Monday, July 22, 2013

St Germain, from the Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, July 9, 2013, given through Susan Leland

St Germain:  "I AM in charge of
Your Financial Abundance!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
July 9, 2013
 "I AM St Germain, and I welcome you to this very special Gathering in which I am honored to come before you to speak to you of matters which we know - that is, all of us gathered here know - are of absolute importance to you.
"If we tell you that this time is fast fleeting - times of, shall we say, lack, for some of you, diseasement, for some of you, and even depression for some of you - we ask that you suspend whatever disbelief you might have and just join with us in these High Vibrations aboard the New Jerusalem.  For we stand together in a circle upon the Bridge, and it is here that We Are One, and it is here that we have the opportunity to join together to take into our Hearts that which is Truth, and to empower even more the Love We All Are!
"So I would speak to you as I did the last time we gathered in this way on the matter of financial abundance, and the reason that I do so is because it is imperative that you turn away from this matter in your thoughts and in your, shall we say, concerns.
"Feel the abundance you already are, the abundance of Love, the abundance of High Dimensional abundance, the abundance, yes, the Abundance of Oneness!!!  For we are truly joined, there is no separation among us.  So when we ask you to turn away from lack and from worry and concern about financial abundance, that is an aspect of it which you need to let go of, in order to rise into the realization of your true Abundance, which does include dollars - very special dollars from my bank!
"Now I have said this before and I will say this again: I’m in charge!!!  I’m not throwing down the gauntlet to anyone else - I’m simply saying that I’m in charge of this abundance.  I’ve been planning for it, arranging for it, and knowing the Truth of it for years and years in your time.  There is a flow of events which must occur before the actual dollars are showing up in your bank accounts.  It’s all accounted for.
"There are many who claim to have inside information: 'Deliveries will be tomorrow, deliveries have started; you can cash in your dinars, or your Euros tomorrow.'  They keep giving dates, and the dates keep going by with no big announcements, and until you hear NESARA announced it is best that you focus from a Higher Dimensional perspective.  Get yourselves up in your vibrations and then see what these dollars are going to do! Focus on the energies of Unlimited Abundance to do whatever it is that you want to do.
"We encourage you to do this because to focus upon all of these reports is a one way, shall we say, pass, downward.  Now some of you can look at these reports and stay even and not get depressed when these things don’t occur.  If you can do that, and you choose to do it, for whatever reason, well and good.  But we would advise you not to send them on to your friends because they may not be as strong as you are, and every bit of discouragement and every bit of depression creates an energy block in the flow and thus can create, if it is strong enough, delays. We know that none of you want delays!
"Ashtar has already given you some important ways that you can keep yourselves up.**  When you are up in a High Vibration you can send out messages that others will catch and take into their beings - messages of abundance of everything in the World and the Universe, such as Love, Joy, gifts, and yes, financial abundance.
"Now there has been a big flurry on your internet about a group of people who say that they are going to be distributing the funds from my bank (they don’t say that) for the humanitarian projects - separate and apart from those who will be receiving the so-called humanitarian trust funds, or prosperity funds - and that you can apply.  Well it all sounds really good. And you look at the kinds of questions they want you to consider in detail in your projects and you can go into more complexities if you desire, and so on, and so on.
"Well, we at Ashtar On The Road have been suggesting to you that you start planning, creating and visualizing the projects that you want to do, if you want to do something to help humanity, whether it be you and your family, or the entire World.  We’ve been suggesting this for some time, but do it in visualization.  If you want to organize it on paper, do, but if you send it in you are supporting a step that does not need to be taken. You do not need to send in the papers.
"We’ve got it all.  We see your timelines.  We can see what it is that you are here to do, Beloved Ones, and if you want to change it all, well and good, we can see that, too.  We are so connected and we do have the overview, and yes, each and every one of you count, and are counted.  Speak your visions directly - don’t put what you call the 'middle man' in the middle. You don’t need to!!!
"Now, when NESARA is announced there will be plenty of time for you to make known your projects that you desire to do - and you don’t have to - because everybody is going to get so much abundance that you will be able to do what you have passion to do.  But if you will visualize, plan, create, meditate, so to speak, to send it out and send it into the Higher Dimensions, that’s a form of upliftment, not only for you but for all those who will benefit from your visions!  And you will be broadcasting it on the Highest Levels!
"There is no reason for your name to be added to somebody’s list. You all are on the list of St Germain.  You are all beautiful, wondrous, beings.  We are telling you this. not to deflate your bubbles, but you will recall that someone else offered you an opportunity to be on a list, and it was KOS*** - and the White Knights had help, yes, from I, St Germain and others of the Ascended Masters - who went to remove your names from these lists, because it was not where your names needed to be.  It was not in your best interests to be on these lists.
