March 2- 9, 2014
Beloved Ones,It is important to connect into one’s heart and follow its counsel and to remember that some people are going through experiences in their present moment that require one’s empathy, compassion and understanding as they deal with their feelings in their own respective ways. Remember the love that lies at the core of their being and in yours and just let it be however it wishes to express itself. Some changes that occur in people’s lives are those that create a total revaluation of how one views their own and that can be a difficult process as it is experienced. At the core of all changes in one’s life lies a lesson of acceptance that not everything can stay the same and that events happen that leave a void that nothing can ever replace. In this, it is only the passage of time which heals these realizations.
Love in its many facets of expression is a most potent force and can heal even the most cynical of expectations. When love is held foremost in a person’s heart, the world conspires to bring one experiences that reflect that love. Allowing one’s heart to stay opened during times of sorrow and sadness assists in the healing process of each individual. Oftentimes, these expressions come from a place of woundedness within the person’s psyche and this allows the person to go within and examine these feelings with greater focus than would be given otherwise. It helps them grow and expand their understanding of themselves and others around them so that they understand that each person has similar events in their own lives that help shape them into more open and loving expressions of the Creator’s attributes.
Upon the foundation of love, anything and everything can be overcome. Into each person’s life come many events and circumstances which their soul has chosen to experience in order to align those areas within their own personality with the higher aspects of human expression. It helps them to connect with a power greater than their human selves can perceive and it is how they begin to understand that there is a greater force at work in their individual lives than they previously assumed. It is how the quality of faith begins to grow and expand within their awareness. This awakening of the knowledge of a higher power at work in their lives gifts the individuals with the capacity to endure life’s many trials and tribulations and imbues them with an inner strength that will never be lost no matter what events transpire.
With every life experience, each individual gains an important value that becomes a part of their repertoire of skills and tools which they implement in their lives as needed. It is only through one’s own experience that one can feel empathy and oneness with another. It is by this process that unity amongst all beings takes place. There is also the process that comes, with the giving to oneself, of love and nurturing that brings healing and release from self recriminations, guilt, shame and other feelings that have been holding one in a lower vibrational state and this can liberate the individual to move forward in their life in a symbolic new beginning.
Each life lived on Earth has great value and those who leave this plane of existence leave a profound imprint upon those in their sphere of influence. Those who are left behind must look for the gift that was given by their loved one in their associations and interactions with each other. Sometimes, these gifts can only be recognized through the passage of time and experience in the ones left behind. Every experience is utilized by their eternal soul to gain wisdom and expansion as a part of their soul qualities. This has been the purpose of life in a dualistic world, as souls experience the polarities of opposing forces and can still remember that core essence of love and light within them.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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