Monday, December 31, 2012

From Mark Kimmel's site Cosmic Paradigm

5th Dimension

Greetings, those of Athabantian with whom you have communicated over the past months are all present this day: Justine, Moraine, Bren-Ton, Ro-Tan, Adrial, and Taugth. We come to you with a message of great joy for you and for us. Today’s message supersedes some of what we have communicated previously.
A radical new way of being is now emerging. This near-term destination for all on and of planet Earth is just now coming into awareness. This transformation of Earth and her human inhabitants will spearhead a radical transformation of all 3rd Dimension within all creation. There is no doubt that it will occur, and there is no doubt it will affect us aboard Athabantian. It is for these reasons that we all are present this day to speak with you.
Please understand, your planet and all of its inhabitants are transforming into higher vibrations. The rigidness of physical form you now experience is going away. All associated with the fear-based 3rd Dimension is going away. (Note: We distinguish between physical form and fear-based 3rd Dimension interaction.) In its new vibration Earth will be the Creator’s Christed planet where all will desire to visit and/or reside. In this new 5th Dimension you will be completely transformed into beings of light with fluidness to your physical form.
We will now address the interim months between now and when you achieve this lighter form, and reside upon an Earth of lighter form. In this interim you will experience the demise of all that was created according to the rigidness of the fear-based 3rd Dimension. Such things as governments, monetary systems, corporations, legal systems, medical systems, and religions will pass away. Their demise will be the first factor leading to a time of chaos and uncertainty, and moving you away from focusing on your own personal advancement.
During the interim months the physical form of Earth will be transformed into a lighter way of being. What surrounds you today, and indeed your own physical forms, will not be merely transitioned — for to do so would be an extrapolation of the old ways. New ways of being will emerge, ways befitting your lighter way of being. The higher vibrations of the 5th Dimension will integrate into your new physical forms creating a new type of human.
For many years the people of Earth have known that a great transformation was to come. They felt it, but did not know the specifics. In their search to know more they sought out ancient writings such as the Mayan calendar and the forecasts of wise men and women.
In true fashion of the 3rd Dimension many saw the worst possible scenarios. Some that received messages from non-humans painted predictions of massive earth changes. All of these were based on the fear inherent in the 3rd Dimension, fear in which they were immersed. Even predictions that were well intended predicted severe reorganizations of Earth’s physical form. These fear-based predictions are the second factor pointing to 2012 as a time of radical transition, and making it more difficult for you to focus on what is important.
Now that the year 2012 is almost completed with no dramatic earth changes, many aware people are saying that nothing is happening, that the predicted transformation of Earth is another false alarm. “Life goes on as it always has.”
Looking deeper, you will find changes occurring: Changes in the basic makeup of mankind. Individual changes in those who have come to be know as lightworkers. Changes in relationships. A polarization of those who would continue in the old ways versus those who seek a new path for humanity.
The buildup for a 2012 transformation was based on a fear-based interpretation of messages, and a misinterpretation of the presence of your space brothers and sisters as saviors. Much of this was guided by the dark energy, so that when it did not happen they could once again assert control of peoples’ minds. As we have said before, we are not coming to save you. Waiting for this to happen is a third factor that will make your transformation into a 5th Dimension being more difficult for you.
The reality is that physical change will be more gradual and the results may be nothing like the forecasts that were based on extrapolating from the 3rd Dimension. This should not be unexpected as almost all channelers, despite their best intentions, are unconsciously immersed in the 3rd Dimension. In reality little of what is about you will remain as it is, because it has been so heavily influenced by the 3rd Dimension energies of mankind’s collective.
Other channelings were directly influenced by the dark energy. This is true of earlier messages as well as more recent ones. This accounts for the emphasis on the predicted short-term dramatic nature of changes during 2012, and the magical solutions presented. As the light has elevated on your planet, so have the efforts of the dark. They are in vain, but that does not lessen their impact.
We are most pleased that you are now pulling 5th Dimension into your physical body, Mark. We are most appreciative of your dedication to this endeavor, and are most happy to call you, “brother.” It is for this reason that we recommended that you undertake the Mastering Alchemy training, and its results have been even better than we had hoped. Recall your time with Matrix Energetics when you were told that what you did was being done for all on the planet. We wish to expand this and inform you that what you are doing now is for all creation in physical form.
During this time, one of the most important things to do is to avoid unnecessary interaction with things associated with the 3rd Dimension. The movie you saw recently was a good example of emersion in the 3rd Dimension. Almost all of the action and plot were of the 3rd Dimension. Nothing was resolved without violence. Avoid such situations. On the opposite hand you did well to re-immerse yourself in the 5th Dimension, and to blank out memories of the movie.
Let us now move forward to discussing other ways in which the 3rd Dimension impinges upon you. Recognize that you are totally immersed in a soup of the 3rd Dimension. Recognize that most people about you operate from the fear-based 3rd Dimension. Recognize that all of your human structures – economy, government, etc. – operate based from a 3rd Dimension framework. It is fine to discuss and analyze things of the 3rd Dimension with others who are enlightened; however wallowing in this type of discussion does not serve you. Minimize the use of your rational mind; empower your heart energy. Be discerning with what you allow into your consciousness.
Recognize also that all lightworkers are immersed in the 3rd Dimension. All rely on the structures of the 3rd Dimension to some degree. All are unconsciously influenced by their experiences with religion, career, childhood, and those around them. This inevitably causes some distortion in the communications they receive from those of a higher vibration. Some channels have been attacked by the agents of darkness, and do not recognize that their message has been corrupted.
Find a place in your heart where you resonate with what is true for you. Quiet your rational mind and listen with your heart. Find those messages that speak to your deepest knowingness. If parts of the message do not appeal allow that which does to come into your awareness. Put aside that which does not support your advancement to the higher vibrations, and to maintaining these higher vibrations.
This latter is most important during these times of the transformation. Focus your energies on that which will elevate your consciousness. Step away from all that does not support your quest to remain at the highest possible vibration. Do not dabble in the things of lower vibration because they are habits or because you are curious. Maintain your center. Maintain your physical health. Find other humans who will support you in this quest. Find a connection to us of the higher vibrations.
Know that all aboard Athabantian honor what you are doing. You are truly making a difference. Walk in Christed consciousness. Assume a new demeanor so that all will know that you have enveloped a new way of being. Walk and talk from your new center, your new knowingness, and your new energy.
We encourage each who read these words to become the beings of light that you agreed to become when incarnating at this time and place. The blessings from all aboard Athabantian go out to each of you.
The transcript of a recent talk by Mark Kimmel can be found at Mark’s Corner on this web site.
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address:

