December 11, 2012
Beloved Lightworkers of the World,
I come to inform all who will listen and take heed. As the influx of higher dimensional energy flows into your physical sun, it will create many solar flares of spectacular energies and the majority of you will be feeling these catalytic energies very strongly in the coming days before the solstice. The days before the solstice will be permeated with a tremendous amount of energy building up to the solstice which will make you feel perhaps irritated and out of sorts. At the height of this electromagnetic buildup of energy there will be an alignment taking place with a tremendous amount of Light flooding the Earth at the poles.
During these days on the solstice and after, it is important to stay focused on feeling love, joy and peace within and to maintain this feeling throughout the festive season. Let love prevail as you serve as conduits for the greater energies flowing into and through you as they anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth. Each of you will be serving in this capacity to help stabilize the planet as she shifts into the higher dimensions of Light and the more of Humanity acting as conduits, the greater the assistance to the Earth and all her inhabitants and kingdoms both upon and within her.
Every person on Earth who can transduce these energies will be doing so, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. It is important to keep well hydrated during these times so please consume copious amounts of pure clean water. This work is what you have all come to do. You have all been prepared for these moments through many lifetimes, building the strength necessary to sustain this greater Light as it comes in waves increasing in intensity minute by minute, hour by hour. You are quite literally the stabilizing force and it is upon you, Beloved Ones, that the balance of the World rests. You are the stabilizing forces as the shift occurs.
This is what you have volunteered to do so long ago and we know you are ready to move into action. Keep centered and attuned to your inner guidance and allow the energies to flow through you without resistance. Act on your intuition and instincts as you are directed and maintain calm within. The next few weeks are a momentous time for your planet and all her inhabitants and you are all key players in the cosmic event on the horizon. Think Love, BE Love and maintain equilibrium throughout as you assist the Earth to become a shining star in the heavens.
Know that you are being supported in all ways during these times as you daily hold the Light in focus. The Great Work has begun.
Namaste, Dear Ones, Namaste.
I AM Melchizedek
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
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