Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Latest message from Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Helman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-08-2013

Beloved masters, for many years now there have been so many new inventions and scientific breakthroughs, along with an overwhelming amount of philosophical and spiritual information bombarding the minds of humanity, that the human brain can hardly absorb the countless theories and new concepts without going into overload.
You are in the midst of a monumental process–a complex procedure of choosing and manifesting your destiny for the New Age, which will gradually become your more refined, expanded reality of tomorrow. Your choices–the focus, clarity and power of your thoughts and actions will determine how quickly your desires will manifest in the material world of form. It is vitally important that you learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration abilities, and stay in control of your emotions and mind chatter. The gifts and opportunities or Divine dispensations that are being offered to you require/demand a corresponding strong, personal discipline, along with a high level of responsibility.
Becoming sharply aware of your emotions and your thought patterns is a critical component within the process of cocreation, for it will determine the quality of the vibrational patterns you will send forth into your personal Twelve Ray Creator Wheel. The frequencies of the Seed thoughts you plant in your personal Wheel of Creation will determine the quality of what you will manifest, and will also determine what you will experience in your everyday life–whether positive or negative. These occurrences will be your barometer as to what kind of vibrational patterns you are sending forth into the world of cause and effect. Your primary task/goal at this time is to develop a state of mindful awareness, as you move deeper and deeper into the core Seed Atom of your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, where you will find all the strength and guidance you will ever need. As you develop your cocreative abilities and become more proficient in your personal mind control and visualization abilities, you will understand how important it is to constantly monitor the frequency patterns you are radiating forth out into the world. Always be mindful that you live in a world of vibrating, neutral, cosmic energy–the forces of Creation–which are waiting for you to mold them into anything you can imagine. You create your own Heaven or hell. You cannot blame anyone else for the reality you are presently experiencing.
You are a Spark of the Divine Creator, and when you were given the gift of individualized consciousness, an awareness of your Divine, independent nature, you were told, “Go forth and create worlds without end in my name.” From that time beyond remembering, you have been experimenting, striving, learning, succeeding at times and failing many times as well; yet, you have steadily made progress and are now being given an opportunity to become a full-fledged participant in the creation of a new Golden Age.
Integrating and perfecting the virtues, qualities and attributes of your many Higher Selves is a gradual process. The multitude of Sparks of your God Self contains a wealth of information, and each individual facet has many wondrous experiences and successes to share with you, along with a great infusion of Divine love, bliss and joy. Each Seed Atom of your Higher Soul Self that you integrate will supply you with more wondrous gifts of God Consciousness–abilities, talents and wisdom beyond your wildest imagining.
It is vitally important that you learn to be a conscious, directing agent of all life forces. In order to become a proficient cocreator, you must hold an idea in your mind long enough for it to register clearly within the brain. All events and created manifestation of form are evidence of energy and mind force: the use or misuse of force.
Remember, the breath is the conductor of the vital Life Force energy. In the years to come, humanity will understand that the breath is sacred–it is the gift of life–and you will learn not to waste it. As you inhale each breath, be aware that it is the only breath you are assured, for it may very well be your last breath.
Beloved ones, it behooves you to take time to ponder on and integrate the important concepts of Creation that we are relaying to you. You, the Star Seeds, who have attained the required level of harmonious frequency patterns, are now ready to put all you have learned into practice. As you do so, those around you who are still struggling within the confines of the restrictive lower-dimensional environment, will be awed at what you are accomplishing, and gradually they will begin to follow your example. As you are aware, teaching by example is the most effective way to get the attention of those around you. A truism from the past also applies: “By the fruits of your labor, you will be known.”


• Become a bystander, an observer, not a participant in all the negative drama that is constantly going on around you. It is the state of your emotions that draws you into the maelstrom of negativity, or if you are radiating harmonious, higher frequency patterns, you will be immune to the discordant energy around you.

• You are in the process of expanding your conscious awareness of what is occurring around you, and so it is vitally important that you maintain a detached state of mind. You are developing a new way of thinking, which is based on personal mind and emotional control.

• First comes Self-awareness, then Soul-consciousness, followed by Galactic-consciousness and eventually Sub-universal-consciousness. You are striving to tap into the streams of Infinite Awareness, as well as the vast Light Pyramids which contain the Cosmic Manifest for the complete Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universal experience.

• You are also developing a heightened, controlled sensitivity to those you interact with, which includes an empathetic, but somewhat detached viewpoint. This is an integral part of developing nonjudgment. You will diligently seek, claim and live your truth to the best of your ability, and you are to allow all others the same right.

• Do not allow anything or anyone to disturb your serenity. Develop a high level of forbearance and sensitivity, and diligently practice being patient and slow to anger.

• While seeking Self-mastery, part of your testing will be that you will have to experience, overcome, and possibly even move beyond some of the trying relationships with the people in your life who are not ready or willing to move forward on the spiral of conscious Soul-awakening. Each and every Soul must choose the path they will follow. You are only responsible for your own spiritual evolution.

• It is imperative that you do not abdicate your search for personal Spiritual-awakening and Self-mastery out of a false sense of duty or loyalty to those who are seeking to continue to draw on your energy or those who demand an unreasonable amount of your attention and time.


• Are you learning to only give of yourself that which you feel comfortable in giving, as you learn to adhere to the laws of balance and harmony in giving and receiving?

• Are you still afraid of being alone, losing your job or your security?

• Do you still doubt that you can handle success, power or responsibility? Many of you will be led to the edge of the abyss during these coming years. It will seem as though there is only darkness, a great void or sure destruction before you, but actually it will be your Spirit Self nudging you forward—tempting you to try your symbolic wings and testing you to see if you are ready to soar.

• Because you are in a very critical phase of your illumination process, a time when you are most vulnerable and your trials and tests are not as dramatic as in the past, you are quite often confused, and you do not know what the next step is or what the next truth is that you are to incorporate into your ever-changing reality.

• Remember, when you state, “I surrender all that I have and all that I am for my greatest good,” or “I align my will with the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God for my highest good and the greatest good of all,” it does not mean that you are giving up your worldly possessions or your free will. It is about trusting the wisdom of your OverSoul-Higher Self and your God Self, for these wise, higher facets of your Divine consciousness always know what is best and most beneficial for you at any given time.