From Mark Kimmel's site Cosmic Paradigm/Mark's Corner

New Era

December 21, 2012 marked the beginning of a New Era, a multi-dimensional door was opened so that all of us in physical form might move to higher dimensions, so that we all might be transformed into great beings of light. I have walked through that door and am now holding it open for you.
The following message demonstrates a dramatic shift from where I had been functioning. This shift in who I am has occurred very recently, as the result of my integrating energies never before available to physical beings. Its results have been both startling and welcome. I hope that where I now am will inspire you to join me to walk together in the New Era.
I now:
  • “Feel” the new me, know who I truly am, and am the happiest I have ever been.
  • “Know” that my light body has been fully activated. My crystalline light body has been initiated as Cosmic Crystalline Light fills me, and as I focus on allowing this to take place. My body will be quite different from what I now experience.
  • Am well on my way to fully balancing my physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies, also balancing my feminine and masculine.
  • Am one with the All That Is, with the Creator, and with the Godhead, as well as with Archangels and Ascended Masters.
  • Walk as a multi-dimensional fully Christed being
  • Hold the door open to welcome everyone to the higher dimensions. (See the events of 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 as keys to the transformation of all in physical form.)
  • Know that Jeshua has restored the Christed Matrix within Earth, as well as within each human of Earth.
  • View the drama of politics, monetary systems, religions, and the media as theatre for my entertainment. Know that the underpinnings of the 3rd Dimension matrix are gone, and that its remnants will completely pass away in the coming months.
  • Understand that my star brothers and sisters are here to foster the New Era and to view the transformation of the humans of Earth as pivotal to their own transformation.
  • See the Cosmic Paradigm and Abiquor in amazing, and greatly expanded new ways.
  • View the coming havoc and upheaval as opportunities to reinforce who I really am, and as opportunities to assist others into the New Era.
  • See that Earth is being restored to her former self as a crystallized planet of light, and understand that this is the key to the Grand Transformation of all in physical form in the cosmos.
  • See that all humans who remain on Earth will be of crystalline form.
At one time or another in my past I:
  • Allowed my rational mind to dominate my thoughts, beliefs and actions. My emotions ran wild.
  • Allowed aspects of the fear-based 3rd Dimension to dominate my life.
  • Did not know who I really was, thus I constantly searched for meaning.
  • Was very insecure and unhappy, but stayed committed to the only life I knew.
  • Believed that I would experience successive rounds of reincarnation.
  • Saw the vast physical universe as spreading out from Creator due to the big bang.
  • Believed that extraterrestrials, good and bad, were science fiction.
  • Was a successful venture capitalist, allowing my business career to rule my life.
  • Believed in God. Was caught up in various Christian and other religious cults; saw Earth as an isolated sphere.
  • Saw earth shifts and chaos happening to Earth and humanity as a means of awakening all; insulated myself from these events by stockpiling stuff.
  • Saw duality as extending to all in the cosmos, and did not see that Earth in its 3rd Dimension rigidness was a special case within the physical form of the cosmos.
How I managed to move from where I was to where I now am may serve to motivate and assist those of you struggling to move into the higher dimensions. (If a business “suit” can do it, so can you, besides it will be much easier for you after 12/21/12 than it was for me when I did it.)
I trust that the recent words of Taugth, presented at Athabantian, helped you to understand how important and powerful each of you are. You are the key to transforming physical form on this planet, as well as throughout the cosmos. You are honored and appreciated for volunteering to be here at this time of the Grand Transformation, of initiating the New Era.
I offer the following details of my own personal transformation from an insecure individual steeped in the conventional paradigm to one today who knows who he is and has embraced higher dimensions. My path has been long and rather tortuous — unnecessarily so, if I had only been more open to the many proddings offered along the way.
Growing Up: As I recall, I had a wonderful childhood filled with friends and play – my father taught me much, my grandparents were very significant. About age ten or twelve something changed and I sunk into years of loneliness and depression. (Fortunately, in those times doctors did not proscribe anti-depressants.) In high school, I was a terribly shy, sensitive boy, angry at many things, and caught in the web of the Catholic Church and a conservative family. It was my senior year (in an all boys Jesuit high school) before I discovered girls and alcohol.
1963: I completed college with degrees in engineering and business; then accepted a job as a sales engineer with a major corporation. One man, Jack Savidge, saw something in a naive young man and, after my MBA degree, accelerated my career to a position as a market research analyst at corporate headquarters.
1967: My first expansion to what was beyond life in corporate America came with John Boyle at the Institute for Executive Research. John was empowering executives and salesmen to maximize their potential. He taught “affirmations” and the super conscious and how they could make magical things happen
1970: Excited about my newly found powers, I left the large corporation to develop the magnetic stripe credit card. On a personal level this did not work out so I went to work for John Boyle. However I quickly discovered that I could not sell a concept that I had not integrated within me – a most valuable lesson.
1975: I fled back to a second major corporation as a new business development manager. I attended this corporation’s Executive Institute, and discovered that I matched up with their brightest executive material from around the world. I eagerly absorbed bits of knowledge proscribed by the corporation that deepened my commitment to the existing paradigm.
1978: Discouraged with corporate structures I set out on my own. As the president of my own venture capital company, I invested in over 50 new enterprises. I made enough money to sustain me in the work I now do.
Along the way I found Creative Initiative and discovered ways of seeing beyond religion and the conventional. I used this to further my business career. I also stopped drinking for two years, but my career soon ended my first marriage. That marriage produced two wonderful sons.
1987: With nothing to grasp but the elusive stuff of the 3rd Dimension I sank into a robotic state of depression. Lying on my bed one afternoon, I felt high tension energies enter my body through the top of my shoulders; they were so strong I was lifted off the bed. Needless to say it was a startling experience. After I received a copy of the Urantia Book, I discovered the reality of the complex and vast structure of creation, and the presence of sentient beings on other planets.
Months later, three non-materialized beings entered my room as I was just going off to sleep. Afraid, I demanded they leave. (It was only after a regression session, several years later, that I discovered they were the team sent to awaken me to my pre-birth agreement.) They gave me a concept,” institute.” (Which persisted through intervening years of personal turmoil.)
My business partners recognized the change in me and I was faced with a mutiny. Reluctantly I left the world of venture capital. For the next few years I tried my hand at various business ventures, but my heart was never completely in the conventional paradigm. I studied the Urantia Book but was never able to get completely comfortable with its lack of heart.
1996: I met Heidi; she has had a profound affect on my life ever since. I am most grateful for her support and love. Leaving behind all my business opportunities and boards of director positions, I enrolled in a program for a Masters Degree in Psychology. Fortunately it was self-directed, enabling me to discover more of who I was and to set a new direction for my life.
1997: In the fall of that year, my first book, “Trillion,” rolled out of my computer as I was preparing an academic paper. Ninety days later I had the basics of a book that detailed the story of off-planet beings walking among us. (Only years later did I realize the “assistance” I had been given in my writing.) I took several classes in writing – never having had any ambition to write a book – and endured several editors who caused me to rewrite much of the book over and over.
2000: I journeyed to Roswell with my wife, Heidi. I convinced myself that something had indeed happened near Roswell. Thus began a new chapter into discovering UFOs and the reality of an extraterrestrial presence nearby and on this planet.
2001: After my first outing with CSETI I was a changed man. I had never before seen a UFO. During that week in the field with Dr. Steven Greer, I saw: A group of square lights hanging in the sky. An ET craft corkscrew out of the atmosphere. An ET craft approach the group of 40 of us and then withdraw. An eagle circle the group of us at chair height. Three ET craft appear, then two military planes head for them. A glowing stick figure appear on the ground near me. Several partially materialized ET craft settle near us. An ET craft, lights blazing, fully materialize out of the side of a mountain, 100 yards away.
Upon returning home to “Trillion,” I made only one major change to the book: ET craft can travel faster than the speed of light. “Trillion” was published within a short time. At my initial book presentation, I was so shy that I was unable to utter the word “extraterrestrial” or similar references to the beings in my book.
2002: On the book signing, workshop, radio shows, and lecture circuit, I became comfortable speaking about my star brothers and sisters. I met people who were kind enough to show me that I too could communicate with non-physical beings, and had been doing so for some time.
2005: I took a detour to pursue an unconventional path aimed at survival and alternative investments; Heidi and I lost our life savings in a matter of a few weeks. I learned to focus on what was important: Telling others what I was learning about the bigger picture.
2008: As my third book of the Paradigm Trilogy, “One,” was nearing completion, Justine, Moraine, and Bren-Ton, the beings with whom I had been communicating, proposed that I post their messages on the Cosmic Paradigm web site. My initial response was, “Do you think I’m crazy? No way.”
Mark’s Corner was so named because I was shy about posting anything from an off-planet source and attempted to hide it in a “corner” of my web site. In a short time the messages from Bren-Ton, Moraine, Justine, Adrial, and others became quite popular and were translated into a number of other languages. I still post to Mark’s Corner as I am doing at this time, but it is now limited to my observations, not my communications with non-humans.
Mastering Alchemy: I was directed by the Andromedans and celestials with whom I was communicating to become a part of this training.
2011: Athabantian: Because my rational mind became a hindrance to the channelings at Mark’s Corner, I was directed to establish a second site that would contain only the words from those aboard the starship and related celestials. The messages at this site continue today, and are re-posted around the world.
Heidi and I are in our second year of the Mastering Alchemy training. I do not regret the urging of my non-human friends, and have discovered it to be one of the most important undertakings of my life. I have discovered why I volunteered to come to this planet at this time. The trainings provided and the contacts with Archangels are unique.
2012: Abiquor: I really look forward to communications from those aboard the starship Athabantian. The fulfillment of my awakening message from 1987 has now materialized with the founding of he Institute of Light in Pagosa Springs, Colorado and the initiation of the Abiquor project. I do not as yet know the full mission of Abiquor, only that it will be an important energy focal point for the New Era, and that it will involve beings from many arenas.
12-12-12: It was my great privilege to be present as the underpinnings of the 3rd Dimension were removed. The glue that had held this fear-based matrix together is no more. (As a result of the fall of consciousness, the Archangels and other energy controllers put the 3rd Dimension in place on Earth and in other locations.)
The removal of the underpinnings of the 3rd Dimension will make it much easier for those choosing to move to higher dimensions to do so. Without an underlying framework it is now much more difficult for those who choose to cling to the remnants of the 3rd Dimension.
12-21-12 The beginning of a New Era: It was an equally great privilege to partake in opening the door to the 5th and higher dimensions. This action will make it even easier for those choosing to move to higher dimensions to do so. The Christed Matrix has been fully activated for Earth and for all humans of Earth. Cosmic Crystalline Light is now flowing into all on Earth and to all other planets of physical form.
12-31-12: I have learned who I really am – a great being of light – and see my role as helping all to move into higher dimensions. I have experienced the integration of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and am able to walk within the 5th Dimension.
I am looking forward to when I can meet my off-planet brothers and sisters, and can traverse the universe in search of adventure and knowing. I am also looking forward to integrating all that I have learned from my space brothers and sisters with what I now “feel.” Most importantly I anticipate with profound joy the prospect of being part of transforming Earth to the majestic sphere for which she was created, and watching as my fellow humans transform themselves into beings of the 5th Dimension. As I write these words, I am very relaxed about what may be coming over the next months.
I hope my words help those of you who encounter wondrous events and uplifting feelings to experience your unlimited future in the New Era.
In Truth, Love and Joy,
Mark Kimmel
Donations are most welcome. You can make a donation by using a credit card or PayPal at the button in the left hand column. Or you may send a check to Mark Kimmel, PO Box 303, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

