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Through Steve Rother
Greetings, dear ones. I am eM.
I am so thrilled to be with you here today. There are so many things
that are starting to open on Earth and we will share with you a little
bit about the next step of humanity. It is coming at the speed of love,
which is slightly faster than the speed of light. Even Einstein did not
know that. There is so much happening because of your movement,
elevation, and ability to run the energy completely through your body
without having to feel the negative effects.
have done an incredible job up to this point mostly by ignoring it
sometimes—oh yes, humans can look the other way quite well—but also
because you have put things in order. It is actually very interesting.
You have a new relationship to time, which the Timekeeper has been
speaking of for a while. However, it is much, much larger than just
looking at your watch or planning your day according to what you call
12 Dimensions of Time
see time in multiple dimensions. There are 12 dimensions of time that
you are unaware of, but you actually only deal with two. Dear ones,
pleaseunderstand you are only seeing a small portion of reality. If you
open up all the channels and let the 12 dimensions of time be
experienced simultaneously, you would literally be totally confused. We
originally opened the door with one dimension of time, and it took you
millions of years to get accustomed to that one. Now we have just
released a second and you are wrestling with it. Why? Because you still
hang onto the old one, which you think of your watch and we call your
expression of linear time. Well, time is not linear, although you
measure and see it that way.
is actually 12 dimensions, not the five that you are accustomed to.
What happens is that all of humanity experiences the collective level in
which you live. Many times you are leading the way vibrationally, and
you know that there are many other levels. Please do not think, dear
ones, that one is better than the other. There are many levels of
vibrational stature represented here. With all those levels in place,
doors open because each one of those levels can reveal something a
little bit differently than what you have been perceiving. Now that
there is a new dimension of time on Earth, you can start to open this
door and feel it.
The 5th Dimension: Connected to 5 of the 11 of You
collective vibration has clearly stepped into the 5th dimension, which
simply means that all of you are connected to five of the 11 of you.
Yes, you are also divided into 12s. There is the higher self in the
center surrounded by 11 different rays of who you are. We have spoken of
this many times before but wish to take this a step further today
because it is not just you, it is all of Earth. What is happening now is
that everyone has anchored in this new level since passing through the
portal of the 12-12-12. It completely pulled the security rug out from under you when you were moving through it.
of you thought you were going Home and everything was going to be easy,
then suddenly you could not find anything that you were looking for.
Well, now you have started to re-anchor in this new energy. The sun will
complete its flip before long, allowing a new start to almost every
day. That is the excitement that we ask you all to welcome into your
world and to embrace at every moment. You understand that you see things
as past, present and future in a linear timeline. We see these all
together at once, as simply being.
is one of the secrets that all of you can start doing at this moment,
for it is a very simple shift. Completely embrace the now and let it
flourish through you, realizing that in just a moment it will be gone
forever. You only have right now to feel this energy. If you feel it
now, you can move to the next level. Will it be coming later? Yes, but
it will not be the same. Every level is different, which is the
beautiful part.
Shifting Dimensions Sideways
here is something rather interesting. You are one 11th or perhaps one
12th of all of your beings, even though you have connected to and share
energy with five of those. That means the whole collective of the planet
is now in the 5th dimension with those attributes, rather than those of
the 3rd. However, it is not just happening to humans. The bees that you
have mentioned on your planet, particularly the honey bees, are
multidimensional in nature. It could be said that the walls between
their dimensions is naturally thinner.
there are two things we wish to share with you. It is not just the
honeybees we are talking about, but we will use that as the
illustration. You have raised the collective vibration of humanity, and
in doing so you have a higher view in which to see everything. Have you
noticed that there are no more secrets on Earth? You are all becoming
accustomed to this transparency which now exists. It is actually
beautiful because it brings you to the essence of who you are, instead
of what you are trying to tend to be. There are quite a few adjustments
that must take place on Earth because you are used to holding secrets,
and now they are all slowly disappearing in small increments.