Beware of falling back into the old patterns of allowing others to do your thinking, to lead the way without question, without validating what is your truth by going inward and connecting to that infallible source, your own Divine Presence. Many of you are still seeking outside yourself, turning to those you think are more powerful or more knowledgeable than you, hoping they will lead the way so you will not have to step to the forefront into untested territory. We tell you, beloved ones, this will not work. You, as Wayshowers and Path Finders, must Lighten your own path, draw on your own precious inner wisdom, which has been paid for and won through many long ages of experience, trials and suffering, and ultimately, success.
I tell you, my brave ones, you cannot be faint of heart or timid in Spirit, for the next step on your path toward full Self-mastery is to take dominion of your personal world, to step forward with courage and determination as you reclaim your Divine heritage. It is waiting for you, but you must draw to you, integrate and activate the Creator Essence–Adamantine Particles of Light–the Divine substance of all Creation that you will use to mold and create your wondrous new world. You have always been destined to become the catalyst and director of your own future. You must infuse your vision with emotions of excitement and daring; you must be bold and courageous as you go against the tide of commonality, and move out from beneath the stranglehold of mass consciousness. You must speak words that resonate with the vibrations of success, and you must bear the stance and take the actions of a triumphant winner. You must dare to risk your all as you prove to yourself that when you are in harmony with Spirit whatever you give freely with loving intent will be returned a hundredfold.
You all have an integral part to play, no longer will you be able to abdicate your authority or to follow meekly where others lead you. You must take an active part and play the role you were assigned by your Divine Self, that which will be your gift and contribution to the whole. You must fulfill the oath you took before incarnating into this most critical time on Earth.

Now, more than ever, you have the tools of manifestation at your fingertips. You must step out of your comfort zone, and release all that no longer serves you–you all know where this applies in your personal life–it has been staring you in the face for months and even years, and will become even more unbearable until you finally relent and release that which is holding you back.
Beloved ones, as you become more proficient as inspired cocreators, no longer will you focus your energy on creating the small, mundane desires of the past. You will have established a constant flow of Adamantine Particles into and throughout your physical vessel, with the remainder flowing out into the world of form. You will have programmed in the smallest detail that which you wish to manifest for your personal comfort and enjoyment, and your constant mantra will be, “All my needs and desires are fulfilled even before I realize what they are, which will always be for my greatest good and the most beneficial good of all.” You will have meticulously outlined your path of service to humanity, which will be in perfect harmony with your Divine mission for this new era. You will have a constant, clear and beneficial connection with your resident OverSoul-Higher Self, and you will graciously and easily follow the Path of Light that ever winds higher and higher into the more refined realms of existence. Be assured that I will always guide, direct, inspire and protect you as you journey forth into the unknown. I radiate the eternal love of our Mother/Father God to each of you.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Archangel Metatron, channeled by Tyberonn

2013 - The Extraordinary 2nd Half of Year One!

