Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Latest message from Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2013

Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. As more and more of the masses are feeling a discontent initiated by their Soul Self, it is vital that the Wisdom Teachings of Ascension are reviewed and shared with those around you. You, the awakened STAR SEED, are the ones who will now spread the emerging WISDOM TEACHINGS of the future.
Whether aware of it or not, humanity and the Earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times, beloveds. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light. This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Father/Mother God of each universe, out into every level of Creation so that gradually every Spark and fragment of Creation will have access to an appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. The Light of Creation or Adamantine Particles is being made available to every Soul that has ever been created; however, there are some rules that apply to this “Light Redemption” process: each Soul must prepare their vessel by lifting their vibrational patterns to a certain level of harmonious frequencies in order to receive these particles of God Light, and you must remember, after receiving these particles of Light, they must be activated by your loving intention. Love is the power source, the generator of these precious particles from the Source of All.
Ascension is about lifting, balancing and harmonizing your vibrational patterns so that the many facets of your Divine Self can descend and take dominion within your Sacred Heart core. As you delve more deeply into the wisdom of the cosmos, it is of vital importance that you maintain a state of mindful awareness. Humanity is emerging from a state of amnesia, or what could be called a limited awareness of Self and of the complex vastness of Creation. We have explained in the past, but it is time to refresh your memory about what is taking place as you traverse the many levels and sub-levels of consciousness. As you clear the distortions within your auric field, there is also an internal process taking place. Your entire physical structure is undergoing complex changes which are triggered by the higher frequency patterns you are integrating from the Creator Source via the great cities of Light. Your DNA, your chakra centers and your Sacred Heart/Mind contain your Divine Blueprint, and as you integrate more and more Adamantine Particles of God consciousness, all the distortions/imperfections that you have created from the concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified. Many of these distorted concepts are being filtered into your conscious awareness to be healed or eliminated, and we understand that this can be an uncomfortable, disconcerting process.
You have a SACRED CENTER OF EXISTENCE within your Sacred Heart which we have named your DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL for this Sub-Universal experience. You have around you an etheric third- / fourth-dimensional GRAND TRIANGLE OF EXISTENCE, which contains your Pillar of Light and the Cross of Matter that you have built down through the ages. You exist in a GOLDEN OVOID (egg-shaped sphere), which expands and radiates more and more Divine Love-Light as you resonate with higher and higher frequencies of consciousness. Adamantine Particles of Divine Light contain living energy which has been programmed for a specific Divine Blueprint. When you access that living Light, you must activate it with your loving intention and program it with the desires of the Soul which are always in harmony with your Divine Blueprint. On the material planes of existence, the Creator Light must be encoded with your Essence as a cocreator, before it is ready to be radiated out into the world of form. It takes great courage and tenacity to become SELF-AWARE and SOUL-CONSCIOUS. A constant attitude of gratitude and thanks-giving is sustenance for the Soul.
You are becoming very proficient at analyzing new concepts and the plethora of information that is now available via the empowering gift of discernment. Now that you are more attuned to Spirit and the voice within, you can quickly ascertain if a concept is in alignment with your inner truth. If it is not, it behooves you to discard it without malice or judgment; or if you are not sure, put it aside and ask your Higher Self to validate it for you in some unmistakable way. We are aware that you are being bombarded with many new concepts, some of which are stretching the limits of your conceptual understanding. Please be aware, beloveds, that what you are experiencing is all part of the reunification and ascension process that you are in the midst of.
Many of you are experiencing miraculous events in your lives, and we ask you to be bold enough to share these wonders with your friends. Do not fear ridicule or criticism; you will find approval more often than disapproval and interest more often than disdain. The religious community, partially out of fear of losing their following, are beginning to incorporate some of the more moderate cosmic teachings. While it matters not how or why, it is all for the benefit of humanity, and it will assist in speeding up the transformation process of Earth and its inhabitants.
Examine your feelings of abundance and scarcity, beloved ones. If even one-quarter of the population of the world would believe, envision, invoke and then work towards prosperity and abundance for all, you would see a dramatic turn of events as those who hoard the wealth of the world and those who prey on the meek and poor begin to lose their stranglehold on the world's economy. Are you fearfully holding on tightly to and hoarding your riches? Beware, dear ones that your hoard does not melt into thin air. It is only a form of energy, you know. Energy is meant to be circulated, recycled—used, reformed, expanded and refined. That which you hold onto too tightly will dissolve before your eyes.
A part of the initiation process is to surrender all that you hold dear, all that you possess to your Divine Self, to the highest good of all. This does not mean that you will lose what you surrender; it just means you are willing to allow the Divine plan to work through you, which is always for your highest good, even though it may not seem so at the time.
Do not be dismayed if your past is becoming only a hazy memory, especially the painful memories you experienced during this lifetime. It is time to heal and release the past, beloveds. It no longer serves you to delve into past lifetimes in order to heal yourself or to try to understand why you are acting or reacting a certain way in the present. That is the old way. The distortions of consciousness you created in the past cannot exist when you fill yourselves to overflowing with Adamantine Particles through the processes we have taught you. These magical particles contain the pure/perfect Essence of the Creator and will gradually transform/transmute any distortions in your auric field and your physical vessel. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. Remember, a slow steady pace forward on the Path leads to Self-mastery. It is the ego personality that desires more information and dramatic validation; it forever seeks excitement, drama and sensationalism. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now so prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.
Once again, allow us to give you an example of what is occurring as you traverse the path of en-Lighten-ment. You have heard that there are many mansions in heaven which, in truth, are the many dimensional and sub-dimensional levels of Creation. During the era that is now coming to a close, each person’s reality is composed of a combination of third- and fourth-dimensional frequency patterns made up of his/her beliefs/actions/deeds from the past and the present. Residing within each person’s mansion of existence are all those people who are attuned to and compatible with that particular level of existence. They share many beliefs and function under many of the same limiting concepts: scarcity, guilt, fear of the future, and they are usually controlled by racial /cultural / religious / traditional rules and standards. In this reality, the normal ego-driven personality usually has either a self-centered sense of entitlement or a martyr, self-sacrificing complex with many variations and extremes. Those who function within this frequency level of existence interact with each other, choosing those who mirror to them that which they are lacking (usually in a distorted, exaggerated way). They usually are not comfortable with those who resonate at a higher frequency level, and even though they are dissatisfied, they have difficulty in breaking free and moving out of their dysfunctional life patterns, which are their perceived comfort zone.
As you eliminate old habits, beliefs and actions, you gradually return to harmony within the accepted spectrum of polarity/duality. With each higher frequency level you attain, you leave behind those situations, people and things that no longer are compatible with your new level of awareness and resonance. It often seems as if you have stepped through a new dimensional doorway and a portion of the past is fading away. That is why many of you are experiencing the loss of friends and/or family members, and why you are changing jobs or beginning a new career. Many of you are also moving to new places, sometimes not really understanding why you have been guided to a certain area, but there is a deep inner-knowing that it was meant to be. Many of you are finding that the work you do, your recreational pursuits, hobbies and many things that interested you in the past are less satisfying, for they do not fit into your ever-expanding, evolving reality.
The multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities and that you have a direct link to the Power Source of Creation, which has been named the River of Life/Light.
You, the STAR SEED vanguard, who have diligently labored to refine the resonance of your physical vessel and upgrade your emotional and mental nature in order to return to an accepted level of duality, are now in the process of clearing the residual, imbalanced frequencies within the astral planes of the fourth dimension. You have refined your column of Light so that you now exist in a world of your own making, which consists of the three higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Most of you who have faithfully followed our teachings have tapped into a stream of frequencies composed of a variety of fifth-dimensional frequencies, as well as a small trickle-down stream of Light from the sixth dimension. You might say this is a new formula of Light/Life you are creating.
Within the ancient esoteric teachings was this puzzling concept: “When an initiate on the path reaches a certain stage in the ascension process, there appears what is called The Dweller on the Threshold and the Angel of Presence. The Dweller on the Threshold is the one who stands before the gate of God and the portal of initiation. The Angel of Presence stands on the other side of the portal.”
Since so many of you on the Path are in the process of clearing the residual, imbalanced frequency patterns from the higher third and lower fourth dimensions, the time has come for us to explain this important facet of the initiation process. The Dweller on the Threshold is a memory Seed Atom in which, over time, the remaining, residual, negative thought patterns within the emotional and mental bodies have been encapsulated. When you have reached a certain level of en-Lighten-ment, with your Higher Self as the director, the Dweller on the Threshold slowly releases these challenging thought forms into your conscious awareness and then out into your world of form so they may be transmuted into harmonious frequencies of Light. The Angel at the Portal is a facet of your Higher Self who stands ready to assist you through these intense periods of testing. The Threshold is within your Diamond Core God cell; it is the innermost portal that leads to your Sacred Heart Core where the White Fire Seed Atom of our Father/Mother God resides. Once you gain entrance to the Golden Sun chamber of the Sacred Heart, you will be forever changed, for you will have experienced the bliss of communion with your God parents.
We understand that these are times of great challenge, beloveds, and many of you are wondering what you are doing to deserve such painful and trying tests when you have so faithfully stayed the course. We tell you, do not falter now, for as you face these latest tests with love and compassion, you will find that the Angel at the Portal will assist you to clear the way. With every challenge faced head-on, there will be miracles and blessings to encourage you to clear the remaining obstacles on the Path before you.
This is a critical step in the ascension process, for when you have succeeded in firmly establishing your Soul Song resonance within the higher fourth dimension, you will be ready to incorporate a larger measure of fifth-dimensional vibrational patterns. Before taking this leap in consciousness, it is vital that you have gained the discipline to stay centered within the required limits of duality. Your abilities to manifest in the world of form will increase dramatically, and if you are not well-disciplined mentally and emotionally, you will create more chaos which will, most likely, draw you back into a denser frequency pattern.
Brave bearers of Light, are you ready and willing to be a pathfinder, to open the doors to the many heavenly mansions/dimensions of Creation? Each dimensional level will offer new opportunities and will give you access to many new abilities and expanded wisdom; however, each higher level will also challenge you in many ways, and will require that you release those things which no longer serve your greatest good. You left many facets of your greater Self along the way as you traversed the descending pathway into the lower dimensions, and you must also be willing to release to the past those people, ways of being and things which do not fit into your present/future reality as you make your return journey into the higher dimensions.
Beloveds, we are assisting you in every way possible within the limits of universal law, and we are waiting patiently for you to join us in the various Pyramids of Light stationed throughout the universe. We have told you that you are not only creating your new earthly reality, but you are also creating your mansions in the heavenly dimensions. We convey to you all the radiance of Love/Light that you can contain. You are loved beyond measure.

