Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, December 11, 2012
"Joy for the totality of you, which brings you into your own Oneness, your union, or your state of being in unity with yourself. When you are in this high state of Oneness, you cannot help but radiate it out. You can't contain it, you see, and why would you? You'd want to share it anyway. And that's what happens - it literally overflows, and as we have said, as you raise your vibrations, it's like a rocket burst of Love and energy for those who are looking to you!
"Oh, they may not be seeing you. They may be in some other part of the World, but they're wanting that spark to ignite their own journeys, to open their eyes, to show them their path, and to soar over that path. Nobody is going to be left behind, who wants to soar up and out of the 3D World!
"We will say Congratulations to all of Humanity! You have done a fabulous job of creating so much that is not Love, just for the experiencing, so you'd know the difference. Now is the time to leave it all behind, or transmute it, or release it, or however you want to see whatever baggage you've been carrying. Your Crystalline bodies are coming forth very nicely. You have everything you need really, certainly to enjoy the great burst that is so anxious to reach each and every one of you as a part of this 12-12-12 celebration!
"So, we're going to do an Exercise together. For some of you this is the first time. Just relax and be in the flow. Everybody makes it. Everybody comes, because I can see you all. Now for this Exercise, we go up to my ship. It's a Crystalline ship. Accepting my invitation to come to my ship will only make it that much easier for you to go to any of the ships that you choose to - oh, including your own, if you want to do that!
"You might like to go to the Great Council, The Circle, which is held on Ashtar's ship, The New Jerusalem. You know Sananda, and St. Germain are traveling with him, and I often attend those meetings myself, and you can join the whole company of Masters, and Angels, Divine Beings from Planet Earth and Beyond; Galactic Council Representatives, Solar Council Representatives, and those from Beyond, any time you choose.
"But for our Exercises we come to my ship. It is called the Niburu, and contrary to anything you might have heard, it's all Crystal. It's beautiful, and it shines, because it is Higher Dimensional, and so we're going to journey up with ease and grace. So we just ask that you relax - sit back, lie down; stand up, whatever is comfortable - be in comfort. It is most comfortable for most of you to close your eyes. Use your wisdom eye for your vision, and breathe!
"Breathe in Love. That's your path to my ship - Love; the energies of Love. Just let the Love come in. Relax! Relax, breathe in, breathe out in a spiral kind of a motion. If you wish, bring in the LoveLight with your hand. Direct it with your other hand up your arm, across your shoulders, and down into your heart. Let it circulate. You may even feel the infinity waves forming there - beautiful - it feels so good!
"When you're ready come back up, and come across your collar bone, and down your other arm, and let this Light of Love travel through the bones to every part of your body - yes, even into your head, your skull, and then out from the bones - you know they're great transmitters. Let it go to every tissue, every cell, every part of your body - your physical body - and then beyond, through all your bodies - yes!!!
"Let this Love energy, this Light, shine forth throughout the totality of your being. That's it! You're lighting up even more! Now as you do so, reach out both of your hands. Take one of my paws with one of your hands. I multi-locate my paws, so I have the ability to hold hands with each of you. And with your other hand hold the hand of the Family member next to you. Now we are in one great big Circle. I'm in the middle. And everybody's holding one of my paws, and a hand of a fellow traveler.
"Just let the Love flow around our Circle. Energize, energize, energize, receive, send, receive, and send - now we're really lighting up! We've got this Love power going now. And so it is so easy in our Circle of Love, to lift up. Allow your feet to leave the surface of Planet Earth.
"Now you have something - kind of a cord, however you choose to picture it -something that connects you to Planet Earth, so you will always find your way back when you are ready. So just let go of any concerns, cares, or whatever you might have about that, and enjoy the Freedom now, as we lift up and move in our Circle, up, up, and away from Planet Earth.
"See the beauty of the other Planets, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon. You may even see some other Galaxies. You may see some other Solar Systems in the Milky Way as we move up toward my ship. And as we approach, look at the underside. The whole ship is gleaming, but you can see that there's a big circular door on the underside of my ship.