Greetings Masters !
We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
We will begin this message regarding the remaining '2nd half' of 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the intensity and focal purpose of the complex frequencies taking place.
We will first reinforce the great Truth, that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. Humanity in collective consciousness made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place.
We tell you that the Planetary Ascension is a new beginning. The energies around you and everything within the Earthplane is in a different context. The matrix has absolutely shifted. And for so many of you, the new matrix is not exactly what you anticipated. What remains before you in the second half of 2013 - Year One of the New Earth will have a quadric phase of intensity . It is intense, but it is extremely important. It can be managed, but if you do not 'step up' to the challenge, the energies can leave you in states of confusion and apathy. 2013 is a year of formatting codes, and it is within the quadric influx, of an equinox, solstice, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse that two incredibly pertinent coded- portals occur. These are the 'Green Ray Activation ' in August and the 'Renaissance Formatting' in September . The latter of which completes in the solar eclipse of November.
The Green Ray Infinity-Gate Activation
In August the Green Ray Infinity Portal occurs in the aperture activation of the Emerald Flame. The primary opening apex is from August 12-21, 2013.
Dear Ones, just as your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension, so does your chakra field. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each new chakra be received and installed beginning in Year One of the New Earth.
And we tell you the 4th, 8th & 9th dimensions are formulated through and with the Emerald-Ray. The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation. It initiates in the 8th month and completes in the 9th on the Equinox. The apexial phase begins with the Perseids Meteor influx, and culminates on the full moon . (Understand that astrological, astronomical events are energy shift catalysts, and in the New Earth, these are the base mechanisms of the new paradigm formation.)
The Emerald Flame is a vibratory Essence that is Healing & Nurturing, and by receiving the Codes of the Green Ray Activation, the 8th and 9th Chakric Fields will expand into more lucid reception and perception from and into the 8th and 9th Dimension in the Physio Realm, and into the 16th-18th Chakric sensory of the etheric level 13-20-33 Mer-Ka-Na Field.
Accordingly humanity can receive these codes as they complete the portal downloads of the Green Ray Infinity (8) Portal. These codes are synergized into the 8th & 9th Physio-Chakras, through the guidance of Archangel Raphael.
As you become more settled into the higher frequencies of the New Earth, it is incumbent upon you to calibrate to the expanded Chakra Alignments of the Crystalline Lite Body, the Mer-Ka-Na. Naturally the Earth is adjusting her resonance to refashion the chakric centers of the planet to receive and distribute the energies for humanity.
Power Dates & Activation Phases of 2013
The energies of 2013 will be somewhat less intense than the 2012 continual bombardment of solar wind amplifiers and astro portal flurries that were made to finish the Crystalline Grid, and in kind force you into upshift. 2012 was a year in which every month sequentially raised the frequencial bar. It was an obstacle course of increasing frequencies. In 2012 you were getting ready for the expansion.
So in 2013 you are reformatting to the New Earth. The frequencies that poured in continually last year, now must be fined tuned. You have several points of relaxation in 2013 that allow you to catch your breath. None the less the year contains 2 essential quadric power phases that will take effort.
Two quadric phases of intense energy adjustment will take place. These are the phases when you will find out what you're really made of, and realize how far you have come. .You must stay positive and focused on what matters during this year. What you choose to focus on when resonant inserts get more challenging will determine everything. It is essential that you remain on path, and indeed by doing so you will expand far more than you may realize.
2013 is a year of rebirth of renaissance. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherency you will expand into greater resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms. This was not entirely possible before the Ascension. This integration logically could not be fully achieved until the Crystalline Grid completed in December of 2012. Accordingly 2013 is the year for such formatting.
The remaining key phases are coded & multifaceted. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following:
August 16-21 - The Green Ray Activation
September 20- 22 - Equinox 'Time-Gate' Portal of Renaissance
October 18 - Lunar Eclipse
November 3 - Solar Eclipse
December 21, 2013 - Solstice
The 'Time-Gate Renaissance Portal'
The 'Renaissance' Portal occurs from the September Equinox & completes on the Solar Eclipse. This aperture will align the New Earth to 3 phases of 'enlightenment. Do not doubt that just as there are star gates and worm holes that connect the planet (and humanity) to higher dimensions, there are also 'Time Gate Portals' that connect to other epochs.
Just as similar frequencies attract through the 'Law of Harmonic Oscillation' so do the vibratory fields of planetary 'eras' naturally align. There are 3 'Golden Ages' in which many of you were present that achieved very high levels of consciousness. These are:
1) The Golden Age of Atlantis ( Poseidon Law of One)
2) The Golden Age of LeMuria
3) The Golden Age of Greece
Through the Aquarian Shift, 144-Crystalline Grid and the expansion into 12 dimensions, you are able to draw the attributes & codes of these higher time periods into a more direct harmonic relationship with the ongoing up-shift of humanity in the current time. The codes of these eras will allow for a much closer interface with the 3 Golden eras mentioned.
This will assist humanity by allowing the simultaneous time aspect of those phases to integrate more completely with the evolving phase you are entering. The two phases the era of the Golden Age of Greece and of Poseidon.
The Golden Codes of Greece & Poseidon will be brought in through the planetary 'Naval' (umbilical ) Portal of Delphi and the Codes of Golden leMuria will enter the earthplane at Rapa Nui. This will occur through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions and be received via the 10th, 11th and 12th physio chakras in the Mer-Ka Na field, and through the 20th and 33rd chakras of the etheric levels of the Mer-Ka-Na field.
It should not surprise you that all 3 of these (prior) Golden Ages were phases in which many of you were and are , in simultaneous time), present. We tell you that these aspects of your multidimensional selves are playing a major role in coordinating the harmonic interfacing that will occur in the 'Renaissance Portal'. That is why some of you will be called to anchor these energies in download at the two primary Star-Gates of Delphi & Rapa Nui. This is the reason we directed the channel to take groups to these locales over the two equinoxes of 2013.
Rediscover Passion in 2013 !!
Dear Ones, it is time to rediscover passion and joy, as did the Masters of the Golden Age. It is time to regain the balance. Life is not meant to be only work, rather the equity of well being and contained within the raptures of bliss. Joy has a geometric code and pattern, and you can discover joy & indeed groom it !
Happiness is acquired, and we tell you that the energy of passion is the driving engine of manifestation. Passion is the fabric of your life- fervor & is an essential part of heart-courage and will. You are not meant to be indifferent, sad or apathetic !
Learning to create & project joy is a huge accomplishment ! And indeed joy has a geo-coded essence that can be received in the Renaissance. of 2013. And remember, you are never 'too old'. You are here with purpose and that is too live life fully and create the NEW EARTH !
When you enter into periods of fatigue or apathy you MUST work out of them. Find joy, do not spiral into indifference, for every moment of life is precious and purposed !
Dear Masters, a truly powerful period is nigh, and it is a energy of extraordinary importance.
Take time in the phase of the Emerald Flame to connect with the Devics & the Masters of the Plant Kingdom. If you are unable to go to the Sequoia, find a powerful oak or conscious tree near you and connect in the up-shift to these healing beings in the timings we have shared. For in so doing you expand into a renewal of a lost gift. You see, Dear Ones, many of you have forgotten your connections to the conscious Master Trees & the Plant Kingdom. We tell you many of you existed in pre duality leMuria as Devic projections of the Master Trees in the realm of Fae. It was a time of magic. It is returning.
On the September Equinox, meditate and connect to the Golden Ages, for the attributes are of a very high vibratory resonance entering into the 12th dimension. You will discover a renewed love of life, a lessening of fear and self-doubt. You will achieve a spring in your step that allows for greater well being and joy. You will rediscover passion, and take a new approach to your life. You will become 'Golden'.
2013 has much yet in store. It is a planned time for renaissance, for new paths, for the rediscover of passion. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherent resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms you will expand in serendipitous ways you cannot even as yet imagine.
We honor you. Nurturing one another, nurture the Kingdoms of Earth, and express LOVE, unconditional Love in the New Earth. Be kind to self, for you are truly worthy and are leading the way to a new era, a Renaissance of great completion.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is...And it is so

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Brenda Hoffman: Letting Go of Your Final 3D Safety Net