***Dearest friends: Does it seem as if you are in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions at times, and at other times, you are in a null zone which feels very unfamiliar? Many of us have experienced an intense clearing/cleansing process over the past several months as we prepare ourselves for a more powerful influx of fifth-dimensional energy. I am very pleased that in this month’s message beloved Michael gives us a better understanding of what is happening during this transition into the more refined frequencies of Light. The May seminar was a wonderful experience, and it was very gratifying to have so many people from around the world join us via the Live Stream video filming. We created an ethereal fifth-dimensional pyramid so that everyone may continue to share the precious love and blessings from our Soul family. However, it was also difficult for many of us, for we were in the midst of the clearing process, which resulted in various distressful symptoms. I am now feeling wonderful with almost more energy than I can handle. I feel such joy and sense of anticipating as we move deeper into our new reality. Many people have asked about my husband, Kent, and I am pleased to say he seems to be adjusting to his new environment quite well. His three children take turns visiting him, taking him shopping and to lunch. We don’t know how long it will be before he will have to be transferred to a “full care” facility. However, for now, his children are reestablishing a compatible relationship that they have not had with their father in years. It is a time of reunion and healing for our whole family. Many people are asking when Archangel Michael’s next book of messages will be ready. I had hoped to have it finished by mid-summer. However, I now know that I need a little “time off” for myself and my family. We plan to spend some time at Herman’s High Heaven ranch to enjoy the serenity of our sacred space. The Vezane branch of our family is also planning a family reunion in Elko in August, where we will get to meet the newest addition to our family. My grandson Travis and his wife Heather’s baby boy, Evrett, is due to arrive in mid-July. I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful, loving, extended family. As beloved Michael tells us, “do not falter now.” The best is yet to come. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Brenda Hoffman

