Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, December 11, 2012
"And so we have representatives from all of the kingdoms from what you call the Higher Dimensions, and we come to you, and we are in rejoicing, because you are lifting up even now to be with us in what you call the Higher Dimensionalities, and this is grand indeed. And this is about feelings of Love. You see, that’s what Ascension is. When you put it in its most simple of terms it is about Love, the return to Love, the Homecoming to Love!
"All of that which springs from Love is High Dimensional, high vibrational and Light - full of Light – as you are, Beloved Ones, more and more in every nanosecond of what you call your Earth time. You are becoming that Who You Really Are, you are reuniting with your light-being selves, with your Divinities. You are more and more in the feeling of the Love from which you are made, and we assure you that is all you are made from by Mother/Father God - that’s all that we are made from, the Light of Love!
"And as you open to receive even more of that LoveLight which is coming to you from the Great Central Sun, through the portal of your own sun, and streaming to you exponentially and ever-increasing because you are more and more able to hold it; and because all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia are allowing themselves to fill with it even more. Yes, they are Divine, as are you! And it is to come together in the great Oneness, in the great recognition of your Divinity that brings us into the Oneness - the Oneness of Love, where all there is is Love, and all that Love engenders or creates: Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude – yes, and Joy, and Peace - the Peace that passes all understanding!!!
"It has been promised and that promise is being kept because you, Beloved Ones, made the promise to yourselves long ago, when you first came into your human bodies, and now you are keeping that sacred promise. And we are with you every step of the way, every nanosecond of your path, to assist you, to support you, to show you where the doors and windows are open for you to pass through, to help you to transform, transmute and literally release whatever burdens you have been carrying all these eons of time, so that you can feel the lightness of Who You Really Are, so that you can soar with us, so that you can be in Oneness, because that is your true state of being!
"These costumes that you wear, of the human variety - you chose them carefully, and we congratulate you for doing such a great job! We will say this: because when you came into the current costume that you are wearing, and you zipped it up so tight, it was because you knew that this was the time to be here, to participate in the Ascension, the Homecoming of Planet Earth. And yes, for many of you the challenges in this life have been even more arduous, even more difficult than previous lives have been - your choices, shall we say. And the reason for it is because you wanted to get through the lessons and graduate, as it were.
" 'I'm only going to be here for one more lifetime, so bring it on! Let me get through this, let me break through the barriers and make them high, and make them tough,' because every time that you break through any barrier, any time that you uplift, even the slightest bit more, it is as though you are propelled by a rocket, and the energy is Love! And that energy bursts forth and is shared with all of Planet Earth. And so in accepting responsibility for cleaning up your own selves, your energy fields, as it were, and for making the transitional leap, you have not only brought yourselves to this glorious moment but you have brought with you Mother Gaia and all of her kingdoms.
"The totality of Planet Earth, below, on and above - this is your kingdom, Beloved Ones, and your kingdom is relocating to that which you call the heavenly realms, and it is because you came, and we have such great Love for you, such great honoring and thanks, we literally overflow with it! Now, we will tell you something more, and that is that as we do our Exercise in Oneness tonight, and as you join, whether it be with yourselves, or one other, or thousands or millions around the Planet and the Universe beyond, this is a momentous opportunity!
"You’ve got the biggest doors or windows ever, open; well, they are all wide open, and they are all saying, 'Come on, let’s get together, let’s love, without any end, or endings.' It doesn’t stop, it just goes on and on and on and it gets exponentially more and more powerful, and the next thing you know, you’ll be on the other side. You’ll have gone through the portal, propelled by your own rocket burst of Love. And it won’t be just you - it will be millions!
"Our report for you is that, as we have been saying, there is no turning back. If you are committed to rising into Higher Dimensionality than three, it’s a done deal. We are blessed with a perspective. When you come to the New Jerusalem, and you have boarding passes what you call 24/7, when you come up to the New Jerusalem, you can see from the same perspective that we see, and you will see that Planet Earth is on a path and there will be no turning back and there will be no Armageddons!!!
"And yes, there are some distractions. Honor those who participate with Love, unconditional. Those who receive the bullets do so for you, those who fire the guns do so for you, because they are in service to remind you what is being left behind in 3D, what is being transmuted to Love. There are no guns in the Higher Dimensions, there is only Peace. All of the organizations that you have on Planet Earth which are what you might say, focused upon war, they themselves, even now, behind the scenes, are transforming so as to be organizations of Peace - organizations of cooperation, consideration and Compassion!