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s July 21, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: In the next few days, many of you will have a major perception shift. Not of your past lives or even your current life history, but of your here and now. Perhaps you’ve been unhappy with your home only to sense it with new delight. Or you’ve accepted life as it is only to discover you can no longer deceive yourself or others.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Relish Your Uniqueness – You’re a Master of the Universes”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you think the perception shift we are addressing will be little different from what you experienced or discovered when cleansing your inner-being. For have you not already sifted through your personal and historical debris to open yourself to a new you?
The clearing stage we are speaking of is more personal.
You distanced yourself from some friends and relatives. Maybe you changed jobs or fields of interest. You are a different person than was true just a few months ago.
You shifted, cleansed and changed. At the same time, you allowed the piece in front of you – your personal life to go on as before. That  piece was or is your safety net. You just did not have the energy or bravado to cut away that last piece of security.
You might have been unhappy at times with that piece – but not enough to challenge yourself to let it go.
Many of you are concerned that we are addressing negatives – in your terms. Perhaps we are. But then, perhaps we are not.
Maybe you needed to maintain angry feelings towards another being or entity. Maybe you needed to see your home as less than it was with the dream of upgrading in the not-too-distant future. Maybe you needed to stay in the security of a relationship even though it was not feeding your joy.
It does not matter what piece you held onto for stability. You are now strong enough spiritually, emotionally and physically to let go in whatever fashion to allow yourself to breathe in your beingness.
Perhaps you find a need to leave your job. Or end a relationship – romantic or otherwise. Perhaps you better sense the love or joy that surrounds you. You will look about today, tomorrow or sometime soon and know that something is not as you wish it to be –  that you lied to yourself about it.
So what have you lied to yourself about to maintain that last piece of security?
Maybe you are now frightened for you think you need to give up everything you hold dear. Such is not true.
What has or soon will happen is that you understand in a flash that you have been lying to yourself.
You already understand that some might not be who you wish to surround yourself with as you delve deeper into this new earth transition. But there is something else you held onto as a safety net – whether negative or positive in your thought processes.
As you drop your last safety net, you will experience a big AHA.
How can this process be positive? You already know that removing this safety net will move you further into the new earth transition. That is not your question. Your question is, “How is it possible you did not sense a positive?” For indeed, you are used to spotting negatives, but positives are something you are not that familiar with. Let us explain.
You have established or labeled your shifts as good or bad. Those labeled good shifts moved you into joy. Those labeled bad shifts encouraged you to clean an area of your being you had not thought to process before this new earth shift. Anything that feels or seems to feel painful is labeled negative. And anything that feels joyful is labeled positive.
Labels no longer apply. It is time to change your perception of positive and negative. In puberty, did you not find your voice change negative during the process – yet quite positive once you starting growing facial hair? And so it is now. None of your changes are negative or positive – merely another step into your new world. But we digress. Let us return to today’s discussion.
The difference between this perception shift and others is that it will be as if a light bulb is switched on. How could you not have perceived this before – it is so obvious. In truth, you could not sense this piece until you had built up your new earth strength.
What does it mean to let go of your safety net? Nothing. Now you are surprised for you thought this clearing would be the one that pushed you into nirvana. This is a major step along the way, but it is not a completion step.
Let us explain in different terms. A voice change in puberty is big but not the entire shift. And so it is for you now. Your big AHA that occurred or will in the next few days or weeks is merely your understanding deep within you that nothing or no one is stopping you from shifting into new earth.
Prior to this AHA shift, you perhaps thought that all is well even though this one piece was nibbling at your joy. That you could cope with this one piece and still move into your totality of being. You have discovered or soon will that such is not the case.
This is not an either / or transition. It is all or nothing. You cannot be a bit pregnant. Nor can you tiptoe into puberty and then decide you are no longer interested.
We assure those of you frightened about this AHA that you will voice or act on this sensation with complete knowledge that all is well. Even though this piece has been your safety net, you will know with every fiber of your being that you no longer require a safety net once it is time for your AHA.
Those of you frightened even reading this channel do not fear. You will not remove your safety net until you are ready. That might be today, tomorrow or several weeks from now. You will know by the feelings and words that spew from your being – that unless you vocalize/ indicate your new enlightened being, you will burst with feelings and sensations.
Much like romantic love, you will know when the time is right. Until then, know that you no longer need any safety net that negates your being / your true power in whatever fashion. You have grown enough to be a spiritual, emotional and physical adult of the Universes. You are ready to remove your safety net and so you shall. So be it. Amen.
http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Monday, July 22, 2013

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, July 9, 2013, given through Susan Leland

