2013 - The Extraordinary 2nd Half of Year One!
Greetings Masters !
We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
We will begin this message regarding the remaining '2nd half' of 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the intensity and focal purpose of the complex frequencies taking place.
We will first reinforce the great Truth, that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. Humanity in collective consciousness made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place.
We tell you that the Planetary Ascension is a new beginning. The energies around you and everything within the Earthplane is in a different context. The matrix has absolutely shifted. And for so many of you, the new matrix is not exactly what you anticipated. What remains before you in the second half of 2013 - Year One of the New Earth will have a quadric phase of intensity . It is intense, but it is extremely important. It can be managed, but if you do not 'step up' to the challenge, the energies can leave you in states of confusion and apathy. 2013 is a year of formatting codes, and it is within the quadric influx, of an equinox, solstice, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse that two incredibly pertinent coded- portals occur. These are the 'Green Ray Activation ' in August and the 'Renaissance Formatting' in September . The latter of which completes in the solar eclipse of November.
Dear Ones, just as your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension, so does your chakra field. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each new chakra be received and installed beginning in Year One of the New Earth.
And we tell you the 4th, 8th & 9th dimensions are formulated through and with the Emerald-Ray. The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation. It initiates in the 8th month and completes in the 9th on the Equinox. The apexial phase begins with the Perseids Meteor influx, and culminates on the full moon . (Understand that astrological, astronomical events are energy shift catalysts, and in the New Earth, these are the base mechanisms of the new paradigm formation.)
The Emerald Flame is a vibratory Essence that is Healing & Nurturing, and by receiving the Codes of the Green Ray Activation, the 8th and 9th Chakric Fields will expand into more lucid reception and perception from and into the 8th and 9th Dimension in the Physio Realm, and into the 16th-18th Chakric sensory of the etheric level 13-20-33 Mer-Ka-Na Field.
Accordingly humanity can receive these codes as they complete the portal downloads of the Green Ray Infinity (8) Portal. These codes are synergized into the 8th & 9th Physio-Chakras, through the guidance of Archangel Raphael.
As you become more settled into the higher frequencies of the New Earth, it is incumbent upon you to calibrate to the expanded Chakra Alignments of the Crystalline Lite Body, the Mer-Ka-Na. Naturally the Earth is adjusting her resonance to refashion the chakric centers of the planet to receive and distribute the energies for humanity.
So in 2013 you are reformatting to the New Earth. The frequencies that poured in continually last year, now must be fined tuned. You have several points of relaxation in 2013 that allow you to catch your breath. None the less the year contains 2 essential quadric power phases that will take effort.
Two quadric phases of intense energy adjustment will take place. These are the phases when you will find out what you're really made of, and realize how far you have come. .You must stay positive and focused on what matters during this year. What you choose to focus on when resonant inserts get more challenging will determine everything. It is essential that you remain on path, and indeed by doing so you will expand far more than you may realize.
2013 is a year of rebirth of renaissance. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherency you will expand into greater resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms. This was not entirely possible before the Ascension. This integration logically could not be fully achieved until the Crystalline Grid completed in December of 2012. Accordingly 2013 is the year for such formatting.
The remaining key phases are coded & multifaceted. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following:
August 16-21 - The Green Ray Activation
September 20- 22 - Equinox 'Time-Gate' Portal of Renaissance
October 18 - Lunar Eclipse
November 3 - Solar Eclipse
December 21, 2013 - Solstice
Just as similar frequencies attract through the 'Law of Harmonic Oscillation' so do the vibratory fields of planetary 'eras' naturally align. There are 3 'Golden Ages' in which many of you were present that achieved very high levels of consciousness. These are:
1) The Golden Age of Atlantis ( Poseidon Law of One)
2) The Golden Age of LeMuria
3) The Golden Age of Greece
Through the Aquarian Shift, 144-Crystalline Grid and the expansion into 12 dimensions, you are able to draw the attributes & codes of these higher time periods into a more direct harmonic relationship with the ongoing up-shift of humanity in the current time. The codes of these eras will allow for a much closer interface with the 3 Golden eras mentioned.
This will assist humanity by allowing the simultaneous time aspect of those phases to integrate more completely with the evolving phase you are entering. The two phases the era of the Golden Age of Greece and of Poseidon.
The Golden Codes of Greece & Poseidon will be brought in through the planetary 'Naval' (umbilical ) Portal of Delphi and the Codes of Golden leMuria will enter the earthplane at Rapa Nui. This will occur through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions and be received via the 10th, 11th and 12th physio chakras in the Mer-Ka Na field, and through the 20th and 33rd chakras of the etheric levels of the Mer-Ka-Na field.
It should not surprise you that all 3 of these (prior) Golden Ages were phases in which many of you were and are , in simultaneous time), present. We tell you that these aspects of your multidimensional selves are playing a major role in coordinating the harmonic interfacing that will occur in the 'Renaissance Portal'. That is why some of you will be called to anchor these energies in download at the two primary Star-Gates of Delphi & Rapa Nui. This is the reason we directed the channel to take groups to these locales over the two equinoxes of 2013.