"This door opens kind of like an eye, or lens, and it expands so that each and every being, each and every traveler in our Circle of Love, can easily, and effortlessly just float right on up, and through the door. It's like a big portal, and the Truth of it is, it is, because now we are in a Crystalline World, the World of my ship!
"Let us hover above the landing deck just long enough for the door to close easily and effortlessly. Now still holding hands, let us gently lower ourselves to the landing deck. And you will see that it is made of Crystal, and you will feel vibrations of Love, and Joy, and welcoming, and yet an overall Peace - yes rejoice! It just feels so good!
"You may hear some rather Angelic sounding music, or you may smell something just wonderful, your favorite scent. You may hear, or smell, or feel vibrations, high, Lights, beautiful Lights from the Crystals, shining, and sending even more Love to us!
"Go ahead, let it circulate through, and let it radiate out. It comes back in infinite and endless quantities! So now that we're all radiating, let us move gently, still in our Circle, across the landing deck to the Crystal Elevator. And again the doors open as we approach, and it widens - this opening widens enough so that we can all move inside, and there is room for everyone.
"We are still beaming, we are still radiating, we are still receiving even more Love, even more Light! And now let us move up, up into the elevator, up to the very top level. This is where my Crystal Room is located. And as the elevator comes to a stop, smile, and send the Love Beams, those beautiful spirals and waves through this entire group. And as the door opens step into the Crystal Room. It is a room of High Celebration! And you will see there are numbers shining forth from the Crystals. What are these? These are the numbers of 12-12-12, and this is the Celebration!
"This is what we are celebrating. It is the coming of the energies of 12-12-12, and we are here to access those energies even now. The Crystals carry the codes of those energies in special welcoming to you, Beloved Ones! And it is to literally feel, and to anchor these energies into your beings, that you have answered our invitation to come, and so these energies are of the Highest Love, and they are High Dimensional!!!
"You have come to a place where you can actually access dimensions above 3D. So we ask that as we move together in our Circle with our hands and paws joined, that we focus upon these numbers of 12-12-12. It is not the numbers themselves as writing, for instance on a piece of paper. It is the energy which they bring forth, the energies they carry! They are not dead symbols on a piece of paper. They are alive with the energies of the Great Central Sun pouring through to us, the energies of Love, the energies of Mother/Father God, the energies of promise kept, and oh it is so joyful!!!
"And now as you allow these energies of 12-12-12 to enter into your Hearts, notice that we are joined by this Grand Company of Ascended Masters, and Higher Dimensional Beings - the Angels, the Fairies and the Divas, the Representatives from Planet Earth and Beyond, your Ancestors, who are so joyful to be here to celebrate with you. The totality of you is here in our Circle!
"This means not only you, in this now moment - which every moment is, because there is no time here - but it is you as you have lived your past lives. It is you as you have created your future, and as you have even more opportunities to do in this coming together. It is the totality of you. It is that which you call your Higher Self!
"Feel the connections of Who You Really Are - no more shadows, no more dark places, only Light, only Love! That's Who You Are! That's the Higher Dimensional You, free from the boxes and the programs of 3D Planet Earth! Breathe it all in, Beloved Ones. We understand this can be boggling. Breathe it in. Just allow it to come in, and settle within you in harmonious waves of Love, of Light, of Joy! Take as much as you wish. Let it circulate through in gentle, but empowered circular waves, spirals or infinity signs, or however you choose to receive it.
"Now understand that when you come to this place, and you can do so, from now on, at anytime you choose, that you are the Divine Master, Creator, and it is by your Divine Will that you shall proceed upon your path in whatever state, shall we say, that you choose.
"So if you choose the highest of Joy, if you choose connection, and LoveLight, so be it, and so it is! And that, Beloved One,s is our most important message to you!!! You have committed so beautifully to being here, to celebrating the 12-12-12, and all of the Holy Days which shall follow. You have committed to being in service with the Family of Planet Earth, and Beyond. You have committed to total Homecoming, and to expressing from now on - from this moment on, and on an even higher level - of the totality of the One You Are, and in joining with the One We All Are!!!
