What Factors Make Ascension Challenging? – Part 4

There are other aspects of our Ascension that may not be well known or understood. When we wish to know what is happening with Ascension, we need to factor these variables into our calculations too.
There are many “firsts” involved in it: the first Ascension with the physical body, the first mass Ascension, and Earth being the first planet in this current round to make its Ascension.
On top of this, Earth is a planet that was controlled by the dark forces and it was not a certain thing that she would emerge from dark control. Let’s look at these aspects of our Ascension.
The First Physical Ascension
SaLuSa explained the uniqueness of physical Ascension:
“At the end of every cycle there is an emergence of those who are ready to move on to the higher realms. However, as many of you are now aware this one is unique, as you take your physical body with you.
“Not as your existing carbon based body, but one that has become crystalline and can function in the 5th. Dimension. One that has become lighter, and has moved into a near perfect expression of itself.” (1)
Atmos of Sirius agrees; the event is “unique … because it is the first occasion that you have been given the opportunity to ascend with your physical body. It will be a wonderful experience and you will be fully prepared for it beforehand.” (2)Archangel Michael explains that most of us are here because of this unique feature of Ascension. We starseeds are part of the extraordinary assistance lent to Earth to make her physical Ascension a success.
“This shift is not simply an Ascension out of form into sheer energy or into a different dimension or reality. It is an Ascension while having the full opportunity and choice, the selection, to maintain physicality. And that is why most of you are here.” (3)
Many of us have had previous Ascension experiences, the Arcturians tell us. But not in our physical bodies.
“Many of the members of the Planetary Ascension Team have had the experience of ascension in one or more of their parallel realities.
“However, in these other realities, you died and abandoned your physical body in order to soar into your true Home in the higher dimensions. In your present reality, you have volunteered to stay on earth in your earth vessel to assist with planetary ascension. Hence, your consciousness is in one dimension and your body is in another.” (4)
SaLuSa explains that “you will ascend in a physical body that has changed its body cells to make it suitable for life in the higher dimensions.” (5)
“You take your physical body with you. Not as your existing carbon based body, but one that has become crystalline and can function in the 5th. Dimension. One that has become lighter, and has moved into a near perfect expression of itself.” (6)
Sananda reveals that “your DNA are becoming fully activated and you are making the rapid changeover from carbon-based structure of your physical bodies to crystalline substance.” (7)Ela of Arcturus contextualizes it for us.
“It may not sound special to you taking part in it, but experience is what you seek all of the time. To be as it were, the pioneers of a special dispensation from the Creator, and to be on Earth at such a time is truly worthy of such fine souls as you are.” (8)
The Galactic Federation, SaLuSa tells us, is capable of managing the new process.
“The Galactic Federation has had much experience in helping civilizations to pass through Ascension, although yours is a bigger challenge. Never before have both the people and the Earth ascended together, but there is absolute confidence that it will successfully take place.” (9)
The First Mass Ascension
Another “first” about this Ascension is that it’s a collective or mass Ascension. We’ve discussed in another of these articles how Earth asked to ascend collectively. Saan and the Arcturians call the experience “quite rare, as very few collective ascensions have happened in recent history.” (10)SaLuSa also acknowledges that “this opportunity where there is a mass ascension does not come round very often.” (11) “Although individuals have always been able to ascend,” he says, “it will be the first time that mass ascension on this scale has been attempted. (12)
Usually Ascension is only allowed to individuals who have qualified through discipline and merit, as Archangel Michael explains. A mass Ascension is rare and the request we made to ascend as one is rarer still.
“In the past, ascension was possible for just a select few. Only those who came to Earth to be examples and wayshowers and who were spiritually advanced were allowed into the inner sanctums of the mystery schools. The secret doctrine was only given to those who were considered to be the strongest and most dedicated disciples.
“The lessons, tests and challenges were strenuous and many perished during the process or did not attain their goal for many lifetimes.” (13)
Special dispensations are being given to see that as many ascend as possible, AAM says.
“That has now changed, for time is running out for the ascension of the Earth and humanity into the next level of awareness, and many Divine dispensations and much assistance is being offered to those who are striving to meet the challenges and tests of ascension.” (14)
SaLuSa assures us again that the effort will be successful.It will of course be successful, as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.” (15)
“We of the Galactic Federation can say that we have done all this before, and it means we know what we are talking about. Mass Ascension does not come up often, but even so we have helped others achieve it as we do for you now. It is such a wonderful occasion and we look forward to enjoying it every bit as much as you will.” (16)
(Continued in Part 5.)Footnotes
(1) SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009. http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.(2) Atmos, Jan. 28, 2009. http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 23, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-archangel-michael-jan-23-2012/http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-archangel-michael-jan-23-2012/
(4) The Arcturians, Awaken Now Newsletter, Feb. 16, 2010, from <http://suzancaroll@multidimensions.com>http://suzancaroll@multidimensions.com.
(5) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009.
(6) SaLuSa, April 3, 2009.
(7) Sananda through Fran Zepeda, April 13, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/04/sananda-open-to-truth/.
(8) Ela of Arcturus, Mar. 9, 2009. http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(9) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(10) “Saan and the Arcturian Councils: A Short Introductory Message,” channeled by Wes Annac, June 28, 2013 at http://aquariusparadigm.com/.
(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2012.
(12) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 2012.
(13) Archangel Michael, January 2009, through Ronna Herman, at http://www.ronnastar.com/latest.html.
(14) Archangel Michael, January 2009, through Ronna Herman, ibid.
(15) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 2012.
(16) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2011.
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