Who are You?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s May 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at will return to the Creation Energies studio early June.  Perhaps you’re sensing changes in your perceptions for that is the brass ring we alluded to in a recent “Brenda’s Blog”. The exhaustion and energy spurts you’ve recently experienced prepared you for a perception shift to joy. That which you once viewed with fear will be infused with joy. 
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Finally, a Bit of Sunshine!”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
The next few days may seem as if you are turned inside out. Not in terms of trauma or pain, but that you are thinking and functioning differently.
Perhaps you anticipated a painful encounter with others only to discover that a veil of sorts has lifted and you no longer fear them or hold a grudge – that you are emotionally in a different place.
Or something that might have triggered a physical reaction such as hay fever no longer affects you the same. Maybe you once needed large doses of allergy medications to counteract pollen. Now you find yourself allergy-free or affected to a lesser degree.
Who are you now? Who indeed?
Are you a new being with new insights and reactions or merely an updated Old Age being? You are both and neither. For the more of your totality you allow within your being, the more unique you become. At the same time, your Old Age persona is not lost – merely augmented by more insights and cellular structures.
Are you the you of yesterday? Yes. Are you the New Age you? Yes. For you added dimensions, actions and beliefs.
Perhaps you fear you will lose the Old Age you, that you will negate friends and relatives who you love dearly. That becoming a true New Age person means you must give up everything – including you.
Such is not the case. Think in terms of computers. Computers add much to your life – yet you remain you with the added ability to better understand and create what you want. So too is it true for the New Age you.
You are not “killing” the Old Age you, merely adding features that help you live in your 3D world – and most certainly help you avoid the veils preventing you from moving to and through other dimensions. You opened another book of knowledge that may change your actions and interactions – but does not need to. Let us explain.
When you graduated from high school, you vowed to remain friends with high school buddies. Only to find that your new life was not that important to them, nor were their new lives that important to you. Even though you think of them with fondness and interact at reunions and community gatherings, they are not the first people you contact in an emergency or joy.
So it is with your New Age life. Perhaps you will  interact with a circle of friends you have known for decades – perhaps not. You will interact with those who help you feel the best possible.
Of course, no one can make you feel better – that is your responsibility. At the same time, there are those who encourage you to bubble with joy, who can play with you without you needing to sift their actions through your emotionally being, who love you for who you are – not who they want you to be.
Then there are those who expect you to fit within a box of their making. “You should do and say this or I will not be happy.” Those are the beings – whether friends, co-workers or relatives – you will opt not to interact with for much, if not all, of the remainder of your life in this lifetime. You know who they are and what they expect. You have changed, but they have not.
Those people shifting into their New Age beings are those with whom you will feel most comfortable.
Does that mean that you will only interact with those verbalizing New Age thought? Not at all.
As is true for those who label themselves Christian or another religion whose actions have little to do with love, some who spout New Age beliefs will feel light, joyous and loving. Others will feel little different from those you interacted with and tried to please in the Old Age.
Labels mean little. It is the feeling that emanates from their being that will be your compass of rightness.
The energies of the past few days helped you discard those outer-directed notions of who you should be and who you should interact with. Replaced with a knowingness that cannot be described in the words we have available.
Your physical being will also have less need to direct your attention to healing whatever aspect you have denied yourself in the past – emotional and/or spiritual – as you move into your inner honesty.
You have transitioned into a completeness – spiritually, emotionally and physically – that will alter your Old Age patterns dramatically, but not negate your Old Age persona. You are greater than – not lessor than as some of you expected when you began shifting your inner-being.
You may wonder if letting go of others is emotionally painful. The more you shift the less you will need to interact with those who wish you to remain as you were before your transition began. But then of course, such is no longer possible.
All that is required of anyone who wishes to connect with you is to accept you with all your marvelous new facets.
Why then, can you not in turn accept them with whatever facets they wish to display? So you will.
It is merely that if they limit their facets to 3D beings of the Old Age, you will have little in common. But if they decide to upgrade their being to whatever dimension beyond the 3rd, they feel most comfortable, you will have more to share – just as is true for those you so dearly loved in high school, but have little in common with now. So be it. Amen If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

May 26-June 2, 2013

Beloved Ones,
The way forward and upward in your consciousness has now become more aligned with the joy and beauty that abides within your soul and this gives rise to feelings of expansion and infinite possibilities. Open yourselves to the vista of new beginnings and allow yourselves to receive the bounty of the Universe as it brings to you the fruition of your deepest and long held dreams. The way before you is being cleared and all that is required is the opening of your heart to allow it in. Let your imagination soar with joyous anticipation of the arrival of a new day, one that is a blank slate upon which can be written the life of your choosing, all that is required is your active participation.
Follow the guidance of your heartfelt desires and dare to dream big. See the possibility that you can receive all the good that life has to offer. Many of you are ready to move beyond the old paradigms as you watch their disintegration taking place before your eyes. You are the catalysts for the changes that are now taking place. You have arrived at a point on your path that requires faith and belief that all is well and that the new life beckons. Carry this belief each day and persist in your intentions to bring it into manifestation. There is a lot of activity taking place on the etheric realms in ways that can assist you in your endeavors.
These times require a constant reevaluation of your expectations and perceptions of how things are supposed to be. In truth, if you have already noticed, most of these never transpire as envisioned and that is because there have been forces at work to keep you occupied with more immediate concerns such as the need for the basic necessities of life. These forces conspire to keep you distracted from focusing on the more important values in life that are life enhancing and which would bring a measure of freedom from want or lack. It is a consumer world that you live in and you it is, who must decide to discern to what extent you will continue to be an active part in it.
A more simple life with lowered expectations of acquiring the latest gadgets and objects would give room to foster a life filled with the enjoyment of simple and profound pleasures that require only one’s notice and appreciation. A beautiful cloud formation in the sky on a lovely day can bring great moments of joy and appreciation. A beautiful sunset at the end of a day can bless you with its inspiring and uplifting message of endless beauty that is available to drink in and enjoy in abandoned pleasure. All around you is the existence of a quality of life that requires little monetary cost. These are freely and abundantly given by the elemental beings who serve you each day simply for the sheer joy of it.
Take notice of all the wonders of nature that surround your home and neighborhood, for everywhere you look there is beauty. See the beauty in your loved ones hearts as they strive to create a life that brings more ease and pleasure for your enjoyment. See beyond expectations to the wonderful little gifts that they give each day without demanding anything in return. Make the happiness of another person your priority and you will discover that in bringing happiness to the other you also bring that happiness to your own self. Give thanks daily for all that you have and all that you receive, for in this way, it will bring you more of the same.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Pleiadian Light via Hannah Beaconsfield: A Reminder – Water!