December 30 – January 6, 2013

Beloved Ones,
The air is alive with wonderment and magic. There is a pervading feeling of the anticipation of something wonderful coming. You have arrived at your destination and are now settling in. The changes within you and in your personal lives are occurring on the subtle levels of your Being rather than in dramatic shifting into a whole new reality. This is as it should be, in order that those you are traveling this adventure with have time to notice the difference and become aware that something profound has taken place.
These changes are taking place continuously within each of you. There are rhythms and waves to the downloads of energies, so that assimilation can occur before the next onslaught. Become aware of the ebbs and flows of this process as they occur and it will help you to know when to expect the now familiar symptoms of activation and assimilation. Listen to your body elemental during these times and follow the inner promptings. Many of you are experiencing increased drowsiness throughout the day and it will help to honor this feeling by actually lying down or sitting quietly for a short time in order to allow integration to happen with relative ease.
This process you are currently in is likened to the cocoon stage of the life cycle of the butterfly. A greater integration is taking place with the higher aspects of your Divinity and this will require the use of all your senses, most especially your intuitive faculties. You are learning to follow the inner promptings of your heart rather than listening to the incessant chatter of your mind which seeks to maintain control of its domain which has held you in bondage for millennia. There may be periods of great discomfort and unexplained anxiousness that occur. Observe the thoughts that are coming forth and you will understand that your experiences from the past which has already been experienced and is now gone are parading in front of you for a final review.
Simply watch and allow and acknowledge that these experiences helped you to get to the point you are now at. It is at this point that you are truly learning who you are. The time honored adage ‘know thyself’ has great significance now. You are all in the process of separating that which you truly are (divine) from all that you are not in order to arrive at a greater harmonization within. This incubation period varies with each individual as awareness comes to each. Every soul is afforded the opportunity to acknowledge all that no longer works for them and to create a new pattern to follow that will take them in the new direction they desire to create.
Give yourselves this experience with no judgments or questioning, for all that you have experienced was a necessary part of your unfolding. Most of all, Dear Ones, love yourselves unconditionally, with all your personal quirks and patterns of expression. There is gift in all that you have experienced, for yourselves and for those around you. Releasing modes of behavior that no longer serve the path you are choosing will accelerate your new journey into the unknown territory that is hanging poignant before you. Love each other as the One loves you, as we love you. It is all good!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Matthew Ward, December 29, 2012, through Suzanne Ward

December 21st reactions, actual effects; beliefs create reality; aftermath of darkness, clearing away “debris”; expectations; God in charge of ET arrival; information sources; ascension smoother from now on; soul and science, same energy

