Suzanne Lie: My First Message from Mytria, 1995
My First Message from Mytria by Suzanne Lie
Dear Readers,
I am so pleased to see all your wonderful comments, as well as how people all over the world are consciously creating New Earth. Please check the comments, as they are quite wonderful.
Since all of you have been so open I am going to now share the first communication I received from Mytria on November 20, 1995. I have not changed any of the content, but have edited it a bit. I did not feel that I could release this information until now.
Yes, the world does feel safer, doesn’t it? Yes, we still have many 3D problems, but where we felt the warning of, “Be careful. It is not safe yet.” We are now hearing, “Congratulations Earthlings. Job well done! Go for it NOW!” Below is my first communication with Mytria.
November 20, 1995
(I was very new to computers then and didn’t know how it got marked private.
Maybe Mytria did it?)
Dear Mytria,
I asked to speak with a Pleiadian and I have received your name. I am opening myself to my Multidimensional SELF and wish to speak with you. I hope that I have been able to clear myself enough so that I can have an accurate reception of your message.
Dear Suzille,
You have indeed been opening yourself to your multidimensionality, and in doing so you have allowed yourself to receive messages from Beings such as myself from other dimensions. I am from Alcyone, and I am one of the guards of The Sacred Fire. I speak to you now from the fifth dimension, although I could also communicate with you from higher dimensions.
Since this is our first contact, I will take on my lowest vibration to make it easier for you to understand me. Of course, in our world, there is no need to guard The Sacred Fire as no one here would damage anything. Beings on the fifth dimension know that any action affects them as much as those around them, as there is no separation. You too are learning that lesson.
Hence, I do not exactly guard the Fire. It would be more correct to say that I assist those who wish to enter into it. The Sacred Fire is a portal through which one can travel to anywhere they desire. When one is finished with their body in the fifth dimension, they actually step into the portal. Then the body is transmuted to a higher dimension and they are returned to pure Spirit in order to learn their “in-between realities” lessons.
If one wants to travel to another plane, but they wish to return to their form, they will concentrate upon The Sacred Fire. Then they can go wherever they wish via their consciousness. Their body will be cared for here in our Violet Temple while they are away. I am one of those who oversees that process. Therefore, I guess it would be better to say that I guard the body of the traveler rather The Fire. For this reason my title is a Keeper Of The Flame, as I keep track of the ones who enter the Sacred Fire.
You, my dear, have contacted me because I am open to communications with those from other dimensions and because I know you. Or rather I know Kepier, your Arcturian Self. Kepier and I are actually related. Arcturus is a great mystical center and many who wish to be seers and healers will travel there to study and grow. Kepier is an intergalactic communicator. This is why you have always had such a strong urge to reach beyond your mundane world.
(, Remembering the Return.)
Indeed, when you merge with the Kepier portion of yourself, you will be able to communicate with any species that you wish. You do see how your entire life has been in preparation for that, do you not? Always, your inner life was more loving and alive than your outer life. Now, my dear One, you are ready to begin the long process of merging with your SELF.
The merging with your higher expression of SELF begins when you begin to communicate with them. Yes, you see Kepier with me now, do you not? We are sisters in the Light. I have studied on Arcturus and she has studied on Alcyone. Allow yourself to remember how it feels to move from galaxy to galaxy with less effort than it takes you to drive to a 3D grocery store.
Even though she is androgynous, Kepier is appearing very female here because the vibration of our planet is so feminine. When she is on Arcturus, she appears very differently and looks like the “star people” that you have seen when you communicated with Illia Em.
( )
I will now tell you some things about our life here and about the photon belt (The term used then regarding the Galactic Center) because I can see that those are the questions in your mind. Our life here is as you have read. We live very simply in large open central homes and smaller sleeping\ meditation quarters.
The time for sleeping is not as it is on Earth. Here we remain totally consciousness, but it is better if we are alone as we go deeply into our minds to integrate what we have learned and to expand our awareness. We also use these quarters for merging with our mates, if we have chosen to take on a gender. Some here wish to live with their Divine Complements as man and woman and others wish to integrate their two components and live as one androgynous being. It is purely a matter of choice on this dimension. On higher dimensions, the division of sexes is unknown.
We receive our children from The Flame as is done on Venus, but some still wish to have the experience of pregnancy and childbirth. The central room is the living area where our greater family all live together. The word we use for that central room is difficult to hear in English, but sounds like scrdala. The scrdala is comprised of members of the same Oversoul.
