Friday, December 7, 2012

Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise, from Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, November 27, 2012, through Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference November 27,2012
"Well that was real nice!* All right! Is everybody ready? Now you don't have to fasten your seat belts, unless you want to. Just be real comfortable. You don't even have to stand up, or move anywhere if you don't want to. Just be comfortable, and be relaxed in your totality of Who You Are! Now we're going to get together to make this journey, and you know we always get together in a circle. And some of you know, because I have shared with you in the past, as I do now, that my paws are multilocational!
"So, I hold out my paws to each and every one of you, and everybody gets to hold onto one of my paws, and with your other hand you hold onto your fellow traveler, who is next to you in our big circle of Love. Wow, we are so bright! Let me adjust my eyes. I did not bring my sunglasses. This is fabulous! We are lit, and this is good, because this is what we need in order to move, up, up, and away. So let's just all allow ourselves to rise on these energies of Love. Be not concerned, you have a cord of some kind, an attached device, so that you will not be leaving Planet Earth forever. You will find your way back.

"But for now, everybody just breathe and relax. Holding hands, we go up, up, up and away from Planet Earth, and this is a very short journey, but it is a sweet one, because it is an opportunity to pass by so many Stars, and yes, the Moon of Planet Earth, and you see other Planets out there. What a wondrous, wondrous, place this atmosphere, this Universe is!

"Now look up, and you will see my ship. You'll see the underside of it. It's huge, and it's gleaming. It's Crystal you know, a very special kind of Crystal! Humm, there are a few on Planet Earth who know of it, but not very many, but it shall be known very soon, as you measure your time. So admire it, or enjoy it, or if you're feeling a little bit of warmth from it, just smile!

"Now notice if you will, that there is a door on this underneath side of my ship, and the door is circular, and it has expansion capabilities, like my ship does. And so the door opens wide enough, so that we can just move right up, right up, through the opening. And we are on what you would call the landing deck. There are some shuttles parked here, but we didn't need a shuttle. So bright, so full of Love are we, we literally flew up together!!!

"Now, we shall rise about what you call a foot or two above the surface of the landing deck, hover there while the door closes, and then gently just allow yourselves to drop down, so that your feet are now on the deck. Notice how lovely it feels. Some of you might be feeling the energies of it as a little bit of a foot massage. Is that not delightful? And some of you may be feeling a coolness, or a warmth. And, some of you may be hearing some music, or smelling your favorite scents.

"It's all wondrous indeed, and it's all personalized to that extent for you because, it is you, Beloved Ones, and your beautiful loving Hearts, which are calling forth these welcomes to you. So again, just breathe it all in, and smile at everyone else who has traveled with you up here. Yes, even those of you who have kept your eyes closed can open them for a minute, and see how bright you all are, glowing, beaming, and radiating even now!

"And so now that we are all settled here, let us move together in our circle. The ship will just expand as needed to accommodate us all, and let us move to the Crystal Elevator. It's right there in front of us. So we move easily and effortlessly, and again, the doors open wide so that we can all kind of float in, or walk in with steps as light as air. And now that we're all in the elevator the doors will close, and again, notice how it feels. It's personal to you. It's just for you! It's to welcome you, and to say, 'Thank you for coming! It is so grand to have you, and all the Love you are, to come to my ship for our time of Exercise together!!!!'

"And so the elevator takes us up to the very tip top of my ship, which is where the Crystal Room is located. And it stops so gently, we really aren't even aware of it, but the doors open. And so still in our circle we move out and into the room. And this is wondrous indeed! And if you will notice, there are coming into the room now, and filling it, almost filling it, all of your Guides. And you may feel a hand on your shoulder, or breath upon your neck - a comforting feeling, because your Guides are with you, every one of them!

