Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-04-2014
Beloved masters, during these unsettling
times of great change while, seemingly, unending catastrophes and
suffering are taking place around the globe, we wish you to know that we
are always here to assist you and show you the way. One of the
greatest gifts during these times of human evolution
is your conscious awareness of your intimate relationship with the
angelic realms. It has been addressed and explained many times before,
but allow me to refresh your memory once more as to how the angelic
realms fit in the Creator’s grand plan, along with a brief overview of
what our functions are.
During these times of the great awakening of humanity,
those of you who are in the process of integrating the many attributes
and talents of your Higher Self, and who have tapped into the storehouse
of wisdom of your Sacred Mind, are beginning to gain an understanding
of how the universal laws work within your multidimensional world of
reality. We have told you many times that you must evolve out of the “limited emotional concepts of religion/spirituality,” and begin to learn and abide by the sacred science and universal laws of spirituality.
We have explained in great depth about
the multitude of Pyramids of Light that are scattered throughout every
dimensional level of this Sub-universe. We have explained in great
detail how you can create an etheric work pyramid
within the fifth dimension where you may plant the Seed thoughts for
any new creations you wish to manifest. You can also go there and
through a ritual of forgiveness, break any and all discordant agreements
that you have created with others from your past, present and future,
thereby clearing any and all negative vibrational timelines.
When you focus on a particular person, it will be his/her Higher Self
that takes them into your work pyramid; he/she will be transported into
the pyramid in their etheric body, enclosed in a sphere of protective
Light. You should always envision a person's Higher Self standing
behind them, and your Higher Self will also be directing you.
You also have your own personal Pyramid
of Light located within the appropriate level of the fifth dimension.
If you are not familiar with this concept from the higher realms, we
suggest you read the full explanations that have been given, and then we
encourage you to make use of this wondrous gift, if it resonates with
your truth. (Pages 125-130 * SCRIPTING YOUR DESTINY * R)
For those with a compassionate nature,
down through the many ages, no matter the race, culture or religion,
there has always been an inbred desire to pray for or to send loving
thoughts and energy to others, especially to loved ones who were/are in
distressful situations or experiencing great sorrow. In the past, this
has always been a loving act of faith, for hardly anyone was aware of
how or if this wondrous gift was received by the intended recipient.
We have explained this concept to our messenger, and she has shared it with those who are actively studying our teachings in-depth via the ongoing webinars she and her spiritual/business partner, Randy Monk, present on a regular basis. There is a division within the angelic realm called: the Angels of Mercy. This powerful group of angelic Beings is under the direction of the Feminine Archangels and the Order of the Goddess. They convey all the attributes, qualities and virtues of our Mother God, and it is their mission to receive the unconditional Love / Light that anyone sends to another person. If the intended recipient’s heart center is open and receptive, the Love/Light will flow into their auric field, and it will slowly be integrated into their four lower bodily systems, thereby giving them access to a special infusion of God Light. An Angel of Mercy will always appear and stay close to a person who is being sent pure unconditional Love/Light. For those who are still stuck / suffering in the density of the third and lower fourth dimensions, the Angel of Mercy will integrate the Love/Light and store it within their Sacred Heart Core, so that it will always be readily available when the intended recipient is ready to open their heart center to receive the precious gift of love. If a person never removes the shield of negativity and opens their heart center during this lifetime, the Angels of Mercy watching over them will go with them when they pass into the next realm. The Angels of Mercy will hold in reserve the loving energy you have conveyed to your loved one until he/she is ready to "awaken." It should be a wondrous comfort to you to know that the recipient will be aware of who sent the priceless gift of love to them.
Remember that you do not send Adamantine Particles of Creator Light directly to other people; you are sending them Love/Light, which will be monitored by your Higher Self as to the appropriate "formula of Love/Light" for that person. It will also be monitored by the other person's Higher Self as to when and how much of your gift a person will be able to integrate at any one time.
As we have explained many times, we give you these concepts in the simplest terms possible for your better understanding. However, you should be aware that all of the higher truths are much more complicated than you can understand at your present level of consciousness. We are revealing and explaining more and more universal concepts as you grow in Self-awareness, and as you experience the new, more powerful frequencies of Light. As you are ready to integrate it, we are gradually refining and expanding your cosmic knowledge. The more refined frequencies you integrate, the stronger your desire will become to share the powerful loving energy you feel pulsating from within your Sacred Heart center. You will begin to expand your vision, and your loving energy will flow forth beyond your family and close circle of friends, as you include more and more people, until eventually you will gain a group consciousness that includes all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.
