Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light – Part 3

What Brought Extraterrestrials Here in the First Place?
Semjase of the Pleiades is depicted meeting with Billy Meier.We are here to ensure you safely reach Ascension, and introduce you to your Space Family and the many advantages that have been kept from you. (1)
We [the Galactic Federation of Light] … answer to the higher Beings who oversee your civilization, and have their own responsibility to God to make sure God’s Plan works out. That of course is your destiny to complete this cycle of duality with the opportunity to ascend. We are here to ensure you are not denied it by any outside interference or through the activities of the Illuminati. (2) You are the only ones [in the universe] who are unable to do it entirely for yourselves. (3)
For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness. It is another area of development that we shall help you with as soon as it is possible. (4)
In the depths of world chaos there is hope extended by us and anyone who has followed our messages will be aware of the nature of our presence. We come to release you from the conditions that have subjected you to so much turmoil, and have reduced your lives to being little less than slaves to your Government’s agenda of global control.
This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious, unlike earlier cycles [Lemuria and Atlantis] when you have been virtually destroyed through the actions of the dark forces. This one was always projected as having the full potential for a successful conclusion, and to ensure such an outcome has been carefully directed and assisted by our Federation. (5)
We protect you and Mother Earth and have done so for millennia of time, and shall continue to do so. It will be more obvious when we can finally meet with you openly, and when we can it should be a most enjoyable change of direction for you. To know that you are finally safe from the attentions of the last cabal will bring a rush of joy and excitement, and a great time acting out the final plan for your Ascension. (6)
We approach you as your brothers and sisters because we are one family of Light. Your future is bound with us and many of you are from one of the many civilizations that comprise the Galactic Federation. …
We are your mentors and protectors and have the appointed task of restoring Mother Earth. (7)
There is of course a limit as to how far we can go, as we must not interfere in situations where you are reaping your own karma. We have to stand back, but it does not prevent us from trying to ease your experience by continually sending you Love and Light. Now we closely accompany you through what will prove to be a very active time, when we are allowed to draw closer to you. You frequently see our craft and often in great numbers as we continue our cleansing of your atmosphere, and keep our eyes upon those who are still determined to cause trouble. (8)
Negative Aliens are Kept Away from Earth
The Galactic Federation of Light is not in any way a military set up, but within the Universe there are forces that we need to protect ourselves against. They are mostly the dark Ones of the Reptilian group, but we hasten to add that there are [other Reptilian civilizations] of peaceful intent.In your Galactic history there are many stories of mighty wars between civilizations [i.e., the Intergalactic Wars]. However, that era has passed and peace has been declared between the warring factions, and part of our duty is to ensure it is kept. (9)
Outside of your Universe there are other forms of life, that travel through the wormholes to enter other Universes, mainly for expeditionary reasons. They are checked out by us and only allowed to stay as long as they present no threat to other life.
Many times advanced civilizations from within your own Universe, have set out to conquer other planets, but you have been protected by us as the Earth has been quarantined and out of bounds to them.
Otherwise you would not have had any means of preventing a takeover, and being enslaved. Life in the lower vibrations has been quite an experience fraught with all kind of dangers, which is why you learnt very quickly how to survive. (10)
We continue to remove the dark forces that have been using bases on your Earth for a very long time. They are not allowed to stay any longer, and have no place in the Ascension process.
Their existence so far has mainly been a legacy from several thousand years ago, and the evidence still remains in your recorded history. As many of you know, in recent times the Greys were allowed to reside upon Earth by agreement with your U.S. government, but these must also leave. (11)
The rules are specific where duality is concerned and include Universal Law. It is the latter that prohibits other Space Beings from approaching you or Mother Earth, and we enforce the law. Again there are exceptions in circumstances where they are actually invited to Earth, and that was the case where the Greys were concerned. (12)
(Continued in Part 4.)
(1) SaLuSa, May 18, 2012, at July 23, 2012. The Illuminati are the terrestrial cabal which planned to take over the Earth by a coordinated plan of erosion of civil rights, pandemics, weather warfare, nuclear war and other strategies that would have left power consolidated in their hands. President Eisenhower called them the “military industrial complex” and warned us against them. Three months later, President Kennedy also warned us against them. They assassinated him. They have been stopped and deprived of power.
(3) Nov. 26, 2012.
(4) Feb. 24, 2012.
(5) Oct. 10, 2008.
(6) Feb. 24, 2012.
(7) Dec. 1, 2008.
(8) March 1, 2013.
(9) Oct. 19, 2012.
(10) April 2, 2012.
(11) Oct. 3, 2012. It was the little Greys that carried out the abductions, allowed by the U.S. government in exchange for extraterrestrial technology.
(12) Feb. 1, 2012. The American government invited the Greys.
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