The Impact of the New Energies on Us – Part 1/2

Nowhere is that way of seeing things more relevant than in our posture toward the new energies that are flooding the planet and which cause our gradual Ascension. We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the old that we’re letting go of. Perhaps here we can discuss the new that is occurring energetically.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young explains our situation: “We understand that you are in a challenging energetic time as you are experiencing the falling away of the old and the brand new energies of the New Earth.” (1)
SaLuSa explains that we “are receiving more energy from outside of Earth, and it comes from many sources.” (2) The primary source, according to Archangel Michael, is the Creator, who’s sending energy to us for our Ascension.
“At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living White Fire Essence of Life through the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God by way of the Sun of this solar system.” (3)
These energies are hitting us in waves and obliging us to rest and assimilate after each one washes over us, say the sources speaking through Aisha North.
“As you have already ascertained, the waves come and go, and sometimes, it is as if your feet are being knocked out under you.
“But at other times, you will feel yourself as lifted aloft, and you will feel how the power of the waves surges underneath you, carrying you higher and longer than ever before.” (4)
The waves “are not here to drown you, but to lift you even closer to that oh so elusive goal that you have searched for for such a long time.” (“5)Archangel Michael says that the Ascension energies ebb and flow.
“Be aware that there is an ebb and flow to the process of Ascension. There are great pulsations of new higher Cosmic Ray vibrational patterns bombarding the Earth, with quiet times in-between so as not to create an overload situation.
“Ascension is not a steady, forward-motion process. It is an insurgence of energy and new information, and then a time of assimilation, integration and manifestation.” (6)
Lao-Tzu tells us that this light energy is transforming our bodies from carbon base to crystalline.
“The Light which moves at the speed of Love quite literally transforms carbon to crystalline. We have not spoken of this before because it was not yet time but that is exactly what it does.
“Think of carbon under pressure becomes diamond and what you are doing with this flow of energy through a physical form whether you are there or not, but particularly when it is hands-on, is you are creating such a flow of energy that it is, yes, it is assisting the, not only the anchoring, but the transformation of the crystalline body.” (7)
According to Archangel Michael, our “level of comprehension and awareness will increase with each download of higher frequency energy.” (8) Here are other changes we can expect:
“Your language is changing; your thought forms are different. The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or dissolved, so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream. New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way.
“Light packets of information, holographic pictures of great significance and sacred geometric patterns will begin to come into your consciousness, and you must learn how to decipher these. It may seem as if those whom you are moving beyond no longer understand you, or you cannot find words to carry on the old mundane patterns of conversation.
“You will also find that you do not need to verbalize every thought as you begin to telepathically pick up the energies and thoughts of those around you. Your intuitive abilities will increase, and you will not be easily deceived. You will speak your truth with spiritual integrity, and you will not be willing to engage in the negative games of the past.” (9)
The new energy is also ridding us of the old Third-Dimensional ways of being, SanJAsKa tells us.
“This Light energy will be instrumental in exposing to you and clearing out all of the old third dimensional dross and drama that has kept you in shackles of illusory limitation for so very long, and the awareness being spread at present is garnering a widespread collective awakening to and understanding of not just the injustice that has been wrought on your world for far too long, but of the metaphysical realms that lay beyond your conscious perspective as well as your abilities to interact with them.” (10)
(Continued in Part 2.)via:
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