We have explained this concept to our messenger, and she has shared it with those who are actively studying our teachings in-depth via the ongoing webinars she and her spiritual/business partner, Randy Monk, present on a regular basis. There is a division within the angelic realm called: the Angels of Mercy. This powerful group of angelic Beings is under the direction of the Feminine Archangels and the Order of the Goddess. They convey all the attributes, qualities and virtues of our Mother God, and it is their mission to receive the unconditional Love / Light that anyone sends to another person. If the intended recipient’s heart center is open and receptive, the Love/Light will flow into their auric field, and it will slowly be integrated into their four lower bodily systems, thereby giving them access to a special infusion of God Light. An Angel of Mercy will always appear and stay close to a person who is being sent pure unconditional Love/Light. For those who are still stuck / suffering in the density of the third and lower fourth dimensions, the Angel of Mercy will integrate the Love/Light and store it within their Sacred Heart Core, so that it will always be readily available when the intended recipient is ready to open their heart center to receive the precious gift of love. If a person never removes the shield of negativity and opens their heart center during this lifetime, the Angels of Mercy watching over them will go with them when they pass into the next realm. The Angels of Mercy will hold in reserve the loving energy you have conveyed to your loved one until he/she is ready to "awaken." It should be a wondrous comfort to you to know that the recipient will be aware of who sent the priceless gift of love to them.
Remember that you do not send Adamantine Particles of Creator Light directly to other people; you are sending them Love/Light, which will be monitored by your Higher Self as to the appropriate "formula of Love/Light" for that person. It will also be monitored by the other person's Higher Self as to when and how much of your gift a person will be able to integrate at any one time.
As we have explained many times, we give you these concepts in the simplest terms possible for your better understanding. However, you should be aware that all of the higher truths are much more complicated than you can understand at your present level of consciousness. We are revealing and explaining more and more universal concepts as you grow in Self-awareness, and as you experience the new, more powerful frequencies of Light. As you are ready to integrate it, we are gradually refining and expanding your cosmic knowledge. The more refined frequencies you integrate, the stronger your desire will become to share the powerful loving energy you feel pulsating from within your Sacred Heart center. You will begin to expand your vision, and your loving energy will flow forth beyond your family and close circle of friends, as you include more and more people, until eventually you will gain a group consciousness that includes all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.
There are many levels and departments
within the Celestial Hierarchy of angels, which are still only one facet
of the Creator’s conscious expression of Self. We, the archangels,
carry the attributes and virtues of God consciousness, just as you do.
But the difference is that we radiate specific attributes of the
Creator—you might say the driving force for several major aspects of the
God Mind. We embody faith, love and absolute obedience to the Creator
and our Father/Mother God, always. The angelic realm in its many
expressions was created by the Creator to assist, guide, nurture and
instruct you, the bold ones, who agreed to diminish yourselves into
lesser beings in order to experience God consciousness in its most
fragmented forms. Originally, you embodied all the aspects and
attributes of the God Mind, but gradually as you journeyed down through
the ages and the higher dimensions, you left your higher consciousness
in the care of your I AM Presence.
The Elohim, the mental radiance of the
Creator, the great builders of form, and the wondrous Devic and
Elemental Kingdoms, who helped create and now oversee the entire nature
kingdom on Earth and in other worlds, are also standing by to assist you
in these turbulent times of transition. We hope you have accepted as
your truth that you all have guardian angelic Beings who were assigned
to you at the time of your birth, who will guard and serve you
faithfully within the limits of Universal Law, and to the degree that
you will allow. There are other wondrous angelic Beings ready and
willing to serve you, but you must ask, for they are not allowed to
infringe upon your free will.
Love and joy attract angels like a
magnet, for their greatest desire is to be of service to humanity.
Begging is not the way to gain their favor, but asking them to assist
you in your endeavors will assure their cooperation. They will help you
to manifest your dreams, if what you desire is for the highest good of
all; however, you must understand that it will happen in their time and
in their way. The concept of money is confusing to them; instead, ask
them to assist you in manifesting abundance, joy, love and peace—this
they understand. But you must also do your part by taking the necessary
steps, as well as eliminating any self-sabotaging beliefs that you still
harbor in your subconscious mind.
