Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-03-2014

Beloved masters, let us join together
during this sacred time as we share our hopes, dreams and aspirations
for the future. Yes, we also have great hopes and visions of what
miracles will be wrought by you and for you, the Starseed of planet
Close your eyes for a moment and
breathe deeply as you settle your awareness into your Sacred Heart
center. Now envision, if you will, that in this timeless moment, we are
all coming together to rejoice, remember and reestablish our Divine
relationship, one with another. See within your mind’s eye, and feel
the emotions of recognition well up from within your Sacred Heart, as
your vast spiritual family, past, present and future, come forth to
greet you. Watch as shining Facets of our Father/Mother God, and all
the shining, radiant Beings from throughout this Sub-universe, down to
the tiniest elemental Beings, present themselves in their magnificent
splendor, as they surge forth to walk amongst you. There are no
limitations here, no one is excluded, for in this great gathering in the
higher dimensions there is room for all—every soul who has ever
incarnated on Earth is present in his/her Etheric bodily form, as well
as all the precious Beings from throughout this solar system and galaxy.
You see, it is a grand reunion reminiscent of the time when you all
gathered in celebration before beginning your many long sojourns into
the physical world, on planet Earth.
Have no doubt, beloveds, that
you are welcome and that you belong at this gathering. We see you in
all your glorious radiance—your unique, auric color pattern shines forth
for all to see, and the sweet tones of your special vibratory
harmonics--your personal Soul Song--add to the celestial music of the
spheres, blending and merging in Oneness. You naturally migrate to
those who radiate the same colors and harmonics as you—those whose
celestial tones blend perfectly with yours, for these are your dearest
and closest soul companions, from whom you were separated so long ago.
Let your mind wander a while: what new insights come to mind, what words
of wisdom surge forth, what do you remember that is of great importance
to you? Allow the possibility to enter your consciousness that
henceforth, you will have access to new information, advanced thought
patterns, creative ideas and wisdom, which have been stored in Light
packets within your Sacred Mind waiting to be ignited during these
important and momentous times.
As you blend and flow together,
merging with group after group, you will gain the benefit of their
experiences and particular insights, as well as offering your own wisdom
to them. See yourselves sitting amongst the beloved masters who are
dearest to your heart, as they surround you in love and compassion, and
suffuse your auric field with their radiance. Each in turn offers their
special attributes: truth, faith and protection; clear perception and
illumination; gratitude and forbearance; clarity and humility;
concentration and dedication; peace and tranquility; and transmutation
and purification, to mention only a few. These are just some of the
attributes and qualities of the seven Rays of your solar system that we
have spoken of so often. Which of these attributes do you lack? What
is your “weakness in Spirit?”
Again, turn inward and honestly
take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses—no judgment, dear
hearts—just observe. We are offering you a grand opportunity to tap
into the Divine Stream of God Light, the Source from which all blessings
flow. Take all you can contain at this time; however, we ask you to
please use what you take to assist others to awaken and reclaim their
It is our greatest desire that all on
Earth awaken and remember the Spark of the Divine that each Soul carries
within. It is vitally important that you remove the barriers,
boundaries and restrictions which separate you, one from another. We
envision you, each and every one, healing your body, mind and soul and
returning to the sanctity and harmony of Spirit. We see your Earth
returning to its pristine beauty once again with sparkling, clear
waters, fresh, pure air, and rich, fertile soil. We will encourage and
assist any and everyone who is willing to nurture and care for the
animal and nature kingdom, as you remember that you were given
stewardship of these great gifts of Creation. We offer guidance,
direction and assistance to you each time you move to a higher level of
awareness and step out into the unknown. We give comfort and nurture
you as you release many things in your lives that you hold dear. We
assist you to the maximum that Sacred Universal Law permits in your
endeavors to overcome your shortcomings and imbalances. We do not see
your imperfections, beloveds, only your radiance and its intensity.
We watch as you timidly and then
sometimes boldly, reach inward and upward toward the higher dimensional
frequencies; as you glimpse and feel, possibly only for a moment, the
wondrous joy of the Oneness. As those of you who have experienced this
miracle, you know that you will never be the same--you will ever yearn
to return to that state of bliss. You are being pushed to the limits of
your physical endurance as you release old energy encodings which are
not for your highest good; as you, through conscious or unconscious
agreement, accelerate the mutation process. You are leaving your
animalistic instinctual nature behind; you are refining and releasing
your human negative impulses, addictions and limitations as you
integrate all aspects of your Beingness into a fully aware Self-master
of the physical plane. Once again, you are becoming Spiritual Beings of
Light in garments of human flesh.
Before you began your great adventure so
many aeons ago, you left the greater portion of your garments of Light
in the safekeeping of your I AM Presence, just as you allowed us to
shield from your memory much of your true identity. You agreed to take
only a portion of your talents and wisdom with you into each
incarnation, storing the remainder within the heart core of your God
Self. You eagerly and joyfully participated as a cocreator in the great
drama that unfolded on planet Earth over the many aeons of time, as you
experimented and experienced all the rich diversity that the material
world had to offer. But as the Earth and humanity sank into the denser
frequency patterns of Light and shadow of the lower fourth and the
third dimensions, your lives became so painful and stressful that you
moved into resentment, fear, anger and a sense of separation, and there
you have remained for these many thousands of years. But that time is
now drawing to a close as the shackles of fear and limitation fall away,
and each of you boldly moves through the fog of illusion into the
shining Light of truth and Self-awareness. Become an observer from a
higher vantage point as your ancient memories are transformed into
Light, beloveds, as we heal and weave the past anew.