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  December 21st, the date long awaited with excitement and musing about what would occur, has come and gone.
Individual experiences that day were as personal and unique as each soul itself is. Nevertheless, the majority of sensations felt by lightworkers can be described as moments of heightened spiritual attunement for some; a sense of peacefulness and well being for others; and disheartenment for those who expected to see momentous changes.  Except for the “doomsday” concept followers, the general reaction of the rest of Earth’s population who gave any thought at all to the Mayan calendar was, I knew nothing out of the ordinary would happen.
Our beloved Earth family, something absolutely out of the ordinary did happen! Everyone in your world would rejoice with us if they knew that the powerful energy that was anchored on Earth during the solstice illuminated many millions of souls.  They include those who have no knowledge of Earth’s ascension or are in the “fence-straddler” ranks or have been edging toward dark ways.  Albeit unknowingly, all of them have intensified in the collective consciousness the desire and determination to right the wrongs in your world. 
You cannot see this from our perspective, of course, but you will be seeing the effects of that massive infusion of love-light energy.  More than ever before, people around the world are deeply feeling compassion for those who are in shock and grief after mass or random shootings or are fighting and dying for freedom from tyranny or are homeless and hungry.   
Always there have been individuals who stepped up to assist others in whatever ways they could.  What is new is, the Oneness of All that is known at soul level is rising into the consciousness, where a sense of connection with all who are suffering is gently emerging. 
The recent in-pouring of light created a unified soul-level intention to end violence in your world and uplift the lot of the impoverished masses.  As thoughts and actions in line with this intention coalesce into the collective belief that this can be done, firm strides will be taken to achieve it.
You know that in the continuum this is fait accompli. But most of Earth’s peoples have been in varying degrees of third density’s conscious awareness, and at that level possibilities are confined to third density senses, capabilities and what has been taught.    
Their heartfelt longing for a world of peace and goodness is real, but the limitations of their beliefs created doubts that it ever could become a reality. It is not widely known that the universal law that belief creates reality affects each and every person’s life, so it is understandable that before now the belief ingrained in most of your civilization was that the multitude of abhorrent situations in your world is far too formidable to be remedied. Now, soul level knowingness is moving thoughts from “it is impossible” to “maybe it is possible— let’s try!”
Earth is passing through the celestial window where the last few wisps of third density are so feeble that they’re barely perceptible alongside the brighter, stronger first wisps of fourth density, where darkness cannot enter. While all light beings are jubilant about this glorious accomplishment, which is unprecedented in universal history, it doesn’t mean that suddenly Earth will be transformed into a paradise.   
Just as a violent storm leaves death and destruction in its wake, so too does darkness.  But a storm lasts only hours and it doesn’t strike worldwide.  Darkness has controlled life on Earth for millennia, and the state of your world today is the aftermath of ages-long devastation wrought by darkness. It left in its wake the damage it has caused to the planet and the influence it had on many minds.
We know that some of you think that clearing away the debris left by darkness can come only after our universal family is on site. As much as they want to bring their technology and work alongside you, even the possibility of such assistance is not strongly registered in the collective consciousness. The positive aspect in this case is that souls on the planet are, and others very soon will be, taking the initiative to change what needs to be changed.
Please do not overlook the changes that have been happening for some time. A great deal of deception and corruption has been exposed and in several countries the citizens have risen up to throw off the yoke of oppression. Where elected governments are failing to meet the needs of the citizens, growing grassroots movements are forcing change. People hard hit by tattered economies have developed ingenious ways not only to cope with hardships, but surmount them. 
It is true that extraterrestrials living among you have helped in these achievements, but please give yourselves credit for your part.  Your godly actions and steadfastness in the light have been indispensable contributions! The power of your prayers, visualizations of a radiant Earth, sharing with those who are needy, and supporting organizations involved in environmental preservation and other worthy efforts is inestimable!  
Indeed a great deal more has to be done, and as endeavors continue and the momentum of the light becomes swifter and wider spread, you shall see plans and intentions coming to fruition. Resistance and belligerence will evolve into negotiations, cooperation and unity of spirit as your new year unfolds in consonance with your desire to live in peace and in harmony with Nature.
There will be “fits and starts” along the way, trial and error and missteps, but rather than deter forward movement, those will strengthen the collective resolve to stay the course toward creating the peaceful, healthy, beautiful world you want. 
More of your universal family members will be joining you, to be sure, but it is your world and you are in charge.  While some lightworkers are or soon will be in leadership positions, most of you are way-showers for the awakening souls and those who haven’t yet reached that point, and simply living the light you are is enough. 
The prevailing vibrations, which are at levels that haven’t been on the planet for eons, have correspondingly raised your vibratory rates, and the light of your very essence is beaming with greater forcefulness than ever before.  This beneficially affects the thoughts and feelings of people whose lives you touch and flows on out to help transmute into light the remnants of negativity wherever they are. 
Your radiance will uplift your kindred spirits who became disheartened because their expectations on December 21st were not met. That is, world situations didn’t vastly improve that day.
Let us speak about expectations.  We come back to the universal law that belief creates reality and we add that the law has a provision: The belief must be realistic within its environment. 
For instance, someone may believe that even though he sees a speeding train only yards away, he can safely cross the tracks.  He can’t, not in an environment like Earth’s, where the collective consciousness doesn’t include the belief that danger can be averted by dematerialization or translocation. So those are neither a reality nor a capability in your world.   
It is the same with those unmet expectations on December 21st.  The vast majority of your populace only now is starting to believe that making your world a better place may be possible. Profound changes occurring throughout your world on any specific day is not in their belief system, therefore not strongly in the collective conscious, and the collective consciousness is the creative force of a civilization. So expecting major changes worldwide on any given day is not realistic within Earth’s environment. 
As for the beliefs of “doomsday” individuals, those were way “out of sync,” and not only with the collective consciousness.  The belief that the planet would self-destruct or be destroyed is the exact opposite of Gaia’s vision of a Golden Age for her planetary body and all of its life forms, and God is honoring her desire.
That is why in previous messages we could state with assurance that the day preceding December 21st would be much like that day itself and so would the following day. In jest, we mentioned that there would be no “ribbon-cutting ceremony” when Earth reached the beginning of fourth density, which was known to be around that date, linearly speaking. [September 9, 2011: As Earth ascends through the “last” wafting energy streamers of third density, which comingle with the “first” streamers of fourth, you won’t notice a dynamic difference from one day to the next.  There will be no ribbon-cutting ceremony, so to say.]    
There is an additional element to the effects of the collective consciousness on a civilization regarding the arrival of our family from other worlds. You have been eagerly awaiting the landing of spacecrafts and meeting members who are living among you.
However, not only isn’t your excitement about that shared by the vast majority of your society, but the actuality of “aliens” coming to help or already living on the planet isn’t in their belief systems. Furthermore, for the most part, their ideas about extraterrestrials are the monstrous beings invading Earth as depicted in films.   
As we mentioned in previous messages, the highest universal council formerly was responsible for arrival and introduction timing and now God is in charge. God relieved the council of the heavy responsibility of deciding when Earth’s peoples are psychologically ready to see spacecrafts landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings. God will say GO! when the meeting can be with welcoming, not fear, and He is just as eager for that joyous occasion as are all of us who know it is coming.
God’s taking the helm in this is a change from what we reported in earlier messages.  Changes happen at the peak of the universe just as they do in your lives!  So it is not that we give you misleading information and later have to retract it—we tell you what is known at the time of our messages, and if later a significant change is made, we report that.  
Some of you have asked where we get our information. Some is our soul level knowledge that has emerged through self-discovery, or remembering, and it can be most aptly and succinctly described as “universal knowledge.”  We have no more knowledge than does any other soul; simply, through evolving spiritually and consciously, we have had more opportunities to remember what is in that storehouse of knowledge than lesser evolved souls have had.
Our information about what’s happening with Earth and on Earth comes from a number of sources, and when the information from several is in the same ballpark, so to say, we confidently share it with you.   
One source is God, who told us what we just stated regarding when He will tell the council to notify fleet commanders GO!  The council is another source, and so is our good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander and director of communications between Earth and the rest of the universe.  We also are in contact with individuals in Nirvana who monitor activities on Earth and with civilizations that are so far evolved spiritually, intellectually and technologically that even at this station they seem magical. 
We have access to the Akashic records, the mass consciousness of the universe and the collective consciousness of Earth, and we know what is in Earth’s energy field of potential.  It is in that field where possibilities become probabilities and probabilities become certainties, depending upon the amount of energy your collective thoughts, feelings and actions put into a particular potential happening. 
Now then, Earth’s passage from now on will be smoother than during the past several months, when natural changes in planetary alignment were causing strong energy surges in your solar system. While those surges gave Earth the leaps forward she needed to reach the gateway to fourth density, many of you experienced disconcerting physical, emotional or mental anomalies as your bodies kept adjusting to increasingly higher vibrations.
Henceforth, the combination of crystalline cellular structure and the intensifying light along Earth’s ascension course will enable your bodies to stay on a more even keel.  And you will be able to handle with equanimity, self-confidence and innate wisdom whatever situations arise.  
With few exceptions, your scientists see light in the context of astrophysics and technology, and religions see love as the province of the soul. It will become known that the light of science and the love of the soul are one and the same energy, and it is the most powerful force in the cosmos.  Now that this energy is flowing more abundantly in your world than at any time since Gaia and her planetary body were created in God’s perfection, the wounds of her residents and of Earth herself can be healed. 
Enter your year 2013 knowing that lighted beings throughout this universe are, as ever before and evermore, your unseen supporters and assistants. What rejoicing there will be when you can feel the same unconditional love for us that we feel for you!
Suzanne Ward