Hannah BeaconsfieldThe Pleiadian Light: A Reminder – Water! Channeled by Hannah Beaconsfield, May 2013- via email
From the earliest material that we have sent through various channels regarding the transformation of the Earth species, we have emphasized how important it is to drink water to assist and support the changes.
This recommendation is becoming more urgent now. There is a particular surge of energy that is depleting the water reserves of your bodies and creating stress, especially on your nervous systems. Attention to the amount of water you are taking in will help you handle this energy.
There is a recurrent motif in the patterns of life on Earth, as well as on other humanoid world civilizations. It is the link between water and birth. The water-world is the source that holds all necessary elements for all levels of consciousness to bring forth new life. The birth of the ascended species on your world is occurring in the bodies of humans currently alive on Earth. This means that each individual is his or her own birth vessel. And water is a vital support for this process.
Previously, our emphasis on water has been for clearing toxins. The ascension changes require high hydration, not only for detoxification, but also as a conductor for electromagnetic energy. Without sufficient water all symptoms of ascension are much more intense and difficult to handle. In fact, if you compare a list of ascension symptoms with a list of dehydration symptoms you would find that they are very much aligned.
In light of the milestone you passed in December 2012, we wish to turn your attention to a new focus for the water imperative. In addition to the continuing need for detoxing hydration, we wish to present another element that will become increasingly important: water as a prime source of nourishment. Human bodies altered by ascension energies will require less dense nutritional elements to nourish their bodies.
There is a probable future reality in which human life is nourished and sustained by subtle energy nutrients such as light, air, color, sound, and water. The water element will act as a medium to make subtle energy sources available to human bodies. The more dense substances that you now ingest will become toxic rather than nourishing. You already see this happening in the increase in food sensitivities and allergies.
Water-carried subtle energy nourishment requires a clear, pure carrier. Most important, the water needs to carry life force energy. Much of the water available to you, at your present level of civilization, is devoid of life. The human body needs water with vital energy to support its many functions. All the functions of all life on Earth require pure, clear, life-filled water.
In addition to carrying subtle nutrients, pure, clear, living water has the potential to act as a means of communication. It may be programmed with purpose-energy that directs healing, manifesting, changing attitudes and emotions, encouraging growth (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) or almost anything you can imagine. You would be seeding the water with subtle energies that would support any manifestations you choose.
The level of contamination the Earth is experiencing due to over population and a careless abuse of Earth’s resources is another level of extreme need for purifying water. Since water nourishes every level of life on Earth, one of the first steps in cleansing the planet must be purifying the water. In the spirit of programming we just mentioned living water could act to seed large bodies of water that need cleansing. Some of your scientists are experimenting with this now.
There are many ways that the quality of water can be influenced. Its crystalline nature absorbs and communicates. There is a surge of material surfacing through creative and scientific people on Earth that is providing information about the nature of your water and the ways it can carry programming. As you search for information, as individuals, you will be guided to the most beneficial processes and programs for you. Remember: the time of gurus is winding down. It’s time to follow your own inner guidance.
We would like to recommend an area that could be explored. Many crop circle patterns are intended to be accommodated, on subconscious levels, as symbols that have effects and cause alterations in those who view them. This is the opposite of decoding the “messages” for the understanding of the intellect. As symbols they carry an energy effect (actually many levels of effects – for this the nature of symbols – they are multidimensional) and could be used to program water like many other influencing energies.
Crop circles, on the whole, convey many different types of data, but there are ones that are clearly geometric symbols. You could look for ones with which you feel a positive resonance. Their initial intent was to be accommodated visually, but some of you might feel inclined to experiment with these images and the programming of water. You could choose an image of a symbol, set a container of purified water on it over night, then drink it or use it in other way to test its effects.
We wish to emphasize, again, how important this life-giving liquid is for you, at this time. So many of you are judging discomforts, imbalances, upsets, pains, etc. as needing medication. We encourage you to give yourselves whatever comforts are available, but start with the basic source of life: pure, clear, living water.
©Hannah Beaconsfield 2013


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, May 14, 2013, through Susan Leland

Ashtar: We Are Focusing upon Higher Dimensional Lifestyles
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - May 14, 2013
"Greetings, Beloved Family and Welcome Aboard!  We are moving our energies Higher than before - the reason being, because you are all Higher than before!  We have gotten to this particular point where it's time - Yes, you might say it is time for the Dreams and the Visions to come alive, to be manifest in your reality, for you to step into the living of them!!!
"We are going to be journeying in various directions, but for this particular Gathering, we shall simply focus upon the levels of Higher Dimensionality which I’m talking about.  In other words, yes it is exciting that all of these 3D events, dramas, roles, actions and so on, are coming to a close.  The way that we can help the most is to busy ourselves, occupy ourselves, with what used to be called dreaming the dreams, but we’re calling it living the dreams, the Golden Age Dreams and Lifestyle!
"The more we focus upon that elevated, uplifted lifestyle, the more it becomes the reality and all of these other happenings that are, yes, history/herstory, and yes they must be disclosed, but the more they will become the nonreality!  In other words, you will not live the lifestyle of 3D with all of its fears and with all of the controls and so on that have been so prevalent and so increased because of all the events that Masters Tara and Rama* have talked about.  Most specifically, we are talking about the audacity which the dark hats have displayed amongst themselves, and the miseries they have brought to the world because they have dared to impose their visions upon the entirety of Planet Earth.  There is not any part of Planet Earth which has not been affected!
"So we are going to turn our attentions to that Higher Reality which, frankly, does not include them or their actions.  In other words we are going to be Leaders, you might say, in the advancement of the Higher Reality Dreams, Visions and Lifestyles because that’s where you are all headed!!!  So, we are going to have what you might call warm, fuzzy moments with Sekhmet and her Crystal Exercises.  And I, Ashtar am here to speak about which direction we shall be focusing upon, in our subsequent Gatherings.
"For this one, as I have said, we are most interested in simply getting there, getting into it, feeling it, opening to receive all the Joy, all the Love, and all of the Blessings which the Higher Dimensional - or what we call the Golden Age Lifestyle - presents and offers.
"Now, one of the reasons it has taken so long in your reckoning - in ours it’s but a blink - to get to this point where the readiness it so apparent to us, is that we are learning that humans tend to engrain, or take in, so many different aspects of these dramas, and often times they translate them, or they manifest them in their physicalities.  Now, think about, your physical body is dense.  We’re not talking about your brainpower here!  We’re just talking about the placement of your atoms and molecules and energies and so on.
"You have form, you have visual 3D capabilities of seeing your physicalities.  Very few of you are able to see the entirety of your energy fields and you say, 'That’s me!'  What you are really meaning is 'I’m all that I can see with my physical eyes.'  So we’re going to have to work on that, we’re going to have to go beyond that.  If you want to clear up your aches and pains and things that are going on with you, you must take yourselves up to that Higher Level!!!
"It’s all very well and good to focus upon clearings, and we have been advising that, and yes, clearings are happening, but we are here to tell you that when you come up to this Higher Level your clearings automatically take place, because you can’t bring your pains with you!
"The more you live in this Golden Age Lifestyle -and we ask that you not take this as a 'do or die' situation – nobody fails - if you just come up for a moment, you are blessing yourselves with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and your Divine Self knowing that is yours anyway!  It’s because you are totally connected and you are feeling the Oneness of all life and you are powerful!!!  If you look in your mirror in the morning and you say, 'I greet the Divine being that I AM, I choose my Golden Age Lifestyle, I choose to live every moment as a Golden Ager' – it has nothing to do with your physical age you know – Golden Ager, citizen of the Golden Age - 'I accept all the goodness that it has for me!!!'
"You see, when you have this density, you have a real hard time accepting it all, what with what you are seeing around you, and what you are surrounded with, and hearing with all of your 3D physical senses, so you have difficulty accepting your very Divinity!  That’s heavy, and contributing to density!!!  Got it? Of course you have!
"So all we are saying is that the more you can live that Golden Age Lifestyle and the more you focus upon that, the more you are leaving behind all that 3D stuff.  You know there is a place for people who simply don’t want to leave 3D.  It’s like their security blankets, you know.  They pull these dense security blankets around their dense bodies and feel as though they cannot make changes – 'I’m too old,' or, 'I’m too sick,' or, 'What about my loved ones?' and those kinds of things.  And if that is how you feel, that is entirely appropriate and you should stay in 3D.  And we have a wonderful 3D place all ready for you, and indeed some have already gone there.
"But if you want to move into that Higher Level on Planet Earth and move into it, then get it started.  Bring it in to your beings, call it forth, command it!!!  We shall be doing an empowering Exercise for it with our one and only Sekhmet!  We say 'one and only,' but believe me, she’s everywhere and she is a part of the One We All Are; however, she has a unique, a very loving and a very empowering way of bringing this all to her Crystal Ship and doing what she calls her Crystal Exercises!
"Because we are at this level now, as Ashtar Family group – One Together – you, Beloved Ones, are empowered to be at this level that you have reached!  Of course, we’ve helped you, and we shall continue to be with you.  As a matter of fact, we shall be more available to you than ever, not because we have not been completely available to you prior to this moment, but simply because you have not made yourselves available to take advantage and to receive – yes receive! – Our Oneness!
"In order to lift you up – you know, we are pretty strong, we have a lot of energies – we could do a lot of lifting up if you would just call us in and say, 'I’m coming aboard, I call upon my Guides, my Angels, the Ashtar Command, The Mentors, everybody from the Lighted Realms to come and join with me!'
"We were participating from behind the scenes in a discussion in which our Beloved Ones were reminded that when you travel into Higher Dimensions it is always wise to have travelling companions.  And the Joy of it is you can bring us all along and nobody has to pay anything, all you have to do is say, 'Come and join with me and lets lift up together!'  That way you bypass destinations that you are not interested in arriving at, like maybe the lower levels of the Astral plane.  Where do you think these dark hats get their guidance anyway?
"Alright, enough of that, that’s not what we are here to focus on. We just want to have you have that thought and set your sights Higher because it’s a lot more fun, and because you are free from all of the dogmas and free from the density that being in third dimension has for you.  In other words you are free not to accept 3D, so we’re talking about a substitution of energies. Focus on Higher Levels and the lower levels, the dense levels, will fall away.  Now, does that mean you are going to fly up and out of your bodies?  No, it means you are taking your body with you.  You are lightening up your bodies, too!
"To be very honest with you, yes you can do out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, telepathic communication and all of these things now, but going permanently through the portal to Higher Dimensionality, or what you call Ascension, requires that you be a little less dense than what you are right now!  So we are going on a Lightening-up Journey and we shall be experiencing that kind of upliftment that is absolutely what you might call a living, breathing energy that you find in the Higher Levels, the Higher Dimensions.
"It’s like we’re going to take a little vacation, so lets get ready. We’re going to have Sekhmet as our leader for this particular Exercise, as she always is.  We’re going to hear from her and we’re going to do this together as One lightened up, loving body of Divine Beings!!!
"I wish to thank all of you for being in this Company, for joining in with us, live and with the recording link, because you have an opportunity here to come back to our next Gathering for more adventures in living the Golden Age Lifestyle of Love and Light. This is just the beginning of this phase of our Journey together!!! Thanks and Blessings to all!  And So It Is.  Salut!"
* Tara and Rama Report
Music before Ashtar was Let The River Run [or The New Jerusalem-the name of Ashtar's ship] as provided by our Ashtar Family member Joyce.
and before Sekhmet we played Let Us Remember To Dance by Lei'ohu Ryder.
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, May 14, 2013.      
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Brenda Hoffman