Many of the choices of living situations differ with the frequency that one is vibrating. A Being that is able to be awake on many different vibrations at once, such as myself, will have very different situations on each plane. This is much like your situation.
On the third dimension, you are Suzanne Lie and you live a quiet, private life in Los Angeles, California, USA. On the fourth dimension, you live in Faerie with your beloved fairies and Nature creatures. (Later, I will tell you more about that life. It will be the basis of the children’s books that you will write.)
On the fifth dimension you are me! Yes, dear, you and I are ONE. However, it is not as easy to understand as you may think. Your consciousness has split greatly in preparation for the grounding of the fifth dimension upon your planet. Your Divine Complement, Lamire, has dropped his vibration to the area between the fourth and fifth dimension and is constantly stretching his awareness to your vibration just as you are stretching yours to his vibration. (The merging of my Complement and myself has now been completed.)
Others among us who are also wearing a human form have made the same sacrifice. Our grounded expression will commune with their Complements when they are able to deeply appreciate their Divine Complement. This is why your book (VisionsfromVenus, is so important.
People must learn that the other half of themselves is awaiting reunion with them at this time. Here on our Pleiadian Homeworld we are never actually away from our Divine Complement, for we are able to bi-locate. This means that while one of us is within a form, there is an echo of our Complement always with the Grounded One. I will explain more of this concept later.
On the sixth dimension, you are on Venus and on the seventh you are on Arcturus. However, you are able to visit and communicate with Sirius and Antares. On the eight and ninth dimensions you can move between locations and are not in need of a planetary Home. The Antarian connection is very strong in you as you know. Your sixth dimensional Self often travels to Antares a well as to Arcturus, Sirius or the Pleiades. I can see the question in your mind of “Do these different portions of yourself ever meet?” The answer is of course! Are we not doing that now?
However, each Self is also a different reality. Much like the different realities you have experienced as the “past lives” you have remembered in your third dimensional Self. These portions of your SELF are NOT separated by time and space. On the other higher dimensions, your different Selves or realities are separated by vibration.
You see how Kepier and I are standing side by side, do you not? And you have met Kepier and myself individually. You also met the different portions of your third dimensional Self. Each reality appears separate until you are able to become conscious of it, then it is a portion of the whole.
Your perception of the “whole” expands as your consciousness expands. However, each expression of your SELF is an individual within the unity of your Multidimensional SELF. I, Mytria, am able to raise my vibration to the seventh dimension where I am able to communicate with Metia, Shature, How Ta Shi, Radula, and Tutenaqua (other higher expressions mentioned in Remembering the Return). Each of us is individual and each of us are ONE. When you are beyond time and space, this is possible.
Now, I will speak about the photon belt. I am glad that you have found a book written by one of our sisters. (I think this was The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow.) You had all ready found the connection between yourself and this author. Be careful about competition. Do not allow your third dimensional feelings of inadequacy to interfere with your higher perceptions.
You are too important to lose yourself in petty third dimensional emotions and insecurities. There is much too do and too little time in which to do it. Do not be worried about your book. The truth will find a way to be heard. Focus on filling it with Love and Light. It will find its own editor. It now has a life of its own, just like the alternate realities of your life are on their own.
I wish now to answer your thought about why you did not resonate to the Pleiades before now. Your connection to me was difficult to feel because it starts on the fifth dimension, and you are in the process of raising your resonant vibration and integrating with Lamire (Divine Complement) on the fifth dimension. If you were to communicate with me before this time, it would have been too confusing to you. You see how much difficulty you are having with some of the concepts that I have presented to you today.
Now for the photon belt, which is another difficult concept. The channeling you are reading (The Pleiadian Agenda) is very correct. You can trust most of what you have read. However, there is one point which I would like to add at this time. These energies that will be activated will be very disturbing to many who are living in the limited thought of the patriarchal society of your current reality.
The black and white thinking of your current reality (Earth 1995) does not allow for the many shades of gray. Yes, the light can become grayer as you move into the higher energies, much like sunrise and sunset. The weather will also undergo very great changes, and there will much restructuring of Gaia’s planetary body.
Any projects that mankind is undertaking which are damaging to Gaia, will be halted by bad weather or coincidence. For example, weather will make it very difficult to cut down the rain forest or to strip mine the hills. Deep mines will cave in, as the Mother will not allow any further invasion. Many defense plans will be aborted, as the weather will not permit launching.
