SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: February 14, 2014

We understand your anxiety at the apparent slow progress that is being made in curtailing the activities of the dark Ones. We have in fact prevented them from causing major incidents including another war, and we shall continue to restrict their opportunities to cause serious trouble.
Be assured that we have matters under our control, but nevertheless have to exercise non-interference when it is necessary. We refer of course to karmic situations where lessons remain to be learnt. However, the period you have recently entered is one that will bring major changes, leading to eventual peace. We ask you therefore to think positively and envision the Love and Peace which is descending upon Earth.
Bear in mind that we are well advanced in our efforts to contain the dark Ones, and gradually they are having to accept that they can no longer do just as they like. Indeed, they are finding it difficult to stem the change in their fortunes, and are unable to act with the freedom they once had.
This is in part due to the number of people who are awakening to the Light, and leaving behind any attachment to the dark Ones activities. Although you may be unaware of it, the Light is now the dominant force upon the Earth. It will continue to be so and carry on expanding until the Light is in total control. By then a New Age will truly be upon you, and you will have been prepared to fully anticipate in it.
We are guiding and giving every encouragement to Lightworkers to push ahead with their commitments, knowing that nothing can now stop their onward progress. You will of course have been aware of the potential for success before you incarnated upon Earth.
Every Lightworker who was chosen to work for the Light at this time will have known that it was to be a special occasion and is entitled to feel privileged. Be assured that you were selected because of your experience and ability to give of yourselves as required. At the same time your evolution is furthered by your new experiences and opportunities to clear karma. Sometimes the most difficult challenges are accepted by you at such times as, with faith in your own abilities and assistance given, you know that there is no reason why you should experience anything other than success.
Earth is something of a showpiece at this time, and many other civilisations draw near to observe the period that you are in. The reason is because you are going to have an experience that has not happened on it during any earlier cycle. You have undertaken to ascend with your physical body, which will adapt to the higher energies.
Your experience will be unique, and as you ascend you will find that your consciousness levels increase very rapidly. As you enter the higher energies you will be joined by Beings who have already ascended, and they will assist you. You are to join the Ascended Brotherhood and opportunities will given you to choose your own preferred path.
At present there are many representatives on your Earth from other planets in your Solar System, and beyond. It is as you might say “all hands on deck” as the occasion calls for the most experienced Beings to ensure complete success. You will find that as you get to experience other levels of Being and other civilisations, that it is normal for higher Beings to assist those below them. You Are One and help is always given to those who are also travelling your path. In fact, all paths lead back to the Godhead, and you are at liberty to experience as you choose, although at a certain level you will joyfully and willingly do the Will of God.
Your World continues to experience birthing pains as the old has to be swept away to make way for the new, and as you are finding it can result in very trying times. However, these will only last for a limited period, following which you will find that everything becomes more settled.
We, and Beings from other planets, will openly come to Earth and mix with you. We have much to impart and much to give you that will speed up your Ascension to the higher levels. Be assured that you are never without help, and we are active all of the time even if you are not fully aware of our presence.
We are preparing to address you on the subject of many matters that will be of importance to you in the near future. There is much that you need to keep an open mind about, as over a long period you have been deliberately misled and misinformed to hold you back. We are in fact now doing our best to gently awaken you to the truth, but for many it will be incomprehensible and too much to take in. All we can say at this time is that it is wise for every soul to be open to new ideas and not become too set in your thinking.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and assure you of our help at all times. It will seem to many of you that the world is turning upside down – this is not the case, but simply the result of necessary changes that will gradually settle the Earth into a period of calm and peace. It is not only the physical aspects that are involved, but energies that continually move around it.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
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