharing the Light with the Crystals themselves. They're lighting up even more just because you're here!
"It is so wondrous indeed to be together, and to be One together in this Light. And so it is that it is for each of you to look into your Hearts, and see the Courage there. The Love Light is shining so bright in each and every one of you, that you know that you can accomplish everything that you came here to do, and that you do so with Courage and Integrity!!! There is no need for any fear whatsoever. Indeed it has not been allowed to come, and there is none! But, just look around, and feel the energies of Love, so that you can know it!
"This is a place of only Love, of only Joy, of only Oneness together in this Light. And so I, Sekhmet, shall say some words which are for you to hear, and take into these Courageous Hearts of yours, and to indeed fill your beings with. It is to open, to open, to whatever there is remaining in your energy fields which is not of Higher Dimensionality. It is to open to know it, to see it without Judgment, without fear!!!
"If it means that you see yourself as doing something that was harmful to anyone, that is all right. You are safe, you are not being judged, which means that you are already forgiven! It is only for you to allow yourself to clear it, to forgive yourselves, to let the Light of Love heal whatever there is inside of you that you have hidden from yourself - that is now one of your last steps upon your Path!!! And we will say this: You can repeat this Exercise as often as you choose. It's yours, because you are co-creators of this!
"You have brought yourselves here for this specific purpose. It is your birthright as Divine Beings to be free at last from that which you have been carrying all these eons of time!!! It is to walk - no, it is to soar in your Divinity, in your Joy, and in your Love of yourselves. It is not that you are not loved by others, Beloved Ones - you are! Mother/Father God created you only out of Love, and you are loved by all, infinitely, without end! You always have been, you always will be, no matter what you have done before!!!
"You did it in the name of humanity's experience so that you would know the difference between living in the lower vibrations, with the veil tight upon you - and now to transform into the Light Beings you came here originally as, or you were created as, we shall say, to transform your very physical bodies! And it is your physical bodies which need this release, as much as your minds and your feelings, and yes, your spiritual connections. So give yourselves this Freedom, Beloved Ones!!!
"We are here sharing our Love with you that you may accomplish this, whatever it is. And this is your shining moment to see yourselves as we see you, as Love, pure bright Lights of Love, and Joy, and as Divine Masters. So let yourselves be the Love, Unconditional and Forgiving, without judgment. See yourselves as Compassionate Observers from that perspective, and love yourselves! Love yourselves literally into Higher Dimensional Ascension!!! That's all you have to do.
"That is your biggest and grandest step upon your Paths to take in this moment, and the next. And it is for you to finally know the Truth of Who You Really Are! You are not a 3D identity. That is just a costume that you have put on. That is just a play that you have acted in, whether your role has been major or minor.
"Now let those who come from whatever lifetime, or lifetimes, you are clearing -let them come and hug you, and tell you that whatever you did, whatever you said, was all a part of the experience you and they came for, and that you all did a fabulous job of playing your roles! Forgive them, Beloved Ones, for whatever they may have done to hurt you, even as you forgive yourself, and join together in the Light of Love - free, and seeing yourselves as the Divine Lights You Are!!!
"Now just breathe this in. You may come back at any time you choose to repeat any, or all of this, if you choose to do so. You came because you were ready. You came to accomplish this mission. And we tell you that your Lights are shining so bright, in fact, that if you will now look down, you will see there is like a window opening, and you can see Planet Earth. The Light that you have been beaming, that we have been beaming as One, is now being beamed by those Crystals, who have absorbed the Light, and whose mission it is to transmit, to be the messengers for us!
"And you will see Planet Earth lighting up even more beautiful spiraling beams of Light, like Stars, like rockets exploding, so bright are these Lights!!! And by our intention, we send them to every place on Planet Earth, that all of Planet Earth may be literally be engulfed in this Light, which is Love, in this Light which is Forgiveness, in this Light which has the Compassionate perspective - no judgment, no shame, no recriminations, only Forgiveness, loving joyful Forgiveness!!!
"Now see how the Planet itself lights up! And if you listen closely you may hear some songs of Joy. Allow yourselves to feel the Joy, even as we present you with your Roses. See Sananda greet each and every one of you, and see the Marys, the Beloved Marys - his Mother, and His Wife - at His side. Take the Roses from them, Beloved Ones. Bring them into your Hearts, these Roses of Kumara.
"The Universe will know always that you were here, as you shine forth these Roses. It is the thanks, it is the Gratitude for your Courage to come here, to be a part of this Gathering, and to allow yourselves to look honestly and deeply at yourselves - to let go!!! And if you feel so inclined, do this again to repeat, or to find, perhaps another lifetime to look at. There aren't many you know - some of you have only one, some have maybe one or two more.
"These are the deepest, the very deepest of, shall we say, the darkness that you have hidden from yourself so well all these eons of time. But you have done so much, and we are so in love with you, and we thank you, and we honor you!!! Now hugs all around! Breathe in the Joy! Breathe in the Love! Breathe in the Lights!!!
"And when you are ready, float on back to your place from which you came on Planet Earth, knowing, knowing that what you have done for yourselves, so also you have done for all of Planet Earth and Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, and they are all represented here to bear witness that you came, and that you did this mission! And so Beloved Ones, from our Hearts to yours, we say unto you: Namaste!"
* Getting a lozenge for Susan's throat.
** Refers to Ashtar's message, heard previously.
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, October 9, 2012.  © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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