The acid rain will become so intolerable that many countries will have to chose between industry or food. Disease and famine will increase, and accidents and murders will rise. Many who are not able to face the change will exit the planet. Many babies that are ill-conceived will die and many species will relocate on the fourth and fifth dimension. In other words, many will begin to leave the sinking ship.
The Men in Black will escalate their relocation process to Mars, but it will be foiled at every turn. Their robot servants will turn against them because the higher Light will awaken in them a small glimmer of consciousness, which will encourage them to seek their own life.
At the same time, more and more people will raise their consciousness and learn that they are actually creating their world with their every thought and feeling. Telepathy will become so obvious that none will be able to ignore it. Dreams will become very vivid, and healers and therapists will be much in demand.
The economy will frantically try to find new ways to adjust itself to the new world, but in the end most will be barter and exchange. People will find that they can understand their pets at such an alarming rate that even the most limited thinkers will not be able to ignore it.
The US cover-up of the Alien Connection will be completely exposed. The US will no longer be “number one,” and the Zetas will no longer be able to do their work in private. They will instead have to ask openly for human assistance. Many will think that they can gain much from this alliance, but will soon discover that they actually have more to give than to receive.
Most of all, the Mother will awaken. She will hear the mating call and will no longer tolerate any injustice to Her planetary body. She will become much like a bride preparing for Her wedding. She will be making herself beautiful and anyone who tries to stop Her will not enjoy the consequences. This is when the wonderful time will begin.
You, Suzille, will for the first time in your life be happy to be born on Earth in a third dimensional form. Most important, because you will learn to totally Love life on the third dimension, you will be able to release it. You will not need to release your form, of course, but you will release all of its limitations and separations. Your physical body will be like the car you drive on Earth.
I must say that I have learned to be happy that I am alive now, which does make it much easier to release the third dimensional limitations and separations. Also, my relationship with my body has greatly improved. It is the “car” I drive or the “form” I wear. But they are both a LOT older.
From the information at the end of this communication, you can understand why I have never released this message from 1995. The fact that I feel safe enough to release it now is the very reason why I am happy to be a member of the New Earth that I, Suzanne Lie, have volunteered to create.
Dear Readers,
I am so pleased to see all your wonderful comments, as well as how people all over the world are consciously creating New Earth. Please check the comments, as they are quite wonderful.
Since all of you have been so open I am going to now share the first communication I received from Mytria on November 20, 1995. I have not changed any of the content, but have edited it a bit. I did not feel that I could release this information until now.
Yes, the world does feel safer, doesn’t it? Yes, we still have many 3D problems, but where we felt the warning of, “Be careful. It is not safe yet.” We are now hearing, “Congratulations Earthlings. Job well done! Go for it NOW!” Below is my first communication with Mytria.
November 20, 1995
(I was very new to computers then and didn’t know how it got marked private.
Maybe Mytria did it?)
Dear Mytria,
I asked to speak with a Pleiadian and I have received your name. I am opening myself to my Multidimensional SELF and wish to speak with you. I hope that I have been able to clear myself enough so that I can have an accurate reception of your message.
Dear Suzille,
You have indeed been opening yourself to your multidimensionality, and in doing so you have allowed yourself to receive messages from Beings such as myself from other dimensions. I am from Alcyone, and I am one of the guards of The Sacred Fire. I speak to you now from the fifth dimension, although I could also communicate with you from higher dimensions.
Since this is our first contact, I will take on my lowest vibration to make it easier for you to understand me. Of course, in our world, there is no need to guard The Sacred Fire as no one here would damage anything. Beings on the fifth dimension know that any action affects them as much as those around them, as there is no separation. You too are learning that lesson.
Hence, I do not exactly guard the Fire. It would be more correct to say that I assist those who wish to enter into it. The Sacred Fire is a portal through which one can travel to anywhere they desire. When one is finished with their body in the fifth dimension, they actually step into the portal. Then the body is transmuted to a higher dimension and they are returned to pure Spirit in order to learn their “in-between realities” lessons.
If one wants to travel to another plane, but they wish to return to their form, they will concentrate upon The Sacred Fire. Then they can go wherever they wish via their consciousness. Their body will be cared for here in our Violet Temple while they are away. I am one of those who oversees that process. Therefore, I guess it would be better to say that I guard the body of the traveler rather The Fire. For this reason my title is a Keeper Of The Flame, as I keep track of the ones who enter the Sacred Fire.