Theologue by Alex Grey http://alexgrey.com/ 
Ashtar:  "We are Progressing with Love!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - July 9, 2013
"Greetings Beloved Family!  We are so joyful to have this opportunity to be together once more in the closeness of our Gathering!  We assure you that you, too, shall be 'Running on the Water'* in your Dimensional consciousness, or doing any number of wondrous things that you may consider to be not fully possible at this moment.  Nevertheless, it is that you indeed are creators, not only of your next individual moments, but of the World, of the entirety of Planet Earth which is evolving, and which is so close to an entirely new Lifestyle for everyone who chooses it.
"But yes, there are some things to do, some details to clean up, as it were, and we will tell you that we are calling upon each and every Lightworker, whether you see yourselves as a Lightworker, or you are here for the first time wondering what this is all about.  You have heard - we will tell you that as the days of your calendars pass you are coming into an even more powerful time!  This is what Beloved Tara and Rama** were discussing, a time for you to act with all of your beings - your Hearts, your minds, your physicalities, and indeed all of your selves - to bring this forward, or shall we say to elevate yourselves and the entirety of the Planet up and into such a High Dimensionality that you will begin this Golden Age Lifestyle in earnest, for sure!
"It’s not a dream, it’s not a vision held by a few, it is the Birthright, the Divine Birthright of every living being upon Planet Earth, all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms!!!  And in truth there is more awareness among her other kingdoms than there is in the human kingdom, because you still have this thing called duality; you still have divisiveness, and yes, some of you are down in the dumpies or do get down in the dumpies when you contemplate all of that which has been presented and is not yet 'here' - the visions, the destinations, the Lifestyles, your own Divine activation of your own Divine gifts, so you can run on water, so you can get up on to your ships, so that you can have the abundance that you desire, not just of dollars.
"St. Germain will be speaking more on that topic*** because the interest is so high in that particular category.  But we are talking about your whole Lifestyle - all that it is that you desire, all that it is that you’ve been envisioning - all that it is that awaits you, that is, your physical presence, because a part of you is already there.  You are into that Lifestyle and there is absolutely no turning back.  It is for you to connect with the totality of Who You Are, with your entire Divinity, so that you can be in that connection all the time, as you measure it!
"Now it is true that time is collapsing, it is true that there will be no time when you are full-time in that Lifestyle, but for now, time is a useful tool.  Why do you think you invented it anyway, all those eons ago?  It is a useful tool.  Use it!
"Beloved Tara was urging that you meditate each day. We’re going to tell you a big secret of the universe - just get up there!!! How long you stay in terms of your time is not as important as how high you raise your vibration.  And even if it’s only for a minute or a brief amount of time, it counts!  It empowers you and is a grand gift to all in the World.  So be in Love with yourself; be in Love with all of your selves!  Not just what you see in the mirror, go beyond, go deep, deep into your eyes.  Close your eyes when you are in front of the mirror and allow yourselves to see the great light that you are – the God/Goddess of Who You Are is right with you in every moment!!!
"It’s to be in connection, and whether you say a mantra and that is your meditation, or whether you just go so High, so completely relaxed that all of these beings come through and connect with you while you’re communing with your Higher Self – because, you know, your Higher Self is crystalline in nature, and what are the properties of crystals?  They have the ability to receive and transmit messages.  So in this way, your Higher Self is a conduit!
"Now, see your Higher Self as Light but know that it is more crystalline, just like you're evolving to be.  You’re in your Light Bodies, but you may not feel very connected with that part of you, so start connecting, call it forth, this great connection: 'What wisdom do you have for me in this beautiful moment of our Communion?’  And your Higher Self, if you wish to consider that name - there are other names of course: your Divine Self, your Divinity, or Spark! – will speak to you through its crystalline capabilities, and you are connecting with that, and you are becoming more and more crystalline for so doing!
"You see, you’ve already given permission for this transformation, but the speed at which it happens, that is entirely up to you.  There is nobody regulating your speed except you, that part of you which has the overview, the perspective. Again, you might call it your Higher Self.  So call upon your Higher Self - there are no speed limits!  Nobody is going to write you a ticket for going too fast.
"Now of course, you have to take your physicalities into account, and not get rushing into that crystalline state when your body is still trying to hold the energies that are coming in to do the transformation.  But you can communicate with your bodies and you can say, 'Let’s go as fast as you, my Beloved Body, can accommodate all of these wondrous energies which are resulting in this transformation!'
"There are many, many ways for you to run on the water, and we love that phrase!  Yes, we have water here aboard the New Jerusalem.  We welcome many visitors, and one thing that everybody who comes in - who isn’t quite fully into their Light Body - needs, is pure water.  You’ve heard about the crystalline waters, well, that gives you a little clue about the High Vibe energies that we have here on the ship in the water that we offer to our visitors.  Sometimes we need to lower our vibrations a bit.  Some of us do, in order to meet with those who come to visit.  So sometimes we even partake of the crystalline waters. But not all that often.
"I am not straying from the subject because the Truth of it is that you are all transported here to the Bridge where you are all welcome all the time!  You all have boarding passes and there are no time restrictions!  It does not say visiting hours are from 9am to 3pm or any such thing, you are welcome in or on the Bridge always.  Anytime!  If you wish to come here to do your meditational connecting, please do so.  Please do so!  You have an open invitation and it is with such great Joy that we welcome you aboard!!!
"It is here that you can accompany, or attend, the many, many meetings which take place on the bridge.  You know that Beloved Sananda and St. Germain and indeed the rest of The Mentors - I am among them - are here on the Bridge, even though we may be bi-locating in many different places and in many different directions, but we are always here to welcome you!
"Now, to put it very simply, the Mission of the Ashtar Command is to facilitate the Ascension of Planet Earth.  You may think of us as some kind of a military force, and it is true that we do have defensive capabilities when we need them - and we have needed them to deal with those elements of your Planet Earth that we call the 'dark hats.'  Our technology is far superior to theirs.  Let's just say it’s Higher Dimensional.  That is our means of self-protection.