"And yes, along with your Guides are the ones you call the Ascended Ones - the Masters, the Angels, the Elementals, and yes, the Divas, and the Spirits, representing Planet Earth, all here, all in support, all in Love with all of you! And we are here with each other as One! So allow yourselves to feel the Love that is radiating everywhere in this Crystal Room. And notice that the very Crystals themselves are receiving and sending these LoveBeams throughout the entirety of the room, not only the walls, but the very ceiling, the floors! The whole entire room is made of Crystals, and all of the Crystals are beaming, and this, Beloved Ones, is like you're - what you call - you're charging up!!!

"So, bring it in! Open up your Hearts! Direct it, if you wish, with your directing hand as you have learned to do, up through your receiving hand, and your arm, and across, and down into your Heart, and up, and across your collar bone, and down your other arm, and to the entirety of your head, and your neck, and your shoulders, and your body.

"Let your bones be the transmitters, the receivers and the transmitters. And you can quickly see it all the way down your legs, and to your feet, and back up, flowing in endless spirals, or circles, or what we call the two circles of the infinity sign. Allow yourselves to feel this Love!!! And when you're ready, when you're ready, call forth - because that part of you is here anyway - but call forth your conscious connection with that which you call your Higher Dimensional Self, and be prepared for that energy to come powerfully, and yet as gently as a feather!

"And that part of you stands now, connected with you, and yet you are aware of this one in your energy fields, this part of you, in your energy fields, because you have called this part of you forth, and it is the Light of Higher Dimension. It is the Love, your True Self, which is Love. And now invite this one, this Beloved One, this part of you to come in, and merge completely throughout the totality of your being. Yes! Come into your Heart. Hug your inner child who dwells there. Hug your ego who is invited to have permanent residence there!

"For this is the way of the Higher Dimensional Lifestyle. And this, Beloved Ones, is the way of your beloved bodies, all of them, all of your energy fields, now merging into one grand Light of Love, where you can feel the connections, where you can feel the wisdom, the answers that are now available!!!

"Now when you are ready, when you have this Light, this grand Light of Oneness within your being, you may invite a vision of your Lifestyle in this higher place, because you have come into Higher Dimensionality, and you have now merged with the totality of you, in this Higher Dimensionality!

"So it is all there for you to feel, to experience, to know whatever it is that you want to know about your Higher Lifestyle, what you would call, after your official Ascension is now here. Ah! There is one who will be playing music beyond all that he as ever dreamt of doing in his 3D body. Ah! There are many who are now free from the aches, and the pains, that they have been experiencing when their bodies were only 3D!!! Ah! There are some who are going onto the ships to go to other Planets, because their missions on Planet Earth are accomplished. And there are those who will be returning to Planet Earth, but in the wholeness, the totality of their beings, even if they put on the costumes of the humans, they will know, just like Yeshua knew, for instance, who He really was, even when he was in the body of humanity. And so it is! There are choices, endless, infinite choices. There are as many choices as there are each and every one of you, Beloved Ones!!!

"And what does this World look like anyway? It looks like a kind of Heaven as it is envisioned by each and every one of you. But we will say this: There is all manner of life here, plants, animals, minerals. There is water as pure and fresh as it could possibly be. It is up to you whether you choose to drink or not, because you won't really need it. There are places where you can go where you can experience anything that you want to experience. Perhaps you would like to climb a mountain? Well you can have a mountain instantly in front of you, and you can climb it, humm, and you will find it quite easy, because you really don't have to climb it in the 3D manner, but you can get right up to the top!

"If you want to sail upon the ocean, you will find the waters welcoming to you. You might even go without a boat, and skim along the top of the waters. What an adventure that would be! We are telling you these things to give you some places from which you can go to create your own visions, to access what's already there, and known to you. That is all. But know, there is only Love in this wondrous place where you are! Only Love, and Joy, and continuing Celebrations of Homecoming, of Reunions, and of Oneness. And so your entire perspective is that of Love, only Love!!!

