Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, March 11, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Archangel Michael: The World is Awakening to Truth!
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - March 11, 2014
"Greetings Beloved Family!  What the song did not say was the next verse: 'Come Senators, Congressman get out of the way,' and so on!*  And I have chosen this song because the power of Truth is upon the World, and I have my sword, Excalibur, and I offer it to each and every one of you to wave within your own beings whenever you are unsure of the Truth!
"I am here to tell you that we are talking and giving the messages of Truth, loud and clear, to many, many groups of beings – the lawmakers, the news writers, the financial controllers, the leaders of the religions - which are all about power and control -and the corporations.  The Truth is their day is over, their days in the spreading of the darkness are over!  Excalibur waves the blue wave of Truth, and more and more Truth is coming to everyone, all dwellers of Planet Earth!
"People are removing the blinders from their eyes and allowing the blue energy of Truth to enter into and permeate their energy fields!  And how is this happening?  It is because Hearts are opening - Hearts Are Opening!!!  This is not about a mental exercise.  This is about what resonates with each and everyone. You have had this veil, and it has created blinders, not just in your eyes, but in your ears and even in your brains.
"You have shut down your recognition processes.  You have allowed this darkness to permeate, to hang like a never-ending cloud over Planet Earth for eons of time, and now you are opening your Hearts and allowing the Light of Love to shine in so beautifully!  But you need to know the Truth!!!  
"We understand that there are those of you for whom the Truth is still so painful that you cannot bear to look at it, even when it comes as a blinding Blue Light, so to speak.  That is, that you turn away from it rather than acknowledge it, because it disrupts your place and space.  It causes you to have to re-think from your Hearts and to cast out that which no longer serves, you because it is not Truth.
"This has served you up to a point, and it is not to be angry, or to be angry at those who have been telling you the untruths , or the lies.  It is rather to thank them, because you have wakened up, and because you know in your Hearts what is true and what is false!  So it is that I offer you Excalibur - you may keep it within your Hearts and call upon it, and me, when you are unsure.
"Remember that your reality is what is true for you.  And it may be that your neighbor’s reality is different than yours. Remember that even though the consciousness is awake, there are people who are unconscious, that is, not aware.  They are still groping around in the darkness.  So shine your Lights forth, and express from the Highest levels of your beings - your God/Goddess selves, your angel selves - and allow the Light of Love to be in every expression that you make, whether it is in simply your actions or words, or even your thoughts!!!  It is to determine what resonates with you and then shine that forth.  It may be that you will light up some places that you didn’t even know needed lighting up!
"Now, we suggest to you that you have a date upon your calendars which is called the equinox, and the equinox is about balance and harmony.  So, there is no finer preparation than to bring into balance and into harmony whatever there is inside of you that is not!  As we perceive you, as we observe you, and most of all, as we feel what you are feeling in your Hearts, we assure you that this is not a huge task.
"We also assure you that with Excalibur in your Hearts, with the blue wave of Truth, it will not be a long or arduous journey for you to come into the knowing of what your reality is - and is to be!  You see, we are discussing preparation, and this month of March is pivotal.  It is because the balance is coming forth, the harmony.  You may have heard March comes in like the lion - think Mother Sekhmet, she’s very busy - and goes out like the lamb - think Sananda and all of the Great Teachers whose Truth is Love and Peace and the Oneness of All Life, and the Divinity of All Life!  That, Beloved Ones, is Truth!!!
"That is our Family Mission - all of us here gathered and beyond! It is to bring the Truth of your own Divinity right into your faces, as it were!  And it is for you to shine forth that Truth, and to express from the Higher Levels of Love - only Truth and its Wisdom, and of course, its Oneness With All Life!!!  
"And so it is to be not in judgment, but rather in Appreciation.  It is to bring harmony and balance into your own Beloved Selves -and then beyond!!!  It is to know there is not one among those who still cling to the dark, who does not know that this is the true path.  No matter how stubbornly they seem to cling to the dark road, the Light is shining brightly everywhere upon this Planet, and they cannot hide from it!  It is to be in Gratitude and Appreciation of them.  There is no harsher judge of these ones than they themselves, as the Truth shines forth in front of them, and whether they embrace the Blue Light in their own Hearts or not, they know the Truth of their actions and what they have caused.
"I assure you, Beloved Ones, that we stand with you, and that we have turned the darkness into Light!  The Light shines evermore, and it is indeed illuminating all of the places which have been so dark for so long.  So just join with us in this Grand Procession as we march together upon the Path!  Speak Truth within yourselves, and then if you hear words from others that resonate for you, welcome them into your beings with Love and Appreciation, and know that the World is coming into its own balance and harmony, and it is indeed moving up into the Higher Lifestyles from which you came  and to which you are destined to be successful in returning!!!
"We have so much Love for you that it is indescribable, absolutely impossible to express in words!  So just feel the Love, and feel it on the wings of the Blue Light, and know the Truth I speak to you!  And so it is.  Namaste."
*Archangel Michael was preceded by the first two verses of The Times, They Are a-Changing, sung by Joan Baez.
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 11, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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