Finally, a Bit of Sunshine!

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s May 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at I will return to the Creation Energies studio early June.  Perhaps you’re sensing changes in your perceptions for that is the brass ring we alluded to in last week’s “Brenda’s Blog”. The exhaustion and energy spurts you’ve recently experienced prepared you for a perception shift to joy. That which you once viewed with fear will be infused with joy. 

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Are You at Your Transition ‘WHATEVER!’ Point?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
The major shift of the next few days will help you transition from mild fear to mild joy.
Your Old Age feelings spectrum was limited to fear – great fear to mild fear. Even though joy was an inner element, joy was not really part of your repertoire.
You felt joy – but as you aged, more and more of that joy was infused with and sifted through fear. You fell in love only to worry love would not last. Or you gave birth only to be  concerned your baby might not be healthy.
Joy was infused with major and minor fears. It was not experienced as an emotion by itself – except by very small children not yet completely acclimated to earth’s density.
Perhaps you believe joy is not possible. That you have been in pain for so long you cannot possibly transition to joy in this lifetime. We beg to differ. The energies of the next few days are changing your perceptions more rapidly than would be possible if these energies were not available.
Or maybe you believe no one can help you jump hurdles. Such is true. But then, you trail blazers, you advance Lightworkers decided en masse that your  joy transition was taking more time than you wished.
Initially, Baby Boomers merely expected to build the bridge to the New Age/new earth. But then, you belligerent, independent Baby Boomers decided you wished to experience the new earth in this lifetime. Those dreams moved your intent from future to present. Such is the brass ring you will grasp by the end of this month.
Even though the New Age/new earth was initiated several generations ago with a spattering of books and ideas, the plan did not and could not come to fruition until a mass of earth entities decided they would welcome new thoughts and beliefs.
Baby Boomers entered earth in this lifetime with the role/task of introducing the New Age/new earth. Such was started in the 60′s and 70′s, but put aside for 30 or so years to fully move through the fears of previous and current Old Age lives.
Once Baby Boomers accepted their role of introducing the New Age/new earth, it was a given that the New Age would be created in their lifetime. But creating it and living in it are quite different. Prior to birth on earth, no one thought it possible to move from 3D to 5D and beyond while maintaining a 3D life.
Such thoughts are exactly what excites you Baby Boomers. “It is not possible” is all Baby Boomers need to hear and you are off and running to prove naysayers wrong.
You Baby Boomers fully lived the 3D life prepared by you and others for eons. But like the Three Bears fairy tale, the Old Age did not quite fit. It was workable, at times even comfortable, for you had lived that life of fear for eons. But something was missing. So you not only introduced the New Age/new earth, you Baby Boomers now intend to experience it.
Such would not be possible if you continued to sift all thoughts, feelings and actions through fear. Hence the brass ring of a perception shift of the next few days.
Some of you remain concerned that this brass ring is cheating. We remind you that because of this shift you will display a joy tantalizing to those starting to open their New Age beings. That they will recognize joy as a reward for their clearing and cleansing.
You will receive the beginnings of perception change, the gift of joy from the Universes throughout the next few days. You, in turn, will display that joy for those following.
You may be upset that those who follow will have an easier transition for you have done the initial clearing. Be aware that we are rewarding you for your diligence with the gift of a perception change.
You may not notice the difference immediately. The gift is a slight perception shift. But you trail blazers are such “workhorses” that even the smallest perception shift is all you need to move forward at a rapid gallop!
You, in turn, will do the same for those following.
We are gifting you with enough sunshine to see a bit of the beauty of your New Age landscape. This, in turn, will induce you to shift your being enough so that you will project the beauty and peace of the New Age – even though maybe experiencing remnants of the Old Age.
Those who are about to follow you will listen intently to the joys you are starting to experience and realize deep within their being that they too are ready to move through their “dark night of the soul” – that they want a life on the new joy spectrum.
Those of you younger than Baby Boomer perhaps experienced a bit less pain as you moved through your fear filters. But then, you were meant to live comfortably in the New Age/new earth after Baby Boomers paved the way.
Perhaps you are thinking that you moved through a great deal of pain – and so you have and maybe continue to do so. But every day lived in the  old 3D density of earth makes it more difficult to return to the natural joy of the Universes. Just as everyday you smoke tobacco makes it more difficult to stop.
That is not to say those younger than Baby Boomers have an easier time, but instead have fewer barriers as you decide whether to experience this lifetime in 3D or some other dimension. Perhaps thinking in terms of veils or filters will help you understand. The longer you experience a 3D life, the more comfortable you are in 3D as more veils cover your Universal being. Circumventing that comfort zone, removing veils takes a great deal of energy – as many of you can attest.
We are merely providing a bit of sunshine to those of you at the forefront – whatever age you are in earth years. Neither Baby Boomers nor any generation is better or worse than another – merely different in the number of 3D experiences and time on earth lived in fear instead of joy. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Natalie Glasson

