Ashtar - Bulletin from The Bridge
"Greetings, Beloved Ones, and Happy Freedom Month!!! Yes, this is indeed the time for you to celebrate! It is to celebrate what you see as your past, your present, and your future upon your calendars! For, in all Truth, you have chosen the path of enduring and eternal Freedom, and your Ascension progress has reached the 'point of no return,' as you might say.
"So, it is to celebrate your 'past' for many reasons, for it is there that the very seeds of Freedom have been planted around the World! It is not just in the United States of America where this has occurred, but it is truly everywhere upon Planet Earth where one or more have fanned the Flames of Freedom in their Hearts. And, it is also true that many have sacrificed their bodies in the pursuit of Freedom. Whether or not it was actually achieved in their 3D as a result of their efforts, it was nevertheless that the seeds were planted in the consciousness of Humanity! And, we shall add that you, yourselves, Beloved Family, are among those heroes from the past. Indeed, it is Truth that you have been "Freedom Warriors" many times!!!
"It is to celebrate Freedom in this now moment, for it is that you have been dedicated and persistent in your commitments to restore True Freedom to Planet Earth, as it once was in Lemuria, and so it is that it is happening!!! Yes, so bright burns the Flame of Freedom in your Hearts that it is a Worldwide bonfire of such huge and powerful strength that it cannot be put out, or even diminished, by the efforts of those who have devoted themselves to your continued enslavement!!!
"And finally, it is to be in celebration of the ever-increasing Freedom of your moments to come, for it is indelibly engraved upon your timelines, and it is no longer to be denied to you by the actions of the few remaining dark hats among you!!!
"It is thus that we invite you to join with us in our upcoming Gathering.* We shall be in celebration of your well-deserved triumph, for your Freedom is most assuredly yours, now and forever! Once again St Germain shall be joining us as a guest speaker, with 'timely' observations on our progress. We shall also be hearing from our Beloved A&A News Team,** offering their insights into our progress, as well as our most honored Sekhmet, who shall be leading us in an empowering Crystal Exercise. This shall be a de-Lightful Gathering, and I am joyous and pleased to be in the welcoming of you aboard my ship, The New Jerusalem!!! Salut!"
* Tuesday, July 9, 2013
**Tara and Rama
Given through Susan Leland, July 3, 2013.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.
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