"But our 'weapon,' if you want to think of it as a weapon - let’s call it the great ultimate tool that we have for facilitating your Ascension - it’s called Love.  That’s the most powerful energy in the Universe and if you can envision this: the power of Love is greater than that of the nuclear bomb!!!  Oh, it may not be as dramatic in the physical, but it endures!  Eventually even the energies of the bombs get transmuted into Love, because that’s the energy of Source.
"So we shall not go into a lot of science.  There are those many, many good references available and personal Guides and Masters available to those of you who have what you call, the mind for science.  This Voice does not.  That is one reason why she was chosen for this particular Mission of Ashtar on the Road – the Truth of it is she volunteered long ago and far away – but of course when we presented it to her she had forgotten all about that so we remind her occasionally that that is her Mission, but it is yours also!!!
"Love is your mission!  There is a science to it, a quantum physics, but for our purposes let’s just say your Mission is Love -the same as the Ashtar Command, of whom you are all members anyway in some capacity or other!  So we don’t need to dwell on things which are not Love or loving.  You have passed a milestone, and it is for you to dwell on that which is always, always, always of Love, or an outgrowth of Love!!!
"When you do your meditations, just like the great Masters have said: It is not a time to whine, it is not a time to say, 'Oh poor me, I am so sick, I am so much in lack.'  It is to raise your vibrations, feel the Love within yourself and then invite the Love of the Universe to flow through you.  Feel your empowerment and then create from that perspective all that it is that you have within your fields of vision to create!
"Partner with us.  Do not come on your hands and knees, come in the full erectness of your Divinity!!!  Meet us face to face, eyes to eyes, Hearts to Hearts.  That, Beloved Ones, is how we are getting the Mission done.  We are happy to share with you that which is available to be shared, that which is okay to make public, because it is already accomplished!  There are still some finite details in the works - that is why Master Rama is not getting a lot in the way of answers.
"We must bring them to completion.  No dates as to how long, but just know that our Mission is well along in Phase One and what there is, is for you to join with us to empower the completion of Phase One!  Phase Two is living the Golden Age Lifestyle!  That is where you’re in a Higher Dimensional level, you’re in a Higher Vibration and this is where you really get busy out there in the World, if you choose to.
"There are two ways to do that: From your couch or your garden, or your place of Peace and Joy, or out in the World doing some of these projects to help others, whether it is one individual, plant, animal or human, or whether it is the entirety of the World, or any number in between.  Now, we will add to that that there is one among you who is designated to start the ball rolling publicly, as it were.  He has an entire group of governance - they are governing Lightworkers.  You heard some names, there are more.**
"He still must be seeming to wear the hat of the dark in order to support the ongoing unveilings of the Truth – what the dark hats have been doing and what they want to do.  He has been, let’s say, pulling the rug out from under them in a big flash,** but there is still more to bring into the Light and sometimes it has to be such a bright Light that it is the Light of disappearance from the scene, if there is no other way.  It’s all done with Love anyway.
“He needs to hear from us.  Well, he does hear from the Ashtar Command, from I, Ashtar, and the Masters, but he needs to hear from all of us, all the Lightworkers of the World!  So whether you are sitting on your couch or sitting in your garden, or driving in your vehicle in your stopped position, for whatever reason, send some thought waves to Obama, tell him, 'It’s time, I’m here with you, I’m ready, let’s do it!  Let’s get NESARA announced. Let’s get those landings in the mainstream news media.  Let’s do it!!!'
"Obama needs the support of We the People, as well as the support which he is getting from us.  Oh, he knows how it’s going to all end up and he knows it’s coming to fruition, but let’s support him.  And if you have a moment send him a letter, send him an email.  Call and just leave a message: 'I’m ready, let’s get NESARA done, Peace now for all!'  Put it in positive terms, don’t whine.
"Don’t say, 'I’m so broke. Do something!'  Say, 'Let’s have abundance for all, let’s have shelter for all, let’s have food for all. Let’s have Peace, now. Announce NESARA!'  Those kinds of messages - they do not need to be long, they do not need to be eloquent, they are eloquent in the Love that you attach, or we should say, you attach the messages to your LoveBeams, that’s even a truer picture of what happens!
"We shall be unveiling some additional thoughts for you, perhaps in our next call, depending upon where the progress is.  But for now, think about what you can do to support Obama and the other World leaders.  For that matter, do you have someone in your community who is a leader, doing something good for humanity, or for the animals, or for the plants?  You do. Everybody does, every one of you does.  Is that person you?  Or is it someone else?  If it’s someone else, support them, and if it’s you, tell some people in the community what you are envisioning to do and invite them to come and support you!
"Let’s end this duality. Let’s end this sense that we are all separate and apart. Let’s bring everybody together in Oneness! You know that when people are busy working on a project - we call them Missions - the lines of separation disappear.  So get busy, do something - whether it is to support, or to dive in and start a project, or join a project - do something that is bringing forward, or shall we say, bringing yourselves and your communities up into this Golden Age, because there are plenty of things to do!!!
"Just look around and open your Hearts and ask for the wisdom to come to you of what is absolutely the most Divinely perfect endeavor that you could engage in, and then thank - yourself, your Guides, your Higher Self in the driver’s seat, of course, and all of the Mentors and Helpers that are personal Guides to you - for joining with you.  We are moving up!  You can visualize it as forward on the Path but consider that it goes up.  If you want to look at it as a graph it goes in an upward direction, and the farther up you go on your Path the less subject you are to a sudden drop off a cliff into those lower vibrations we call the dumpies!!!
"The more support you are giving to the really big events that are being prepared for, the more you are opening to living and being a citizen of the Golden Age!  So come on up to our meetings any time you choose.  Get in on what we would call the planning sessions, and thank you, Beloved Ones, and know how much you are loved and appreciated for all that you have already done! We just ask that you take a breath and do more, in your own way and within your own zone of comfort, and spread the word!
"Blessings to all, and Salut!"
*  Ashtar is referring to Come The New Jerusalem, also known as Running on the Water, which he has chosen as his introduction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fwV4df0C0s
***The transcript of St Germain's Message will be published.  The audio link to it is here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/ashtarteleconferences.html
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, July 9, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com 
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.  

St Germain, from the Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, July 9, 2013, given through Susan Leland

St Germain:  "I AM in charge of
Your Financial Abundance!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
July 9, 2013
 "I AM St Germain, and I welcome you to this very special Gathering in which I am honored to come before you to speak to you of matters which we know - that is, all of us gathered here know - are of absolute importance to you.
"If we tell you that this time is fast fleeting - times of, shall we say, lack, for some of you, diseasement, for some of you, and even depression for some of you - we ask that you suspend whatever disbelief you might have and just join with us in these High Vibrations aboard the New Jerusalem.  For we stand together in a circle upon the Bridge, and it is here that We Are One, and it is here that we have the opportunity to join together to take into our Hearts that which is Truth, and to empower even more the Love We All Are!
"So I would speak to you as I did the last time we gathered in this way on the matter of financial abundance, and the reason that I do so is because it is imperative that you turn away from this matter in your thoughts and in your, shall we say, concerns.
"Feel the abundance you already are, the abundance of Love, the abundance of High Dimensional abundance, the abundance, yes, the Abundance of Oneness!!!  For we are truly joined, there is no separation among us.  So when we ask you to turn away from lack and from worry and concern about financial abundance, that is an aspect of it which you need to let go of, in order to rise into the realization of your true Abundance, which does include dollars - very special dollars from my bank!
"Now I have said this before and I will say this again: I’m in charge!!!  I’m not throwing down the gauntlet to anyone else - I’m simply saying that I’m in charge of this abundance.  I’ve been planning for it, arranging for it, and knowing the Truth of it for years and years in your time.  There is a flow of events which must occur before the actual dollars are showing up in your bank accounts.  It’s all accounted for.
"There are many who claim to have inside information: 'Deliveries will be tomorrow, deliveries have started; you can cash in your dinars, or your Euros tomorrow.'  They keep giving dates, and the dates keep going by with no big announcements, and until you hear NESARA announced it is best that you focus from a Higher Dimensional perspective.  Get yourselves up in your vibrations and then see what these dollars are going to do! Focus on the energies of Unlimited Abundance to do whatever it is that you want to do.
"We encourage you to do this because to focus upon all of these reports is a one way, shall we say, pass, downward.  Now some of you can look at these reports and stay even and not get depressed when these things don’t occur.  If you can do that, and you choose to do it, for whatever reason, well and good.  But we would advise you not to send them on to your friends because they may not be as strong as you are, and every bit of discouragement and every bit of depression creates an energy block in the flow and thus can create, if it is strong enough, delays. We know that none of you want delays!
"Ashtar has already given you some important ways that you can keep yourselves up.**  When you are up in a High Vibration you can send out messages that others will catch and take into their beings - messages of abundance of everything in the World and the Universe, such as Love, Joy, gifts, and yes, financial abundance.
"Now there has been a big flurry on your internet about a group of people who say that they are going to be distributing the funds from my bank (they don’t say that) for the humanitarian projects - separate and apart from those who will be receiving the so-called humanitarian trust funds, or prosperity funds - and that you can apply.  Well it all sounds really good. And you look at the kinds of questions they want you to consider in detail in your projects and you can go into more complexities if you desire, and so on, and so on.
"Well, we at Ashtar On The Road have been suggesting to you that you start planning, creating and visualizing the projects that you want to do, if you want to do something to help humanity, whether it be you and your family, or the entire World.  We’ve been suggesting this for some time, but do it in visualization.  If you want to organize it on paper, do, but if you send it in you are supporting a step that does not need to be taken. You do not need to send in the papers.
"We’ve got it all.  We see your timelines.  We can see what it is that you are here to do, Beloved Ones, and if you want to change it all, well and good, we can see that, too.  We are so connected and we do have the overview, and yes, each and every one of you count, and are counted.  Speak your visions directly - don’t put what you call the 'middle man' in the middle. You don’t need to!!!
"Now, when NESARA is announced there will be plenty of time for you to make known your projects that you desire to do - and you don’t have to - because everybody is going to get so much abundance that you will be able to do what you have passion to do.  But if you will visualize, plan, create, meditate, so to speak, to send it out and send it into the Higher Dimensions, that’s a form of upliftment, not only for you but for all those who will benefit from your visions!  And you will be broadcasting it on the Highest Levels!
"There is no reason for your name to be added to somebody’s list. You all are on the list of St Germain.  You are all beautiful, wondrous, beings.  We are telling you this. not to deflate your bubbles, but you will recall that someone else offered you an opportunity to be on a list, and it was KOS*** - and the White Knights had help, yes, from I, St Germain and others of the Ascended Masters - who went to remove your names from these lists, because it was not where your names needed to be.  It was not in your best interests to be on these lists.
"So if you fill in these papers, sit in meditation with them, consecrate them, put them on your altars, tack them up on your walls, put them under your pillows - do whatever you choose to do and keep adding to it, keep reviewing it, keep empowering it. Do what you call the fine-tuning, fill in the details, draw some pictures, do whatever you choose to do!
"Like Ashtar said,** share your visions with your community in some way, whether it be your neighbor or your partner, your children who have full capabilities to support your visions -children and grandchildren we should shall say, in this group, and even some great grandchildren.  Be joyful.  Be joyful with your visions and know that the High Road is the way to their accomplishment!
"We love you all, and yes, we see you, even in our Oneness we see your individual visions, and we assure you that you will have all of the help.  If you have a grand plan, let us say, for your entire city of 3 million people, you will have all the help you need, financially and otherwise, to do what it is that you choose to do.  And there is only one rule, and that is to be joyful in it; to be passionate in it and to share the Joy of it so that it is as joyful for the others as it is for you!
"Now, there is a very good question that goes with this: 'If everybody gets their abundance, why would anybody need this?' Because - think about it - do you have an area where the Earth has been so polluted that it needs to be cleaned up? This will call for a general gathering of the funds, and of course, we shall help, and the technologies of the Ashtar Command shall be available to you, but it will still require people, technologies, and let’s face it, some equipment.
"What if all of the companies who are currently manufacturing weapons of war were to manufacture peaceful cleanup machines?  What if all of the companies who were manufacturing these stealth planes started manufacturing space shuttles?  For an interim this will take dollars.  This will take the pooling of dollars!!!
"There is a single man, a very wealthy man, yes, he is a corporate man, he has purchased almost the entirety of one of the Hawaiian Islands.  Now, you may not know it, the Hawaiian Islands are islands in the ocean, but there are very dry sides to every island.  Every island has issues with not enough water, in parts of it.  Yes, we know, the largest amount of rainfall in the world is located on one of the islands, but that’s a big mountain. That’s on a particular part of the island.  
"To make a long story short, this man is doing something about the water shortage, he is planning on setting up a desalination plant.  There are countries that do this, and there are some technologies which will need to be accessed in order to do it in a manner that is completely harmonious with Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms.  But this man is looking into it.
"How many of you have heard of Dr. Keshe?  Dr. Keshe has a machine that will power the entire world, that is, many of these machines!  He has the ability to share the technology with those who want it.  But who’s going to make the machines?  Imagine, if you will, that all of the electrical companies of the world went into the distribution of these machines.  And perhaps there would be some devoted people who, even though they might be having the ability to retire - having received their abundance from my bank - might be willing to voluntarily spend some time distributing the machines, helping people to get set up, helping the manufacturers redo all of the various machines you find in your household because you won’t need any wires any more; helping the builders to understand that they don’t need to put wiring into homes that they build.
"There are many, many ways, you see?  I’m getting very practical here because I want you to understand that money will be an interim means of bringing about all of these grand transformations into the fullness of the Golden Age. You see, there is a difference between the entry point and being in the Heart of it, shall we say.  And this is why we are calling upon you to initiate these processes.
"There are others, not at this Gathering, who have already initiated processes of their own; and when we say initiated, we’re talking about creating and adding to your visions.  You don’t have to have every thought form and every process, just create the vision of how will it look, how will it feel, how will it be and keep empowering that vision!!!  Then you can fine tune it or add to it, or do whatever you wish.
"We suggest that this a most appropriate substitute for your time and energies, and it can replace your interest in every message about dinars and all of those things.  Empower NESARA, empower the post NESARA announcements, the Golden Age, with your passions, your creations, and your visions!!!  If you belong to any kind of a group of two or more who meditate together, take your visions and put them in the circle and invite the others to do the same.  They don’t have to be the same visions - you can share them and all of you can empower everyone else’s visions!
"That, Beloved Ones, is how you use the abundance which is coming to you.  And you can let I, St Germain and those of us who are in charge of distributing the abundance, get on with our jobs, or Missions, of bringing it to you.
"We have given you much to think about and some things to do if you choose.  Above all else, just know how loved you are and how empowered you are to join with us in exponential empowerment of this wondrous Golden Age, which we see you in the Heart of, on your timelines.
"And so now, Beloved Ones, let us welcome Sekhmet.****  And we shall journey with her to her Crystal Room to empower your abundance of gold and of visions for the Golden Age Lifestyle! And so it is.  Namaste!"
*    St Germain selected the opening of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony for his introduction.  
*** KOS is the King of Swords, leader of the Faction 3 White Knights.  For additional information, see Tara and Rama's website, http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ 
****Sekhmet's introduction included her chosen theme song, Let Us Remember to Dance, composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, from her album Mary's Songs
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, July 9, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

Matthew Ward, July 21, 2013, through Suzanne Ward

July 21, 2013

Effects of disclosure of US government documents, George Zimmerman trial

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  We are happy to address the questions of many readers about two situations that also are of interest to a multitude of others. Both involve United States citizens, and while it may appear that they have no connection whatsoever, these two highly publicized issues are the same at the core and both are examples of long strides in your society’s progress.        

First: Will Edward Snowden’s release of confidential documents lead to more transparency about his government’s activities or just further complicate tenuous international relations?    

If it could be said that transforming your world requires a primary ingredient, that ingredient would be truth. The energy levels in which Earth is orbiting is paving the way for truths to come forth, but there is no specific means whereby this must occur because there is flexibility in soul contracts.  

To explain this relationship, let us say that you chose to earn a considerable amount of money to balance a lifetime of desperate poverty. Along with that provision of the contract, you chose factors to help attain it, such as country of residence, innate skills and a tendency to think and act independently. But there is no hard and fast method or only one field of endeavor that will lead to your acquiring the lifestyle you chose.

Without any conscious memory of your soul contract, you simply respond to ideas, instinct, intuition, aspirations and conscience—your soul’s messages to your consciousness that are aligned with your contract choices—as opportunities arise that “fit.”

When this is applied to persons you call whistle-blowers, it is what Edward Snowden did. While he is regarded by some as a traitor and by others as a hero, your analysts discuss his childhood and adolescence, personality traits and immaturity, and they speculate on his motives for releasing his government’s confidential documents.  