"You've arrived! You've made it! And this is the Joy that is for each and every one of you, as you do your Ascensions, each in your own way, and yet together. Because remember, you have an individual placement upon the Ascension Path, and your Path may not look exactly the same as your neighbors', but we're all together, because you have allowed us to come. We are now in accompaniment of you! And we are in togetherness with you, because the Truth of it is, this is not the only time that you soar up and into the Higher Dimensions. You do it in your sleep time. You do it in your meditations, and the connections are even more Light and Bright, because you, Beloved Ones, are beaming even Lighter, even Brighter, and even more the Love You Are!

"So as you expand yourselves, and as you find the Joy in coming into harmony, balance, and perfect Love with the totality of your wondrous beings - meeting and greeting your Divinities, and feeling the empowerment as this LoveLight flows through you continuously without stopping ever - rejoice! Be joyful! We shall be in Celebration continuously!!!

"But we have one more element to this mission, and that is to share it, to send it beaming out beyond this Crystal Room, to send with it the Joy, the 'ahahs', the awakenings, the connections, yes, the Communions, and the Oneness we are!

"And so in the middle of our circle, there is an opening that gets just wide enough for us all to focus upon sending these Beams of Love down through the opening, to all of Planet Earth, to further lighten it up. And the messages that are transmitted are of great Joy!!! Invite all of Planet Earth to share with you the feelings of Love, the feelings of Joy, of Oneness, and the success of this upcoming Ascension - simple messages, but powerful beyond words!

"Beams of Love - and notice as you send them out, you do not diminish at all in the Love that is within your own individual energy fields, because more just keeps coming in! You cannot empty; you cannot even begin to be emptied! This is the Magic of Love. This is the Alchemy of the Light, these wondrous waves, these wondrous Beams coming, because you have called it forth, and because you have given your permission.

"And it is for you to feel the Oneness within your own Divine Beings at any time that you choose consciously to do so, and all the times in between. That is, when you perhaps are not consciously awake, and certainly when you are not thinking on something that is out there in the 3D World, because the Truth of it is you're leaving it, just as we are out of it now! You are leaving 3D behind very fast, very rapidly, and this Exercise that we are doing together is to assist others to do the same.

"So beam it out! Let's all pay it out, pay it forward! Beam the World!!! Strengthen even more the energies of Love, and as we do so, we just keep filling up more, and more. Now hug yourselves, all of you. Your Higher Dimensional Self is so, so, much in Joy at this reunion time! Your inner child is delighted with this new place to be! And yes, even your ego is relaxed, and comfortable, and at Peace!!!

"The totality of you can fly anywhere you choose - you are so full of Light - you are such Love in expression! Beloved Ones, you are being seen by the entirety of the Universe, you beam so bright!!! And as we come to the finish of this Exercise, know that you can return to my ship. You all have permanent boarding passes, and all you need to do is bring yourselves up onto my ship, and up into my Crystal Room, where I await you with such Joy, and such Love! And I honor you that you have come, and I'm thrilled at seeing that you come again!!!

"We love you so much, and we so appreciate what you have done all the way along your Paths, in this life and others. And it is with great delight that we view the success of your coming Home, each and every one of you, of your Homecoming Reunions with the totality of your Divine Selves, and with the One We All Are!!! So just breathe, and rest and relax. Let us take a few more moments to enjoy the glow, the radiance of our togetherness. (Pause)

"And now you will see in front of you the Kumara Roses being offered to you by your Guides. Take as many as you wish. Put them in your Hearts. They will glow on their own, and radiate Love throughout your beings perpetually and always, for all eternity! The Roses of Kumara symbolize Love, and they are beautiful, as are you! So take them into your Hearts, as many as you wish - look at them, or feel them, or smell their fragrances as remembrances to you that we were here together in this Gathering, and that you were thanked and honored beyond words for your participation!!!

"You may return at anytime you choose. So breathe and relax, and I have chosen a celebratory tune,** because after all, you have accomplished great things here, and you deserve to celebrate! And so it is! Namaste!"
* Sekhmet is referring to Ashtar's message and introduction of her.
**Let us Remember to Dance, sung by Lei'ohu Ryder.
Transcription by Arnold Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, November 27, 2012.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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