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: Clearing a Pathway for Love

Master KuthumiMaster Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: Clearing a Pathway for Love, channeled by Natalie Glasson, 20 May, 2013 at
From the expanse and warmth of my heart I extend my love to you now as a greeting that will remain eternally with you. My love for you is never lacking nor is it withdrawn; I love you unconditionally and eternally.
It is my greatest purpose to allow and support you to feel the love within your being, to experience, to acknowledge and accept the vast expanse of love that you hold. I would ask also that this becomes your purpose for yourself and for others, to support yourself and others in feeling and experiencing the love that is present.
Every action that you take on the Earth whether you achieve it to support yourself or another is to allow you or the other, or in truth both, to experience the love within your beings. Such a beautiful intention that can be held will allow for a greater and more abundant experience of love within your being and reality. There is no such thing as lack of love, only abundant, every flowing eternal and unconditional love. It is important to truly realise and understand my words and their meaning as they can if you choose alter your experience of the Creator’s love and loving presence.
Do you push love away? Do you feel as if you are lacking in love or other parts of your reality and being? Are these beliefs that you have created and built true or helpful to you as a being who seeks to become one with the Creator? Can you acknowledge that lack is another feeling or belief in disguise, as you rejecting and pushing yourself further away from the Creator’s abundant love?
At the centre of most experiences of lack is fear but fear can take on so many different forms that it is no longer recognised as fear. Fear in itself is an illusion, fear doesn’t exist and yet often you may choose to create it. There is only the essence within your being, the easiest way for you to experience and to recognise this essence is to acquaint it with love.
To love as the Creator and to be loved can be one of the most valuable and difficult lessons upon the Earth to master because there are so many levels and forms within your being and reality that this lesson manifests as, in order for you to experience and overcome it. Often lessons connected to love manifest without you consciously realising and so it can take great self-observation to truly recognise and understand them, allowing yourself to open up to love.
Experiencing, embodying, accepting and expressing the love of the Creator can be both something that you deeply desire and also fear simultaneously. When you begin to let go of the need, the attachment and desire for experiencing the love of the Creator especially as an expression through others then you set yourself free.
Often when in a physical body the experience of separation is so severe that you can become focused on the need, attachment and desire to experience the love of the Creator therefore becoming so concentrated on seeking love that you forget that which you seek is always present and available for you to experience. It is often nourishment of the essence or love that is already present within your being is all that is required but one can often become focused on seeking nourishment for the inner love as well which acts as a distraction.
Recognition, knowingness, repetitive focus of the presence of love eternally growing within your being will again offer to you the freedom that is needed to enjoy and experience that which is within you. When your demands upon the Creator and those around you cease then there is no choice but to observe what is left within you. It can often appear that what remains within you is weak and unworthy of your focus but this is only because you have yet to recognise all that you are and all that is the Creator within your being.
This recognition is eternal and so there is a need to become familiar with the process of recognising the Creator, and or love within your being. The process of recognising the Creator becomes your constant companion. The freedom that can be experienced when all of your needs, demands, desires and expectations for and from the love of the Creator are discarded actually allows an instant reaction which can be experienced as love flowing into or from your heart chakra, or simply the heart chakra opening to reveal the love within. In truth it can be like a breath of fresh air.
It is my belief that focus upon your thoughts and the vocabulary you use can assist you in dissolving attachments, demands and expectations upon yourself and others and even the love of the Creator. Allow yourself for a few days to observe the wording that you choose to express yourself and your essence. As you observe naturally allow yourself to make active changes in order to generate a sense of freedom and love in your vocabulary. Your wording is extremely important as it co creates with your mind your own reality and manifestations to experience.
Your wording can actually share with you all issues of resistance, illusion and lack that you may still be holding onto. For example, ‘I have to go to work, I have to meet a friend or I have to meditate,’ maybe this emphasises that you are not in control of your reality, that you have no options or opportunities and feel limited. Maybe it would serve you to say, I choose to go to work, I choose to meet a friend, it would serve me to meditate.’
Another example could be, ‘You/ I should do……’ which could be converted to ‘You/ I (may) feel guided to do…….’ Allow yourself to infuse your vocabulary with love and positivity rather than lack, fear and pressure upon yourself. It is to create a positive statement while not taking away the meaning of the statement creating a greater experience of love and freedom within your vocabulary; therefore you will experience love and freedom in your reality and within your being.
Another opportunity to experience a greater sense of freedom in your experience of the love of the Creator is to observe your reality holding the perspective that you are the creator of your entire reality. Allow yourself for this exercise to take away all forms of blame and judgement upon other people within your reality.
Allow yourself time in a state of meditation and contemplation to observe the actions of others towards you whether they are loved ones or strangers, with this observation permit yourself to realise that you created every action, reaction, word or experience. Remember that this observation is only for the time that you set aside as a meditation exercise. Imagine without judgment on yourself that everything you are experiencing you chose to put into your reality to experience.
Rather than dwelling on the experience, the action or reaction, allow yourself to interpret the lesson or insight that is available for you to grow and evolve in this moment. Observe your feelings, thoughts and beliefs, let yourself come to an understanding of why you chose to experience whatever you are focused upon. Then you begin to understand yourself more fully and can almost see beyond the illusion of the Earth. With your recognition and with your love of your guides and for yourself you can heal the origin of the creation allowing for a transformation to occur within your reality because that healing will be projected from within you into your reality for you to experience.
It is important to realise that you co create your reality with others, their creations can have an impact upon your reality as can your creations influence the lives of others, but when you allow yourself to step back, to detach and to take responsibility you are taking a step to knowing yourself more fully, healing yourself and changing your physical reality.
Even taking responsibility during this meditation experience can allow you to develop inner strength, compassion, a greater sense of truth and can assist you in avoiding becoming entangled in unneeded creations within your reality. To take responsibility in this way allows a greater sense of freedom and for your heart chakra to open to reveal the natural love that exists within your being, which is your power, your truth and your essence. Your natural love essence is your divine right to experience.
I hold you in a loving embrace always,
I am Master Kuthumi
Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you