You, my dear, have contacted me because I am open to communications with those from other dimensions and because I know you. Or rather I know Kepier, your Arcturian Self. Kepier and I are actually related. Arcturus is a great mystical center and many who wish to be seers and healers will travel there to study and grow. Kepier is an intergalactic communicator. This is why you have always had such a strong urge to reach beyond your mundane world.
(, Remembering the Return.)
Indeed, when you merge with the Kepier portion of yourself, you will be able to communicate with any species that you wish. You do see how your entire life has been in preparation for that, do you not? Always, your inner life was more loving and alive than your outer life. Now, my dear One, you are ready to begin the long process of merging with your SELF.
The merging with your higher expression of SELF begins when you begin to communicate with them. Yes, you see Kepier with me now, do you not? We are sisters in the Light. I have studied on Arcturus and she has studied on Alcyone. Allow yourself to remember how it feels to move from galaxy to galaxy with less effort than it takes you to drive to a 3D grocery store.
Even though she is androgynous, Kepier is appearing very female here because the vibration of our planet is so feminine. When she is on Arcturus, she appears very differently and looks like the “star people” that you have seen when you communicated with Illia Em.
( )
I will now tell you some things about our life here and about the photon belt (The term used then regarding the Galactic Center) because I can see that those are the questions in your mind. Our life here is as you have read. We live very simply in large open central homes and smaller sleeping\ meditation quarters.
The time for sleeping is not as it is on Earth. Here we remain totally consciousness, but it is better if we are alone as we go deeply into our minds to integrate what we have learned and to expand our awareness. We also use these quarters for merging with our mates, if we have chosen to take on a gender. Some here wish to live with their Divine Complements as man and woman and others wish to integrate their two components and live as one androgynous being. It is purely a matter of choice on this dimension. On higher dimensions, the division of sexes is unknown.
We receive our children from The Flame as is done on Venus, but some still wish to have the experience of pregnancy and childbirth. The central room is the living area where our greater family all live together. The word we use for that central room is difficult to hear in English, but sounds like scrdala. The scrdala is comprised of members of the same Oversoul.
Many of the choices of living situations differ with the frequency that one is vibrating. A Being that is able to be awake on many different vibrations at once, such as myself, will have very different situations on each plane. This is much like your situation.
On the third dimension, you are Suzanne Lie and you live a quiet, private life in Los Angeles, California, USA. On the fourth dimension, you live in Faerie with your beloved fairies and Nature creatures. (Later, I will tell you more about that life. It will be the basis of the children’s books that you will write.)
On the fifth dimension you are me! Yes, dear, you and I are ONE. However, it is not as easy to understand as you may think. Your consciousness has split greatly in preparation for the grounding of the fifth dimension upon your planet. Your Divine Complement, Lamire, has dropped his vibration to the area between the fourth and fifth dimension and is constantly stretching his awareness to your vibration just as you are stretching yours to his vibration. (The merging of my Complement and myself has now been completed.)
Others among us who are also wearing a human form have made the same sacrifice. Our grounded expression will commune with their Complements when they are able to deeply appreciate their Divine Complement. This is why your book (VisionsfromVenus, is so important.
People must learn that the other half of themselves is awaiting reunion with them at this time. Here on our Pleiadian Homeworld we are never actually away from our Divine Complement, for we are able to bi-locate. This means that while one of us is within a form, there is an echo of our Complement always with the Grounded One. I will explain more of this concept later.
On the sixth dimension, you are on Venus and on the seventh you are on Arcturus. However, you are able to visit and communicate with Sirius and Antares. On the eight and ninth dimensions you can move between locations and are not in need of a planetary Home. The Antarian connection is very strong in you as you know. Your sixth dimensional Self often travels to Antares a well as to Arcturus, Sirius or the Pleiades. I can see the question in your mind of “Do these different portions of yourself ever meet?” The answer is of course! Are we not doing that now?
However, each Self is also a different reality. Much like the different realities you have experienced as the “past lives” you have remembered in your third dimensional Self. These portions of your SELF are NOT separated by time and space. On the other higher dimensions, your different Selves or realities are separated by vibration.
You see how Kepier and I are standing side by side, do you not? And you have met Kepier and myself individually. You also met the different portions of your third dimensional Self. Each reality appears separate until you are able to become conscious of it, then it is a portion of the whole.
