Monday, January 14, 2013

Ashtar: Bulletin From The Bridge, given through Susan Leland

"Greetings, Beloved Family! The following excerpt is from my teleconference on 12-18-12. I invite you to listen to my entire message, so that you can feel the loving energies in it, and also so that you can join in with the beautifully uplifting Exercise of Blessing given by Sananda.*
"Since this call, there has been much more movement into the 4D and Higher realms. Indeed, you are not in a static position, but rather you are consciously accessing various levels - remember that there are aspects of you in other Dimensions! This is indeed a time which can be confusing, as you experience the differences. The best advice, and indeed, that which is most appropriate, is to stay centered in each Now moment!
"Your time is collapsing, so this is easier than it might sound. You no longer need to go searching through your past for things to clear, for your past will come forward into your Now, if need be. You have already cleared so much that what remains is now easier to release. Indeed, some of you are experiencing strange dreams, often seemingly unconnected and downright weird fragments which make no sense. These are expressions of releasing those things which no longer serve you, and all you are advised to do is to express Gratitude and let them go!
"If you will remember that you are creating your future in each Now moment, it is easy to understand where to focus! Create your visions, your atmosphere, and your expressions with a High Dimensional perspective, and your next Now moments shall be so! No longer are you subject to the 3D boxes. You have left them behind to soar in the new Higher Dimensional Freedoms!
"I assure you that your lives will get easier and easier, as you move even more into the Golden Age, and I congratulate all of you for having the courage to stay the course. In this Now moment and all those to come, it is for you to enjoy the rewards of your commitments, for they have been waiting for you to claim them! This, Beloved Family, is the Divine Right of each and every one of you, and I greet you as Masters in the Oneness We Are! Salut!"
* "Ashtar Teleconferences," .
Given through Susan Leland, January 11, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
"The World is changing, and even though it might seem to you, as though, well, it's missed a few timelines, hasn't it, along the way? Yes, it has! But we will say this, know that there has been as much benefit - in fact more - from things not happening, as had been, originally, shall we say, scheduled. Why? Because more and more of the Human Kingdom is awake. More and more of the Human Kingdom even now is engaging!

"And of course this horrific event which took place in the United States of America, in the state that helped to give birth to the Freedom of this country, the unthinkable happened, and we will tell you this: Yes, there has been outrage, anger, but there is also a commitment that has arisen out of the Compassion, which has been uplifting, and which is over-riding even the anger, and that is the commitment in the Hearts of the people to do something, whatever they are moved to do, whether it is to participate in the prayers and the meditations; to reach out perhaps, such as the man in California who gave the coffee, paid for the people to come for coffee. No matter what the cost was, he just said, 'I'm paying the bill. Coffee for everyone in this town!' Whether it is the Beloved Father of the beautiful six- year old girl, who expressed Compassion and Forgiveness to the family of those of the one who took his child's life - this event is raising the Compassion even higher Worldwide, and the World is blessed by the energies of Love which are being shared!

"There are reasons why this took place, just as there have been for other tragic and horrific events. These kinds of events have taken twenty-six lives sometimes, sometimes twenty-six hundred, or twenty-six million. But what we are wanting you to feel is the outpouring of loving Oneness which is the ultimate result that events such as this can create. There have been other events where people have been committed to stopping violence.

"Your World Wars are an example, but it has taken more acts of violence, more wars since then, to finally, finally, raise the Compassion levels to where they are now. And we can tell you that these events are ending. We have already told you there will be no major wars of any kind created, or caused, or started by any kinds of weapons; nuclear, poison, whatever. Countries will not be going to war with other countries!!!

"People are coming together in Oneness, and this is our news report for this moment. And we tell you, if you think that you can feel this Oneness now, just wait! Twelve twenty-one is coming, and the days to follow, and every day is a day for increasing Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude upon Planet Earth. And it is these energies of Love, and sharing them, feeling them yourselves, and spreading them, that has been the primary Mission of Ashtar On The Road since its very first appearance! *

"I, Ashtar began with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and I say even now that these are the foundations for the New World, The Golden Age -and it's here! It doesn't need a particular date to be here in your Hearts, Beloved Ones, and it's here in this Family of Ashtar. And whether this is your first time to share with this Family your energies, your presence, your Love, or whether it is some hundreds of times - Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! And thank you so much for being here, for adding your energies to what we are here to do.

"And I tell you this, no, we have not had the official announcements of NESARA and First Contact, but unofficially they are in effect. All of those of you who go out at night, or even in the day time, and see the ships, all of you who speak to us, or who are open to see, hear, or feel the energies of Love and Joy - you know these things have already come into being!

"And we tell you this, that even though the timelines have been somewhat delayed, the new ones are even better!!! The Joy with which the World will greet our ships, will be Joy, because as Love grows, fear diminishes. Now, you can call all that quantum science if you want to, but it's a part of Mother/ Father's grand plan. It's a part of you, Beloved Ones. It's how you function, and the time for fear is over! So walk tall, speak loudly, and above all else, let your Hearts guide you!

"Thank you for being here, Beloved Ones, and thank you for going out into the World, be it in your meditations, or in your physicalities, or both, and shining bright, so that that many more may join with all of you, and all of us, on the Grand Ascension Path. And so it is! Salut!"
* May 23, 2004
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, December 18, 2012.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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