Happiness is acquired, and we tell you that the energy of passion is the driving engine of manifestation. Passion is the fabric of your life- fervor & is an essential part of heart-courage and will. You are not meant to be indifferent, sad or apathetic !
Learning to create & project joy is a huge accomplishment ! And indeed joy has a geo-coded essence that can be received in the Renaissance. of 2013. And remember, you are never 'too old'. You are here with purpose and that is too live life fully and create the NEW EARTH !
When you enter into periods of fatigue or apathy you MUST work out of them. Find joy, do not spiral into indifference, for every moment of life is precious and purposed !
Take time in the phase of the Emerald Flame to connect with the Devics & the Masters of the Plant Kingdom. If you are unable to go to the Sequoia, find a powerful oak or conscious tree near you and connect in the up-shift to these healing beings in the timings we have shared. For in so doing you expand into a renewal of a lost gift. You see, Dear Ones, many of you have forgotten your connections to the conscious Master Trees & the Plant Kingdom. We tell you many of you existed in pre duality leMuria as Devic projections of the Master Trees in the realm of Fae. It was a time of magic. It is returning.
On the September Equinox, meditate and connect to the Golden Ages, for the attributes are of a very high vibratory resonance entering into the 12th dimension. You will discover a renewed love of life, a lessening of fear and self-doubt. You will achieve a spring in your step that allows for greater well being and joy. You will rediscover passion, and take a new approach to your life. You will become 'Golden'.
2013 has much yet in store. It is a planned time for renaissance, for new paths, for the rediscover of passion. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherent resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms you will expand in serendipitous ways you cannot even as yet imagine.
We honor you. Nurturing one another, nurture the Kingdoms of Earth, and express LOVE, unconditional Love in the New Earth. Be kind to self, for you are truly worthy and are leading the way to a new era, a Renaissance of great completion.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is...And it is so
We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
We will begin this message regarding the remaining '2nd half' of 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the intensity and focal purpose of the complex frequencies taking place.
We will first reinforce the great Truth, that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. Humanity in collective consciousness made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place.
We tell you that the Planetary Ascension is a new beginning. The energies around you and everything within the Earthplane is in a different context. The matrix has absolutely shifted. And for so many of you, the new matrix is not exactly what you anticipated. What remains before you in the second half of 2013 - Year One of the New Earth will have a quadric phase of intensity . It is intense, but it is extremely important. It can be managed, but if you do not 'step up' to the challenge, the energies can leave you in states of confusion and apathy. 2013 is a year of formatting codes, and it is within the quadric influx, of an equinox, solstice, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse that two incredibly pertinent coded- portals occur. These are the 'Green Ray Activation ' in August and the 'Renaissance Formatting' in September . The latter of which completes in the solar eclipse of November.
The Green Ray Infinity-Gate Activation
In August the Green Ray Infinity Portal occurs in the aperture activation of the Emerald Flame. The primary opening apex is from August 12-21, 2013.Dear Ones, just as your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension, so does your chakra field. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each new chakra be received and installed beginning in Year One of the New Earth.
And we tell you the 4th, 8th & 9th dimensions are formulated through and with the Emerald-Ray. The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation. It initiates in the 8th month and completes in the 9th on the Equinox. The apexial phase begins with the Perseids Meteor influx, and culminates on the full moon . (Understand that astrological, astronomical events are energy shift catalysts, and in the New Earth, these are the base mechanisms of the new paradigm formation.)
The Emerald Flame is a vibratory Essence that is Healing & Nurturing, and by receiving the Codes of the Green Ray Activation, the 8th and 9th Chakric Fields will expand into more lucid reception and perception from and into the 8th and 9th Dimension in the Physio Realm, and into the 16th-18th Chakric sensory of the etheric level 13-20-33 Mer-Ka-Na Field.
Accordingly humanity can receive these codes as they complete the portal downloads of the Green Ray Infinity (8) Portal. These codes are synergized into the 8th & 9th Physio-Chakras, through the guidance of Archangel Raphael.
As you become more settled into the higher frequencies of the New Earth, it is incumbent upon you to calibrate to the expanded Chakra Alignments of the Crystalline Lite Body, the Mer-Ka-Na. Naturally the Earth is adjusting her resonance to refashion the chakric centers of the planet to receive and distribute the energies for humanity.
Power Dates & Activation Phases of 2013
The energies of 2013 will be somewhat less intense than the 2012 continual bombardment of solar wind amplifiers and astro portal flurries that were made to finish the Crystalline Grid, and in kind force you into upshift. 2012 was a year in which every month sequentially raised the frequencial bar. It was an obstacle course of increasing frequencies. In 2012 you were getting ready for the expansion.So in 2013 you are reformatting to the New Earth. The frequencies that poured in continually last year, now must be fined tuned. You have several points of relaxation in 2013 that allow you to catch your breath. None the less the year contains 2 essential quadric power phases that will take effort.