"So if you fill in these papers, sit in meditation with them, consecrate them, put them on your altars, tack them up on your walls, put them under your pillows - do whatever you choose to do and keep adding to it, keep reviewing it, keep empowering it. Do what you call the fine-tuning, fill in the details, draw some pictures, do whatever you choose to do!
"Like Ashtar said,** share your visions with your community in some way, whether it be your neighbor or your partner, your children who have full capabilities to support your visions -children and grandchildren we should shall say, in this group, and even some great grandchildren.  Be joyful.  Be joyful with your visions and know that the High Road is the way to their accomplishment!
"We love you all, and yes, we see you, even in our Oneness we see your individual visions, and we assure you that you will have all of the help.  If you have a grand plan, let us say, for your entire city of 3 million people, you will have all the help you need, financially and otherwise, to do what it is that you choose to do.  And there is only one rule, and that is to be joyful in it; to be passionate in it and to share the Joy of it so that it is as joyful for the others as it is for you!
"Now, there is a very good question that goes with this: 'If everybody gets their abundance, why would anybody need this?' Because - think about it - do you have an area where the Earth has been so polluted that it needs to be cleaned up? This will call for a general gathering of the funds, and of course, we shall help, and the technologies of the Ashtar Command shall be available to you, but it will still require people, technologies, and let’s face it, some equipment.
"What if all of the companies who are currently manufacturing weapons of war were to manufacture peaceful cleanup machines?  What if all of the companies who were manufacturing these stealth planes started manufacturing space shuttles?  For an interim this will take dollars.  This will take the pooling of dollars!!!
"There is a single man, a very wealthy man, yes, he is a corporate man, he has purchased almost the entirety of one of the Hawaiian Islands.  Now, you may not know it, the Hawaiian Islands are islands in the ocean, but there are very dry sides to every island.  Every island has issues with not enough water, in parts of it.  Yes, we know, the largest amount of rainfall in the world is located on one of the islands, but that’s a big mountain. That’s on a particular part of the island.  
"To make a long story short, this man is doing something about the water shortage, he is planning on setting up a desalination plant.  There are countries that do this, and there are some technologies which will need to be accessed in order to do it in a manner that is completely harmonious with Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms.  But this man is looking into it.
"How many of you have heard of Dr. Keshe?  Dr. Keshe has a machine that will power the entire world, that is, many of these machines!  He has the ability to share the technology with those who want it.  But who’s going to make the machines?  Imagine, if you will, that all of the electrical companies of the world went into the distribution of these machines.  And perhaps there would be some devoted people who, even though they might be having the ability to retire - having received their abundance from my bank - might be willing to voluntarily spend some time distributing the machines, helping people to get set up, helping the manufacturers redo all of the various machines you find in your household because you won’t need any wires any more; helping the builders to understand that they don’t need to put wiring into homes that they build.
"There are many, many ways, you see?  I’m getting very practical here because I want you to understand that money will be an interim means of bringing about all of these grand transformations into the fullness of the Golden Age. You see, there is a difference between the entry point and being in the Heart of it, shall we say.  And this is why we are calling upon you to initiate these processes.
"There are others, not at this Gathering, who have already initiated processes of their own; and when we say initiated, we’re talking about creating and adding to your visions.  You don’t have to have every thought form and every process, just create the vision of how will it look, how will it feel, how will it be and keep empowering that vision!!!  Then you can fine tune it or add to it, or do whatever you wish.
"We suggest that this a most appropriate substitute for your time and energies, and it can replace your interest in every message about dinars and all of those things.  Empower NESARA, empower the post NESARA announcements, the Golden Age, with your passions, your creations, and your visions!!!  If you belong to any kind of a group of two or more who meditate together, take your visions and put them in the circle and invite the others to do the same.  They don’t have to be the same visions - you can share them and all of you can empower everyone else’s visions!
"That, Beloved Ones, is how you use the abundance which is coming to you.  And you can let I, St Germain and those of us who are in charge of distributing the abundance, get on with our jobs, or Missions, of bringing it to you.
"We have given you much to think about and some things to do if you choose.  Above all else, just know how loved you are and how empowered you are to join with us in exponential empowerment of this wondrous Golden Age, which we see you in the Heart of, on your timelines.
"And so now, Beloved Ones, let us welcome Sekhmet.****  And we shall journey with her to her Crystal Room to empower your abundance of gold and of visions for the Golden Age Lifestyle! And so it is.  Namaste!"
*    St Germain selected the opening of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony for his introduction.  
*** KOS is the King of Swords, leader of the Faction 3 White Knights.  For additional information, see Tara and Rama's website, 
****Sekhmet's introduction included her chosen theme song, Let Us Remember to Dance, composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, from her album Mary's Songs
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, July 9, 2013.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

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