Kuan Yin:"Compassion Starts in Your Own Hearts for Yourselves!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - June 11, 2013
"Greetings, most Beloved Ones, it is I, Kuan Yin. I am so pleased and honored to step forward as we are all gathered here upon the bridge of The New Jerusalem! I am indeed always with you, although I may not come forward as often as some of the other ones upon these calls, within this Gathering. But I tell you this, my Heart overflows with Love for all of you, and I am seeing your radiance, in each and every one of you, and I thank you for sharing your Love with this World!
"It would seem as though it has gotten into a very dark place, and yet, when I see you and all of your shining Lights, I say, 'Not so!' Your Lights have the power to overcome even the darkest of places, situations or feelings, thoughts, or attitudes. And it is that we are here to join together in our Oneness, for together we can create even more powerful miracles, even more healings, even more Love to shower the entire Planet with!!!"Now you may know that I am known for my teachings of Compassion, and it is upon Compassion that I ask you to focus in this grand Gathering that we share together. Without Compassion, you see, there can be no Oneness. There can be no harmonious coming together and sharing and caring for each other.
"It is when you look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters and you have Compassion – this does not mean sympathy, this does not mean pity - this means that when you see them evenly, when you can look upon them and what they are doing and hear their words and feel their attitudes with Compassionate Observation, that you truly are uniting with them! For any kind of judgment, you see, lessens the bond, the unity, the Communion of your Love with each other, no matter what it is that you are observing. It is to stay in the High, High Levels of Compassion - in other words, to go beyond 3D.
"Oh, I do understand, Beloved Ones, where you have been. I know all of the hardships that you have created for yourselves and sometimes for others, but that’s all over now. What there is now is our Homecoming and we walk the Path with you, or we should say, we fly upon the Path with you, because it is for everyone!
"It is our joy to welcome you into the Higher Dimensions! We have longed for you to make this journey. We honor every step along the way throughout these eons of time upon Planet Earth, and other places where you have been. But I tell you this: We have always loved you, no matter what you have ever thought or said or done!!! We have always had Compassion for you, not judgment!
"You have always been forgiven, because that is the absence of judgment as Sananda himself has defined it, and the Truth of it is, judgment has been absent because you have nothing to forgive. So we ask, first of all, that you express Compassion towards yourselves, Beloved Ones. This is where Compassion starts - it’s in your own Heart for yourselves!
"Let us warm you on a cold day, when the entire World outside your door appears to you to be without Compassion. Then radiate your Love so that it infuses the World, because that is how we make the change. That is how we enable everyone to fly on the wings of Love! And so it is Compassion that truly unites us and brings us together and that, Beloved Ones, is why I am here to bring this message. It is such a simple truth!
"We know full well that you are all endeavoring to live this Truth in every moment, and we know full well that, just as Ashtar has said, this is a time when you are jumping back and forth, as it were. And so that is why I am here to ask that you take into your Hearts - as we join with Sekhmet and journey to her ship - that you take in to your Hearts this Compassion - or we shall say enlarge it, because it is already there!
"Invite it to flourish, invite it to expand and shine forth! And if you have a moment where you are less than Compassionate toward anyone, and especially toward yourselves, then come back to our Communion together and re-expand the Light of Compassion which is glowing in your Hearts, because the Truth of it is that it will never go out! It is eternal, as are you! And as you do that you will be sending the Love throughout the entirety of your fields, and again you will lift up into the Higher Realms, of which you are fully capable, and you will walk your Path on the High Road!!!!
"That, Beloved Ones, is simple, and yet profound in its truthfulness which I bring to you. I love you all so much - I shine with you and I shine for you! Remember I’m with you and if things seem a bit dark, just take my hand and feel the glow of my Love and know that you deserve all Compassion, all Love, and that we are always One!!!
"And so it is, Beloved Ones, and so it is. Namaste!"
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, June 11, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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