Saturday, December 29, 2012

From The Rainbowscribe site:

21st December and Beyond Update by Natalie Glasson 
So much has been occurring since and before the 21st December 2012. The energies have been so intense in my experience and continue to be so as we enter into each new day. I feel my guides strongly around me guiding and supporting me at this time and I know it is the same for all of us. We are very much loved and supported at this moment and always in our ascension.
 The weekly message is due today and I am being told by my guides that they do not wish for me to channel because like everyone I also need to rest and process the energies to support my spiritual evolution at this time. Rest, relaxing, loving ourselves and connecting into the energies are extremely important at this time, I am being told by my guides. It is important to follow your inner guidance as to what is appropriate for you to achieve and so I am following my inner guidance that it isn’t appropriate for me to channel at this time. In my wish to support each of you at this time I wish to share some insights that I have been made aware of by my guides.
 The first is that Archangel Metatron tells me that the intense energies we are experiencing now anchoring into the Earth and our beings and activating from within us will not lower or disperse. The energy vibrations we are experiencing now are the new vibrations of our beings and the Earth. Over the next few days, weeks or months we will become accustomed to the energies and so it will seem as if the intense energies have withdrawn but it will simply be that we have become accustomed to the energies and are therefore ready to receive higher and quicker vibrations of light and consciousness for further spiritual and ascension awakening. It is important that we allow our physical body to become accustomed to the energies as quickly as possible to allow us to remain balanced and to process the consciousness that is awakening within us. Rest and breathing expansively will assist in the integration process.
 On the 21st December 2012 I experienced so much energy that it felt as if a new world was forming from within me, I felt so excited and as if the world and its vibration had truly transformed even though everything around me seemed through my physical eyes the same. Even now I can see and sense the change in my perspective and the vibration of the Earth; I feel we have to be patient to allow the new vibration and the awakening it brings to merge with the reality we are so familiar with. This transition may occur so slowly that we do not notice the world significantly changing around us and within us but in terms of our evolution it will be an intensely speedy integration. On the 22nd December I felt tremendously tired and emotional as my body struggled to cope with the energies in regards to being unable to eat and sleep, an overwhelming feeling of loneliness grew from within me to be released. I feel that the energies are so intense that everything within us is being brought into the light to allow us to truly be beacons of love, light and Creator consciousness on the Earth. Today on the 23rd December, I am feeling much more grounded and centred which is allowing me to reflect on all that is occurring. Time seems to be non-existent and a feeling of nothing in the physical reality having any importance is obvious to me at this time.
 My father, Neal, very rarely channels but today shared a channel that now is the time for the true work to begin in regards to our spiritual ascension. He shared that we are in flux and that we now need to realign our energies with the Earth. The Earth is ascending but ascension for us as humans on the Earth is not automatic anymore we have to hold the intention, ask for it and follow the guidance within us as to the steps we need to take at this present moment to be realigned with the Earth’s energies, therefore entering into the next dimension and fully embodying our ascension in a physical reality in order to allow ourselves to take the next steps of our evolution. I am sure he will not mind me sharing this with you as it seemed to me very important and a truth that needed to be share with others.
 For me it truly feels as if we are in space which is almost like a holding ground. I remember that I channelled about this being a time where we will be incubated in the energy of the Creator. To me it truly feels this way, we are being nourished with so much light but we now need to, as Archangel Metatron has said, take more responsibility for our spiritual evolution. We can achieve this by choosing to ascend, choosing to make our ascension and to be realigned to the Earth in a new and appropriate way that supports our soul’s awakening and our service to the Earth and Creator.
Archangel Metatron shares an affirmation that we can use in meditation to assist this process and shift.
‘I now choose to be completely and absolutely aligned with the new energies of the Earth and the Creator with ease, harmony and perfection. I now choose to ascend in these sacred energies of the Creator that are surrounding me. I ask for love and support from my guides, soul and the Creator as I completely choose the reality of ascension on the Earth.’
 Archangel Metatron also wishes us to know that our energies and the Earth have shifted but they must now shift again to become truly aligned once more with the Earth, the new energies, our new vibrational beings and the Creator.
The incubator period that was spoken about in one of my previous channellings is a platform from which we can choose the reality we wish to experience on the Earth and the steps that we wish to take. We have to choice to stay as we are, to enter further into the physical reality, to ascend (meaning that we remain in our physical bodies but continue our spiritual evolution at an accelerated rate of embodiment of the Creator). We have the choice of how we wish to be of service, what tools and powers we wish to access, how we wish to experience the Earth and whether we choose to accept a merge of the physical level with the inner planes.
 So what do you choose at this sacred time when all opportunities are open to you?
But remember that your choice needs to flow from your heart and soul. With your choice and your intention set you will find that it is easier for you to feel grounded, balanced and at one with your reality. You do not have to be elaborate with your description of your choice, simply choosing to continue your ascension in the most loving, expansive and limitless way is all that is required. I encourage you to do what feels most appropriate and guided at this time.
To me it is as if we are being asked to affirm our devotion to our paths as light workers in order to open up to more and more light.
Wishing you a most sacred ascension time,
I love you all,
Many blessings,
The weekly message will continue next week.

