Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 2/2

We’ve heard the Divine Mother describe how sacred partnerships fit into her Divine Plan for Ascension. Let’s review what she’s said:
“How do you
love the unknown stranger across the planet if you have not known any
form of union with yourself and with your beloved?
“For some —
and I do mean a few — the beloved may be a friend or a child or a
parent, but for most of you — and you are seeing this explosion — it is a
divine partner. It is your sacred other that you choose and that you
finally are seeing and recognizing, because you are seeing and
recognizing and accepting and cherishing yourself.
“So yes. It
begins small and it continues to expand out. It is really a very simple
plan. My plan is for the entire group of humanity to fall in love. And I
do not mean in the old way, I mean in the cherishing, the freedom, the
liberation, the co-creation. And it begins two by two.” (1)
“Is this part of the plan?” she asks rhetorically. “Dear hearts, it is the plan.” (2)Archangel Michael also told us that the beginning of sacred unions was an important step in Ascension.
“This is
happening at an unprecedented rate, and it is happening in terms of
union of friendships, of groups, of what we would call partnerships or
sacred unions. Even family members are beginning to recognize one
another. But strangers across the lands, across the continents, are
realizing, ‘I need to be working. I need to be talking. I need to be
playing. I need to be in a form of relationship with that person,’ or
with that group of people.
“This is only going to intensify, because you are willing to stand there etherically naked and be seen. …
“The time of hiding is over.” (3)
He paints a vivid picture pf how these unions will lead to the building of Nova Earth.
“You are
stepping forward into the light, into the dawn of a new time, a new
realm, a new reality, a new dimension. And as you are stepping forward …
you are seeing each other more clearly than you ever have before! And
you are saying, ‘There you are!’ And you are saying, not only ‘There you
are,’ you are saying, ‘There you are! I love you.’ …
“We are
going to play, we are going to laugh, we are going to work, we are going
to cry, and we are going to continue on and create Nova Earth.” (4)
Archangel Gabrielle through Shelley
Young tells us that the higher energies we have assimilated now will be
reflected back to us in relationship.
“You have
made all of this room and created all these changes within your bodies
to contain higher and higher energies…. What you hold, what you contain
now, can only be reflected back to you. And that is why, Dear Ones, you
can look forward to 2014 being your year of balanced relationships. Does
this not sound like a welcome shift for you?” (5)
What does it mean to say that 2014 is the year of balanced relationships?
“It means
that you are letting go of being out of balance in any way within
yourselves. Many of you have swung wildly in your relationships with
others from being too entangled to not being entangled at all. Many of
you have been working hard to find balance in terms of service, how to
be of appropriate service and truly help others by uplifting and
empowering them. With your wisdom, you have been learning how to know
when to assist and when to accept and allow.” (6)
What do balanced relationships look like? She replies:
“They will
honour you. They will uplift you. They will celebrate you and support
you being in your authenticity and your continued growth and expansion.
You will be stepping into the dance of love, understanding that what you
hold you draw, what you give you receive.
“It is like
becoming part of the pulse of your planet, taking in, giving out, in
beautiful balance, understanding that what serves the one serves the
whole, and what serves the whole serves the one. Beautiful balance, Dear
Ones!” (7)
Will beginning new relationships take effort and energy?
“You will
find yourselves effortlessly drawing in friendships that are based on
supporting each other rather than one giving and one taking all the
time. Fairweather friends will no longer appeal. You may settle for
having fewer friends, but the friends that you embrace will have a far
greater energetic resonance to you and will be joyful, encouraging and
uplifting.” (8)
The time of lightworkers living in isolation will soon end, she says.
“You will
now find that your love relationships will shift profoundly. For many of
you this will mean bringing in a divine other. Many first-wave human
beings of light have been living very solitary existences. This will
change in the year of 2014 because you are ready. You are ready to give
and to take, to love and to receive. You understand that living through
the heart is the way to navigate.” (9)
She assures us that “you will leave your old relationship baggage behind once and for all.” (10)
“Once you
have done the work there would be no point in continuing the difficult
love relationship themes that you’ve had. They no longer serve a purpose
for you. You can release abandonment, release fear, release betrayal,
release conditional love. Those are old energies. You will be seeking
out partners of similar levels of integrity – true energetic matches
that make your heart sing and vibrate in harmony together. These will be
connections like you have never experienced before.” (11)
So there is much to look forward to in
2014 and the spiritual and relationship breakthroughs that are assured
us are just two of those gifts that we stand to gain. On another
occasion we’ll look at other developments slated for 2014 in technology,
political freedom, prosperity and so on.Footnotes
(1) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.(2) Loc. cit.
(3) “Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage, Nov. 8, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) “Archangel Gabriel: 2014 The Year of Balanced Relationships,” channeled by Shelley Young, December 21, 2013 at http://trinityesoterics.com.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc.c it.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.
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