Two quadric phases of intense energy adjustment will take place. These are the phases when you will find out what you're really made of, and realize how far you have come. .You must stay positive and focused on what matters during this year. What you choose to focus on when resonant inserts get more challenging will determine everything. It is essential that you remain on path, and indeed by doing so you will expand far more than you may realize.
2013 is a year of rebirth of renaissance. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherency you will expand into greater resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms. This was not entirely possible before the Ascension. This integration logically could not be fully achieved until the Crystalline Grid completed in December of 2012. Accordingly 2013 is the year for such formatting.
The remaining key phases are coded & multifaceted. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following:
August 16-21 - The Green Ray Activation
September 20- 22 - Equinox 'Time-Gate' Portal of Renaissance
October 18 - Lunar Eclipse
November 3 - Solar Eclipse
December 21, 2013 - Solstice
The 'Time-Gate Renaissance Portal'
The 'Renaissance' Portal occurs from the September Equinox & completes on the Solar Eclipse. This aperture will align the New Earth to 3 phases of 'enlightenment. Do not doubt that just as there are star gates and worm holes that connect the planet (and humanity) to higher dimensions, there are also 'Time Gate Portals' that connect to other epochs.Just as similar frequencies attract through the 'Law of Harmonic Oscillation' so do the vibratory fields of planetary 'eras' naturally align. There are 3 'Golden Ages' in which many of you were present that achieved very high levels of consciousness. These are:
1) The Golden Age of Atlantis ( Poseidon Law of One)
2) The Golden Age of LeMuria
3) The Golden Age of Greece
Through the Aquarian Shift, 144-Crystalline Grid and the expansion into 12 dimensions, you are able to draw the attributes & codes of these higher time periods into a more direct harmonic relationship with the ongoing up-shift of humanity in the current time. The codes of these eras will allow for a much closer interface with the 3 Golden eras mentioned.
This will assist humanity by allowing the simultaneous time aspect of those phases to integrate more completely with the evolving phase you are entering. The two phases the era of the Golden Age of Greece and of Poseidon.
The Golden Codes of Greece & Poseidon will be brought in through the planetary 'Naval' (umbilical ) Portal of Delphi and the Codes of Golden leMuria will enter the earthplane at Rapa Nui. This will occur through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions and be received via the 10th, 11th and 12th physio chakras in the Mer-Ka Na field, and through the 20th and 33rd chakras of the etheric levels of the Mer-Ka-Na field.
It should not surprise you that all 3 of these (prior) Golden Ages were phases in which many of you were and are , in simultaneous time), present. We tell you that these aspects of your multidimensional selves are playing a major role in coordinating the harmonic interfacing that will occur in the 'Renaissance Portal'. That is why some of you will be called to anchor these energies in download at the two primary Star-Gates of Delphi & Rapa Nui. This is the reason we directed the channel to take groups to these locales over the two equinoxes of 2013.
Rediscover Passion in 2013 !!
Dear Ones, it is time to rediscover passion and joy, as did the Masters of the Golden Age. It is time to regain the balance. Life is not meant to be only work, rather the equity of well being and contained within the raptures of bliss. Joy has a geometric code and pattern, and you can discover joy & indeed groom it !Happiness is acquired, and we tell you that the energy of passion is the driving engine of manifestation. Passion is the fabric of your life- fervor & is an essential part of heart-courage and will. You are not meant to be indifferent, sad or apathetic !
Learning to create & project joy is a huge accomplishment ! And indeed joy has a geo-coded essence that can be received in the Renaissance. of 2013. And remember, you are never 'too old'. You are here with purpose and that is too live life fully and create the NEW EARTH !
When you enter into periods of fatigue or apathy you MUST work out of them. Find joy, do not spiral into indifference, for every moment of life is precious and purposed !
Dear Masters, a truly powerful period is nigh, and it is a energy of extraordinary importance.Take time in the phase of the Emerald Flame to connect with the Devics & the Masters of the Plant Kingdom. If you are unable to go to the Sequoia, find a powerful oak or conscious tree near you and connect in the up-shift to these healing beings in the timings we have shared. For in so doing you expand into a renewal of a lost gift. You see, Dear Ones, many of you have forgotten your connections to the conscious Master Trees & the Plant Kingdom. We tell you many of you existed in pre duality leMuria as Devic projections of the Master Trees in the realm of Fae. It was a time of magic. It is returning.
On the September Equinox, meditate and connect to the Golden Ages, for the attributes are of a very high vibratory resonance entering into the 12th dimension. You will discover a renewed love of life, a lessening of fear and self-doubt. You will achieve a spring in your step that allows for greater well being and joy. You will rediscover passion, and take a new approach to your life. You will become 'Golden'.
2013 has much yet in store. It is a planned time for renaissance, for new paths, for the rediscover of passion. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherent resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms you will expand in serendipitous ways you cannot even as yet imagine.
We honor you. Nurturing one another, nurture the Kingdoms of Earth, and express LOVE, unconditional Love in the New Earth. Be kind to self, for you are truly worthy and are leading the way to a new era, a Renaissance of great completion.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is...And it is so
This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com - Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at Tyberonn@hotmail.com
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