Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light – Part 2

SaLuSa of Sirius through Mike Quinsey continues with his introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light.
Space Federations are Collectives of Ascended Beings
You might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as member civilizations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended.We continue to evolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of All That Is. (1)
We are what you are to become, Cosmic Beings who have ascended and have the freedom to travel throughout the vastness of your great Universe. You are already members of the Galactic Federation, and may wish to serve others through our organisation. There are also other Councils and Federations like ours dedicated to doing the work of the Creator and opportunities abound to follow your heart’s desire. (2)
We of the Galactic Federation are helping you close the gap between what you are now, and will be when you acquire full consciousness. The sooner we can invite you to join us as equal partners, the quicker we can move onto the next journey that will take us into other Galaxies and Universes. They seem to be never ending, as there is no end to creation as we see it. (3)
In the Galactic Federation no civilisation tries to set itself above another. Indeed there is a policy of sharing so that all may benefit from each other for the good of all. This is a measure of how far any civilisation may have progressed, and sadly yours is largely caught up in service to self. (4)
Our message to you is to have faith in us, just as you had in the Spiritual Hierarchy when you first allowed yourselves to drop into the lower vibrations. You knew you would eventually be swallowed up in the darkness of duality, and face the challenge of finding God within once again. However, you were promised that you would always be helped to rise up again, and now that has been fulfilled.
There is joy in being able to serve others as they make their way through cycles of experience, and our reward is your success. We do not seek glory, but are allowed to have pride in our missions just as you experience great satisfaction in a job done well. (5)
We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvelous opportunities ahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels. They come to Earth with a variety of skills and experience, and often specialize in one subject to which they are fully dedicated.
They come from many different planets as we do, and have volunteered for tasks that demand their full co-operation. Their lives are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and normally would have no need of further earthly experiences. They come out of love for you, recognizing your godspark and acknowledging your final spell in duality. (6)
We Serve Others; We’ve Protected You from the Beginning
We of the Galactic Federation of Light and others are very active in helping you. Serving others is the reason we exist. (7)The Galactic Federation works with the Higher Beings, and all along have been authorized to accompany you through this cycle, as others have done before. We are your link to God, and carry out our mission with great love and dedication. (8)
You will find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to your early evolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more of a connection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part to play in your genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you get to see the various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at how many have a close resemblance to how you look now. (9)
On your Earth there is still evidence of [extraterrestrial] visits, but they are not always recognized for what they are and ignored because it does not fit in with your accepted version of history. In fact much of your history is fiction and bears little resemblance to the truth. These are areas that we shall address, as it is important that the facts are known. (10)
At first many people will become fearful, until they understand that our coming is a most natural occurrence. It happens whenever a civilization reaches a point in their evolution, when they are prepared on a conscious level to understand and accept their links to the Star Beings. You are at that stage now, but it will take many unaware as they have no perception or understanding of their true family. We come with love to share with you. (11)
At all times our contact has been peaceful with a view to helping Humanity. We live by the Light and have observed the protocol and Laws of God in our dealings with you. In time you will learn much about our involvement with you over thousands of years, and you will find that we have acted as your Guardians. We have monitored your growth, and have helped you overcome obstacles that may have seriously held back your evolution. (12)
We pose absolutely no threat to you, and have reached a high level of spiritual understanding that knows only love for our brothers and sisters on other worlds. When you have the opportunity to write your history up as it was, and without inaccuracies or intentional distortions, you will find that we have often helped you when you have been in dire trouble. You will however find that past civilizations have been attacked by Space Entities or even been taken over, but these are not in any way connected to our Federation. (13)
We are coming more and more into your lives and by design, and it is not accidental because we are to go forward together. Once we can openly engage with you we see a great bonding taking place, and it will help us all to get through the final phases of the cleansing. (14)
We of the Galactic Federation are charged with looking after Mankind, and your upliftment and safe journey through to Ascension. (15) Ascension is only the start, and afterwards we have much to do by way of quickly moving you into the life changes that go with it. (16)
(Continued in Part 3.)
(1) SaLuSa of Sirius, July 14, 2010, at Jan. 26, 2009.
(3) May 25, 2011.
(4) Oct. 10, 2009.
(5) July 12, 2010.
(6) July 5, 2010.
(7) Nov. 26, 2012.
(8) July 12, 2010.
(9) May 5, 2010.
(10) Oct. 19, 2012.
(11) Feb. 29, 2012.
(12) March 1, 2013.
(13) July 23, 2012.
(14) Nov. 17, 2010.
(15) March 23, 2009.
(16) Nov. 26, 2012.
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