Finally, a Bit of Sunshine!
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s May 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at I will return to the Creation Energies studio early June. Perhaps you’re sensing changes in your perceptions for that is the brass ring we alluded to in last week’s “Brenda’s Blog”. The exhaustion and energy spurts you’ve recently experienced prepared you for a perception shift to joy. That which you once viewed with fear will be infused with joy.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Are You at Your Transition ‘WHATEVER!’ Point?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
The major shift of the next few days will help you transition from mild fear to mild joy.
Your Old Age feelings spectrum was limited to fear – great fear to mild fear. Even though joy was an inner element, joy was not really part of your repertoire.
You felt joy – but as you aged, more and more of that joy was infused with and sifted through fear. You fell in love only to worry love would not last. Or you gave birth only to be concerned your baby might not be healthy.
Joy was infused with major and minor fears. It was not experienced as an emotion by itself – except by very small children not yet completely acclimated to earth’s density.
Perhaps you believe joy is not possible. That you have been in pain for so long you cannot possibly transition to joy in this lifetime. We beg to differ. The energies of the next few days are changing your perceptions more rapidly than would be possible if these energies were not available.
Or maybe you believe no one can help you jump hurdles. Such is true. But then, you trail blazers, you advance Lightworkers decided en masse that your joy transition was taking more time than you wished.
Initially, Baby Boomers merely expected to build the bridge to the New Age/new earth. But then, you belligerent, independent Baby Boomers decided you wished to experience the new earth in this lifetime. Those dreams moved your intent from future to present. Such is the brass ring you will grasp by the end of this month.
Even though the New Age/new earth was initiated several generations ago with a spattering of books and ideas, the plan did not and could not come to fruition until a mass of earth entities decided they would welcome new thoughts and beliefs.
Baby Boomers entered earth in this lifetime with the role/task of introducing the New Age/new earth. Such was started in the 60′s and 70′s, but put aside for 30 or so years to fully move through the fears of previous and current Old Age lives.
Once Baby Boomers accepted their role of introducing the New Age/new earth, it was a given that the New Age would be created in their lifetime. But creating it and living in it are quite different. Prior to birth on earth, no one thought it possible to move from 3D to 5D and beyond while maintaining a 3D life.
Such thoughts are exactly what excites you Baby Boomers. “It is not possible” is all Baby Boomers need to hear and you are off and running to prove naysayers wrong.
You Baby Boomers fully lived the 3D life prepared by you and others for eons. But like the Three Bears fairy tale, the Old Age did not quite fit. It was workable, at times even comfortable, for you had lived that life of fear for eons. But something was missing. So you not only introduced the New Age/new earth, you Baby Boomers now intend to experience it.
Such would not be possible if you continued to sift all thoughts, feelings and actions through fear. Hence the brass ring of a perception shift of the next few days.
Some of you remain concerned that this brass ring is cheating. We remind you that because of this shift you will display a joy tantalizing to those starting to open their New Age beings. That they will recognize joy as a reward for their clearing and cleansing.
You will receive the beginnings of perception change, the gift of joy from the Universes throughout the next few days. You, in turn, will display that joy for those following.
You may be upset that those who follow will have an easier transition for you have done the initial clearing. Be aware that we are rewarding you for your diligence with the gift of a perception change.
You may not notice the difference immediately. The gift is a slight perception shift. But you trail blazers are such “workhorses” that even the smallest perception shift is all you need to move forward at a rapid gallop!
You, in turn, will do the same for those following.
We are gifting you with enough sunshine to see a bit of the beauty of your New Age landscape. This, in turn, will induce you to shift your being enough so that you will project the beauty and peace of the New Age – even though maybe experiencing remnants of the Old Age.
Those who are about to follow you will listen intently to the joys you are starting to experience and realize deep within their being that they too are ready to move through their “dark night of the soul” – that they want a life on the new joy spectrum.
Those of you younger than Baby Boomer perhaps experienced a bit less pain as you moved through your fear filters. But then, you were meant to live comfortably in the New Age/new earth after Baby Boomers paved the way.
Perhaps you are thinking that you moved through a great deal of pain – and so you have and maybe continue to do so. But every day lived in the old 3D density of earth makes it more difficult to return to the natural joy of the Universes. Just as everyday you smoke tobacco makes it more difficult to stop.
That is not to say those younger than Baby Boomers have an easier time, but instead have fewer barriers as you decide whether to experience this lifetime in 3D or some other dimension. Perhaps thinking in terms of veils or filters will help you understand. The longer you experience a 3D life, the more comfortable you are in 3D as more veils cover your Universal being. Circumventing that comfort zone, removing veils takes a great deal of energy – as many of you can attest.
We are merely providing a bit of sunshine to those of you at the forefront – whatever age you are in earth years. Neither Baby Boomers nor any generation is better or worse than another – merely different in the number of 3D experiences and time on earth lived in fear instead of joy. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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