Friday, December 28, 2012

SaLuSa, December 28, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa: December 28, 2012

2012 December 28
Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: December 28, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey
Andrew: Please note that Mike Quinsey has said that SaLuSa’s messages will, in future, be once a week – on Fridays. Mike says that SaLuSa has told him that in time the messages will be unnecessary, as events will have taken over.
It does not matter how many predictions are made because as given they are all possibilities, dependent on the extent of your creative powers as to whether they materialize. So we are telling you that what you experienced was what you created, but for those of you expecting more evidence of Ascension it was disappointing.
We understand your feelings, but the process of the awakening Ascension energies has not stopped and will proceed even more quickly than previously. The upliftment of energies in your Solar System took place through the alignment of your Sun and the great Central Sun of the Galaxy, and as many souls experienced some evidence of it, as did not.
Ascension took place but to your surprise souls of the lower vibrations are still with you. That is because many were able to absorb the energy and their vibrations lifted sufficiently for them to rise up, but they will need to raise them at a faster rate if they are to remain with you. Also bear in mind that many souls were unaware of the importance of the 21st December, so not all of them who did experience something would have known what caused it.
It is, so to say, their last opportunity to stay in the process of Ascension and avoid having to be taken off Earth if it proves to be in their best interests. All along it has been hoped that as many souls as possible would be able to accept the new energies. So we feel that when you acknowledge the positive outcome, you will be pleased that more of your family of souls have remained.
The New Age has commenced and time will show that nothing has been lost by the nature of your experience. From hereon you will find a much more positive outcome, as it is you who are now in charge of your own future. Your personal cleansing of still unwanted energies can go ahead with all speed, and you should not find any difficulty in being successful.
You are now at a new level of happiness and joy for just being alive, and know that you can now proceed to live a new life with more freedom than ever before. As a result of receiving the energies of the 21st December, you have moved more into the “Now” and that means you will experience less of time and space.
As you move within the 5th dimension, so you will realize that time is no longer linear, and you will sometimes lose all perspective of where you are or how you got there. Do not be afraid however, as you will be able to “think” yourself back to where you were. In time you will begin to perceive other dimensions and realities, and even see other entities that have their being in them.
Your present government, along with others largely in your Western World, are near to being replaced and it is an important move that will enable so many other things to go forward. They cannot handle the present crisis brought about by the collapse of a number of banks, and the corrupt systems used by them to bolster their own profits through false trading.
The answers are already known to us, and the new ways are prepared and ready for implementation at very short notice. Day by day every soul will continue to grow in awareness, and the net result is that as a civilization you will find yourselves less interested in what the past had to offer you. You are becoming wiser and more astute in discovering how you have been mislead for centuries of time.
You are no longer prepared to accept “more of the same”, and are demanding a new approach to life that honors everyone’s sovereignty and peace and abundance. You need to be able to freely express yourself and relate to all others as One, as unity is what we wish to see you achieving.
We fully understand why some of you are disheartened at the passing of Ascension in a rather quiet manner, but look at the positive aspects. We have tried to guide you to reach the highest perception you have of yourself, and of what you could expect in the New Age, and that encouragement will still continue.
The 21st December alignment took place, and you have commenced the New Age with a higher level of consciousness. It will enable you to accelerate the process of Ascension, and you will see changes taking place in quick succession. Everything you have been led to expect to herald in the New Age will still occur with a greater backing than before, as the way ahead is now virtually clear.
You have had great patience so far and we are most grateful for your dedication to the Light and to all other souls. Events will now flow much more smoothly, and we can assure you that the work you have put in to bring the Light and Love to people has had tremendous results.
Naturally Mother Earth has also ascended, and will go ahead and work with you to bring the New Age into being. There have been few incidents of people having to leave the Earth, and that is a credit to the Lightworkers who have worked so hard to bring all souls into the Light. We are pleased to note that it has released the tension and doubts that some people held, because they were so concerned about friends or family.
It holds great hope for those souls who have hitherto been unaware of the importance of the new period that you have moved into. We know that some of you will look back and question why the impression was given that so much could have been achieved prior to Ascension. We would say that our motivation has been to place before you every opportunity to advance through your own creative powers.
We know that the Lightworkers put a lot of time and effort into achieving success, and the apparent failure is no criticism of them. Indeed, there is absolutely no fault in their dedication to their task. It is simply that the circumstances did not meet the criterion for full manifestation of the initial changes that you expected.
Yes, there were times when you were so close to seeing your efforts rewarded, but often it was the dark Ones who posed a threat or delay that we could not ignore. Bear in mind that we do not have the authority to force issues, unless it is divinely decreed, as it is you who are guiding the outcome and responsible for it.
Be assured that no time has been lost because little progress appears to have been made. Behind the scenes our allies continue to be busy, and are close to bringing about the governmental changes. These are so essential in putting the remains of the old 3D politics behind you, and appointing leaders in power that are aware of the need for immense changes to establish the New Age.
You will shortly notice a wave of love sweep the Earth, that will show that your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward. That being so it will bring a strong unity of purpose that will help the establishment of world peace. If you continue to focus on areas of the world that are still experiencing conflict, your intent will soon bring a positive result. When world peace has been achieved we will make sure that war will not return, and will enforce that edict if necessary.
As each day passes the prospects of a greater show of our craft will also dramatically increase. Many eyes will soon be turned towards the poverty and need in the Middle East and far Eastern countries, as compassion and understanding will place the focus where the greatest needs exist. It will force Governments to seriously look at such issues and take some action.
The efforts of our allies will also bring forward the redistribution of wealth that has been illegally obtained. So much is at the point of coming out, and with the lower vibrations disappearing more quickly there is less chance of delays taking place.
Dear Ones, consider that you have not lost anything at all by not having your dreams fulfilled, in fact you have gained more than you had before. The way has become clearer and more certain, and our help can begin to be more open. It is why we are eager for disclosure to come as quickly as possible, then we can really get going without any hindrance.
The whole outlook has changed for the better, and your efforts will in time be more productive. We are of course close to you most of the time but rarely show ourselves, but that will also change in time. There is to be a coming together, and eventually you will be joined by us, the Masters and your family from the Inner Earth. It will be quite a time of celebration, and the whole world will know we have arrived.
Nothing ever happens by chance, but will follow each Divine edict. There are powerful Beings that carry out the word of God without question, but we do understand your doubts and difficulties when things do not seem to go to plan. Yet all events will come to be and fulfill the promises that have been made.
It is known to be so, as all exists in the Now and simply waits for the right time to manifest – meaning that when it is going to be of the maximum benefit to your civilization. What is to occur is clearly not just for those who have already awakened, but perhaps in some ways is directed even more strongly at those who still slumber.
Now that the lower vibrations are disappearing, they are being given a gentle push and a reminder that they are at their own crossroads. They must make a firm decision as to what they want to do, otherwise they will be unable to make progress into the New Age. It is their choice and on a higher level they subconsciously know what is at stake.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and let me say that it will not be long before many of you look back at this time and find the proof of your Ascension by recognizing the changes in yourself. You will also see it in your friends and family, and realize that they are creating a more peaceful aura around them.
As the higher energies continue to arrive on Earth their effect will be there for all to see, as Humanity will reach out in Love and bring powerful energies of Light to bear upon those who are still held in the darkness. The Ascension process still proceeds as powerfully as ever, and our love will be with you all of the way.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey


Thursday, December 27, 2012

From Ashtar On The Road, through Susan Leland

Ashtar's Post 12-21 Holy Days Message
"Well, greetings! It is I, Ashtar and I have come to answer questions that I know you have. Specifically, I have come to discuss our Mission. I know it has been a question. So we will say to this: Welcome to 4D and above! That's the first thing.
"If you have any doubts, believe me, you are on the ships with me and in all the Higher Dimensions in your sleep time. You occasionally travel up there when you are not even thinking about it. That is, you are just doing something that gives you some kind of pleasure in addition to sleep, whether it be meditating or relaxing, you have high vibe moments going on all the time - sometimes consciously, a lot of times, unconsciously. Remember there is part of you that is here and there and everywhere, anyway.
"So let's just be joyful about that, and move onto what you would call the nitty-gritty! You see there is a Unity of Oneness, always, in the realms that we occupy - what you might call, what we reside in. We travel just like you do. You come up; we go down. That is only a directional crutch because it is really all circular anyway. So what we are saying is, there really isn't that much difference in Dimensionalities except for the big sort of chasm that is growing ever wider between 3D and above. Oh yes, there are physical differences and all those kinds of things. And, there are utilization of capabilities, and so on and so on, but the leap from 4 to 5 is nothing like the leap from 3 to 4!
"Now your consciousness is much more in 4. And, you are going to find many, many proofs of that in the days to come. I am saying days, in your time, and I mean it - no dates. But it is that you will look upon events that you used to participate in and, for instance, say, 'No thank you!' You will look upon news that you used to pay attention to and say, 'I've been there; done that!' You will look upon your own activities and you will say, 'Done with that!' Whatever it is - you will find you have new appetites for foods; you will find you will leave a lot of food behind. You will find you have new gifts that you will be using. And the first time, it will come as a delightful surprise, much like opening a gift and finding exactly what you wanted inside the wrapping!!!
"This will extend to all aspects of your life, whether it be the use of the electronic gadgets, or learning to cook a different way, or learning a poem, or learning how to communicate more with everything, not just the Humans. Whatever it is, it makes no difference, you are going to have it all! These downloads that have been spoken about are happening all the time, not just in your sleep time. So one moment you may feel a certain way about something or have a certain attitude about it and the next moment, poof, it's gone or changed! So be at ease with all of this. This is all we are trying to say. Whatever comes is exactly right because you have called it forth!!!
"You will find that there is nothing coming to you in the way of energies or information or opportunities that you don't call forth. And you have already done the major shift, which is to step up and take responsibility for it! Do you not realize what a great, Grand Thing it is that Humanity is taking self-responsibility? This means two things: One you are creating and, two, we are able to do more in partnership with you! We have been talking about this for a long time, but we know some in our Beloved Family and many, many beyond haven't been listening and getting this particularly most important concept.
"Now - Missions, let's get right down to Missions: LOVE ALL AND BE ONLY LOVE!!! That is Number One. And it isn't that you have to be in perfection of Unconditional Lovingness about everything, because we understand that this is a bit tough, even now. It is to simply catch anything that is not unconditionally loving and say, 'Oops! I don't need to do that any more. I choose to let go of that attitude about - that person, or thing, or event, or whatever. I call forth the Energies of the Great Divine I Am and So It Is!!!' It is that simple. It can be complex, yes, but only if you choose to have an attitude that says, 'Well, this is too hard for me to do.'
"The recognition of the differences between 3D and 4D are part of the separation and thus are going to be so much more easy. They already are. And, you are going to be getting this realization very rapidly!
"So why is it that the Lightworkers are still here and didn't ascend up into 5D? Because you are needed here! Because you are not done yet, because you have phase two of your contracts. The first one is over. That has been lasting for millenniums. It actually has been lasting since you first came here to Earth and took the veil, and you know the story. We don't need to repeat all that. There are marvelous, marvelous tomes of information available on the internet for anybody who wants to look at the past and understand how we got to this place. But you already have that understanding, at least enough of it that you only need to know that you are creating your next moment now!!! And whatever has been of a down in the dumpies kind of experience, or remembrance of an experience, event, lifetime, identity, or whatever, is now to be let go of.
"And now there will be many opportunities for each individual, and for groups to find the ease and grace with which to do all of this, and this includes healing of anything that is in physicality. Yes, you are 4D Beings now, 4D Humans, those who read this, who get this. But you still have some 3D memories, including the memory of any kind of illness or disease or mental imbalance or whatever, because it is laid out for you very clearly to heal. And, many of you have already been working on this - in fact the Lightworkers have. And, that is everybody in this Family!
"It is all there in your energy fields but it might be only for you now to call it in, to call it forth, to make it real. To trust it! To believe in it! Because that's the difference between looking at something 3D from somewhat of a 3D perspective - which you know there is kind of a lot of helplessness there - and in looking at it from the Higher perspective! So we are talking about a big adjustment in your vision. We are talking about perception upliftment!!!
"You would be wise to journal your Ascension experiences. And this will cover everything from, 'I don't feel any different,' to 'Oh, WOW! I had a Big Bang go off inside of me! I literally exploded into stars and beams and Love!' and, everything in between. Because it is for each individual to experience. And it is for you to remember if you have already had a moment or two of bliss in your lifetime and experience, this happened as an experience in the moment. 4D is not about being in bliss all the time. It is about being blissful when the occasion is created, that you create by welcoming the blissful energies, and it is about continuing to serve. And, it is about evolving into bliss. But it does not all happen to be in this moment. And if you will step back and look at yourselves as you are evolving, that is plenty of reason to get into bliss. Anyway, enjoy!
"You see, the gamut of 4D has yet to be experienced."
 Fran: "Can you list some of those?"
 Ashtar: "The kind of experiences we are discussing? Well first of all, we will say this, CONGRATULATONS!!! Congratulations because you all - your Love - have brought Mother Gaia's consciousnesss into 4D and higher! In other words, Mother Gaia is done with 3D. Now that doesn't mean that there might not be some remnants occurring, because Mother Gaia does have Compassion and she does have a certain amount of Freedom.
"But the essence, the consciousness of the Planet is in 4D. What does that mean? It simply means more ease, grace and comfort. More doors opening for people to have the downloads, the intuition, the inspirations come through. This means that the children are much more free in their speech because people are starting to listen and say, 'Well, that is very good!' 'Oh yes, I agree with you.' 'Oh yes, I want to help. Yes, it is a simple request you have, my child, and I shall do everything I can to make your life more beautiful, or abundant, or whatever!'
