The Transformation from Carbon Base to Crystalline Body – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1.)
Each person who passes from the Astral Planes to the Mental Planes in the afterlife, which we would call the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, does so by uncovering their inner light body.
Keep in mind that they have already dropped their physical body whereas we are transforming ours from a carbon base to a crystalline base.
Let’s listen to two transitions, which we call Ascension – that of Frances Banks and “Dr. G.” (1)
Her work finished in 4D, Frances Banks considers leaving the rest home she has been attached to in 4D and entering 5D.
Lawrence comments: “I had heard about this second death and transition to the next sphere…. Now it seems that I may be privileged to watch it happening to another.” (6) In fact Lawrence does watch it.
Lawrence describes here the Ascension of Dr. G. from the Astral Plane to the Mental Plane:
“The end came suddenly. I called on him and was told that he was sleeping. We stood around and watched his still form and the light which waxed and waned there. In a breathtaking second the change came.
The light gathered itself together and burnt itself to a keen thought of light so intense and inward that we gasped and turned aside. Then it had gone and only a wraith of our friend remained which shrank away and disappeared as we watched.
Archangel Michael summarizes the situation for ascending ones. The advantage of “the crystalline format, rather than the carbon format,” he says, “is simply because it contains and has the capacity to contain, emit, transmit, and receive greater information, transmission and connectedness.”
(Continued in Part 3.)
(2) Frances Banks in Helen Graves, Testimony of Light. London: Churches Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies, 1975; c1969, 124.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 76.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Ibid., 77.
(7) Ibid., 78-9.
(8) Ibid., 83.
(9) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Awaken Fully Now – Part 1/2,” June 11, 2013, at
(12) Loc. cit.
(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 29, 2012, at
(12) SaLuSa, July 15, 2011.
(13) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.
(14) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 13, 2006, at
(15) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.
Life in the Mental Planes in Our Crystalline Forms
Before we look at the other advantages of having a light body, apart from being enabled to live in higher dimensions, we should note in passing that we have examples of terrestrials retrieving their crystalline forms.Each person who passes from the Astral Planes to the Mental Planes in the afterlife, which we would call the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, does so by uncovering their inner light body.
Keep in mind that they have already dropped their physical body whereas we are transforming ours from a carbon base to a crystalline base.
Let’s listen to two transitions, which we call Ascension – that of Frances Banks and “Dr. G.” (1)
Her work finished in 4D, Frances Banks considers leaving the rest home she has been attached to in 4D and entering 5D.
“I am like a creature hibernating and yet, at the same time, sloughing off a skin which I no longer will be needing. I feel, sometimes, like a snake gradually shedding its skin. These coils of lower density are slipping away from me. I am emerging from regrets of earth memories, from disillusions, from idealizations which become illusions, ephemeral and of no true worth.
“I am viewing each piece of skin which peels off from me in its right connection with the true Self which it served to obscure. And more and more I become thankful for the Reality which, God be praised, was there beneath the skin, all the time.” (2)
She continues to observe the dissolution of her astral body. Most people lie down and go to sleep, so to speak, during this process, but not psychologist Frances. She observes the whole process.
“I realize that what is passing from me, like sloughing a skin, is insubstantial, impermanent, decomposing, as it drops from me into a dusty nothingness. What is left is essentially Light, is Reality, is permanent and is true. I call this my new Body of Light and that, indeed, is what it truly is.
“A Body of Light, not dense and material and dull and heavy as the physical body, not insubstantial, shadowy and unreal as the astral body in which I have been sheltering, but brilliant, ‘encelled’ with Light, ethereal in that there is no weight, no dragging down into matter but is enmeshed with colour and beauty and form and substance.
“Is that a difficult conception? You must remember that I am forming this, my spiritual Body, or should I be more correct in saying I am merging into it. That sounds a paradox but then much to which I am becoming adjusted here is paradoxical when viewed in the light of the restricted thinking of the human mind. I still have a mind, I still have a body, but both are inevitably changing and because of that I feel as ifI am emerging, like a grub from a chrysalis, to a butterfly. Gradually I can function more readily and for deeper periods in my Body of Light, and, in it, can commune with more advanced Souls and imbibe their wisdom.” (3)
And next Dr. G., who is sensing that his time for transitioning is drawing near, tells T.E. Lawrence (the post-mortem Lawrence of Arabia):
“‘The timelessness of our life,’ he said, ‘misleads us into thinking that there is no longer any period to our happiness. We have no lengthening shadow of old age to put a natural limit to our activities and so, when we are happy and easy, we think it can continue indefinitely.
“‘But I know there are natural period in our time here and that I am approaching one of them. I could perhaps disregard the intimations and stay on here [in the Astral Plane], but, if I did so, I should be perverting the pattern. So you see, even this paradise may be enjoyed for too long lest it thwart one’s proper growth. …
“‘I am growing old in this [astral] body and shall soon be done with it. Then I shall go on to explore this wonderful universe on another level [i.e., the Mental Plane].’” (4)
As Dr. G. spoke, “the illumination of his wise spirit made a glory around him and was more convincing than many words.” (5)Lawrence comments: “I had heard about this second death and transition to the next sphere…. Now it seems that I may be privileged to watch it happening to another.” (6) In fact Lawrence does watch it.