There are loving, angelic Beings to help
you with affairs of the heart, and your mental or creative
endeavors—they will help you firm your resolve and work with your Body
Elemental to bring about good health and well-being in your physical
form. The wonderful, playful cherubic angels are waiting to bring you
joy and a sense of lightheartedness. These precious, little Beings of
God Light love to be near you and to surprise you with little miracles
or coincidences. Ask them to help you find things that are lost, and
you can learn to communicate with them as well, but their language is a
language of feelings and thoughts rather than words. They will cause
“angel bumps” to rise on your skin when a truth has been stated, and
they will buzz you with an angel kiss or sometimes surround you in a
lovely fragrance. The angelic realm brings the love and radiance of God
to humanity, and the angels’ greatest desire is to be of service.
The Essence of angels comes to Earth in
embodiment through people like you and you and you—they come to be the
representatives of the great archangels and to walk amongst humanity to
share the virtues and attributes of God consciousness. Yes, they are
just like you, and you may be one, my precious friends, making your way
through human evolution as you grow from the lower rungs of the
evolutionary ladder through study, work and service. There are
representatives of every level of God consciousness on Earth at this
time, embodied in the physical expression in order to anchor the most
lofty, rarified aspects of the Creator. Have we not told you that you
are more magnificent and precious than you could ever imagine?
Dear ones, let us now continue to build
the vision for the future of your world. You must realize that, first,
you begin to build your vision in the higher realms of unlimited
possibilities. Your thought forms slowly take form as they draw forth
more Divine Creator Light substance, and then gradually begin to
manifest in the physical expression on Earth. The greater the focus and
intent, the more quickly your vision will manifest. As you come together
in unified, conscious intent with the good of all as your motivating
force, you create a synergistic thought form of dynamic proportions.
This is why you are now making such inroads in the mass consciousness
mind set. As spiritual Light warriors, even though your numbers are
fewer than that of the masses, you are making great progress because of
your unified, empowered thoughts of love, peace, abundance and harmony
for all.
It is time to be bold and outrageous in
your vision. Envision yourself as a loving, masterful sovereign entity,
and then formulate in great detail how you will operate and function
multi-dimensionally as a cocreator of love, Light, peace and joy.
Begin to look at fear in a new way. State to yourself until you believe it: “I
have a new relationship with fear. Fear is an emotion that serves me,
and I AM always in control of my emotions; therefore, I AM in control of
fear.” Transcending fear means you can experience it,
observe it, learn from it and then move through it. In this way, fear
will serve you as a warning bell as to what you need to be aware of,
what is out of balance—what you need to bring into harmony. Emotions
consist of negative- or positive-energy thought forms, and you must
control them instead of allowing them to become your master.
Lay the foundation for the emotional
nature of your vision. What makes you joyous and fills you with
gratitude? You must allow your Spirit to soar; however, you must also
nurture the inner child as well as the soul. Be willing to express and
claim that which touches or nourishes the innocence within: joy,
delight, spontaneity, or sadness, anger and fear—feel these emotions,
but realize that you are not these emotions. Freedom of expression
should be an important facet of your vision. Know that you have a right
to be completely spontaneous and follow your own inclinations and
desires as long as they are for the greatest good of all. Begin to
expect the best of people, and they will meet your expectations. Claim
and envision your life being filled with miracles, beauty and joy; and
gradually, your grandest affirmations will come true. As you support,
love and cherish all things, you will receive support, and you will be
loved and cherished in return.
Develop your own philosophy of life and
living. Listen to your inner guidance and practice discernment. Begin
now to interact with the multiple facets of your Being as if they were
all around you, in your presence every moment—for in truth, they are.
You are consciously accessing information and wisdom from the fifth
dimension and above, and as you accept it as your truth, you will be
able to clearly and truly communicate with your guides, teachers,
masters, angelic helpers and all the great Beings of Light. Do not allow
the barriers on the path to deter you; boldly walk through or over
them. Do not allow the discomfort and pain to discourage you; call on
your angelic helpers to soothe and support you. Do not allow the doubts
and judgment of others to weaken your resolve—show them by your example
and be bold in your convictions. Do not take your eyes or your
attention from your goal, dear ones, for that doorway of greater Light
is nearer than you think. We relay the loving thoughts of our
Father/Mother God to you as the spiral of ascension takes another turn.
Are you ready for the next awakening?
Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/
* Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for
this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL
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