There are fewer secrets on the Earth today than there were before. Now,
dear ones, please do not think you will ever go through a lifetime
without telling a lie or holding a secret. That is not humanly possible,
because you must hold a little bit of imperfection in order to even be
on Earth. So, do not judge yourself if you have your own secrets that
you have hidden from others. Just simply know that over time everything
is being revealed, and with that you have capabilities of
multidimensional. What would happen to you if you were talking to one of
your friends, shaking his hand, and suddenly he disappeared?
would really be what the Keeper calls freaked out, I believe. Well,
that would be very challenging for you because it would not fit into
your understanding of the world or of physics. It would be very much out
of the ordinary, but from our perspective it would simply mean that a
person shifted their vibration sideways instead of up or down as you are
used to. That little shift of energy sideways takes you into another
dimension. There will be a time where you can leave this dimension to
enter another dimension for a short time, and then come back.
is literally all brand new and has never before been possible in the
Earth dimensions. Yes, of course there have been the masters that have
walked on your planet understanding the deeper secrets, and have been
able to do these things which you sometimes call miracles. We think that
is amazing. From our perspective it is a simple shift, but it has not
been available to humans because of your vibrational level. Now all of
that has changed; you have changed your game.
a beautiful day it is! You have written new rules, thrown out the old
ones and said, “Let us play a new game. It is time.” Well, at least most
of you said it. though others are still kicking and screaming. We know
the Keeper does not like to give up things, for everything he has given
up has deep scratch marks all over it. Well, that is just the way it is,
but nonetheless you are all in this space now. What happens when you
raise the vibrations? Let us take it from another aspect of what you
call insects and bees.
Pollution: A Changing Relationship to Your Surroundings
happens when all of humanity raises the vibration of Earth? What
happens with the bees? Are they raising their vibration? How about your
animals? What happens to all of your power connections and your totem
animals? They become multidimensional in nature and much more sensitive,
as are you. Most of you can now see very deeply into the hearts of
others. Even a few months ago it was more difficult for all of you, for
this is a collective movement of all of humanity not just Lightworkers.
re-balancing is affecting everyone on planet Earth and, quite honestly,
it has really put a monkey wrench in things…we are trying new words.
Did that one work? Well, we have never been to Earth so we have to make
do with whatever is in his brain and it is really confusing—do not go
there. But we are quite accustomed to who he is and we use what we can,
so we are still trying on some of these expressions. We do not know how
to bee.
How is that
one? So, here you are and with your sensitivities. Have you noticed
that almost all humans are more sensitive to pollutants than you were
just a short time ago? Have you noticed that your allergies are starting
to shift, especially here in this place where there are many different
allergens? You will find a lot of things changing with your relationship
to your surroundings, and that has to do with the new vibrational level
you have reached. Congratulations! Now we will try to make you
comfortable up here.
An Escape Route for Highly Sensitive Beings
happens to those who are super sensitive? Suddenly, they are being
barraged with all these pollutants and things which most humans can
tolerate easily by simply breathing through it and getting to fresh air.
Suddenly these highly sensitive beings are having difficulty existing
on your Earth, in part because of the way that you treat your Earth.
Awareness is the key here, for you are creator beings; you can change
this at any moment.
it takes is a personal commitment from each one of you. You are the
creator beings that walk on Earth; you decide what is going to happen
here. Did you know that? Well, your actions have brought a certain level
of pollution on Earth, which is actually more than what you think. You
call pollution little particles floating in your air, but we can
actually show you how energy can be polluted and that has happened. You
will all learn to clean it up because now you can see it. You could not
see it before and simply tolerated it as a normal event.
of you suffered from extreme allergies and went into a crisis within
your own physical body, not knowing that this was the reaction you were
having to your polluted energy. Some of you found answers, which allowed
you to tolerate different parts of it. In the near future super high
vibrational beings will be able to step out of one dimension for just a
moment, and then come back when they can tolerate it. That is what we
mean by someone who disappears while you are shaking their hand and that
is also what is happening with the bees.
Just BEE
understand that the bees are part of your cycle. Einstein was not quite
correct in his predictions. If the bees leave completely, the Earth
will end in the cycle that it is in. It does not mean that you will be
damaged. You understand that, do you not? You are all spirits pretending
to be human. You are always safe on the spiritual level. You will be
brought Home and will probably find another assignment, if that is the
case. But in the meantime, you and the bees can start to work together
in a whole new way and new energy that you can make safe here. Let us
You have an
energy field around you that most of you think extends about three feet
around you, but it is actually larger than that. The first level of it
is roughly about three feet around you. Knowing that you emanate
vibrational patterns everywhere, we are going to ask you to start
clearing your energy. Not just for your energy within your field, but
take responsibility for what you see in front of you. It may be
something as simple as picking up a piece of litter off the street,
learning not to use pesticides in the way you have before, orbeing in
harmony with your own energy.
that happens, it is the opportunity for those multidimensional beings
who have stepped out to come back in and breathe again. The key will be
if you see the bees. It’s very simple. They are the ones at this moment
who are shifting the most. Humans have done it and though very few are
at that level, it is only a matter of time now. You are in motion very
rapidly at this point, for you have entered the new world. You are
creating and anchoring it in the most beautiful ways, so we would like
to teach you just to bee. That is the essence of it as has been spoken
of many times before, because this is how you clear your energy. Why is
the energy there? Because you have your projections.
is happening tomorrow, and what about these people over here? Oh, and
the favorite one that was also mentioned today, what about my taxes?
Yes, dear ones, that is a good one for everybody. What about paying my
taxes? Really, now. Look at what you are doing. You are projecting
things into your future, creating before you even get there. You will
start to understand how to do the opposite very clearly, and suddenly a
bee will fly by. It literally will come out of nowhere into your
dimension, and hopefully many of them will start returning.
the next few years, this is going to be challenging for that species of
beings. Bees will literally float in when they need protection, then
they will disappear for a time. It may be very scary at a couple of
points on Earth, but know that bees exist over here and can come back
when we make it safe for them.
Bleedthrough from the Other Yous
are a huge part of your life cycle. They are actually the most
beautiful reflection of you, and they love the fact that you eat their
honey. Bees think that is the most amazing thing, because in that way
they can become part of you. It is so beautiful because it is exactly
the opposite of what you do with the cows, is it not? You actually eat
their bodies instead of only their by-products. Although it is totally
different, the reality is that you can work in harmony in a new way.
What is it going to mean? Does it mean you are going to have to learn to
be with bees? No, of course not.
are simply one of the many aspects of multidimensionality which are
starting to show up on Earth right now. The other aspect, which we have
spoken of before, seems to be growing more intense. So we will simply
remind you that the walls between the dimensional levels are thinning.
What is taking place is very simple, for the emotional energies go
through the wall first. Sure, you would like to receive ideas and
thought patterns from some other parts of you that contain the
perfection you believe you are missing.
in all you are perfect, but perfect people cannot exist on planet
Earth. So you must divide your perfection into all 11 dimensions, which
is what you have done. But that also means that some part of you
actually holds what you think you are missing. Why are you feeling all
these negative energies instead of getting the answers to your problems
like you hope to do? It is only the beginning course. There is a wall
right there, which is made of cinderblock and cement.
If you
were to take any wave form and send it through that wall, a very long,
deep wave form would go through it. Whereas a very short, high-pitched
wave form would be blocked by the wall. The same is true with your
emotions through the individual areas. Because these walls are thinning,
negative emotions tend to come through first. Please do not think that
this is all negative; it is only the very beginning of your ability to
sense things coming through these walls.
you are feeling sad or the worst thing that can happen to a creator
being, having self-doubt. That starts a negative cycle which is
unbelievable from our perspective. We look at you on Earth and say, “Why
are they doing that?” We cannot figure it out, yet you continue because
it is part of the cycle you fall into. Dear ones, we are asking you to
become aware. Look at yourselves, your thought patterns, and what you
consciously create for yourselves on all these levels. When you feel
these occasional negative energies coming through the side walls that
you cannot always identify, we ask you to celebrate by saying, “I am
hearing something for the first time.
it is a little negative now but the good stuff will come later.”
Understand where you are and that sometimes you take things so
seriously—oh, there is a negative energy coming through the wall. That
means that my life is about to take a negative turn.” Sometimes a cup of
coffee is simply a cup of coffee. Other times you have to let go of
your belief systems in order to make room for the truth. Welcome Home,
dear ones. You are doing much better than you thought. You are starting
to balance your energies in so many ways, and the wisdom of the ages is
starting to come through all of you.
Celebrate and Emulate the Bees
there were several channels on the stage here today, re-member that all
of you carry that energy. Every one of you receives inspiration from
some place that you are not familiar with. Celebrate that and just bee;
that is the essence for all of you this day. Take a moment…celebrate the
bees, even if you do not like honey. Celebrate who they are. Bees are a
life form supporting yours and part of you in every way. Pay even the
slightest attention to cleaning up your energy and the bees will return
to this dimension to see you through.
is with the greatest of honor that we ask all of you to treat each
other with respect in this new world. Know that you are higher beings
than you have ever been and we celebrate you from Home. We ask you to
celebrate each other.
The group
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