They don’t know and neither does Snowden that he was responding to his soul’s messages when the opportunity arose that “fit.”  It is the same confluence of energetic factors that motivated Bradley Manning to disclose official documents and Julian Assange to establish Wikileaks. By no means are these three the only ones who have acted upon a sense of responsibility to “bring truth to light”—we are speaking only of persons currently in the news. 

As for the released information’s effects on international relations, the individuals mentioned have no interest in making a mountain out of a molehill; they have far more important internal matters to deal with. Furthermore, the prevailing vibrations are all in favor of leaders smoothing out any differences and arriving at international accord.   

As for transparency in governing, this will come about with the demands of the citizenry—not just an end to secrecy, but to political self-service, corrupt justice systems, and the corporate money that underlies many governing bodies’ policies and legislation. The outcry for change is not only in the United States, to be sure! Egyptians, Brazilians and Russians are among others who also are demanding that their respective governments serve the people’s best interests. In every nation where beneficial changes are needed, the persistence and courage of grass roots movements, some with external support, is what will manifest them.   

The second issue of widespread interest is the trial of George Zimmerman that resulted in his acquittal of manslaughter and second-degree murder charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. While most people are focused on the verdict—fair or unjust?—many readers are asking: Did they and their families agree to this in their soul contracts?   

Yes, but this begs an explanation.  Trayvon and George and their families are like all other souls insofar as selecting karmic experiencing to balance other lifetimes. That is, they agreed to experience the killing, death and traumatic aftermath, and their contracts offered a degree of flexibility insofar as where, when and how that would occur.

Especially during this unique time in the universe, opportunities that “fit” are arising plentifully worldwide so that not only can karmic choices be completed, but also those serve a “greater purpose.”  And so it is with the Martin and Zimmerman families. Defense attorneys and a juror claim that race was not a factor; nevertheless, the pervasive perception is that racial discrimination, or profiling, is indeed the root of the matter and many are protesting the verdict.

The trial and its outcome are forcibly “bringing to light” that racial bigotry, which long has been a stain and a strain on humankind, has no place in your world today. Education may shift a mental outlook on race, but it is only when hearts are deeply touched that real change is effected in a society—this is why Trayvon and George and their families agreed to their respective roles in this personal tragedy.

The same kind of bitter divisiveness caused by racial bigotry also is inherent in religions, ethnic and cultural traditions, societal “caste” designations, governing systems, gender, and economic status. All of these areas of differences that have caused untold suffering for millennia will be coming to an end. 

Individuals around the world are fearlessly responding to a strong sense of responsibility to act upon what they know at soul and conscious levels is the right thing to do, and the universe is presenting opportunities for them to act in alignment with contract choices. Most are not recognized outside their circle of close confederates, and even the few who are heralded internationally are no more aware than is the populace that before birth, these individuals chose to be who they are, doing what they are doing.   

One who is well known and greatly respected is Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani girl who, even after being shot because she was fighting for the right of girls to be educated, is continuing her efforts toward that goal. It is not only because of expert medical attention and myriad prayers that she recovered from a life-threatening head wound. In her soul contract, she chose to devote her life to this valuable service that ultimately will benefit girls wherever they are being denied the same education as boys.

Pope Francis is another well known and greatly respected person. The spiritually evolved soul who embodied as Jorge Bergoglio did so by request of the highest universal council so that later he could fill the powerfully influential papal position. In keeping with the soul’s acceptance, the universe “paved the way” for the opportunity that “fit.”  Thus Bergoglio became the pope and despite strong opposition in the Vatican, he is acting upon what he feels is his responsibility, to right the wrongs that body has perpetrated from its inception.  

Throughout Earth’s ascension pathway she has been receiving an astronomical amount of light from other civilizations. But, our beloved family, it is the light being generated by everyone who is heeding the voice within that is moving your society ever closer to a peaceful, harmonious world where all share equally in Earth’s vast abundance. 

All light beings in this universe embrace you lightworkers in unconditional love and highest esteem! 


Suzanne Ward

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

July 21-28, 2013

Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily activities and perform your earthly duties, know that you are also, on a higher level, serving in a capacity as the divine changemakers. By your high and positive intentions which you set each day, you set the template for the world to follow. As you each read or hear these words, you absorb the energies that are embedded in each word and integrate these into your five body system. These times call for individuals to be adaptable and flexible, to go with the flow of events, both in their personal lives and in the greater world around them and to remain firmly grounded into the earth with peaceful serenity and calm.
Many there are who are now searching for answers to their many questions, some do so quietly, following their innate inner wisdom and others seek outwardly by expressing their viewpoints in a more strident manner. All are reflecting the awakening that is occurring within. All need to be supported and nurtured in these changing times by being encouraged to go beyond their former perceptions to reach beyond previous limitations. They need to achieve their higher potential and reach to the stars. As they question and seek the answers to their many questions, they find even more questions to be answered. Such is the way of expansion and growth within each person.
You have set the standard for excellence by maintaining a higher vision of the world of your future and it now behooves you all to remain steadfast upon your paths. Maintain your focus as you continue to release the remaining remnants of the old paradigm thinking and perception from your cells and five body system. Set a strong image of yourselves as divine beings of Light, love and power. See yourselves in your Light bodies, feel yourselves as your Light bodies each day, if only for a few moments. As you do this, you begin to remember that you are, indeed, Light and this will empower and encourage you in a myriad of ways that bless you, your loved ones, and the greater world around you.
Hold the thought that your body is a temple of the living Light and that you are now returning it to the pristine purity of its divine origin. You are the ambassadors upon this planet to show the way by example. We realize that this can seem to be a dichotomy as the purging from within you continues as you set your intentions for the higher visions and versions of yourselves but we ask you to persist in your efforts. Forgive yourselves of all the emotional eruptions that seem to come out of nowhere and seem to make your intentions, beliefs and efforts a silly fantasy. Realize that it is merely the workings of awakening that are occurring and that it is temporary and cyclical in nature.
As your dormant DNA/RNA/LNA strands continue to be activated, you will continue to experience temporary side effects in ways that affect each of you differently. Be patient and loving with yourselves and in your relations with others.  Exercise self restraint as you go through your changes and transformations when possible, and we fully realize and understand, that sometimes, it is just not possible, for metamorphosis is a powerful process and must be outwardly expressed at times. Try to return to your center as soon as you can after such an episode and forgive yourselves your seeming lapses in behavior, growth and improvement. It is only the releasing of the patterns of the old world paradigm that are at work. It is all ultimately benevolent for you and your world.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com