Your perception of the “whole” expands as your consciousness expands. However, each expression of your SELF is an individual within the unity of your Multidimensional SELF. I, Mytria, am able to raise my vibration to the seventh dimension where I am able to communicate with Metia, Shature, How Ta Shi, Radula, and Tutenaqua (other higher expressions mentioned in Remembering the Return). Each of us is individual and each of us are ONE. When you are beyond time and space, this is possible.
Now, I will speak about the photon belt. I am glad that you have found a book written by one of our sisters. (I think this was The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow.) You had all ready found the connection between yourself and this author. Be careful about competition. Do not allow your third dimensional feelings of inadequacy to interfere with your higher perceptions.
You are too important to lose yourself in petty third dimensional emotions and insecurities. There is much too do and too little time in which to do it. Do not be worried about your book. The truth will find a way to be heard. Focus on filling it with Love and Light. It will find its own editor. It now has a life of its own, just like the alternate realities of your life are on their own.
I wish now to answer your thought about why you did not resonate to the Pleiades before now. Your connection to me was difficult to feel because it starts on the fifth dimension, and you are in the process of raising your resonant vibration and integrating with Lamire (Divine Complement) on the fifth dimension. If you were to communicate with me before this time, it would have been too confusing to you. You see how much difficulty you are having with some of the concepts that I have presented to you today.
Now for the photon belt, which is another difficult concept. The channeling you are reading (The Pleiadian Agenda) is very correct. You can trust most of what you have read. However, there is one point which I would like to add at this time. These energies that will be activated will be very disturbing to many who are living in the limited thought of the patriarchal society of your current reality.
The black and white thinking of your current reality (Earth 1995) does not allow for the many shades of gray. Yes, the light can become grayer as you move into the higher energies, much like sunrise and sunset. The weather will also undergo very great changes, and there will much restructuring of Gaia’s planetary body.
Any projects that mankind is undertaking which are damaging to Gaia, will be halted by bad weather or coincidence. For example, weather will make it very difficult to cut down the rain forest or to strip mine the hills. Deep mines will cave in, as the Mother will not allow any further invasion. Many defense plans will be aborted, as the weather will not permit launching.
The acid rain will become so intolerable that many countries will have to chose between industry or food. Disease and famine will increase, and accidents and murders will rise. Many who are not able to face the change will exit the planet. Many babies that are ill-conceived will die and many species will relocate on the fourth and fifth dimension. In other words, many will begin to leave the sinking ship.
The Men in Black will escalate their relocation process to Mars, but it will be foiled at every turn. Their robot servants will turn against them because the higher Light will awaken in them a small glimmer of consciousness, which will encourage them to seek their own life.
At the same time, more and more people will raise their consciousness and learn that they are actually creating their world with their every thought and feeling. Telepathy will become so obvious that none will be able to ignore it. Dreams will become very vivid, and healers and therapists will be much in demand.
The economy will frantically try to find new ways to adjust itself to the new world, but in the end most will be barter and exchange. People will find that they can understand their pets at such an alarming rate that even the most limited thinkers will not be able to ignore it.
The US cover-up of the Alien Connection will be completely exposed. The US will no longer be “number one,” and the Zetas will no longer be able to do their work in private. They will instead have to ask openly for human assistance. Many will think that they can gain much from this alliance, but will soon discover that they actually have more to give than to receive.
Most of all, the Mother will awaken. She will hear the mating call and will no longer tolerate any injustice to Her planetary body. She will become much like a bride preparing for Her wedding. She will be making herself beautiful and anyone who tries to stop Her will not enjoy the consequences. This is when the wonderful time will begin.
You, Suzille, will for the first time in your life be happy to be born on Earth in a third dimensional form. Most important, because you will learn to totally Love life on the third dimension, you will be able to release it. You will not need to release your form, of course, but you will release all of its limitations and separations. Your physical body will be like the car you drive on Earth.
I must say that I have learned to be happy that I am alive now, which does make it much easier to release the third dimensional limitations and separations. Also, my relationship with my body has greatly improved. It is the “car” I drive or the “form” I wear. But they are both a LOT older.
From the information at the end of this communication, you can understand why I have never released this message from 1995. The fact that I feel safe enough to release it now is the very reason why I am happy to be a member of the New Earth that I, Suzanne Lie, have volunteered to create.
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