Monday, February 24, 2014

Mother Mary, from The Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, February 11, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Mother Mary:
"We Are All Love!"*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
February 11, 2014
"Greetings, my Beloved Children!  I Am Mother Mary, and my Heart overflows with Love for each and every one of you, regardless of your age, where you are, or what lifestyle you have lived.  For when we come together as we are now, I simply hold out my arms to you and I invite you to come close to my Heart and feel the Love that I have for you!
"For this Love is even more powerful than the Love of the mother.  It is the love of Mother/Father God!  It is the Love that brings us together, no matter where we are.  It is the Love that enables us to be so connected so as to be able to communicate with each other and to feel the closeness, the joining, as it were, of our very Hearts.  It is the Love which was given to all of us -each and every one of us - when we were created.  It is the Love which is eternal and never dies.  It is the Love that you, my Beloved Ones, share with each other, and it is indeed the strongest, most powerful energy of the Universe!!!
"It was created to be so, and because you are all Divine, it is all a part of you and has been ever since you, Beloved Ones, were created - not just in this lifetime, but in the very, very beginning of all time!
"And so it is that we come together, and there is only the Joy of our reunion, time and time again!  Now, I have known some of you when I came in the body - the physical body of Mother Mary -but I know all of you, because I have known all of you since the beginning.  And just as I am known as a symbol of Love, I know you as Love, as beings of Love.  I am as real as you and you are as loving as I!  This is Truth and this is always - it always has been, always shall be!!!
"And if there were times where you hid under a cloak that was somewhat dark, be assured you could not hide the Love you are from me.  A mother always knows her children.  A mother always sees what is in the Hearts of her children!  That, Beloved Ones, is a special gift which I have enjoyed as a mother, and that is why I can call you my children.  It matters not if you have the hair of gray - or no hair anymore.  It matters not if you are young or old. It matters not if you are strong and healthy in your bodies, or weak and perhaps somewhat tired.
"Your loving Hearts are as bright and shining as they ever were. There is no aging of a Heart of Love!  You are as old as time and as young as a newborn.  Your Hearts are shining as radiantly as they ever were.  And you, Beloved Ones, have not grown any more in Love, but rather have grown in your abilities to see the Love You Are!!!  This gives great Joy for a mother to see her children shine forth, to see her children unafraid, to shine forth their Love no matter what their circumstances, no matter what their lifestyles are!
"You are so beautiful, you are so radiant, and you are indeed the Love that is freeing your World from the darkness which has all but smothered it - save for you!  For you came, and your great Love shining forth is a beacon, and we who are here with you join with you in this Love.  We join you in shining it forth and we promise you that you are already making the changes that need to be made, so that no one will feel the need to hide in the dark anymore!!!
"So let us stand together and rejoice, and let us hug each other. Open your arms, and open your Hearts to each other, and let us empower the beaming of our Love/Light that much more!  For this, Beloved Children, is what we came here to do.  And that is why you are such gifts, such treasures - not just to me but to the entirety of the World and the Universe beyond! And so it is. Namaste."
*Mother Mary was preceded by Let It Be, sung by Joan Baez. 
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, February 11, 2014.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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