Monday, May 20, 2013

Peggy Black and the 'team'


~ Peggy Black and the 'team'
We are here connecting with your conscious awareness, triggering the ever expanding energy of who you truly are as multidimensional beings of great potential. We realize that your focus is mainly anchored in this reality, which has a purpose and goal for this adventure on the timeline. However we want to continue to stretch your awareness.
We often speak of consciousness. We often acknowledge you for your expanded consciousness or your awakened consciousness. Yet we ask you what consciousness is?
Consciousness is a fascinating but elusive phenomenon. Your philosophers, scholars and now neuroscience pioneers have tried to explain and comprehend the nature of consciousness and pin down its essential properties.
Let us offer a possibility for your consideration. It is the energetic connection within all living things. It is the field of energy that expands beyond your physical body.
Your sciences are beginning to understand that an infant, even before birth, is conscious, observing and storing the mental information from their surroundings. The infant is connecting with the energy field of those around them, the emotional and mental vibrations that are being offered. However the infant does not have the ability to express in spoken words what they are observing and young beings are often invalidated when they can share their awareness.
Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations and environment. Being awake and aware of your surroundings is to be conscious
Consciousness continues to expand as you grow into maturity. It is an inward sensibility of something, an awakened mental activity of reflecting or reasoning. It is internal recognition of what is considered right or wrong as regards one's actions and motives. This is the basic beginning and awareness within your human form.
We have observed that your consciousness is often boxed in by conditions and programs that have been offered to you through words or vibrations from your surroundings and from others. These conditions frame the way in which you view your reality and the world. It is a programmed consciousness, a limited consciousness.
What has been occurring upon your planet is that there are those who have realized this limitation in consciousness and have begun to increase their understanding and knowledge of what expanded consciousness might be.
You are beginning to recognize that everything has a consciousness, from the tiniest of your insects to the largest of your mammals. All living things have a form of consciousness which connects them to the matrix or energy field of cosmic consciousness.
Your sciences are in debate, unwilling to acknowledge that true consciousness is outside the mind. They continue to hold the limited belief that awareness is only available within the brain and the human mind. The evolution that is occurring within humanity is pushing against the walls of this box of limited beliefs.
Consciousness is a field of energy and vibrations. It is with your mental abilities that you connect to the cosmic field of consciousness. This field has many names: quantum mind, quantum entanglement, synchronization of the brain or the morphogenetic fields.
When you begin to allow and welcome the idea of your expanded quantum mind, this invites a connection to higher functions and consciousness, such as insight, empathy, love, abstract and symbolic thinking, telepathy and intuition. Through these, you connect to the cosmic field of your true multidimensional awareness, claiming the powerful yet subtle energy of true knowing and divine inspiration.
We invite you to begin to allow your awareness to stretch beyond your limited programs or beliefs, knowing that you are always connected to the infinite field of divine consciousness. Begin to play in the field of all possibilities.
Remember it is the coherent heart's awareness that is the door to this quantum field. This is also your portal to the so called Akashic Records which are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. This information and knowledge is available everywhere at all times when you allow yourself to expand into this field.
Every living thing is a part of, and intimately connected with, the field of global consciousness. Allow yourself to own this connection to all humanity and all living beings. It is this understanding and this awareness which will support and assist you in the realization that you can, and truly do, add to the well-being or the detriment of the whole. Remember to ask yourself, is this word, action, thought, or emotion life-diminishing or life enhancing.
Each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy or gratitude, you are doing global service work on a personal level. Each time you allow yourself to connect to the quantum field, the cosmic consciousness; you are anchoring a level of vibration in the unconscious field of humanity. You are truly activating the evolution of consciousness for the whole.
We understand that your ego-self and your small mind can become focused in this physical reality; we also understand that a certain focus is needed and important for the well-being of your physical body. However, we continue to invite and encourage you to step outside your box of limitations and own that you are a significant aspect of the global mind. You actions and thoughts do add to the quality of life in the dimension.
Understand also that being a part of the global mind; you telepathically, energetically, connect to all other minds, even those whom you judge with hatred or prejudice. Now is the time to bring a more loving vibration to this global mind. You have the power and the ability to influence this field and uplift the collective consciousness.
You have the support of the realms of the non-physical beings who are ever ready to reinforce, accommodate and collaborate with you heart's intention to create a reality that supports and nurtures all life forms.
You have the support of the realms of the non-physical beings to assist you personally to connect in a real and profound manner to the cosmic consciousness, the quantum field of all possibilities. Begin to ask, begin to invite, and begin to allow. You are a key player in the unfolding of this reality and the universe.
We acknowledge you for your willingness, and especially your courage, to be the conscious instrument of infinite intelligence. We invite you to continue to open all the doors and windows of your awareness; be available for new and fresh insights and inspirations. Be available to anchor new levels of consciousness into the mind of humanity. Remember when one is uplifted all are uplifted. The 'team'
©2013 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Solar Flares Assist in our Ascension

We have had four Class X solar flares in a couple of short days. These are powerful very flares. (for the basics about solar flares, google it, or go to We feel solar flares just as they burst from the sun. Our technology feels the magnetic pulse about 48 hours after the solar explosion. This is so, because humanity is connected to everyone and everything in the universe, and our technology is not. As above, so is below. Humanity is ONE.

Today my heart is racing, my head is aching, and I am writing this from my cozy, pillow filled bed with my iPad. Many of you out there are having a huge range of odd symptoms, that by now I am sure you are all painfully aware of. But read on.... There is a reason for these events and our reactions to them. Remember . . . you are a spiritual being in an all too HUMAN body that is evolving and ascending.

The Star Elders say that these pulses of light (that we feel instantly), which are also infused with magnetic energy (that we feel 48 hours later), are part of the divine plan. With these multiple, layered flares, we are being infused and saturated with new light from a new paradigm. At least for now, we are not getting a break as this is the final stretch of a very long journey. These solar pulses stretch us beyond the form we are familiar or comfortable with. This is a part of the ascension process. When we can hold no more light, we feel like we are pushed to the very edge and feel like we could explode. These pulses of light are the framework for the new world we building. Only then, the following magnetic pulse helps us release all that is not needed for our future. The magnetic pulses bring up to the surface everything that does not fit within the collective divine plan. We purge, detox, and let go and surrender from our body, mind and spirit. This purging creates more space for more light.

