Ilie has been co-creating with me since 2010, he is the most gifted programer, web admin and solution finder I have ever met. His energy is clear and his path is paved with impeccability, truth and trust. It is an absolute honor for me to be able to work with him every day.
Here is his email message:
Everything runs on Energy
Something that escapes most people is that all the processes in and around us are powered by various forms of Energy.Most of the Energy we use today on our planet is Solar energy. This solar energy has been captured by the plants in the past and converted over a very long period of time in coal or oil, that we are burning today to power our homes, our cars and our factories.
Our own bodies also take up energy in the form of food. This energy is used to grow and repair the body and a lot if it is used up by our brain. To grow this food, to package it, to transport it and store it in places where you can buy it, you also require Energy.
The idea is that everything on the planet right now is an Energy game. How this energy is produced (extracted), how it is exchanged and how it is converted in forms that are useful to the Human Species.
Introducing Free Energy
Ever since we have discovered fire, humans have been on a fast track to harness more and more energy for their use. More energy always meant a higher standard of living. Slavery was made obsolete by more energy. Women's status has improved as soon as more energy was available. Large families stopped making sense, when child labor stopped making sense, and that was due to more energy being available. Life in US is so much better than other parts of the world, because there is more energy available for each person living there. And we are just scratching the surface of what is possible.At some point along this line, what I will call the Global Controllers had a realization: as soon as any human on the planet has access to abundant, unlimited clean energy their "power over others" games would be over. They would have to leave and play their games elsewhere. At that time, a campaign was started to suppress, by ridicule, the idea of Free Abundant Energy. It has been declared "proven to be impossible" as it "violates the laws of physics". Even so, some scientists (starting most likely with Nikola Tesla) have been able to tap into various forms of Energy that are not powered by fossil fuels or radio active material. This Energy source has sometimes been called "Zero Point Energy".
The proof of this is beyond this writing, but anyone reading is invited to look this up, and read about it. For a few days just ignore the "laws of physics" and pretend this is actually possible. Have a look a it. If it were possible, how would it work? What would change in our world?
We the creators
The greatest victory of the Global Controllers is that they have made Abundance and Free Energy unimaginable. We are all familiar with "You can't have something for nothing...", "You gotta work for a living.", "There is no such thing a free lunch". And so on.All the above are bits and pieces of what I call "The Scarcity Program" that is deeply embedded into our subconscious minds.
I don't want us to fall into the "victim/aggressor" paradigm. I acknowledge that the Global Controllers act as a parasite but their actions are made possible by our collective agreement to "not even imagine abundance".
So while I acknowledge the suppression and the vested interests to keep us addicted to fossil fuel, I choose to act as a creator and focus on abundance instead. Let's choose to make the Global Controllers obsolete. If they have no one to control, they have no choice but to either join the party on our terms or pack and leave.
Free Energy, Sentience, Love, Joy and Abundance are linked together. And I will not be surprised if one day we will discover that in essence they are the same thing.
There may be many, many ways to raise our awareness and make manifest Heaven on Earth, but as far as I know, none of them will work faster and help more Humans (and other lifeforms on the planet) as bringing Free Energy out in the open.
There is a bit of a catch 22 here: Free Energy will make it so much easier to raise our awareness and yet it seems that we need to raise our awareness of Free Energy technologies first and how they would change the world, before we are able to manifest it into our reality.
An abundant, Free Energy based world
So let's pretend for a moment that we have Free Energy now. Suspend your beliefs that it is not possible.Each and every one of us has access to unlimited clean Energy and devices to convert that energy to various useful forms for us: electric, thermal and mechanic.
How would our lives change, now that you will not have to work for a living? What would you do if money or survival will no longer be an issue.
Free Energy would make profit obsolete. And once profit is out of the equation, then quality will take its place. Now every product we make, we make it out of joy, out of a desire to express our creativity, to be of service to us and our fellow humans and non-human life. We no longer work for money and we no longer work in jobs we don't like. Just imagine how would that feel?
With abundant, clean energy the war for resources will stop making sense. Taking it from others so I can have it will no longer be required. Mining the Earth for oil will no longer be required. Free sharing of technology and information will come naturally once you no longer have a "profit margin" to maintain, or a competitor to wipe out. I can easily imagine a joyful coming together to eliminate poverty and hunger from all over the planet. With Free Energy that can be done in mater of days. Just think of the human potential unleashed, of all that creativity waiting to express it self in safe, abundant environment.
Virtually every aspect of our lives would be impacted and greatly improved with the advent of unlimited clean Energy. The way we think about family, relationships, sex, marriage, work, creativity, boundaries, nations, language, health, learning, traveling, food production, relationship with nature and the Planet. Everything would change.
The most important change however, would be within. In an abundant society, you would have to become a "response-able" Creator. There will be no one left to blame, no one to complain about. You will no longer be able to act as a victim (or aggressor for that matter). You will have full freedom and with that comes full responsibility for your life. We will truly be "self determined grown-ups" :).
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