No matter the appearances or the
circumstances, whether the lowest or the highest; each of you is a
beautiful, unique Spark of God, a blessed Creation. You are a refracted
Ray of Light sent forth from one of the great Rays of expression, which
radiated from the God mind in order for our Father/Mother God to
experience and express more of their ever-unfolding uniqueness. This is
the magic and wonder of your long earthly sojourn—the Supreme Creator
expressing and experiencing through you, a blessed Spark of ITSELF. Now do you remember?
All aspects of Creation on your Earth
are awakening, the Mineral and Animal Kingdoms, as well as the Devic and
Elemental Kingdoms, and they are assuming their proper roles again as
the guardians and caretakers of the Nature Kingdom. The whales and
dolphins, who are the record keepers for the history of planet Earth,
and the cosmic telepathic communicators between Earth and this galaxy,
are desirous of reestablishing their relationship with humanity. You
have forgotten; however, they have not. They have willingly and
lovingly served humanity down through the ages, only to be killed and
maimed. Please help to stop this abomination, beloveds. The dolphins and
whales resonate to the element of water, and therefore are very
conscious of your emotional frequency patterns. They have suffered along
with you down through the ages. Many blessed souls have blended their
energies with these beautiful Beings, and are endeavoring to make you
aware of how precious and important they are in the complex scheme of
The call has gone forth for those of you
who remember; those of you who were there in the beginning to reunite
in the physical in order to awaken to your own magnificence and
heritage, and to reconnect with your brothers and sisters, the whales
and dolphins. There is a reunion in the higher realms, but just as
important, there are many grand reunions taking place on your planet.
You are being reunited with many precious members of your soul family,
some of your intimate soul mates, and groups with whom you have
journeyed from the beginning of time, and with whom you have had many
wondrous experiences. Know that these reunions are gifts that you have
earned, an opportunity to share, support and enjoy the harmony and
beauty of your compatible soul companions.
Will you, from this day forward,
endeavor to sense our presence more fully in your everyday life? As you
do so and give us permission, we can take a more active role in
assisting you over the times of uncertainty, sadness and stress. As you
strive for harmony, we can project more loving energy toward you and
place a buffer of protection around you. Will you stop for a moment
before berating yourselves or another and think, “How would a
filter of loving energy change this situation? What is the good in this
event and how can I realize the highest outcome?” Give the
gift of love and compassion, beloveds—not more material gifts. Make
gratitude and thanksgiving an integral part of your everyday thought
habits. Look for the Spark of Spirit in the eyes of those you meet and
acknowledge that Spark with a smile or kind word. Move out of isolation
and separatism into an ever-expanding sense of unity and Oneness with
others. You will not be so quick to judge or criticize when you realize
they came from the same Source--they are another precious facet of the
Let us now address the issue of New Age
philosophies versus religious philosophies, so that you may come to a
better understanding of what spirituality is and is not. There are much
fear, resentment and criticism among those who are followers of a
particular established religious philosophy and those who embrace the so
called New Age concepts. Unfortunately, religious beliefs have lead to
isolation and separatism instead of unity, and there have been
conflicts and war down through the ages in the name of God or a certain
religious belief. The Creator does not embrace, support or condemn any
one religion. All Beings are sacred and blessed in the sight of our
Father/Mother God, and there are many paths that lead back into the
A person attuned to their Higher Self
knows that there are beauty and truth in all religions, but they also
are aware that spirituality is not about dogma, ethical codes, or a
certain rigid morality. Spirituality transcends all religions and
connects each soul to their own Divine truth. Spirituality loves and
embraces life, and does not condemn or reject anyone. Spirit functions
within the framework of sacred Universal Laws and these are unchanging.
And the core of this law is love—love of Self and love for all God’s
Creations. Spirituality is not about being psychic, such as inner
seeing, clairvoyance, and inner hearing (clairaudience) or telepathic
abilities. These abilities are your natural birthright, you have just
forgotten and these abilities have atrophied from non-use. Your extra
sensory perception will return naturally as you clear the static and
negative energy patterns from your auric field and reconnect to your
Spirit Self. You can be a religious human being and not be spiritual,
but you cannot truly be spiritual if you are not willing to embrace the
good in every religion and every person, honoring and allowing each one
to express their spirituality in their own unique way. You will see the
Spark of the Divine in everyone and everything, and you will incorporate
and manifest within yourself all the wondrous attributes of the Creator
as you become a living example for others to emulate.
As you gradually attune to your I AM
Presence, through each higher level of your OverSoul Self, you will
integrate more of the Essence of our Father/Mother God. Then is when
your true Divine Self will begin to radiate forth in all its glory. It
is happening now, beloveds. You see and sense it in yourself and in many
of those around you, as your numbers grow by leaps and bounds. Spirit
walks the Earth, beloveds, and it is YOU.
Know that you are loved beyond measure,
Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/
* Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for
this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL
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