"It is for the inner children, now this is their time. Where else but 4D for inner children to come out and dance and sing? And it is for the inner child in every person to be given the Freedom, to feel the Freedom, of the gifts that they have to offer to themselves, first and foremost! This is the era, if you will - the Golden Era has begun and this is where the inner children can come out and play, regardless of the age of the body of the being! This is Faerie Land, this is Avalon come to life, this is Dance with the Unicorns time!!!
"The alignments have taken place. The 26,000 years and so on have passed on your calendars. And it is now to facilitate the upliftment of the self-enactment, which includes realization with Trust. And enactment, whether it be in a single writing that is sent our Family, or our continuing calls. Yes, we shall be continuing. 'Here we are! Come and join us and let us dance and sing together. And let us meditate together. Let us uplift together. And let us be in enjoyment!!!' Because, the more enjoyment of the 4D experience - we are talking high vibes here - that we as a team on Ashtar On The Road can give to people, the faster they all are going to get there! Living 4D is the gateway to 5 and higher!!!
"That's it - 4D lifestyle, Golden Age, utilizing all presented in the Golden Age in the way of opportunities. That is all anybody has to do to move into 5D. Because with it comes the attitude, the trust, the unconditional Love - the enactment, and the vocalizing of unconditional Love. So that's it! It really sounds simple. And, you are saying, 'Aren't we already there?' No. The World is not already there. And as long as there is one being who is stuck, we have a mission.
"But what we can say is this: Yes, we haven't been very accurate with our time lines, and we realize that, but there was a lot of stuckness here that we did not anticipate. We thought when people heard our message, they would be thrilled and the uplifting and The Golden Age would start a lot sooner that it did for everyone, not just for a few. So, yes, we can say we did not evaluate, or discern, how long it was going to take, but now 'it's over Rover!' So let's not dwell there. There is no need to. The thing is that we have reached a plateau, and the energies are reaching out Worldwide!
"Let more of the energies come into you! Feel your own empowerment even more! We will say this also, this is a time - well, there is no time, but we will say roughly in Earth terms - this is a magnificent time of change, anyway it has been, in past history/herstory of Planet Earth and we are talking about this sacred Holy Day season. And, of course, on 1/1, that is a whole new calendar year. But the Golden Age has already begun officially. That is unofficial, insofar as some may say. But so it is, that whatever inspiration people have, 'Oh this year I am going to do this, I am going to do that...' They need to understand that they are more empowered than ever to do the things that are really from the Heart!
"A superficial kind of thing, 'I am going to wash my car every week,' is not what we are talking about. But they need to know that they are empowered more than ever because of the Helpers who now have, what you might call, the dispensation which was given by Humans. The Divine Beings are to come in and be in service to them because it is now service with them!!!
"You see, more and more are acknowledging, 'What can I do to help my neighbor?' or 'What can I do to help my brother or sister, or the stranger that looks hungry?' This is the season where these thoughts and feelings open up and then traditionally that window closes. Well, that window is now wide open! That window is wide open permanently and so it is that there is more opportunity than ever for people to understand the messages that are coming to them, the inspirations that they suddenly feel. And this giving of Love is not a window, it is a wide open doorway - gates are open!!!
"It is no longer that we are standing at the gates ready to welcome you - the people are streaming through and you have done your jobs with great beauty and Love because you have helped millions to come through these gates and fully enter into the Golden Age, even if they may not realize it. And so it is that it is to continue that realization of Truth within your Hearts so that all will get it, if not in this moment, then in the next. And that is the mission of Ashtar On The Road, and of our Beloved Ashtar Family!
"We are here together, finally, and there is no longer a veil between you and us. And if you perceive that there is, you are not listening. And you are only dragging up an old 3D memory which no longer serves. And it is to tell the World that this is how it is, because you came, and they came, with enough Love and enough energy and commitment to make 4D a reality, now, on Planet Earth!!!
"And all of these wondrous signs and attitudes and most of all, all of the loving outpourings which the world is seeing now will continue even more. And 3D will fade and fade and fade, because you've graduated. You've come through the gates and you have determined that you are staying on this side of the Golden Age. And there is never any need to go back because that is not the destiny that you, Beloved Ones, have ordained for Planet Earth or for yourselves!!!
"So if you get a wisp of 3D, just treat it as, 'Oh yes, I remember that, but now I choose to let it go because I have planted myself firmly here in the higher levels of 4D, and now I am connecting consciously with All That Is even Higher! So just be the Love, be the Service and find ways to be even more joyful with it!
"We stand ready to honor this commitment in new ways. So we will continue with the Mentorship. Sekhmet is even more exuberant, and the Arcturians are overjoyed to be in assistance! And, Kuan Yin is overjoyed, in the most gentle of ways, but nevertheless overjoyed because she is feeling the Peace that is being radiated by those who are feeling it now. And, of course you know that St. Germain is just bursting with abundance for all. And I, Ashtar, am still in charge of facilitating the Ascension Mission and it is Sananda, who is at the center of that Mission, and his role and his message is simply that of Love, unconditional, to be at the Heart of all that follows!
"So you see we have much to do. But it shall become easier and easier. You are flying with us! And, if you think you are having some disjointed dreams of a strange kind, it is not so much teaching dreams as it is letting-go dreams, and we are helping you. These disjointed, seemingly unconnected, out-of-reality dreams will be less and less, so do enjoy 'blankness' in your sleep times. You can give your intentions that more and more of your dreams shall be your visions you choose to create, because you've got room, because you are letting go of what you don't need any more - more and more and more letting go!
"Alright, well we have been quite wordy but we simply wanted to assure you that the best is yet to come. The Joy is already here! Our Oneness is already a done deal (thank you Sekhmet - she is so good at the slang)! Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude are well grounded here because Mother Gaia and you have brought yourselves up to where they actually, truthfully exist - all of the time and through out all Higher Dimensions! So there is no going back on your timelines! There is no slipping down into dumpydom! It is simply to go up, up, up from here. And, it is for each of you in your own way, to move and move and move into the upper levels of where you already are. It is to connect more and more because you already have. Congratulations! You have done it and it is time to dance!!! And So It Is - Salut!"
Transcription by Athena Red Summers
Given through Susan Leland, December 23, 2012. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted