Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Peggy Black and the 'team'


Message from the 'team'

Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here again acknowledging your courage and your dedicated work transforming what is before you in your personal life as well as the global reality. We celebrate with you as you move into a powerful new cycle. This cycle is supported and influenced by the celestial beings offering waves of energy to transform the many challenges that are present as well as vibrations to allow you to let go of all limitations.

Each time a new cycle is offered there is an opportunity to make a conscious shift in old patterns, limited beliefs and restrictions. We are inviting you to truly step into this awareness for yourself especially, for when you make a shift or change in your personal way of relating to this reality you bring about a shift or change in the collective consciousness.

Actually, each morning upon returning to your reality from your slumber is the beginning of a new cycle. It is the beginning of the opportunity to shift or transform what does not serve you. It is a fresh slate so to speak.

You can always drag the limitations of the past into this new day. It is a learned habit that does not support your magnificence. Begin to notice your first thought upon awakening.  Is it one of celebration and gratitude, of having another period of time to engage in this life and reality, or is it one that calls forth all the worries, concerns and issues that were left behind as you closed your eyes for renewal.

Begin to observe these patterns, not from a place of self-criticism or judgment but simply as an observer. Then from this place of gentle observation, begin to shift your first thoughts that you call forth into your fresh day. Over time you will begin to change old limited patterns and habits of thought.

Another powerful cycle occurs at the close of your active day when you are within moments of falling asleep for renewal. Watch what thoughts you bring to that moment. Are they thoughts of gratitude and acknowledgment of a day well lived, or are your last thoughts before sleep ones of concern, worry and self-criticism? Remember, no judgment here, be kind with yourself; just observe your habit of thoughts that you take into the place of rest and renewal.

Begin to find new ways to end the cycle of your day. Begin to invite gentle, pleasant thoughts and feelings of appreciation. Intend that while you sleep you are being restored to your highest and best form. These intentions and emotional vibrations will nurture your rest. As you know, each emotion triggers different chemicals and hormones, so your physical body responds to the thoughts, emotions and suggested intentions that are offered.

Each day of light and night of darkness is a certain cycle and period of time, influenced by your thoughts and emotions as well as by the current events and celestial happenings. How you move into each of these short cycles depends on your intention and your focus.

You have cycles that you label weeks, months, years and seasons. Each one carries the opportunity for a fresh creation, depending on your clear attention and awareness.

The beginning of a new year is celebrated for the potent possibilities, the excited anticipation of the opportunity for great and wonderful changes. The powerful cycle that you are observing on your planet is just one of those wonderful opportunities.

It is the opportunity to actively be a part of bringing dynamic changes into manifestation. It is an opportunity to consciously release what no longer serves you. The past limitations do not need to be brought into this new energy cycle.

However it is yours to transform what you offer to this new field of possibilities. It is truly time to release all illusions of limitation. Know that you are being supported by the celestial realms and beings of love and light, to do this work and service for yourself and humanity.

Begin to claim your true power as a divine multidimensional being of light, here to uplift and transform all misqualified energies. Begin to use all new cycles of time as the springboard for planting new seeds of reality. Realize that your intentions and your focused energy is manifesting much quicker and with greater speed.

Your planet at this time is undergoing a tremendous awakening. Much is being revealed about all the misqualified energies and misuses of the power to create. It is most valuable for you to recognize and own your part in bringing this awakening into this dimension and timeframe.

Remember energy follows thought. What you give your attention and focus to will manifest. The emotional vibrations you generate will empower what you visualize for the good or what you judge and worry about. You are powerful. Own this truth!

Sculpt this new cycle with your clear, conscious loving intentions and emotional vibrations for a reality that is life sustaining for all. Be ever diligent with your thoughts, words and actions. You are here to uplift this reality.

You are here to serve the collective good. This is not a new task for you. You, as a Being of Light, have come forth into physical form many, many, many times offering your light consciousness into that timeframe.

We observe the chaos, the conflicts and the distress that is being out-pictured by humanity. When great changes take place there is always chaos as those who do not want change hold on to the dysfunction and limitations. Now is the time to take action, to carefully use your divine power to create and seed each new cycle offered with vibrations and intentions of transformation.

Bring your energy of focused emotions and thoughts into alignment of the highest good for all. Remember, when your point of attraction is on what is not working, you are misusing your power. We invite you instead to bring your core energy to a concentrated vision and intention of what you desire to call forth, for yourself and for this planet.

This is your birthright and your responsibility as a divine conscious being embodied in a physical form.  The energy of the quantum field is neutral; you impress this field of vibrations with the energy from your heart's awareness for the well-being of your loved ones and with compassion, understanding and forgiveness for all those who are journeying with you in this timeframe.

We acknowledge you for your wisdom, your tenacity and your willingness to truly make a difference. We join you upon request to support and assist the evolution of consciousness and the ascension for all into the realms of Love Light and Truth.
the 'team'
©2014 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.  www.morningmessages.com
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