"This is your reward and your gift, and we only ask that you give it all to yourself. Don't hold back! You don't need to anymore. This is your coming into your own reality. This 12-12-12 is to celebrate you, Beloved Ones! So just allow it to come in. Feel the Love of all in this Company. Feel the wisdoms pouring into you from the Masters. Feel the Peace that comes to you from knowing that you are a part of the change that brings Peace!!!
"Feel the strength, and the empowerment that you have within the totality of your own energy fields, and know that you are sovereign, sacred, and Divine, and that all you have to do is be Love, to continue to soar upon your path Home. And by being Love, you are bringing Planet Earth with you, and this is joyful, and this is what we celebrate!!!
"So breathe in the Joy, and the Love - unconditional, compassionate! Shower yourselves with it - you deserve it - and feel your own Divinity. And even as you breathe it in, notice that a window, or if you wish, a portal, is opening in the very middle of our Circle. I am hovering above it. We all are. And there is Planet Earth, and wonder of wonders, it is so close, you can see all of the details! You can see the people, and the animals, and the plants, and the minerals. And they're all looking up at us, because we are shining so bright!
"And we are sending this bright, radiant Love right down through the portal, to uplift Planet Earth even more. And we are sending our 12-12-12 Celebration messages to all upon the Planet, that they may join with us, not just in this moment, but evermore in Celebration, because it's ongoing!
"And as more and more join in, it becomes more and more powerful, more and more radiant! Yes, the Light of Love, and its messages of Peace and Joy are everywhere, bathing the Planet in the glorious glow, touching the Hearts, and enabling even those who don't know what 12-12-12, and these wondrous days on Planet Earth are about - touching them, warming them, loving them, so that they, too, will feel the Love. It's a spontaneous 'Paying It Forward.' It is so beautiful, and it is such a beautiful gift!!!
"And the energies of 12-12-12 are streaming in even now, because you came, Beloved Ones, and you called them forth, and you welcomed and celebrated. And in these few days before the 12-21, and during all of the days of golden and glorious Love becoming the reality, the Homecoming - the new Home for the One We All Are, to join with you in Higher Dimensionality, and for you in turn to join with all of those whom you have inspired and blessed with your Love - Picture it done!!!
"It is created, and it is because you came, and it is because you have joined with all of those who are welcoming in these energies. And you have opened many millions of Hearts to receive them, even if they have no knowledge in their brains - yet connected, because of course on a level that they may not be connecting with, they do know!
"And you are bursting forth these connections within them! And it is beautiful, and it is bright, and it is pure Joy to the World!!! And what could be more appropriate during this Holy Season than to give Joy to the World, and all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, below, on, and above? Well done Beloved Family! Well done!!!
"And even as you continue to beam, allow Sananda and His Beloved Marys to come before you, each and every one of you, and to offer you the sacred Roses of Kumara. These are blessed. They carry the energies of 12-12-12. These are the Roses of the Highest Love. Take as many as you wish. Savor their velvety softness, their beautiful fragrances, and above all, feel the Love!
"These are your gifts, Beloved Ones, brought to you. Take as many as you wish. Put them into your Hearts, your energy fields, and know that you are known throughout the Universe, because you came. You had committed, and you came to this Gathering, and you can come back, and those of you who are yet to receive the energies of it, are a part of it!
"This moment, if you will, without end, is yours to shine forth! So take the Roses, and keep them always, as a sign, as a gift, of your presence, and your participation here. And now let the joyful songs begin.* Let the Celebration continue, and know that you came, you participated, and you have received even now, the Joy of the Love, the glorious radiant energies of the 12-12-12!!!
"We thank you from our Hearts to yours, and we say to you, 'Celebrate in Joy!' And so it is! Namaste!"
* Let us Remember to Dance, by Lei'ohu Ryder, from her CD, Mary's Songs.
**Running on the Water - Come The New Jerusalem, by Carly Simon
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, December 11, 2012. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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