Lawrence describes here the Ascension of Dr. G. from the Astral Plane to the Mental Plane:
“The end came suddenly. I called on him and was told that he was sleeping. We stood around and watched his still form and the light which waxed and waned there. In a breathtaking second the change came.
The light gathered itself together and burnt itself to a keen thought of light so intense and inward that we gasped and turned aside. Then it had gone and only a wraith of our friend remained which shrank away and disappeared as we watched.
“We sat speechless, absorbed in the beauty and meaning of the transition. It was long before anyone broke the silence and then one said: ‘I have heard that some time is needed for a spirit yto get sued to the new conditions, just as we needed time to adjust when we first came here, so we must not expect our friend to come to us yet.
“I suggested that when an interval has elapsed we should meet here again and wait and hope for his coming.’ We agreed to do this and went off full of thought to our various occupations.” (7)
Later Dr. G. descended to pay Lawrence and his friends a visit. Lawrence describes it:
“Dr. G. has kept his promise to come to us but he appeared when we were least expecting him. Some few of us were sitting quietly talking when his voice suddenly took up the parable and as we looked up, startled, we saw the outlinbes of a form which speedily filled in and took substance and there he was among us again.
“He brought with him an exalted air and we felt his presence as a spiritual baptism, a stream of pure joy absorbed hungrily by our thirsty beings. Light and happiness glowed up in us too with the pleasure of heightened being. He stayed only a short while … and left us again.” (8)
So this does give us some sense of what life in our crystalline forms will be like for us.Advantages of Crystalline Body
Obviously the greatest advantage to having a crystalline body is the ability to live in the higher dimensions.Archangel Michael summarizes the situation for ascending ones. The advantage of “the crystalline format, rather than the carbon format,” he says, “is simply because it contains and has the capacity to contain, emit, transmit, and receive greater information, transmission and connectedness.”
“It puts you in a greater position of receptivity and transmission, of sending, of transmitting throughout the multiverse the clarity of who you are. It is the diamond structure that is really known throughout the universe and the multiverse, and it is the return in many ways to the original form that the Mother had designed.
“But with this shift in form to crystalline … what you are able to do is to receive greater clarity. That is the primary gift. But you are also able to hold more energy.
“You are also able to truly be your multidimensional self, your transdimensional self. It is a vibratory situation where you are able to communicate telepathically and physically, more clearly with your star brothers and sisters and those far beyond, and certainly with us, as well.” (9)
It allows for the amplification of the chakra system.
“One of the primary essentials of shifting into a crystalline format is that you are able to have your chakra system amplified to full measure. And so in that, the restoration of your chakras, of your energy system — because that is what your chakra systems are — is at full operational strength while still being in a human form.
“So that is the only reason why the shift is taking place to this, can we say, a different… yes, many of you think of it as an upgrade. And of course in practical terms it is, because it allows you to operate more fully as yourself. But it is not that the old was not useful and should not be appreciated and honored, because it performed its function in your journey.” (10)
SaLuSa tells us that our cryrtsalline bodies “will assure you of having a healthy life, that is free from the illnesses and disease associated with the low vibrations of the 3rd. Dimension.” (11)
“One day in the future your vibrations will have reached such a high level, that the lower energies will have absolutely no effect upon you. Already your body cells are changing and when they become crystalline you will untouchable. That time will come when you ascend, and nothing such as disease will be able to make any difference to you. Come on board our ships and you will find no evidence of doctors or hospitals as such. We have healing chambers, but at our level they are for balancing our energies.” (12)
It will allow us to halt the ageing process altogether.
“Something that would not be noticed yet is, because of the higher vibrations, the aging process is slowing down. Eventually it will stop, and once you have crystalline cells the whole process can be reversed through the power of thought. The new cells will have a greater degree of consciousness than previously, and re-act to thought more quickly.” (13)
Matthew Ward also describes the impact of the transformation on our health.
“While … elderly folks are of heart-wrenching concern for their families at this moment, within a few years this will not be an issue. … The absorption of light not only brings spiritual clarity, it also changes body cells into a crystalline structure that will not degenerate as do third dimensional body cells.
“Diseases now affecting the brain, along with all other diseases rampant in third dimensional Earth, will not exist once the planet is free from the lower frequencies.” (14)
They will allow us to change our shape at will.
“Already in your Astral levels that souls pass on to after death, they have sufficient power to present themselves to you as they wish to be seen. This is clearly useful when newly arriving souls meet with others who passed over many, many years before them. In this respect when you ascend you are not really going to experience something that is completely new to you.” (15)
Tomorrow we’ll discuss some of the health issues that the changeover brings.(Continued in Part 3.)
(1) For a look at life on the spirit planes generally, See New Maps of Heaven at Frances Banks in Helen Graves, Testimony of Light. London: Churches Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies, 1975; c1969, 124.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 76.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Ibid., 77.
(7) Ibid., 78-9.
(8) Ibid., 83.
(9) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Awaken Fully Now – Part 1/2,” June 11, 2013, at
(12) Loc. cit.
(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 29, 2012, at
(12) SaLuSa, July 15, 2011.
(13) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.
(14) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 13, 2006, at
(15) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.
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