"If you are seeing an image of guns in the streets, transmute them, simply go within your heart and transmute the guns to roses, or lilies of Peace. If you are seeing or hearing some harsh words, allow them, but send energies of Love to all involved, even if it be yourself. There is no one upon Planet Earth in the uniform of the human who does not deserve compassionate, forgiving, and grateful, appreciative Love!!!
"Now, yes, we will tell you that those who stand in the way of these marvelous, never before done on Planet Earth transformations, are getting or have gotten to a point where they are being removed. We have given them every opportunity, we have shown them every compassionate mercy, and if they persist in running these programs, they stand out in the crowd, so to speak - because all we have to do is look at you and see your bright Lights and those of all of this Family of Mother Gaia’s human kingdom.
"And if there is a Light is not so bright, we pour LoveBeams to that place, to that one or more, and if they do not accept the Love, and if they do not want to listen and make Peace within themselves, and make Peace upon Planet Earth, then we have a way of gently and compassionately removing them from any position of power. Now you’re really going to get that tomorrow, because you are going to have an opportunity - with the energies that you already are carrying, and with those which are coming even now - you will have an opportunity on the day of 12-12-12 to lift yourselves up so high that you will know that Love has prevailed!
"And this will be the sign of the Light of the new Planet Earth homecoming, or we should say, the new Planet Earth which has come home. It’s not a contest, it’s not about who can rise the highest, or who can vibrate the highest, or who can be the most loving. It’s about coming together in one great, fabulous on-going bursts of Love, like so many rockets, and continuing and maintaining. And so that which you call tomorrow has really already occurred, and the next day and the next and the next, from the perspective that we share.
"So come on up and take a look yourselves - you’ll have that opportunity to feel that Love In full bloom in all of its radiance, and once you do, you bring it into your Heart, the Love of the Higher Dimensions, even more than you are experiencing in this moment. And know that it’s there to stay. No, you will not be the same after this recognition, acceptance and welcoming that you give to this high, high Love. And why should you be? You’re evolving, you’re on a path, you’re moving, and so you are never the same as in one moment, after that moment passes anyway.
"You are evolving at lightning speed, faster than lightning if you can imagine that! And all of these transformations which our marvelous news report, our team of news reporters* have given you, are just on the surface. There is so much more that is happening to make your lives in such light, such brilliance, so fulfilling, so joyful, so abundant in every way, yes, dollars too!!! But lets talk about Love, because when you have an abundance of Love, when you know that it’s anchored in you and that you are allowing it to expand and expand and expand, you don’t have to keep it in the dark anymore, you don’t have to hide it anymore. Those days are over!
"You are free, you are secure and you are loved beyond words. And this entire Grand Company is One With You,so let it shine! Let it shine throughout the totality of your beings. Because that, Beloved Ones, is thestate of you, and that is what we see! And no, it does not need to happen at the precise moment around the world as your clock ticks and your calendar tells you, but tomorrow, welcome the gifts! - or today, if you are in that part of the world, because it is yours, because you have been in service on this Planet, all through these eons of time, in many lifetimes! It’s time for you to rest, relax and rejoice because you’ve done it!!!
"This Planet could not be ascending without each and every one of you. You are the collective 'One,' you are the ones who have welcomed us to come so close to you - just feel our Oneness, just be breathing in the Love, and know - this is not a dream, this is not a fairy tale, as you call it, this is a promise kept, andit is ongoing because you, Beloved Ones, and all of the Lightworkers of Planet Earth have made it so.
"You are all known, you are all honored, and you are all loved, infinitely, enormously, beyond words! So we remind you again that you are most welcome, we are here with you, in this moment we are One. There is no veil. Allow yourselves to open to our Oneness and greet the 12-12-12 knowing who you really are. Stand tall, shine your Lights, and let the World rejoice in your radiance because the moment is now!
"And so we shall be hearing from our Beloved Sekhmet, and we shall be joined even more in the Oneness of the Crystal Exercise. And we thank you, and we remind you that in so doing, we will be sharing this with the entirety of Planet Earth in celebration of the grand energies of Home which shall be bathing the entirety of the Planet on this 12-12-12. And it even gets brighter, and only gets brighter from this moment on. Thank you, Beloved Ones - Beloved Family We Are! And so it is, Salut!"
*Tara and Rama's A&A News Team Reports:
Transcription by Brian Coe
Given through Susan Leland, December 11, 2012.© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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