we would like to focus your intention upon the topic of happiness. We
watch as so many get dismayed as they chase the elusive feeling of
happiness. We will share with you why it is often only moments of
short-lived happiness rather than a sustained state of being. You see
many often are in a constant state of chasing happiness rather than
learning how to sustain it. Is a constant state of happiness attainable?
Indeed, it is well within all of your reaches. But first we would like
to share with you our perspective on how happiness can be not only
achieved but maintained.
will start with a bold statement; nothing can make you happy. You must
first find the happiness that already exists within you and only then
will you find the happiness that you seek. Many are under the impression
that if they only accomplish a goal, obtain a particular product, or
find the perfect partner, they will surely find the happiness that they
seek. But this cannot be so, as everything in your reality is only a
mirror of the feelings and vibrations you are pulsing out. It would be
similar to expecting the mirror to show a more youthful and vibrant
image of you and only then will you feel the youth and vibrancy you
seek. The image that the mirror reflects can’t change unless you do.
analogy may sound humorous to you, but it is what many people do when
they are seeking something outside of themselves. Remember that nothing
can bring to you something that you are not already in alignment with.
No material object, or even another being is capable of bringing to you
what you do not already hold within. Many continually seek material
abundance and expect that happiness, joy and peace of mind will follow,
but this is not so. So why is it that you still feel bursts of happiness
when you receive a gift, purchase a new product, meet someone new?
Because your mind believes it will make you happy; only to soon realize
that the empty feeling still remains when the “newness” wears off. Only
by following your inner joy will it lead you to a place of peace and
happiness. Happiness cannot be found, it can only be made. Many often
say that it is their lack of abundance that is bringing them misery, but
to this we reply, no it is your misery that is bringing you lack.
do not just refer to material wealth when we speak about abundance.
This is only one form of abundance. You can be abundant in health,
wealth, friends, love, problems or fears. But we can assure you, you are
always abundant in something.
it is peace you seek, then you must first find it within yourself; only
then will you attract more experiences that further elevate your sense
of peace. If it is happiness you seek, then you must first find that
happiness within yourself. With each goal, accomplishment or purchase
you will only find a very short lived emotion, but it will not last. Why
it that? Because the ego will always want more; it is driven by the
motivation to continue to always want more. But we would like to remind
you, that you all have the ability to find the peace and joy you seek
right now, in this very moment.
see each emotion that you have is a choice. You may wonder, why then
would I choose to be sad, angry, or discontent? To this we reply, you
tell us. You react based on the beliefs and expectations that you have
in any given situation. The expectations that you set for yourself are
intrinsically tied together with your overall reaction and perspective
to each circumstance that you witness. Nothing can take away your
happiness, your joy, your inner peace but you.
realize that negative emotions and feelings are never the conscious
desire, but rather it is the beliefs and expectations that have then
required and allowed for a negative reaction. Many look to the future to
bring to them the peace and happiness they seek. “I’ll be happy when,
or I’ll find the peace of mind if”. But the future is determined by the
choices you make in the now. How can you expect to create something
different than what you have, if you do not change what you do in the
now? Maintain the joy and peace that you seek in this present moment,
and you will surely attract more situations that will continue to please
you; to give your focus to your fears, concerns, and worries will only
bring to you more to be worried about. Remember if you are worrying, you
are focused on the future, if you are regretful you are focused on the
past, only by being fully present in the moment can you find the inner
peace and happiness that you seek.
choose to be happy is a conscious decision that every one of you can
make regardless of the circumstances that have manifested in your
reality up until this point. Those experiences were created by the
thoughts and beliefs you had. What you create from this point on is
determined by the thoughts and choices you make in the now. You can
change your state of mind and therefore your vibration immediately, and
when you do your reality will shift. It must, as it can only bring to
you that which you resonate with.
elusive peace of mind that so many seek has been held within the entire
time, though they have looked everywhere else they could think of in
order to fill that void they felt deep within. But we are here to remind
you, that you cannot find peace outside of you, peace, joy, and
happiness comes from within. There are no souls that are not capable of
maintaining this state of being, each of you can make the choice right
now to feel the joy that you seek in this now moment. There is no other
time than this now moment. The future is an illusion that is kept alive
by the belief in linear time. There will always only be the present
When each of
you detach from the stress and worry that you feel for the impending
experiences of tomorrow, and the regrets of the past and truly assess
this exact moment you can then determine what you really feel at this
now moment. Do you have all that you need in this exact moment? Do you
have the air, shelter, and water that your body needs in this exact
If you are not
happy with what you have in this now moment, no amount of money,
people, friendships, or material objects will change that. But we can
assure you that if you change your vibration in this now moment you will
attract what you seek.
try and create joy, peace and happiness outside of yourself, is to try
and manifest backwards. To seek peace, joy and happiness in the future
will always dangle the proverbial carrot just a few inches out of your
reach. The reason why happiness seems so be so fleeting is not because
of the circumstances that surround you, but rather because it is
something you are trying to find rather than create. Please take a
moment to really understand what we have just shared as it is the key to
maintaining happiness and peace as long as you desire.
We hope that we have served you in some way and that you found our message to be helpful.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
© 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to
copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in
its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright
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