Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light – Part 1
I’d like to give the galactics a chance to explain why they’re here, where they come from, how they organize themselves, etc., and I’d like to allow them to do so in their own language, without undue interpretation.
When I went to consult the various spokespeople, I realized that the writings of SaLuSa of Sirius provided a consistent and easily understandable introduction to their collective work and so I decided to draw only on SaLuSa’s material.
Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa’s channel, had a health crisis earlier this year which has obliged him to stop channeling SaLuSa for the moment. But there exists, nonetheless, online a rich and full account of the work of the Galactic Federation of Light, only one of the space coalitions here, and I’d like to offer that account now.
This account will span a number of parts, posted over successive days, beginning with SaLuSa’s introduction of himself and the GFL.
My background is much like yours, as my genetic history is linked with other civilizations. (4) I … have moved well beyond your present level of awareness. (5) In time we will not need channels to speak with you, but appear on your television networks. We could do that now, but that would be an imposition without your approval. (6)
We bring you love and know that we can lead you onto the path of Light, and in us you will see what can be achieved by following it. For eons of time we have moved in the higher vibrations, and it is exactly the reason we come now to serve you in your hours of need.
It is not that we have ignored you previously, but we have allowed you to find your own way which is all part of your experience. Nevertheless, we have always been near enough to you to assist in ways that have not always been obvious. (7)
Looking back it is quite extraordinary that we have been in contact with you for some 70 years, and look where you all are today. You are familiar with our presence, and in general accept that we are your family.
We feel that we have achieved so much in a relatively short time, and here we are so near to being able to openly visit you. We look forward to those times when we can share many things with you. (8)
I … know that one day some of you will visit our bright star and you will find it teeming with life, and what will strike you immediately is that everything seems new. Because of the higher vibrations wear and decay does not take place, just as in the case of our physical bodies. You are in fact beginning to experience cellular changes, which are also destined to lift them up to that level.
You will see that colors are bright and pure, and permanently remain vibrant and give out pleasing energies. Light is emitted from everything that you see, and you will feel a strong sense communication with all life forms. Harmony and balance is felt everywhere, that somehow envelopes you in a feeling of being at One with everything around you. You will have much to learn and enjoy from these trips. (9)
We act on the Divine orders that direct our activities, and we are committed to helping civilisations such as yours. You can understand your position at this time, and know that you are on the verge of a momentous leap in your evolution. We are here to travel with you, and even beyond as you make your way through the next level of dimensions. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress, and it is our responsibility to ensure you safely achieve Ascension. (10)
The Galactic Federation … is a great organization of dedicated souls who serve others according to their needs and such work is carried out in true love for all life. (11) The Galactic Federation is not some marauding group of Space Beings. We are organized to police the Universe helping young civilizations evolve without interference. We carry out the bidding of those who have the ear of God, and carry out his plans for evolution. (12)
There are other organizations of a very similar nature, but ours is of an immense size to which more civilizations are being added. (13) [Our] armada of Spaceships … bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness. (14) [We] are just one of many groups … that closely follow your personal progress. (15) In the past you will have read of the Venusians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and Andromedans who serve with us, are mostly associated with past contact with Earth. There are of course others, but they are not necessarily connected with us. (16)
We … are made up of units of Beings that often stay together for thousands of years. That is why we can speak from experience where your past history is concerned. Bear in mind that we do not age such as you do, and changing from one body to another is by choice and like you putting on a new suit of clothes. (17)
We are your mentors for the time being, but soon you shall stand along side us and together we shall explore the realms beyond us. We walk in love with you now, and you do not see us but even that will change with time. (18)
Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood. (19)
We members of the Galactic Federation may have been on Earth, or another planet where a different form of evolution exists. However, regardless of where it takes place, it ultimately means progressing to the higher dimensions. All souls are of the Light, and in the highest dimensions take the form of Light Beings. (20)
I … know you will find us most sympathetic and helpful to your needs, but it would be even better if more of you knew about us. We mention again the need to spread the news about the changes, but in a way that is not overbearing or too forceful. It will help to ease the likely shock, experienced by those who are totally unaware as to what is about to transpire. (21)
(Continued in Part 2.)
(2) May 15, 2009.
(3) Sept. 16, 2009. That group included Ker-on of Venus, Atmos of Sirius, Diane of Sirius, Ela of Arcturus, and Ag-Agria of Sirius.
(4) July 22, 2009.
(5) May 4, 2009.
(6) May 15, 2009.
(7) Dec. 15, 2008.
(8) Nov. 14, 2012.
(9) July 12, 2010.
(10) Aug. 17, 2011.
(11) Dec. 15, 2008.
(12) July 5, 2010.
(13) April 2, 2012.
(14) March 29, 2010.
(15) Loc. cit.
(16) Nov. 26, 2010.
(17) June 29, 2011.
(18) Sept. 7, 2009.
(19) March 29, 2010.
(20) Nov. 26, 2010.
(21) Feb. 29, 2012.
When I went to consult the various spokespeople, I realized that the writings of SaLuSa of Sirius provided a consistent and easily understandable introduction to their collective work and so I decided to draw only on SaLuSa’s material.
Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa’s channel, had a health crisis earlier this year which has obliged him to stop channeling SaLuSa for the moment. But there exists, nonetheless, online a rich and full account of the work of the Galactic Federation of Light, only one of the space coalitions here, and I’d like to offer that account now.
This account will span a number of parts, posted over successive days, beginning with SaLuSa’s introduction of himself and the GFL.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I along with my companions represent the Galactic Federation where contact with you is concerned. (1) As a spokesman for the Galactic Federation I feel very privileged to address you. (2) I … speak more as the collective voice for our group, while the Galactic Federation have many individuals making contact all over the world. (3)My background is much like yours, as my genetic history is linked with other civilizations. (4) I … have moved well beyond your present level of awareness. (5) In time we will not need channels to speak with you, but appear on your television networks. We could do that now, but that would be an imposition without your approval. (6)
We bring you love and know that we can lead you onto the path of Light, and in us you will see what can be achieved by following it. For eons of time we have moved in the higher vibrations, and it is exactly the reason we come now to serve you in your hours of need.
It is not that we have ignored you previously, but we have allowed you to find your own way which is all part of your experience. Nevertheless, we have always been near enough to you to assist in ways that have not always been obvious. (7)
Looking back it is quite extraordinary that we have been in contact with you for some 70 years, and look where you all are today. You are familiar with our presence, and in general accept that we are your family.
We feel that we have achieved so much in a relatively short time, and here we are so near to being able to openly visit you. We look forward to those times when we can share many things with you. (8)
I … know that one day some of you will visit our bright star and you will find it teeming with life, and what will strike you immediately is that everything seems new. Because of the higher vibrations wear and decay does not take place, just as in the case of our physical bodies. You are in fact beginning to experience cellular changes, which are also destined to lift them up to that level.
You will see that colors are bright and pure, and permanently remain vibrant and give out pleasing energies. Light is emitted from everything that you see, and you will feel a strong sense communication with all life forms. Harmony and balance is felt everywhere, that somehow envelopes you in a feeling of being at One with everything around you. You will have much to learn and enjoy from these trips. (9)
Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation is comprised of civilisations of ascended Beings carrying the status of Masters. They are spiritually evolved and their energy is of Love and Light, with the intent of spreading it far and wide.We act on the Divine orders that direct our activities, and we are committed to helping civilisations such as yours. You can understand your position at this time, and know that you are on the verge of a momentous leap in your evolution. We are here to travel with you, and even beyond as you make your way through the next level of dimensions. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress, and it is our responsibility to ensure you safely achieve Ascension. (10)
The Galactic Federation … is a great organization of dedicated souls who serve others according to their needs and such work is carried out in true love for all life. (11) The Galactic Federation is not some marauding group of Space Beings. We are organized to police the Universe helping young civilizations evolve without interference. We carry out the bidding of those who have the ear of God, and carry out his plans for evolution. (12)
There are other organizations of a very similar nature, but ours is of an immense size to which more civilizations are being added. (13) [Our] armada of Spaceships … bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness. (14) [We] are just one of many groups … that closely follow your personal progress. (15) In the past you will have read of the Venusians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and Andromedans who serve with us, are mostly associated with past contact with Earth. There are of course others, but they are not necessarily connected with us. (16)
We … are made up of units of Beings that often stay together for thousands of years. That is why we can speak from experience where your past history is concerned. Bear in mind that we do not age such as you do, and changing from one body to another is by choice and like you putting on a new suit of clothes. (17)
We are your mentors for the time being, but soon you shall stand along side us and together we shall explore the realms beyond us. We walk in love with you now, and you do not see us but even that will change with time. (18)
Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood. (19)
We members of the Galactic Federation may have been on Earth, or another planet where a different form of evolution exists. However, regardless of where it takes place, it ultimately means progressing to the higher dimensions. All souls are of the Light, and in the highest dimensions take the form of Light Beings. (20)
I … know you will find us most sympathetic and helpful to your needs, but it would be even better if more of you knew about us. We mention again the need to spread the news about the changes, but in a way that is not overbearing or too forceful. It will help to ease the likely shock, experienced by those who are totally unaware as to what is about to transpire. (21)
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) SaLuSa of Sirius, June 26, 2009, at May 15, 2009.
(3) Sept. 16, 2009. That group included Ker-on of Venus, Atmos of Sirius, Diane of Sirius, Ela of Arcturus, and Ag-Agria of Sirius.
(4) July 22, 2009.
(5) May 4, 2009.
(6) May 15, 2009.
(7) Dec. 15, 2008.
(8) Nov. 14, 2012.
(9) July 12, 2010.
(10) Aug. 17, 2011.
(11) Dec. 15, 2008.
(12) July 5, 2010.
(13) April 2, 2012.
(14) March 29, 2010.
(15) Loc. cit.
(16) Nov. 26, 2010.
(17) June 29, 2011.
(18) Sept. 7, 2009.
(19) March 29, 2010.
(20) Nov. 26, 2010.
(21) Feb. 29, 2012.
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