Monday, March 19, 2012

Clearing, clearing and more clearing

Hi everybody,

today I would like to talk about the importance of clearing, getting rid of all that is not serving us anymore: emotions, attitudes, negative feelings etc. To release whatever there is that keeps us from living up to our true potential. We are unlimited, multidimensional beings and we must learn who we really are. Furthermore we are all one and all our thoughts, words and actions have an impact on everyone and everything else.
At times it may feel difficult to stay centered and cope with all the changes in oneself , in people near, people who may not have a clue of what is going on, nor do they seem interested in any way. Nevertheless they, too are being influenced by the light that we are showered with all the time and they may respond in ways of anger, restlessness, uneasiness etc.

Things are coming up in their lives, too that need to be cleared and they may not be so well prepared to handle these situations. At these times it is important to lovingly stay detached from their dramas, it may not be so easy when it is someone close but it is important to lovingly stay detached. This does not mean that you do not care but we are not supposed to involve ourselves in matters that are clearly the other person´s own matters and lessons.
 Everyone´s path is different and eventhough we may walk together our paths differ. To take away another person´s opportunity to learn things their own way only creates karma for oneself. It is important to just be there, to listen if the other person wants you to but still lovingly stay deatched.
If  the other person e.g. wants to verbally attack you or ridicule you it is not nice at all and not so easy to stay centered, either, to be calm and not get involved but still one has to do it, however hard it is sometimes:
to lovingly stay detached  from the other person´s drama.

Instead of getting involved it is important to ask oneself: why is this situation coming up i n my life?

Everything happens for a reason and it is important to keep in mind that we are all eachother´s mirrors, we are also oneanother´s teachers and usually those who give us the hardest times are our best teachers.
When e.g. something the other person says or does irritates oneself  it is always because the situation brings up something in oneself that is coming up for clearance. At these times we have the great opportunities to reflect on and clear away all the things we do not need anymore.

Another thing i would like to talk about is ascension and in this context especially the fact that there seem to be so many people afraid, also among those who are interested in these things and who try to keep themselves informed but still they harbour fear. Fear of the unknown, what will happen etc. etc..
Consequently, it is important to clear away fear. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

What many people seem to fear is the end of the world mentality of  movies, books etc. but what these do not tell people is that it is a question of a change of conciousness. The changes must happen in ourselves and the change must happen in the conciousness at first hand.

The fact that there is an other reality than the one that meets the eye has been so effectively hidden that many people seem scared of the mere thought of anything else than the familiar material world that surrounds them. 

As we all have our own paths to walk we will have to keep in mind that all people here at this time on planet earth do not want to or are not ready to ascend. This is a free will universe and free is the will of everyone who is here. We must be open to discuss and inform people of these matters, when and if they show their interest, this is especially important when interacting with them on a daily basis.
However, the choice of ascending is made by each individual soul, some have made the decision before incarnating, some make it here but we can be assured that whatever the choice, everyone will make that choice for themselves which gives them the best opportunities to evolve in a way that is best for them.

Light to all


P.s. please remember to check out all new information on Steve Beckow´s, Kauilapele´s, Greg Giles´ as well as the Rainbowscribe´s websites, which you will find listed in the links section at the upper righthand side, thank you,



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