Now the odd thing is that we are going through this ascension process all the while the outer world seems to be clicking along like business as usual. We didn't expect this. Yet inside our hearts, we feel like something big has changed within us, and the world feels very surreal. But if you look closely, you will see this shift in nearly everyone's eyes. You might see people with the subtle stunned look, with eyes like a deer caught in the head lights. Others will over compensate by being overly happy and enthusiastic, because they can't admit they are feeling strange to say the least. Then there are those that are agitated and rushing around like they can outrun this wave of light. Then there are those that are still in full on denial. Don't worry . . . they will catch up quickly. And lastly there is the rare few that have already arrived at the finish line, and the rest are only a heart beat behind them.

The Star Elders say it does not matter what you do now. You can try out all of the avoidances above, but you can not avoid, deny or out run this rush of light that we are in now. At least for now, we have no space in between flares to ground ourselves and rebalance. We planned it this way, because we knew our body (that holds history and memory) would run the other way like our life depended on it. This is the old fight or flight memory that we will no longer need in the new world. Just when we have a bit of space to begin to face our purging shadow side, another pulse of light (solar flare) slams into us, thus not allowing us to retract back into a more comfortable and familiar territory.

How to deal with pulses... Simple... Let GO and let GOD emerge from inside of you. I laugh now as the Star Elders show me that old gory scene from the movie Aliens. Yeah... Their sense of humor keeps me going, along with the support of all of you out there. The world is pretty strange right now. We don't know which way is up and its ok. We are being called back to basics, the core of spiritual truths and crave a return to a simple life. And what we thought the ascension might be is not quite how it is showing up. The Star Elders have always told me that when we arrive, there are going to be some great surprises. Well... "Surprise!"

So just breathe and know that we are being protected and fiercely guarded by a divine plan set into action. Our star family is watching over us, as we transform quickly into something we can't even envision now. So breathe, get yourself grounded as much as possible, and hang out with like frequency soul family. We are going to survive, there is no doubt, and we will have the surprised of a life time together.

Song for the day... Send Somebody... Colin Hay. P.S. that somebody is the God in us!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

May 16, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as centeredness. This quality is seen as that unique ability to remain in a state of equilibrium and balance, always coming from the center of oneself. At the core of each Being is the essence of light and truth which can instantly reveal all that which is not of the truth to the one who is constantly attuned to this innermost part of themselves. This ability to remain at one’s center, gives a person great discernment as they go about their daily activities. If one practices the discipline of clearing one’s energetic field of all that is not their own energy each morning before leaving their home, it becomes very easy to recognize all that which is not their own energy.
As each person practices remaining centered and attuned to their own feelings, it becomes much easier to remain true to themselves at all times and not be swayed by the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others. Many times, people who are sensitive to the energies around them pick up on the emotions, thoughts and feelings of others thinking that these are their own and this can cause much distress within these sensitive ones as they wonder why, when they felt so wonderful as they left their home in the morning that they now feel so depressed, sad, angry or resentful. By remaining in their own central core, these ones can learn to disengage from all the energies that are not theirs to hold.
This quality of love recognizes that it is most essential to listen to the still, small voice within and to be in tune with one’s essential authentic self, for one’s inherent character and higher soul qualities are found here. If all is in centeredness within a person, the world around them reflects peace, harmony and order and it is an easy matter to discern who and what should be avoided in order to maintain this state of being. By always honoring themselves and their feelings and emotions as an integral part of their own innate soul wisdom, each person will always remain aligned to the higher aspects of themselves and their own unique wisdom and guidance. Embodying this quality of love creates the ability to walk one’s path in grace and beauty.
By practicing this quality of love constantly, one will find themselves armed with the ability to remain detached from all dramas and stories that are constantly bombarding the airwaves and the atmosphere around them. This quality of love if practiced consistently can be a literal lifesaver if a person finds themselves amidst turmoil that is not of their own making, for it can protect a person automatically from absorbing the energetic residue of discordant energies that emanate from others who are unknowingly broadcasting their thoughts and feelings to the people around them.
It is incumbent upon every human being to learn to embody this quality of love known as centeredness, for it allows one to make choices and decisions from a place of inner knowingness, for when a person comes from a place of centeredness within themselves, that person will be armored at all times with a shield of protection that surrounds their entire energy field. Such a field cannot succumb to the bombardment of the myriad rampant energies that traverse the atmosphere of the planet and will keep their energy field intact and free from distortions.
I take my leave in my own field of centeredness with my blessings and love.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

May 19-26, 2013

Beloved Ones,
In these days that are upon you, much is being revealed that was previously not known. It is information that needs to see the light of day so that it can be looked at and faced, not only individually but on a national and global scale. All activity that was not of the highest integrity and in alignment with the highest in all is being exposed with more and more frequency. The world needs to be cleansed of all that has kept its inhabitants in illusion as to how to live their daily lives in an acceptable manner. These truths are difficult to accept at first as the people begin to awaken to the way things have actually been occurring and this enables them to see the paradigm they have been living in from a totally different perspective.
This perspective is very uncomfortable and disillusioning to experience, for it means that the world’s people must face the shadows within themselves, their loved ones and within their societies. The understanding comes only after seeing through the illusions that have been woven into the very fabric of modern civilization in such a way as to make all distortions of the truth of life seem acceptable. The people of the Earth are moving quickly through this period and are aligning with the truths that live within their hearts. Those who have perpetuated these myths are still desperately trying to hold onto the power they have wielded throughout the ages but the higher cosmic energies that now permeate the planet will not allow such activity to continue.
The light wields its power in such as way as to bring to the surface all that has not been serving the highest good of the planet and its inhabitants. All must be revealed, all must be reflected upon, all must be awoken from the shadows where it has lay hidden below the surface. The daily life of each individual in every corner of the world is changing and with this change, there will be some chaos until all is resolved and released. The incoming energies work relentlessly to accomplish this change within each individual and within the framework of all systems of operation that serve the common good of the people and the planet. The power of the people joined together in commonality of purpose will create these changes.
As these changes continue to occur, you who have been prepared for these times are doing a tremendous service by maintaining your light, your integrity and your courage and steadfastness by anchoring the light into the core of the Earth. It is helping the Earth to remain in a greater state of stability than was previously possible. Do not become discouraged by the outer appearances of these changes. All is well and the Earth is moving into a higher dimension. The Earth is most grateful for the assistance she is receiving on a daily basis from those who send her light by being willing to be the conduits for the higher energies.
These times are most amazing and those who have gathered to watch the process of ascension that is occurring on this planet have the greatest of  respect and admiration for the people who have chosen to be a part of this great work by being willing to add their light to this effort. It is by the strength and determination that each of you carry in your hearts for your intention for all of humanity to ascend with the Earth and given this great opportunity for movement into a greater light which has moved this process into a new area that is now anchoring and beginning to permeate its influence through all facets of life upon this planet. We, who have served this planet and all its peoples and all its inhabitants throughout the many ages are deeply grateful for the light that is growing within each human heart.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.